Child Development, March/April 2002, Volume 73, Number 2, Pages 418–433
How Children Use Input to Acquire a Lexicon
Erika Hoff and Letitia Naigles
The contributions of social processes and computational processes to early lexical development were evaluated. A re-analysis and review of previous research cast doubt on the sufficiency of social approaches to word
learning. An empirical investigation of the relation of social–pragmatic and data-providing features of input to
the productive vocabulary of sixty-three 2-year-old children revealed benefits of data provided in mother–
child conversation, but no effects of social aspects of those conversations. The findings further revealed that
the properties of data that benefit lexical development in 2-year-olds are quantity, lexical richness, and syntactic complexity. The nature of the computational mechanisms implied by these findings is discussed. An integrated account of the roles of social and computational processes to lexical development is proposed.
The process of acquiring a lexicon is clearly a process
of learning from experience, and the relevant experience must be conversational interaction, because that
is the context in which exposure to language occurs. It
is not yet clear, however, just how word-learning benefits from participating in or overhearing conversations. What do children find in conversation that is
useful to word learning, and what is the nature of the
word-learning mechanism that makes those particular things useful?
Two types of answers have been proposed. The first
focuses on the social–pragmatic aspects of conversation and the social–cognitive abilities of children. According to this view children figure out the meaning
of the words they hear to a substantial degree by inferring the speaker’s attentional focus and communicative intent (Akhtar & Tomasello, 2000; Baldwin,
2000). The routinized and jointly engaged nature of
the conversations that children experience support
this process by making the speaker’s communicative
intentions transparent (Bruner, 1974/1975; Pinker,
1984; Tomasello, 1990, 2001). The second answer focuses on the data-providing aspects of conversation,
arguing that the lexical content and syntactic structure of the utterances themselves, along with the accompanying nonlinguistic context, provide considerable information that children use in figuring out
word meaning (Carey, 1978; Gillette, Gleitman, Gleitman, & Lederer, 1999; Gleitman, 1990; Siskind, 1996).
These two proposals are not mutually exclusive.
Recent work acknowledges that multiple sources of
information must contribute to word learning and
seeks to build an integrative account of how word
learning occurs (e.g., Akhtar & Tomasello, 2000; L.
Bloom, 1993, 2000; P. Bloom, 2000; Hollich, HirshPasek, & Golinkoff, 2000). The purpose of this study
was to add to this effort by evaluating the roles of
social–pragmatic and data-providing functions of conversation on both the theoretical and empirical levels.
The Social–Pragmatic View of the Role of Input
Early formulations of the social–pragmatic proposal argued that the recurrent social interactions between mother and child establish each participant’s
intentions throughout a given routinized activity, allowing the child to predict “where the adult’s attention is currently focused and where it is likely to be
focused next. Therefore, any language the adult may
use in such a context is likely to be immediately
meaningful to the child” (Tomasello & Todd, 1983,
p. 199). Additionally, if, in nonroutinized interaction,
mothers talk about the aspect(s) of the activity that
the child is focused on, then the meaning(s) the child
is harboring should be consistently expressed, with
the result that “mothers who follow their children’s
leads in determining the topics of conversation may
help their children’s language learning by increasing
the likelihood that their children will be able to construct semantic representations of the sentences they
hear” (Hoff-Ginsberg, 1987, p. 147). Thus, the social–
pragmatic argument is that by virtue of either routinization or maternal attentiveness, children often
know what their mothers are saying without understanding the language, and they can use that nonlinguistically acquired knowledge to figure out the
meaning of the language they hear.
More recently, the social–pragmatic proposal has
focused on the social–cognitive abilities and inclinations of children (Akhtar & Tomasello, 2000; Baldwin,
2000; P. Bloom, 2000). There is evidence that children
are not at the mercy of adults’ following their attentional focus for word meaning to be made transparent
© 2002 by the Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
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Hoff and Naigles
because children have the ability to discern their
mothers’ communicative intentions. According to this
view, word learning begins once children understand
others as intentional agents, assume that there is some
communicative intention behind the vocalizations
others make, and successfully figure out what those
communicative intentions are. In both social–pragmatic
accounts, mutual engagement or joint attention provides support for word learning, but in the early formulation the social–pragmatic skill resides in the
minds of the adults who structure the learning environment, whereas in the more recent formulation the
social–pragmatic skill that contributes to word learning is located in the minds of the children who do the
Empirical support for the notion that word learning
is aided when the learner and speaker are mutually
engaged is plentiful. Thirteen-month-old infants
whose mothers are more verbally responsive during
toy play demonstrate earlier onset of their first word
and of their first 50 words in both comprehension
and production, and this benefit of verbal responsiveness is specific to language development (TamisLeMonda, Bornstein, Baumwell, & Damast, 1996;
Tamis-LeMonda, Bornstein, Kahana-Kalman, Baumwell, & Cyphers, 1998). That is, maternal responsiveness to child vocalizations predicts child language
outcomes, and responsiveness to play predicts measures of children’s play (Tamis-LeMonda et al., 1996).
There is evidence of even more specific links between
mother–child interaction and subsequent word learning. For example, children who are part of mother–
child dyads that engage in greater amounts of joint
interaction have larger production vocabularies between 12 and 18 months of age than children who
engage in less joint interaction with their mothers
(Tomasello & Todd, 1983). Mothers of normally developing children more frequently make reference to objects currently in their children’s focus of attention
than do mothers of children who are developing language slowly (Harris, Jones, Brookes, & Grant, 1986).
Children whose mothers engage in more directives
that specifically follow their children’s focus of attention (as opposed to lead it, or just describe it) when
the children are 13 months old have production vocabularies that include more nouns and more words
at 22 months (Akhtar, Dunham, & Dunham, 1991).
Twelve-month-olds whose interactions with their
mothers include more joint engagement and maternal
follow-in subsequently manifest larger comprehension vocabularies at 15 months of age (Carpenter,
Nagell, & Tomasello, 1998). Fifteen- to 21-month-olds
whose joint attention episodes with their mothers include considerable maternal verbal follow-ins also
are the ones who have the larger production vocabularies, assessed via a checklist (Tomasello & Farrar,
1986). In an experimental setting in which the match
between input and children’s attention was manipulated, 17-month-olds were more likely to learn words
that label their current focus of attention than
words that label something they are not attending to
(Tomasello & Farrar, 1986). In sum, it is clear from a
substantial body of naturalistic evidence and one experimental demonstration that when mothers structure children’s experiences so that input is responsive
to the children’s verbalizations and matches children’s
attentional focus, vocabulary development benefits.
There is also evidence that children contribute to
establishing the joint engagement that benefits word
learning. There are direct relations between 14-monthold children’s joint attentional behaviors and their
mothers’ sensitivity (Laakso, Poikkeus, Katajamaki,
& Lyytinen, 1999); and individual differences in 14month-olds’ abilities to follow another into a joint attentional state predict later language development
(Laakso et al., 1999; Mundy & Gomes, 1998). These relations between very young children’s joint attentional skills and subsequent language development
are most likely mediated by the effects of children’s
skill on the mutual engagement they achieve.
