Acta Geotechnica (2006) 1:137–147
DOI 10.1007/s11440-006-0013-9
On constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils
Antonio Gens Æ Marcelo Sánchez Æ Daichao Sheng
Accepted: 31 May 2006 / Published online: 16 August 2006
Springer-Verlag 2006
Abstract The paper presents a review of constitutive
modelling of unsaturated soils. After a brief historical
perspective, a number of existing constitutive models
are classified and discussed according to the type of
stress variables adopted in their formulation. Afterwards, attention is given to recent developments in the
proposal of coupled hydraulic-mechanical models and
the possibility of casting them in a sound thermodynamical framework. Finally, a double structure model
for expansive soils is described. The incorporation of
microstructural considerations and its use as a platform
for incorporating the influence of new variables are
Keywords Unsaturated soils Æ Constitutive models Æ
Expansive soils Æ Elastoplasticity Æ Thermodynamics
A. Gens (&)
Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences,
Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
[email protected]
M. Sánchez
Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
[email protected]
D. Sheng
Discipline of Civil, Surveying and Environmental
Engineering, The University of Newcastle,
Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
[email protected]
1 Introduction
The study of unsaturated soils has a long but somewhat
uneven history. The role of suction on the behaviour of
unsaturated soils was early recognized (e.g. [15]) and in
the late 1950s and 1960s, there was intense experimental work (e.g. [5, 6]) where, generally, laboratory
results were interpreted in terms of newly defined
effective stresses for unsaturated soils. This period was
followed by a relative lull in the fundamental study of
the mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils reinforced perhaps by the relative failure of the proposed
effective stress expressions for this type of soils [35].
During that period, unsaturated soils tended to be
lumped together with other materials in soil categories
variously described as ‘‘difficult soils’’, ‘‘regional soils’’,
‘‘special soils’’ or other similar names.
To set the study of unsaturated soils on a proper
course, it was essential to realize that any soil could be
unsaturated and, therefore, there could be no reason
why a fundamental approach, already successful in the
case of saturated soils, could not be applied also to this
type of materials. As a matter of principle, there is
nothing special in an unsaturated soil apart from the
simple fact that some part of the pore space is occupied
by air (or other non-wetting fluids). Instead of considering unsaturated soils as a separate class of materials, there should be a seamless continuity with the by
now well-established understanding of saturated soil
behaviour. Important steps in this direction were given
by the separate consideration of two stress variables in
the definition of state surfaces [47], an idea already
anticipated in [6, 12]. The use of state surfaces and the
theoretical and experimental justification of using two
independent stress variables were further reinforced by
the work of Fredlund and Morgenstern [19] and
Fredlund and Rajardho [20]. More comprehensive
evidence on relevant stress variables has been provided
by Tarantino et al. [61].
Since at least the 1980s, there has been a new
explosion of interest on unsaturated soils resulting in a
large amount of theoretical developments, laboratory
investigations, methods of suction control and measurement, and, to a lesser extent, field applications. A
fundamental tool to organize the observations obtained from this systematic research is the development of suitable constitutive laws capable of
reproducing, to a satisfactory extent, the most important features of the mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils. Overcoming the limitations of the state
surface approach, elastoplasticity has proved a very
successful framework for developing constitutive laws
appropriate for unsaturated soils. Those laws lie at the
core of general theoretical coupled formulations devised for this type of materials that include mechanical
deformation, gas flow, liquid flow and, often, thermal
aspects (e.g. [23, 40, 49, 62]). In this paper, a summary
review of developments of elastoplastic models for
unsaturated soils is presented. Inevitably, more attention is given to the advances with which the authors
have been associated. For space reasons, the theoretical frameworks and numerical algorithms through
which the models are applied to the analysis of engineering problems are not examined. A number
of those issues have been reviewed and discussed in
[55, 56].
