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19 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
The document serves as a tutorial for using Adobe Illustrator CS6, providing detailed guidance on getting started with the software, setting up documents, and utilizing the toolbox effectively. It covers essential tools and their functions, including document creation, orientation settings, and document profiles tailored for various outputs like print and web graphics.
A Galiza na Lusofonia - Reflexões sobre a AGLP, 2009
Devo, antes de mais, advertir que as que seguem são apenas reflexões 1 meditadas, mas não documentadas (cá) sobre a situação da Galiza no seio da Lusofonia, perspectivada do facto de a ACADEMIA GALEGA DA LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA [AGLP] existir publicamente desde o 6 de outubro de 2008.
El contenido del Project Management Institute, Inc. sujeto a derechos de autor está protegido por la ley de propiedad intelectual de los EE.UU. reconocida por la mayoría de los países. Para republicar o remprimir el contenido del PMI, deberá primero obtener nuestro permiso. Visite para obtener más detalles. Para colocar una orden comercial u obtener información sobre precios, póngase en contacto con Independent Publishers Group:
Projeto de Revitalização de Instalações Elétricas Prediais com Análise Termográfica do Colégio Estadual Barão do Rio Branco. Orientador: André Luís da Silva Pinheiro, 2019
A reestruturação elétrica de um colégio com edifício histórico é significativa para manter suas atividades com segurança, pois devido ao seu significativo tempo de existência alguns circuitos começaram a apresentar problemas de funcionamento, para isto foram elaborados levantamentos e cálculos de cargas de acordo com as normas de segurança vigentes, complementado com uma análise da estrutura elétrica atual por meio de termografia com equipamento especializado, ou seja, um modelo de ensaio não destrutivo capaz de verificar as condições de funcionamento dos dispositivos de segurança e cabeamentos. Tomando como base a NBR 5410 foi desenvolvido e calculado um novo projeto para os circuitos que apresentavam mal funcionamento, tendo sido uma parte reestruturada e seus problemas sanados assim como proposto de acordo com os cálculos e sendo apresentada o modelo de reestruturação para os demais circuitos aos quais foram constatados funcionamento discrepante do ideal.
Juridisk Tidskrift, 2005
This thesis explores the utilization of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in the design of sustainable cities. It provides a comprehensive definition of BIM, with a focus on its various dimensions. The concept of sustainable cities and green buildings is examined as a foundation for achieving sustainable development goals. The thesis also addresses sustainable project phases and how BIM can be integrated into these stages. The thesis emphasizes the role of BIM in enhancing the design of sustainable cities by improving energy consumption and elevating air and environmental quality. The research also delves into how BIM can be used to enhance interaction and collaboration among stakeholders during the design phases. Practical aspects of the research are illustrated through an analytical comparative study between the cities of Masdar and Marotta, with a specific focus on the results derived from the application of BIM in these projects. The research presents practical recommendations that enhance the integration between BIM and the design of sustainable cities. The thesis concludes by summarizing the comprehensive results and recommendations, reaffirming the crucial importance of applying BIM to enhance sustainability in urban design .
“Qeyri-ərəblərə ərəb dilinin tədrisi məsələlərinə müasir baxış” mövzusunda beynəlxalq konfransın materialları, Bakı, 1-2 may 2008, 2008
Lüğət tərkibinin zənginliyi baxımından dünyanın ən zəngin dillərindən sayılan ərəb dili yayıldığı coğrafi ərazinin böyüklüyünə, bu dildə danışan insanların sayına görə çin, ingilis, hind, ispan və rus dillərindən sonra altıncı yeri tutur. Məhz bu səbəbdən, qədim dövrdə beynəlxalq ünsiyyət vasitəsi kimi çıxış etmiş yunan və latın dillərindən sonra, orta əsrlərdə elm və mədəniyyət dili olaraq qəbul edilən ərəb dili BMT Baş Məclisinin 18 dekabr 1973-cü il tarixli 3190 saylı qərarı ilə bu təşkilatın rəsmi dillərindən biri elan edilmişdir. Hal-hazırda bir sıra beynəlxalq və regional qurumlarda, toplantı və konfranslarda işçi dili olaraq istifadə edilən siyasi, iqtisadi, mədəni, dini həyatda və turizm sahələrində getdikcə daha çox əhəmiyyət kəsb edən ərəb dili keçən əsrin sonlarından etibarən yenidən dünyanın gündəminə daxil olmuşdur.
