Electric Power Systems Research 70 (2004) 179–185
Heuristic methods for wind energy conversion system positioning
U. Aytun Ozturk a , Bryan A. Norman b,∗
College of Business Administration, Hawai’i Pacific University, 1166 Fort Street Mall, Suite 305, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA
b Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 1048 Benedum Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA
Received 8 May 2003; received in revised form 13 November 2003; accepted 9 December 2003
This paper considers the problem of determining the locations of wind generators in a wind farm consisting of many generators. The
objective is to find a generator placement that maximizes profit, which is the product of the cost efficiency of the generators and the total power
output from the wind farm. Generator placement is significant because if generator A is located close to generator B and is located downwind
of generator B then the power output of generator A is reduced by an amount that varies with the distance between the generators. The problem
can be formulated using mathematical programming but to solve the problem one cannot employ traditional optimization methods. Therefore,
a greedy improvement heuristic methodology is developed and described in detail. The effectiveness of the proposed heuristic is demonstrated
on a suite of test problems. These results indicate that the proposed method represents an effective solution strategy for this problem.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Wind farm; Heuristic optimization; Power generation
1. Introduction
Renewable energy technologies, such as photovoltaic,
solar thermal, geothermal, biomass, tide, and wind are developing rapidly. Some of these technologies are now beginning to compete with existing energy production methods.
Wind energy conversion, in particular, is becoming cheaper
than traditional methods in some areas of the world. Wind
electricity costs have declined from 35 to 5–7 cents per kWh
in the last 22 years in the US [5]. One of the characteristics
of Wind energy conversion is that the amount of electricity
produced by one generator is less than what a conventional
thermal generator would produce. Therefore, to generate
more electricity, more than one generator is needed. This
has led to the development of wind farms where many generators are located at a single site. Positioning of multiple
generators in a wind farm, however, is affected by spacing
constraints due to wake decay effects. That is, if generators
are located too close to one another in the direction of the
prevailing winds, the total amount of power generated is reduced because the upwind generator alters the wind pattern
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-412-624-9831;
fax: +1-412-624-9831.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (U. Aytun Ozturk),
[email protected] (B.A. Norman).
0378-7796/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
for the downwind generator. By mathematically modeling
the generator placement problem, optimization methods
can be used to mitigate the problem of wake decay effects
and improve the efficiency of wind farms. In this paper, we
present one such optimization methodology.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 contains a review of the relevant literature including a discussion of previous work concerning wind farm
generator positioning and related problems from location
theory. Section 3 discusses wind and power generation
models. Section 4 presents the proposed solution methodology. Section 5 presents computational results from a suite
of test problems. Finally, Section 6 presents conclusions
and topics for future research.
2. Literature review
There is only one paper to date that applies mathematical modeling to the problem of positioning generators for
a wind farm. However, investigations have been done on
other location problems that have some similar characteristics. We now consider relevant literature from the location
literature followed by a discussion of the one paper that has
been written that attempted to solve the generator positioning problem.
U. Aytun Ozturk, B.A. Norman / Electric Power Systems Research 70 (2004) 179–185
The wind farm generator positioning problem has some
similarity to undesirable facility location problems. An undesirable facility is one where the facility adversely affects
its environment and/or its customers [1]. There was virtually
no work on this type of problem until the 1980s. One of the
objectives in undesirable facility location problems is to locate multiple undesirable facilities but make them as far apart
from each other as possible. This simplest version of the
multiple undesirable facility location problem maximizes the
distance between the undesirable facilities. However, even
this simple version is recognized as NP-complete [2]. In our
problem, the generators affect each other and they cannot
be located too close together. This is the difference between
an undesirable facility problem and the wind farm generator
positioning problem—in our problem, we try to minimize
the distances between generators, while maintaining feasibility, instead of maximizing the distance between them.
The problem that we are investigating contains several
possible sources of uncertainty. Uncertainty enters into this
work because the wind changes intensity and direction with
time, which in turn changes the amount of power produced
by a wind farm. Numerous other location papers consider
uncertainty but this typically involves uncertainty in customer demand, transportation costs, capacity, etc. [4]. In our
problem, uncertainty is caused by the wind and this topic
will be revisited in the next section.