Other experimental evidence suggests that after 18
months, children have social–cognitive abilities that
make them less dependent on such mutual engagement. At 18 months, children seem to know that if the
speaker and listener are not attending to the same
thing, the speaker is more likely to be talking about
what the speaker is attending to than about what the
listener is attending to, and children use that information to guide word learning (Baldwin, 1993; Hollich
et al., 2000). Children at 24 months of age have demonstrated even more powerful abilities to use clues to
speakers’ communicative intentions as sources of information about word meaning. For example, Tomasello and Barton (1994) found that telling 2-year-old
children “I’m going to hoist Big Bird,” and then doing
something but saying “Woops,” resulted in the children not taking “hoist” as a label for the action demonstrated. Presented with the same sequence of
events, but with “There” replacing “Woops,” children
took “hoist” as the label for the action. There have
been similar effects of speakers’ indications of their
intentions on object label learning (see also Golinkoff,
Hirsh-Pasek, & Hollich, 1999; Tomasello, 2001; Woodward & Markman, 1999).
This evidence leaves no doubt that children as
young as 12 months have social skills that enable
them to participate in mutually engaged social interactions (Akhtar et al., 1991; Carpenter et al., 1998;
Child Development
Tomasello & Todd, 1983), that by 18 months children
can discern speakers’ intentions even in the absence
of mutual engagement (e.g., Baldwin, 1993; Tomasello & Barton, 1994), and that these abilities support
word learning. Even the strongest social–pragmatic
view allows that social information alone is insufficient to account for word learning (e.g, Akhtar & Tomasello, 2000), however, thus raising the question of
what other sources of information children use. A
complete account of lexical development requires
specifying just what contribution social–pragmatic
information makes to word learning, when in the
course of development these contributions are made,
and where else in their experience children find information about the meaning of the words they hear. In
the next sections we begin to explore the parameters
of the role of social-pragmatic information in word
learning in three ways: (1) we reconsider the implications of previous findings of correlations between indices of mutual engagement and children’s vocabulary development, (2) we analyze the task of word
learning for the potential contribution of social-pragmatic information, and (3) we consider evidence regarding the degree to which children’s conversations
are actually characterized by mutual understanding.
The Correlational Findings, Reconsidered
Not all positive relations between social–pragmatic
support and language development are necessarily
evidence that children find information about word
meaning by being provided with or by figuring out
the communicative intentions of their conversational
partner. The most general positive correlations may
merely reflect that social–pragmatic support is an index of supportive parenting and vocabulary growth
is an index of healthy development. After all, Monnot
(1999) found that the degree to which mothers used
characteristics of infant-directed speech in talk to
their 3- to 4-month-old infants was positively correlated with infant weight gain, yet no one would argue
that infants find calories in the fundamental frequency
of their mothers’ speech. Other correlations, such as
those observed by Tamis-LeMonda et al. (1996) and
Bornstein, Haynes, and Painter (1998) may reflect the
fact that mothers who are responsive to their children’s
verbalizations benefit language development in general by encouraging further verbal interaction, and the
greater information provided by this greater amount
of interaction is what benefits lexical development.
The findings of benefits of maternal follow-in that
are specific to the learning of particular words could
simply be benefits of the temporal contiguity of
words and children’s attention, rather than a reflec-
tion of any socially based process in the mind of the
child. Finally, the correlations between maternal social–
pragmatic support and lexical development rely frequently on mother-generated checklists or diaries as
the measure of infant vocabulary size or growth. It is
likely that these are correlated for reasons other than
language development: those mothers who are good
at establishing and following their children’s joint attention may be better at assessing their children’s vocabulary, whereas mothers who are less responsive
overall may also be less good at such an assessment.
In sum, responsive mothering might be statistically
associated with indicators of more rapid language
development for reasons that have nothing to do
with the role of social–pragmatic understandings in
word learning.
The Word-Learning Task, Divided into Three Parts
A consideration of what the task of word learning
consists of suggests that social–pragmatic information must be supplemented by other types and
sources of information. Current research and theory
suggest that the process of word learning consists of
at least the following three components: word segmentation; an initial fast mapping of the new word
onto a referent; and a longer, extended process of
completing the lexical entry. There is no evidence, nor
indeed any proposals, that social understandings
contribute to word segmentation. In contrast, there is
evidence that several physical properties of input do
contribute, including stress patterns, prosody, and
repetition of words in combination with a variety of
different words (see references in Aslin, Saffran, &
Newport, 1999; Morgan & Demuth, 1996). Not only
are social understandings and communicative intentions irrelevant to this process, anything to do with
utterance or word meaning also appears to be irrelevant. Although a theory is not expected to account for
everything, it is worth noting that despite strong
claims that language acquisition is a social process
(e.g., Carpenter et al., 1998), there are components of
language acquisition that social-process accounts have
not addressed.
In addition to isolating the sound sequences that
constitute words, children must map those sound sequences onto meanings. The social–pragmatic approach argues that children’s socially based understandings of speakers’ intentions aid in this latter
task: Children know what their interlocutors are referring to because utterances follow children’s attentional focus or because the children can infer their interlocutors’ communicative intentions. Thus, children
are guided to the referents of new words by their in-
Hoff and Naigles
terlocutors’ skill in following children’s attentional
focus and/or by their own understandings of their interlocutors’ intentions. Indeed, the evidence suggests
that social–pragmatic information is useful in the identification of referents, at least in experimental settings.
Word learning is not complete once the initial mapping of word onto referent has been accomplished,
however. Although children’s ability to make a mapping on the basis of as little as one presentation of a
word is an impressive feat and important to word
learning, it is not the case that children learn the entirety of a given word’s meanings on the basis of a single or very few hearings. The initial fast mapping of a
word results in only a partial lexical entry and is followed by a process in which the lexical entry is “completed slowly as the child encounters the word again
and contrasts it with other words” (Carey, 1978, p. 292).
Indeed, many accounts describe the protracted nature
of word learning (e.g., L. Bloom, 1993; P. Bloom, 2000;
Gropen, Pinker, Hollander, & Goldberg, 1991; Naigles,
2000a; Rice, 1990). Thus, even if social understandings are responsible for fast mappings, they do not
fully explain lexical development. There must be
other sources of information as well.
The Degree of Mutual Understanding
in Adult–Child Conversations
The third reason to look for additional sources of
information that children might use in word learning
comes from a consideration of how frequently social
interaction in joint attention actually occurs for most
children and how able children actually are to divine
their mothers’ meanings during mother–child interactions. Some studies provided data that allowed for
the calculation of the percent of time that mothers and
children spent in joint attention, which yielded estimates of 11.6% (Carpenter et al., 1998) and 20% (Tomasello & Todd, 1983) for children under 18 months, and
29% for children aged 2 years (Hoff-Ginsberg, 1998).