La conducta que el anarquista ha de observar con respecto al hombre de iglesia, ésta de antemano trazada; mientras que curas, frailes y demás detentadores de un pretendido poder divino se hallen constituidos en liga de dominación, tiene que combatirlos sin tregua, con toda la fuerza de su voluntad, con todos los recursos de su inteligencias y su energía.
Revista Direitos Fundamentais & Democracia
O artigo pretende realizar uma abordagem das funções contramajoritária, representativa e iluminista do Suprema Corte a que se refere a doutrina da efetividade do ministro Barroso ao afiançar uma pretensa potencialidade de ingerência do STF nas mais variadas questões da política. A função jurisdicional se coloca numa posição de mediadora da realização das promessas constitucionais, tensionando a relação entre as funções do Estado. Procura-se investigar as mudanças ocorridas na jurisdição constitucional após a metade do século XX, bem como a superação ou não do positivismo jurídico pelo pós-positivismo, e se este pode ser aceito como paradigma jusfilosófico do novo Direito Constitucional, hábil a embasar a judicialização da política, o ativismo judicial, as funções contramajoritária, representativa e iluminista do STF. Após demonstrar a superação do modelo de Estado Liberal pelo Constitucional do Pós-Guerra, entende-se que não houve a superação do positivismo jurídico pelo pós-positiv...
A collection of papers by students and staff in different UK universities on various aspects of doing a PhD edited by Tony Brown
Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais.
Begin by opening Adobe Illustrator CS6.
On a PC, click Start > Programs > Adobe > Illustrator CS6, or click on the Illustrator short cut on the desktop.
On a Mac, click Macintosh HD > Applications > Adobe Illustrator CS6 , or click the Illustrator icon in the Dock. (Figure 1) Figure 1. Navigation to Illustrator CS6 on a Mac.
Figure 1
Setting up your document correctly from the start will make your job much easier as you work through your project. This will require some advanced planning. For example, if your final output will be a brochure, you may need to set up your document to be horizontal and double-sided. See Figure 2 for an example of opening a new document on a Mac.
Figure 2
Opening a new document in Illustrator.
If you used Adobe PageMaker or Adobe InDesign before you should be familiar with the toolbox in Illustrator CS6 as it shares some of the tools from these applications. If you are a novice user of Adobe products you should keep in mind that you might not need to use all the tools. In this tutorial, only the basic tools will be discussed in depth. Some tools in the toolbox have additional tools linked to them. These tools have small gray triangles in the right-hand corner. To view the additional tools click and hold down on any tool that has a gray triangle in the corner. (Figure 4) 3. TOOLBOX CONT. If you need to use some of the additional tools often, you can tear off the additional tools into their own toolbar. To Tearoff additional tools, do the following:
Figure 4
Extra Tools in Illustrator.
1. Click and hold on the tool you want to see the additional tools for. 2. While holding down your mouse button drag your mouse to the end of the tools to the button with the gray triangle.
3. Let go of the mouse button to make the additional tools and new toolbar ( Figure 5).
Figure 5
Sub-Toolbar in Illustrator.
Selection tool The most commonly used tool, which selects text and graphic frames and allows you to work with an object using its bounding box.
Direct Selection tool Selects the contents of a frame, such as a placed graphic; allows you to work directly with editable objects, such as paths, rectangles, or type that has been converted to a text outline.
Group Selection tool Selects a group of points all at once, such as the four points of rectangle.
Magic Wand tool Selects all objects in a document with the same or similar fill color, stroke weight, stroke color, opacity, or blending mode. By specifying the Color Range, or Tolerance, you can control what the Magic Wand tool selects.
Lasso tool Selects objects, anchor points, or path segments by being dragged around all or part of the object.
Pen tool Creates a line between two anchor points you make. Creates straight lines if you simply click and release to make anchor points.
Add Anchor Point tool Adds a point to a path, which is a simple way to change any path. This helps to turn one shape into another Delete Anchor Point tool Deletes points from a path without causing a break in the path.
Convert Direction Point tool Changes the control handles around an anchor point reshaping the segments controlled by that anchor point.
Type tool
Creates resizable and moveable text frames in which you can type text.
