Special Issue on "Understanding Glaucoma"
International Journal of Ophthalmology & Eye Science (IJOES)
ISSN 2332-290X
Venous Ocular Blood Flow in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
Case Study
Natalia I. Kurysheva1*, Tatiana N. Kiseleva2, Elena Y. Irtegova1, Olga A. Parshunina1
Ophthalmological Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia.
The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Moscow, Russia.
Purpose: To study venous blood low of the eye and the correlation between clinical data and ocular blood low in primary
open angle glaucoma (POAG).
Methods: Color Doppler imaging of arterial and venous blood low was performed in 78 patients with normal tension
glaucoma (NTG), 80 patients with high pressure glaucoma (HPG) and 60 control subjects. The statistical analysis included
the calculation of correlation between clinical data and ocular blood low parameters as well as Pearson’s correlation coeficient. The threshold P value for statistical signiicance was 0.05.
Results: Ocular blood low (both arterial and venous) was signiicantly reduced in NTG and HTG in comparison to the
control group. While arterial blood low reduction was more signiicant in HTG than in NTG, venous blood low decrease
was more marked in NTG. In contrast to the control group, POAG patients showed a correlation between clinical data and
venous blood low. The correlation was higher in NTG patients.
Conclusions: The obtained results indicate the potential importance of venous blood low in glaucoma pathogenesis,
especially in NTG.
Keywords: Ocular Blood Flow; Optical Coherence Tomography; Primary Open Angle Glaucoma; Retinal Ganglion Cell
Complex; Venous Blood Flow; Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma; Normal Tension Glaucoma; Optical Coherence Tomography; Structural Changes; Ocular Blood Flow.
*Corresponding Author:
Natalia I. Kurysheva,
Ophthalmological Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency,
Malaya Naberezhnaya, 15/1-7, Moscow, 125362, Russia.
Tel: +7 916 664 23 13
Fax: +7 499 196 65 17
[email protected]
Received: May 17, 2015
Accepted: June 03, 2015
Published: June 08, 2015
Citation: Natalia I. Kurysheva, Tatiana N. Kiseleva, Elena Y. Irtegova,
Olga A. Parshunina, (2015) Venous Ocular Blood Flow in Primary Open
Angle Glaucoma. Int J Ophthalmol Eye Res. S3:001, 1-7.
Copyright: Natalia I. Kurysheva© 2015. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Reduced and/or unstable ocular blood low leading to chronic
ischemia and reperfusion of deep retinal layers and optic nerve
head is considered to be an important risk factor in primary open
angle glaucoma (POAG) development and progression [1]. More
than 30 years ago Quigley and co-workers, performed histological
analysis in post mortem eyes comparing the optic disc capillary
bed in patients with early and advanced glaucoma. The authors
reported the amount of capillaries remained at a normal level,
while there was a signiicant thinning of the retinal nerve iber
layer (RNFL) in advanced glaucoma [2]. On this basis, the author
concluded that the development of glaucomatous optic neuropathy is not associated with vascular disorders of the optic nerve.
This conclusion was, however, criticized by Hayreh, who emphasized that the state of capillary bed does not necessarily relect
the level of ocular perfusion since capillaries are more resistant
to ischemia than nervous tissue [3]. In humans longitudinal studies are required to investigate whether such perfusion changes in
glaucoma are cause or consequence of the disease, which is dificult in the absence of a gold standard method for measuring
ocular blood low. Color Doppler imaging (CDI) has been proposed for glaucoma diagnosis showing relatively good sensitivity
and speciicity [4-23]. Moreover several longitudinal studies using
color Doppler imaging (CDI) indicate that reduced blood velocities in retrobulbar vessels are indeed a risk factor for glaucoma
progression [4-10].
However few of them mention the role of venous blood low in
glaucoma and explore its link to disk hemorrhages, retinal vein
occlusion [18] and retinal venous pulsation [14, 15].
The purpose of our study was to evaluate venous blood low in
glaucoma patients and determine the correlation between local
Natalia I. Kurysheva, Tatiana N. Kiseleva, Elena Y. Irtegova, Olga A. Parshunina, (2015) Venous Ocular Blood Flow in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. Int J Ophthalmol
Eye Res. S3:001, 1-7
Special Issue on "Understanding Glaucoma"
blood low and clinical data in POAG patients.
