Journal of Phonetics 40 (2012) 190–197
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Phonetic convergence in college roommates
Jennifer S. Pardo a,n, Rachel Gibbons b, Alexandra Suppes c, Robert M. Krauss b
Department of Psychology, Montclair State University, 1 Normal Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07043, United States
Department of Psychology, Columbia College, Columbia University, United States
Department of Public Health, Weill Cornell Medical College, United States
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 20 March 2010
Received in revised form
22 September 2011
Accepted 1 October 2011
Available online 19 October 2011
Previous studies have found that talkers converge or diverge in phonetic form during a single
conversational session or as a result of long-term exposure to a particular linguistic environment. In
the current study, five pairs of previously unacquainted male roommates were recorded at four time
intervals during the academic year. Phonetic convergence over time was assessed using a perceptual
similarity test and measures of vowel spectra. There were distinct patterns of phonetic convergence
during the academic year across roommate pairs, and perceptual detection of convergence varied for
different linguistic items. In addition, phonetic convergence correlated moderately with roommates’
self-reported closeness. These findings suggest that phonetic convergence in college roommates is
variable and moderately related to the strength of a relationship.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The acoustic–phonetic form of a word varies widely both
between and within talkers. Production of the same word across
talkers differs according to anatomy, sex, age, dialect, and region of
residence. In contrast, variability in an individual talker’s production
of a word on different occasions is less noticeable in everyday
conversation. Much of this variability can be attributed to semantic
and pragmatic impact on usage. However, talkers have also been
found to vary acoustic–phonetic form with very recent exposure to
another talker and after prolonged exposure to a particular linguistic
environment. In particular, talkers have been found to become more
similar in acoustic–phonetic form to a model or to an ambient
linguistic environment, exhibiting phonetic convergence or gestural
drift (e.g., Babel, 2010; Evans & Iverson, 2007; Goldinger, 1998;
Namy, Nygaard, & Sauerteig, 2002; Pardo, 2006; Sancier & Fowler,
1997). Missing from the literature is an understanding of the
dynamics of phonetic convergence in a pair of talkers who interact
for longer than a single experimental session. Thus, the current
study examined phonetic convergence in previously unacquainted
college roommates through the academic year and related measures
of phonetic convergence to measures of perceived closeness.
1.1. Speech accommodation
Communication Accommodation Theory proposes that individuals use language to achieve a desired social distance between the
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 973 655 7924.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected],
[email protected] (J.S. Pardo).
0095-4470/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
self and interacting partners (Shepard, Giles, & Le Poire, 2001).
Accordingly, convergence refers to the ways in which a talker
adjusts speaking style to become more similar to an interacting
partner, whereas divergence refers to changes in speaking style
that result in reduced similarity to a partner. The changes initially
observed in speech included attributes measured over long
stretches of dialog such as accent, speaking rate, intensity, lowfrequency band variation, pause frequency, and utterance length
(e.g., Giles, Coupland, & Coupland, 1991; Gregory, 1990; Gregory,
Dagan, & Webster, 1997; Gregory & Webster, 1996; Natale, 1975).
The reasons proposed for employing accommodation are varied,
but the most prevalent is the similarity attraction hypothesis,
which claims that individuals try to be more similar to those to
whom they are attracted (Byrne, 1971). This proposal has evoked
many hypothetical functions for convergence–convergence could
result from a need to gain approval from the interacting partner
(Street & Giles, 1982), from a concern that the interaction is carried
out smoothly (Gallois, Giles, Jones, Cargile, & Ota, 1995), or from an
effort to increase one’s own intelligibility during the interaction
(Triandis & Triandis, 1960). Divergence, on the other hand, can be
used to accentuate individual differences or to display disdain for
another individual (Bourhis & Giles, 1977; Shepard et al., 2001).
Although Communication Accommodation Theory was developed in the context of studies that employed social settings,
convergence and mimicry have also been examined in more
restricted laboratory settings. For example, talkers who were asked
to repeat recorded words sampled from another talker produced
utterances that were more similar to those of the sample talker
than their baseline utterances (Goldinger, 1998; Namy et al., 2002;
Shockley, Sabadini, and Fowler, 2004; but see Vallabha & Tuller,
2004). In these studies, talkers were first recorded producing
J.S. Pardo et al. / Journal of Phonetics 40 (2012) 190–197
a baseline series of words prompted by a list, and then were
instructed to listen to the same series of words produced by
another talker and to repeat each word immediately. Imitation of
word forms was assessed by asking a separate set of listeners to
judge the similarity of the baseline and the shadowed utterances to
the model utterances. Across multiple studies using this technique,
shadowing talkers were found to converge (i.e., imitate or become
more similar to) the model talkers that they heard. Shockley et al.
