APRIL 1963
Quantitative Estimates of Saturation*
University of Rochester, Rochester, New York
(Received 18 June 1962)
Scales relating saturation to clorimetric purity have been derived from magnitude estimations for red
(W29) and green (W65) test stimuli of 4° and 1.50 subtense. Scales based on homochromatic comparisons
at several luminance levels follow a power-law form, with exponents ranging from 1.80 to 2.30. There is
evidence that saturation scales for red and green light differ in slope, with the red scale being of consistently
higher slope than the green. This difference is demonstrated clearly by heterochromatic saturation matches
for a large number of clorimetric purities, but is not substantiated by magnitude estimations utilizing
heterochromatic comparisons. It is suggested that observers are not able to apply a ratio definition of saturation in making quantitative comparisons of heterochromatic stimuli by the method of magnitude estimation,
and that real differences between saturation scales for differing hues may be masked by the adoption of
median magnitude estimations as a quantitative index of perceived saturations.
AMONG the basic psychophysical
data relevant to
panied by systematic increases in its saturation. When
we ask observers to make more quantitative judgments
of saturation, however, the definition of saturation
which has been adopted by each observer becomes
critically important. The problem of the definition of
saturation has been widely recognized. 4' 5 It has been
customary when dealing with empirical evaluations of
the subjective magnitude of specific clorimetric
purities to distinguish between what we might call a
"chroma" definition and a "saturation" or "amount of
color" definition. 6 In the former, saturation is defined
as ". . . the attribute determining the degree of difference from the achromatic color perception most resembling it. . . ."I This definition corresponds to the
definition of Munsell chroma, and would imply that
equal Munsell chromas would appear equally saturated.
The second definition states that saturation is ". . . the
attribute of a visual sensation which permits a judgment
to be made of the proportion of pure chromatic color in
the total sensation. . . ."8 Whereas the first definition
implies the psychophysical operation of interval judgments of difference from gray, the second implies ratio
judgments, abstracting the chromatic component from
a complex perception. There is no reason to expect that
these two classes of psychophysical operations would
yield identical estimates of the relation between saturation and clorimetric purity, especially when applied
to stimuli which differ in dominant wavelength. It has
been demonstrated that the two definitions produce
conflicting results when applied to stimuli of differing
a description of color are the functions which
relate the psychological aspects of hue, brightness, and
saturation to a corresponding aspect of the light
stimulus (usually, dominant wavelength, luminance,
and clorimetric purity, respectively). Although it has
been shown that each psychological aspect of color may
be influenced by interactions among the perceptions
produced by all three major psychophysical correlates,
it is nonetheless possible to estimate how each aspect
varies with its closest correlate by controlling the other
two variables while manipulating the most relevant
one. The function relating brightness to luminance has
been extensively investigated in this way. 2 The relation
between hue, expressed by color names descriptive of
variations in color across the spectrum, and dominant
wavelength is widely accepted. Saturation is, however,
a much less familiar concept and has been given somewhat conflicting definitions.3 It also is the least frequently abstracted of the three perceptual aspects
mentioned. Given a constant luminance and dominant
wavelength, what changes in saturation result when we
vary the clorimetric purity of the stimulus over the
full range from white to a spectrally pure light?
The subjective judgment of relative saturation for
stimuli of the same dominant wavelength but differing
colorimetric purities can be made with considerable
accuracy. Most observers would agree on an ordinal
scale of saturation with little or no difficulty: increases
in the colorimetric purity of a given color are accom-
luminances. 6
* These experiments were conducted in the Department of
Psychology, University of Rochester, under the support of a grant
from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, United States Public Health Service.
t Now at The Boeing Company, Seattle, Washington.
I Committee on Colorimetry, The Science of Color (Thomas Y.
Crowell Company, New York, 1953), p. 252.
2 cf. R. M. Hanes, J. Exptl. Psychol. 39, 438, 719 (1949); S. S.
Stevens, Psychol. Rev. 64, 153 (1957); R. G. Hopkinson, Nature
178, 1065 (1956); J. W. Onley, Science 132, 1668 (1960).
3 Morton C. Bradley, Tech. Studies in the Field of the Fine
Arts, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, April 1938, Vol. VI,
No. 4.
4 W. D. Wright, The Measurement of Colour (The Macmillan
Company, New York, 1958), p. 153.
'A. Pope, The Language of Drawing and Painting (Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1949). See also
footnote 3.