2 Basic elastoplastic models
2.1 Elastoplastic models using net stresses
One of the first elastoplastic models designed explicitly
for describing the mechanical behaviour of unsaturated
soils was presented in [3] and, in a more summary
form, in [28]. The model was formulated adopting net
stresses (rij – uadij) and suction (s = ua – uw) as fundamental variables. rij are total stresses, ua the air
pressure, uw the water pressure and dij Kroneckers’s
delta. The suction defined as ua – uw can be called
capillary suction. Other measures of suction could in
fact be adopted, but a full consideration of this possibility is outside the scope of this paper (see, for instance [29]). The model, with some slight
modifications, came to be known as the Barcelona
Basic Model (BBM) and can perhaps be summarized
by Fig. 1, where a three-dimensional yield surface in
p–q–s space is depicted. p is the mean net stress and q
Acta Geotechnica (2006) 1:137–147
Fig. 1 Three-dimensional representation of the yield surface in
the BBM
is (r1 – r3). Under saturated conditions (s = 0), the
yield surface corresponds to the Modified Cam Clay
(MCC) ellipse and the size of the elastic domain increases as suction increases. The rate of increase, represented by the loading-collapse (LC) curve is one of
the fundamental characteristics of the model.
One of the main objectives of the development of
this model was to try to insert unsaturated soil
mechanics into the mainstream of current and past
developments in saturated soil mechanics. This aim
guided many of the choices adopted in the definition of
the model and explains the rough simplicity of many of
its features. It was intended that the model could be
used to make qualitative predictions by simple hand
manipulation in the same way that the conceptual
critical state framework is often used. This implied the
adoption of net stresses as one of the basic stress
variables. If other stress variables are used, it is quite
difficult to follow conventional laboratory stress paths
in an effective manner. Indeed, the first use of the
concepts underlying the BBM model was presented in
[2], before the mathematical formulation was fully
developed. The need for a clear connection with saturated soil mechanics led to the adoption of the MCC
as the reference model in such a way that the BBM
constitutive law becomes the classic MCC model when
s becomes zero (i.e. on reaching saturation). In fact
many other elastoplastic-saturated models could have
been used, as the unsaturated formulation is general.
Further examples of the very simplistic assumptions
adopted in the model are the use of straight lines for the
void ratio–ln p relationships (implying a continuous
increase of the collapse strains upon wetting) or the
Acta Geotechnica (2006) 1:137–147
linear increase of apparent cohesion with suction. Simplicity also implies that only a limited number of additional parameters are required. In spite of this lack of
complexity, the model can describe a large number of
typical features of the mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils in a natural unforced way [2, 3]. Some
examples are the variation of wetting-induced swelling
or collapse strains depending on the magnitude of applied stresses, the reversal of volumetric strains observed
sometimes during wetting-induced collapse, the increase
of shear strength with suction, the stress path independency associated with wetting paths and the opposite
when the stress path involves drying or the apparent
increase of preconsolidation stress with suction.
Other models were quickly developed that, while
keeping the same core of basic assumptions, sought to
improve some of the shortcomings of the original
BBM. Thus, Josa et al. [38] used non-linear relationships for the variation of void ratio with ln p so that
collapse strains did not increase indefinitely but they
went through a maximum before reducing to zero at
high stresses. Wheeler and Sivakumar [67] used model
functions more closely based on experimental results
and Cui et al. [16] adopted a saturated yield function
typical of anisotropically consolidated soils.
2.2 Elastoplastic models using alternative stress
The choice of appropriate stress variables for unsaturated soils has often been an intensively debated issue,
often in connection with the possibility of defining a
single effective stress measure. As pointed out in
Jommi [36]: ‘‘in fact, no single stress variable has ever
been found which, substituted for effective stress, allows for a description of all the aspects of the
mechanical behaviour of a given soil in the unsaturated
range’’. A second variable is generally required to
represent the stabilizing influence of suction on intergranular forces and the volumetric effects of its removal or weakening, by wetting.
As summarized by Gens [26], the two stress variables used by most (though not all) unsaturated constitutive models can be expressed as
ðrij ua dij Þ þ l1 ðs; . . .Þdij ; l2 ðs; . . .Þ
where l1 and l2 are functions of suction s and, sometimes, of other variables as well. The authors advocate
the use of the term constitutive stress, rc, for the first
stress variable in order to emphasize the fact that it is
not the only stress variable required to describe the full
unsaturated soil behaviour. Although tensor functions
could be used, most constitutive models assume that l1
and l2 are scalars.
Depending on the expression for l1, three main
classes of models can be distinguished: (1) l1 = 0, (2)
l1(s) function of suction but not of degree of saturation
and (3) l1(s, Sr) dependent on suction and degree of
saturation (Sr).