The only other research previously conducted that solves
the wind farm generator positioning problem reduces the
problem to a discrete one and uses a genetic algorithm to
solve it [3]. The objective function used in [3] is given in (1):
minimize w1
+ w2
This objective function has two parts. The first part seeks
to maximize the total power (Ptot ) obtained from the wind
farm and the second part, which includes the total cost
(costtot ), minimizes the cost per unit power generated. However, choosing the right values for the weighting parameters
w1 and w2 can be difficult and choosing an inappropriate
value might cause the algorithm to converge to undesirable
solutions. The wind farm generator cost function used in
[3] is given in (2), where Nt represents the total number of
generators placed in the wind farm.
costtot = cost per generator × Nt ( 23 +
1 −0.00174Nt2
While this work represents a reasonable approach to the
problem, we think that our proposed methodology, which
considers a continuous representation for the location of
the generators and uses an alternative objective function, is
3. Problem description
There are two fundamental questions that arise in the wind
farm generator positioning problem. The first is how many
generators to place on the site. The second is where to locate
the generators to minimize the power lost due to wake decay
effects. The answers to these two questions are clearly interrelated and therefore an effective solution approach must
consider both simultaneously. In this section, we discuss
three main topics: the modeling of the wind direction and
intensity, the choice of selecting a discrete versus a continuous problem representation, and the mathematical formulation of the relaxed version of the generator positioning
3.1. Wind direction and intensity
For actual wind farm sites, the wind direction and velocity
change over time. However, the prevailing wind directions
and wind speeds can be estimated by looking at historical
wind data. Therefore, we chose to explicitly consider multiple wind directions. Assuming only one prevailing wind
direction simplifies the problem, but is not realistic for
most sites. There are different models that may be used to
approximate the wind directions. We decided to use a discrete model with eight directions because eight directions
represents a reasonable compromise between accuracy and
computational effort required for evaluation. This is done in
our algorithm using a binary array of length eight with each
direction having a one if there is wind high enough to produce power coming from that direction and having a zero
It was also necessary to model the fact that the wind does
not blow with the same frequency and intensity from each
direction. For example, a given location might have wind
blowing from three of the possible directions throughout
the year but the frequency and intensity of the wind may
be different for each direction. We modeled this by using
a weighting factor for each direction and requiring that the
sum of the weights be equal to 1.0.
3.2. Comparison of continuous and discrete
approaches in location of generators
It is possible to utilize either a discrete or a continuous
representation for the placement area. In either case the
solution space is very large. Consider a problem with an
area of 40D × 40D where D represents the wind turbine
rotor diameter. Assume that we utilize a discrete approach
and divide this area into 100 squares each having an area of
16D2 . Then the solution space for the generator positioning
problem would have a size of 2100 since in each square
we can decide to either locate or not locate a generator.
One possible combination can be seen in Fig. 1. Even this
relatively small problem has a huge search space and is
a difficult problem to optimize. We have chosen to use a
continuous representation, which means that we have an
infinite search space. We have selected a continuous representation because putting a grid structure on the problem
will set a predetermined area for each generator (the grid
U. Aytun Ozturk, B.A. Norman / Electric Power Systems Research 70 (2004) 179–185
Fig. 2. Prevailing and crosswind directions.
3.4. Power output and interference effects
Fig. 1. An example of wind farm turbine layout using a discrete representation.
square it occupies) and reduce the number of generators that
can be located on the site. The discrete approach introduces
another complication because one needs to decide the grid
3.3. Objective function and constraints
The objective function used in this paper is different from
the one that was previously used in [3]. We decided to use
a different objective function (see Eq. (3)) for two main
maximize profit = k −
× Ptot
First, the former is difficult to work with because it is not
simple to determine the relative weights for w1 and w2 . Second, we think that a more realistic objective is to maximize
profit, which is equal to the product of the profit per kWh
obtained and the total amount of electricity generated. In (3),
k represents the estimated selling price for a kilowatt-hour
of electricity in a given market. Note that k may vary depending on the market. The ratio of costtot /Ptot represents
the ratio of the total generator cost over the total power produced and equals the cost per kWh for the wind farm. Thus,
the term in brackets represents the expected profit per kWh
generated by the generators in the wind farm. The second
term represents the total expected power output of the wind
farm. The expected total profit equals the product of these
two terms.