6 cf. R. M. Evans, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 49, 1049 (1959).
7 D. B. Judd, Color in Business, Science and Industry (John
Wiley &Sons, Inc., New York, 1952).
8 British Standard 1611, 1953, quoted by W. D. Wright,
reference 4, p. 154.
For a wide range of sensory continua, it has been
empirically demonstrated that psychophysical judgments of intervals and of ratios result in differing
l Std.
Poli .,
0.30 SOc
1. General procedures.
estimates of the subjective magnitude scale.' The
question of which scale is the more fundamental remains unanswered. It appears quite probable that the
practical choice of scale will continue to be dictated
by the conditions of each specific application.' 0 At a
more basic level however, there is mounting evidence
that a number of sensory experiences evaluated in the
ratio sense can be adequately described by a single
general law whose parameters vary with the modality
and conditions of stimulation. 9 Although this psychophysical power law has not as yet been demonstrated
to have unequivocal physiological significance, it is
tempting to attribute the generality of the power-law
findings to some general underlying discriminative
process, and to consider ratio judgments to be the
more fundamental.
To derive a psychological ratio scale relating saturation to its psychophysical correlate calorimetric purity,
we may adopt any one of several methods, all of which
require the observer to abstract from a complex color
perception that aspect which represents its saturation
(where saturation is defined as the relative amount of
chromatic color in the total sensation). Two such
scaling methods are those of ratio production and
magnitude estimation. Galifret has reported saturation
scales for red surface colors obtained by each of these
methods and compared to a scale synthesized from
discriminability data." While the scale obtained from
magnitude estimations was found to approximate a
power-law form (with slope, and thence exponent of
the power law equal to 1.0), that derived from the
production of ratios was found to be curvilinear on a
I S. S. Stevens and E. H. Galanter, J. Exptl. Psychol. 54, 377
10 B.
S. Rosner, "Psychophysics and Neurophysiology," in
Psychology: A Sttdy of a Science, edited by S. Koch (McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., New York, 1962), Vol. 4.
11 Y. Galifret, L'Annce Psychologique 59, 35 (1959).
Vol. 53
log-log plot, and suggestive of a somewhat higher slope.
Data of the magnitude-estimation procedure were
found to agree with the scale obtained from discriminability data, a result accepted by the author as evidence
for the tentative labeling of saturation as a metathetic
sensory continuum.9
Scales derived by the method of magnitude estimation and the method of ratio production for the visual
dimension of brightness have been shown to agree
within the errors of measurement of either procedure.' 2
The discrepancy in scales obtained by the two methods
for the saturation dimension is disturbing. Although it
is not clear from Galifret's report that stimuli for the
two procedures were totally equivalent, his findings
raise serious questions concerning the application of
traditional scaling procedures to the saturation dimension. A complete empirical investigation of the saturation scale should include some procedure which provides
an independent verification of its form and the values of
its parameters.
The present study utilizes the methods of magnitude
estimation and saturation matching to investigate the
form and parameters of a ratio scale relating saturation
to colorimetric purity of stimuli yielding color perceptions of red and green hues at several luminance levels.
The magnitude estimation procedure is applicable to the
derivation of scales for stimuli of each dominant wavelength and luminance level independently, but offers no
information as to how the saturations of differing
dominant wavelengths may be related. The psychophysical investigation of this question has been carried
out both by the use of heterochromatic saturation
estimations and by a direct saturation-matching
procedure. While it is in no way implied that this study
offers a complete picture of saturation relations, its
limited data present information of serious methodological implications by providing an evaluation of the
consistency of the scales and scale parameters predicted
by these differing judgmental procedures.
Three independent experiments were performed. The
general procedures employed in the study are summarized in Fig. 1, and their specific conditions will be
described briefly.
Magnitude Estimates-4° Test Field
Each of the 18 color-normal observers was instructed
to make numerical estimates of the saturation produced
by test stimuli of three different dominant wavelengths
(those of Wratten filters W29 red, W65 green and W48
blue, as illuminated by tungsten light, and of varying
colorimetric purities). All judgments were made relative
to a standard of the same dominant wavelength 1 and
2cf. J. W. Onley, Science 132, 1668 (1960).
13Note, however, that particularly for the blue stimulus
of which are not reported here), there is a marked shift in hue with
April 1963
were nominally based on a ratio definition of saturation.
Observers were told to define saturation as the "relative
amount of color" in each sample, and were shown color
samples of varying purities to provide some degree of
familiarization with the saturation dimension.