It appears that episodes of joint attention did not
comprise much of the time these dyads spent interacting. Tomasello and Farrar (1986) provided no raw
data with which to make such calculations, but they
reported that their dyads, taped for 15 min during toy
play at home, spent two thirds of their time in joint attention episodes. Potential sources of the variability
in the proportion of time spent in joint attention are
both the setting and the age of the child. Higher estimates come from studies of older children, although
studies of younger children have produced the findings that variability in time spent in joint attention
predicts vocabulary development (Laakso et al., 1999;
Mundy & Gomes, 1998).
Another indicator of mutual engagement is the degree to which topics are continued across conversational turns. The social–pragmatic account might be
construed to predict that such continuations are common, both on the parents’ side (i.e., parents frequently
understanding their children and continuing their
topics) and on the children’s side. The data suggest
otherwise, however. The percent of maternal utterances that follow children’s topics has been reported
as 18.7% (Hoff-Ginsberg, 1987), 21.6% (Akhtar et al.,
1991), 32.2% (Hoff-Ginsberg, 1987), and 36.3% (Carpenter et al., 1998). Again, these different estimates
come from different settings and children of different
ages—in general, there is more topic following with
older children. Additionally, there are findings that
45% of parental responses are nonsequiturs (Brown &
Hanlon, 1970) and that 10% to 20% of maternal turns
and 20% to 30% of paternal turns reflect communicative breakdowns (Tomasello, Conti-Ramsden, & Ewert,
1990). Moreover, only 31% of the signals that preverbal infants produce lead to immediately successful
comprehension on their mothers’ parts (Golinkoff,
1986). When topic continuations are calculated from
the children’s point of view, it appears that only half
of children’s speech receives a topic-related response,
and these responses most often simply acknowledge,
repeat, or clarify, rather than build on what the children said (Bloom, Margulis, Tinker, & Fujita, 1996).
Furthermore, children appear to be no more engaged
with mothers than mothers are with children. The
percent of all child utterances that continue the topic
of a prior maternal prior utterance has been estimated
as 21% for children at 20 months of age (Bloom, Rocissano, & Hood, 1976), 33% for children with a mean
age of 24 months (Hoff-Ginsberg, 1998), and 47% for
children at 36 months (Bloom et al., 1976).
It is possible that despite being a small percentage
of children’s time in conversation, the time that is
spent in mutual engagement is when word learning
occurs. This argument, however, requires children to
ignore more than half of their linguistic input (because some input is being provided when mutual engagement is not occurring). Moreover, there is evidence that children do learn aspects of their language
outside of episodes of mutual engagement; in particular, from overhearing speech among others. In both
experimental and naturalistic research (Oshima-Takane,
1988; Oshima-Takane, Goodz, & Derevensky, 1996)
found that children acquire aspects of the personal
pronoun system from overheard speech. Abundant
anecdotal evidence that children go through a stage
during which they call their parents by their given
names, against the family convention of variants of
“Mom” and “Dad,” also implies that they learn from
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speech that is not addressed to them (Naigles, 2000b).
In sum, evidence that mutual engagement is necessary for word learning is weak and, in many cases,
observed benefits of mutual engagement to word
learning may be attributed to general effects of positive interaction on child development. Moreover, the
social–pragmatic account does not address the segmentation or the lexical entry completion aspects of
word learning.
The Data-Providing View of Input
An alternative to the view that conversation is a social experience and language development is a social
process is the view that language acquisition is a datacrunching process and conversation is a delivery
mechanism whose value lies, to a substantial degree,
in the nature of the data that it delivers. This view of
the contribution of conversation to language development has previously been proposed with respect to
syntactic development (Hoff-Ginsberg, 1986, 1990,
1999). We propose it in this article with respect to lexical development. Although the data-providing account of the role of conversational experience in lexical
development has not, to our knowledge, been previously labeled as such, there are several lines of research that support the notion. The relevant and potentially helpful properties of the speech signal for
the word segmentation component of word learning
were mentioned earlier and have been explored in detail in work in Morgan and Demuth (1996; see also
Aslin et al., 1999). With respect to the initial referent
mapping and subsequent lexical entry completion
components, the conversation-as-data argument is
that children can use their (sometimes partial) understanding of the other words and the structure of the
utterance in which an unknown word is placed to make
conjectures about the referent of that novel word.
Evidence for the potential usefulness and actual
use of the rest of the utterance for learning a new
word comes from computational and human simulations of word learning and from experimental and
naturalistic studies of young children’s word learning. Computer simulations have demonstrated that
the use of partial linguistic knowledge to constrain
hypotheses, combined with the ability to extract commonalties across different situations of use, can result
in lexical acquisition by a system that has no access to
speaker intentions at all (Siskind, 1996). To illustrate,
knowledge of what the word ball means, combined
with knowledge about what kinds of entities do what
kinds of things, indicates to the learning device that if
the word ball is in the utterance, then the unknown
word in that utterance is more likely to mean roll than
eat. Evidence that humans can similarly make inferences about word meaning from information in the
utterance containing a novel word comes from Gillette
et al.’s (1999) simulation of word learning with human
(adult) participants. The learners in this case were
shown a series of silent videoclips of real mother–
child interactions during which a specific verb had
been spoken by the mother. The participants were
provided with various “clues” to the identity of the
verb, including (1) just the videoclips; (2) the videoclips plus the nouns in the mother’s utterance; (3) just
the nouns in the utterance; (4) just the sentence frames
in which the verb was placed; (5) the sentence frames
plus the nouns; or (6) the videoclips, the sentence
frames, and the nouns. With only the videoclip information, the participants made correct identifications
of the target verbs only 7.7% of the time. Each additional bit of information raised this level of accuracy
significantly, until those with complete information,
that is, condition 6, made correct identifications 90.4%
of the time.
The relevance of these simulations to understanding how children actually acquire a lexicon is supported by experimental studies that have demonstrated that children can also use the rest of the sentence
as a source of information about word reference and
meaning. Two- and three-year-old children are better
able to identify the referent of “Susie” if they are told
“Susie is painting Jill” than if they are told “Susie is in
this picture,” and their choice of a referent for “Susie”
is different depending on whether they hear “Susie is
painting Jill” or “Susie and Jill are painting,” thus
demonstrating that they use information in the structure of the sentence to figure out who, in a picture that
they are presented, is “Susie” (Prasada & Choy, 1998;
see also Goodman, McDonough, & Brown, 1998).
Children’s ability to use information in the structure
of sentences as clues to novel word meaning has been
amply demonstrated with respect to nouns, verbs,
and adjectives (e.g., Naigles, 1990; and see P. Bloom,
1996; Woodward & Markman, 1998 for summaries).