(2004) also related perceived convergence to variation in an
acoustic–phonetic attribute (voice onset time: VOT). Thus, shadowers were not only heard as sounding more similar to the
model, but they also increased VOTs of shadowed tokens when
shadowing a model token that had a lengthened VOT.
In a study that examined phonetic variation with long-term
exposure to different linguistic environments, Sancier and Fowler
(1997) recorded a native Brazilian Portuguese and English (L2)
speaker on three occasions: once after spending four months in the
US before leaving for Brazil, again just after returning to the US
after spending 2.5 months in Brazil, and once more after spending
four months in the US. They found that the talker’s Brazilian
Portuguese utterances were judged by Brazilian Portuguese listeners to be more accented after the talker had spent four months in
the US compared to utterances produced after spending 2.5 months
in Brazil. In addition, the talker’s VOTs in both Brazilian Portuguese
and English had lengthened after her stays in the US, converging
toward the average VOTs in English. This finding was surprising
because adjustments were made in the language that the talker
had not been using while in the US, indicating a process that is
super-ordinate to a particular language.
1.2. Vowel convergence
Other studies have extended phonetic convergence to measures of vowel formants (Babel, 2009, 2010; Evans & Iverson,
2007; Pardo, 2010; Pardo, Cajori Jay, & Krauss, 2010). For
example, Babel (2009, 2010) has assessed variation in the first
and second formants of vowels in shadowing tasks. Overall, intertalker distances in vowel formants were reduced from baseline to
shadowed tokens for some of the vowels, and the degree of
adjustment was related to the talkers’ implicit attitudes toward
the race or nationality of the model talker. In a longer-term study
of accent change similar to that of Sancier and Fowler (1997),
Evans and Iverson (2007) reported that Northern British English
students shifted pronunciation of some of their vowels as a result
of spending up to two years at school in Southern England. After
only three months, some of the talkers had started to shift some
of their vowels, but after one and two years, most of the talkers
had adopted the shifted dialectal variants. Moreover, their rated
degree of southern accentedness also became stronger over the
course of two years in school.
In both approaches, vowels were found to change, but the only
indication that the changes were perceptible derives from ratings
of accentedness, which relates to global dialect convergence
rather than individual phonetic convergence. In two studies of
phonetic convergence during conversational interaction, Pardo
(2010; Pardo et al., 2010) found that talkers converged on some
vowels while diverging or not changing on other vowels, and that
the degree of vowel convergence/divergence was related to the
role of the talker. Furthermore, Pardo et al. found that the degree
of vowel convergence (measured as reduction in inter-talker
distances) was moderately related to the perceived convergence
of receivers to givers (r(10) ¼ 0.59, p¼0.04). However, there
were other patterns of perceived convergence that were not
readily attributable to vowel formants or to articulation rates,
which indicates that perceived phonetic convergence is likely to
result from multidimensional impressions of phonetic variation.
1.3. Conversational convergence
The ability to converge to another talker’s word pronunciation
or to a linguistic environment suggests detailed perceptual
resolution and closely coupled perception and production. However, it is necessary to delineate the factors that modulate this
process in more natural settings of language use, such as during a
conversational interaction (Pardo, 2006, 2010; Pardo et al., 2010).
Although interacting talkers have been found to converge in
acoustic–phonetic form, the degree of convergence was subtle
and was consistently influenced by the sex of the pair of talkers
and a talker’s role in the conversation. Indeed, talkers converged
on some acoustic–phonetic dimensions at the same time that
they diverged on others (Pardo, 2010; Pardo et al., 2010; see also
Bilous & Krauss, 1988). Therefore, phonetic convergence is not
an automatic consequence of detailed perceptual resolution,
but has variable effects on different speech attributes and is
unconsciously modulated by each talker’s interpretation of the
At present, accommodation has been established as a prevalent yet variable phenomenon in the speech of interacting
talkers (Giles et al., 1991; Shepard et al., 2001). With respect to
dialect acquisition and change, Labov (1986) has found that
individuals employ different vowel variants across different
social settings, and that the use of local dialect markers is related
to an individual’s attitudes toward the area (Labov, 1972; see also
Babel, 2010; Eckert, 1989). Moreover, because the location of
dialect boundaries coincides with geographical boundaries that
reduce opportunities for direct social interaction, Labov (1974)
has proposed that dialect variation and change result from
opportunities for direct social interaction. Yet, despite an explicit
desire to accommodate to an ambient linguistic environment,
long-term opportunities for social interaction with native speakers, and an unconscious tendency to imitate speech, most talkers
fail to eradicate a foreign accent or to lose all markers of a
regional dialect. Even though the talkers in previous studies of
long-term change made adjustments that were perceptible as
changes in relative accentedness, they never sounded fully Southern or unaccented (Evans & Iverson, 2007; Sancier & Fowler,
1997). In order to understand the limitations of these processes, it
is necessary to examine phonetic convergence at the level of
individual pairs of talkers. To date, the dynamics of linguistic
variation that result from continued contact with the same
individual have not been studied empirically.
