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Hubris, Warriors and Evolution
Captain Manuel Ambrosio Malagon-Fajar, USN
Mr. Jeff Millington
Project Advisor
The views expressed in this paper are those
of the author and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the Department of Defense or
any of its agencies.
Approved for public release.
Distribution is unlimited.
U.S. Army War College
Captain Manuel Ambrosio Malagon-Fajar, USN
Hubris, Warriors and Evolution
Strategy Research Project
11 May 1999
PAGES: 126
CLASSIFICATION: unclassified
In the late 20th century man's creativity has blossomed.
Nanotechnology, biotechnology and other fields reshape microbes,
man and the environment. Robots will soon follow. However,
genocide still reigns. How can such contradiction, such brilliance and madness, be embodied in man? To unveil man is to understand a paradox of innovation and murder; to envision how nature brought about change in man is to fathom evolution; and, to
understand adaptive change is to see man as a patchwork of evolutionary effects. This paper shows that emotions, brains, men,
and armies are linked complex adaptive systems. It describes how
emotions underpin a ^Risk Contract of War' that allowed war to
become an adaptive evolutionary strategy with significant current and future human implications. Hubris and warriors are
shown to be emotional and physical evolutionary products still
present in man; and therefore, the strategic battleground extends backwards from technology to man's psychological and emotional roots—war remains a Clausewitzian clash of wills.
Multiplier Effect
Recycling Effect
Lever Points
Implicit (Tacit)
Explicit (Overt)
Daily Living
Reciprocity and Emotions
Mutual Assured Destruction
Male Reputation
Running Amok
Crazy Dogs
Sturm Abteilungen and Schutz Staffeln
Video Arcade Killers
Thanks to many others.
RADM Albert Konetzni, USN sent
me to the U.S. Army War College (AWC).
MGEN Robert Scales,
USA preserved an AWC framework for intellectual discussions
on war. Dr. Douglas Johnson and Prof. Williamson Murray
provided an atmosphere of challenging debate on military
innovation and adaptation.
Dr. Kent Butts and Dr. John
Goss, III guided me to resources in the environmental and
anthropological fields.
Prof. Patricia Pond and Dr. Herb
Barber stimulated thinking about organizational behavior
and human psychology. Dr. Johan Van der Dennen assisted
with his well-organized web site and books. Mr. Jeffrey
Millington encouraged and prodded me.
The U.S. AWC library staff, Ms. Jane Gibish, Ms. Patsy
Myers, Ms. Jacqueline Bey, Ms. Ginny Shope and Ms. Mary
Rife helped with research tools. My wife Eva and parents
Dr. Ambrosio and Elsa Malagon allowed me to immerse myself
with the obsession this subject has become. And, Ms. Kathy
Bernd patiently assisted with the quirks of computer editing.
The flaws are mine.
Figure 1 — Inner & Outer Forces Shape Man
Figure 2 — Agent as Detector-Evaluator-Effector'
Table 1 —Left and Right Brain Modes
The Mohammedan conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story
in history.
It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is
that civilization is a precarious thing, whose delicate complex
of order and liberty, culture and peace may at any time be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying from
— Will and Ariel Durant
Allan Nevins warns that "any important historical transactions should be treated as of multiple causation, its roots as
numerous and far-ramifying as its consequences .
. "2 The topic
of evolution mandates a broad view: not threads or strands, but
cords. It is by nature interdisciplinary—biology, sociology,
psychology, physics, anthropology, ecology, economics and history—all slices of a process operating simultaneously at multiple levels. And, though it is impossible to master all the tools
or examine all the details, glimpses of important patterns and
trends emerge. Context matters.
This paper sketches the evolutionary interaction of man with
man. Hubris and warriors are shown to be evolutionary results.3
The chiaroscuro describes methods for analyzing man's current
quandary. Two tools, evolution and complex adaptive systems, are
used to describe the interaction of man shaping man—and how the
tension between man's emotions and reason creates an enduring
Without energy, men or machines die.
Life's complex pat-
terns emerge from self-organizing information-mass webs driven
by an energy flux. Energy agitating information and mass creates
a web of life. Energy's evolutionary role as the spark of life
is assumed in this discussion.
Evolution is a process of descent with modification and selection. Ten thousand years ago a wolf had six pups, two were
captured by man, and one reproduced in the wild. The two captured pups bred in captivity and each generation afterwards man
culled the wildest and kept the tamest. Dogs became symbiotes
with man—keen scent and ear aided man to hunt and warn—today
there are hundreds of dog breeds, but the wild wolf is nearly
This simple paradigm describes interactive changes in microbes, man, culture and war. Evolution is a mechanism akin to
the historic process in its irreversibility and dependence on
context—it is a powerful analysis tool for political, organizational, historic, economic, biologic and military issues.
Once life replicates and fills an ecological niche then
strategies emerge—breed, compete, cooperate, or change—to control and gain access to energy and resources. These strategies
channel evolution. A dynamic tension between cooperation-for-
Figure 1 — Inner & Outer Forces Shape Man
competition and competition-through-cooperation creates new
structures for processing resources and information.
Cells emerge from the union of two previous bacterial antagonists, language from intra-group cooperation and sex to protect genetic information.5
Conflict or cooperation cascade and ripple throughout all
size scales—protein, virus, cell, organ, man, group, society,
ecology, or planetary—and create complex causal chains allowing
existence amidst the struggle for energy and reproductive success. Evolutionary sieves direct selection pressures.
Disease and war shape man, but man shapes bacteria and culture—this in turns changes the environment—a dragon eating its
tail. Interacting agents form webs—action links and structures
that adapt. Bones, muscles and nerves are inescapable products
of biologic evolution at the micro level as are roads, carts and
Signals at the macro level.6
Links form a syntax, communication
through patterns and the creation of language.
Reproduction is a data exchange process. Data transmission
can occur as antibiotic resistant bacteria share their genetic
information with viruses and bacteria; or, among insects by
swapping k-d-r genes imparting pesticide resistance to other insects.7 This exchange enhances fitness through cooperative sharing of biologic information. Information creates identity. Under
selective pressures organisms with drastic phenotype changes
emerge in a few generations.8 Inter-species signals and communication enhance fitness by increasing the individual's range of
connectivity and information. Data storage and transmission
mechanisms evolve internally and externally. Data processes into
information, information into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom—predictive patterns enhancing survival. For humans the
processing and exchanging of information leads to a complex web
of instincts and emotions that allows group activities to move
beyond herd-like defense to hunting, language and culture. The
positive feedback created by cultural pressure—especially mate
selection and coalition warfare—forces rapid brain development
and further adaptation to cultural pressures. Behavior evolves
from reflexes to instincts, to emotions, and then ideas. The results are a quixotic human nature—a patchwork marionette of impressions and thoughts tugged by emotions.
The evolutionary trajectory modifies both the organism and
ecology.9 Today, as man changes nature, the levels are irrevocably intertwined: bacteria that eat crude oil are enhanced genetically; frost-resistant strawberries are bioengineered; genetically manipulated cows grow pharmaceuticals; HIV is tooled
to fight HIV; insecticides force the cotton moth to eliminate
fundamental structures;10 and so forth—innumerable interacting
echoes. The start of the 21st century is humanity's critical evolutionary inflection point.
However, as 1st tier countries re-
constitute humans and colonize Mars, terror and conflict will
continue in the world. New modes of armed combat and social upheaval will emerge—genetic and software wars, crop-busters,
man-killers, animal-destructors,11 terrorism, anarchy and
plagues—evolutionary forces on an unprecedented scale. The
agent is man—creator and destroyer.
And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto
Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very
wroth, and his countenance fell.
And the Lord said unto Cain, Why are thou wroth? And why is thy
countenance fallen?
If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.
unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. And
Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they
were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother,
and slew him.12
— Genesis 4:2-4:12
The struggle between Cain and Abel was written on a goatskin
when the Sahara was turned into a desert by climate change and
overgrazing. It underscores the struggle between shepherds and
farmers; the impact of man on the environment; the impact of the
environment on conflict; the need for justice to solve conflict;
the rule of passion over reason; and, the need for enforcement
to preserve peace. Cain, the first murderer, also founded the
first city.13
The Apocalypse's four horsemen are legion: genocide—Rwanda,
Algeria, Cambodia & Yugoslavia; famine—Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia
& China; epidemics—India & Africa; drought and floods—Sudan,
Nicaragua, Bangladesh & China; water shortages—Gaza-IsraelJordan, Syria-Turkey-Iraq, Iran-Afghanistan, Pakistan-India &
Egypt-Sudan; toxic effects—Minamata, Aral Sea & Russia; desertification—Australia, Mahgreb & Central Asia; mass migrations—
worldwide; and, war and conflict—Yugoslavia, Algeria, Sudan,
Central Africa, Colombia, Iraq & Mexico.
The unifying agent in this tragedy is man, a creature that
is as much the creator of the maelstrom that buffets him as its
product. Of three anthropocentric views—man's affect on the environment, man's effect on man, and the environment's effect on
man—only man-on-man pressures will be examined.14 And to reverse
engineer man an understanding evolution and adaptation will be
developed, this allows dissecting man's behavior and examining
the tension between man's implicit models, instinct and emotion,
and his explicit models, thought and language. An evolutionary
background shows how hubris and war emerge from man's cacophonous emotional symphony.
But though these people raved they were not mad. They were making
the only noises they knew to express the misery inflicted on them
by the economic collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Since there
was no economic literature there was no vocabulary suitable to
their misery, so they had to use the vocabulary given to them by
the Church; and they screamed nonsense about the -sacraments because they very sensibly recognized that the Western Roman Empire
was going to die, and so were they.15
— Rebecca West
I am convinced that the nations and people who master the new
sciences of complexity will become the economic, cultural and political superpowers of the next century.26
— Heinz Pagels
Lack of vocabulary created the schismatics's difficulties;
so, to avoid them a few definitions are in order, especially
complex adaptive system {cas) and evolution, conceptual tools
that allow examination of the complex interrelationships that
shape man. Cas concepts provide a framework for understanding
bacteria, brains, man and society—the agents that evolve. A cas
example, an army, is presented followed by adaptive agent and
cas property descriptions.
An army is a constrained cas, especially in peacetime, when
hierarchic limitations restrain evolutionary possibilities.17 An
army has many cas elements. Soldiers aggregate into platoons,
battalions, brigades, divisions, armies and corps. Rank and specialty designations facilitate assembling aggregates and interactions. Uniforms identify members bonded in the Risk Contract
of War—the agents composing the cas. Orders and signals use
evolved military terms to realize further efficiency. Tactical,
operational and strategic hierarchic levels emerge at different
aggregate sizes. Flows include fuel, ammunition, men, fires and
signals. Soldiers and units are agents acting on and in turn
acted upon by flows.
Diversity in arms from infantry to helicopters meshes to
form a combined arms synergy greater than any single branch.
Overt staff planning with branches and sequels is implicitly implemented through trained troops and human nature. Soldiers, who
once fought for women, are motivated implicitly by awards and
rank, as well as explicitly through rules and training.
Non-linear effects, from the emotional to the physical, run
rampant throughout battle.18 S.L.A. Marshall notes that "a band
of men may go through a terrible engagement, take its losses
bravely, and then become wholly demoralized in the hour when it
must bury its own dead. A regiment, fretted to utter abjection
by a protracted stay in the lines, may find its fighting spirit
again in a six-hour respite during which the men are deloused
and given a change of underwear."19
Selection, training and cultural processes—organizational
lever points—shape an army. Values—duty, honor, courage, leadership, and loyalty—foster human bonds and create group cohesion.20 Group sized units are potent, bonded fighting units.21 An
army maintains coherency from peace to war by adapting while
regulating critical variables—especially information and energy. Its ascendancy is inextricably linked to the environment—
wartime or peacetime—it evolves in. And finally, its evolution
is bound to the context of circumstances encountered before.
With the army cas example as a backdrop a synopsis of agent
internal mechanics—especially the performance system or rule
evaluator—follows with details of cas properties and mechanisms
given afterwards. This section is based on John Holland's extensive work on emergence and provides a taste of the recursive and
iterative nature of CAS.22 The reader interested primarily in the
evolutionary results of hubris and warriors can go directly to
the section on evolution's effect on men and women (page 29).
Figure 2 — Agent as Detector-Evaluator-Effector23,
Adaptive agents evolve without ^knowing' how they do it and
without any central direction—genes, neurons, muscles, eyes,
brains or humans are examples.25 Individual agents are the evolutionary units in a cas ecology. A cas or adaptive agent maintains "coherence under change" through circular feedback that
incorporates resource and signal importation from the environment, and effluent and signal exportation to the environment.26
Continuous self-reference allows cas to maintain their identity
through change without an outside architect.27 Cas use selfgenerated rules (conditional action) and rule created models
(anticipation) as adaptive mechanisms. An agent's internal
mechanism generates a potential difference or payment that
stimulates rules to evaluate messages and discover new rules. In
other words, the performance system evaluates identity and effectiveness to credit rules that work well and-then uses strong
rules to create new rules.
A rule is a procedure or principle to determine results or
actions. Rules can be stimulus-response actions or simple conditional IF-(AND-OR-NOT)-THEN statements. A syntax that forms a
group of linked relations or stimulus-response actions permits
rules to interact and determines their context. Some rules send
messages from the detector, to the effector, or to other rules,
while other rules evaluate messages.28 Rules are embodied as data
strings that can either be treated as raw material or as direc-
tive instruction. For example, DNA is either a set of master
blueprints directing building construction, or a set of blueprints portions of which are copied to incorporate into a new
set of master plans.
A detector can be plural: a bundle or ganglia or group of
detectors. The detector generates messages that are evaluated by
a performance system that is a collection of message processing
rules. The performance system receives detector or effector signals; evaluates or applies syntax to messages and rules; directs
action by the detector or effector; credits rules for their performance; and, generates new rules by recombining old rules.
Rules are identified through tags or markers that emerge from
patterns appearing in the rule's conditional or action part; and
therefore, tags help bind rules or messages to one another
through syntax. In other words, tags are targets for direct couplings and interactions, for example "if the agent is an antibody, the stimuli are the molecular configurations—tags—on the
surfaces of the antigens."29
Rules can be thought of as hypothesis under continuous testing through competition for rewards.30 The performance system
uses a price system with payoffs analogous to a stock market to
reward rule use. Rules whose *IF' conditions apply can *bid' to
advertise their messages for sale in the expectation that a
buyer will pay more than was ^bid'. Rule bids are proportional
to rule strength and specificity so that the more a rule gets
used and the more directed its effects the stronger it becomes.
Specific rules are 'paid' when a buyer uses their message or all
currently active rules can be benefited when the 'stock market'
is bumped up by receiving an infusion of 'cash' from the environment.31 In other words, rules are implicit models that get
verified through payments—for example, neurons or emotional
ganglia are activated by stimuli, process inputs into results,
are rewarded electro-chemically, and thereby gather strength.