Furthermore, Naigles and Hoff-Ginsberg (1998) found
that the use of syntax was part of children’s conventional word-learning process, in that the diversity of
syntactic frames in which 25 verbs appeared in maternal input predicted the subsequent order of acquisition of those verbs. A more general suggestion that
the syntax of input is a source of information that contributes to lexical development comes from findings
that maternal mean length of utterance (MLU) is positively related to the size of 1.5-year-old children’s
comprehension and production vocabularies as assessed with a checklist (Bornstein et al., 1998).
Another relevant feature of input, in addition to
Hoff and Naigles
lexical and structural clues to meaning, is its sheer
amount. One naturalistic source of evidence that
amount of input matters is the finding that the relative sizes of the Spanish and English vocabularies of
bilingually developing 1- to 2-year-olds in South Florida are related to the relative amount of input they receive in each language (Pearson, Fernandez, Lewedeg,
& Oller, 1997). In addition, children’s overall rates of
vocabulary growth are related to the amount of speech
they hear (Hart & Risley, 1995; Huttenlocher, Haight,
Bryk, Seltzer, & Lyons, 1991). Amount of input is, of
course, related to the frequency with which each
word is presented and there is substantial evidence
that frequency affects word learning. Children’s first
uses of a word are likely to match the most frequently
occurring use of that word by the children’s mothers
(Harris, Barrett, Jones, & Brookes, 1988), and the order in which words appear in children’s vocabularies
is predicted by their frequency in input (Huttenlocher
et al., 1991; Naigles & Hoff-Ginsberg, 1998). There are
complementary experimental demonstrations that
frequency in input is positively related to word learning (Schwartz & Terrell, 1983; Smith, 1999).
One reason that frequent presentations may benefit word learning is that multiple presentations are
likely to vary in the accompanying nonlinguistic and
linguistic contexts; thus, each presentation provides
somewhat new information about word meaning.
With respect to what types of variety matter, several
researchers have argued that children require crosssituational information (Fisher, Hall, Rakowitz, &
Gleitman, 1994; Pinker, 1989) because this reveals
more aspects of a given word’s meaning. In a direct
assessment of the value of cross-situational information, Akhtar and Montague (1999) gave 2-, 3-, and
4-year-old children the sentence, “This is the modi
one,” paired with three different objects selected from
a visible array of nine objects. Across all three age
groups, the children were able to identify the common attribute of those three objects and use it as a basis for extending the new term, modi, to novel objects.
For similar reasons, hearing words (particularly verbs)
in a variety of syntactic environments should also be
useful because each syntactic frame in which a verb
appears supports additional conjectures about the semantics of that verb (Gleitman, 1990; Naigles, 1996;
Naigles & Hoff-Ginsberg, 1998; see also Waxman &
Markow, 1998, for similar findings with adjectives).
The finding that the syntactic diversity of the context
in which verbs appeared in mothers’ speech uniquely
accounted for variance in both the frequency and the
syntactic diversity of the children’s use of those verbs
is consistent with that argument (Naigles & HoffGinsberg, 1998).
Other data suggest that children who hear a greater
number of different words produce a greater number
of different words. The number of word types in their
mothers’ speech has been found to be positively related to the size of children’s comprehension and production vocabularies (Bornstein et al., 1998). Crosslinguistic comparison shows that when mothers produce more verb types (i.e., Chinese mothers who
speak Mandarin), children’s spontaneous speech contains more verb types and tokens, and when mothers’
speech contains more or equal numbers of noun types
(i.e., mothers who speak English and mothers who
speak Italian), children’s speech includes more noun
types and tokens (Tardif, Shatz, & Naigles, 1997; see
also Choi & Gopnik, 1995). In these data, the difference in the relative usage of verbs and nouns was
only in types, not in tokens; therefore the data only
provide evidence that the number of types has a
unique effect on children’s vocabularies. That is an
important finding, however, because within a language, the number of types and number of tokens
tend to be highly correlated (e.g., Hart & Risley, 1992,
1995; Weizman & Snow, 2001). Thus, any relations between the amount of input provided to children and
children’s vocabulary size that is found in naturalistic
data could be either effects of word frequency, effects
of the number of different words modeled, or some
combination of the two.
In sum, the results of both experimental and naturalistic studies suggest that not only can children use
the data-providing aspects of their conversational
input, but also that the availability of data in input
affects children’s lexical development. Taken together, these findings suggest that three different
data-providing properties of input are related to children’s vocabulary development: sheer frequency of
presentation, number of different words, and richness and variety of linguistic environments in which
the words are placed.
Summary and Prospectus
Research findings suggest that the degree to which
mother and child are mutually engaged in their conversations as well as the data provided in the utterances that mothers produce in conversation are related to children’s lexical development. Integrating
the accounts of how these two sources of information
are used into a single theory of the process by which
children use input to acquire a lexicon has been hampered by the fact that little research has investigated
the influence of both sources of support within a single study. The present study was designed to do just
that by looking for correlations between properties of
Child Development
the input that children hear and the size of their subsequent vocabularies, focusing on both properties of
input that plausibly index the extent to which social
engagement makes meaning transparent and properties of input that index the amount of nonsocial information in the utterances that children hear. The goal
was to investigate the unique and combined contributions of these properties of input to children’s vocabulary growth.
erage duration of the Time 1 tapings was 42.4 minutes
(SD 5 8.4). The interactions were transcribed by
trained research assistants into the format required
by the Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts
(SALT) software (Miller & Chapman, 1985). The measures of input were based on the transcripts of the
first visit (Time 1). The measures of child language
were assessed from transcripts of both visits (Time 1
and Time 2).
Input measures. The measures of the data-providing
properties of maternal speech included the total number of utterances produced, the number of word tokens (i.e., the total number of words) in the input
samples, the number of word types (i.e, the number
of different words), and the MLU. This latter measure
indicates the degree of syntactic complexity in the utterances, and as such may be considered an index of
the richness of the linguistic environment. In counting word types, different forms of the same root were
treated as the same word. Thus, for example, walk,
walked, and walking were counted as one word type,
as were table and tables. For the measures of the number of utterances, word types, and tokens, no correction was made for the individual differences in the
duration of interaction, because these reflect real differences in the children’s conversational experiences
(see Hoff-Ginsberg, 1992, for a more complete argument to this effect). The number of word tokens, the
number of word types, and the MLU in morphemes
were calculated using SALT.