For illustrative purposes, in our test problems we assumed
the same numerical value for both the maximum power
generated by one generator and the cost for one generator.
Therefore, if there was no loss due to wake decay the ratio
of costtot /Ptot would equal 1.0. In addition, if there are too
many generators located close together, so that the power
output relative to their cost has a ratio of more than k, then
the first term can assume a negative value. In our test problems we used a k value of 1.0 to obtain a solution that would
be close to ideal.
Wake decay effects are encountered when there is another
generator located in the neighborhood of a generator in a
prevailing (energy producing) wind direction or in a crosswind direction. The regions considered as prevailing and
crosswind are shown in Fig. 2. The interference neighborhood is defined as 0–12D for the prevailing wind direction
and 0–4D for the crosswind directions where distance is defined using the Euclidean metric. The distance between generators in any prevailing wind direction must be more than
8D because of potential turbine damage from wake decay
effects, which results if distances of less than 8D are utilized. If the distance between two generators is between 8
and 12D in a prevailing wind direction then the power of
the downwind generator is reduced. If the distance between
two generators is more than 12D the generators do not affect
each other. These values change to 2 and 4D, respectively,
for the crosswind directions [5].
The magnitude of the power reduction due to wake effects is determined differently depending on the type of
interference. If the interference is in the prevailing wind
direction, then we have assumed the reduction is calculated
according to a quadratic function (5), where d represents
the distance between interacting generators. However, if the
interference is in the crosswind direction, the reduction is
calculated according to a linear function (4). The reduction
functions employed here are approximate and the prevailing
direction reduction is more significant and hence quadratic.
These functions are obtained using interpolation, the actual
reductions will be different depending on the vegetation,
topography and other factors in and around the wind farm.
Different reduction formulas can be employed without a
change in the rest of the formulation and the optimization
approach described later can still be applied.
crosswind linear reduction = 0.5 −
(d − 2)
prevailing wind quadratic reduction
= 1.7289 − 0.2836d + 0.0116d 2
4. Methodology
The positioning problem is mathematically complex
due to the constraints on locating the generators and the
U. Aytun Ozturk, B.A. Norman / Electric Power Systems Research 70 (2004) 179–185
resulting loss in power that occurs if generators are placed
close together in a prevailing or crosswind direction. We
begin by considering an optimal solution methodology
for a relaxed version of the problem and then discuss our
heuristic approach for the problem as it is described in
Section 4.2.
4.1. Non-linear programming approach
A simplified version of this problem would have one prevailing wind direction and an objective of maximizing the
number of generators placed on the site while not allowing
any reduction in power for any of the generators. In this
case, the problem reduces to fitting as many generators as
possible into a rectangular area. Here the generators cannot
be located in each other’s interference zone, which is similar
to an ellipse for this case. This problem can be modeled as
a non-linear programming problem and the placement constraints are shown in (6)–(8).