1.4. The current study
The present study attempts to fill this gap by examining
phonetic convergence among talkers who interact on a daily basis,
college roommates. In order to assess phonetic convergence,
speech samples were collected from previously unacquainted
college roommates at four intervals during the academic year
and were used to elicit measures of perceptual similarity from a
separate set of listeners. In addition, measures of item duration and
vowel spectra were collected and compared to perceptual assessments of phonetic convergence. According to Communication
Accommodation Theory and findings of phonetic convergence
during conversational interaction, the roommates ought to exhibit
phonetic convergence relatively early in the academic year. If
phonetic convergence follows a similar trajectory to the gestural
drift observed by Sancier and Fowler (1997), then convergence
should increase prior to winter break and decrease after the
roommates return from winter break. However, the current study
is being conducted on individuals who do not undergo crosslanguage alternation, so the roommates might not show a decrease
in convergence after returning from winter break. If vowel
J.S. Pardo et al. / Journal of Phonetics 40 (2012) 190–197
convergence follows a trajectory similar to that reported by Evans
and Iverson (2007), then only some of the talkers should demonstrate vowel convergence after the first three months of cohabitation. However, because the current study examined vowel
convergence in roommates as opposed to dialectal changes in
vowel formants, it is possible that vowel convergence might
emerge earlier than expected in the current study. In addition, if
phonetic convergence is related to a talker’s attitude toward their
roommate, then the degree of phonetic convergence should be
related to the roommates’ reported feelings of closeness, which
was measured at the end of the first semester (Babel, 2009, 2010;
Gallois et al., 1995; Street & Giles, 1982).
2. Method
2.1. Participants
A total of 10 male Columbia College undergraduates (5 pairs of
roommates, aged 19–21) provided speech samples. All talkers were
native English speakers with no reported hearing or speech disorders. The talkers received compensation at a rate of $10 per hour.
Table 1 displays the place of origin for each talker in each pair.
A total of 30 members of the Columbia University undergraduate
population provided perceptual similarity judgments of excerpts
from the recordings. All listeners were native English speakers with
no reported hearing or speech disorders. The listeners received
course credit in exchange for completion of the task.
2.2. Materials
2.2.1. Recordings
At all time intervals, the roommates provided 5 sets of
American English vowels embedded in hVd/t words in the carrier
sentence, Say ___ again (mixed with filler items). In addition, each
talker provided two utterances of two sentences prompted by
printed sheets, She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year
and Don’t ask me to carry an oily rag like that. These sentences
were chosen because they include phrases that are phonologically
diverse, that include the four point vowels, and that exhibit
variation across US dialect regions (dark suit, greasy, oily rag,
and wash water). For example, Clopper and Pisoni (2004) reported
that New England talkers were more likely than others to produce
an r-less form of dark and Southern talkers were more likely to
produce a voiced fricative in greasy.
2.2.2. Relationship quality
In order to assess the quality of the roommates’ relationship,
they completed a Roommate Relationship questionnaire at the
end of their first semester together. The questionnaire included
requests to estimate the amount of time spent with their roommate throughout the first semester, the number of hours per
week the two spent in the same room, and the number of meals
eaten together per week. Other questions asked about the quality
of their relationship and how much they liked their roommate.
Specific measures included the closeness they felt toward their
roommate (on a 7-point scale), the amount in common they felt
they shared with their roommate (on a 7-point scale), and the
Inclusion of Other in the Self Scale (IOS; Aron, Aron, & Smollan,
1992). The IOS uses a series of seven paired circles that range
from showing no overlap to showing almost complete overlap.
Each talker selected the circle combination depicting the overlap
that best represents the closeness they feel to their roommate.
2.2.3. Similarity test
To compose items for the similarity test, four key phrases were
excised from the sentences produced at each time period: dark
suit, greasy, oily rag, and wash water. The second repetition of each
item was chosen in all but two cases, in which the first utterance
was used (a cough interrupted the second repetition of one word
phrase, and a mispronunciation affected another).
2.3. Procedure
2.3.1. Recordings
Roommate pairs were recruited during the summer before
they would spend an academic year living together. Using a list
provided by Columbia University Housing Services, the study
recruited only those roommate pairs who did not enter the
housing lottery together, typically indicating that they had no
prior relationship. At the time of their first recording, the talkers
were further questioned about any prior contact with their
roommates, and none of the pairs had communicated previously.