Rules that set the stage for rules that directly obtain rewards from the environment, ultimate-rules, are also enriched
since strengthening the ultimate-rule directly increases its
bidding ability, thereby benefiting stage setting rules.32 Chains
of mutualism emerge where information is exchanged for value.
"What if the supplier rule sends a message that activates an
ultimate-consumer rule, but 'cheats' by not appropriately setting the stage for the consumer's action?"33 Cheating weakens the
consumer because it paid without receiving a reward; therefore
the consumer has less 'cash' to pay the cheater next time.
Cheaters eventually become impoverished, especially if there are
competitors offering alternatives to the consumer. Because rules
exist in a daisy-chain context of competitive supply and demand
with identification, cheaters are weeded out.34
General rules are used more often and correspond to default,
reflexive conditions that compete with more specific rules. Specific rules are added with time as experience is gained.35 E.g.,
Specific: IF[(moves)(small)(close)]—THEN[(probable)(food)]
The tension between general and specific rules creates
paradox, but the broad and the narrow become symbiotes since
general action leads to diffuse behavior that dissipates the organism's energy, therefore specific, context-rich rules are valued.36 Strong rules become building blocks for generating new,
untested rules and in this fashion the performance system generates anticipation and innovation.37 In other words, strong rules
are identified and portions used in a combinatorial fashion to
create new hypothesis—a model of the environment emerges from
tagging and assembling rules. Modeling in turn gives the agent
flexibility. Performance systems are collections of selfmodifying rules that use past success to evaluate the present
and generate hypothesis for the future, thereby forming the core
of adaptive units and giving cas their unique features.
A cas has seven basic elements that allow it to evolve.
Three mechanisms—tagging, modeling and assembling—create four
properties—aggregation, non-linearity, flows and diversity. The
cas concept is today's Zeitgeist. Note the parallels between
John Holland's cas features and Gerardo Ungson and John Trudel's
broad guidelines for corporate prosperity: simplicity may not
work (non-linearity and building blocks); complexity matters
(aggregation); think organically (flows); reengineering management is not a panacea (flows and modeling); recognize individuality (diversity & tagging); institutions count (modeling).39
What is seldom pointed out is that the elements that make cas
adaptive can also lead to unpredictable and sudden collapse. A
closer examination of cas elements follows.
Bee swarms, ant colonies, mammalian brains, and human cities
emerge from individual agent—bee, ant, neuron or man—interactions. Those diverse collective entities possess four traits:
aggregation, non-linearity, flows and diversity. Aggregation or
swarming is typical of cas.
The result of multiple agents interacting is often an observable aggregate behavior distinct from individual behaviors.
Aggregates usually result in hierarchies. For example: organelles, cells, organs, man, city and civilization. In many cases
a cas can be decomposed into parts which are also cas—human,
nervous system, brain, amygdala and neuron. However, higher cas
assemblies usually have properties not predictable from lower
cas element behavior. Aggregates and their properties are used
to model cas.
Cas representations are based on aggregate properties. Aggregates lend themselves to modeling because a good model eliminates trivia and incorporates essence, the fundamental cas properties, those that emerge as characteristic. Emergence, behavior
not implicit in the rules of a system, is a fundamental property
of complex adaptive systems.40 Ronald Fox states that "emergent
properties are characteristics of nonlinear, driven, dissipative
systems .
[and] appear in at least three distinct ways:
self-assembly, autocatalysis, and self-organization. Each manifestation is a consequence of energy flow; however, energy flow
alone is not sufficient because the particular energy type and
the particular substances involved determine the emergent properties."41
Example emergent properties are wars and storms. Other examples are invariant features that exist across all human cultures—"prestige and status, inequality of power and wealth,
property, inheritance, reciprocity, punishment, sexual modesty,
sexual regulations, sexual jealousy, a male preference for young
women as sexual partners, a division of labor by sex,
. hos-
tility to other groups, and conflict within the group, including
violence, rape, and murder."42
Aggregates, in turn, become meta-agents operating at a
higher hierarchic level. An important feature of aggregates is
that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts—they produce novelty through their agent interactions.
Temperature or velocity is an average measure obtained by a
linear summation of the property over all the individual parts.
In contrast, cas behavior is more than the sum of the parts. For
example, even though ants possess a limited behavioral repertoire, a colony's actions cannot be understood by statistical
analysis.43 Even so, John Holland points out that "we can reduce
the behavior of the whole to the lawful behavior of its parts,
if we take the nonlinear interactions into account."44 Non-linear
effects are the result of multiple, parallel local individual
agent interactions as seen in swarms and colonies.45
Resource movements through nodes via connectors create
flows. Resources can be oxygen, mail, goods, orders, signals or
men. Connectors can be capillaries, neurons, cables, roads or
relationships. Nodes process resources—they are agents that include blood, neurons, organs, brains, soldiers, or platoons.
Tags or labels provide identity and implicitly direct interactions; thereby directing flows to target-agents, delimiting
the agents composing the network, and framing the cas boundary.
"Tags acquire this role because the adaptive processes that modify cas select for tags that mediate useful interactions and
against tags that cause malfunctions."46
Flows have two characteristics that tie back in with nonlinearity and lead to chains of reciprocity.
Multiplier Effect
The multiplier effect generates additional resource flows
in a network for any given initial input. For example, a dollar
spent generates several more dollars of spending as it ripples
through the economy. Another example is the cascading effect of
anger or fright on the human endocrine system. The multiplier
effect "is relevant whenever we want to estimate the effect of
some new resource, or the effect of a diversion of some resource
over a new path. It is particularly evident when evolutionary
changes occur, and it typically jeopardizes long-range predictions based on simple trends."47 Besides increasing output
through the distributive multiplier effect, cas conserve resources through recycling. This concept applies to rules, information or behavior.
Recycling Effect
Recycling increases output by conserving resources. For example, a tropical rain forest thrives in soil that leaches rapidly when farmed. In the rain forest cascading cycles nurture
resources until they are finally surrendered to the river.
cycling agents retain resources that can in turn be used by
other agents creating further diversity.
Lever Points
Although cas preserve 'coherence under change', they can be
very sensitive to specifically directed small changes due to
their non-linear, cyclic and multiplier effects. For example the
power level in a critical reactor is changed by controlling less
than 0.1% of all the neutrons, the delayed neutrons—those with
a slower birth rate. By controlling this small fraction of the
neutron population a process with non-human time scales, microseconds, is manipulated by man. In man emotions are lever
points—triggers that lead to rapid physiological changes.
Agent variety enhances immune system, forest or army performance. "The mammalian brain consists of a panoply of neuron
morphologies organized into an elaborate hierarchy of nuclei and
regions; New York City consists of distinct kinds of wholesalers
and retailers .... This diversity is neither accidental nor
random. The persistence of any individual agent, whether organism, neuron, or firm, depends on the context provided by the
other agents."48
John Holland states that "the patterns of interaction familiar from ecology—symbiosis, parasitism, mimicry,
[and] biologi-
cal arms races . . . are all well described in terms of agent-
directed flows of resources."49 And so, as a consequence of
agents adapting to exploit flows by linking into cyclic or multiplier chains, diversity arises.
Tagging, assembling and modeling allow cas to evolve. These
three processes generate innovation and anticipation. They are
the evolutionary triad.
Prices, trademarks, flags,, banners, faces, names, uniforms
or arm patches are signals that improve interaction efficiency—
they are patterns that act as targets—tags facilitate aggregates. "Well-established tag-based interactions provide a sound
basis for filtering, specialization, and cooperation. This, in
turn, leads to the emergence of meta-agents and organizations
that persist even though components are continually changing."50
In other words, by permitting recognition, tags allow relationships to form, identity makes action and adaptation without
central control possible. The market is a pervasive metaphor for
distributed competitively driven interactions rewarded by individual payoffs. Recognition facilitates agent access and resource interchanges and favors agents connected in a chain of
reciprocity—nepotism is rooted in identity and trust.
The ability to distinguish connections permits interactions
that compose or decompose resources, affect pay-offs or punish-
merits, or give or deny information. Tags allow calls to subroutines or LEGO晳-like assembly of sub-components or rules.
Proteins, genes, neurons, sentences, laws, diodes, and men
are building blocks. The Krebs cycle in biology is a building
block used by most mobile organisms.52 Nature and man assemble
building blocks in combinations to continually innovate. Building blocks are tested sub-routines in software or proven subassemblies in hardware. Tag mediated assembly of building blocks
permits model creation without a designer.
Robert Fox considers that "the biological significance of
the nervous system is that it can predict .
. Speed is not al-
ways the whole story in biology. Accuracy or fidelity is also
important for survival."53 In other words, brains are predictive
mechanisms, models, for internal and external processes. A good
model means life or death. The simplest, and most important,
model is one generated by stimulus-response—the implicit model.
Implicit (Tacit)
A leaf turning towards the sun is a tacit model. It describes an ongoing action with an implicit or inherent expectation. Humans are aggregates of multiple implicit models. In man
emotions are implicit models. Joseph LeDoux explains that "emotions deal with ^fundamental life tasks'
[E]ach emotion
'prompts us in a direction which in the course of evolution has
done better than other solutions to recurring circumstances'
[E]motions involve situations that have occurred over and
over throughout our evolutionary history (escaping from danger,
finding food and mates) and cause us to appraise present events
in terms of our ancestral past .
[T]he structure of the
past imposes an interpretive landscape on the present."54
Reflexes, instincts and emotions are human implicit models.
Another tacit model is the marketplace and prices. John Holland
states that "figures of merit for cas are usually implicitly defined. Competition, with local payments, is one of the few techniques we have for handling such problems in distributed systems."55 Feelings are another form of payment, price mechanism.
Explicit (Overt)
Implicit, reflexive models are complemented by reflective,
explicit models. A computer evaluating chess moves is an overt
model. It describes an exploratory process, lookahead, prior to
undertaking action.56 Human lookahead is limited—chess masters
use patterns accumulated from experience to look at the most
productive scenarios; therefore the power of language and mathematics as predictive human tools. Explicit models increase agent
flexibility. Men use mental models to discern trends and influence events, but in most cases thoughts are layered on top of a
web of reflexes, instincts and emotions. Most of man's world
model is non-verbal and irrational—thought is a small tip of a
hidden iceberg.
The above discussion shows how cas rule creation and selfmodification are the heart of evolution. Children are hypothesis
to be tested.
For thus said the Lord God; How much more when I send my four
sore judgments upon Jerusalem, the sword, and the famine, and the
noisome beast, and the pestilence, to cut off from it man and
beast? Yet, behold, therein shall be left a remnant that shall be
brought forth, both sons and daughters...
— Ezekiel 14:21-22
This biblical passage describes an evolutionary process—descent with modification and selection. Such a process incorporates in it John Von Neumann's four principles for selfreproduction: a blueprint, a controller, a copying process and a
factory.57 A typical evolutionary recipe follows: 1) pick an
agent's strong rules; 2) create copies and recombine them
(achieved through sex or programming); 3) reproduce the detector-effector-structure using the new rules; and, 4) test the
off-spring. If it survives repeat step 1. Note that evolution
occurs inside agents as well (no step 3 involved) when old rules
are combined to produce new ones—knowledge tempered by experience creates wisdom.58
Robert Ayres says that evolution maximizes "the ability to
capture free energy and, most important, to process it, utilize
it, and convert it to morphological information embodied as
structure or organization. To the extent that intelligence enhances this ability, evolution seeks to maximize intelligence."59
In other words, the evolutionary process creates cas with increasing predictive capabilities.60'
Emergent properties of evolutionary processes are escalating
complexity—informational and structural; competition—disease,
war, and arms races; cooperation—mutualism, symbiosis, and
parasitism; organism and environmental modification; and, for
the maladapted, extinction. All size scales evolve: stellar,
planetary, geologic, ecologic, biologic, or cultural. Human genetic evolution occurs in 10 to 100 generations whereas diseases
change many times within a single human life span.
Feedback, often mutually reinforcing, underlies evolution.
This idea, symbolized by the medieval uroboros—a snake biting
its tail, "represents an entity that is self-generating and
self-sustaining."62 Co-evolution occurs on many levels with interlocking interactions. The human brain and throat allow language, but verbal expression allows selection for more capable
brain and throat combinations.63 War and disease change man and
culture—in turn man's modified brain, body and culture change
microbes and conflict.
The struggle for survival and reproduction over disease and
dearth shapes man and society, and leads to a widened variety of
crisis response mechanisms. Man survives because he adapts internally and externally.64 His successful adaptation at the bacterial, human and social scales results in positive feedback
loops on all levels. He creates artificial environments and exploits the natural environment. Groups, a cas, emerge for the
enhanced protection, foraging, and mates they afford; and, in
turn lead to conflict with strangers and competition-cooperation
among neighbors.
In man, evolutionary results entrain past'survival mechanisms into physical or emotional equipment; absorb current environmental pressures in phenotypic modifications from embryo to
adult; and, allow for adult adaptation through the intellect.
War and disease, the great shapers of innovation and change
are now influenced by culture.65 Arthur Koestler said that, "continuity-through-change and unity-in-diversity seem to be the
pre-condition of a living culture."66 John Bonner defines culture
as "the transfer of information by behavioral means, most particularly by the process of teaching and learning. It is used in
a sense that contrasts with the transmission of genetic information passed by the direct inheritance of genes from one generation to the next."67 John Goss refers to culture as "what we say
we are."68 In 1976 Richard Dawkins coined the idea of a cultural
counterpart to a gene—the meme.
Dawkins deliberately uses the idea metaphorically and John
Bonner limits it only to "any bit or any collection of bits of
information passed by behavioral means from one individual to
another."69 However, he distinguishes them as follows: 1) Genes
are transmitted chemically. Memes are transmitted by teaching
and learning through various means—touch, sound, sight or other
signals. Memes can be stored outside the individual and replayed
later. 2) Gene changes usually take place over several generations. Memes can change several times in one generation. 3)
Genes and memes are in symbiosis, but memes originate from
John Bonner provides a likely evolutionary path for culture
emerging from single and multiple-choice instinctive behavior
because "a pattern of behavior is, as far as natural selection
is concerned, no different from any part of the anatomy of an
animal. They are both ultimately gene-controlled, although .
the gene control of behavior may be such that alternate choice
behavior is possible. We are not yet talking about Lamarckian or
cultural transmission of information;
. . the behavior .
is Darwinian in the sense of involving gene changes through
natural selection. Nevertheless, the flexibility afforded by
multiple choice behavior does permit an animal to find and exploit new habitats, new foods."71'
He explains that "these new niches will in turn produce new
and different selective forces that will change all parts of the
genetically controlled phenotype, including not only body structure but also the structure of the nervous system that will result in changes in behavior. Even though this flexibility is totally different from that found in cultural changes, it nevertheless is the kind of flexibility that has produced a foundation for culture. One can think of the appearance of culture as
a new niche that arose from the experimentation with multiple
choice behavior. And as a macroevolutionary step, it is undoubtedly the biggest of them all."73
Bruce Waller notes that studies of "feral white-footed mice
that had learned to run through mazes for rewards" show that the
"well-educated mice—quite familiar with the correct path to
food—occasionally [took] the wrong route . . ,."74 The significance is that variability is adaptive when conditions are constantly changing. Opportunities are missed or rapid response to
changes reduced if an animal consistently sticks to routines in
the wild. J. Lee Kavanau succinctly states that "the habit of
deviating fairly frequently from stereotyped 'correct' responses, together with a high level of spontaneous activity, underlie the remarkable facility with which white-footed mice can
be taught to cope with complex contingencies."75 Variety is the
spice of life.