The first case corresponds to the use of net stresses,
as in the models discussed in the previous section.
Although it is the simplest and most practical choice in
terms of stress path representation, it poses difficulties
when trying to incorporate hydraulic hysteresis effects.
In addition, this class of models requires an explicit
variation of apparent cohesion with suction. This gives
more flexibility to the model at the cost of additional
assumptions. This type of formulation may encounter
difficulties in the transition between unsaturated and
saturated states although they can be overcome by
applying special techniques [63].
In the second case, the definition of constitutive
stress includes explicitly the suction but not the degree
of saturation [24, 41, 46, 48, 50, 51]. The increase of
strength with suction is implicit in the definition of
constitutive stress and it does not require an additional
specific relationship. Stress path representation is now
less simple. Transition between unsaturated and saturated states is again not straightforward, even when the
desaturation suction (or air-entry value) is adopted as
baseline. Hydraulic hysteresis effects are not easily
reproduced either.
In contrast, no special difficulties arise in unsaturated–saturated transition when, in the third case, the
constitutive stress includes a dependency on stress and
degree of saturation [7, 36, 37, 57, 59, 66]. Hydraulic
hysteresis effects are also naturally incorporated and
the strength increase with suction results directly from
the definition of the constitutive stress. Naturally, the
representation of stress paths is now more complex and
it becomes impossible if, as it is often the case, data on
water content is not available or unreliable. In any
case, all constitutive models reviewed share the same
core of assumptions: (1) use of two independent stress
variables, (2) formulation of some type of LC yield
surface, and (3) use of a saturated model as a limiting
The classic Bishop’s equation for effective stress is
an instance of the third type of constitutive stress:
ðrij Þc ¼ rij ua dij þ vðSr Þðua uw Þdij :
A popular form of the above equation results when v is
considered equal to degree of saturation, Sr. Then,
ðrij Þc ¼ rij ua dij þ Sr ðua uw Þdij
¼ rij ð1 Sr Þua dij Sr uw dij :
Acta Geotechnica (2006) 1:137–147
Expression 3, often called Bishop’s stress, has been
found to represent the average stress acting on the
solid phase by Hassanizadeh and Gray [31] from the
entropy inequality exploited via the Coleman-Noll
procedure, by Lewis and Schrefler [43] using volume
averaging, and by Hutter et al. [34] on the bases of
mixture theory. However, this apparent coincidence
between different approaches does not imply necessarily that this stress variable must be used in the
definition of constitutive models.
In this context, the contribution of Houlsby [32] has
provided much needed clarification of this issue.
Houlsby [32] showed that, under reasonably general
conditions, the rate of work input (W) per unit volume
of unsaturated soil is (the work dissipated by flow of
fluids has not been included):
_ ua nð1 Sr Þq_ a =qa ðua uw ÞnS_ r
þ rij ðSr uw þ ð1 Sr Þua Þdij e_ ij
where qa is the air density, n, the porosity and ij the
strains. Neglecting the term for air compressibility,
Eq. 4 indicates that the average solid stress of Eq. 3 is
work-conjugate with the soil skeleton strain whereas
the suction, s, is work conjugate with the strain-like
variable nS_ r : It is equally valid to select as basic
stress variable the quantity ns (called modified suction
in [66]), with minus the variation of degree of saturation, S_ r ; as the work conjugate variable.
However, the above decomposition of the work
input rate expression is not the only possible one.
Rearranging Eq. 4, the following expression, in which
net stresses explicitly appear, can be obtained:
_ ua nð1 Sr Þq_ a =qa ðua uw Þðv_ w =vÞ þ ½rij ua dij _eij
where net stresses are work-conjugate with soil skeleton strains and v_ w =v is the work-conjugate variable
of the suction. v is the specific volume (1 + e) and vw is
equal to (1 + Sre), e is the void ratio. From this point of
view, Bishop stresses and net stresses stand on an equal
footing and the matter of adopting one or the other
must be decided using criteria of convenience. It
should be pointed out, however, that only the choice of
Bishop stress and modified suction results in workconjugate strain increments that are integrable [32, 66].