Speech samples were collected at four time intervals throughout the academic year during which the roommates cohabitated:
T1 recordings were sampled in late August, before the roommates
had met; T2 recordings were sampled in late October; T3 recordings were sampled in December at the end of the first semester
and just prior to winter break; and T4 recordings were sampled in
January when the roommates returned from winter break, before
they resumed interaction. Both members of each pair completed a
recording session individually at each time point. The questionnaire assessing the quality of the roommates’ relationship was
administered after the recording session at T3 in December. One
pair did not return for the T4 recording session, therefore, their
phonetic convergence measures from T2 and T3 were excluded
from the statistical analyses, but were used to relate phonetic
convergence at T3 to closeness ratings taken at T3. The recordings
were obtained via a head-mounted AKG microphone connected to
a Superscope PSD300 CD digital recorder.
2.3.2. Perceptual tests
To assess phonetic convergence, an AXB similarity test was
presented to a separate set of listeners. The listening test
comprised trials that were designed to assess phonetic convergence at each time interval by asking a listener to judge similarity
in pronunciation between the roommates’ speech at T2 (October),
T3 (December), and T4 (January), relative to their pronunciation
at T1 (August). On each trial, a listener heard three repetitions of
the same word or phrase in which an utterance from one talker
(X) that was produced at a either T2, T3, or T4 was flanked by two
versions of the same phrase spoken by their roommate (A and B).
One of the flanking items was the baseline utterance produced at
T1, before the talkers had interacted, and the other flanking item
was the corresponding utterance from the relevant time interval
(T2, T3, or T4). On half the trials, utterances from one member of a
roommate pair were used as X-items, and the other half of the
trials used the utterances from the other member of a roommate
pair as X-items. The order of presentation of T1 and T2/T3/T4
items was counterbalanced so that T1 items were presented in
position A on half of the trials and in position B on the other half
of the trials. Thus, at the second time interval, if the roommates
sounded more similar to each other than they had prior to
meeting, the T2 item of one talker should be chosen as sounding
more like the T2 item of his roommate than that talker’s T1 item.
In order to assess phonetic convergence, listeners were asked
to determine which of the two flanking items (A or B) sounded
more similar to the middle item (X) in terms of its pronunciation.
Each trial began 1000 ms after a listener indicated a response,
J.S. Pardo et al. / Journal of Phonetics 40 (2012) 190–197
and the items in each trial were presented at 200 ms ISI. The
presentation of trials was blocked by roommate to keep the
speaker in the X position the same throughout a block. The AXB
test was presented over Sennheiser HD 280 Pro headphones
connected to Macintosh computers running PsyScope, and
responses were collected via keyboard using the 1 (first item)
and 0 (last item) keys.
3. Results
3.1. Perceptual assessment
If phonetic convergence between roommate pairs occurred,
then the utterances produced by both roommates at later time
intervals should sound more similar to each other than the
baseline utterances produced at T1. Therefore, responses to the
AXB test trials were scored as the percentage of trials on which a
later time interval utterance (T2, T3, or T4) was judged to be more
similar to the X-item (the roommate’s T2, T3, or T4) than the
baseline utterance (T1). This procedure yielded measures corresponding to the percentage of trials that each listener detected
convergence for each of the ten talkers producing each of the four
phrases at each of the three time comparisons in the AXB test
(except that one of the pairs did not provide utterances at T4). The
data were submitted to a repeated measures analysis of variance
to assess the effects of Time Interval (T2, T3, and T4), Pair (1–4),
and Phrase (dark suit, greasy, oily rag, or wash water).
In comparison to speech produced at T1, listeners detected
phonetic convergence in roommate pairs at T2 in October (55%),
T3 in December (56%), and at T4 in January (56%). The main effect
of Time Interval was not significant, indicating no differences in
convergence across these intervals (F(2, 58)¼1.345, p ¼0.269,
Z2p ¼0.044). Despite the lack of difference across the intervals,
the 95% confidence intervals from the analysis indicated greater
than chance detection (50%) at all intervals. Each pair of talkers
exhibited different levels of phonetic convergence, with all but
one pair showing significant convergence overall (Pair 1¼57%,
Pair 2¼ 52% ns, Pair 3¼59%, Pair 4¼55%; F(3, 87) ¼6.577,
p o0.001, Z2p ¼0.185). Detection of phonetic convergence differed
across the phrases, with greater levels of phonetic convergence on
wash water (58%) and oily rag (57%) than on dark suit (54%) and
greasy (53%; F(3, 87)¼7.369, p o0.001, Z2p ¼0.203; 95% confidence
intervals from the analysis indicated greater than chance detection for all phrases and confirmed the observed differences
between phrases).
