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"Eliot and France, France and Eliot", preface, in Jayme Stayer, ed., T. S. Eliot, France, and the Mind of Europe (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015), p. X-XIV. T. S. Eliot and France: quel sujet! The French influence on Eliot’s poetry and thought could not be underestimated in any way; it might even be one of the most intense and long-lasting love stories an English-speaking writer ever had with Baudelaire’s country. As far as Eliot and France go then, ça suffit. But what about France and Eliot? What I mean is: what about the way Eliot has been read in the country that influenced him so much? What level of understanding has the poet actually attained in his second literary homeland? Foreign literatures are specific systems more isolated from their neighbors than one might think, and Eliot’s case can reveal the unformulated laws that govern these systems.
T. S. Eliot in Context, 2011
The young T. S. Eliot spent a year as a student in Paris, in 1910-1911. Why did he come there? What experiences did he have during that year? The paper focuses on Eliot's fascination for French poetry, his attending Bergson's lessons at the Collège de France and the lasting impact those lessons had on his poetry, and his encounter with the Action française.
Studies in English Literature, The English Literary Society of Japan ISSN 03873439, 1974
In the inter-war years, during World War II and its aftermath, T.S. Eliot, established as a major poet and critic, identified not only with Britain and the United States, but also with Europe. The component cultural traditions of European civilisation were interdependent. Cooperation and recognition of common values and traditions were desirable, and Eliot, who had spent time in France and Germany as a student, lent his support to smaller nations' literary periodicals, and to translation into English of foreign literary works. He saw The Criterion, edited by him 1923-39 as international in its interests and coverage.
Eliot's reading and bereavements during the Great War were to haunt him for much of his life and are still evident in "Four Quartets". Some images recur, partly because they were saturated, as he put it, with feelings too obscure for him even to know quite what they were.
Edebiyat Fakultesi Dergisi, 2005
Bu makale George Eliot'un özel hayatõnda yaşamõş olduğu "yabancõ" ile ilgili olarak tecrübelerinin yazarlõk kariyerine ne tür bir etkisinin olduğunu araştõrmaktadõr. Yazarõn mektuplarõndan ve hatõralarõndan görüleceği üzere Eliot hayatõnõn önemli devrelerinde örneğin ya bir romanõ bitirdiğinde ya da yeni bir romana başlamadan önce Avrupa'nõn çeşitli yerlerine seyahat etmiştir. Fransa'ya, Almanya'ya, İtalya'ya, Avusturya'ya, İsviçre'ye defalarca yapmõş olduğu gezilerinde Avrupa şehirlerini, yaşamõnõ, kültürünü, tarihini detaylarõyla gözlemlemiş, ve bunlarõ romanlarõnda yansõtmõştõr. Eliot'un "yabancõ'ya" olan ilgisi basit bir hayranlõk ya da karşõtlõktan çok komplike bir nitelik taşõr ve Eliot'un yazarlõğõ için olumlu etkileri olmuştur.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2005
Bu makale George Eliot'un özel hayatõnda yaşamõş olduğu "yabancõ" ile ilgili olarak tecrübelerinin yazarlõk kariyerine ne tür bir etkisinin olduğunu araştõrmaktadõr. Yazarõn mektuplarõndan ve hatõralarõndan görüleceği üzere Eliot hayatõnõn önemli devrelerinde örneğin ya bir romanõ bitirdiğinde ya da yeni bir romana başlamadan önce Avrupa'nõn çeşitli yerlerine seyahat etmiştir. Fransa'ya, Almanya'ya, İtalya'ya, Avusturya'ya, İsviçre'ye defalarca yapmõş olduğu gezilerinde Avrupa şehirlerini, yaşamõnõ, kültürünü, tarihini detaylarõyla gözlemlemiş, ve bunlarõ romanlarõnda yansõtmõştõr. Eliot'un "yabancõ'ya" olan ilgisi basit bir hayranlõk ya da karşõtlõktan çok komplike bir nitelik taşõr ve Eliot'un yazarlõğõ için olumlu etkileri olmuştur.
Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, 2017
is Senior Lecturer of English language and literature at the University of Huelva. Her recent research interests include contemporary biofiction and early English prose fiction. She is a research member of VINS, "Victorian and Neo-Victorian Studies in Spain Network," and is currently working on Neo-Victorian narratives about Charlotte Brontë's life.
The International Reception of T. S. Eliot, 2007
Why is the concept of modernism so unusual in French literature, unlike the English and American literatures? Why is the concept of classicism so usual in French literature, but not in Anglo-American literature? Our hypothesis is that both questions are connected: there are two different modernisms because the two literatures have radically different visions of time and of their own past. We try to prove that hypothesis through a study of T. S. Eliot’s and 'The Criterion'’s complicated and ambiguous relationship with 'La Nouvelle Revue française'.
Nineteenth-Century Literature, 2014
Was Edgar Allan Poe's work vulgar or a «new specimen of beauty»? Did he represent a critical puzzle for his influential readers or a basis for redefining American literature? This book offers a new understanding of Poe's literary significance by considering the transatlantic reception of the author in French translation. The translation of Poe into French by Charles Baudelaire ennobled Poe aesthetically and catalysed a wave of critical responses to his work across the Atlantic in the early twentieth century. Readings by T.S. Eliot, William Carlos Williams and Aldous Huxley here become the focus of transatlantic analysis. Contrastive close readings of key essays in which these Anglophone writers engaged with the French Poe set out to achieve two things: first, they shed new light on the constitution of Poe's commanding critical reputation; secondly, they test comparative methodology as the primary tool of transatlantic enquiry. Situated within an expanding body of Poe scholarship but atypical in design, this book promises to bring about unexpected insights by systematically relating and comparing French and Anglophone discourses.
Energy geoscience, 2022
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía, 2013
Journal of Moral Education
Egyptian Journal of Agronomy , 2024
Atlántida. Revista Canaria de Ciencias Sociales, 2024
Australasian Journal of Human Security, …, 2006
Invertebrate Systematics, 2018
Konštantínove listy, 2013
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 2023
RIDE Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo, 2015
Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, 2021
Proceedings Mathematical Sciences, 2000
Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 2020
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2024