As indicated above, the stress variables chosen to
represent the independent effects of suction, l2(s,...),
are invariably scalars. However, the main effect of
suction (at least in granular materials) is the generation
of capillary interparticle forces normal to the contacts.
It would be reasonable to expect, as pointed out by Li
[44], that the stress variable should incorporate some
kind of fabric measure of the soil, a variable that no
longer would be a scalar. Unfortunately, the practical
applicability of this idea is difficult due to the complexity of determining the soil fabric and its variation
as the soil deforms.
On a simpler level, Gallipoli et al. [22] have introduced a new scalar variable, n, that is a rough measure
of the intergranular bonding due to water menisci. In
this way, the independent effect of capillary forces
between particles can be readily accounted for.
Therefore, variable n takes the role of l2 and is defined
as n = f(ua – uw)(1 – Sr) where f(ua – uw) represents
the variation of the interparticle force with suction and
(1 – Sr) accounts for the number of water menisci per
unit volume of the solid fraction. Analysing experimental results, it has been found that the excess of void
ratio of an unsaturated soil over the stable saturated
void ratio is a unique function of the new variable n
(Fig. 2). On this basis, and using Bishop’s stress as
constitutive stress variable, an elastoplastic constitutive
model can be developed capable of accounting for
many features of unsaturated soil behaviour in a rather
economical way [22].
3 Coupled hydraulic models
A glaring omission of the BBM and other early formulations was the lack of a specific model to describe
the variation of water content or degree of saturation
due to changes of stresses and/or suction. If the
mechanical model is defined in terms of net stresses,
the consequences are limited as there is no direct
coupling between hydraulic and mechanical model.
Thus in the BBM, hydraulic behaviour was simply
defined in terms of a state surface. However, when
degree of saturation or other hydraulic parameters
enter the definition of the constitutive model, the
hydraulic-mechanical coupling must be carefully considered. In this context, Houslby’s expressions, 4 or 5,
linking mechanical and hydraulic variables, are especially relevant.
The issue of the hydraulic component of the constitutive model was first addressed by Wheeler [65] and
Dangla et al. [17]. Probably, the first full attempt to
couple hydraulic behaviour with a mechanical model
for unsaturated soil was presented by Vaunat et al.
[64]. They described a constitutive law that addresses
Acta Geotechnica (2006) 1:137–147
Fig. 2 Normal compression lines at constant suction in terms of average skeleton stress or Bishop’s stress. a Data from Sharma [54].
b Data from Sivakumar [58]. Excess of void ratio of an unsaturated soil over the stable saturated void ratio as a function of the bonding
variable n. c Data from Sharma [54]. d Data from Sivakumar [22, 58]. Average skeleton stress corresponds to Bishop’s stress
the irreversible behaviour of unsaturated soils upon
wetting and drying, with particular attention to the
phenomenon of hydraulic hysteresis, i.e. the fact that
the relationship between degree of saturation (or other
hydraulic parameters) and suction is different when the
soil is wetted from that obtained when drying the same
soil. The model is built on the BBM, but incorporates
two additional yield surfaces derived from hydraulic
hysteresis. One yield surface defines the plastic changes
in the water content during drying (suction increase,
SI) and the other during wetting (suction decrease,
SD). These two yield surfaces are coupled as the
movement of one will cause the movement of the
other, but not coupled with the load-collapse (LC)
yield surface. By incorporating the SI and SD yield
surfaces with hydraulic hysteresis, this model is able to
predict the irreversible change of degree of saturation
during cyclic wetting and drying.
More recently, Wheeler et al. [66], based on Buisson
and Wheeler [10], presented an elastoplastic constitu-
tive model that also fully couples hydraulic hysteresis
(Fig. 3a) with the mechanical behaviour of the unsaturated soil. For stress variables, they adopted Bishop’s
stress and modified suction, s* = ns. According to
Eq. 4, the work-conjugate variables are strains and
degree of saturation. Wheeler et al. [66] suggested that,
using those variables, the LC yield surface can be
simplified to a vertical straight line and the SI and SD
yield surfaces, arising from hydraulic hysteresis, can be
simplified to horizontal straight lines (Fig. 3b). The
three yield surfaces are fully coupled with one another,
as the movement of one will cause movement of the
other two. The model is able to predict, for an unsaturated soil, a number of irreversible behaviour features
in an economical way.