Observations were made monocularly, with the preferred eye. Each observer made one estimate for each
of 10 clorimetric purities of the three dominant wavelengths, at each of two luminance levels (68 and 6.8
mL). Dominant wavelength, luminance level, and
colorimetric purity were randomized in the design of
this experiment.
Magnitude Estimates-1.5' Test Field
Each of 17 color-normal observers was instructed to
make numerical estimates of the saturation of red and
green (W29, W65) test stimuli of varying clorimetric
purities. Judgments were made relative to both homochromatic and heterochromatic standards, and were as
in the above procedure, based on a ratio definition of
saturation. Familiarization with the saturation dimension was accomplished by the use of color chips and
sample stimuli provided by the actual experimental
Observations were made haploscopically; that is, the
observer viewed the standard test stimulus with one
eye, then viewed the comparison stimulus with the
other eye. The haploscopic procedure was adopted
because of the complex after-image problems encountered with the high luminance level in this experiment. For this study, each observer made one estimate
for each of eight calorimetric purities of the two dominant wavelengths at each of two luminance levels (680
and 68 mL). Dominant wavelength, luminance level,
colorimetric purity, and type of judgment (i.e., homochromatic or heterochromatic) were randomized in the
design of this experiment, with specific restrictions being
placed on successive stimulus presentations (e.g., a
homochromatic series always began each experimental
session; heterochromatic comparison of a given test
stimulus never immediately followed its homochromatic
For both magnitude-estimation procedures, the fixation target was a dim (0.18 mL) tungsten-illuminated
annulus, viewed for 5 min prior to a given stimulus
Saturation Matches-1.5° Test Field
Each of two color-normal observers adjusted a comparison stimulus to match in saturation each of a series
of standard stimuli. Homochromatic judgments provide
the baseline against which heterochromatic comparisons
may be evaluated. The observers in this experiment
were highly trained in making clorimetric matches
changes in colorimetric purity. See W. DeW. Abney, Researches
in Colour Vision and the Trichromatic Theory (Longmans Green
& Co., London, 1913) for data bearing on the Abney Effect.
FIG. 2. Schematic diagram of the apparatus used in the scaling
experiments. Projectors: Pf (fixation field), P, (white component
of test field), P, (chromatic component of test field); F filter racks:
S (standard), C (comparison); L lens; Sh shutter; GG ground
glass slides; Af fixation aperture; At test aperture.
and experienced in the complex judgments required by
heterochromatic photometry.
Observations were made haploscopically, as shown
in Fig. 1. Red and green (W29 and W65) test stimuli of
varying clorimetric purities were studied at a luminance level of 74 mL. Hue, colorimetric purity, and type
of judgment were randomized, and the experimental
design included six judgments by each observer for each
of the experimental conditions.
For the matching procedure, fixation targets were
dim hairline reticles, illuminated by a tungsten source
at a level which was just visible to the observer. Test
stimuli were delivered in an otherwise darkened field,
and were preceded by a 5-min period of adaptation to
the surround prior to each series.
For the scaling experiments, stimulus fields were provided by three 35-mm slide projectors arranged as
shown schematically in Fig. 2. Filter mountings for
standard and variable stimuli were positioned to allow
rapid substitution of one for the other. Test-flash
duration was controlled by an electromechanical timing
unit, activating a rotary solenoid shutter. The presentation of each test flash was under the control of the
observer, who pressed a control button when he considered his fixation on the target to be adequate. A fineground glass slide positioned across each of the apertures
assured that the normally viewed stimuli appeared
uniformly bright.
For the matching experiment, stimulus fields were
obtained by means of a multiple-channel Maxwellianview optical system which has been described in detail
elsewhere. 4
Light Sources
The light sources used for the three experiments were
tungsten-filament lamps, all operated at approximately
W. Onley, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 51, 667 (1961).
the same color temperature.' 5 For the 40 scaling study,
projectors W and C contained 750-W 105-V spiralfilament projection bulbs. To obtain better field uniformity, these projectors were converted to utilize
vertical-ribbon-filament microscope lamps (6-V, 18-A)
for the 1.50 scaling study. Light sources in the matching
apparatus were 12-V 50-cp auto bulbs with a V-shaped
filament that is particularly adapted to the stimulus
requirements of the Maxwellian view.