(Xi − Xj )2
(Yi − Yj )2
∀i = j
0 ≤ Xi ≤ 40D
∀i ∈ N
0 ≤ Yi ≤ 40D
∀i ∈ N
Note that only the constraints are shown for this mathematical programming formulation because we are only interested
in determining if a feasible solution containing n generators
exists. In this formulation (Xi , Yi ) represent the coordinates
of generator i, N represents the set of generator locations,
n = |N|, and the goal is merely to find a feasible solution
that places all n generators on the site. Constraint (6) ensures
that generator i is not located in the interference zone (in this
case it is an ellipse) of generator j and constraints (7) and (8)
ensure that the generators are located within the wind farm
boundaries. In the formulation it is assumed that n is known
and a non-linear solver such as LINGO can be used to find
solutions to the problem. In order to find the maximum number of generators that can be located at the site, one can iteratively search for the maximum value of n solving the problem below at each iteration for a given n value. When more
than one prevailing wind direction has to be considered, the
problem becomes more complicated but can be modeled in
a similar manner. In the case where the prevailing winds
come from all eight directions, a circle can approximate the
interference zone. However, for the more complicated problem with power reductions induced by wake decay effects
this model cannot be readily applied. This is true because
in the more general version of the problem, multiple wind
directions with varying intensities are considered. There
are also potential problems with scaling this model to solve
problems where the optimal solution requires locating many
4.2. Greedy heuristic approach
Due to the complications with using mathematical programming to solve the problem, a heuristic approach was
considered. The heuristic search algorithm begins with an
initial solution and utilizes three types of operations to modify this solution. The three operations are (1) add a new generator to the solution, (2) remove a generator from the solution and (3) move a generator to a different location. These
three operations are now described in more detail. In the add
operation, num add locations are randomly generated and
each is investigated one at a time to determine the change
in the objective function, F, that would occur if a generator
was located there. In the remove operation, the net change
in the objective function is determined for removing each of
the existing generators individually. In the move operation,
each generator is moved up to 4D in each of the eight wind
directions using variable increments and the corresponding
effect on the objective is noted. At each iteration, the algorithm looks at all three operations and chooses the one that
improves the objective the most. This enables the algorithm
to add generators, remove generators, and move generators
around in successive steps. If no improving move is possible, the algorithm maintains the same current solution set S
and in the next iteration it only investigates the add operation since both the remove and move operations will still
result in non-improving moves. If there is no improvement
in the objective function for no imp limit consecutive iterations, then the algorithm terminates.
Initial experiments with the greedy (takes the maximum
improvement in each iteration) improvement algorithm
indicated that it gave good solutions but that it often converged prematurely to locally optimal solutions. Therefore
we added a basic diversification step to help the algorithm
escape from these local optima. Once no imp limit consecutive non-improving moves have been performed, the
search is stopped and perturb frac of the generators have
their location perturbed by a random amount and the search
is resumed. This gives the algorithm the flexibility to move
to another solution and continue the improvement process.
If there is no improvement in num perturb consecutive
perturbation iterations then the algorithm stops (Figs. 3–5).
4.2.1. Seeding with a random solution versus a
constructed solution
Because the search algorithm is greedy in nature, the final solution is affected by the choice of the initial solution.
We investigated three different methods for determining an
initial solution. The first is to start from a solution with L
randomly located generators. The second is to begin with a
grid-like solution where generators have been packed into
the site. A simple two-dimensional circle packing can be
used to determine the maximum number of generators that
could be located. The packing was constrained by the minimum separation distances in the prevailing and crosswind
directions. Once the number of generators was determined,
U. Aytun Ozturk, B.A. Norman / Electric Power Systems Research 70 (2004) 179–185
then the generators were evenly spaced throughout the site.
Fig. 6 shows an example packing for a problem where the
maximum number of generators was 16. There is white space
around the generators to indicate that the additional space
in both the X and Y directions was evenly distributed among
the generators. The third initialization method is a constructive heuristic. The algorithm starts with zero generators and
adjusts the number and locations of the generators using the
add, remove, and move operations described previously.
Preliminary testing indicated that the constructive method
was better than random initialization, but that seeding the
solution with a grid-like covering produced the best results.
Therefore, in the remaining discussion and for the test problems, a grid seeded initial solution was used.
Fig. 3. Greedy algorithm.
Fig. 4. Function move search.
Algorithm Greedy with Perturbation
Initialize num_perturb to zero
Initialize Global_F to zero
While num_perturb <25
Call Algorithm Greedy
Set TF to (F – Global_F)
If TF 0
Increment num_perturb
Set num_perturb to zero
Perturb the set S
Fig. 5. Greedy algorithm with perturbation.
4.2.2. Parameter setting
The algorithm depends on several different parameters/settings including those listed in Fig. 7. Therefore, we
conducted preliminary testing to determine the best values
for the parameters and settings. Based on these results, the
final algorithm parameters were set.
The algorithm was relatively insensitive to the values of
no imp, num perturb, and perturb fraction. Preliminary testing indicated that values of 25, 25, and 15%, respectively,
produced good results. Another important factor in the algorithm is the step size value. Step sizes of 1.0D, 0.5D, and
0.1D were tested and it was observed that while the results
were not drastically different, in general the smaller the value
of step size the better the algorithm performs. There is a
trade-off, however, since small values of step size increase
the running time of the algorithm. Based on these tests, a
value of 0.1D was used for the test problems.
