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39 pages
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Pancasila merupakan dasar falsafah dari Negara Indonesia. Pancasila telah diterapkan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia sehari-hari. Pancasila lahir 1 Juni 1945 dan ditetapkan pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945 bersama-sama dengan UUD 1945. Sejarah Indonesia telah mencatat bahwa tokoh yang merumuskan pancasila ialah Mr Mohammad Yamin, Prof. Mr. Soepomo, dan Ir. Soekarno. Jika pancasila dilihat dari aspek historis maka disini bisa dilihat bagaimana sejarah pancasila yang menjiwai kehidupan dan perjuangan bangsa Indonesia dan bagaimana pancasila tersebut dirumuskan menjadi dasar Negara.
Makalah PKN, 2017
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT. Karena dengan karunia-Nya kami dapat menyelasaikan makalah yang berjudul "Filsafat dan Ideologi Pancasila". Sholawat dan salam semoga tetap tercurah limpahkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Aksiologi : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial
This paper examines philosophy in the Pancasila value system. This research can be qualified in philosophical research, the method used in this research is qualitative research method through literature review. The type of method used is descriptive qualitative. While the data analysis technique, the writer uses the technique introduced by Miles and Huberman, which includes data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. This article begins with the formulation of the meaning of philosophy in the Pancasila system. Then describe descriptively related to the function of philosophy in the Pancasila system. Pancasila is the basis as well as the ideology of the Indonesian nation, which can be implemented in the life of the nation and state. While philosophy can be understood as a way of deep thinking to get a truth. Philosophy in the Pancasila system is a philosophy on the basis of the state which consists of five precepts as derivations that have their respective roles, but the goal is th...
Science & Technology Journal, 2016
The exchange of goods and materials by way of trading and exchanges were common in ancient times between India and China via silk route and other trading routes. The movement of people from one place to another brought exchange of not only materials but also techniques and processes and helped to establish their own manufacturing facilities and craftsmanship. This has resulted into a cross-cultural influence over the craft forms as reflected in many resemblances of material culture, annotations and apologies seen in various forms and shapes in multiple domains such as ceramic pottery, glazed pottery, metalware, ship buildings, printing, silk and other fabrics, patterns and motifs etc. Observations of ancient remains from Belitung and artifacts from Indian cities along secondary and tertiary Silk routes, show significant influence in the similarities in techniques, materials, surface treatments, kiln processes, colors, motifs , etc. This paper examines a cross-cultural resemblance of product form factor between Changsha pottery and pots to ceramic ware from eastern parts and metalware from western regions of India like Gujarat and Rajasthan. The spread of Buddhism from India to China and other eastern and south eastern countries during this period must also form a strong reason for this cultural exchange.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2021
Este material se utiliza con fine exclusivamente didácticos * Es muy difícil expresar con palabras la ayuda prestada por Ana Pérez Figueras en la elaboración de este capítulo y, en general, en la preparación de este volumen. A veces es mejor dejara hablar al silencio. Por otro lado, y en lo que se refiere específicamente al contenido, Paloma Fernández me ha aportado valiosas sugerencias. María Rodríguez, Lola del Rey y Javier Recio han sido eficacísimos colaboradores en las tareas mecanográficas y de corrección. 1 No obstante, suele reconocerse que los cambios físicos que se producen durante la adolescencia comienzan ante de que llegue la pubertad (Chumlea, 1982).
ile Râkım Efendi'' adlı romanında Batılılaşma yolundaki Osmanlı'nın sosyal yapısı irdelenmiş, halktaki yanlış Batılılaşmanın ve milli kimliği kaybetmenin sonucu olarak süregelen Doğu-Batı çatışmasının yarattığı tutarsızlıklar, karakterler üzerinden işlenmiştir. Yazar doğru ve yanlış olan durumları bir arada vermiş, doğru kişiliği, dönemin olması gereken durumlarını överek halka yol göstermeye çalışmıştır.
Retrieving sources suitable for transfiction research can be time-consuming because transfiction is not typically marketed as a distinct literary genre, but as a phenomenon transversal to various genres (Kaindl 2014). Wakabayashi (2011, 101) acknowledges this complication, explaining that the cases of Japanese transfiction she used for her study “were identified through research, occasional tips from informants, and serendipitous stumbling”. This list aims to provide a starting point for future research in transfiction, both time- and area-restricted and based on larger sets of primary sources. References - Kaindl, Klaus. 2014. "Going fictional! Translators and interpreters in literature and film. An introduction." In Transfiction: Research into the Realities of Translation Fiction, edited by Klaus Kaindl and Karlheinz Spitzl, 1-26. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. - Wakabayashi, Judy. 2011. "Fictional representations of author–translator relationships." Translation Studies 4 (1):87-102. doi: 10.1080/14781700.2011.528684.
Текст було написано в якості в ступного есе до видання вибраних творів Юліяна Вассияна. Містить короткий виклад сторінок біографії визначного політичного теоретика і практика першої пол. XX ст., а також аналіз деяких аспектів його творчості, зокрема – з огляду на конфлікт ідеології та філософії, полем для якого був сам Вассиян.
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