6.8 mL
68 mL
Vol. 53
Rid -
Y *222
Y. 2.30x +2.77
Luminance calibrations of all stimulus fields were
obtained by direct-matching procedures, by using the
Macbeth illuminometer and monocular viewing. For the
chromatic components of each stimulus field, this
necessitated heterochromatic brightness matching,
which was carried out independently for each of the
two observers in the matching experiment. Specifications of colorimetric purity throughout this report are
based on the judgments of these observers, and probably
depart at least slightly from measurements based on
the standard observer.
Colorimetric purity for spectral-plus-white combinations of lights is defined as follows:
where By is the luminance of the spectral component
and Bw is the luminance of the white component. This
definition applies not only to monochromatic-pluswhite-light combinations, but also to stimuli found to
yield a color match to them. Given the excitation purity
of a filtered light of given color for the 1931 CIE
standard observer, colorimetric purity for any actual
observer with normal color vision may be estimated by
the following formula':
where Pc is the excitation purity for the illuminant
used, ys is the chromaticity coordinate of the filter for
that illuminant, and yx is the corresponding chromaticity coordinate of its dominant wavelength. This
formula was employed to estimate the colorimetric
purities of all chromatic and chromatic-plus-white
stimuli utilized in these experiments.
Under many viewing and judgment conditions, the
light provided by the tungsten sources used here may
be perceived as possessing some hue. In the context of
the present experiments, it was in fact defined as
"white," and in no instance did any observer assign a
saturation estimate greater than zero to the white
component presented alone. In fact, a number of
16Lamps for the scaling experiment were operated at approxi-
mately 2800'K, those for the matching experiment at approxi-
mately 2900'K. See G. R. Harrison, R. C. Lord, and J. R. Loofbourow, Practical Spectroscopy (Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, 1948), p. 174.
18 Y. LeGrand, Light, Colour and Vision (John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York, 1957), p. 181.
-.4 -2
6 -.4 -.
V L4.842 + 2.77
FIG. 3. Median and range of saturation estimates of 18 observers.
The functions drawn are least-squares linear fits of the median
estimates, and are characterized by the equations shown.
observers failed to perceive a relative saturation greater
than zero even for stimuli of clorimetric purities as
high as 0.2 (note for example Fig. 3 in which lower
limits of the ratio estimates in the log-log plot cannot
in some cases be shown). It should be emphasized that
in the scaling experiments, observers were required to
make estimates of saturation relative to standard stimuli
which were moderately chromatic in appearance. Compared to these standard stimuli, the tungsten source
itself appeared quite achromatic.
Results of the magnitude estimation study for 40
fields are summarized in Fig. 3, which shows the median
and range of estimates based on the group of 18 naive
observers. All estimates were made by comparing the
variable test stimuli with a homochromatic standard of
colorimetric purity equal to 0.4, where this standard
was assigned the number "100." Observers for both
magnitude-estimation studies were allowed to report
either numbers (e.g., "200") or ratios (e.g., "twice as
saturated") to express the relative amount of chromatic
color in each comparison stimulus.
A straight line on the log-log coordinates of Fig. 3
and of subsequent figures describing magnitude estimation data indicates agreement with a power-law
prediction. The best-fitting straight line has been
derived by the method of least squares, and its equation
is shown for each condition. The slope constant in each
equation represents the exponent of the power law for
that case. Note that for all conditions of this experiment, median estimates of saturation approximate a
power-law form. There also appears to be some evidence
April 1963
that there is a systematic difference between saturation
scales for this particular pair of red and green stimuli,
with the green scale showing a consistently lower
exponent (i.e., the saturation of the green stimulus
increases less rapidly than that of the red, for similar
variations in colorimetric purity of the two stimuli), as
might be expected due to the higher saturation of
spectrum red.
Figures 4 and 5 summarize the findings of the magnitude estimation study for 1.50 test fields. All estimates
were made by comparing the variable test stimuli with
a standard of colorimetric purity equal to 0.5, where
this standard was assigned the number "100." For the
conditions of Fig. 4, comparison and standard were of
the same dominant wavelength; for those shown in
Fig. 5, heterochromatic comparisons were made as
indicated. Best-fitting straight lines derived by the
method of least squares are described by the equations
shown for each function. Median estimates of saturation
once again closely approximate power-law form: both
homochromatic and heterochromatic comparisons yield
a nearly linear result on the log-log plot. Note, however,
from Fig. 4, that there is no evidence for difference in
slope of the red and green scales at the 68-mL level
which corresponds to that of the earlier study, and that
the difference in slope for the 680-mL condition is in
fact in the reverse direction.
