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Humanis, 2020
Modern Balinese literature is one of the fields of classification in the world of Balinese literature. Balinese literary works that were born in the modern era or after the inclusion of foreign cultural influences in Balinese literary works are called modern Balinese literature. At the beginning of its emergence in the pre-independence era, modern Balinese literature was conceived by teacher teachers who served in formal schools established by the Dutch colonial. The early works of these teachers became a milestone in the birth of modern Balinese literature. Narrative texts written by I Made Pasek and Mas Niti Sastro became the initial embryos of Balinese short stories. In the form of some narrative texts they have presented a very modern form, no longer similar to the form of narrative doengeng or folklore. Then in content, the value content offered by the author is a very modern value content, not merely the values ??of tradition.
Kalangwan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama, Bahasa dan Sastra
Abstrak Bali memiliki struktur bahasa yang kompleks dan klasifikasi bahasa yang digunakan oleh penuturnya disebut Sor Singgih Basa Bali. Hal ini menjadi tantangan dan keunikan tersendiri bagi penutur bahasa Bali ketika menerapkannya dalam sebuah karya sastra atau dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ada berbagai karya sastra modern yang terus dikembangkan, salah satunya adalah cerpen Bali modern. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas analisis semantik deskriptif-kualitatif cerpen Berung Kapanteg Ngaad karya Anak Agung Gede Wiraputra. Sumber data atau data tertulis diperoleh dari cerpen Berung Kapanteg Ngaad dan data pendukung dari berbagai sumber lainnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makna yang terkandung dalam cerpen Berung Kapanteg Ngaad adalah makna leksikal, makna gramatikal, dan makna kias. Makna-makna tersebut mencerminkan situasi masyarakat Bali sebagai penutur bahasa daerah Bali yang memiliki kompleksitas dan klasifikasi bahasa. Sehingga memiliki ragam bahasa dan mencerminkan keun...
Karya sastra sebagai medan eksplorasi sastrawan adalah ruang yang baik untuk membaca kepekaan sekaligus kedekatan sastrawan terhadap lingkungan sekelilingnya. Oleh sebab itu, membaca karya sastra, sekaligus pula kita menikmati pandangan pengarangnya, menikmati kesadaran pengarangnya. Karya sastra selain sebagai artefak budaya yang berpusat dan terpusat pada manusia, juga merupakan representasi kesadaran manusia sebagai mahluk biologis dan mahluk ekologis. Maka untuk melihat seberapa jauh kesadaran sosial maupun kesadaran ekologis seorang pengarang, cukup membaca karya-karyanya saja.
Jurnal Kajian Bali, 2019
Over the last ten years (2009-2018), the average number of modern Balinese literary books published reached 10.9 titles per year. This data is derived from the number of books nominated for the annual Rancage Literary Award over the last ten years. This research identifies and discusses opportunities and challenges in the development of the publication of modern Balinese literary books nowadays. The research focuses on identifying the supporting factors and challenges of the publication of modern Balinese literary books. Research methods applied in this study were library studies and limited ethnographic research through interviews, especially with stakeholders of modern Balinese literature including writers, readers and book agencies. Data were analyzed by Escarpit’s theory of sociology of literature that proposes the study of literature in the entire environment of literary creation, distribution and consumption. This study concludes that the provincial government of Bali, publishers, literary communities and authors all play an important role in overcoming challenges and taking advantage of opportunities for increasing the publication of modern Balinese literature.
Salah satu bencana yang melanda umat manusia adalah wabah. Beberapa kali wabah juga dialami bangsa Indonesia. Penelitian kualitatif ini memberikan gambaran wabah dalam sastra Indonesia modern. Data dalam penelitian bersumber dari novel Cerita Calon Arang (Pramodya Ananta Toer, 2003) dan Cerita Nyai Pania (H. Kommer, 2003). Temuan penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa wabah tersebut tidak hanya menimbulkan penderitaan tetapi juga kematian banyak orang. Dengan teori feminisme sastra, dapat diungkapkan bawah wabah dalam kedua cerita tersebut merupakan alat perlawanan terhadap hegemoni kekusaaan. Tokoh-tokoh perempuan dalam dalam kedua cerita itu, Calon Arang dalam karya Pramodya Ananta Toer dan Nyi Paina dalam karya H. Kommer mengalami permasalahan yang sama yaitu perlakuan yang tidak menyenangkan akibat patriarki. Dengan wabah, Calon Arang membalas dendamnya kepada orang-orang di negara Daha sehingga mereka menderita penyakit kuning yang menyebabkan banyak penderitaan bahkan kema...
Bali Post, 2016
Perkembangan pesat Sastra Bali Modern belakangan ini tidak lepas dari munculnya para penulis muda yang cukup banyak. Penulis muda ini memberi nafas baru bagi perkembangan Sastra Bali Modern. Mereka hadir dengan karya-karya segar dan cukup berani dalam mengungkapkan ide.
This book discusses the works of Indonesian literary criticism in Yogyakarta from 1966 to 1980, especially those published in the media Sunday Morning, Today, and Spirit. The subject matter discussed is how the orientation of works of literary criticism in these media. In the subject matter is seen how the focus of criticism attention; to what the criticism was addressed, whether to the author, the work, the publisher, the reader, the criticism, or to anything else within the circle of the Indonesian literary criticism system in Yogyakarta 1966 to 1980. In addition, the existence of the three media was also described so it can be known role in the growth of Indonesian literature in Yogyakarta in the presence of other media that also have the same role.
The purpose of this study is to inventory figures of thinkers / philosophers who discuss and perform a critique of the development of the modern world. This study is a research library. This research carried out by the reading of the sources of information in the form of researches, textbooks, writing in the blogs, and others which utilized complementary. The analysis was done by interpretation, analysis, systematization and description. The results show that there are many philosophers and others thought that was a response to the development of cultural / modern world primarily as a result of the effects it causes. In general, the thinkers found who lived in the 19 and 20th century when in this era indeed the world has changed in such a forward and raises concerns ro them. Thie research also found quite a lot of thinkers / philosophers, but because of the limited research data and time, then this study only describes five thinkers: Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Oswald Spengler, Herbe...
Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan Ibnu Wahyudi, Taufiq Ismail, ataupun Pramoedya Ananta Toer, sejatinya, telah memberikan sumbangan besar bagi usaha meluruskan kembali sejarah sastra Indonesia yang mengalami keterputusan akibat gagasan pemikiran STA. Namun, menyitir penggalan puisi "Kerawang Bekasi" karya Chairil Anwar; "..perjuangan belum selesei, belum bisa memperhitungkan arti 4-5 ribu nyawa..". Usaha untuk menemukan benang merah antara karya-karya sastra pada masa Hindhu-Budha, awal perkembangan Islam, hingga masuknya pemerintah kolonialis Belanda yang mengusung tradisi budaya barat di punggungnya; masih memerlukan perjuangan panjang.
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 2022
Lúdica Pedagógica, 2014
Centro de Pesquisa eBooks, 2024
Environmental Transformations and Cultural Responses: Ontologies, Discourses and Practices in Oceania, 2017
«Rivista Europea di Studi Napoleonici e dell’Età delle Restaurazioni», a. II, n. 2, 2021, pp. 201-225, 2022
CPU-e Revista de Investigación Educativa, 2016
Assessment, 2015
Chem. Sci., 2014
Human Reproduction, 2000
Journal of the Geological Society of India
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019