The reverse side of the coin is stubbornness in the face of
change. Alternatives are always being sought, but older patterns
once productive are revisited to avoid missing their benefits if
they surge back. Bruce Waller points out that "behavior shaped
on a variable interval schedule can be maintained with very limited positive reinforcement; and when the pattern is almost extinguished, one instance of positive reinforcement revives it to
near full strength."76
Instinct extending to learning is part of an adaptive strategy of flexibility. "Learning implies plasticity, whereas instinct implies preparedness."77 Today most scientists agree that
the brain has structures that are environmentally programmed.
"There are specialized mechanisms in the mind that are 'designed' by evolution to recognize faces, read emotions, be generous to one's children, fear snakes, be attracted to certain
members of the opposite sex, infer mood, infer semantic meaning,
acquire language, interpret social situations, perceive a suitable design of a tool for a certain job, calculate social obligations .
.,"78 This view, that there is an instinct to learn,
incorporates the duality of nature and nurture.
John Bonner enumerates the adaptive advantages of culture.
First, there are many types of information that only culture can
transmit. Secondly, interactions between individuals are enhanced. Creatures with larger brains increase their ability to
recognize individuals. Richard Dawkins's idea that "animals use
communications principally to manipulate one another rather than
to transmit information"79 firmly establishes the important benefits accruing to individuals from the explosion in signal complexity that led to language and culture.
Improved communications creates selective pressure for more
complex brains. This occurs because information advantageous in
reproductive competition can be directly transmitted from person
to person. The need for further genetic complexity reduces with
increasing brain size and its concomitant improved signal processing ability. With the birth of culture, behavior, once purely
instinct tempered by experience, is enhanced with learned responses .80
There is no duality—man is shaped by the mutual influences
of existing in a body and a culture. Genes, behaviors and ideas
co-evolve. Man is not machine, but ecology.81 For example, psychologists believe that children's personality is primarily affected by their peer ecologies—family birth order and school
groups provide the bulk of the shaping.82,
In other words, par-
ents are ineffectual not because children don't listen, but be-
cause in the ecology in which children evolve, their effectiveness is tested by peers and siblings.
A hierarchy of data, information, knowledge and wisdom is
created by successive processing, abstraction and symbol creation. Cultural mechanisms use signals, just like prices or feelings, that direct action and enhance fitness.
The most important effect of man's early evolution was on
sexuality. Donald Symons says that "there is a female human nature and a male human nature, and these natures are extraordinarily different .... Men and women differ in their sexual natures because throughout the immensely long hunting and gathering phase of human evolutionary history the sexual desires and
dispositions that were adaptive for either sex were for the
other tickets to evolutionary oblivion."84
Divergence between men and women increased competition and
cooperation between and among the sexes and spurred rapid brain
growth. Geoffrey Miller suggests "that the neocortex is not primarily or exclusively a device for toolmaking, bipedal walking,
fire-using, warfare, hunting, gathering, or avoiding savanna
predators. None of these postulated functions alone can explain
its explosive development in our lineage and not in other
closely related species .... The neocortex is largely a courtship device to attract and retain sexual mates: Its specific
evolutionary function is to stimulate and entertain other people, and to assess the stimulation attempts of others .
. . ."
He then creates a striking analogy. "Just as the peahen is
satisfied with nothing less than a visually brilliant display of
peacock plumage. I postulate that hominid males and females became satisfied with nothing less than psychologically brilliant,
articulate, entertaining companions."86 As Gregory Bateson points
out—animals don't merely adapt to the environment, their existence changes the world they live in through mutual interaction
and evolution.87
A sketch of human male-female selective signals—''The Human
Mating Game'—can be made as follows. Women want wit, success,
and height—males desire wit, youth, and figure. Poetry, songs,
letters and emotionally stirring ripostes emerge. Men's desire
for youthful mates—summarized in the face—creates multibillion cosmetics demand by women. Fertility—embodied by a
waist to hip ratio of 0.70 or less—equates to figure. Women
condense success as status or wealth, and male fitness as
height. Women seeking successful males and men wanting young
women leads to older rich males with young pretty babes. Pornography emerges—males drool over nude nubile female images.88
These basic mating signals create multiple cultural spin-offs
and complications through the mutative expression of language
and ideas. This complex selective environment leads to further
evolutionary emotional refinement—the brain becomes a collection of cas cooperating and competing for control.
The brain is a work in progress—it is a cas produced by
evolution. The brain's capabilities and limitations arise from
adaptation to environmental and cultural pressures. The brain is
an amalgam of cas for internal and external processes—with cas
for taste, smell, hearing, vision, emotion or motion all interacting with each other in a distributed fashion.
Each agent is composed of sub-agents with specific detectors-evaluators-effectors acting at their level of specificity—
for vision, one level might be dots, lines, symmetry or circles;
another might be eyes, ears, noses and hair; and, another might
be faces and bodies. "Consciousness .
. is a kind of priori-
tizing meta-function that selects from the cacophony of internal
signals (''voices') and creates a linear real-time narrative of
what is going on' moment by moment."89
Man's brain is an ecology of primitive sense agents (taste,
smell, touch, sound and vision) that are co-evolving with more
modern coordinating and modeling agents (emotions and thought).
The brain functions as a simulator of man's internal and external worlds—it does so implicitly and explicitly. For simplicity' s sake only two overarching bipolar views—analysis and syn-
thesis, and thought and emotion—will be examined. In broad
terms the brain is composed of two dualities: left brain (verbal—explicit) and right brain (spatial—implicit); and, cortex
(thought—explicit) and amygdala (emotion—implicit). The discussion will show that words or images easily trigger emotions,
but controlling emotions is difficult; and, that this arrangement was evolutionarily beneficial. The left and right brain dichotomy is described in Table 1.
When either mode exists exclusively then "the hubris of rationalism is matched by the hubris of irrationality .
.."90 Ar-
thur Koestler states that the millennial tension between "factual knowledge—sophia—of the external world .
[and] ousia—
—essential Being" expresses itself as philosophy, focused on
reason and concepts, and philousia, focused on intuition and
symbols. "Obviously the two attitudes ought to complement each
other like the principles of masculine logic and feminine intuition, the yin and yang in Taoist philosophy. And in the history
of European thought they did indeed complement each other—either by simultaneously competing for supremacy or alternating in
dominance. In every chapter of European history we can trace
this creative polarity on various levels—the Dionysian and Appollonian principles .
. "91
Man's two primary methods of understanding the world, artistic and scientific, resonate deeply out of the structural
J\. —mode
Verbal: Using words to name,
describe, define.
Analytic: Figuring things
out step-by-step and partby-part
Symbolic: Using a symbol to
stand for something.
Abstract: Taking out a small
bit of information to represent the whole thing.
Temporal: Keeping track of
time, sequencing one thing
after another: Doing first
things first, second things
second, etc.
Rational: Drawing conclusions based on reason and
Digital: Using numbers as in
Logical: Drawing conclusions
based on logic; one thing
following another in logical
order—for example, a mathematical theorem or a wellstated argument.
Linear: Thinking in terms of
linked ideas, one thought
directly following another,
often leading to a convergent conclusion.
Nonverbal: Awareness of
things, but minimal connection with words
Synthetic: Putting things
together to form wholes
Concrete: Relating to things
as they are, at the present
Analogic: Seeing likenesses
between things; understanding metaphoric relationships .
Nontemporal: Without a sense
of time.
Nonrational: Not requiring a
basis of reason or facts;
willingness .to suspend
Spatial: Seeing where things
are in relation to other
things, and how parts go together to form a whole.
Intuitive: Making leaps of
insight, often based on incomplete patterns, hunches,
feelings, or visual images.
Holistic: Seeing whole
things all at once; perceiving the overall patterns and
structures, often leading to
divergent conclusions.
Table 1 —Left and Right Brain Modes
division of his mind. The difference is accentuated by human dimorphism. The two worldviews are phenomena emerging directly
from the underlying human physical brain structure—balance between the two is often difficult.
Today's multimedia, interconnected world on a screen is directed at the right brain—the non-verbal, intuitive, asynchronous and spatial side—instead of traditional education based on
literacy. When adults say their children don't think like them
any more they're right—no language, no writing, only a flow of
images, impressions, feelings and emotions. Richard Wagner would
feel at home. TV and film media superficiality and sensationalism, violent interactive computer conditioning, instant connectivity, long-range weapons and illiteracy bode ill for judicious
application of power in the 21st century.
But the tension between art and science is also an engine of
inspiration, creativity and innovation. Cultural evolution in
the West is in large part due to their interaction. The quandary
lies in man's emotions.
Beneath the mammalian brain of analysis and synthesis—rational and irrational—lies a reptilian emotional core. The evolution of implicit models, reflex to instinct to emotion, and
their general control over man's explicit thought is an evolu-
tionary product. Successive cas aggregated onto previouslytested cas—the older, more tested cas being dominant.
Why does a rational animal have emotions? First, because man
is not generally a rational animal—he's a hodgepodge of implicit agents dealing with proximate causes with an illusion of
coherency in that babble created through language and memory.
Second, because man lives in only one body and has many conflicting goals to resolve in finite time. Reflexes were shaped
by repeated millennial crisis into emotions that are still the
arbiters of man's choices—implicit models that override the
lately added explicit thought modules.93 Embedded responses, reflexes and emotions, regulate most human behavior.
Daily Living
The sympathetic nervous system operates when man sees or
thinks an emergency exists. It basically responds to the four
F's—Fight, Flight, Fright and Fornication.94 Joseph LeDoux explains that "modern evolutionary minded emotions theorists, like
Ekman, argue that emotions deal with ''fundamental life tasks'
[E]ach emotion prompts us in a direction that in the course
of evolution has done better than other solutions to recurring
circumstances ....
[E]motions involve situations that have oc-
curred over and over throughout our evolutionary history (escaping from danger, finding food and mates) and has caused us to
appraise present events in terms of our ancestral past—that the
structure of the past imposes an interpretive landscape on the
present. In a sense, coming up with a list of the special adaptive behaviors that are crucial to survival would essentially be
a list of the basic emotions."95
Animals isolated on islands are the best proof that emotions
are an evolutionary product. Without predators they lose fear—
the most pervasive emotion dealing with survival. Most island
animals have gone extinct. Those that didn't, like the Galapagos
finch regained fear.96
Joseph LeDoux insists on the complexity of the emotional response system. "To the extent that emotional responses evolved,
they evolved for different reasons, and it seems obvious to me
that there must be different brain systems to take care of these
different kinds of functions. Lumping all of these together under the unitary concept of emotional behavior provides us with a
convenient way of organizing things—for distinguishing behaviors that we call emotional (for example, those involved with
fighting, feeding, sex, and social bonding) from those that reflect cognitive functions (like reasoning, abstract thinking,
problem solving, and concept formation). However, the use of a
label, like "emotional behavior," should not necessarily lead us
to assume that all of the labeled functions are mediated by one
system of the brain. Seeing and hearing are both sensory functions, but each has its own neural machinery."97
Physical and cultural pressures have shaped this system of
responses. Steven Pinker states that "each human emotion mobilizes the mind and body to meet one of the challenges of living
and reproducing in the cognitive niche. Some challenges are
posed by physical things, and the emotions that deal with them,
like disgust, fear, and appreciation of natural beauty, work in
straightforward ways. Others are posed by people. The problem in
dealing with people is that people can deal back. The emotions
that evolved in response to other people's emotions, like anger,
gratitude, shame, and romantic love, are played on a complicated
Reciprocity and Emotions
Mutualism is a major part of human interactions. Reciprocal
altruism develops when a big benefit is given at low cost with
frequent role reversal. Individual recognition and memory of repayment or refusal determines future interactions. Humans have
ingrained patterns to deal with reciprocal altruism—they are
the greater part of man's morality." Here's a list of how "Trivers reverse-engineered the moralistic emotions as strategies in
the reciprocity game .... Liking is the emotion that initiates
and maintains an altruistic partnership .... Anger protects a
person whose niceness has left her vulnerable to being cheated .
.. Gratitude calibrates the desire to reciprocate according to
the costs and benefits of the original act .... Sympathy, the
desire to help those in need, may be an emotion for earning
gratitude .... Guilt can rack a cheater who is in danger of
being found out .... Shame, the reaction to a transgression
after it has been discovered, evokes a public display of contrition, no doubt for the same reason."100
Of course, just like mimicry in physical evolution, there is
an incentive to cheat by faking emotions.101 This results in generating trust and distrust, and makes humans avid consumers of
gossip to expose cheaters. The nature of gossip forces man to
avidly treasure reputation and take offense when it is maligned.
This endless tug-of-war led Trivers "to propose that the expansion of the human brain was driven by a cognitive arms race, fueled by the emotions to regulate reciprocal altruism."102
Mutual Assured Destruction
Steven Pinker describes the story of Dr. Strangelove and mutual assured destruction and comes to the astonishing conclusion
that "the unsettling paradoxes of nuclear strategy apply to any
conflict between parties whose interests are partly competing
and partly shared. Common sense says that victory goes to the
side with the most intelligence, self-interest, coolness, options, power, and clear lines of communications. Common sense is
wrong. Each of these assets can be a liability in contests of
strategy (as opposed to contests of chance, skill, or strength)
where behavior is calculated by predicting what the other guy
will do in response."103
Paradox is at the heart of bluffs and counter-bluffs,
threats and counter-threats or promises and deceptions. "Terrorists, kidnapers, hijackers, and dictators of small countries
have an interest in appearing mentally unbalanced. An absence of
self-interest is also an advantage. Suicide bombers are almost
impossible to stop. To defend yourself against threats, make it
impossible for the threatener to make you an offer you can't refuse."104 The schismogenesis—escalating 'arms' race—between
Milosevich and Allbright is a current example of the handicaps
of rationality, freedom and information in a threat-counterthreat scenario.