Although heterochromatic comparisons, particularly
at the lower luminance level, appear to yield a powerlaw result with an exponent which is systematically
lower than that evidenced by homochromatic judgments, the results for red-vs-green comparisons and
those for the reverse case are virtually identical; there
68 mL
-1.o -8
-.6 -.4 -.2
Y 1.90
-.o -.8 -.6 -.4
-.2 0
CD 2.4
s d 2s
+ 2.66
+ 2.63
FIG. 4. Median and range of saturation estimates of 17 observers. The functions drawn are least-squares linear fits of the
median estimates, and are characterized by the equations shown.
68 mL
680 mL
G,. td.
Dr. Wt.
Y 1.77X2.40
-1.0 -.8 -.6 -.4 -.2
-.0 -.
C. R
o 2.4
R. i td.
X + 2.44
-.6 -.4 -.2
R, td,
LTOX + 2.22
4- 2.36
FIG. 5. Median and range of saturation estimates of 17 ob-
servers. The functions drawn are least-squares linear fits of the
median estimates, and are characterized by the equations shown.
is no evidence from the data of heterochromatic
estimates, Fig. 5, which would substantiate a systematic difference between scales for red and green lights.
Although heterochromatic and homochromatic comparisons were made by the same observers within a
single experimental session, most observers reported
estimates much more conservatively in the heterochromatic series, and were reluctant to assign extreme
values when making cross-color comparisons. It appears
highly probable that few observers were able to adopt
a stable ratio definition of saturation when forced to
evaluate heterochromatic pairs.
It is clear from the complete ranges of estimates,
shown in Figs. 3-5, that observers were generally able
to reproduce an ordinal scale of saturations, even when
stimuli were presented singly and could not be cross
checked with stimuli of the continuum other than the
standard. (Judgments greater than "100" were seldom
given for stimuli below the standard; judgments less
than "100" for stimuli of colorimetric purities higher
than the standard were similarly infrequent, even for
the heterochromatic comparisons.) Observers participating in the magnitude estimation studies reported
very little difficulty in assigning numbers which they
considered to be proportional to the relative amounts
of color in comparison and standard stimuli when these
were of the same dominant wavelength. Although it is
unlikely that the specific instructions of the magnitudeestimation procedure would foster an interval definition
of saturation by the observer, there remains no inherent
means of verifying the adoption of a ratio definition. It
may be that a saturation scale based on quantitative
estimates by a naive observer possesses little more than
Vol. 53
along a specific physical continuum. 7 The latter type
of judgment cannot directly yield a subjective scale for
the dimension under consideration, but it may be
SCALE (Slope arbitrary)
applied in investigating or verifying the parameters of
such a scale derived by ratio procedures.' 4 In the present
I C.P. Difference (Hama- vs
investigation, saturation matches for homochromatic
Hetera-chromatic matches
and heterochromatic pairs of stimuli have been utilized
for the Standards shown)
to predict the relative exponents of saturation scales for
red and green light.
Assuming an arbitrary reference slope of 1.00 for the
FIG. 6. Prediction of the relative slopes of saturation scales
subjective scale relating the log saturation of green
on the basis of heterochromatic vs homochromatic saturation
(W65) light to log calorimetric purity, we may ask what
slope will a scale obtained under the same conditions
for red (W29) exhibit? The application of matching
ordinal properties, and this is most certainly true when data to this question is illustrated schematically in
the estimates require the abstraction of saturation from Fig. 6. The clorimetric purity required for a homothe complex perception of colors which also differ in chromatic match in haploscopic view (see Fig. 1) is
dominant wavelength.