Materials and Methods
Subject groups
The study was approved by the ethical committee (Institutional
Review Board) at the Institution of Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russian Federation and was conducted in accordance with Good Clinical Practice within the tenets of the Helsinki
agreement. Each patient/subject was required to sign an informed
consent form before being enrolled in the study and prior to any
measurements being taken.
The study included 156 patients (73 male and 83 female) with
POAG aged 46 to 67 years. 78 patients had normal tension glaucoma (NTG), and 80 had high pressure glaucoma (HPG). 60
healthy individuals (22 males and 38 females) of the same age
constituted the control group. Glaucoma was diagnosed on the
basis of characteristic changes in the optic disc detected by ophthalmoscopy, which was performed by one glaucoma specialist
(NK; pathological deviation from the normal neuroretinal rim,
glaucomatous optic disc cupping, peripapillary atrophy, wedgeshaped defects of RNFL adjacent to the edge of optic disc, hemorrhages on the optic disc boundary). Standard automated perimetry (SAP) was done by means of the Humphrey perimeter (Carl
Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA) using the 30-2 threshold test program
with the SITA-Standard algorithm (threshold was studied at 176
points within the central 30° using Goldmann III white stimulus
and presentation duration of 100 ms, with background illumination of 31.5 abs). Mean deviation (MD) and pattern standard deviation (PSD) were determined. Results of the SAP had to be
normal deined as: the pattern deviation plot has less than 3 contiguous points signiicantly different from normal (P<0.05) with
at least one at the P<0.01 level on the same side of the horizontal meridian. For the diagnosis of HTG an untreated intraocular
pressure (IOP) above 21 mm Hg was required. Patients using eye
drops prior to being enrolled in the study were recommended to
discontinue treatment for up to 3 weeks (the washout period).
Other patients were newly diagnosed with glaucoma. Diagnostic
criteria for NTG were the same as for the HTG patients, however
an IOP was not above 21 mmHg.
The control group consisted of persons with no irst-degree relatives with glaucoma, IOP<22 mm Hg, normal optic disc appearance, normal RNFL and absence of visual ield defects.
In all subjects an ophthalmologic examination was performed
including determination of visual acuity, biomicroscopy, applanation tonometry, gonioscopy, pachymetry, measurement of axial
length and anterior chamber depth, and imaging of the anterior
segment of the eye using OCT. Inclusion criteria were the ametropia≤0.5 diopters and an open anterior chamber angle (not less
than 30°).
Exclusion criteria were the presence of the following: systemic
administration of beta-blockers and calcium-channel blockers,
concomitant ocular disease (except early stage cataract), chronic
autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, acute circulatory disorders in past medical history and any concomitant disease involving administration of steroid drugs. A history of ocular arterial
or venous obstruction (branch or central occlusion) or systemic
conditions associated with venous congestion (e.g. heart failure)
were also considered as exclusion criteria. Only patients who had
not been previously undergone ocular surgery were included.
In glaucoma patients the eye with more advanced glaucoma stage
(determined via perimetry) was included in the study. The control
group had their right eye hemodynamics examined.
Information regarding functional and structural damage was collected from glaucoma patients during examinations undertaken
on the day of the study visit.
Patients with suspected intracranial abnormalities underwent
brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Doppler imaging was
used to exclude any neck blood vessels pathology. Blood pressure
measurement was taken from subject’s right arm using an electronic sphygmomanometer (Omron, Schaumburg, USA).
Measuring devices
Intraocular pressure was measured using the Ocular Response
Analyzer (ORA) (Reichert Ophthalmic Instruments, Depew, NY).
The device uses a direct burst of air directed towards the cornea
and uses tow applanation pressure measurements, one during the
depression of the cornea and another during the recovery. The
corneal hysteresis (CH) measure allows for the calculation of a
corneal compensated IOP (IOPcc), which appear to be less affected by properties of the cornea than conventional applanation
Mean ocular perfusion pressure (MOPP) was calculated based on
measurements of IOP and systemic blood pressure (BP) immediately before the OCT scanning and investigation of retrobulbar
blood low, after a 10-minute resting period in the sitting position. Systemic BP was measured using the Riva Rocci technique.
MOPP was calculated using the formula: MOPP= ([2/3diastolicBP + 1/3systolicBP] x 2/3-IOP).