Steven Pinker says "people consumed by pride, love, or rage
have lost control. They may be irrational. They may act against
their interests. They may be deaf to appeals.
(The. man running
amok calls to mind a doomsday machine that has been set off.)
But though this be madness, there is method in it. Precisely
these sacrifices of will and reason are effective tactics in the
countless bargains, promises, and threats that make up our social relations."105
The implications are that "the intellect is designed to relinquish control to the passions so that they may serve as guar-
antors of its offers, promises, and threats against* suspicions
that they are lowballs, double-crosses, and bluffs. The apparent
firewall between passion and reason is not an ineluctable part
of the architecture of the brain: it has been programmed in deliberately, because only if the passions are in control can they
be credible guarantors."106
Joseph LeDoux points out that the "amygdala [acts as a
shunt, bypassing the cortical region, to generate an immediate
emotional response to danger signals] has a greater influence on
the cortex, than the cortex has on the amygdala. Throughout the
mammals, pathways from the amygdala to the cortex overshadow the
pathways from the cortex to the amygdala. Although thoughts can
easily trigger emotions '(by activating the amygdala) , we are not
very effective at willfully turning off emotions (by deactivating the amygdala)."107
But man's violence does not need groups. Tales of individual
male homicidal sprees or violent acts abound. Why duels? Blood
feuds? Vendettas? The paradox of doomsday applies as Steven
Pinker explains that "righteous anger, and the attendant thirst
for redress or vengeance, is a credible deterrent if it uncontrollable and unresponsive to the deterrer's costs. Such compulsions, though useful in the long run, can drive people to fight
far out of proportion to the stakes .... The lust for revenge
is a particularly terrifying emotion .... But in many societies an irresistible thirst for vengeance is one's only protection against deadly raids. Honor and vengeance are raised to
godly virtues in societies that lie beyond the reach of law enforcement, such as remote horticulturalists and herders, the
pioneers of the Wild West, street gangs, organized crime families, and entire nation-states when dealing with one another (in
which case the emotion is called ^patriotism') . "108
Male Reputation
Barbara Tuchman describes the enfilade of royalty at King
Edward's funeral in 1910 as "in scarlet and blue and green and
purple, three by three the sovereigns rode through the palace
gates, with plumed helmets, gold braid, crimson sashes, and jeweled orders flashing in the sun."109 Heraldry, hierarchy, gallantry and pecking orders all evolve from competition by males.
A sound competitive strategy measures up rivals and avoids needless struggle; and, if fights are advantageous or necessary,
stops before the bitter end—the strongest stands to get injured
and the weakest stands to get killed.110'
From that simple
strategy emerges status.
Reputation is the leading homicide motivator in American
cities. "Two young men argue over who gets to use the pool table
in a bar. They shove each other around and trade insults and obscenities. The loser, humiliated before onlookers, storms off
and returns with a gun."112 Steven Pinker explains that doctors
and professors normally don't deal in violence because "'cultures of honor' spring up when a rapid response to a threat is
essential because one's wealth can be carried away by others.
They develop among herders, whose animals can be stolen, more
often than among crop-owners, whose land stays put. And they develop among people whose wealth is in other liquid forms, like
cash or drugs. But perhaps the biggest reason is that periodontists and professors are not male, poor and young."113
Men kill men twenty six times more frequently than women
kill women. To be young and male is a huge risk factor for violence. "Young men commit crimes, drive too fast, ignore illnesses, and pick dangerous hobbies like drugs, extreme sports,
and surfing on the roofs of tram cars and elevator. The combination of maleness, youth, penury, hopelessness, and anarchy makes
young men indefinitely reckless in defending their reputation."114
Abject poverty, physical or cultural, breeds human-bombs by
fomenting bottomless despair and malformed depravity.115'
order breaks down, criminality thrives because it becomes adaptive—ownership and relationships are dismissed in favor of
risk-taking and short-term benefits.117
Victor Alexandrov describes the interwar German mayhem as,
"meanwhile, on the political scene, acts of violence had hardlyceased since the formation of the Workers and Soldiers' Councils
in 1918. In 1921 Ehrhardt's assassins made their attempt on
Scheidemann. In 1922 they killed Walther Rathenau. While the reactionaries were gathering strength, blood flowed in the Ruhr,
there were revolts at Halle, Magdeburg, in Thuringia and at Hamburg .
He says that "while this complex, desperate political struggle went on, the whole life of post-war Germany, its literature,
theater, cinema, arts, painting and manners, reeked of sensationalism, hedonism, infatuation, eccentricity and immorality,
with all their ramifications and accompanying manifestations.
Alcoholism, drug-taking, sadism, masochism, homosexuality, every
sort of perversion and aberration reached a peak, as did crime
in general."119
That chaotic and violent environment bred a new form of kinetic war that soon erupted and almost destroyed Europe. Today a
similar hotbed for radical innovation in the application of violence exists throughout most of the world, including Russia,
where a large body of expertise in biological weapons exists.120
Can bioblitzkrieg be far behind?
Running Amok
When a Malay man is badly spurned or publicly humiliated
then goes on a killing spree, he has gone amok—in America he's
said to have gone ^postal.' "The amok man is patently out of his
mind, an automaton oblivious to his surroundings and unreachable
by appeals or threats. But his rampage is preceded by lengthy
brooding over failure, and is carefully planned as a means of
deliverance from an unbearable situation. The amok state is
chillingly cognitive. It is triggered not by a stimulus, not by
a tumor, not by a random spurt of brain chemicals, but by an
A 1968 psychiatric interview of amoks haunts us today. "I am
not an important or ^big man.' I posses only my personal sense
of dignity. My life has been reduced to nothing by an intolerable insult. Therefore, I have nothing to lose except my life,
which is nothing, so I trade my life for yours, as your life is
favoured. The exchange is in my favour, so I shall not only kill
you, but I shall kill many of you, and at the same time rehabilitate myself in the eyes of the group of which I am a member
even though I might be killed in the process."122
Crazy Dogs
Lionel Tiger and Robin Fox examine male violence from another view because "in every society the dedicated killer crops
up, and it takes no great imagination to see how useful he would
be in times of trouble. A man who will give himself wholly over
to the killing life with dedication and even pleasure is just
the man to send against the enemy on raids—which are essentially murder expeditions. In our own time he is the perfect
commando, marine, green beret, or whatever. Among the Crow Indians, there was a society called the Crazy Dogs, or Those-bornto-die. These were young men dedicated to fight to the death and
never move away from the enemy. To this end they would stake
themselves into the ground with thongs tied through their back
muscles and face the enemy."123
But the Crow tribe knew what it was unleashing. "They [Crazy
Dogs] were reckless and lawless and were allowed all kinds of
privilege and indulgence. On the night before a battle or raid,
the Crazy Dogs would wreck the camp and rape the women—with impunity, because the next day some of them would die."124
Norse berserkers are akin to Crazy Dogs.125 Tiger and Fox observe that "these killers are always with us, but whether they
become our greatest heroes or our criminal lunatics depends on
which end of the curve we decide to reward."126
Sturm Abteilungen and Schutz Staffeln
The Crow bred Crazy Dogs—the Nazis bred Rabid Dogs. Leonard
Piekoff states that "for about a year the [concentration] camps
were run by the thugs of the SA [Sturm Abteilungen or Storm
Troopers], a group which included many freewheeling sadists,
perverts, and psychopaths eager for an orgy of hatred and tor-
ture. The SS [Schutz Staffeln], which took over the camps after
the Röhm purge and the fall of the SA, were a different breed.
For the most part the new guards and administrators were ordinary men, at least at the beginning."127
He explains that "ideological indoctrination alone, it was
found, could not create a corps of full-fledged Nazis; but the
daily practice of concentration-camp-scale unreason could, and
did."128 In other words, concentration camps were training camps
on top of all their other grisly purposes. Their function was
not only to destroy prisoners and their individuality, but also
to create out of young Nazis "monsters of obedience."129
A teratogenic uroboros—a cycle of monstrosity. "What the SS
shaped was mass death without a murmur of protest; death accepted placidly by victims and killers alike; death carried out
not as any kind of exception, not as an act of purposeful vengeance or hatred, but as casual, smiling, even homey routine, often against a background of colorful flower beds and to the accompaniment of lilting operetta music."130
Video Arcade Killers
On 20 April 1999, Hitler's birthday anniversary, two young
males slaughtered their classmates at Columbine High School in
Middleton, Colorado. Both were bright boys and had spent countless hours playing networked violent computer games.
Dave Grossman notes that "in Vietnam a systematic process of
desensitization, conditioning, and training increased the individual firing rate from a baseline of 15 to 20 percent to an
all-time high of up to 95 percent. Today a similar process of
systematic desensitization, conditioning, and vicarious learning
is unleashing an epidemic, a virus of violence in America."131
Charlie Manson was right—Hollywood helped him do it.
But the mass murderers of yesterday were rookies. Today
American kids are desensitized and conditioned relentlessly on
violent first-person-shooter video games. The computer screen
shows the barrel of the gun being toted and the victims graphically displayed being dismembered opposite the rain of bullets.
There can be no doubt as to the training's efficacy—look at how
routinely 11 year olds massacre classmates in America—incessant
exposure to violence can create human killing machines. One
cigarette or a hundred does not a cancer make—repeated exposure
Steven Pinker summarizes man's emotional paradoxes with—
"exotic at first glance, upon scrutiny they turn out to be
universal; quintessentially irrational, they are tightly
interwoven with abstract thought and have a cold logic of their
own."132 There is evolutionary logic to war based on emotions.
Emotions allowed reciprocity and war to emerge; then war, the
greatest shaper of man, honed emotions to a sharp lethal edge.
Moses became angry with the commanders of the army, the officers
of the thousands and the officers of hundreds .... Now, therefore, slay every male among the children, and slay also every
woman who has known a man carnally; but spare every young woman
who has not had carnal relations with a man.133
— Numbers 31
The name a tribe assigns itself delimits who is human—it
defines murder.134 "Killing one's antagonist is the ultimate conflict resolution technique, and our ancestors discovered it long
before they were people."135 Tags—tattoos, headbands, clothes,
and jewelry—define the group. Killing those outside the group
is not murder and when done by the tribe it is war. War is based
on a simple idea: a group can get what an individual can't. "In
fact, if the spoils are certain and divided up fairly, the level
of danger doesn't matter . . . [if] none of them knows in advance who will be injured or killed."136
Steven Pinker notes that "in primitive warfare, mobilization
was more complete, battles were more frequent, casualties
higher, prisoners fewer, and weapons more damaging. War, is to
put it mildly, a major selection pressure, and since it appears
to have been a recurring event in our evolutionary history, it
must have shaped parts of the human psyche."137 Dudley Young asserts that "among primates, 80 percent of young males do not
survive to maturity."138 The anthropologist, Lawrence Keeley,
echoes the thought that "primitive (and guerilla) warfare con-
sists of war stripped to its essentials; the murder of enemies;
the theft or destruction of their sustenance, wealth, and essential resource; and the inducement in them of insecurity and terror."139
So if war is hell, why fight? Steven Pinker says that "in
foraging societies, men go to war to get or keep women—not necessarily as a conscious goal of the warriors (though often it is
exactly that), but as the ultimate payoff that allowed a willingness to fight to evolve .... The most common spoils of
tribal warfare are women. Raiders kill the men, abduct the nubile women, gang-rape them, and allocate them as wives."140
David Buss notes that "gang warfare is common across America, especially in large cities such as Los Angeles, and death
is a common outcome. Why do males join gangs in which they risk
death?"141 He quotes a gang member as saying, "The gang seemed to
control the things I wanted. I was kind of a dork when I was in
elementary school. I was really into my studies, and I didn't
get involved in any stuff that the gang was doing. But then I
began to see that they had the girls."142
Anecdotal evidence? David Buss goes on to cite Palmer and
Tilley's work on Colorado gangs as well as Chagnon's studies of
the Yanomamö Indians to show the increased access to females
that coalition aggression imparts.143 This adds another piece to
the Human Mating Game: men look for face, figure and wit—women
look for height, status and wit; and, males compete for status—
access to females. In other words, young inner-city males join
gangs for tattoos and chicks.
David Buss describes a simple thought experiment. Ten warriors raid a neighboring village and abduct five nubile females.
Their individual reproductive access increases by 0.50 (five females for ten warriors). If five warriors are killed, then the
individual reproductive access of the survivors increases to 1.0
(five females for five warriors). Although in one case warriors
die, the overall reproductive increase for the raiding party remains the same because one warrior's loss becomes another warrior's gain!144 J.M.G. Van der Dennen summarizes this as "warfare
emerged as a high-risk/high-gain male-coalitional reproductive
(or parental-investment) strategy .... Warring behavior is
confined to typically highly-social and
brainy' species, cogni-
tively capable of establishing relatively long-term polyadic
coalitions .
. . "145 War is a potent evolutionary force.
An evolutionary theory of human war—'The Risk Contract of
War'—was proposed by John Tooby and Leda Cosmides in 1988.146
Reciprocity is war's foundation and requires the following specifics "to participate in social exchange: individual recognition, memory for one's history of interaction, value communication, value modeling, and a shared grammar of social contracts
that specifies representational structure and inferential proce-
dures."147 In other words, human reciprocity entails value, identity, memory, grammar and modeling which allow the tribal cas to
form, grow, and fission to create new groups since in preliterate times tribal sizes stayed at 50-100 persons. Under these
conditions, war between proximate human tribes becomes reproductively advantageous.
David Buss describes the four conditions required for coalition aggression to be adaptive as follows: "1. The average long-
term gain in reproductive resources must be sufficiently large
to outweigh the reproductive costs of engaging is warfare over
evolutionary time . . ..2. Members of coalitions must believe
that their group will emerge victorious . . ..3. The risk that
each member takes and the importance of each member's contribution to the success must translate into a corresponding share of
the benefits . . ..3. Men who go into battle must be cloaked in
a Weil of ignorance' about who will live or die."148 So, under
conditions of likely victory, if men fight together with equal
likelihood of survival so that reproductive spoils are ^fairly'
divided, then war is adaptively advantageous; or, the Risk Contract of War enhances average reproductive success, irregardless
of individual risk, when reproductive spoils are certain.