Examining the data more closely, the roommate pairs showed
different patterns of phonetic convergence across the time intervals. As shown in Fig. 1, two of the pairs increased in convergence
from T2 in October to T3 in December and decreased at T4 in
January, when they had just returned from winter break. Pair
3 showed the opposite pattern, with the highest levels of
convergence at T2 and T4 and a decrease at T3, and Pair 2 did
not converge until T4. The interaction between Time Interval and
Pair was significant (F(6, 174) ¼2.897, p¼ 0.01, Z2p ¼ 0.091; 95%
confidence intervals from the analysis indicated greater than
chance detection for all pairs at all time intervals except T2 and
T3 for Pair 2). Although not included in the statistical analyses,
the convergence measures for Pair 5 showed a marked decline
from T2 (58%) to T3 (46%).
Finally, each pair of talkers demonstrated a distinct pattern of
phrase-dependent phonetic convergence. As shown in Fig. 2, listeners detected convergence on oily rag and wash water for Pair 1;
dark suit and wash water for Pair 2; dark suit, oily rag, and wash
water for Pair 3, and greasy and oily rag for Pair 4. The interaction
between Pair and Phrase was significant (F(9, 261)¼11.963,
Fig. 1. Phonetic convergence of each roommate pair varies over the course of the
academic year. Convergence is measured as percent detection of increased
similarity at each time interval. All values differ from 50% chance detection,
except for Pair 2 at T2 and T3.
Fig. 2. Each roommate pair shows a distinct pattern of phonetic convergence
across different phrases. Convergence is measured as percent detection of
increased similarity averaged across time intervals. Error bars depict 95% confidence intervals.
po0.001, Z2p ¼0.292; error bars depict 95% confidence intervals).
The interactions between Time Interval & Phrase and Time Interval,
Pair, & Phrase were not significant (p¼0.115, 0.263; Z2p ¼0.056,
The location of origin and perceived convergence of each
individual talker within a pair are presented in Table 1, averaged
across time intervals. Six of the talkers in this study originated
from locations in New York State, with other talkers from New
Jersey, Tennessee, Florida, and Korea. The pairs with talkers from
the most distinct regions were pairs 2, 3, and 4. Overall, pair
3 demonstrated the greatest and most evenly balanced levels of
perceived convergence. Pairs 1 and 4 demonstrated the next
highest levels of phonetic convergence, but their convergence
was asymmetrical. (In the case of Pair 4, this asymmetry could be
due to the fact that talker A was born in Korea, although he
reported that he was a native English speaker, but Pair 1 showed a
similar pattern.) Pairs 2 and 5 demonstrated the lowest levels of
convergence overall. Therefore, phonetic convergence levels were
not consistently related to distance in region of origin, as those
pairs from the most distinct regions exhibited both the highest
and lowest levels of convergence.
Because each talker pair converged on different phrases, it is
unlikely that the measure of phonetic convergence simply
reflected a shift toward sounding more like New Yorkers. For
example, New Englanders typically produce dark suit without the
J.S. Pardo et al. / Journal of Phonetics 40 (2012) 190–197
Table 1
Location of origin and convergence data for individuals participating in the
recording sessions.
Talker A
1 Peekskill, NY
2 Syracuse, NY
3 Huntingdon,
4 Seoul, Koreab
5 Syosset, NY
Talker B
of A to B
of B to A
New York,
Miami, FL
New York,
Valley, NY
Brick, NJ
Location of origin corresponds to the place where the individual lived for the
longest period of time prior to participating in this experiment. Perceived
convergence has been averaged across the time intervals.
Vowel distance changes are in F1 by F2 Hz space. The Euclidean distances
between paired talkers in the time 1 session were subtracted from paired talker
distances in the subsequent sessions and then averaged. Negative values indicate a
reduction in paired vowel distances from the first to the subsequent sessions.
This individual lived in Fullerton, CA for 4 years prior to participating in this
post-vocalic r and greasy with a voiceless fricative (Clopper &
Pisoni, 2004). However, in this group, all talkers produced dark
suit with post-vocalic r consistently, so the perceived convergence
on dark suit in pairs 2 and 4 and lack of convergence in the other
pairs is most likely due to other phonetic attributes. This could be
due to the fact that most talkers were from New York state,
in which the r-less form would be found among members of
lower socio-economic groups than are typically found attending
Columbia University (Labov, 2006a). Furthermore, most of the
talkers produced the voiceless version of greasy consistently,
except for one talker from pair 2 and one from pair 4. Note that
the only pair of talkers that was found to converge on greasy was
pair 4. Because the listeners did not detect convergence in greasy
for pair 2, but did detect convergence in greasy for pair 4 when
both pairs differed in voicing, there must be other phonetic
attributes that influenced perceptual similarity.