OCT was performed using the RTVue-100 OCT (Optovue, Inc.,
Fremont, CA) in the optic disc area (ONH protocols and 3D
Disc) and macular area (GCC protocol) in tracking mode. In the
ONH (optic nerve head) study protocol, retinal nerve iber layer
thickness (RNFLT) was investigated.
The method used for investigating blood low velocity in retrobulbar vessels included gray-scale ultrasound, Color Doppler Imaging (CDI) and pulsed-wave Doppler (PWD). The ultrasound
examinations were performed with a VOLUSON 730 Pro ultrasound system (GE Medical Systems Kretztechnik GmbH & Co
OHG, Austria) and a SP 10-16 transducer. With the patient in
supine position, sterile ophthalmic gel was applied as a coupling
to the closed eyelid, and the probe was positioned gently with
minimal pressure. Application of gray-scale ultrasound enabled
us to obtain the image of the globe and orbit. The CDI-method
was used to display directly the ine orbital vessels, including the
ophthalmic artery (OA) and its branches, the central retinal artery
(CRA), the lateral and medial posterior ciliary arteries (PCAs). It
was done according to expected anatomical position of the vessels and its color code. The blood low in the OA was evaluated at
a depth of 35 mm. The CRA blood low velocity was examined in
the canal of optic nerve at the distance of 5-6 mm from the posterior wall of the globe. The PCAs were identiied on either side
of the optic nerve, about the same distance from the fundus as
Natalia I. Kurysheva, Tatiana N. Kiseleva, Elena Y. Irtegova, Olga A. Parshunina, (2015) Venous Ocular Blood Flow in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. Int J Ophthalmol
Eye Res. S3:001, 1-7
Special Issue on "Understanding Glaucoma"
the central retinal artery and vein. With using PWD we measured
the blood low spectrum of vessels and its main indices: peak systolic velocity (PSV), end-diastolic velocity (EDV), mean velocity
(Vmean), resistive index (RI), and the pulsatility index (PI).
Patients were instructed to avoid caffeine intake, smoking and exercise for 5 hours prior to the study visit.
Statistical analysis
Analyses were performed with “SPSS 11.0 for Windows” software. The statistical analysis included the calculation of means,
standard deviation, standard error as well as Pearson’s correlation
coeficient. The threshold P value for statistical signiicance was
sion pressure, which was signiicantly lower in NTG patients than
in HTG group and healthy subjects.
CDI variables of the retrobulbar vessels in the studied groups are
given in Table 2. Blood low was signiicantly reduced in all vessels
supplying blood to the retina and optic disc in NTG and HTG
compared to the healthy subjects. Arterial blood low velocity parameters were higher in NTG than in HTG; some parameters
showed a statistically signiicant difference (p<0.05). Conversely,
venous blood low deiciency was more marked (p<0.05) in NTG
than in HTG patients.
Since a number of parameters (GCC, CDI parameters of vortex
vein, the mean velocity and RI in superior ophthalmic vein and
corneal hysteresis) depended on the axial length (AL) and age of
the subjects, they were adjusted on a linear regression model basis
with allowance for AL and age.
Correlation between morphology, function and blood low parameters in POAG patients and healthy control subjects is summarized in Table 3. The control group only showed a correlation
between clinical parameters and blood low in short posterior
ciliary arteries. In glaucoma patients a stronger correlation was
found between clinical data and venous blood low (especially in
NTG) rather than between the former and arterial blood low. It
concerns the correlation between ganglion cell complex thickness
and blood low in central retinal vein and vortex veins.
Table 1 summarizes patient characteristics in the observed groups.
Signiicant difference was detected between POAG patients and
healthy control subjects in all studied parameters except age, visual acuity and blood pressure. However there was no difference
between glaucoma patients, except in IOP and mean ocular perfu-
Our results indicate that ocular blood low deiciency might be
present in glaucoma in general, which has already been reported
in numerous studies [14, 16, 17, 20]. Blood low in NTG is not
more impaired than in HTG. It wasn’t unexpected for it had previously been described in literature [22].
Table1. Patient characteristics.
