Hough transform based correction of mobile robot orientation

2004, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2004. IEEE ICIT '04.

In most applications, a mobile robot must be able to determine its position and orientation in the environment using only own sensors. The problem of pose tracking can be seen as a constituent part of the more general navigation problem. Our proposed approach is able to track the mobile robot pose without environment model. It is based on combining histograms and Hough transform (HHT). While histograms for position tracking (x and y histograms) are extracted directly from local occupancy grid maps, angle histogram is obtained indirectly via Hough transformation combined with a non-iterative algorithm for determination of end points and length of straight-line parts contained in obtained histograms. Histograms obtained at the actual mobile robot pose are compared to histograms saved at previous mobile robot poses to compute position displacement and orientation correction. Orientation estimation accuracy greatly influences the position estimation accuracy and is crucial for a reliable mobile robot pose tracking. Sensors used for local occupancy grid generation are sonars but other exteroceptive sensors like a laser range finder can also be used. Test results with mobile robot Pioneer 2DX simulator show the capacity of this method.

Hough Transform based Correction of Mobile Robot Orientation Lejla Banjanović-Mehmedović Ivan Petrović, Edouard Ivanjko University of Tuzla, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Franjevačka 2, BH-75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina [email protected] University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of Control and Computer Engineering in Automation, Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia [email protected], [email protected] Abstract- In most applications, a mobile robot must be able to determine its position and orientation in the environment using only own sensors. The problem of pose tracking can be seen as a constituent part of the more general navigation problem. Our proposed approach is able to track the mobile robot pose without environment model. It is based on combining histograms and Hough transform (HHT). While histograms for position tracking (x and y histograms) are extracted directly from local occupancy grid maps, angle histogram is obtained indirectly via Hough transformation combined with a non-iterative algorithm for determination of end points and length of straight-line parts contained in obtained histograms. Histograms obtained at the actual mobile robot pose are compared to histograms saved at previous mobile robot poses to compute position displacement and orientation correction. Orientation estimation accuracy greatly influences the position estimation accuracy and is crucial for a reliable mobile robot pose tracking. Sensors used for local occupancy grid generation are sonars but other exteroceptive sensors like a laser range finder can also be used. Test results with mobile robot Pioneer 2DX simulator show the capacity of this method. additional measurement information in an extended odometry model. Key words: mobile robot, pose tracking, multiple hypotheses tracking, histogram, Hough transform 1. Introduction The mobile robot ability to find or track its pose (position and orientation) in an unknown environment is a crucial feature needed for performing complex tasks over a long period of time [1]. The most common solution for this problem is to rely on dead reckoning methods (odometry) for a short period of time and then to apply additional sensors to update/correct the mobile robot pose [2, 3]. This method assumes that the start mobile robot pose is known and all displacements are calculated relative to this known pose. Dead reckoning approaches provide good results only for a short period of time due to significant error influence from wheel slippage, floor roughness, etc. Especially the orientation estimation is prone to significant error influence. A lot of research has been done to improve the orientation estimation. For example, better odometry models have been developed in [4], and additional sensors have being used [3, 5]. Additional sensors can be used to compute a correction to the actual mobile robot pose or as Mostly used sensors for additional measurement information in an extended odometry model are compass and gyro. Electronic compass is sensitive to magnetic noise that comes from ferromagnetic objects in the robot environment. Such objects are often present in man made environments including the mobile robot body and the noise produced by its drive system. Compass was used in [5] with the purpose to ensure that the robot environment is scaned with the same robot orientation angle at each place. In this way the complexity of the mobile robot pose tracking problem was greatly reduced because collected environment scans differ only in the x and y position. The problem is that this approach can’t be used in environment under significant magnetic noise and with mobile robots that can’t turn in spot. To overcome the above-mentioned problem another characteristic of man-made environments can be used. Objects in such environments tend to lie in straight lines. Good