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Deleted Journal, 2024
Introduction to the Concept and Practice of Using Arrays in Programming Languages is an effort to provide education and guidance to teachers at Senior High School 2 Gunung Talang, Solok who are interested in computer programming. Knowledge of the use of arrays in programming languages is an important basis in the increasingly developing world of information technology. This community service activity aims to provide a broader understanding of the concepts and practices of using arrays in programming languages, especially for those who do not have a technical background in programming. In this activity, participants will be invited to understand the basic concepts of arrays, how to declare, initialize and access array elements in programming languages. This activity will provide an introduction to various types of arrays, such as one-dimensional arrays, two-dimensional arrays, and multidimensional arrays, as well as provide examples of practical use in everyday programming. Participants will also be taught about the benefits of using arrays, including how they can simplify code, increase efficiency, and optimize data management. It is hoped that the results of this service will provide benefits to the community by increasing their understanding of the use of arrays in programming languages. With this knowledge, participants become better prepared to overcome programming challenges and apply them in various fields, such as software development, data analysis, and information technology in general
Java for Absolute Beginners
This chapter covers each version of Java to track the evolution of the language and the Java virtual machine. You can find a timeline for versions 1.0 to 1.8 on the Oracle official site at But first, I'll introduce the book. Who This Book Is For Most Java books for beginners start with the typical Hello World! example depicted here: public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } } This code, when executed, prints Hello World! in the console. But if you have bought this book, it is assumed that you want to develop real applications in Java, and get a real chance when applying for a position as a Java developer. If this is what you want, if this is who you are, a beginner with the wits and the desire to make full use of this language's power, then this book is for you. And that is why to start this book, a complex example is used. We go over it in almost every section, when some part of it is clarified. Java is a language with a syntax that is readable and based on the English language. So, if you have a logical thinking and a little knowledge of the English language, it should be obvious to you what the following code does without even executing it. package; import java.util.List; public class Example01 { public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> items = List.of("1", "a", "2", "a", "3", "a"); items.forEach(item-> { if (item.equals("a")) { System.out.println("A"); } else { Chapter 1 an IntroduCtIon to Java and Its hIstory
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Terapan Universitas Jambi, 2018
This research studied about how code-switching used by the teacher in classroom as alternative language in English subject. The subject of this research is one of teacher in SMAN 1 Sungai Penuh. The aim of this study were to analyze teacher's language use in classroom by looking what kind of code that is chosen and what functions teacher do code-switching. The data was gained from videotape which recorded during English class. Based on data analysis of teacher's script indicated that there are three kinds of language use in sentences: Pure English, Pure Indonesian and Mixing English-Indonesian. It was also obtained there are some functions of code-switching in teaching, namely, organizing the classroom inserting humor, clarifying information, increasing students' comprehension, and presenting the content of the material. INTRODUCTION The issue of linguistic switch in foreign language teaching was not a major subject of scientific study in past. But, recently, code-switching has attracted a considerable amount of attention. Fundamentally, traditions of language alternation became known with the ban on the use of the learners' first language (L1) in foreign language teaching (L2) and it was introduced with the Direct Method at the end of the nineteenth century (Wei and Cook, 2009). In Indonesia, where English is studied as a foreign language so in the English subject classroom teacher and students switch the Indonesian with English. This effort due to make students easier to understand the lesson. If teacher only use English, the most of students do not understand what the teacher say. If teacher only use Indonesia, students can not gain the fluency in English beacuse there is no speaking English. Therefore, code-switching is the language choice in classroom. Where teacher combines these two codes. Teacher play important role in uses code-switching. Code-switching in Indonesian school precisely is not difficult to applied by the teacher because Indonesian are monolingual, we only have one offficial language namely Bahasa Indonesia. Thus, teacher only switch two codes here Indonesia and English.