A model of the same type has been recently presented by Sheng et al. [57] showing that it can be cast
in the thermodynamic framework proposed by Collins
and Houlsby [14]. In this case the stress variables are
Bishop’s stress and suction, not modified suction.
Acta Geotechnica (2006) 1:137–147
s*,– dS r
–dS r
dε v
dS r
s* (log scale)
p*,dε v
Fig. 3 a Model for hysteretic water retention behaviour. b Load collapse (LC), suction increase (SI) and suction decrease (SD) yield
curves for isotropic stress states [66]
Although the use of modified suction provides some
advantage in thermodynamical considerations, there is
no essential difference between the two stress quantities as the porosity n plays a role similar to a scaling
parameter. The hysteretic water retention model is
presented in Fig. 4a; it is composed of a wetting and a
drying curve with scanning curves spanning the two.
No dependency on void ratio is introduced. The two
main water retention curves correspond to the SI and
SD yield surfaces that together with the LC yield
curve constitute the mechanical part of the model
(Fig. 4b). In this particular model, the yield surfaces
are not coupled but move independently of each
Accepting the hypotheses that led to expression 4,
and neglecting the air compressibility term, the plastic
component of the work input rate is
dW p ¼ ðrij Þc deij þ nsdSpr
increment can be decomposed into two components
dW p ¼ dw2 þ d/
where w2 is the part of the Helmholtz free energy that
depends on plastic strains only and d/ is the dissipation
increment. The basic thermodynamical requirements
on any constitutive model are that (1) the dissipation
d/ is strictly positive for any non-zero plastic strain,
and (2) that the free energy dw2 yields zero when
integrated over a closed loop of plastic strain.
In terms of triaxial stress states, the plastic work
increment can be expressed as
dW p ¼ pc depv þ qdepc þ nsdSpr
where pc is the mean constitutive stress, i.e. the mean
Bishop’s stress in this case.
The last term of the equation is only relevant to
yielding in the SI or SD yield surfaces, as the movement of the LC yield surface does not contribute to Spr .
where (rij)c is the constitutive (Bishop) stress.
For uncoupled materials, where the elastic modulus
is independent of the plastic strains, the plastic work
(a) s
f SI = 0
s = sI
s = sD
Src Srb Sre
Fig. 4 a Hysteretic hydraulic behaviour under constant void ratio. b SI, SD and LC yield surfaces in three-dimensional space [57]
Acta Geotechnica (2006) 1:137–147
dW p ¼ pc depv þ qdepc þ ðnsI dSpr or nsD dSpr Þ:
In Eq. 9, the third and fourth terms will occur when
the SI or SD yield curves are engaged, respectively.
Since both sI and sD are known function of the plastic
increment of the degree of saturation and n is independent of dSpr , the last two terms of the equation
above are integrable and give zero when integrated
around a closed loop of Spr . Therefore, these two terms
belong to the free energy dw2.
To find the first two terms in Eq. 8, it is assumed that
plastic volumetric and plastic deviator strains are
caused only by yielding at the LC yield surface. This is
a strong restriction on the role of the SI and SD surfaces. Then
dW p ¼
pc depv þ ðnsI dSpr or nsD dSpr Þ
p 2
p 2
ðdev Þ þ f ðdec Þ C
þ @ pc qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA
ðdev Þ2 þ Mf ðdec Þ2
where M and f are model parameters. The terms of the
first brackets are all integrable and give zero in a closed
loop. Therefore, they are the contribution of the plastic
strain work from the free energy and hence correspond
to dw2. The term in the second set of brackets is not
integrable because it involves the plastic shear strain.
This term thus corresponds to the dissipation function
dw2 ¼ pc depv þ ðnsI dSpr or nsD dSpr Þ
ðdev Þ2 þ Mf ðdec Þ2
d/ ¼ pc qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0:
ðde Þ2 þ M ðde Þ2
The dissipation function 12 is obviously strictly positive
whenever the plastic strains are non-zero, as required.
It can also be shown that the dissipation function above
is a homogeneous function of degree 1 in the plastic
strain increments. Equations 11 and 12 indicate that
the plastic yielding at the SI and SD yield surfaces does
not contribute to the plastic dissipation, but only to the
plastic work. This means that all plastic work associated with a plastic increment of degree of saturation is
stored and can be recovered during a reversed plastic
increment of saturation. This plastic work is very much
the same as the ‘‘locked-in elastic energy’’ due to the
shift or back stress [13]. Obviously, analogous analyses
are required concerning other constitutive models.