Two measures were selected to index the degree to
which maternal speech was likely to be referentially
transparent by virtue of the social engagement of
mother and child. The first was the number of maternal utterances produced during episodes of joint attention. Joint attention was coded only for the toy
play interaction, because judging attentional focus
can require eye gaze information, and only the toy
play interaction was recorded in a manner that ensured that both the mother’s and child’s faces were
visible. Joint attention was defined following Tomasello and Farrar (1986) and Tomasello and Todd
(1983) as periods lasting at least 3 s during which the
mother and child were both focused on the same object or activity. All coding of joint attention was done
by the same research assistant. Reliability was assessed by comparing the research assistant’s ratings
on this measure with those produced by a second research assistant who independently coded 6 of the 63
play sessions. The two coders were always within 8
percentage points of each other in their estimates of
Participants were 63 children who resided in the
midwestern United States and were between the ages
of 18 and 29 months at the start of the study (age: M 5
21.3 months, SD 5 3.05). Thirty-three of the children
came from high-SES families in which both parents
were college educated, and 30 of the children came
from mid-SES families in which both parents were
high school educated. Within the high-SES sample
there were 9 firstborn boys, 7 firstborn girls, 7 laterborn boys, and 10 laterborn girls; within the mid-SES
sample there were 8 firstborn boys, 8 firstborn girls, 8
laterborn boys, and 6 laterborn girls. All the families
were White. All the mothers were native speakers of
English, were the primary caretakers for their children, and were not employed outside of the home for
more than 15 hours per week.
The children were selected to be comparable in
terms of their level of productive language use, and
were all at the point at which they were just beginning to combine words. Each child was heard to produce at least three different two-word combinations
during a preliminary screening visit, but no more
than 50% of any child’s utterances were multiword
constructions, as assessed on the basis of the first
speech sample. The average MLU for the children
was 1.27 (SD 5 .12). The age of the children was not a
selection criterion. The sample is more fully described
in Hoff-Ginsberg (1991).
Children were videotaped in dyadic interaction
with their mother at two time points, 10 weeks apart.
The recordings were made in the participants’ homes
during a mealtime, as the mothers were getting the
children dressed for the day, and during toy play with
experimenter-provided toys. The durations of the
mealtime and dressing interactions were allowed to
vary naturally and were taped in their entirety. The
toy play was taped for no more than 25 min. The av-
Hoff and Naigles
the total percent of utterances in joint attention; the
correlation between the two coders’ estimates was
r(4) 5 .98.
The second measure of social engagement was
the number of maternal utterances that were topiccontinuing replies to child speech, as an index of the
contingency of maternal speech on child speech. To
be coded as a topic continuing reply, a maternal utterance had to follow a child’s utterance immediately
and continue the topic of the child’s utterance. Utterances were coded as topic continuing if they met one
of the following conditions: the utterance (1) referred
to any entity or event mentioned in the child’s utterance, (2) was an answer to a question, (3) continued
some patterned speech such as reciting the alphabet
or a nursery rhyme, (4) commented on objects or
events referred to in the prior utterance, or (5) was a
paraphrase of the prior utterance. The category of
topic-continuing replies was one of several in the
scheme for coding the topic relations in mother–child
conversation described in Hoff-Ginsberg (1987). In
the present study, interrater agreement for this code
was 87%, with a Cohen’s k of .80, calculated on 220 utterances from excerpted portions of the mealtime and
toy play interactions in two different transcripts.
Lastly, two other measures of the social–pragmatic
aspects of interaction were calculated: (1) the number
of maternal utterances judged to be behavior directives, and (2) the number of maternal utterances
judged to be intended as conversation-eliciting questions. Behavior directives directed either the child’s
attention or behavior. Conversation-eliciting questions were utterances intended to elicit verbal replies,
including several categories of questions and prompts
to answer questions. It has been argued that these
measures are also related to the hypothesis that mutual social engagement is the basis for language learning because the relative frequency of directives and
conversation-eliciting questions that mothers use indicates the degree to which their purpose in interacting with their child is to control behavior or engage
in conversation (Hoff-Ginsberg, 1991; McDonald &
Pien, 1982). Furthermore, Hoff-Ginsberg (1990), in another sample of mothers and children, found that
children respond to conversation-eliciting questions
more than they respond to other types of maternal utterances. Thus, a higher frequency of conversationeliciting questions would appear to be a good index
of interaction that involves more mutual engagement.
Interrater reliability for this code calculated between
the coder and the first author yielded 82% agreement
and a Cohen’s k of .80, based on 201 coded utterances
in excerpted portions of the mealtime and dressing
segments of two transcripts. This assessment of reli-
ability was done at a different time and on different
transcripts than the assessment of reliability for topic
continuity. Coders were blind to participants’ SES.
Child language measure. To assess differences among
the children with regard to the size of the vocabularies they used in spontaneous speech, all of the children’s transcripts were truncated to the size of the
shortest transcript so that the estimates would not be
contaminated by differences among the children in
the amount of their verbal output (see Hoff-Ginsberg,
1992; Richards, 1987). This procedure resulted in transcripts for each child that were 90 utterances in length
and were selected in approximately equivalent proportions from the mealtime, dressing, and toy play instructions. On the basis of these speech samples, the
total number of word types produced by each child
was calculated using SALT. This count of word types
in a speech sample does not provide an estimate of
the size of the children’s total vocabularies, but it does
provide estimates of the variety of vocabulary that
children use. Therefore, we investigated how social–
pragmatic properties of mother–child conversation
and the data-providing properties of the maternal utterances produced in these conversations compare in
terms of predicting children’s vocabulary diversity
within a given fixed sample, not their entire vocabulary size. These same 90-utterance samples were also
used to calculate the MLU in morphemes, again
using SALT.
Descriptive statistics for the child vocabulary data are
presented in Table 1; Table 2 presents descriptive statistics for the input measures hypothesized to explain
the child vocabulary data.
Correlations were calculated between the input
measures based on the Time 1 language samples and
the child vocabulary measures based on the Time 2
language samples, removing the variance attributable to variance in the children at Time 1. Such partialing was necessary to avoid obtaining correlations
between input at Time 1 and child language measures
at Time 2 that are only reflections of the effect of the
Table 1 Means and Standard Deviations for Child Vocabulary
Time 1
Total word types
Time 2
Note: Word counts are based on 90-utterance speech samples.
Child Development
Table 2 Means and Standard Deviations for Measured Properties of Input (Time 1)
Input Property
Data-providing properties
Number of utterances
Number of word tokens
Number of word types
Mean length of utterance
Social–pragmatic properties
Number of utterances in joint attentiona
Number of topic-continuing replies
Number of behavior directives
Number of conversation-eliciting questions
a Coded
for toy play session only.
children’s language levels at Time 1 on both their input and their future language levels (Newport, Gleitman, & Gleitman, 1977). This procedure, however, is a
very conservative approach that will “underestimate
parent effects on the child in cases where these effects
have already manifested themselves by the time of
the first observation” (Huttenlocher et al., 1991, p. 240).
Three of the four measures of the data-providing
properties of input were found to predict children’s
vocabulary: the number of word tokens, the number
of word types, and the MLU were all positively related to subsequent lexical growth. Of the dataproviding measures, only the total frequency of utterances bore no relation to vocabulary development.
No measure of the social–pragmatic features of interaction predicted vocabulary. The values of the partial
rs obtained are presented in Table 3.