LANTERN:Journal on English Language, Culture and Literature, 2017
Tujuan dari penulisan tugas akhir ini ialah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasi fenomena alih kode yang terjadi dalam komedi situasi “Tetangga Masa Gitu” pada episode “Demi Bola.” Penelitian ini menggunakan ancangan kuantitatif yang digabungkan dengan metode deskriptif. Data diperoleh dengan cara mengunduh video dari YouTube. Video kemudian ditonton dan disimak dengan seksama untuk menyeleksi kejadian alih kode antara bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Setelaha melakukan pengamatan, didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat dua jenis alih kode yaitu inter-sentential dan intra-sentential switching dalam episode ini. Inter-sentential switching terjadi sebanyak empat belas kejadian, sedangkan intra-sentential switching terjadi sebanyak 57 kejadian. Dari 57 kejadian, intra-sentential switching terbagi atas delapan frasa dan 49 kata. Faktor sosial yang mendasari terjadinya peristiwa alih kode yang terdapat pada episode ini ialah adanya pembicaraan dengan topik tertentu dan juga fungsi afektif ya...
Abstrak; Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita kadang berkomunikasi dengan orang lain yang berbeda bahasa dengan kita. Dan bisa jadi perbedaan bahasa tersebut menjadi salah satu penghambat dalam proses komunikasi dalam masyakarat. Komunikasi dalam sebuah komunitas kelompok, begitupun dalam sebuah kelas, merupakan hal yang paling penting dan mendasar dalam penyampaian maksud atau tujuan. Dalam hal ini bahasa yang merupakan alat komunikasi adalah elemen pokok untuk penyampaian hal-hal tersebut. Dalam keseharian Seringkali dalam penyampaian tersebut dibutuhkan code switching (pengalihan bahasa) atau code mixing (penggabungan bahasa) yang bertujuan untuk membuat lawan bicara segera mengerti apa yang kita ucapkan, begitu pula dalam sebuah pembelajaran terkhusus pada pembelajaran bahasa asing. code switching merupakan sebuah alternatif untuk melakukan percakapan dengan dua bahasa yang berbeda. Dimana saat ini code swtching menjadi sebuag fenomena luas dalam pengajaran bahasa Asing. Dalam s...
Fahira Khoerunnisa, 2022
The purpose of this research is to find out the types of code switching and the reasons for using code switching in the My Nerd Girl movie series. Data was obtained by watching movies and reading the dialogue transcripts. Then, from all the data obtained, the researcher filtered the data that only did code switching. This research just focuses on the types and reasons for using code switching. For the overall research results, researchers used the theory from Hoffman (1991). Researchers found 75 instances of code switching in the My Nerd Girl movie series. The dominant type of code switching used in this movie series is Inter Sentential switching, with 39 uses. Then for the reasons for using code switching, in the My Nerd Girl series, there are all 7 reasons based on Hoffman's theory. The reason for code switching that is often used is Talking About a Particular Topic, with data from 21 incidents.
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, 2022
Code-switching (CS) nowadays has been used by youth as a daily language among them and reflected in the “Halustik” movie. The aims of the research are to find out the category of CS spoken by the speakers and to explore their communication intentions to switch from one code to another in the movie which depicts urban life among young people. In the movie, the casts speak and communicate in four languages (Indonesian, English, Javanese, and Sundanese). Qualitative research data were collected by identifying the CS utterances from words, phrases, clauses, and sentences spoken by the main casts/characters in the movie. Next, the data were categorized, selected based on the categories of CS, and classified based on communicative intentions. The findings show that intra-sentential CS (60%) was the most used category of CS, followed by tag CS (4%), and inter-sentential CS (36%). Concerning the communicative intentions by the speakers, they alternate the language into another language sinc...
Code switching is commonly used especially in EFL and ESL classrooms.
SCRIPTA. Revista Internacional de Literatura i Cultura Medieval i Moderna, 2018
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2015
Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 2013
Juan de Valdés Leal (1622-1690), 2022
Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2017
L'immigrazione albanese in Istria (sec- XV-XVIII), 2021
ISEAS Perspective 2024/48, 2024
Centro Studi Helios , 2020
Tradizione e conservazione: archivi roveretani tra antico e moderno, 2024
Páginas a&b Arquivos & Bibliotecas, 2018
Sciences & Technologie, 2016
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Documentos de Trabajo CIEF, 2013
Revista Gestão Industrial, 2006
Anjeon gyeong'yeong gwahag hoeji, 2014
Menopausal Review, 2013
Neurophysiologie Clinique-clinical Neurophysiology, 2008
International journal of reproduction, contraception, obstetrics and gynecology, 2019