Age, years
Axial length, mm
IOP, mm Hg
Visual acuity
Systolic BP mean, mm Hg
Diastolic BP mean, mm Hg
MOPP, mm Hg
Corneal thickness, μm
MD, dB
GCC, μm
Disk area, mm2
Cup volume, mm3
Rim volume, mm3
Savg, μm
Iavg, μm
Avg. thickness, μm
Healthy subjects
64.2 (9)
13.5 (2.5)
0.8 (0.1)
136.7 (10.1)
76.7 (9.3)
51.2 (8.3)*
533.5 (26.3)
-6.6 (3.3)*
73.9 (20.1)*
69.3 (12)
23.3 (0.8)
24.6 (4.8)*
0,75 (0,08)
132,3 (16.1)
78.5 (11.3)
59.4 (9.1)
538.3 (35.9)
-7.6 (5.9)*
69.9 (18.2)*
63.5 (10)
22.9 (1.0)
14.8 (3.6)
0,9 (0,07)
127 (13)
81.0 (9,3)
61.1 (8.5)
532.9 (20.7)
-0.7 (2.1)
92.3 (15.7)
2.1± 0.2
0.06± 0.07
0.6 ± 0.14
119.1± 19.0
125.1± 19.4
97.5± 12.6
NTG versus HTG
The igures represent mean values and standard deviation (SD).
Savg, Iavg, avg thickness = retinal nerve ibre layer thickness (RNFL thickness) above the optic disc, below the optic disc and mean
RNFL thickness respectively. IOP=intraocular pressure; MD=mean deviation; BP=blood pressure; MOPP=median ocular perfusion
pressure ([2/3diastolic + 1/3systolicBPs]x2/3-IOP measured by Goldman tonometry); GCC=ganglion cell complex.
* the difference between the studied group and healthy control subjects is statistically signiicant (p<0.05).
Natalia I. Kurysheva, Tatiana N. Kiseleva, Elena Y. Irtegova, Olga A. Parshunina, (2015) Venous Ocular Blood Flow in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. Int J Ophthalmol
Eye Res. S3:001, 1-7
Special Issue on "Understanding Glaucoma"
Table 2. CDI variables of the retrobulbar vessels in the studied groups.
CRA PSV, cm/s
CRA EDV, cm/s
CRA Vmean, cm/s
CRV PSV, cm/s
CRV EDV, cm/s
CRV Vmean, cm/s
SPCA lat. PSV, cm/s
SPCA lat. EDV , cm/s
SPCA lat. Vmean, cm/s
SPCA lat. RI
SPCA lat. PI
SPCA med. PSV , cm/s
SPCA med. EDV , cm/s
SPCA med. Vmean, cm/s
SPCA med. RI
OA PSV, cm/s
OA EDV, cm/s
OA Vmean, cm/s
VV PSV, cm/s
VV EDV, cm/s
VV Vmean, cm/s
SOV PSV, cm/s
SOV EDV, cm/s
SOV Vmean, cm/s
Healthy subjects
Abbreviations: CRA – central retinal artery, CRV – central retinal vein, SPCA - lateral and medial short posterior ciliary arteries, OA
- ophthalmic artery, VV - vortex veins, SOV - superior ophthalmic vein; PSV – peak systolic velocity, EDV – end diastolic velocity,
Vmean – mean velocity, RI – resistive index, PI – pulsatility index. Blood low velocities showing a statistically signiicant difference in
NTG and HTG are given in bold.
* the difference between the studied group and the healthy control subject group is statistically signiicant (p<0.05).
The most important results concern venous blood low, which
previously has been studied poorly in glaucoma. This is mainly
due to the lack of precise and reliable ocular blood low evaluation methods [1, 24]. CDI of ocular blood vessels is regarded
as a trusted classic method, which has been a well-validated tool
in ocular blood low research. However it cannot be considered
precise, especially if used to study small vessels and venous blood
low. This is stated in a recent study by R. Ehrlich and A. Harris who noted however that high skilled professionals are nevertheless able to visualize small blood vessels [25]. In a recent
metanalysis Rusia et al. CDI data of 3061 glaucoma patient were
compared with 1072 healthy subjects. The authors concluded that
CDI parameters can be used as a diagnostic criterion for distinguishing glaucomatous patients from healthy individuals [26].
Our results show decreased blood low in CRV as well as in vortex veins and superior ophthalmic vein in both POAG groups.
Moreover blood low in NTG turned out to be lower than in
HTG in several veins. Is it somehow linked to glaucomatous optic
neuropathy development? It is possible to assume that it is true.