Recently, Tamagnini and Pastor [60] have examined a
generalized plasticity model in terms of a similar
thermodynamic framework.
4 Double structure model for expansive soils
There has been a steady trend to incorporate into the
constitutive laws for unsaturated soils additional features for representing the effects of new variables. For
instance, models have been proposed that include the
effect of cementation [1, 42], temperature [25, 33] or
chemical variables [21, 45]. However, perhaps the area
of more intense development has been that of expansive clays.
These materials have been traditionally studied
because of foundation problems associated with cycles
of wetting and drying. However, there has been significant additional interest due to the fact that expansive clays are now widely used as the basic material for
constructing waste-isolation barriers. It is generally
acknowledged that most of the basic elastoplastic
models mentioned above cannot easily accommodate
the behaviour of highly expansive soils. The predicted
behaviour inside the yield locus is elastic and, therefore, predicted strains will be small and, often, largely
reversible. Instead, the swelling behaviour of expansive
clays gives rise to large strains that are strongly stresspath dependent.
A clear instance of this are the results of a series of
swelling tests followed by compression stages performed in an oedometer and presented in Fig. 5. It can
be observed that strains during swelling are large and
very sensitive to the magnitude of applied stress.
Subsequent compression curves only cluster together
at larger stresses, so there is a significant region in
which strains are strongly stress path dependent. This is
just an example of the path dependent and irreversible
behaviour generally associated with the generation of
large strains in expansive clays. Many other instances
have been reported (e.g. [8, 9, 11]).
Because the source of expansive clay behaviour lies
in the physicochemical phenomena occurring in the
vicinity of the clay particle, there is some merit in
trying to incorporate explicitly this microstructural
level in the model [27]. The formulation developed
contains now two structural levels: a microstructure
where the interactions at particle level occur and a
macrostructure that accounts for the overall fabric
arrangement of the material comprising aggregates and
The microstructure is modelled by an adequate
physicochemical model (diffuse double layer theory,
for instance) and the resulting strains are assumed to
Fig. 5 Wetting and compression tests on compacted samples of
El Arahal [39]
be largely reversible. The macrostructure is governed
by a conventional elastoplastic model for unsaturated
soil, generally the BBM. It appears reasonable to assume that the macrostructure does not influence the
behaviour of the microstructure but the reverse is not
true, microstructural deformation may cause strains in
the macrostructure that may be irrecoverable. The
model is summarized in Fig. 6a. The LC curve corresponds to the macrostructural model and the two yield
surfaces (SI and SD) represent the loci of the points
from which irreversible strains on the macrostructure
start to occur. The SI and SD lines are also called
Acta Geotechnica (2006) 1:137–147
neutral lines because no microstructural strains are
generated when the stress path moves along them.
Although they share the same names, the SI and SD
yield loci of the double structure model are conceptually different from the SI and SD yield loci associated
with hydraulic hysteresis discussed in the previous
section. The magnitude of the effect of microstructure
on macrostructure is controlled by interaction functions (Fig. 6b) and it depends on the normalized distance to the macrostructural yield locus (LC). As
shown in Fig. 6b, each branch is associated with a
specific interaction mechanism. The distance to the LC
curve can be considered a measure of density of the
macrostructure. Is a soil state lies on or near the LC,
the macrostructure is collapsible and, therefore, loose.
The packing of the macrostructure becomes denser as
the soil states moves away from the LC. The shapes of
the interaction functions reflect the varying response of
the macrostructural to microstructural strain for the
different soil states.
As for the BBM, the first application towards
explaining the main features of behaviour of expansive
soils was performed without resorting to a specific
mathematical formulation [27]. Therefore, net stresses
and suction were the selected stress variables. In this
case, however, it is necessary to define carefully the
type of suction to be used. Whereas in the macrostructure the matric (or capillary) suction is the relevant one, total suction (i.e. matric plus osmotic suction)
may be required when dealing with the microstructure.