5. Results
To evaluate our solution methodology we constructed six
test problems with different siting area sizes as listed in
Table 1. All of the problems had a square siting area and the
Table 1
Test problem sizes
Fig. 6. Example of packing.
Fig. 7. Algorithm parameters.
U. Aytun Ozturk, B.A. Norman / Electric Power Systems Research 70 (2004) 179–185
Table 2
Binary direction arrays
Case 1
Case 2
Table 3
Direction intensity arrays
Case 1
Case 2
dimensions are in terms of wind generator rotor diameter,
D. Note that two of these problems have sizes that permit a
perfect maximal packing since their dimensions are multiples of eight in both directions. For each problem size, we
tested the two different wind direction and intensity scenarios shown in Tables 2 and 3.
To determine the quality of the solutions found by the
proposed heuristic methods we investigated upper bounds
on the objective function. One upper bound is to determine
the maximum number of generators that can be placed on
the site and find the corresponding objective function value
assuming there is no power reduction due to wake decay
effects. Unfortunately, due to the irregular shapes that can
arise for the interference zones for the generators, it is dif-
ficult to determine the maximum number of generators that
can fit in an area. It is possible to ignore the geometry of the
interference zones and simply look at the total interference
area to establish a bound on the maximum number of generators. However, this bound is not very tight and results in
values that are considerably larger, approximately three to
four times larger, than the best-known solutions for the test
problems. Moreover, this bound produces values that are as
much as 10 times more than the optimal solution for small
problem instances with known optimal solutions. Due to the
large gap between this upper bound and the optimal solution,
we do not present the upper bound values in our analysis.
We do compare the results of the algorithm with a feasible solution that has the maximum number of generators
in it. Recall that this solution is also used as the initial seed
solution for the improvement heuristic. Thus, the difference
between these two values shows the amount of improvement that results from applying the improvement heuristic.
For each combination of size and scenario, we have run the
algorithm for 10 different random number seeds. We ran
multiple replications because both the add and perturbation
steps in the algorithm are stochastic. The results are shown
in Table 4. Notice that in 10 of the problems the heuristic
improved the solution. There was no improvement in the
32 × 32 and 40 × 40 problems for the second scenario
because the solution constructed by the maximum packing
provided an optimal spacing between the generators and
therefore an optimal objective. The results indicate that
across the 12 problems, the improvement heuristic on average improved the seed solutions by 4.3%. Because the
algorithm only requires 1–3 min of computation time per
replication and we are analyzing a design problem that is not
real-time constrained, we propose running the algorithm 10
times and taking the best solution. Considering this strategy,
we also analyzed the performance of the best of the 10 replications relative to the seed solution and found that the best
replication improved the seed solutions by 8.5% on average.
We conducted a t-test to see if the solutions found by the
Table 4
Test problem results
Problem size
Mean across
10 replications
S.D. across 10
Maximum across
10 replications
Improvement for
mean replication (%)
Improvement for best
replication (%)
U. Aytun Ozturk, B.A. Norman / Electric Power Systems Research 70 (2004) 179–185
improvement heuristic were significantly better than those
found using the maximum packing heuristic. The test statistic value had a P-value <0.001 indicating that there was
a significant difference between the two methods. These
results clearly indicate the merits of using the improvement
areas, etc., into the search space. This would make the
search harder but the results would be more useful for practical purposes. Another improvement could be to consider
stochastic wind intensity and direction patterns. This would
necessitate changing the evaluation function for a given
layout but need not fundamentally change the search dynamics. We could also explore additional seeding heuristics
and solution methodologies.
6. Conclusions and future research
In this paper, we have described the need for developing
methods for positioning generators for wind farms. We have
introduced a heuristic methodology that has the potential to
improve the efficiency of a wind farm. The effectiveness of
this methodology was demonstrated on a suite of test problems. As a conclusion, combining this tool with the expertise of a wind analyst can enhance the wind farm installation
There are many ways that this current research can be
extended. One is to change the convex search space by
introducing non-convexity due to lakes, residential usage
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