The next step in data analysis was to pursue the
Table 3 Partial Correlations between Input Properties at Time 1
and Child Vocabulary at Time 2
Input Measure
Data-providing features
Number of utterances
Number of word tokens
Number of word types
Mean length of utterance
Social–pragmatic features
Number of utterances in joint attention
Number of topic-continuing replies
Number of behavior directives
Number of conversation-eliciting questions
Number of Word
Types in
Child Speech
Note: Variance attributable to the number of word types in child
speech at Time 1 was removed.
* p , .05 (one-tailed); *** p , .001. (one-tailed).
significant findings to ask how the predictive dataproviding properties of input operated together to account for variance in children’s vocabularies. Analysis of the intercorrelations among these predictive
properties of input revealed that the number of word
tokens and the number of word types in input were
so highly correlated as to make their effects statistically unseparable, r(61) 5 .89, p , .001. For further
use in the tests of predictive relations, one measure—
the number of different word types—was selected.
The MLU of input was also significantly related to the
number of word types in input, but that correlation
was more moderate, r(61) 5 .48, p , .001, and both of
those variables were retained as separate predictors.
The reduced set of predictors—input MLU and
number of word types in input—were entered into a
hierarchical regression analysis with the child vocabulary measure at Time 2 as the outcome. Child vocabulary at Time 1 was entered first, analogous to the
previous partialing procedure; number of words types
in input was entered second; and input MLU was entered last. Input MLU was entered last because the
positive correlation between the MLU and child vocabulary was not specifically predicted by any hypothesized mechanism of word learning, although it
had been observed once before (Bornstein et al., 1998).
We wanted to remove from the MLU any predictive
power carried by properties of input that were predicted by hypothesized mechanisms of learning. The
results, presented in Table 4, confirmed that the number of word types in input was a significant predictor
of child vocabulary when analyzed alone, but the
MLU accounted for more variance. Furthermore, in
the final model with both word types and MLU as
predictors, only the MLU was a significant predictor.
One last analysis was conducted to ensure that the
observed relation between the MLU of input and
child vocabulary was not spurious. It is possible that
children who hear longer utterances also produce
longer utterances, and thus use a greater number of
different words in a 90-utterance speech sample not
because their vocabularies are bigger, but because the
number of word tokens in the speech sample is
Table 4 Hierarchical Regression Predicting Time-2 Word Types
in Child Speech
Child word types (Time 1)
Input word types
Input mean length of utterance
* p , .05; ** p , .01; *** p , .001 (one-tailed).
Final b
Hoff and Naigles
Table 5 Hierarchical Regression Predicting Time-2 Word Types
in Child Speech, Removing Variance Attributable to Child
Mean Length of Utterance (MLU)
R2 Adjusted R2 DR2
Child word types (Time 1)
Child MLU (Time 2)
Input word types
Input MLU
Final b
* p , .05; ** p , .01; *** p , .001 (one-tailed).
greater. To test this possibility, the regression analysis
in Table 4 was rerun with variance in children’s MLU
at Time 2 removed before the input predictors were
entered. As Table 5 shows, the outcome of this analysis was that input MLU remained a significant predictor of child vocabulary.
The foregoing analyses of the relation between properties of input and children’s subsequent vocabulary
use provide a snapshot of children around the age of
24 months as they use language experience to build
their productive vocabularies. The observed patterns
of correlation suggest that at this point in development, variation in the extent to which mothers and
children are mutually engaged in their conversations
has little influence on the richness of the vocabulary
that children will come to use. In contrast, variation in
the lexical richness and syntactic complexity of the utterances that mothers produce in those conversations
does account for variation among children with regard to their subsequent production vocabularies.
These findings are consistent with the theoretical
arguments of the present study that the process of
lexical development can be understood only by considering the data-providing function of children’s
conversational experience in addition to the social
support for language development that conversation
may provide.
The Social–Pragmatic Basis of Lexical Development
Previous findings that have been interpreted as evidence for the social–pragmatic basis of lexical development have, in large part, come from either correlational studies that found that differences in the degree
to which children experience joint attention predicted
subsequent vocabulary, or experimental demonstrations that showed that children have the ability to use
social–pragmatic cues to a speaker’s communicative
intentions. The correlational studies primarily used
maternal checklists or diaries as the basis for their estimates of child vocabulary size, whereas the present study used a fixed-size sample of spontaneous
speech. Maternal checklists have not been subjected
to the usual criteria of inter- and intrarater reliability
(L. Bloom, 1993). One possibility, as discussed earlier,
is that the observed child differences in vocabulary
size assessed by checklist can be attributed to maternal differences in sensitivity to child language, because, after all, mothers fill out checklists based on the
interactions that they have had with their child. To be
sure, these interactions are more extensive than those
recorded by experimenters; however, they are also
more likely to be selectively filtered. For example,
Carpenter et al. (1998) found correlations of joint engagement and maternal following with children’s
subsequent word comprehension (assessed via the
MacArthur Communicative Developer Inventory [CDI]
checklist), but not production (also assessed via the
CDI). At such a young age (12–15 months), mothers’
estimates of their children’s levels of word comprehension are extremely likely to be differentially influenced by maternal sensitivity.
The foregoing arguments suggest, then, that some
of the correlations between mutual engagement and
child vocabulary previously observed in naturalistic
data are spurious. We do not make that claim with
respect to all the previously observed correlations,
however. Some correlations, not involving maternal
report measures of child language, are quite probably
real, but it is worth noting that (1) they involved children who were younger than the participants in the
present study, and (2) they involved maternally
guided rather than child-guided mutual engagement.
Thus, previous findings that maternal responsiveness, contingency, and follow-in behavior benefit vocabulary development may reflect the fact that these
pragmatic features of maternal language are particularly important when children are too young to have
the skills to discern maternal intentions and are not
sufficiently linguistically advanced to use lexical and
syntactic cues to meaning. At this early stage—
between 9 and 18 months—the relevant property of
interaction may be how well the mother structures
the interaction so that children hear the labels of the
things that they are already attending to. The only
thing social about this support for word learning is
the social skill of the mother in following her child’s
attentional focus and timing her words to match.
From the child’s point of view, the benefit is that of
temporal contiguity between attention and input.
Similarly, the finding that individual differences
among children under 18 months with regard to their
joint attention skills predict subsequent language de-
Child Development
velopment (Laakso et al., 1999; Mundy & Gomes,
1998) may merely reflect the fact that being in joint
attention makes temporal contiguity of the child’s attention and the word presented more likely. That is,
the benefit is real and depends on a social skill—this
time the child’s—but is not the social skill of reading
others’ intentions. By the age of 24 months, developmental differences in these skills among children
are likely to have evened out, and all children may
have a sufficient level of skill such that any remaining differences have little consequence for language
The last type of finding that is used to argue for
the social–pragmatic view of lexical development is
the experimental finding that children can read speaker
intentions and use them as clues to word meaning
(Baldwin, 1993; Golinkoff et al., 1999; Tomasello &
Barton, 1994). This ability, however, has been demonstrated only in children over 18 months of age, and
thus it could not be part of the early social basis of
word learning. In principle, children over 18 months
could use this ability to learn words, but in the
present study no evidence of this ability was found in
naturalistic data. The present study investigated the
role of the child’s reading of speaker communicative
intention only indirectly. We reasoned that if children
found significant information in reading the communicative intentions of their conversational partners,
then children whose mothers more often expressed
readable communicative intentions—indexed by utterances spoken in joint attention and by the relatedness of the topics of maternal speech to prior child
speech—should be advantaged in vocabulary development. No such advantage was found, however.