examples are walls and doorways. In such environments it is possible to use line segments for the correction of the estimated mobile robot pose [6]. The Hough transform is widely used in computer vision for edge detection. An efficient algorithm [7] is used to determine the coordinate of the extracted line end points, line length and the normal parameters of a straight line using the Hough transform. Angles between the line segments and positive x-axis, weighted with line segment length, form an angle histogram. Comparison of angle histograms and their use for mobile robot orientation correction is the topic of our research. The angle histogram of current mobile robot pose is convolved with the angle histogram from the previous mobile robot pose. But all hypothetic robot orientations with equal minimal matching score obtained by angle histograms convolution (orientation hypothesis) are used to determine the best orientation with minimal distance in comparison to predicted orientation. Mobile robot orientation is predicted using calibrated odometry [4]. 2. Position tracking In an occupancy grid map, a regular grid represents mobile robot environment with each cell holding a certainty value that a particular area of space is occupied or empty [8]. The certainty value is based only on sensor readings. Each occupancy grid cell in our approach represents an area of 10 [cm] x 10 [cm] and is considered as being in one of three possible states: occupied (O: P(cxy) > 0.5), empty (E: P(cxy) < 0.5) and unknown (U: P(cxy) = 0.5), depending on corresponding probability of occupancy for that cell. To begin the pose tracking process, the robot takes a new sonar scan at its current pose and constructs a local occupancy grid consisting of 60 x 60 cells. Whence a local occupancy grid map is constructed the mobile robot is always in the center of the local occupancy grid map, as in [5]. The scans are converted to histograms before matching is performed to reduce computation complexity. So on top of the constructed local occupancy grid we get three types of histograms: x, y and angle histogram. Both x and y histograms are consisted of three one-dimensional arrays, which are obtained by adding up the total number of occupied, empty and unknown cells in each of the 60 rows or columns respectively (x or y histogram). An example of x-histograms for the actual and previous mobile robot environment scan is presented in Fig. 1. where Mx-matching score of x-histogram, My-matching score of y-histogram, Mxi*and Myi* are the best match scores, produced by the best matching alignment between histogram of chosen previous hypotheses hi-1 and current translated histogram for the place i (in range of 5 cells due to moving step of 0.5 [m]). The coordinates of each hypothetic place xMi and yMi are calculated from updated coordinates of the previous place (xi, yi) and the offset values ∆sx and ∆sy, which are obtained from the above described histogram matching process, as the displacement of the robot from the previous hypotheses by best matching (maximum likelihood L(S|hi)) : xMi = xi + ∆sx , (3) yMi = yi + ∆s y , { y ={ xi = i xref , place =1 xupd ( i −1) , place >1 yref , place =1 yupd ( i −1) , place >1 (4) , (5) . (6) 3. Hough transform Fig. 1: Example of obtained x-histograms. Matching scores of stored histogram (previous place) and recognition-translated histogram of current place [5] are calculated as: M ( H i −1 , H i ) = SCAL ⋅ , (1) ⋅∑  min ( O ij−1 , O ij ) + min ( E ij−1 , E ij ) + min (U ij−1 , U ij )  j where Oj, Ej, Uj refer to the number of occupied, empty and unknown cells, contained in the j-th element of histogram H; SCAL = 1/DIMENSION2 is a normalizing constant (in our approach, DIMENSION of certainty grid = 60). The same equation is used for x- and y-histograms. Current scan is compared with stored previous scans (x, y position) and in this way we construct set of hypotheses h0,... hi-1. For each of these hypotheses, the likelihood L(S|hi) is calculated as the strength of the match between the current and stored histograms for each place hypothesis hi: L ( S | hi ) ∝ M xi* × M yi* , (2) The Hough transform is a robust method for detecting discontinuous patterns in noisy images. The basic idea of this technique is to find curves that can be parameterized like straight lines, circles, ellipses, etc., in a suitable parameter space. Our application considers the detection of straight-line segments in sonar data. Several variants of standard Hough Transform have been proposed in the literature to reduce the time and space complexity. When it is applied to detection of a straight line, represented by normal parameters, the transform provides only the length of the normal and the angle it makes with the axis. The transform gives no information about the length or the end points of the line. Because of that an efficient non-iterative algorithm is used to determine the coordinate of the end points, the length and the normal parameters of a straight line using the Hough transform and than those line segment form angle histogram [7]. A straight line, represented by parameterization, is expressed as (Fig. 2): ρ = x cos θ + y sin θ , the normal (7) where ρ is the length of the normal to the line from the origin and θ is the angle of normal with the positive xdirection. We