3.2. Duration analyses
In order to begin to identify potential acoustic–phonetic
attributes that talkers might have converged on, the duration of
the AXB items were analyzed. Moreover, it is possible that talkers
were using more formal/careful speech on their first visit to the
laboratory, and so the T1 items that were used as baselines would
be distinct in duration from the items recorded at later time
intervals. The item durations decreased on average from T1 to
T2/T3/T4, indicating potential usage of more casual forms at later
time intervals (T2: 16 ms; T3: 5 ms; T4: 29 ms; F(2, 32)¼
5.54, p¼0.009, Z2p ¼0.257). However, the average differences are
relatively small and there was variation in the direction and
degree of difference in duration across items and pairs. Some
items for some pairs at some time intervals were actually longer
in duration that the T1 items.
In order to determine whether listeners were responding to
average duration when making their perceptual similarity judgments, the differences in duration from T1 to T2/T3/T4 and the
phonetic convergence data were submitted to a correlational
analysis. The correlation between the perceived convergence of
each item at each time interval in each pair and the difference in
duration between T1 and the relevant counterpart at each time
interval in each pair was not significant (r(46)¼ 0.08, p 40.05).
Therefore, despite the small but significant reduction in duration
from T1 to later time periods, the pattern of phonetic convergence
as detected by the listeners was unrelated to the pattern of
duration differences. This finding echoes the previously reported
lack of relationship between duration and phonetic convergence
for male talkers, and the failure to find a relationship between
articulation rates and phonetic convergence (Pardo, 2010; Pardo
et al., 2010).
3.3. Vowel measures
In addition to the items used in the perceptual similarity tests,
each talker also produced 5 repetitions of the full set of American
English vowels embedded in hVt/d words in a carrier sentence.
Because the items used to assess phonetic convergence also
contained all of the point vowels (/i/, /æ/, />/, /u/), the repetitions
of the point vowels from the full set were analyzed for comparison
with the perceptual measures. The averages of the first and second
formants across the vocalic portion of each vowel token were
derived using Praat estimates (Boersma & Weenink; www.praat.
org). Then, the estimates were normalized in order to reduce the
impact of anatomical differences between talkers, yielding mea"
sures of F1 and F2 . The normalization routine preserves dialectal
and ideolectal differences while projecting each talker’s formant
values into a common acoustic space (see Labov, 2006b, 2006c;
Nearey, 1989). The data were scaled in a single batch using the
North Carolina State University Linguistics Program’s online utility
with the Labov ANAE extrinsic setting (Thomas & Kendall, 2007;
Thomas, Kendall, Yeager-Dror, & Kretzschmar, 2007).
In order to simplify presentation of the vowel measures, the
average F1 by F2 measures from T1 (August) and T3 (December)
for each talker are plotted in four panels in Fig. 3. Each panel
corresponds to a single vowel, /i/, /æ/, />/, or /u/. The filled bullets
depict averages from T1, and the open bullets depict averages
from T3. Each talker pair is represented by the same bullet shape.
Arrows connect the vowels of the same talker from T1 to T3.
Across all panels in Fig. 3, the change in vowel formants from
T1 to T3 is extremely complex. The arrows do not all move in the
same direction, nor do they converge toward a single point for
any of the panels. In the panels depicting /i/ and /u/, some of the
talkers appear to be moving toward the center of the vowel space
(mainly increasing F1 and decreasing F2 ), but others move in the
opposite or different directions. If the talkers had all been
converging toward a local New York City dialect, then the
formants should have started to shift in a more uniform fashion
for at least one of the vowels (Evans & Iverson, 2007). Unfortunately, the roommates also do not appear to be moving closer to
each other in their vowel formants from T1 to T3. The only
instances in which a pair of roommates’ vowels moved closer
together from T1 to T3 were pair 4’s average /u/ and />/ vowels.
In order to analyze the changes in vowel formants, each
roommate pair’s vowels were first converted to Euclidean distances. These paired distances were submitted to a mixed-design
Analysis of Variance to test for the within-subjects effects of Time
Interval and Vowel, and the between subjects effects of Pair. The
Euclidean distance between the roommate pairs’ vowels reduced
from T1 (205) to T2 (171), then increased at T3 (212), and
decreased again at T4 (189), and the pattern was significant
(F(3, 60) ¼5.394, p o0.05; Z2p ¼0.212; 95% confidence intervals
from the analysis indicated that T1 and T3 differed from T2 and
T4). However, each roommate pair differed in their distances over
time. Fig. 4 displays the differences in roommate pair distances
from T1 to the later time intervals. Negative differences indicate a
reduction in vowel distances over time. As the figure shows, pairs
2, 3, and 4 either reduced vowel distances or showed no overall
change from T1 to later time intervals, and pairs 1 and 5 showed
the opposite pattern. The interaction between Time Interval and
Pair was significant (F(12, 60)¼4.595, p o0.05; Z2p ¼0.479). The
J.S. Pardo et al. / Journal of Phonetics 40 (2012) 190–197
Fig. 3. (a)–(d) Normalized vowel formants show inconsistent changes from T1 (August) to T3 (December). Each panel plots a single vowel. Averages at T1 are depicted
with filled bullets, and averages at T3 are depicted with open bullets. Roommate pairs are plotted with bullets of the same shape. Arrows indicate direction of movement
for each individual talker from T1 to T3.
distances, there are not enough pairs in the current study to
establish a reliable pattern (r(3)¼ 0.64, ns).