It is always difficult to interpret a null result. It is
possible that more direct measures of intention reading and/or other measures of vocabulary (e.g., comprehension) would have produced positive results. It
is also possible that the pattern of positive findings
for data-providing properties and null findings for
social–pragmatic properties of conversation reflects
that the data-providing properties of input can be
more reliably assessed from a limited sample of interaction than can the social–pragmatic properties. This
concern may particularly pertain to the measure of
language use in joint attention because it was assessed
only for the toy play interaction. We cannot, and do
not, conclude from the current findings that there is
no effect of mutual engagement on language development at this stage. Some degree of mutual engagement is necessary, if only to sustain the interactions
that provide the child with input. On the other hand,
the present database for assessing social–pragmatic
features was as large or larger than that used in most
previous studies that have found effects at younger
ages, and toy play is the most widely used interactive
setting in both naturalistic and experimental studies.
Thus, the present findings deserve interpretation.
The findings of the present study suggest a developmental progression in which social–pragmatic
properties of conversation—which result primarily
from maternal effort—produce information that is
used by children at the very earliest stages of word
learning but apparently is not used at later stages
(around 24 months of age). This account has points
that both agree and disagree with other recently proposed accounts. For example, Hollich et al. (2000)
asked children aged 12, 20, and 24 months to learn
novel words for objects, and compared the usefulness
of perceptual and pragmatic information for making
the correct object–word mapping at each age. Hollich
et al. found that the youngest children did not use experimenter eye gaze (i.e., child-guided joint attention) as a source of information about the referent of
the novel word; however, the older children (20
months and older) did. Their findings with the youngest group led them to conjecture that very young children’s initial learning of words is not based on their
reading of the communicative intents of others. Our
understanding of the data from naturalistic studies
is in line with this view: the usefulness of social–
pragmatic bases of information for child word learners around 10 to 15 months of age is due to maternal
sensitivity, not children’s social–cognitive abilities.
The findings in this study, however, do not converge
with those of Hollich et al. (see also Baldwin, 1993)
with respect to word learning in children over 18
months. That is, their experiments found that children 18 months and older can read adults’ communicative intents en route to learning novel words. In
contrast, the present study’s data indicate that children are apparently not using this ability as they go
about the process of actually learning words of English. That is, even though children over 18 months of
age can use speaker intent, it appears not to be a particularly important source of information for actual
word learning. Thus, the question of what children
can use in word learning, which experiments address,
and what children actually do use, which naturalistic
data address, are two different questions. Moreover,
the current findings suggest that these two questions
have different answers for 24-month-old word learners. A similar suggestion has been made by Carpenter
et al. (1998), who allowed that the relations between
joint attentional engagement and children’s language
development that they observed may be true during
only the earliest stages of language development.
Later, children can and do use more complex sources
Hoff and Naigles
of information. One final possibility that only can be
considered at this point is that the toddlers’ newfound
ability to read intentions beginning at 18 months may
mean that the usual measures of social–pragmatic engagement (joint attention, maternal topic following)
are no longer the right ones; what becomes needed—
and what no one has yet analyzed in this vein — is
a direct assessment of children’s discernment of
their mothers’ communicative intents in naturalistic
In sum, the previous findings, in conjunction with
the findings of the present study, suggest that the
social–pragmatic features of mother–child conversation matter most to vocabulary development early in
the second year of life. The particular social–pragmatic
features that appear to matter—maternal responsivity, contingency, and following of the child’s attentional focus—are all things that mothers do to maximize the match between the child’s attentional focus
and the speech the child hears and to reinforce the
child for participating in communicative interaction.
This may indeed be a crucial social–pragmatic foundation for language development. The child contributes to these interactions the capacity to be engaged,
but the social–pragmatic work that benefits vocabulary development in particular is done by the mother.
The child’s social abilities and inclinations are a precondition for learning, but they are not part of the explanation, at that early stage, of how children figure
out the meaning of the new words they hear. After 18
months, children do have the ability to read others’
intentions, but this has been demonstrated only in experimental settings. Thus far, there has been no empirical demonstration that the exercise of children’s
experimentally demonstrated ability to read intentions and use them as clues to word meaning plays a
significant role in accounting for conventional vocabulary development. This may be because, as was argued in the Introduction, naturalistic interaction simply does not provide the carefully constructed cues
that experiments have provided, or because other
sources of information prove more important.
The Data-Analytic Basis of Lexical Development
The analyses of correlations between properties of
input and children’s subsequent vocabularies identified three data-providing features of input as positive
predictors: the number of words produced, the lexical
richness of the vocabulary used (i.e., the number of
different words), and utterance length. The number
of utterances in input was unrelated to vocabulary
growth. This latter finding is consistent with the null
findings with respect to the social–pragmatic mea-
sures of engagement. Whether or not the mother talks
to the child is essentially a measure of engagement.
The present findings argue that it is not the fact that
mothers talk to their children, but rather the lexical
and syntactic properties of what they say, that is relevant for vocabulary development. These findings are
consistent with Huttenlocher et al.’s (1991) finding
that the amount of input predicts vocabulary growth,
because in that study amount was measured in terms
of number of words, not number of utterances. In the
present data, number of words (i.e., tokens) was similarly a significant predictor of child vocabulary, but it
was also highly correlated with the number of different words (i.e., types). Of these two highly correlated
measures, only the number of types was retained in
further analyses. The observed benefit of lexical richness, however, must be interpreted as a benefit of not
only lexically varied input but also of a large amount
of such input. Although it is an interesting intellectual
exercise to consider how the amount and lexical variety of input might independently benefit lexical development, the present data show that in naturally
occurring maternal speech, the two properties are too
highly correlated to be able to separate their effects.
This finding is consistent with those of Hart and Risley (1992, 1995) and Weizman and Snow (2001) who
found that mothers who produced more words when
talking to their children also produced a greater number of different words. Relatedly, Huttenlocher et al.
(1991) found that more talkative mothers did not use
more word types in equivalent-sized samples of
speech. Nonetheless, the by-product of talking more
appears to be using a bigger vocabulary.
Multiple regression analyses further revealed that
this benefit of lexically rich input was not independent of the benefit of syntactic complexity. It is a property of speech to children, perhaps of speech in general, that use of a more varied vocabulary is associated
with production of longer utterances. The positive
correlation between the lexical richness of input and
child vocabulary is carried by the effect of the MLU.
