@ What is EDMS ?
What is EDMS
@ An Electronic Document Management System/
Imaging (EDMS) system is a set of computer based
technologies used to capture, process, index, store,
access, view, revise, reproduce, distribute, and dispose
of information.
@ Traditionally, imaging systems have been designed to
capture images of paper documents. Document
management systems, on the other hand, are
designed to not only work with scanned images of
paper documents, but also with electronic documents
as well as output from mainframe computers, and
even e-mail.
Electronic Information Objects
Word processing files
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) drawings
Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD) files
Scanned or faxed images
Microfiche and microfilm
Sound files
Video clips
Database information
A sequence of events – workflow
EDMS History
@ Early 80’s – Engineering Drawing Management
– Very Expensive
– Bitmaps only
– Limited indexing
@ Mid 80’s – Engineering Document Management
– Proprietary formats
– Workflow added
– Massive storage requirements
EDMS History continue
@ Mid 90’s - Electronic Document Management System
– Support for native formats
– Client-server based products
– Dozens of options available
@ Today – Everybody’s Document Management System
– Maturing market
– Enterprise solutions
– Integration with business applications
@ When to Use EDMS ?
When to Use EDMS
@ There are volumes of incoming correspondence to
process and file
@ The company uses many different types of forms
@ There is a need to provide immediate access to
information to multiple users
@ There is information from paper or reports to post into
computer files
@ There are notices and/or correspondence to file and
@ There are file folders stuffed with paper, photos, CAD
drawings and copies
@ There is a requirement to provide documents to other
departments, and to stakeholders
When to Use EDMS continue
@ There is a large volume of correspondence via mail,
email, fax, and interoffice mail
@ There is a need for efficiency by introducing automated
workflow to the business process
@ There is need for better security and back up of
important documents
@ There is a need to reduce the amount of floor space
dedicated to paper files
@ There is a desire to improve service to the stakeholders
@ What are the benefits of EDMS ?
Benefits of EDMS
@ Eliminate the need to pre-print forms.
@ Stop transporting and storing blank forms.
@ Save multiple data entries (and the potential for errors)
from being made. When the online form is filled out,
the database is also created at the same time.
@ Save the costs of transporting copies of the completed
form to multiple destinations.
@ Save time by making the form available immediately
instead of waiting on mail or delivery.
Benefits of EDMS continue
@ Save time in filing and retrieving the form.
@ Enable faster searching through multiple records.
@ Eliminate the use of expensive floor space for paper
@ Create a better records management system for longterm retention.
@ The same information can also be made available to
the stakeholders through the Internet, with portions
“redacted” or “blacked-out” due to privacy concerns.
@ What technologies related to EDMS ?
EDMS Technologies
@ EDMS consists of four distinct technologies: document
management, imaging, workflow, and computer
output to laser disk (COLD).
@ EDMS integrated solutions provide imaging, document
management, workflow and computer output to laser
disk (COLD) in a single system.
Technology 1
@ Document management systems manage the
creation, revision and use of electronic documents. We
search for them, we check them in and out, manage
versions, and keep them secure. Such systems
improve usability, accessibility, security and control.
Technology 2
@ Imaging is the conversion of paper documents to
digital images. Images are indexed and imaging
systems provide fast, on-line access. Such systems
reduce paper handling and improve accessibility.
Technology 3
@ Workflow automates the movement or routing of
electronic documents through a business process.
Workflow systems result in time saving and
productivity improvement.
Technology 4
@ COLD takes print files originating in a mainframe,
indexes them and stores them in electronic folders in a
document management or imaging system. Users are
provided on-line access to the “print” files. Such
systems provide access to information that was not
previously available electronically – they replace
printouts and improve accessibility.
@ What are the characteristics of a good EDMS ?
Ideal System Characteristics
@ The system must be highly integrated. The various
functional components required, e.g. imaging,
workflow, document management, COLD, and records
management, should be provided by a single vendor
and designed to work together as seamlessly as
@ The system must provide significant out-of-the-box
functionality. Many companies do not have the internal
resources to fund significant expenditures for
integration services. Thus, products that can be
implemented and configured easily and provide
complex functionality without substantial custom
programming are preferred
Ideal System Characteristics continue
@ The system must manage the life cycle of the
document or object
@ The system must provide a high degree of security and
be able to restrict access to objects and annotation
layers applied to those objects
@ The system must provide a feature-rich web/browser
interface with no plug-in or a small footprint plug-in
@ The system must be scaleable, which means that the
system must continue to function well as it is
expanded from meeting the needs of a few
departments to meeting the needs of the enterprise
Ideal System Characteristics continue
@ The system must be able to support simple
administrative document management as well as
robust, production-level imaging with high volumes of
document and transaction throughput
@ The system must have a flexible programming
interface; a tool set to enable the development of
complex custom-built applications, and an ability to
manage electronic forms
@ What big issues existed within the implementation of EDMS ?
Issues in Implementing EDMS
Budget Planning for EDMS
Company Core Competency Issues
Business Process Redesign/Implementation Support
Network Infrastructure
Legacy System Database Access Standards/
Application Service Providers
Facility Management
Records Management
@ What type of future development related to EDMS ?
The Development of EDMS
The Development of EDMS continue
The Development of EDMS continue
The Development of EDMS continues
The Development of EDMS continues
The Development of EDMS continues
The Development of EDMS continues
The Development of EDMS continues
The Development of EDMS continues
The Development of EDMS continues
The Development of EDMS continues
The Development of EDMS continues
The Development of EDMS continues
Thank You
Richardus Eko Indrajit
[email protected]
[email protected]
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