utilized as the reference baseline against which heteroThe results of the magnitude-estimation experiments chromatic matches are evaluated. Plotted in this
differ considerably from those reported by Galifret."1 illustration are the differences in median colorimetric
While the scales obtained by Galifret for a red surface purity between homochromatic and heterochromatic
color exhibited power-law form, they were of consider- matches for each of a series of standards of specific
ably lower exponent than those reported here. It is by colorimetric purities. The use of the difference measures
no means a novel finding that a subjective dimension compensates for possible sensitivity differences in the
of color varies not only with its physical correlate, but two eyes. Figure 7 summarizes these difference measures
with other aspects, such as mode of appearance (e.g., for each of two trained observers, under conditions in
surface or illuminant mode; while for the dark-adapted which each color was varied in turn to yield a saturation
observer the brightness scale has an exponent of about match with itself and with the second color. Both
0.30, the similar scale for lightness exhibits an exponent observers required relatively less green light in the
near 1.20).9 The practical definition of saturation may chromatic-plus-white stimulus to equal a given saturaalso be a critical factor contributing to lack of agreement tion of red light at low clorimetric purities of the
in the two studies. Further, there is considerable standard, and relatively more green light at high
variability between saturation scales obtained for
74 mL
individual observers in the present study, with the
exponents of individual scales varying from as low as
0.90 to about 2.90, and clearly encompassing the range
within which Galifret's median exponents lie. Although
it is attempted by the use of a large group of observers
to provide an adequate index of individual differences
and a stable median estimate of the saturation scale,
individual differences cannot be ignored, and comparison among conditions should ideally be made with
the same group of observers as their own control.
Familiarization and context effects, however, mitigate
strongly against the use of the same observers for large
numbers of judgments on the same sensory continuum,
when the method of magnitude estimation is employed.
Due to the high degree of variability inherent in the
scales derived from magnitude estimations, it is unlikely that one could reliably establish differences
between scales for differing colors, even if these differences do in fact exist. Quantitative estimates such as
those required by this procedure are relatively insensi-12 -1.0 -8 -.6 -.4 -.2
-1.2 -1.0 -.8 -.6 -.4 -.2
tive measures. Those who hold a conservative view of
psychophysics would discount such measures in favor
FIG. 7. Relative slopes of saturation scales for red
and green stimuli of 1.50 subtense.
of the more critical judgments obtainable by procedures
which require the observer to match stimuli, or to "null
17G. S. Brindley, Physiology of the Retina and Visual Pathway
out" differences between classes of stimuli which vary (Edward Arnold, Ltd., London, 1960).
(Least Squares)
April 1963
colorimetric purities of the standard. Stated another
way, low-purity greens would appear more saturated
than reds of the same purity; at an intermediate level
(about 0.15 colorimetric purity) equal purity of the
two colors implies equal saturation; high-purity greens
would appear less saturated than reds of the same
The experimental data of Fig. 7 have been fitted with
straight lines by using a least-squares technique which
minimizes horizontal deviations (since difference measures are plotted as deviations in x, rather than y) from
the arbitrary reference curve for green light. In all
cases, the slope for the red function is greater than that
for green, and the average ratio of red to green slopes
is 1.55, with observer CLK showing some systematic
differences between adjustments of red and of green.
Although the absolute values of these slopes are
arbitrary, their ratios may be compared directly to the
ratios of the power-law exponents for red and green
saturation scales obtained in the two earlier experiments. The ratio of power-law exponents for median
estimates under corresponding conditions in the 40
magnitude estimation study was 1.28; for the 1.50 data,
the ratio was 1.00.
One of the observers of the matching study (the
senior author) also participated in both scaling studies.
Obtained ratios of red to green exponents for this single
observer were: 1.20 for scales obtained by magnitude
estimation, 4 stimuli; 1.44 for scales obtained by
magnitude estimation, 1.50 stimuli; 1.56 and 1.53
estimated from red and green judgments, respectively,
in the matching study. For this observer, all three
procedures revealed consistent differences between
saturation functions for red and green light. If any
conclusion at all may be drawn from the data of a
single observer, it is, in this case, that the observer may
best be used as his own control, and that the existence
of measurable differences between saturation magnitudes may be obscured by the selection of median
magnitude estimates as the quantitative measure of
perceived saturation.
The problem of definition of saturation remains
central to the problem of scaling in this dimension.
While observers may be capable of making ratio judgments when comparing equiluminant stimuli of the
same dominant wavelength, they may not be able to
adhere to a ratio criterion when making comparisons
between differing hues. While the heterochromatic
matching procedure offers a more simple judgmental
situation, it does not directly evaluate the form of the
saturation scale, and the application of heterochromatic
matching data involves the assumption of a particular
scale form (in this case, power-law form). The data of
magnitude estimations of saturation tend to verify a
power-law form for this subjective scale without
establishing a definitive value for its exponent, or
differentiating between scales for various dominant
wavelengths. It is suggested by the data of the present
three experiments that validation of scale information
based on magnitude estimations requires additional
procedures, such as saturation matching, and that
reliance on median magnitude estimates of saturation
as indicators of the form and parameters of the scale
may be misleading.