3.4. Relationship quality
Fig. 4. The Euclidean distances between roommate’s vowels changed from T1
(August) to T2 (October), and only some pairs demonstrated additional changes at
T3 (December) and T4 (January). Each bullet represents the difference in roommate vowel distances from T1 to T2, T3, or T4.
average differences in distances over time are shown in the right
column of Table 1, alongside the perceived convergence for each
talker in each pair. Although there appears to be a relationship
between perceived convergence and average change in vowel
The last set of analyses assesses the relationship between the
roommates’ perceived convergence and relationship quality.
Roommate relationship quality was assessed at T3 using several
survey questions, including number of waking hours spent in the
same room per week, number of meals eaten together per week,
seven-point scales measuring closeness and amount in common,
and the IOS (Aron et al., 1992). Data on number of meals shared
per week were excluded as each roommate indicated that the
number was zero. There were significant correlations among the
data for three of the measures, amount in common, closeness, and
IOS, but number of hours/week spent together did not correlate
with any of these measures. Therefore, a composite of the
correlated relationship measures, amount in common, closeness,
and IOS, was formed by averaging the ratings for the three
measures, yielding one composite closeness measure for each
In order to determine whether an individual’s closeness to his
roommate was related to his own convergence to his roommate,
independent of whether his roommate shared his closeness
sentiments or whether his roommate displayed convergence,
J.S. Pardo et al. / Journal of Phonetics 40 (2012) 190–197
the estimates, ratings, and composite Closeness measures were
correlated with the individual convergence measures from each
of the 10 talkers at T3 in December. This analysis revealed a
significant correlation between rated closeness and convergence
at T3 (r(8)¼0.54, p¼0.05) and a modest correlation between the
composite Closeness index (closeness, amount in common, and
IOS rating) and convergence at T3 (r(8)¼0.36, p¼0.15). No other
correlations with the convergence data at T3 were significant (nor
did the relationship quality measures taken at T3 correlate with
perceive convergence at any of the other time intervals). These
findings suggest that a talker’s degree of phonetic convergence to
a roommate after approximately 3.5 months of cohabitation is
related to positive levels of reported closeness to his roommate at
that time.
4. Discussion
This study examined phonetic convergence in five pairs of
previously unacquainted college roommates at three time intervals during the academic year. Each member of each pair
provided multiple samples of phrases that were submitted to
AXB perceptual listening tests. In addition, each roommate
provided measures of their perceived closeness, collected in
December after the roommates had been cohabitating for
approximately 3.5 months. As suggested by previous research,
most roommates converged in perceived phonetic form within
the first time interval after approximately 1.5 months of cohabitation, perceived phonetic convergence was evident for the same
pairs at the second time interval after approximately 3.5 months,
and all roommates converged by the last time interval, after
returning from winter break. Measures of item duration differences and vowel spectra were not related to perceived convergence. The degree and patterns of convergence varied across
pairs, phrases, and measures.
These findings are compatible with proposals that follow from
Communication Accommodation Theory (Shepard et al., 2001).
For example, Gallois et al. (1995) suggested that convergence may
result from a desire to make an interaction flow more smoothly,
a desire that can be reasonably attributed to the roommates in
this study. Moreover, studies of social interaction have shown
that other forms of behavioral mimicry lead to impressions of
smoother interactions and greater liking for a partner (Chartrand
& Bargh, 1999; Chartrand, Maddux, & Lakin, 2005; Lakin &
Chartrand, 2003). Therefore, it is likely that phonetic convergence
of the kind observed in individual conversational interactions and
in the current study reflects a desire to decrease social distance
and to induce a smooth interaction and mutual liking. Additional
research is necessary to detail the manner in which such factors
interface with speech perception and production to evoke convergence in phonetic form.
The current study found variable patterns of phonetic convergence over the course of the academic year, both across different
pairs and different utterances. Although previous findings based
on a single talker who moved between two different linguistic
environments (Sancier & Fowler, 1997) suggested that convergence should be reduced after winter break, only two of the five
pairs showed this pattern, and one pair only showed significant
convergence after returning from winter break. One important
difference between these two studies was the methods that were
employed. The perceptual similarity test used in the current study
is a sensitive measure of paired talker phonetic similarity,
whereas an accentedness rating task likely focuses on the impact
of the intonation pattern of a second language environment on a
talker’s native language. The acoustic attribute that was measured
by Sancier and Fowler (VOT) was selected because it is a
phonological variant that is known to vary in its distribution
between the two languages. However, VOT is also correlated with
speaking rate, a relatively coarse-grain attribute (Miller &
Grosjean, 1981). Likewise, Evans and Iverson (2007) reported
changes in accentedness ratings and vowel formants for college
students in England. Unfortunately, the students in the current
study did not demonstrate similarly consistent shifts in vowel
formants, which is probably due to the fact that most of them
were from the New York state area and had already been
attending Columbia University for at least one year. They all
produced r-full utterances of dark suit, and variability in fricative
voicing in greasy was not related to perceived convergence.
