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Academe, 2018
This article claims that learners of academic writing should consider the genre and how certain structures are constructed in that genre, specifically arguments. Arguments in the genre of academic writing in the humanities are explicated through their structure and by their location in the academic article. The structural components are identified in arguments, including some excerpted from published academic papers. The grammar and style of the components is also explained. Additionally, this article demonstrates how argument structures may vary depending on the different sections of the article where they are located. Lastly, this article provides a set of recommendations for writing arguments. The recommendations are intended as a guideline rather than a strict set of instructions.
In the present case study, 125 high school students in Hong Kong wrote argumentative essays following a modified Toulmin model that included claims, counterargument claims and rebuttals. From these, 6 exemplary essays in terms of their surface structure by the standards of the modified Toulmin model were selected and analyzed for their perceived quality of reasoning. This evaluation of quality was arrived at via questionnaire responses from 46 doctoral students who rated the 20 most common reasons advanced in the 125 essays. Findings revealed several patterns of inadequacies in the reasoning of the 6 cases, exposing the need to bring greater attention to the quality of reasoning in students’ persuasive writing. An integrated assessment framework and analytic scoring rubric for argumentative writing are thus developed and recommended as a general guide for classroom use, taking into account both argumentative structure and substance.
Journal of English Teaching and Linguistics Studies (JET Li)
Writing is one of the most important skills that have to be mastered in the art of language learning. In the university level, EFL students have essay writing subject that requires them to write many types of essay, among those being the argumentative essay. In writing an essay, they need to be able to develop their own original ideas, despite the fact that some of them still consider this a difficult task. This research is aimed to highlight set of difficulties encountered by students that are assigned to develop ideas whilst writing argumentative essay. This research was conducted at Pakuan University and involved 23 students as participant of this study. Qualitative method and descriptive analysis are applied in conducting this research. To gain the research data, three research instruments were used, they are: documentation, questionnaire and interview. Documentation instrument was used to analyze students’ work of argumentative essay. The questionnaire was administered to all p...
Part I emphasizes image as a crucial element in argument and includes in its definition of image the following elements: style, the ethos or character of the writer, mechanics, and format. This broad definition should encourage students to see how argument is related to other modes of writing. It should help instructors convince students that the how is just as important as the what in successful arguments. HOLD CONFERENCES TO REVIEW STUDENT FOLDERS One of the best ways for both you and your students to keep track of improvement and any continuing problems is to require students to keep folders containing their written work during the course. You can review these folders during conferences with students, which you should hold as regularly as your ix Chapter 9: Arguing Recommendations (simultaneous focus on conclusions and organization) Chapter 12: Revision (previously mentioned, revision needs to be introduced early in the course) You might also want to modify the chapter sequence if you are using Everyday Arguments as the primary text in an upper-level writing course. The material on audience, claims, definitions, introductions, and conclusions could be for review purposes only, not actually covered in class. Even with advanced writers, you should include the section on Motives for Writing (Chapter 2) and all of Chapter 10 (Writing and Image), as the material discussed here will probably not be as familiar. In an upper-level writing course, you might assign chapters in the following sequence:
Histoire juive de la France, 2023
Ieromonah GHELASIE GHEORGHE - Scrieri isihaste
Service Industries Journal, 2024
Princeton University Press eBooks, 2021
Music & Science, 2019
Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi dergisi, 2021
Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej, 2013
Journal of Social Archaeology, 2024
GILLER, Marilia , 2024
Material Didático-Pedagógico, 2000
Public Health Nutrition, 2019
California and the World Ocean '02, 2005
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2015
Resumos..., 2019
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2012
South African Journal of Geomatics, 2017