Maternal MLU uniquely accounted for a significant
portion of the variance in children’s vocabularies.
These findings are consistent with other findings in
the literature that the amount of input, the lexical
richness of input, and maternal MLU are positively
associated with children’s vocabulary sizes (Bornstein et al., 1998; Hart & Risley, 1995; Huttenlocher et
al., 1991). The present findings suggest, for the first
time, that among these correlated predictors, the
MLU accounts for the greatest portion of the variance
in child vocabulary sizes.
What does the observed benefit of large amounts
of lexically rich and, in particular, syntactically com-
Child Development
plex input suggest about how children use input to
build a lexicon? Large amounts of input provide repeated exposure to the same word, which is likely to
be useful for several reasons. First, as Huttenlocher
et al. (1991) argued, repeated exposures function as
multiple learning trials. Second, words presented frequently are likely to be presented in a variety of situations and syntactic frames, allowing for both crosssituational learning and syntactic bootstrapping.
Frequency may be particularly relevant when the outcome measure is production based, because frequent
presentations of a word in input may not only help
build a lexical entry by providing more opportunities
to obtain information about word meaning, but also
may also have a separate effect on the ease with
which children can retrieve a word in the course of
talking. One benefit of lexical richness seems obvious:
the more words a child hears, the more words the
child can potentially learn. Additionally, to the extent
that children know—even partially—the meaning of
the other words presented with a new word, that information constrains the possible interpretation of the
new word. This finding is wholly consistent with
the results of simulations that demonstrate a benefit
of complex input to a variety of language-learning
tasks (Gillette et al., 1999; Plaut & Kello, 1999; Siskind,
1996). What is interesting is that this contradicts the
notion that simple input is better with regard to children’s language acquisition.
The benefit of longer MLU also contradicts the
simpler-is-better notion, but it is consistent with evidence about potential sources of clues to word meaning. Other known words in the utterance, as well as
the structure of the utterance in which a new word
appears, provide clues to the meaning of that new
word. Longer utterances may provide more of these
sources of information than do shorter utterances—
at least for children old enough to take advantage of
the information and within the range of utterance
length to be found in maternal child-directed speech.
Longer utterances may also be long because they contain explicit information about new word meaning
(Clark, 1999; Koenig & Naigles, 1996). For example,
hearing a new word, bat, in a sentence such as “That’s
a bat,” is less useful for building a new lexical entry
than hearing bat in the sentence, “Bats have big wings
and they live in caves.” Such additional information
may not only contribute to completing a lexical entry,
but also may result in deeper processing of that new
word, with all the benefits of depth-of-processing to
memory.1 This explanation is consistent with Della
Corte, Benedict, and Klein’s (1983) finding that chil1
The authors are grateful to Tom Sawallis for this suggestion.
dren’s noun vocabularies are related to the amount of description their mothers provide, and not to the amount of
task-oriented, child-oriented, or context-oriented talk. It
suggests that building a vocabulary depends not only on
hearing words, but also on finding information about
word meaning in the speech that one hears.
Summary and Conclusions
Acquiring a vocabulary consists of learning mappings between sound sequences and meanings. An
obvious prerequisite to this process is development of
the conceptual understandings that sound sequences
express (L. Bloom, 1993). Also necessary is a process
for figuring out which meanings are being expressed
by which sound sequences—the part of the process of
lexical development addressed here. The combined
results of this and previous studies suggest that the
process of word learning makes use of both the human child’s social interest in and ability to interact
with others and the child’s computational ability to
extract information from the speech presented in
those interactions. Evidence that babies as young as 7
months can learn distributional regularities in input
(Saffran, Aslin, & Newport, 1996) and have actually
learned some of the distributional regularities that
constitute the phonotactics of their language (Jusczyk, 1997) suggests that the computational mechanism starts working early on. The fact that some severely asocial individuals, such as some individuals
with autism, can acquire aspects of language suggests
that the computational mechanisms alone may be
sufficient for the acquisition of linguistic competence,
if not communicative competence.
On the other hand, the rich body of evidence on
children’s capacities for joint attention and the evidence that time spent in joint attention predicts language development suggest that in the normal course
of events, language acquisition is very much a social
process. A critical look at the data, however, suggests
that the nature and extent of the social contribution
may be less than sometimes has been claimed. The social nature of humans and human interaction appear
to do two things for language acquisition. One, social
interaction provides the motivation and occasion for
language use and thus brings the child into the context in which language-advancing data are provided.
Second, children’s social cognitive capacities to infer
the intentions of others may actually provide data
about word reference that is used by the computational mechanism. Just how significant a source this
information is in word learning remains to be demonstrated. It depends on how often the mutual understanding it requires actually occurs and on the rela-
Hoff and Naigles
tive value of that source of information over other
information also available in the environment.
Although both social and data-analytic processes
contribute to lexical development, their relative importance changes over the course of development.
When joint attention skills begin to develop, there are
developmental differences among children that will
result in individual differences in the rate of language
development. Similarly, differences among mothers
in the extent to which they respond to these emerging
abilities will affect language development. Thus, at
this point—between 9 and 18 months—variability in
the experience of joint attention may be the greatest
source of variability affecting lexical development. As
children mature, early developmental differences in
the capacity for engagement recede as even the
slower developing children acquire this capacity. As
all children become competent at staying engaged
and following their mother’s focus, individual differences in maternal responsivity and contingency
lessen in importance. Instead, what comes to matter is
how much data is available and how informative are
those data. The particular qualities that appear to
make data useful suggest that the child’s armamentarium of computational devices includes mechanisms for extracting information from the nonlinguistic
context and from the content and structure of utterances, a mechanism for accruing that extracted information across multiple presentations, and a mechanism for inducing what is common among those
accrued instances. The richer the information, the
faster the process occurs.
The present argument does not deny the necessity
of the social nature of humans nor the significance of
the experience of social interaction to language development. It merely asserts that the explanation of how
language develops as a result of experiencing social
interaction cannot be written solely in the vocabulary
of social processes. In those social interactions, children
obtain data regarding the form of language and there
are computational mechanisms that children bring to
bear on those data to produce linguistic knowledge.
Thus, a full account of language development must
be written in both the vocabulary of social processes
and the vocabulary of computational mechanisms.
Data collection was supported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, grant
#HD20936, and by a Spencer Foundation grant to the
first author. Portions of this research were presented
at the 23rd Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, 1998; and the VIIIth In-
ternational Congress for the Study of Child Language, San Sebastian–Donostia, Spain, 1999. The
authors thank Carol Fowler, Janellen Huttenlocher,
Alan Kersten, Brett Laursen, and the anonymous reviewers for conversations on this topic and for comments on earlier versions of this article.
Corresponding author: Erika Hoff, Department of
Psychology, Florida Atlantic University, 2912 College
Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314; e-mail: ehoff@ Letitia Naigles is at the University of Connecticut in Storrs.
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