David Buss gives some significant implications: "(1) men,
but not women, will have evolved psychological mechanisms, designed for coalitional warfare;
(2) sexual access to women will
be the primary benefit that men gain from joining male coalitions;
(3) men should have evolved psychological mechanisms that
lead them to panic and defect from coalitions when death appears
to be an imminent result of remaining;
(4) men should be more
likely to go to war when their odds of success appear high, as
when the number of men in their coalition greatly exceeds the
number of men in the opposing coalition;
(5) men should have
evolved psychological mechanisms designed to enforce the risk
contract—that is, to detect and punish cheaters, defectors, and
traitors, and (6) men should have evolved psychological mechanisms designed to detect, prefer, and enlist men in the coalition who are willing and able to contribute to its success."149
Some further thoughts:
(1) Helen of Troy was not just a lit-
erary embellishment—she was the face that launched a thousand
(2) polygamy exists when raiding brings in women and mo-
nogamy arises as a male contract to avoid inter-group conflict
when wars are no longer fought over women;150 (3) medals and
awards are modern substitutes for women-as-spoils—men now compete and die for rank, insignia, ribbons and ideas;
(4) cunning,
reputation, loyalty, courage and passion are key attributes selected by coalition war. The characteristics that enhance performance in the Risk Contract of War increase male-female dimorphism and accelerate the workings of the Human Mating Game—the
two selective mechanisms are interlocked;151 (5) young single
males will display highly risk-prone behavior—young married
males, even without High School diplomas, will make stable soldiers;
(6) the Marine Corps's 13 week separate female and male
recruit training has deep psychological roots which make it effective;
(7) senior male officers with access to young females
have the greatest likelihood of fraternization;
(8) racial inte-
gration of males in fighting units is easy—female and male integration in fighting units can disrupt the Risk Contract.
ever, in non-combat situations male-female teams will be most
effective;152 (9) male-male aggression leads to murder, whereas
male-female aggression leads to rape;
(10) height has a strong
selective pressure due to its impression on the enemy and as a
sign of prowess within the group;
(11) beards and baldness are
irrevocable age markers—baldness indicates long term success
and social maturity;153 (12) wars with a likelihood of victory
will always be initially popular;
(13) uniforms identify members
of the compact of war once the size of armies increase past village limits;
(14) sports figures—uniformed performers of war-
rior spirit—will be highly paid even while their affinity for
money and lack of team loyalty will chagrin fans and generate
endless gossip. Raiding party band sizes will be analogous to
team sizes. Some women will find the combination of money,
status, height and 0.9 male waist-to-hip ratio irresistible;154
(15) courage is common when men fight together—men will charge
undaunted across no-man's-land as a group—on the other hand,
isolated, untrained men exposed to combat will suffer the greatest mental traumas;155 (16) xenophobia and ethnocentrism are
products of repeated human exposure to the success of the Risk
Contract of War;
(17) Berserkers, Amoks or Crazy Dogs exhibit
aggression mechanisms developed to enhance fighting prowess—under the right circumstances most men are capable of these behaviors;
(18) conditions that increase anxiety and tension among
males will increase risk-prone behavior, especially if alcohol
or drugs are used;156 (19) war among ants was possible because at
their scale chemical recognition allowed adequate identification
and targeting—war became possible on mammalian scales when visual recognition became sufficiently sophisticated;
(20) fighting
units on the size scale of village raiding parties—ten to fifty
men—should be the most effective;
(21) when navigating terri-
tory, males should rely on abstraction while women should rely
on landmarks—men should be better at geometry and women better
at remembering object locations;157 (22) men should prize facts,
philosophy, above emotions—women should value feelings, philousia, over things;158 and,
(23) precision, effects-based war that
doesn't account for emotions cannot be decisive because the underlying clash of human wills remains unresolved.159
A final suggestion is that recruiting advertisements based
on status and family would resonate with males—a young sergeant
returning home is smartly saluted by a private as the sergeant
rushes by into the awaiting arms of his beloved—tattoos and
chicks are a strong subliminal message. Military services should
broadcast loud and clear that their ranks are over 70% married—
that being in the service is a good reproductive strategy. In
any case, The Risk Contract of War provides an evolutionary
paradigm for understanding man's capacity for group aggression
and the development of emotional and cultural mechanisms to enhance survival under the conditions of war it facilitates. Keeping it in mind helps show why males are so sensitive to their
status and reputation.
Once the mechanisms for group violence are imbedded in individuals, fights erupt easily—even without spoils in sight. Hatred is an easy emotion to arouse. Psychological experiments
that divide people into two groups based on an announced trivial
reason—such as liking a painting or not, when it was actually
done at random—have the bizarre results that "each group instantly dislike and think worse of the people in the other
group, and act to withhold rewards from them even if doing so is
costly to their own group. This instant ethnocentrism can be
evoked even if the experimenter drops the charade with the .
. .
paintings and divides people into groups by flipping a coin before their eyes! The behavioral consequences are by no means mi-
"Sometimes the truth is adaptive, but sometimes it
is not. Conflict of interest are inherent to the human condition
. and we are apt to want our version of the truth rather
than the truth itself."162
Neuroscientists and psychologists have long studied man's •
ability for self-delusion. Steven Pinker states it well when he
says "our confabulations, not coincidentally, present us in the
best light .
.. We delude ourselves about how benevolent and
effective we are, a combination that social psychologists call
benefectance. When subjects play games that are rigged by the
experimenter, they attribute their successes to their own skill
and their failures to the luck of the draw."163
And, on a more sinister note he observes that "when they are
fooled in a fake experiment into thinking they have delivered
shocks to another subject, they derogate the victim, implying
that he deserved the punishment. Everyone has heard of 'reducing
cognitive dissonance,' in which people invent a new opinion to
resolve a contradiction in their minds .
[but in reality]
people doctor their beliefs only to eliminate a contradiction
with the proposition *I am nice and in control'
deception is the cruelest motive of all, for it makes us feel
right when we are wrong and emboldens us to fight when we ought
to surrender."164 Can Hubris be far behind?
The ease with which xenophobia ignites and man's infinite
capacity for self-deception leads to bloodbaths. Peter Calbert
notes that "since 1945 the most chilling example of the ultimate
consequences of believing in both the unrestrained power of government and in the need to eradicate the rational from a culture
has been the killing fields of Cambodia in Year Zero, when independent teams of Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge peasant revolutionaries
deliberately smashed every vestige of advanced civilization, depopulated the towns and killed anyone who looked like an intellectual .
Emotional flames fueled by ethnic hatreds led to Franz Ferdinand' s assassination on his visit to the Serbs on "St. Vitus's
Day, the anniversary of the battle of Kossovo in 1389, the defeat of the Serbs by the Turks which meant five hundred years of
enslavement. That defeat had been wiped out in the Balkan War by
the recapture of Kossovo, and it was not tactful to remind the
Serbs that some of their people were still enslaved by a foreign
But ethnicity is not destiny. Institutions can incorporate
different groups into society. Cities traditionally were absorptive centers.167 When nobles granted economic power to guilds in
the middle ages "cities became poles of attraction, places of
refuge, nodes of exchange with the countryside. Migration to
cities improved the income and status not only of the migrants
but also of those left behind.
(Not their health.
The cities
were dirty, crowded, and lent themselves to easy contagion, so
that it was only in-migration that sustained their numbers and
enabled them to grow.) Self-emancipation in Western Europe was
directly linked to the rash of franchised villages and urban
communes, and to the density and proximity of these gateways.
Where cities and towns were few and unfree, as in Eastern
Europe, serfdom persisted and worsened."168
The biblical imperative to breed was borne by peasants who
spoke local dialects. They supplied the manpower cities required. The rich developed moral checks while the poor relied on
high birth rates, insurance for an uncertain future, and fell
prey to Malthusian checks.169 Austro-Hungary succeeded at integrating a Slav and Magyar peasantry into the Hapsburg cultural
system until cholera destroyed her German regulatory and educational hierarchy in the 1850's.170 The Hapsburg's remained in
power a while longer by creating the dual-monarchy with Hungary,
but were finally toppled by inept handling of a restless Slav
Man has become a self-modifying agent—internally and externally. Culture and technology are now strong factors affecting human behavior. The future won't be woven out of natural fi-
bers—man will use synthetic fibers to knit a cloth with properties only dimly perceived. If that cloth is to cover man's nakedness, then culture, the loom of societies, must become a cohesive force.171'
And, to wisely guide the emergence and evolu-
tion of political systems from culture, the basis of man's nature must be understood.173
Taking comfort that hydroponics, aquaculture, lasers,
global communications, robotics and all other present and future
technologies will pacify, clothe, house, educate and feed the
world has not worked.
Utopia has always been just around the
corner and the majority of the world always struggles with subsistence and chaos. An emphasis on technology is a blinder to
the importance of culture and the human element.
Economic conditions can set the stage for political and social changes. "The collapse of speculative bubbles in various
stock markets, coupled with incompetent monetary and tariff
policies, triggered a worldwide depression that hit hardest in
Economic disaster bred political chaos, which allowed
the Nazis to do well in one semi-free national election and to
seize dictatorial power soon afterwards.
Economic problems were
alleviated by restarting the German industrial sector with large
military orders for new equipment and an ambitious program of
civilian projects including the Autobahn system.
fell from 30.1% in 1932 ... to 8.3% in 1936 . .
David Fischer points out that crime, out of wedlock pregnancy and alcoholism rates correlate over centuries with economic crisis175—but, they do not determine the political choices
that societies make. Those that enshrine the irrational collective in their political systems end up with Gulags and Gestapos.176
Robert Kaplan points out that "West Africa is becoming the
symbol of worldwide demographic, environmental, and societal
stress, in which criminal anarchy emerges as the real
gic' danger. Disease, overpopulation, unprovoked crime, scarcity
of resources, refugee migrations, the increasing erosion of nation-states and international borders, and the empowerment of
private armies, security firms, and international drug cartels
are now most tellingly demonstrated through a West African
prism."177 If 95% of the world transforms into Kaplan's dark vision, can the US survive? Where are these conditions being recreated? Amoks are difficult to stop once triggered, but the
teratogenic bogs where monsters spawn can be drained.
A Serb tells Rebecca West in 1939—"'We will stop at
Grachanitsa, the church I told you of on the edge of Kossovo
Plain, but I do not think you will understand it, because it is
very personal to us Serbs, and that is something you foreigners
can never grasp. It is too difficult for you, we are too rough
and too deep for your smoothness and your shallowness."178 And
perhaps we have become shallow in a deep sense by mindlessly enshrining technology since values and culture are the strategic
Human self-modification is here due to the synergy of cryogenics, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, cloning, bioengineering, microsurgical techniques, synthetic pharmaceuticals
and genetic engineering. A man missing a hand has one transplanted from a corpse; a man whose heart arteries are clogged
has a gene modified and grows a new mass of life supporting tissue; or, a sterile woman carries an artificially inseminated donor egg to full term.
The confluence of intelligent agents, nanotechnology, increasing computational power, and robotics point to the creation
of a machinic phylum.179,
Adequate cultural adjustments are
needed to incorporate man's interface with this emerging intelligence without emotion. Malleable minds ingesting an endless
stream of trash and invective, mindlessly and repeatedly killing
opponents on a screen will eventually unleash the dark demons
societies have been crafted to contain.
Life is cas thriving in the sun's energy stream. Sparked by
energy, life's expression and freedom of motion is delineated by
information—for humans, genes, language and culture.
All creatures struggle, through competition and cooperation,
to reproduce amidst disease and predators in a changing environment. The enemy within and the enemy without conspire against
all life.
When existence is threatened, the outcome is battle,
disease, migration, adaptation or extinction.
At first the interacting strands of water, energy, food,
demographics, climate and disease shaped man. Man subjected to
stresses, like social insects, flocked into groups that enhanced
From that environment of aggregation reciprocity en-
sued and then the two primary human selective sieves—The Human
Mating Game and the Risk Contract of War—resulted in rapid
modification of man's emotions and mind. A counterpoint of alternating wars and pandemics influenced man's evolutionary trajectory while man's expanding mental faculties fueled cultural
and demographic growth. Increased population sizes, culture and
its offshoot, technology, became critical amplifiers of man's
abilities and created powerful feedback conduits that increased
change of man and environment. Innovation brought forth microscopes and drugs to fight diseases; and, telescopes and projectiles to fight men.
In the late 20th century man gained the upper hand against
micro-parasites and mass war. And beyond starting to control his
old enemies, man is modifying himself and creating a new machinic phylum of intelligent machines. Man stands poised, a pre-
carious victor, over his internal and external enemies. Yet he
teeters at the edge of an infinite abyss of change and mutation
while caught in the quagmires of the past.
Can he survive the
powerful effects of his own creations—ecological toxicity, cultural dissolution and biological permutation—while fighting
atavistic demons—hubris and warriors?
Stability cannot exist in a world of flux—only perpetual
change. Cas survive at the price of continual adaptation. War is
a problem solving technique in a never-ending process of restructuring.
Man's cultural flexibility may yet create new pro-
cesses for renewal to occur in peace, but that perfect world
will wait at least a century or two because man's evolved nature
lags the possibilities. Until that time comes, the classic
Horsemen of the Apocalypse—famine, plague, war & death—will
reign due to man's schizophrenic nature.
Steven Pinker assesses that "our thoroughgoing, perplexity
about the enigmas of consciousness, self, will, and knowledge
may come from a mismatch between the very nature of these problems and the computational apparatus that natural selection has
fitted us with .... Our bafflement at the mysteries of the
ages may have been the price we paid for a combinatorial mind
that opened up a world of words and sentences, of theories and
equations, of poems and melodies, of jokes and stories, the very
things that make a mind worth having."181
He also points out that "on the larger stage, history has
seen terrible blights disappear permanently, sometimes only after years of bloodshed, sometimes as if in a puff of smoke.
Slavery, harem-holding despots, colonial conquest, blood feuds,
women as property, institutionalized racism and anti-Semitism,
child labor, apartheid, fascism, Stalinism, Leninism, and war
have vanished from expanses of the world that had suffered them
for decades, centuries, or millennia. The homicide rates in the
most vicious American urban jungles are twenty times lower than
in many foraging societies. Modern Britons are twenty times less
likely to be murdered than their medieval ancestors."
And language and culture have also helped dampen many of
man's worst faults. Pinker goes on to say that "literacy, knowledge, and the exchange of information have undermined some kinds
of exploitation .... Information can be framed in a way that
makes exploiters look like hypocrites and fools. One of our
baser instincts—claiming authority on a pretext of beneficence
and competence—can be cunningly turned on the others.
everyone sees graphic representations of suffering, it is no
longer possible to claim that no harm is being done."
And finally, he observes that "people throughout history
have invented ingenious technologies [social mechanisms] that
turn one part of the mind against another and eke increments of
civility from a human nature that was not selected for niceness:
rhetoric, exposes, mediation, face-saving measures, contracts,
deterrence .
