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Se describen aspectos de la implementación de un sistema de descripción y administración archivística. Se caracteriza la documentación procesada. Asimismo, con el objetivo de promover la valoración ciudadana del repositorio como soporte patrimonial cultural, se analiza prospectivamente la utiliza del corpus documental respecto de problemáticas como del comprender la propiedad de la tierra y la experiencia histórica de las comunidades indígenas en el extremo norte de Chile. Finalmente, se sintetizan los aspectos antes señalados, proyectando algunos lineamientos que, creemos, son interesantes de continuar en relación a volver sustentable el trabajo emprendido en el marco del proyecto Fondart N° 21123, a través de la transferencia de las responsabilidades contraídas al stakeholder local (ejecución 2012).
Toxicon, 2000
Horse IgG isotypes and cross-neutralization of two snake antivenoms produced in Brazil and Costa Rica. Toxicon 000±000. This work compared the speci®city, ELISA titers and IgG subclass content of the polyvalent antivenom (anti-Bothrops asper, Crotalus durissus durissus and Lachesis muta stenophrys ) of Instituto Clodomiro Picado (Costa Rica) and the bothropic antivenom (anti-Bothrops jararaca, B. jararacussu, B. moojeni, B. neuwiedi and B. alternatus ) of Instituto Butantan (Brazil). The role of IgG(T) and IgGa subclasses in neutralization of some venom toxic activities and the cross neutralization of the antivenoms against B. jararaca and B. asper venoms were also evaluated. Both antivenoms were able to recognize B. asper and B. jararaca venoms by immunoblotting and presented similar antibody titers when assayed by ELISA. IgG(T) was highest, followed by IgGa, IgGb and IgGc. IgGa and IgG(T) isotypes isolated from both antivenoms by anity chromatography were tested for neutralization of lethal, hemorrhagic, coagulant and phospholipase A 2 activities of the homologous venoms. In both antivenoms, IgG(T) was the major isotype responsible for neutralization of all the tested activities, followed by IgGa. These results suggest that Instituto Butantan and Instituto Clodomiro Picado antivenoms have the same IgG pro®le and their neutralizing ability is due mostly to the IgG(T) isotype. Also, they neutralize lethality in mice induced by homologous and heterologous venoms, the bothropic 0041-0101/99/$ -see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 4 1 -0 1 0 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 7 7 -4 Toxicon 38 (I. Fernandes).
The role generations play in accepting and shaping digital technologies, and possibly vice versa, is an increasingly relevant issue in contemporary society. For the first time in the academic debate, this volume outlines the theoretical issues and explores some results from empirical researches on the relationship between generations and the media in digital society.
Priscilla Papers, 2024
Author: Alan Myatt Publisher: CBE International After decades of discussion, the evangelical debate over the roles of women and men in church and at home shows no sign of resolution. Both sides affirm the final authority of Scripture but arrive at very different conclusions. It is as if each side is looking at the Bible through a different set of lenses. Here I will examine the interpretive lens that leads to a male-female hierarchical reading of biblical texts. I aim to show how theological patriarchy can be said to ground female subordination in a view of the creation order that bears relation to ancient Greek philosophy, and, as such, is incompatible with the biblical doctrine of creation. Therefore, the hierarchical structure of family and church supported by complementarianism replicates an unbiblical worldview that distorts God’s intention for church, home, and society.
Bahasa pemrograman C/C++ merupakan bahasa yang popular didalam pengajaran pada computer sains maupun pada kalangan programmer yang mengembangkan system software maupun aplikasi. Bahasa C/C++ sifatnya portable, karena compilernya tersedia hampir pada semua arsitektur computer maupun system operasi, sehingga investasi waktu dan tenaga yang anda lakukan dalam mempelajari bahasa pemrograman ini memiliki nilai strategis yang sangat menjanjikan. Bahasa C/C++ merupakan bahasa yang sangat ketat dalam pemakaian type data maupun penulisannya yang case sensitif, hal ini berarti programmer di tuntut kedisiplinannya dalam penulisan program. Sesuatu fasilitas yang tersedia dalam C/C++ yang tidak ditemukan pada bahasa pemrogaman lainnya adalah pointer, dengan pemanfaatan pointer programmer dapat melakukan manipulasi memori secara langsung. Dewasa ini beberapa bahasa yang memiliki syntax penulisan yang menyerupai C/C++ adalah Java, Javascript dan PHP, yang artinya bahwa kemampuan pemrograman dengan C/C++ akan mempermudah anda untuk mempelajari bahasa modern seperti Java maupun C# (dibaca C sharp). Akhirnya penulis mengucapkan selamat belajar dan semoga buku ini dapat memberi manfaat yang sebesarnya dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah C/C++ Programming.
guía para prepararse como tutor de un docente de nuevo ingreso
Conflict Analysis and Mapping: Syria 8 years of war, 2019
In 2011, an Anti-government protest broke out across several cities in Tunisia in response to oppressive regimes, low standard of living and rising cost of food. What seem to be an internal crisis in Tunisia quickly spread into neighbouring countries such as Egypt, Yemen as well as Libya leading to the toppling of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia and President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, this uprising in the Arab Gulf is popularly referred to as the Arab Spring. Syria, too, erupted in peaceful protests same year, but the government responded with a brutal crackdown on demonstrators. The Syrian government began to lose the support of majority of the civilians and some part of the Country. As a result, several rebel groups and sectarian actors emerged with different views and interest in the conflict. But inter alia, the most eyebrow raising concern is the alleged use of chemical weapon by the Al Saad regime and the rising influence of violent extremist group Islamic State (IS). Eight years ago, perhaps no one could have predicted the drastic manner the Syria protest of March 2011, have now taken. Needless to say, that while the conflict escalated quickly due to the rash and brutal approach of the government couple with the undiplomatic and extreme methods implored by the domestic actors. The role of external state notably neighbouring countries such as Iran, Turkey and ‘super powers’ Russia and United States of America owing to different approach to resolving and intervening in the crisis howbeit as nothing but lead to further violence and war. According to (United Nation, 2016) over 13 million people in Syria are in need of Humanitarian assistance and half of the population are displaced.
Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2023
Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice, 2022
Azja Pacyfik, 2020
Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Archaeological Society, 2024
International Journal of Experiential Learning & Case Studies
The Biochemist, 2014
Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia
North Dakota Law Review, 2006
Transplantation Proceedings, 2002
Nature Communications, 2024