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1990, Economic Affairs
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SPECULA. Revista de Humanidades y Espiritualidad, 2024
El present article vol mostrar un panorama ampli dels rituals fune-raris a la l’edat mitjana, centrant l’atenció a la diòcesi de Tarragona. Les fonts documentals utilitzades són els testaments, els llibres parroquials d’òbits, les escriptures publicitàries i alguns documents de l’entorn episcopal. Les dades obtingudes permeten elaborar una anàlisi general sobre la vivència de la mort manifestada bàsicament en els rituals. S’exposen doncs el conjunt de ritus que es produeixen abans i després de l’òbit, però l’estudi obliga a mostrar també els gestos que fixen la memòria dels difunts, en un discurs que va més enllà de la mort
trendnews, 2020
Perubahan kehidupan sosial ditengah masyarakat Indonesia yang memiliki populasi penduduk sebanyak 269 juta jiwa dalam kurun waktu selama tiga bulan terkahir mengalami perubahan cukup signifikan. Adanya wabah Corona Virus menuntun kepada setiap individu untuk melakukan rekonstruksi pola hidup dan aktivitas. Akibat dari terjadinya self individual change menjadikan cukup berakses terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dari semua leading sector. Eksistensi wabah Corona Virus sangat berdampak pada kehidupan sosial masyarakat penduduk Indonesia secara totalitas, dimulai dari konstribusi aktivitas pekerja formal, hingga pekerja informal dan berujung berkurangnya income sektor ekonomi. Kondisi inilah menjadikan pemerintah pada semua jenjang tingkatan untuk tetap melakukan akselerasi untuk mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi yang baru 3 bulan Corana Virus mewabah, namun dapat menurunkan angka pertumbuhan ekonomi lebih dari 50 % dari hasil presentase selama setahun sebelumnya. Terjadinya penurunan pertumbuhan ekonomi juga mengalami dampak terhadap sosial kemasyarakatan, dimulai dengan akurasi data yang kurang akurat dalam penyaluran bantuan resmi dari pemerintah melalui beberapa Kementerian, hingga gesekan sosial yang mengarah pada kriminilitas dengan pemicu adanya portal penutupan akses dari satu wilayah ke wilayah lainnya. Berdasarkan data dari WHO tertanggal 24 Mei 2020, jumlah Negara di dunia yang terjangkit oleh Corona Virus sebanyak 216 dan terkonfirmasi positif sebanyak 5.206.614 orang dinyatakan positif dan yang meninggal sebanyak 337.736. Sementara data dari Gugus Tugas Covid-19 di Indonesia sebanyak 22.271 dinyatakan positif, sembuh 5.402 dan yang meninggal sebanyak 1.372. Jika melihat trend perkembangan wabah Corona Virus di Indonesia, maka tentu jumlah angka kematian yang dinyatakan terjangkit oleh Covid-19 selama kurun waktu 3 bulan yakni dikisaran presentase tingkat kematian sebesar 6.2% dan presentase sembuh sebesar 24.26% dari seluruh jumlah kasus saat ini. Jika melihat hasil presentase data tersebut, maka jumlah harapan untuk sembuh dari Covid-19 masih tergolong tinggi di Indonesia dari akumulasi total kasus yang ada.
International journal of linguistics, literature and culture
Classroom management is vital in educating young English learners since children have weak self-control and teaching youngsters is different from teaching middle schoolers and adults. This study investigates the classroom management tactics used by English instructors at a private primary school, the teachers' motives for applying them, and the kids' impacts. Two English professors and 12 students participated. Different age and experience levels teach English. The researcher picked the 12 pupils because they could provide strategy knowledge. Classroom observation, teacher interviews, and a questionnaire provided the data. The strategies address three areas. Physical environment focuses on seating arrangement, sight, sound, comfort, and whiteboard and equipment usage; psycho-social management focuses on rules, feedback, and incentives; and classroom activity management manages time, solo, pair, and group work, and monitors the class. Reasons for using classroom management ta...
MSTAS 2019: Örtüşmeler Kesişmeler: XIII. Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Ulusal Sempozyumu / Intersections Overlaps: XIII. Computational Design in Architecture National Symposium, 2019
The establishment and development of new cities at the periphery of traditional and historical urban centers is an inevitable fact nowadays. However, the relationship between the fast developing cities and the historical urban centers represents a complex issue for architecture. This study presents the idea of establishing a city-based code for fast design alternatives by using digital software.A special design and research algorithm built on the study’s parametric methods was used, successfully testing the correlation between the old city of Mardin and its newer version. Two urban developments located topographic wise at a relevant distance from each other, are modeled on the building gaps and expressed in parametric relations. Algorithmic design experiments have been made with the outcoming rules and their results have been underpinned by the related images and turned into a comparative discussion. As a result, this study, which was particularly developed in Mardin, has been tested to determine the problem of the new cities that are rapidly developing against the old cities and generally, the use of digital and computable design methods as urban design methods.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Mining industry forms the backbone of a nation's economy. It contributes significantly towards growth of a nation. With continuous increase in demand for mineral resources, the mining industry is expected to witness a decent growth in the coming years. This growth will bring many more challenges for the industry. In an industry where safety, efficiency and productivity are crucial to profitability, even small incremental changes in key parameters (KPIs) using new system / process & framework can make a big impact. Lean is one of the most important process improvement initiatives taken up by many mining organizations. Many of the initiatives have failed because of multiple reason. One of the principle causes of failure for many process improvement initiative is the inability of the organizations to assess, evaluate and present significant metrics or Key Performance Indicator (KPIs). KPI-based frameworks play very important role in monitoring & tracking of businesses and process improvement initiatives. This paper evaluates the importance of KPI-based measurement framework for lean implementation in mining.
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Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo, 2023
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, 2019
Current Opinion in Psychology, 2021
Annual Review of Materials Research, 2014
Analytical Biochemistry, 2019
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2019
The African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2017
Archives of physiotherapy, 2023
PIMKU2010 USIM, 2010
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2020
La Revue Gestion et Organisation, 2017
Avances en odontoestomatología, 2014