. courts, enforceable laws, monogamy .... Uto-
pian theoreticians ought to be humble in the face of this practical wisdom. It is likely to remain more effective that 'cultural' proposals to make over childrearing, language and the media, and 'biological' proposals to scan the brains and genes of
gang members for aggression markers and to hand out antiviolence
pills in the ghettos."182
And so, this short tour of the evolution of man's haughty
and murderous nature ends on a note of ancient hope—of reaching
the golden mean—where a balance of emotion and thought; art and
science; man and society; and, justice, freedom and equality can
live in the horriinid soul. Before dying while mountain climbing,
Heinz Pagels left us with the thoughts that "reason dreams of an
empire of knowledge, a mansion of the mind. Yet sometimes we end
up living in a hovel by its side. Reason has shown us our capacity for power, both to create and to destroy. Yet how we use
that power rests on our deeper capacities which lie beyond the
reach of reason, beyond our traditions and culture, stretching
far back into the depths of the evolutionary process that created our species, a process that ultimately asserts the power of
life over death.
And, ironically, even death, as part of the
process of life, asserts that power. That is how we have come
into being and now find ourselves committed to the unrelenting
moral struggle of ordinary human existence."183
The 21st century might be "the threshold of a great adventure
of the human spirit—a new synthesis of knowledge, a potential
integration of art and science, a deeper grasp of human psychology, a deepening of the symbolic representation of our existence
and feelings as given in religion and culture, the formation of
an international order based on cooperation and nonviolent competition. It seems not too much to hope for these things. The
future as always, belongs to the dreamers."184
Yes, dream and hope, but keep your gunpowder dry.
Word count= 19,508.
Will and Ariel Durant, Our Oriental Heritage, 459.
Allan Nevins, The Gateway to History (Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1962), 247.
Williamson Murray, The Emerging Strategic Environment in
the Next Century: An. Historians Thoughts—War, Power, Economy,
Demography, Revolution, Upheaval, Change, Contingency, Unpredictability, Discontinuity, Military History Institute lecture,
20 January 1999, Carlisle, PA. Professor Murray discussed hubris
and tyche—overweening pride and fortuitous serendipity—as
great shapers of events.
Darwinian evolution works by shaping and selecting individuals. War, a group activity, has played prominently in man's
evolution but is only shared with ants. Why didn't wolf-packs,
or for that matter lion-prides or elephant-herds create war like
man-bands did? Is it because their search strategies rely too
heavily on scent, a limited signaling and detection device, vice
man's reliance on vision? Is it man's omniverous eating habits?
Or fortuitous happenstance that allowed man to arrive at effective groups thereby achieving lock-in and lock-out of other species like the QWERTY keyboard did with the DVORAK keyboard? Is
it man's forced adaptations to jungle, savannah and ocean environments as Elaine Morgan contends? Or is it a matter of numbers, which ants had, that allows war to emerge?
Matt Ridley, The Red Queen, Sex and the Evolution of Human
Nature (New York: Penguin Books, 1993), 71.
Leaving aside for the moment such things as fleas and mosquitoes, let us concentrate on viruses, bacteria, and fungi, the
causes of most diseases. They specialize in breaking into
cells—either to eat them, as fungi and bacteria do, or, like viruses, to subvert their genetic machinery for the purpose of
making new viruses. Either way, they must get into cells. To
do that they employ protein molecules that fit into other molecules on cell surfaces; in the jargon, they "bind." The arms
races between parasites and their hosts are all about these
binding proteins. Parasites invent new keys; hosts change the
locks. There is an obvious group-selectionist argument here for
sex: At any one time a sexual species will have lots of different locks; members of an asexual one will all have the same
locks. So a parasite with the right key will quickly exterminate
the asexual species but not the sexual one. Hence, the wellknown fact: By turning our fields over to monocultures of in-
creasingly inbred strains of wheat and maize, we are inviting
the very epidemics of disease that can only be fought by the
pesticides we are forced to use in ever larger guantities.
Ronald F. Fox, Energy and the Evolution of Life (New York:
W.H. Freeman and Company, 1988), 154.
Jonathan Wiener, The Beak of the Finch (New York: Vintage
Books, 1995), 255.
Eva Jablonka, Marion J. Lamb, and Eytan Avital, "Lamarckian' Mechanisms in Darwinian Evolution," Trends in Ecology &
Evolution (May, 1998, 13): 206-210.
When Charles Darwin first developed his ideas of evolution, Darwin and Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck had clear-cut differences in their evolutionary theories. History declared that
Lamarck got it wrong. Darwin proposed evolutionary change
through selective pressures on genes, while Lamarck saw evolutionary change through acquired characteristics that are inherited to produce evolutionary change. Today, evolutionary biologists, reconsidering some of Lamarck's ideas in terms of Darwinian evolution, concede genetic systems may not be the only
source of heritable variation. "Lamarckian," or instructive
mechanisms, may work to produce heritable changes dependent on
the environment. The addition of Larmarckian mechanisms does not
replace classic Darwinian evolution; rather, it expands the theory to recognize instructive inheritance evolving through natural selection.
Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind: A Revolutionary Approach to Man's Understanding of Himself (New York:
Ballantine Books, 1972). Bateson's schismogenesis is an arms
race. He differentiates between different feedback mechanisms
and uses the beautiful image of early horses being shaped by
grass and in turn shaping the environment for grass.
Wiener, 252-255. The elimination of the sodium channel—
once thought to be essential to life—in Heliothis virescens,
the cotton moth, due to human use of pyrethroids shows how
organisms will dodge, evolve, assimilate, or reduce internal
targets to external agents to continue living.
Laurie Garrett, The Coming Plague (New York: Penguin
Books, 1994), 603.
Syndics of Cambridge University Press, The Holy Bible
(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press), 4-5. Genesis 4:2 to
4:12. And he said, What hast thou done? The voice of thy
brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art
thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the
ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a
fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
This myth correlates well with the historic incapacity of
cities to maintain population growth without inflows from the
countryside—they were human sinks.
The environment includes culture, economics, geography,
disease, history, climate, politics, resources and demographics.
West, 9.
Heinz R. Pagels, The Dreams of Reason: The Computer and
the Rise of the Sciences of Complexity (New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1988), 53.
Carl Von Clausewitz, On War trans. Michael Howard and Peter Paret (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1976), 89.
An army in garrison does not experience the stresses and
strains of war and therefore can drift into bureaucratic lassitude. Additionally armies at home are constrained with discipline in order to contain their potentially destructive impact
on domestic politics and life. The elemental force of war is described by Clausewitz as:
"War is more than a true chameleon that slightly adapts its
characteristics to the given case. As a total phenomenon its
dominant tendencies always make war a remarkable trinity—composed of primordial violence, hatred, and enmity, which are to
be regarded as a blind natural force; of the play of chance and
probability within which the creative spirit is free to roam;
and of its element of subordination, as an instrument of policy,
which makes it subject to reason alone .... These three tendencies are like three different codes of law, deep-rooted in
their subject and yet variable in their relationship to one another. A theory that ignores any one of them or seeks to fix an
arbitrary relationship between them would conflict with reality
Ibid., 119
Everything in war is very simple, but the simplest thing is
difficult. The difficulties accumulate and end by producing a
kind of friction that is inconceivable unless one has experienced war .... A battalion is made up of individuals, the
least important of whom may chance to delay things or somehow
make them go wrong. The dangers inseparable from war and the
physical exertions war demands can aggravate the problem to such
an extent that they must be ranked among its principal causes.
S.L.A. Marshall, Men Under Fire (Gloucester, MA: Peter
Smith, 1978), 179.
Ibid., 161.
All values are interpreted in terms of the battlefield itself. Yet above and beyond any symbol—whether it be the individual life or a pillbox commanding a wadi in Sahara—are all of
the ideas and ideals which press upon men, causing them to accept a discipline and to hold to the line even though death may
be at hand.
If any man doubts that these values have a place in hardening the resolve of an army, let him answer the question: What
happens when an army loses faith in its cause?
Men who have been in battle know from first-hand experience
that when the chips are down, a man fights to help the man next
to him, just as a company fights to keep pace with its flanks.
Things have to be that simple.
Patrick Henry Winston and Berthold Klaus Paul Horn, LISP
(Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1984), 63-67. LISP is a
LISt Processing language that treats lists as either data or
functions based on context, for example: (+ 1 2) evaluates to 3,
whereas M+ 1 2) evaluates to (+12). LISP easily incorporates
recursion and iteration as described by Winston and Horn:
So far, you have seen nesting of procedures, where one
calls upon others to do part of the work, like people do when
working in a mature bureaucracy. Here, however, the procedure
calls upon itself, either directly or though an intermediary, to
tackle a subtask. This is called recursion.
The second purpose is to see how to make a procedure do
something over and over until an explicit stopping criterion is
satisfied. This is called iteration.
A control structure is a general scheme by which a procedure can go about getting things done. Recursion and iteration
are examples of control structures ....
[In recursive calls a function] either considers a situation basic, or hands a simplified problem to a copy of itself.
[The function] does not need to remember anything while the copy
is at work .... Conceptually, the copy does not have to return
to the original procedure. Instead, the copy could return directly to the caller of the original procedure.
John Holland, Hidden Order (Reading, MA: Helix Books,
1995), 45. The seven cas basics and functioning are all from
Gary Cziko, Without Miracles (Cambridge, MA: The MIT
Press, 1995), 232.
Joseph Levine and David Suzuki, The Secret of Life (Boston: WGBH Educational Foundation, 1993), 226.
The three components of behavior are produced by classes
of specialized cells: sensory receptors, neurons, and muscles.
These "information receivers," "decision makers," and "action
enablers" are wired into networks whose complexity makes computers look like tin-can telephones. Where does the "wiring diagram" for those networks come from? You've seen in earlier chapters that genes guide the formation of every tissue in the body.
So genes must influence the construction of the eyes, ears,
brain, nerves, and muscles, hence the way they work. No amount
of training can enable a chimpanzee to communicate with the
skill of a ten-year-old human child; this disparity in intelligence exists thanks to differences in brain structure and function whose origins trace back to differences between human and
chimpanzee genomes.
Beyond that general observation, many specific studies link
heredity and animal behavior. Researchers have agreed for years
that certain "instinctive behaviors" must be largely preprogrammed by genetic instructions because many animals perform
such behaviors without prior experience.
Ilya Prigogine. From Being to Becoming: Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences. New York: W.H. Freeman, 1980. Describes autopoeisis as systems that maintain their structure by
existing in an energy gradient. They are dissipative structures
because they absorb energy and dissipate entropy from and to the
environment. Autocatalysis and autopoeisis are recursive systems
that underlie the basis of life.
Holland, Hidden Order, 4 and 38.
Ibid., 46,
Ibid., 44
Ibid., 53,
Ibid., 55,
Ibid., 56,
Cheating is a recurring natural motif. Cryptographic keys
and locks become important to prevent vital resource exploitation by foreign organisms, e.g. viruses, bacteria, etc. When organisms are unable to authenticate who should be in and who
should be out they perish. Sex functions to keep the variability
of complex organisms one step ahead of their parasites as well
as to generate flexibility and adaptability in changing environments. Cheater detectors and identity are crucial for mutualism.
Ibid., 58.
Ibid. Also see Pinker, 393-396. Pinker discusses ^myopic
discounting' or the acceptance of a short-term small reward over
a long-term large reward. He points out that internal tension
increases as the time horizon for the short-term reward diminishes while the long-term reward remains unfulfilled, until the
individual caves-in to the temptation at hand, thereby discounting the long-term goal. The fat man decides to put off dessert
to lose pounds, but can't resist the cheesecake offered a few
minutes after dinner.
Evolving in an uncertain environment favored taking rewards now and was probably reinforced by the manner in which
general rules evolve into more specific rules.
What was it Freud said about postponement for later gratification?
Tom Czerwmski, Coping with the Bounds: Speculations on
Nonlinearity in Military Affairs. (Washington, D.C.: National
Defense University, 1998), 7-27. Czerwinski offers an excellent
summary of John Holland's cas approach as well as other reading.
Gerardo R. Ungson and John D. Trudel, Engines of Prosperity: Templates for the Information Age (London: Imperial College
Press, 1998), xi.
Ian Stewart, Life's Other Secret (New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1996), 207.
Fox, 155.
Pinker, 427.
Kevin Kelly, Out of Control (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Publishing, 1994), 306.
Ants have distributed parallel systems all figured out.
Ants are the history of social organization and the future of
computers. A colony may contain a million workers, and hundreds
of queens, and the entire mass of them can build a city while
only dimly aware of one another. Ants can swarm over a field and
find the choicest food in it as if the swarm were a large compound eye. They weave vegetation together in coordinated parallel rows, and collectively keep their nest at a steady temperature, although not a single ant has ever lived who knows how to
regulate temperature.
An army of ants too dumb to measure a very rugged landscape
and too blind to see far can rapidly find the shortest route
across a very rugged landscape.- This calculation perfectly mirrors the evolutionary search: dumb, blind, simultaneous agents
trying to optimize a path on a computationally rugged landscape.
Ants are a parallel processing machine ....
The Milan group . . . constructed formulas based on ant
logic. Their virtual ants ("vants") were dumb processors in a
giant community operating in parallel. Each vant had a meager
memory, and could communicate locally. Yet the rewards of doing
well were shared by others in a kind of distributed computation
Ant algorithms are a type of Lamarckian search. When one
ant stumbles upon a short route, that information is indirectly
broadcast to the other vants by the trail's pheronome strength.
In this way learning in one ant's lifetime is indirectly incorporated into the whole colony's inheritance or information. Individual ants effectively broadcast what they have learned into
their hive. Broadcasting, like cultural teaching, is part of Lamarckian search.
John Holland, Emergence: From Chaos to Order, 121-122.
(Emphasis in original)
Tom Czerwinski, Coping with the Bounds (Washington, D.C.:
National Defense University, 1998), 31-36. Czerwinski emphasizes
the exponential growth of agent interactions with linear increases in agents so that "10 agents can generate up to 45 interactions; 100 up to 4,950; 1000 up to 499,500 . . ." and
thereby rapidly create the non-linearity and stability exhibited
by CAS. That's why command of a platoon is not the same as command of an army.
Holland, Hidden Order, 23.
Ibid., 25.
Ibid., 27.
Ibid., 29.
Ibid., 14-15.
Ibid., 34-37. John Holland uses the term ^building
blocks' as the process of assembling from sub-units.
Ibid., 69-70.
Fox, 144-146.
Joseph LeDoux, The Emotional Brain (New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1996), 126.
Holland, Hidden Order, 89.
Ibid., 33.
Robert U. Ayres, Information, Entropy, and Progress, A
New Evolutionary Paradigm (New York: American Institute of Physics Press, 1994), 93.
Lamarckian evolution.
Ibid., 110-111.
(emphasis in original)
Levine, 233.
[G]ene environment interactions are integral to the growth
and function of the nervous system, and hence to the emergence
of behavior. Consider first the 100 billion neurons in the hu-
man brain, each of which typically passes information to as many
as 1,000 of its fellows, and receives input from as many as
10,000 more. There couldn't possibly be enough information in
the human genome to direct the wiring of each and every connection between those cells.