Type on a Path tool Used to type on an object's path.
Line tool Creates straight lines.
Ellipse tool Creates ellipse shapes that hold text.
Rectangle tool
Creates rectangle shapes that hold color or text.
Polygon tool Creates polygon shapes that hold color or text.
Paintbrush tool Draws a path and applies a brush stroke simultaneously.
Pencil tool Draws open and closed paths as if you were drawing with a pencil on paper. It is most useful for fast sketching or creating a hand-drawn look.
Smooth tool Removes excess angles from an existing path or a section of a path.
Arc tool Creates a curved line segment or a closed, wedge-like shape.
Spiral tool
Creates a spiral-shaped object of a given radius and number of winds.
Grid tool Creates rectangular grids of a specified size with a specified number of dividers.
Polar Grid tool
Creates concentric circles of a specified size and a specified number of dividers.
Star tool Creates star-shaped objects with a given size and number of points.
Flare tool Creates flare objects with a bright center, a halo, and rays and rings. Use this tool to create an effect similar to a lens flare in a photograph.
Erase tool Removes part of an existing path or stroke. You can use this tool on paths, but not on text.
Rotate tool Changes orientation, or angle, of the object on the page.
Reflect tool
Flips the object across an invisible axis that you specify. You can copy while reflecting to create a mirror image of an object.
Scale tool Scales a selected object by being dragged anywhere in the document window. Scales objects relative to their center points, or to any reference point you make anywhere in the document window.
Shear tool Slants or skews an object along its horizontal axis, also rotates both of the object's axes.
Reshape tool Selects one or more anchor points and sections of paths and then adjusts the selected points and paths globally.
Warp tool Stretches objects as if they were made of clay. When you drag or pull portions of an object using this tool, the pulled areas attenuate.
Twirl tool Creates swirling distortions of an object.
Pucker tool Deflates an object by moving control points toward the cursor.
Bloat tool Inflates an object by moving control points away from the cursor.
Scallop tool Adds random, smooth, arc-shaped details to the outline of an object.
Crystallize tool Adds random spike-and arc-shaped details to the outline of an object.
Wrinkle tool Adds random arc-and spike-shaped details to the outline of an object.
Free Transform tool Provides a way to perform any transformation, such as rotating and scaling.
Symbol Spray tool Creates a set of symbol instances or increases more instances to an existing set.
Symbol Shift tool Moves symbol instances around.
Symbol Scrunch tool Pulls symbol instances together or apart. Use this tool to shape the density distribution of a symbol set. Symbol Size tool Increases or decreases the size of symbol instances in an existing symbol set.
Symbol Spin tool Orients the symbol instances in a set. Symbol instances located near the cursor orient in the direction of the cursors movement.
Symbol Stain tool Colorizes symbol instances changing the hue toward the tint color, while preserving the original luminosity. Symbol Screener tool Increases or decreases the transparency of the symbol instances in a set. Symbol Style tool Applies or removes a graphic style from a symbol instance.
Column Graph tool Compares one or more sets of values by using rectangles whose lengths are proportional to the values.
Stacked Column Graph tool Is similar to a column graph, but stacks the columns on top of one another, instead of side by side. This graph type is useful for showing the relationship of parts to the total.
Bar Graph tool Is similar to a column graph, but positions the rectangles horizontally instead of vertically.
Stacked Bar Graph tool Stacks the bars horizontally instead of vertically.
Line Graph tool Uses points to represent one or more sets of values, with a different line joining the points in each set. This type of graph is often used to show the trend of one or more subjects over a period of time.
Area Graph tool Is similar to a line graph, but emphasizes totals as well as changes in values.
Scatter Graph tool Plots data points as paired sets of coordinates along the X and Y axes.
Pie Graph tool Creates a circular graph whose wedges represent the relative percentages of the values compared.
Radar Graph tool Compares sets of values at given points in time or in particular categories, and is displayed in a circular format.
Gradient tool
Changes the direction of a gradient, its beginning point and endpoint, and applies a gradient across multiple objects.
Layers let you organize your work into distinct levels that can be edited and viewed as individual units. Every Illustrator CS6 document contains at least one layer. Creating multiple layers lets you easily control how your artwork is printed, displayed, and edited. You will use the Layers palette (Figure 7) often while creating a document, so it is crucial to understand what it does and how to use it.