The current results suggest that adjustments in perceived
phonetic repertoire follow a trajectory that differs from that of
accentedness or VOT patterns, appearing more resistant to decay
across breaks in exposure. However, this could be due to the fact
that the talker in the study by Sancier and Fowler was alternating
between different languages with large phonetic differences. In
order to determine whether within-language phonetic convergence differs from gestural drift between languages, it will be
necessary to manipulate the range of variation that a talker
explores within their own language.
Previous studies of communication accommodation focused
on attributes that were measured in much longer time-scales,
including accent, speaking rate, intensity, low-frequency band
variation, pause frequency, and utterance length (Giles et al.,
1991; Gregory, 1990; Gregory et al., 1997; Gregory & Webster,
1996; Natale, 1975). In most of these reports, paired talkers were
found to converge in the particular attribute that was measured.
However, Pardo et al. (2010) failed to find evidence of convergence in speaking rate at the same time that talkers converged
phonetically, and roommates in the current study did not converge on vowel spectra consistently. In a now classic study by
Bilous and Krauss (1988), talkers were found to converge in some
attributes at the same time that they diverged in others (e.g.,
average utterance length; frequency of pauses, laughter, interruptions, and back-channels).
These findings lead to the intriguing possibility that each
individual talker might converge on a unique set of acoustic–
phonetic attributes while diverging, varying randomly, or remaining neutral on others. If that is the case, then measurements of
individual acoustic attributes will yield inconsistent patterns.
Therefore, a complete understanding of phonetic convergence is
unlikely to result from acoustic analyses alone. Without a perceptual similarity assessment, a failure to find convergence in a
particular acoustic–phonetic attribute cannot be interpreted.
Moreover, a finding of increased similarity in any acoustic–
phonetic attribute must be interpreted against the background
of a talker’s complete phonetic repertoire. At this point, the most
effective way to assess these relationships is to rely on the
judgments of ordinary listeners. Because ordinary perception
integrates multiple dimensions simultaneously, a carefully
designed perceptual similarity test provides a global assessment
of phonetic convergence without committing to a single acoustic–
phonetic attribute that might not be used consistently by every
talker on every occasion.
It is important to point out that the overall levels of detected
convergence in college roommates was modest, even after
3.5 months of relatively continuous cohabitation. These findings
align with those found in studies of convergence in shadowing
tasks and during conversational interaction (Babel, 2010;
Goldinger, 1998; Namy et al., 2002; Pardo, 2006; Pardo et al.,
2010; Shockley et al., 2004). If phonetic convergence is automatically evoked by perceptual resolution of phonetic forms that
goad imitative production (Fowler et al., 2003; Pickering &
Garrod, 2004), or by automatic activation of relatively recent
J.S. Pardo et al. / Journal of Phonetics 40 (2012) 190–197
episodic traces (Goldinger, 1998), then any two talkers who live
together should exhibit phonetic convergence with a high degree
of fidelity, and the level of convergence should not vary across
different utterances. The fact that talkers never match acoustic–
phonetic attributes exactly despite a putative drive toward parity
calls into question accounts that rely on a direct perceptionproduction link in determining the phonetic form of utterances
(Fowler et al., 2003; Pickering & Garrod, 2004). These findings
indicate that phonetic convergence in naturalistic settings is not
an automatic consequence of a direct perception-production link
(Pardo et al., 2010), and that the social and situational factors at
play evoke variability in phonetic form that is convergent, neutral,
and divergent.
Despite its limitations, the current study offers a useful
paradigm for examining phonetic variation that results from
natural social interaction. To varying degrees, talkers have been
found to imitate a model in shadowing tasks, to converge toward
a conversational partner during a single interaction, and to show
longer-term adjustments in phonetic repertoire as a result of
continued contact with the same talker. Additional research is
needed to extend the current findings both to female pairs and to
mixed sex cohabitation settings. Ultimately, a complete account
of variability in phonetic repertoire across both individuals and
groups will examine not only individual pairs, but communities of
talkers interacting across multiple settings.
Completion of this paper was supported in part by Grant
#0545133 from the National Science Foundation to Jennifer Pardo
at Barnard College. The authors are indebted to Robert Remez,
Isabel Cajori Jay, and the reviewers for their role in the completion
of this project.
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