Instead, it seems that genes map out
general "wiring diagrams" for the nervous system by producing
trains of chemical markers. Typically, the growing tip of a
young neuron "sniffs" its way along a trail of those marker
molecules like a bloodhound searching for prey, ultimately, it
locates its genetically programmed attachment point, connects
with other neurons in the vicinity, and begins to communicate
with them.
But from that point on, the messages the neuron receives
and passes along depend on activity in the developing brain,
which in turn depends on the experiences of the animal. And
critically, differences in those experiences—which result in
different patterns of brain activity—determine which neurons remain alive and how their interconnections are finalized. This
phenomenon was demonstrated through experiments with cats, in
which the final wiring between eye and brain is not completed
until after birth.
It turns out that if kittens are raised in
artificial environments containing nothing but horizontal lines,
their brains fail to develop and maintain the neural connections
that enable them to see vertical objects. Such animals often
bump into chair legs because their nervous systems have been
permanently altered, not by genetic anomalies, but by unusual
environmental conditions.
This powerful effect is only part of environment's potential influence on brain and behavior.
In many animals, neural
circuitry retains some flexibility throughout life, making it
possible for experience to modify existing patterns of behavior
through learning—a process that often involves changes in behavior once labeled as genetically hard wired.
Levine, 231. Yet another factor complicates efforts to
link genes and behaviors: interactions between genes and environment. Although genetic instructions shape certain traits,
genes don't necessarily determine those traits irrevocably. Why?
Because genetic instructions and environmental influences interact constantly during growth and development. Those interactions can profoundly affect the final characteristics of traits
ranging from physical features to fine-tuning of the nervous
system. Several simple examples make this point in different
Most fishes have two eyes, a trait "controlled" by genes
that govern development of the head and the nervous system and
differentiation of the left and right sides of the body. But in
the early 1900's, one experimenter raised fish embryos in seawater containing a high concentration of magnesium ions, with
unexpected results. Some embryos, which carried the same genes
for eye development as normal fishes, developed a single, Cyclopean eye instead of the normal pair. What happened? The change
in magnesium concentration didn't cause any mutations in DNA.
Instead, in a manner still not understood, a change in environmental conditions caused a dramatic chance in gene expression
during development. Genes which "determine"—irrevocably, one
would have thought—that developing larvae grow two eyes, no
longer acted the same way to produce the same trait.
An equally dramatic effect is found in certain human conditions. The defective genes that cause PKU, for example, once
invariably led to severe mental retardation. Then researchers
identified the problem as an inability to metabolize phenylalanine. Armed with that knowledge, physicians can now identify
phenylketonurics early in infancy and place them on phenylalanine-free diets.
This simple dietary change dramatically alters
their genetic "destiny" by enabling them to mature into perfectly normal, healthy adults.
Notice what has happened here.
These individuals carry
precisely the same genetic flaws that would once have doomed
them to retardation, but as long as they steer clear of phenylalanine, they have a much different prognosis. Now, PKU is a
highly heritable condition; homozygotes for the defective gene
cannot metabolize that amino acid. But the end results of that
inability can vary enormously, depending on environmental conditions .
Fox, 3-5.
Elaine Morgan, The Scars of Evolution (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1990). A fascinating discussion of the possible influence of the ocean on man's physical characteristics.
Levine, 228. Over time, sociobiologists have discussed,
in largely theoretical terms, the notion of genes in humans and
other animals that influence aggression, dominance, altruism,
selfishness, and other similarly complex behaviors.
But while it is possible to argue that genes influence behavior in a general sense, it is quite another matter to show
that a specific gene—or pair of genes, or even a score of genes—
actually control specific details of an animal's responses to
its environment.
Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France
(1790); quoted in William Ebenstein, Modern Political Thought:
The Great Issues (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960),
302-319. The creation of political cas by humans has been
fraught with peril and disasters. Edmund Burke's writing anticipates Darwin and Wallace as he describes British political
structures as evolutionary products which function as cas acting
without computation—"nature, which is wisdom without reflection." His writing clearly shows a deep understanding of man's
emotional basis.
He describes the concept of complex flows interacting nonlinearly in aggregates as "that which in the first instance is
prejudicial may be excellent in its remoter operation; and its
excellence may arise even from the ill effects it produces in
the beginning. The reverse also happens . . .. In states there
are often obscure and almost latent causes, things which appear
at first view of little moment, on which a very great part of
its prosperity or adversity may most essentially depend."
And, he warns that good modeling and tested building blocks
are essential. "[I]t is with infinite caution that any man ought
to venture upon pulling down an edifice, which has answered in
any tolerable degree for ages the common purposes of society, or
on building it up again, without having models and patterns of
approved utility before his eyes."
Burke's perspicacity is embodied in the US constitution,
the Krebs cycle and genetic code, of the American state. The
constitution created a cas that transformed a heritable process
of government into an elective process.
Arthur Koestler, The Lotus and the Robot (New York: MacMillan, 1961), 285.
John T. Bonner, The Evolution of Culture in Animals
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980), 9.
Dr. John Goss, III, discussion with author, 6 May 1999,
Carlisle, PA.
Bonner, 17.
Ibid., 17-19
Ibid., 147-148.
Kelly, 306-307.
In a mathematical sense, Lamarckian evolution injects a bit
of learning into the soup. Learning is defined as adaptation
within an individual's lifetime. In classical Darwinian evolution, individual learning doesn't count for much. But Lamarckian
evolution permits information acquired during a lifetime (including how to build muscles or solve equations) to be incorporated into the long-term, dumb learning that takes place over
evolution. Lamarckian evolution produces smarter answers because
it is a smarter type of search ....
The cleverness of . . . ants ... is that the amount of
information invested into "broadcasting" is very small, done
very locally, and is very weak. The notion of introducing weak
broadcasting into evolution is quite appealing. If there is any
Lamarckism in earthly biology it is buried deep. But there remains a universe full of strange types of potential computation
that might employ various modes of Lamarckian broadcasting. I
know of programmers fooling around with algorithms to mimic "memetic" evolution—the flow of ideas (memes) from one mind to another, trying to capture the essence and power of cultural evolution.
Ibid., 181-182.
Bruce Waller, The Natural Selection of Autonomy (Albany:
State University of New York Press, 1998), 7.
J. Lee Kavanau, "Behavior of Captive White-footed Mice,"
Science 155 (1967): 162; quoted in Bruce Waller, The Natural Selection of Autonomy (Albany: State University of New York Press,
1998), 7.
Waller, 8.
Ridley, 313
Ibid., 322.
R. Dawkins and J.R. Krebs, "Animal Signals: Information
or Manipulation," In Behavioural Ecology, ed. J.R. Krebs and
N.B. Davies (London: Blackwell, 1978), 282-309; quoted in Matt
Ridley, The Red Queen (New York: Penguin Books, 1993), 334.
Ridley, 175.
Clark, The Global Imperative (Boulder, CO: Westview
Press, 1997), 166. "Garret Hardin has coined the term ^ecolacy'
to be added to ^literacy' and ^numeracy' as one of the perspectives we need to appreciate our world. To the mastery of words
literacy) and numbers (numeracy) he adds ecolacy, the mastery of
connections." Compare with E.O. Wilson's elaboration of consilience as fused wisdom.
Pinker, 453.
Catherine Salmon and Martin Daly, "Birth Order and Familial Sentiment: Middleborns are Different" Evolution and Human
Behavior 19, no. 5 (1998): 299-312.
Donald Symons, The Evolution of Human Sexuality (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1979); quoted in Steven Pinker,
How the Mind Works (New York: W.W. Norton, 1997), 461. For further discussions see Deborah Blum's Sex on the Brain.
Geoffrey F. Miller, "Sexual Selection for Protean Expressiveness: a New Model of Hominid Encephalization," paper delivered to the fourth annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Albuquerque, NM, 22-26 July 1992; quoted in Matt
Ridley, The Red Queen (New York: Penguin Books, 1993), 338.
Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind: A Revolutionary Approach to Man's Understanding of Himself (New York:
Ballantine Books, 1972).
Pinker, 471-489.
Ayres, 119.
Koestler, 282.
Ibid., 281-282.
Betty Edwards, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain,
(Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, Inc., 1979), 40.
Pinker, 370-373.
Robert M. Sapolsky, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (New
York: W. H. Freeman & Co., 1998), 22.
LeDoux, 126.
David Quamman, Steven Pinker, Jonathan Wiener, and Peter
and Rosemary Grant all discuss this phenomenon.
LeDoux, 126-127.
Pinker, 374.
John Tooby and Leda Cosmides, "Evolutionary Psychology of
the Generation of Culture: Part II, Case Study: A Computational
Theory of Social Exchange," Ethology and Sociobiology 10, no. 13 (January 1989): 55-57.
Pinker, 405-406.
This brings to mind the restaurant scene in "When Harry
Met Sally" where Meg Ryan groans and moans to prove to Billy
Crystal that an orgasm can be faked. When she finishes her demonstration the little old lady in the table next to them orders
"whatever she's having."
Ibid., 411.
Ibid., 412
LeDoux, 303.
Pinker, 413.
Barbara Tuchman, The Guns of August (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994), 1.
Pinker, 494-495. Not quite so simple since there are duels to the death among animals. Dueling between humans is an
outlawed part of this ritual of status and rank.
Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp, Principles of
Animal Communication (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 1998),
630-645. The bottom line is that animals don't reach pareto optimums—they lie, cheat, arm, seduce, court and fight selfishly.
Ibid., 496.
Ibid., 497.
Ibid., 497-498.
Anatol Rapoport, The Origins of Violence (New Brunswick,
NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1995), 186-190.
The Statement of McKinley's assassin may well speak for all
of them: "I have done my duty. The President was the enemy of
the workers. He went about saying that the whole nation is
prospering. He was a liar.
I believe we should not have leaders.
It is right to kill them. I am an anarchist."
Rapoport, 187. The prevalence of ideological terrorism
in Italy, Spain, and Russia during the nineteenth century and
its comparative rarity in Germany and England can be ascribed to
the fact that the misery of the victims of the Industrial Revolution in the northern countries was to some extent alleviated
by reforms and by gradual introduction of social services, especially in Germany, which at the height of its imperial power had
the most advanced system of social welfare in Europe. All the
more remarkable is the resurgence of ideological terrorism at a
time when the economic reconstruction of Europe after World War
II was completed.
Pinker, 395-396. Criminality is a 'rational' response to
a chaotic environment. Humans also posses a trait called 'myopic
discounting' where the brain flip-flops between a large but distant in time reward and a small but near in time reward. The
closer a man gets to the small reward the more the far-off but
large reward becomes discounted.
Victor Alexandrov, Journey Through Chaos (New York: Arco
Publishing, 1945), 168.
Ibid. Is this what happens when an entire society runs
Murray Feschback, Ecological Disaster (New York: Twentieth Century Fund Press, 1995), 63-66.
Alexandrov, 363-364.
B.B. Burton-Bradley, quoted in M. Daly and M. Wilson,
Homicide (Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter, 1988), 281; quoted
in Steven Pinker, How the Mind Works (New York: W.W. Norton,
1997), 364.
Lionel Tiger and Robin Fox, The Imperial Animal (New
York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971), 193.
Marshall, 183.
In June, 1944, Lieutenant Woodrow W. Millsaps led a patrol
. . . [during] a night action .... Though the men had volunteered for the duty, all were in a peculiarly desperate state of
mind before the start. For three days the battalion had been
surrounded by enemy forces; within the perimeter men were dying
for want of plasma, and the wounded were suffering more acutely
because of the lack of water; their cries of distress had so demoralized the able-bodied men that Millsaps welcomed the chance
to get away from the hill.
At the foot of the hill an enemy machine gun opened fire on
the patrol but the bullets went high. The men broke and "ran
like dogs." Millsaps and a sergeant beat them back with physical
violence. After they were again collected. Millsaps lost almost
an hour, alternately bullying and pleading with them before they
would go forward.
At last they charged the enemy, closing within handgrappling distance. The slaughter began with grenade, bayonet
and.bullet. Some of the patrol were killed and some wounded. But
all now acted as if oblivious to danger. The slaughter once
started could not be stopped. Millsaps tried to regain control
but his men paid no heed. Having slaughtered every German in
sight, they ran on into the barns of the French farmhouses where
they killed the hogs, cows, and sheep. The orgy ended when the
last beast was dead.
Ibid., 194.
Leonard Piekoff, The Ominous Parallels (Briarcliff
Manor, NY: Stein and Day, 1971), 259.
Ibid., 269.
Dave Grossman, On Killing (Boston: Back Bay Books,
1996), 304.
Pinker, 364
Torah, 1224.
David C. Scott, "Middle Paleolithic: 100,000 - 30,000
BC," available from <http://www.interoz.com/egypt/ebph2.htm>;
internet; accessed 1 February 1999.
Oddly though, almost as soon as this protoagriculture was
developed, it appears to have been abandoned. Beginning around
10,500 BC, the stone sickles that were so predominant seem to
simply fade out of the picture and there is a return to the
hunter-gatherer-fisher culture that came before. Invasion by another people is a possible explanation, though a series of natural disasters that devastated the fledgling crops is more logical, as we are dealing with abandonment by not one, but many
prehistoric societies over a widespread area. At first it would
seem that the growing aridity of the environment was the cause.
Certainly, given the present state of the Sahara and the surrounding area, this is a logical conclusion, but new evidence
shows that this period was marked by a series of rather severe
and violent Nile floods which could have destroyed the "farmlands" and discouraged the people from continuing to rely on
crops as a dietary index.
It was about this time that the demise of the various Paleolithic peoples in Egypt began. It may very well be that the
abandonment of protoagriculture contributed to this, but the
discovery of the Jebel Sahara cemetery sheds some new light on
the end of many Paleolithic cultures. In all, three Qadan cemeteries are known: one at Tushka, and two at Jebel Sahara, one on
each side of the river. Although many of the remains unearthed
at these sites are the usual cross-section of elderly and young,
chieftains and commoners, there are quite a disturbing number of
bodies from the final 10,000 years of the Upper Paleolithic that
appear to have died by violence. Stone points found with the remains were almost all located in areas of the body that suggests
penetration as spear points or similar weapons. Most were located in the chest and back area, with others in the lower abdomen, and even a few entering the skull through the lower jaw or
neck area! Additionally, the lack of bony calluses as a result
of healing near these points shows that in many of these cases
the wound was fatal (bone tissue repairs itself rather quickly,
preliminary healing often begins before even that of soft tis-
sues). A statistical analysis of the main cemetery at Jebel Sahara gives a figure of 40 percent of the people buried there
died from wounds due to thrown projectiles: spears, darts, and
Why then was a hunter-gatherer culture so prone to violence? One explanation is diminishing resources, caused by the
growing aridity and the failure of the protoagriculture experiments. The Jebel Sahara cemeteries must only have been used for
a few generations and for that many violent deaths to occur
within that time supports an explanation based on massive intertribal warfare. Also, since the victims were of all ages (except
infants; only one infant is buried in each of the Jebel Sahara
cemeteries), this could indicate that the majority of the skirmishes were actually based on raiding and ambush, as "normal"
warfare usually only involves young to middle-aged males. And we
should not dismiss the possibility of invasion by a more advanced, or at least more powerful, people from outside, especially if Jebel Sahara and similar sites date to as late as 7000
BC, as by then the people would have been in competition with
larger and more advanced Epipaleolithic cultures.