Figure 7
To show the Layers palette click Window > Layers.
Holding down the SHIFT key while creating your shape will make an ellipse a perfect circle, a rectangle a square, etc. (Figure 9). Also, don't be upset if you make your shapes too big or too small, you can always resize them.
Figure 9
Reshaping with shift.
Exploring the layers palette
Using the selection tool
In Illustrator CS6 you will need to use the Selection tool often, so it is crucial to understand what it does and how to use it. To select an object, choose the Selection tool from the toolbox and click on the object you wish to select. When the object is selected, you can move, transform, and change its properties.
Some selections may be easier to make by creating a marquee around the object. To make a marquee selection, do the following:
1. Choose the Selection tool from the toolbar. 2. Click and drag the Selection tool over multiple objects to select them all. NOTE: By holding down SHIFT you can make multiple marquee selections.
Duplicating objects
To duplicate objects, do the following:
1. Select the object you wish to duplicate. 2. Hold the ALT (Windows) or OPTION (Mac OS) key on the keyboard as you click and drag the object to another position on the artboard (Figure 6). 3. Once you release, a duplicate will show up where the object has been moved.
Figure 6
Duplication Objects.
Illustrator CS6 offers a large variety of shape tools to create any shape. To create a shape, do the following:
1. Select the Shape tool that corresponds to the shape you wish to create. Click and drag on the art board to create desired size and proportion of the shape. OR 2. Select the Shape tool you wish to use and click on the art board. This will open a window with the properties of your new shape. Here you can type in specific height, width, number of points on a star, etc.
One of the most powerful features of Illustrator CS6 is the ability to use type as a graphic element. Like other objects, type can be painted, scaled, rotated, etc. You can also wrap type around objects, make it follow a path, create type masks, import text files into containers, and modify the shape of individual letters in a block of type.
To add type to a document, do the following: 1. Select the Type tool from the toolbox. 2. Click and drag anywhere on the art board to create a marquee for your text. 3. Use the Character palette to choose the font, font color, font size, etc. NOTE: To view the Character palette, click Window > Type > Character.
Wrapping text around a graphic
To make your work, for example a brochure, look professional, you may want to use Text Wrap ( Figure 10). Objects, which you will wrap text around, must be in front of the type. To make a Text Wrap, do the following: 1. Select the object you wish to wrap text around. Another way to create type in Illustrator CS6 is to enter type along a path (Figure 12). You can type along any path you make with the Pencil, Pen, and even the Shape tools. To type along a path, do the following:
Figure 10
Texting Wrapping.
Figure 12
1. Start by drawing a path on the art board ( Figure 13). 2. Select the Path Type tool from the toolbox and click anywhere on the path to start your text at that spot on the path. 3. Adjust the position of the type along the path by positioning the Selection tool over the start, middle, or end of the type bracket until a small arrow icon appears. 4. Click and drag to the desired position. 5. When finished, you can move the type with the Selection tool. NOTE: After typing on a path the path will have no stroke or fill.
Figure 13
T h i s i s t y p in g on a p a t h ! Figure 12. Typing along a path. Figure 13. Create Path to type on.
If you need to insert an image into your document you should use the Place function.
To place an image into your document, do the following:
1. Make sure the layer you wish to place your image in is selected. NOTE: Placed images are added to the selected layer. If you want it to be on its own layer, create a new layer by clicking the New Layer button near the bottom of the Layers palette (shown in Figure 1 of the Working With Layers section of the tutorial) and select it then place your image. 2. Click File > Place. 3. Navigate through the pull down menus to find the file that you want to insert. Select the file and click OK.
Once you have placed the object, switch to the Selection tool to move the object to the precise location you want. If you single-click on your image, you can resize it with the "grippers" -little black squares around the image. Click and drag a gripper inward or outward to expand or shrink your image as desired.
If you would like to maintain the original proportions of the image when you resize it, hold down the SHIFT key as you perform the resizing action.
To create professional and effective documents in Illustrator CS6, you need to learn how to work with different kinds of objects. Before you start working with objects it is crucial to understand what each of the objects is:
To use objects such as images and graphics, you will need to use the Place function. 1. Click File > Place.
2. Navigate to the desired file and click Place.
The following sections offer an in depth explanation of how to adjust images, graphics, and text within your document.