assume that the origin of the x-y coordinate system is in the center of the input space. In the θ-ρ parameter plane (HT space), the line is mapped to a single point. Collinear points (xi, yi) in the input space, with i = 1, …N, constitute a sinusoidal curve in the (θ, ρ) space, which intersect in the point (θ, ρ) (Fig. 3), given by: ρ = xi cos θ + yi sin θ . (8) zero elements in columns Cq and Cr. These normals can be expressed as: y ρ1q = x1 cos θ q + y1 sin θ q , (9) ρ1r = x1 cos θ r + y1 sin θ r , (10) ρ 2 = x2 cos θ q + y2 sin θ q , q (11) ρ 2 = x2 cos θ r + y2 sin θ r , Oginal coordinate plane r A θk ρk B C x Fig. 2: (x,y) points in Cartesian space before applying the Hough transformation. ρ (12) where Cq, Cr are q-th, r-th column in the accumulator array, respectively. ρ1q and ρ1r are the lengths of the normal to the bar (in the image plane) corresponding to the first non-zero cell in Cq and Cr respectively (which corresponds to the bar bi,k in the image plane containing the end point (x1, y1). ρ2q and ρ2r are the lengths of the normal to the bar (in the image plane) corresponding to the last non-zero cell in Cq and Cr respectively (which corresponds to the bar bi,k in the image plane containing the end point (x2, y2). y A Solution region Hough plane ρ (x1 ,y1 ) B ρ C θ −θ r θ r r 2 ρ (x2 ,y2 ) r ρ q 2 1 q q 1 θ ∆ρ q x θ Fig. 3: (x,y) points form Cartesian space become sinusoidal curves in Hough space after applying the Hough transform. 3.1. Line segment detection and self-orientation using Hough transform The parameters of a line along with its length and coordinates of the end points are sometimes referred to as a complete line segment description [9]. Used algorithm for detection of those characteristics [7] is independent of the accuracy with which the peak in accumulator arrays for colinearity detection is determined, because an accurate detection of the peak in the accumulator array is a nontrivial task. This is the reason that θ value of the peak (θp) is only used to determine two columns Cq and Cr. Two columns Cq and Cr whose cells correspond to the two sets of parallel bars have their normals inclined at angles θq and θr respectively with the positive x-axis (Fig. 4). The lengths of the normals ρq1, ρq2, ρr1, ρr2 to the bars can be determined from an accumulator array. The lengths of the normals to the bars correspond to the first and last non- Fig. 4: Computation of the end points independent of θp. We can express the coordinates of end points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2): x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = ρ1q sin θ r − ρ1r sin θ q , sin(θ r − θ q ) ρ1r cos θ q − ρ1q cos θ r , sin(θ r − θ q ) ρ 2q sin θ r − ρ 2r sin θ q , sin(θ r − θ q ) ρ 2r cos θ q − ρ 2q cos θ r . sin(θ r − θ q ) (13) (14) (15) (16) The line length (lc) is obtained from the end points by lc = ( x1 − x2 ) 2 + ( y1 − y2 ) 2 , (17) and parameters of the normal (ρc, θc – line parameters calculated from the end points of the line by using the method proposed in [8]) are obtained as ρc = x2 y1 − x1 y2 ( x1 − x2 ) + ( y1 − y2 ) 2 2 ,  y2 − y1   y2 − y1   − 90° = a tan 2  , x x −  2 1  x2 − x1  θ c = arctan  θ Mi = θ j , (18) (21) with minimum difference: (19) DIFF j = min( θ Pi − θ j ) , j = 0,..., n − 1 , (22) where n is the number of orientations with equal minimal matching scores. 3.2. Angle Histograms comparison Line segments obtained by the Hough transformation with equal angle, are used to calculate the angle histogram. This histogram represents directly sums of the lengths of all edges with equal orientations. An example of anglehistograms for the actual and previous mobile robot environment scan is presented in Fig. 5. To remove small line segments from angle histogram, each length is compared to a threshold. Threshold value is calculated for every sensor scan separately. Any line segment in angle histogram, whose length is less than threshold for certain scan, is removed. In this way, comparing of angle histograms give better matching results. The comparison of all hypothetic orientation θj with predicted orientation is used to obtain the orientation correction value Θ Mi . 4. Histograms and Hough transform based mobile robot pose tracking Block schema of the proposed pose tracking algorithm is given in Fig. 6. Reference (previous sonar readings) New sonar readings Coordinates of previous hypotheses h i, i=0,…n-1 with probability distribution P Odometry Histogram matching process (eqns.(1-2)+(20)) Pre dict Phase (predict coordinates for each h j, j=0,...n ) (eqns.(23-25)) Coordinates of newhypotheseshj , j=0,...n (eqns.(3-6)+(21)) ( xMj, yMj, θ Mj ) ( xPj , yPj, θ Pj ) Matching Phase (eqns. (26 - 27, 33)) Apply Baye s ruleto produce probability distribution P' over H' (eqns. (33 - 34)) Fig. 5: An example of the current and previous angle histograms. Update Phase (update coordinates over H' ) (eqns.(28-32)) The analysis of measurements for comparing angle histograms [10] is important, since the “intersectionmeasurement’’ gives different results for matching histograms. Angle histogram intersection-measurement has been introduced for the comparison of color histograms [10]. In our approach, the calculation χTH2 is used, because it gives the best results in mobile robot orientation tracking: Fig. 6: Block schema of proposed pose tracking algorithm. 