M. Daly and M. Wilson, Homicide (Hawthorne, NY: Aldine,
1988), ix; quoted in Steven Pinker, How the Mind Works (New
York: W.W. Norton, 1997), 434-435.
Ibid., 514-515.
Ibid., 510.
Dudley Young, Origins of the Sacred: The Ecstasies of
Love and war (New York: Harper Perennial, 1992), 82; quoted in
Barbara Ehrenreich, Blood Rites (New York: Metropolitan Books,
1997), 54.
Lawrence H. Keeley, War Before Civilization: The Myth of
the Peaceful Savage (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996), 75.
Pinker, 510. Keeley 86-87, notes the same phenomenon.
David M. Buss, Evolutionary Psychology (Boston: Allyn
and Bacon, 1999), 304.
J.M.G. Van der Dennen, The Origin of War (Groningen:
Origin Press, 1995), 593.
Ibid., 539-594. Contains an excellent discussion of the
evolution of coalition warfare.
John Tooby and Leda Cosmides, "Evolutionary Psychology
of the Generation of Culture: Part II, Case Study: A Computational Theory of Social Exchange," Ethology and Sociobiology 10,
no. 1-3 (January 1989): 51.
Buss, 301.
Buss, 302.
Pinker, 478.
Napoleon A. Chagnon, Yanomamö: The Last Days of Eden
(San Diego, CA: Hartcourt Brace & Co., 1992), 236-238.
So even he [Hukoshikuwä] was not enthusiastic about the
raid, despite his lecture to the younger men about their reluctance and cowardice. He was older, however, and had to display
the courage that all adult Yanomamö men are supposed to show. In
short, although Hukoshikuwä probably had little desire to participate in the raiding, he was obliged to do so by the pressures of the system. He could ill afford to remain neutral, for
his very on kinsmen—even Kaobawä—had implied by word and action that they were disgusted with him for not having avenged
the death of his brother. Some of his kinsmen in other villages
had openly accused him of cowardice for not having chased the
raiders who shot Matowä. His erstwhile allies, when they complained about having to feed him and his relatives, were blunt
and discourteous. The Shamatari allies had even demanded a number of women from Hukoshikuwä's group, in payment for girls the
allies had given his group much earlier, when the Monou-teri
were high in the alliance pecking order. If Hukoshikuwä failed
to put on a show of military determination and vindictiveness,
it would not be long before his friends in allied villages would
be taking even greater liberties and demanding even more women.
The system worked against him and demanded that he be fierce,
whether he wanted to be or not. Since his group was small, it
had to protect its sovereignty all the more rigorously, or be
absorbed by a greedy ally whose protection would be tendered at
the price of women.
Williamson Murray, Arthur J. Corbett, Charles R. Ball
and Montgomery Warner, conversations with author, 10-11 May
1999, Carlisle, PA. Marine Corps ^Speed-March-Reaction' and Army
^Leader-Reaction' courses are based on 1920's German Werhmacht
psychological aptitude tests using physical obstacles and hindrances which a small group must solve. The purpose is not to
get a solution, but to observe teams perform under stress. Prof.
Murray points out that all-male teams tend to action whereas
all-female teams tend to ponder. The best mix seems to be three
men and one woman. M. Warner points out "that's an insect colony." A. Corbett notes similar results and says that 'it stems
from conceptual versus instructional approaches that if available benefit the team.
Frank Muscarella and Michael R. Cunningham. "The Evolutionary Significance and Social Perception of Male Pattern Baldness and Facial Hair," Ethology and Sociobiology 17, no. 2
(1996): 99-117.
Manfred Hassebrauck, "The Visual Process Method: A New
Method to Study Physical Attractiveness," Evolution and Human
Behavior 19, no. 2 (1998): 112. A male waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)
of 0.9 tends to correlate with health, whereas a 0.7 WHR for females indicates higher circulatory estrogen and likelihood of
fertility. He also notes that men look at more female features
and complete their scans faster than women do theirs. The most
frequently scanned body parts in order of priority are eyes,
mouth, hair, nose, upper body and chin.
Marshall, 42.
I hold it to be one of the simplest truths of war that
the thing which enables an infantry soldier to keep going with
his weapons is the presence or the presumed presence of a comrade.
Oakley Ray and Charles Ksir, Drugs, Society and Human
Behavior (Boston: WCB McGraw-hill, 1999), 249.
The correlation between alcohol use and homicides is well
known to police and judicial systems all around the world. Based
on several studies of police and court records, the proportion
of murderers who had been drinking before the crime ranged from
36 percent in Baltimore to 70 percent in Sweden. It is also interesting that across all these studies, about 50 percent of the
murder victims had been drinking.
James M. Dabbs, E-Lee Chang, Rebecca A. Strong and
Rhonda Milun, "Spatial Ability, Navigation Strategy, and Geographie Knowledge Among Men and Women," Evolution and Human Behavior 19, no. 2 (1998): 91.
West, 3.
Her question made me remember that the word ^idiot' comes
from a Greek root meaning private person, Idiocy is the female
defect: intent on their private lives, women follow their fate
through a darkness deep as that cast by malformed cells in the
brain. It is no worse than the male defect, which is lunacy:
they are so obsessed by public affairs that they see the world
as by moonlight, which shows the outlines of every object but
not the details indicative of their nature.
Clausewitz, 76.
. . . it would be an obvious fallacy to imagine war between
civilized peoples as resulting merely from a rational act on the
part of their governments and to conceive of war as gradually
ridding itself of passion, so that in the end one would never
really need to use the physical impact of the fighting forces .
Pinker, 513.
Levine, 234.
Inbred strains of laboratory mice, for example, exhibit
marked differences in aggressive behavior that can be measured
by rigorous, carefully controlled tests. Numerous researchers,
certain that these differences result from genetic variations
among strains, are conducting elaborate experiments to map and
identify alleles behind them. Those experiments involve crossbreeding strains with different levels of aggression and "backcrossing" resulting hybrids (breeding them back to one or the
other of their parents) to identify genetic markers associated
with aggressive behaviors.
Nonetheless, researchers who have dedicated their professional lives to document the influence of genes on behavior know
that they must monitor their subject's environment with precision that an outsider might consider positively obsessive. Why?
Because the behavior of an individual mouse in a test can be affected by the time of day and season of the year at which testing is performed, the amount of light in the home cage and test
arena, the size of the test arena, and the duration of the test.
Mice transferred from cage to cage with forceps behave less aggressively than those carried around in small boxes. Males
reared in the presence of an adult male have higher levels of
offensive aggressive behavior that those reared by their mother
alone. The number of littermates a mouse had, the number and
type of animals it has been housed with, and the nature of its
food and drink can also influence levels of aggression.
fact, environmental influences begin in the womb itself: male
fetuses positioned in the uterus between two brothers score
higher in certain aggressiveness tests than fetuses surrounded
by sisters.
What's the message here? Can genes exert demonstrable influence on aggressive behavior in strains of mice? Substantial
evidence indicates that they can.
Does a particular combination
of genes determine irrevocably the way an individual mouse will
behave? Not on your life! "Genetic influence," "environmental
influences," and "gene-environment interactions" are statistical
terms determined by the study of groups of individuals. As
mouse researchers know, observation of genetic effects on populations (groups of mice) are not easily translated into predictions of the way an individual mouse with a particular genetic
makeup will behave in a given situation at a specific time.
This difficulty is one reason why, after almost fifty years of
work, mouse researchers still know little or nothing about specific genes involved in aggressive behavior, know those genes
interact during development, or how they change as behavior
evolves in various strains. And they are nowhere near isolating
a specific "aggression gene."
Ibid., 305.
Pinker, 422.
Ibid., 423-424.
Peter Calvert, Revolution and Counter-Revolution'(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1990), 76.
West, 13.
McNeill, Plagues and People, 83 and 118-119.
David S. Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations (New
York: W.W. Norton, 1998), 37.
David Herlihy, The Black Death and the Transformation of
the West (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1997), 56.
McNeill, Plagues and People, 81-82.
J. Bronowski, The Ascent of Man (Boston: Little, Brown
and Co., 1973), 436.
Our actions as adults, as decision makers, as human beings,
are mediated by values, which I interpret as general strategies
in which we balance opposing impulses. It is not true that we
run our lives by any computer scheme of problem solving. The
problems of life are insoluble in this sense. Instead, we shape
our conduct by finding principles to guide it. We devise ethical strategies or systems of values to insure that what is attractive in the short term is weighed in the balance of the ultimate, long-term satisfactions.
Ayres, 204. Ayres's analogy of culture (software) and
man (hardware) is interesting but misses the emotional element:
It is not too misleading to think of knowledge manifest in
labor skills as a set of programs for a biological computer (the
brain) operating a general-purpose, self-aware machine (the
body). General education starting with infancy provides the comprehensive internal world-model and data base; eyes, ears, and
hands constitute the external monitoring system, while jobrelated training provides the specific operating programs for
controlling processing equipment, handling tools, driving vehicles, or carrying out other functions.
Arthur L. Dahl, The Eco Principle (London: Zed Books, 1996),
There are sufficient models in nature, of the proven effectiveness of complex systems like ours, for us to imitate their
features with some hope of success. We can be reasonably optimistic about the inherent resilience and creativity in human society, and about the ability of democratic consultative institutions with adequate checks and balances to guide the process.
The main challenge is to establish a foundation of shared values
sufficiently strong to ensure cohesiveness and to counteract the
negative and destructive tendencies in present-day society....
We are feeling our way along towards a new society, and
shall need to experiment on a small scale, and in particularly
propitious situations, until we have established some confidence
in the directions we are taking. The real danger is in the immobil ism that could come from the fear of any change, or the
sense of helplessness at the complexity of the situations we
The theory of ecos provides a unifying framework explaining
the workings of all functional systems, including our own, and
bringing together the economic, environmental, social and even
spiritual dimensions of our society.
It shows the importance of
achieving and maintaining a balance in all material inputs to,
and outputs from, an eco.
In particular, it demonstrates the
importance of the information held within a system and determining its structure and the extent of its connectivity and integration, as well as the way the flow of energy driving an eco
can assist in building its information content. This information is in fact the true wealth of all ecos, including those of
human society. Redefining, the most important wealth as that of
information can help us to break out of the present materialistic world-view, which dominates so much current thinking, and to
consider some visions of the future....
The transformation of social institutions starts with the family
and extends to communities at all levels....
The community values necessary are unity in diversity,
equality, collaboration, conciliation, and a sense of our collective responsibility for the welfare of every human being.
The basic operating principles will be participation and consultation.
Theodore Caplow and Louis Hicks, Systems of War and
Peace (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1995), 241.
David H. Fischer, The Great Wave (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996), 246-251.
Leonard Piekoff, The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom in America (Briarcliff Manor, NY: Stein and Day, 1982) . Piekoff argues that a philosophy and culture of irrationality and
anti-intellectualism guided totalitarianism—the secret police
and concentration camps were part of a system of ideas.
Robert D. Kaplan, "The Coming Anarchy," February 1994; Available from http://www.theatlantic.com/atlantic/election/ connection/foreign/anarcf.htm; Internet; Accessed 24 February 1999.
West, 835.
Manuel de Landa, War in the Age of Intelligent Machines
(New York; Zone Books, 1991), 6-7.
The self-organizing processes studied by the science of
"order out of chaos" (or "chaos," for short) have indeed changed
the way scientist view organic matter. While at one time only
biological phenomena were considered to be relevant for a study
of evolution, now inert matter has been found to be capable of
generating structures that may be subjected to natural selection.
It is as if we had discovered a form of "non-organic
With this in mind, I have borrowed from the philosopher
Gilles Deleuze the concept of the "machinic phylum," the term he
coined to refer to the overall set of self-organizing processes
in the universe. These include all processes in which a group
of previously disconnected elements suddenly reaches a critical
point at which they being to "cooperate" to form a higher level
entity. To provide a clearer idea of what these processes of
spontaneous "cooperative behavior" are, consider a few examples:
the individual spin of atoms in a metal "cooperate" to make the
metal magnetic/ the individual molecules in a chemical reaction
"cooperate" to create the perfectly rhythmic patterns of a
chemical clock' the cells making up an amoeba colony "cooperate"
under certain conditions to assemble an organism with differentiated organs; and the different termites in a colony "cooperate" to build a nest. On the face of it, there would be no reason to assume that processes as different as these could be related at a deeper level. But recent advances in experimental
mathematics have shown that the onset of all these processes may
be described by essentially the same mathematical model.
It is
as if the principles that guide the self-assembly of these "machines " (e.g., chemical clocks, multicellular organisms or
nest-building insect (colonies) are at some deep level essentially similar.
This conclusion, that behind self-organization there is a "
machinic phylum," that behind the spontaneous emergence of order
out of chaos there are deep mathematical similarities, would
hardly escape the notice of our hypothetical robot historian.
After all, the emergence of "robot consciousness" could have
been the result of such a process of self-organization. Such
processes, as we will see, have in fact been observed in large
computer networks (an in small neural nets). Furthermore, the
notion of a machinic phylum blurs the distinction between organic and non-organic life, which is just what a robot historian
would like to do. From its point of view, as we have seen, humans would have served only as machines' surrogate reproductive
organs until robots acquired their own self-replication capabilities. But both human and robot bodies would ultimately be
related to a common phylogenetic line: the machinic phylum.
Order emerges out of chaos, the robot would notice, only at
certain critical points in the flow of matter and energy: when a
critical point in the concentration of a chemical is reached,
the termite colony becomes a "nest-building " machine; when
available food reaches a (minimum) critical value, the amoebas
self-assemble into an organism; when critical points in the rate
of reaction and diffusion are reached, molecules spontaneously
come together to form a chemical clock; and at a critical point
in speed, the random flow of a moving liquid gives way to the
intricately ordered patterns of turbulence. Robotic, or machinic, history would stress the role of these thresholds (of
speed, temperature, pressure, chemical concentration, electric
charge) in the development of technology. Human artisans would
be pictured as tapping in to the resources of self-organizing
processes in order to create particular lineages of technology.
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