Using guides
Guides help in arranging and aligning text and objects on the art board. When creating a poster or a brochure you will most likely align objects in an organized manner; guides make this task easy. To use guides, you must first make the rulers visible on your document. Choose View > Rulers > Show Rulers. To create a guide, do the following:
1. With the Selection tool click and drag the ruler on the edge of the page onto the art board. 2. A blue marquee line will appear where your guide will go. Move the marquee to the position you want and let go of the mouse button. NOTE: After you have created your guides you can't move them because they are locked. To unlock a guide, click View > Guides > Lock Guide. Remember to lock guides again after you have unlocked them, or you might accidentally select and move them.
Creating clipping masks
Clipping masks are shapes that act as windows showing only the artwork located within the boundaries of those shapes. The clipping masked object must be on top of the stack of objects you wish to mask. To create a clipping mask, do the following:
Grouping Objects
When there are multiple objects on the art board that you need to move as a whole you can group them instead of selecting each of the objects every time you wish to move them. To group multiple objects, do the following:
1. Select all of the objects that you want to group together. This can be done in two ways:
(1) Hold down the SHIFT key and click on each object individually, (2) Starting in an empty space on the page, click and drag the mouse outward creating a marquee box around all of the objects you want to select. 2. Choose Object > Group (Figure 16).
Figure 16
Grouping Objects.Sometimes, you may have an object placed exactly where you want it and you want to avoid moving it by accident. For example, if you have a large image or graphic as a background for the page, you may select it and move it accidentally if you are not careful. To help you avoid such situations, Illustrator CS6 has a function called Locking. When an object is locked it cannot be moved, adjusted, or altered in any way.
If you click over the newly grouped objects with the selection tool you will notice that they are bound together as one large object. To ungroup these objects, click on the grouped objects and choose: Object > Ungroup. To lock objects, select them using the Selection tool and choose Object > Lock > Selection. Notice how Illustrator restricts the object from being altered in any way.
To unlock the object(s), choose Object > Unlock All.
Changing the opacity of an object In some cases, you may want to make an object almost transparent like a watermark. To do this, you would use the Transparency palette. In this palette you can adjust the Opacity of an object. Opacity refers to the solidness of an object shown in percentage, from 0% (completely transparent) to 100% (completely solid).
Under the Transparency tab (Figure 17), you will see a dropdown menu that holds all the blending options for applying transparencies. To apply a transparency, do the following:
Figure 17
1. Select the object you want to apply the transparency to with the Selection tool. 2. Choose which blending mode you want to use in the transparency. 3. Type in or drag the slider to the amount of opacity you wish to apply. NOTE: Transparencies can always be edited by repeating the steps above or by choosing Edit > Undo.
A style is a set of effects and appearances. Using styles, you can quickly and globally change the appearance of an object. To add a style, do the following:
1. Select the object with the Selection tool. 2. Click on the Graphic Styles tab (Figure 18) . Select the style you wish to apply.
Figure 18
Graphic Styles.
You may want to create your own style for an object instead of choosing one from the graphic style that comes with Illustrator CS6. This can be done by adding multiple effects to an object. To add an effect, do the following:
1. Select the object with the Selection tool. 2. Click on Effect in the menu bar at the top of the screen. 3. Select the effect you want, set the parameters and click OK.
You can specify which part of an object you add styles and effects to by using effects in the Appearance palette (Figure 19). The Appearance palette contains the following types of editable attributes:
Figure 19
Fill -lists all fill attributes (fill type, color, transparency, and effects) Stroke -lists some stroke attributes (stroke type, brush, color transparency, and effects Transparency -lists opacity and blending mode NOTE: All other stroke attributes are displayed in the Stroke palette. You can duplicate strokes and fills in the Appearance palette which allows you to have multiple strokes and fills with different effects and styles on a single object. An appearance attribute can be changed or removed at any time without changing the original object or any other attributes applied to the objects. Just like layers, you can move your appearances to any order you wish. Figure 20. Appearance with green, red and blue., Figure 21. Appearance with pink, yellow, and blue.
Figure 20
Figure 21
A Symbol is an object that is placed in the Symbols palette and can be applied multiple times by painting them onto the page. Symbols used in combination with the Symbolism tools offer options that make creating repetitive shapes easy.
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