2 χTH ( H i , H i −1 ) = ∑ j ( H i ( j ) − H i −1 ( j )) 2 , H i ( j ) − H i −1 ( j ) (20) where Hi(j) and Hi-1(j) are current and previous angle histograms, respectively. The angle histogram of current place is convolved with a histogram from previous place, but all hypothetic orientation θj with equal minimum matching score from angle histogram (orientation hypotheses) are used to determine the best orientation The proposed pose tracking algorithm consists of three phases: A) Predict phase – where the mobile robot position is updated according to the measured displacement in x and y direction; x P i = xUPD (i − 1) + ∆x , y P i = yUPD (i − 1) + ∆y , θ P i = θUPD (i − 1) + ∆θ , (23) (24) (25) where ∆x, ∆y and ∆θ refer to the robot’s own displacement in Cartesian space since the previous iteration using its on-line odometry. Exception is the first new place, where xUPD(i-1) and yUPD(i-1) are start position in the mobile robot environment. B) Matching phase – where a matching process is performed between a previous hypotheses of mobile robot pose hi, i = 0,…,j-1 and predicted hypotheses of mobile robot pose hj:  ( xUPD (i − 1), yUPD (i − 1),θUPD (i − 1) ) L ( h j | hi ) ∝ exp  −η  − ( xPj , yPj ,θ Pj )    ⋅ p ( hi ) , (26)   where the Gaussian function is used to model the noise in the robot’s pose estimates and prior probability p(hi) is used to take the influence of particular prior hypothesis into account. Pose (xupd(i1),yupd(i-1),θupd(i-1)) denotes updated previous hypotheses and pose (xPj, yPj, θPj) predicted pose of hypothese hj. The constant η = 0.25 was used in order to determine the relative weighting of exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensory information in localization algorithm [5]. The best matching prior hypotheses hi* for each hj is defined as: ∀j : ∀i ≠ i* : L ( h j | hi* ) > L ( h j | hi ) , (27) C) Update phase – where the predicted mobile robot pose is updated according to the values obtained in the matching phase according to following equations: xUPD ( j ) = xMj + K1 × ( xPj − xMj ) , yUPD ( j ) = yMj + K 2 × ( yPj − yMj ) , p posterior (h j ) = L( S | h j ) p prior (h j ) ∑ L(S | hk ) p prior (hk ) j −1 . k =0 5. Test results Described pose tracking algorithm is tested using a Pioneer 2DX mobile robot simulator. The experiment scenario included several orientation changes. The experiment was made in a corridor (Fig. 7), where robot moved with different orientations and made entrance in other rooms (first move with reference orientation angle 0 [º], then entrance in another room with 90 [º], then came back under 270 [º], then went under 180 [º], then moved with 0 [º] and at the end under 20 [º]. All lengths of moving with equal orientation were 1350 [mm]. Obtained results where compared to calibrated odometry based pose tracking. Fig. 8 presents obtained results regarding orientation tracking with calibrated odometry and with proposed HHT algorithm. The actual robot orientations are also depicted on the figure. Calibrated odometry has an average relative error of 6 percent and our proposed algorithm has an average relative error of 2 percent. (28) (29) where values of correction are computed from the following equations: K1 = cos(θ upd ( j )) , (30) K 2 = sin(θ upd ( j )) . Updates of the θ coordinate are as follows: θUPD ( j ) = θ Mj + D ⋅ (θ pj − θ Mj ) , (31) Fig. 7: Simulation model for our experiments. (32) where 0 < D < 1 is a coefficient. The prior probability pprior(hj) for each place j is calculated using the likelihood values L(hjhi*) produced by the matching phase: p prior (h j ) = L(h j | hi* ) ∑ (h j −1 k =0 j , (33) | hk * ) and posterior probability pposterior(hj) for each place as effectively combination of sensor model L(Shj) and motion model L(hjhi*) for each place j. (34) Fig. 8: Orientation tracking in our experiments. 6. Conclusions and future work Mobile robot orientation correction technique using Histograms and Hough transform has been implemented and compared to calibrated odometry using a mobile robot simulator. It is shown that Hough transform in combination with histograms, which was used for orientation correction, gives better results then orientation tracking based on calibrated odometry. Our method of mobile robot orientation correction relies on the detection of straight-line features in the sonar sensor readings. The Hough Transform is widely used in computer vision for edge detection, so it is good solution for object detections in man-made environment, which tend to lie in straight lines. The Hough Transform has a number of properties that are useful for self-localisation, for example it is very robust to noisy sonar data and to occlusions of the lines. We used the correlation technique for orientation correction rather than the product of likelihoods. In this way, misleading sensor readings to be caused by multiple reflections are filtered out. The proposed method for mobile robot orientation correction is a worth alternative to the use of magnetic compass, particularly in environments with magnetic noise. Future work on this topic will include implementation of Hough transform also in the position tracking part. References [1] G. Grisetti, L. Iocchi, D. 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