High correlation between clinical data and venous blood low pa-
Natalia I. Kurysheva, Tatiana N. Kiseleva, Elena Y. Irtegova, Olga A. Parshunina, (2015) Venous Ocular Blood Flow in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. Int J Ophthalmol
Eye Res. S3:001, 1-7
Special Issue on "Understanding Glaucoma"
Table 3. Correlation between morphology, function and blood low parameters in POAG patients and healthy control subjects.
-0.422 (0.039)
CRV Vmean
Cup volume
Lin c/d
I avg
0.32 (0.003)
SPCA med. PI
SPCA lat. Vmean
S avg
VV Vmean
rameters in glaucoma – especially in NTG – and no such correlation with arterial blood low support this theory.
Ocular venous outlow pathway is composed of CRV, vortex
veins and superior ophthalmic vein, as well as several small orbital
veins. It is important to keep in mind that the venous system anatomy may vary. The central retinal vein exits the eye through the
lamina cribrosa along with the optic nerve. Narrowing of CRV
past the lamina cribrosa is a typical anatomical trait, and 4 out of
5 patients have an intraorbital part of the CRV 43-116% wider
than that which runs through the lamina cribrosa [17]. Thus narrow lamina cribrosa opening combined with its certain anatomical
features may severely limit the venous outlow. Apparently there
are 3 options: 1) the narrowing is signiicant, 2) insigniicant or
3) moderate. If the segment of the CRV that goes through the
lamina cribrosa is signiicantly narrowed, the pressure in the intraocular part of the CRV is greatly higher than IOP. Therefore,
the actual ocular perfusion pressure (OPP) in such cases is much
lower than that calculated by using the standard formula (see
above), where IOP is thought to be equal to BP in CRV.
However it should be kept in mind that even a minor increase in
IOP, which lowers OPP by a small 4 – 5 % may double the pressure difference between the prelaminar and postlaminar parts of
CRV. As adequately noted by А. Bill, if we suppose that the pressure in the intraocular part of the CRV equals IOP, it is always
0.32 (0.016)
0.38 (0.004)
-0.37 (0.045)
slightly higher than that in the postlaminar part of the CRV [27].
This results in turbulent blood low. If IOP becomes higher than
the pressure in CRV, the turbulence increases putting the vein
wall at risk of mechanical damage. Notably, it can also happen
in cases of minor IOP increase, for instance in NTG. The situation is worsened by enlargement of CRA, which might compress
the vein situated below it. Thus CRA enlargement does not lead
to OPP increase, decreasing it instead due to higher pressure in
the CRV. Severe pressure increase may lead to CRV thrombosis,
which is basically characteristic of glaucoma.
A new theory has recently been proposed to explain the origin
of retinal vein thrombosis. It is based on certain similarities between the pathogenesis of vein thrombosis and glaucoma [28].
The matter is that the inner vein wall – like the endothelium of
arteries and capillaries – responds to various vasoconstrictive and
vasodilatory factors. What do CRV thrombosis and glaucoma
have in common? On the molecular level it is the overproduction
of the following substances: hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1α),
endothelin-1 (ЕТ-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
and erythropoietin. The aforementioned chemical stimuli may
lead to vasospasm and increased vascular permeability. These factors are thought to be able to diffuse through the permeable wall
of choroidal blood vessels into the optic nerve head. This is the
irst location to become affected by vasospasm and increased permeability, which in severe cases manifest with optic disc hemor-
Natalia I. Kurysheva, Tatiana N. Kiseleva, Elena Y. Irtegova, Olga A. Parshunina, (2015) Venous Ocular Blood Flow in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. Int J Ophthalmol
Eye Res. S3:001, 1-7
Special Issue on "Understanding Glaucoma"
rhage [23]. It is notable that in both phenomena venous blood
pressure is increased [29].
Short-term IOP increase results in capillary stasis due to microstructural damage of arterioles (which can occur in vessels adjacent to the lamina cribrosa or be caused by spasm of arterioles)
[21]. Capillary stasis immediately leads to stasis in the adjacent
venule which spreads to the CRV. The reason is the aforementioned blood low turbulence in the retrolaminar part of the CRV
due to IOP increase and pressure drop in the vein below IOP. The
period of IOP increase might be too short to activate blood low
autoregulation. As a result it leads to OPP decrease [16] followed
by the release of inlammatory mediators, arrival of leukocytes
and other thrombosis-inducing factors.
According to published data, blood low decrease itself is not as
important in POAG pathogenesis as vascular dysregulation [1]. It
is suggested that it is characteristic of both glaucoma and retinal
vein occlusion for it affects the venous system as well [28].