The double structure model thus defined is able to
account for the large strains and many irreversibility
and stress path dependency features of expansive clay
deformation [27]. It is sometimes claimed that irreversible phenomena of expansive clays arise as a consequence of hydraulic hysteresis. It is unlikely to be the
case. Hydraulic hysteresis is largely a geometric phenomena associated with the pore shapes and pore en-
Fig. 6 a Schematic representation of the double structure model in the isotropic plane. b Interaction function linking microstructural
and macrostructural strains
Acta Geotechnica (2006) 1:137–147
trance sizes whereas irreversibility in expansive clays
arises mainly from fabric disruption. An added
advantage of keeping track of two structural levels and,
hence, two pore structures is that important parameters such as permeability can be related to the macrostructural pore sizes since the contribution of the
microstructural pores to overall water flow is negligible. This possibility has proved very valuable in the
analysis of hydration of engineered barriers for radioactive waste disposal [52].
A first mathematical expression of this conceptual
model was presented in Alonso et al. [4] but, recently,
a more convenient formulation based on generalized
plasticity concepts has been developed [53] while
keeping the same basic features and assumptions. The
generalized stress–strain relationships are derived
within a framework of multi-dissipative materials that
provides a consistent and formal approach when several sources of energy dissipation exist. The generalized plasticity approach (Fig. 7) has some significant
No clear evidence exists concerning the shapes of
the internal yield surfaces corresponding to the
interaction mechanisms between the two structural
levels. Their experimental determination is not
likely to be easy either.
The effect of drying/wetting cycles on the behaviour
of expansive soils is a matter of great practical
importance. Generalized plasticity is especially well
adapted to deal with this type of generalized cyclic
It is a formulation well suited for implementation in
numerical codes in a simple, robust and structured
There are additional advantages to the explicit
consideration of two structural levels in the development of the constitutive model. For instance, time
dependent behaviour arises in a natural way if transient hydraulic non-equilibrium between macrostructure and microstructure is considered, a very plausible
The double structure approach is especially useful
when trying to incorporate the effects of chemical
variables on the mechanical behaviour of expansive
clays. Because of their large proportion of active clay
minerals, those materials are especially susceptible to
changes in the geochemical environment. Since
chemical variables affect mainly the behaviour of the
water-particle system, it is only necessary to modify
the microstructural model to take into account the
effects of the new chemical variables. The chemical
effects on the macrostructure are accounted for by the
existing interaction model. A constitutive model that
uses the double structure framework and accounts for
the separate effects of changes in solute concentration
and cation exchange has recently been developed
5 Concluding remarks
The advances in constitutive modelling of unsaturated
soils in the last two decades have been numerous and
wide-ranging and it is still an area of very active research at present. Indeed unsaturated soil approaches
have proved to be quite general, and are being extended to a number of different materials, e.g. chalk
partially saturated with oil and water [18]. Reviewing
Current state
σ e Contraction
n̂ S
from L C
pˆ NL
Fig. 7 a Definition of microstructural loading and unloading in the generalized plasticity model. The line of separation is called neutral
line. b Mapping of the current soil state onto the main yield locus in the generalized plasticity model [53]
Acta Geotechnica (2006) 1:137–147
recent developments, it is possible to identify a number
of significant features:
All constitutive models require two independent
stress measures as basic variables. Increasingly, the
main stress variable includes degree of saturation
and suction.
Incorporation of thermodynamic considerations is
becoming more frequent, with an increasing trend
towards formulating constitutive models within a
consistent thermodynamic framework. Those considerations also tend to influence the choice of basic
stress and strain variables.
Increasing attention is paid to the incorporation of
micromechanical information into the models. It
has proved very useful to capture important features of expansive soil behaviour. So far, the
incorporation has been performed in a conceptual
and approximate manner, but more refined approaches are to be expected in the future.
Enhanced behaviour frameworks are introduced to
account for the effects of an increasing number of
non-mechanical (thermal, chemical) variables on
the stress–strain behaviour of unsaturated soils.
Sometimes, the use of a double structure approach
provides a convenient platform for the incorporation of those new variables into constitutive laws.
Those developments are driven, on the one hand, by
the goal of achieving consistent formulations on sound
thermodynamical bases and, on the other hand, by the
need to provide effective answers to increasingly complex civil and environmental engineering problems.
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