We have recently discovered that ocular blood low is dependent
on heart rate variability, especially in NTG [19]. Other authors
note that OPP is not as relevant as its luctuation which may be
caused by blood low instability in the setting of vascular dysregulation. The latter is believed to be one of the mechanisms of
glaucomatous optic neuropathy progression (due to ocular blood
low autoregulation failure) in patients with normal IOP [20].
The aforementioned factors may be the cause of venous blood
low impairment revealed in both groups of POAG patients and
especially marked in NTG. It is known that short-term IOP and
OPP luctuation does not immediately lead to axonal injury: the
retina can even withstand increased IOP for an hour, and axons
– weeks and months after the development of local ischemia. In
contrast to that, ocular microcirculation becomes impaired several
minutes after moderate IOP luctuation [18]. This is the exact
mechanism that triggers other pathologic processes leading to
neuron apoptosis. It may be assumed that microvasculature (arterioles, venules, and capillaries) involvement is just as important in
GON development as venous outlow impairment in larger ocular blood vessels. Another assumption is that CRV architectonics
– mainly in the part that goes through the lamina cribrosa – may
also be an underlying cause of venous stasis in patients with IOP
luctuation. Moreover, these factors may be hereditary.
As mentioned above, there are three possible anatomical features
of CRV. The irst one is signiicant narrowing of CRV past the
lamina cribrosa. In this case IOP increase in systole leads to higher
blood inlow, which in turn results in dramatic pressure increase in
the part of CRV passing through the lamina cribrosa. The blood
is pushed through the narrow space creating turbulence in the
intraorbital segment of the vein and ultimately resulting in venous
stasis and OPP drop.
The second option is completely different with insuficient CRV
narrowing in the lamina cribrosa. In such instance CRV starts to
pulsate intensely with each systole leading to pressure drop below
IOP followed by collapse in the prelaminar part of CRV and venous stasis. In both scenarios the vein wall is at risk of mechanical
damage. Only in the third scenario – moderate (adequate) CRV
narrowing – the systolic pressure in this blood vessel equals IOP
and the diastolic pressure is slightly higher than that. In this case
no turbulence is observed. Apparently the abovementioned clini-
cal situation is not common in glaucoma. Whether it is true or not
is yet to be determined with the help of morphological studies of
the eye made available due to modern visualization systems.
Only in a few studies devoted to the blood low in glaucoma, the
authors studied venous blood low velocities using CDI. Plange
et al. (2006) observed that end diastolic blood low velocity in
CRV had high correlation with the optic disc retinal rim volume
(r = 0.56) and RNFLT (r = 0.49). It is noteworthy that the authors have not observed any correlation with the arterial blood
low parameters. Interestingly, the velocity of blood low in CRV
correlated neither with the age of patients nor with the level of
IOP [30].
Reduced blood low velocity in CRV in POAG (including NTG)
was also noted in other studies [31, 32]. Furthermore, an increase
in pressure in the CRV was observed in glaucoma associated with
reduced blood low velocities in this vessel [33]. The spontaneous CRV pulsation, a sign of increased venous blood low, correlates with visual ield defects [34]. In some studies an inluence
of increased venous pressure on the POAG progression has been
noted [35].
In a recent study by means of Doppler OCT a signiicant decrease in retinal blood low and retinal venous blood low velocity
in patients with glaucoma as compared with healthy subjects was
reported [36]. Regression analysis carried out by these authors
showed that lower values of retinal blood low and morphometric
(structural) parameters were independent predictors of the occurrence of visual ield defects.
Venous blood low features found in the current study (decreased
venous blood low and its correlation with clinical data) as well as
previously discovered signs of vascular dysregulation in POAG,
more pronounced in NTG, are important proof of the role of
vascular disorders – mainly the venous system – in GON pathogenesis. These indings warrant further research and development
of novel treatment options.
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Eye Res. S3:001, 1-7
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Special Issue on
"Understanding Glaucoma"
Theme Edited by :
Natalia I. Kurysheva, Ophthalmological Center of the Federal
Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia.
[email protected]
Natalia I. Kurysheva, Tatiana N. Kiseleva, Elena Y. Irtegova, Olga A. Parshunina, (2015) Venous Ocular Blood Flow in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. Int J Ophthalmol
Eye Res. S3:001, 1-7