arXiv:1311.4097v2 [math.AP] 29 Nov 2013
Abstract. We investigate a variational theory for magnetoelastic solids under the incompressibility constraint. The state of the system is described by
deformation and magnetization. While the former is classically related to the
reference configuration, magnetization is defined in the deformed configuration instead. We discuss the existence of energy minimizers without relying
on higher-order deformation gradient terms. Then, by introducing a suitable
positively 1-homogeneous dissipation, a quasistatic evolution model is proposed
and analyzed within the frame of energetic solvability.
1. Introduction
Magnetoelasticity describes the mechanical behavior of solids under magnetic
effects. The magnetoelastic coupling is caused by rotations of small magnetic
domains from their original random orientation in the absence of a magnetic field.
The orientation of these small domains by the imposition of the magnetic field
induces a deformation of the specimen. As the intensity of the magnetic field is
increased, more and more magnetic domains orientate themselves so that their
principal axes of anisotropy are collinear with the magnetic field in each region
and finally saturation is reached. We refer to e.g. [6, 11, 13, 16] for a discussion
on the foundations of magnetoelasticity.
The mathematical modeling of magnetoelasticity is a vibrant area of research,
triggered by the interest on so-called multifunctional materials. Among these one
has to mention rare-earth alloys such as TerFeNOL and GalFeNOL as well as
ferromagnetic shape-memory alloys as Ni2 MnGa, NiMnInCo, NiFeGaCo, FePt,
FePd, among others. All these materials exhibit so-called giant magnetostrictive
behaviors as reversible strains as large as 10% can be activated by the imposition of relatively moderate magnetic fields. This strong magnetoelastic coupling
makes them relevant in a wealth of innovative applications including sensors and
Date: December 2, 2013.
Key words and phrases. Magnetoelasticity, Magnetostrictive solids, Incompressibility, Existence of minimizers, Quasistatic evolution, Energetic solution.
Following the modeling approach of James & Kinderlehrer [17], the state
of a magnetostrictive material is described by its deformation y : Ω → R3 from the
reference configuration Ω ⊂ R3 and by its magnetization m : Ωy → R3 which is
defined on the deformed configuration Ωy := y(Ω) instead. This discrepancy, often
neglected by restricting to small deformation regimes, is particularly motivated
here by the possible large deformations that a magnetostrictive materials can
We shall here be concerned with the total energy E defined as
E(y, m) =
W (∇y, m ◦ y) + α
|∇m| +
|∇um |2 .
Here, W stands for the elastic energy density, the second term is the so-called
exchange energy and α is related to the typical size of ferromagnetic texture. The
last term represents magnetostatic energy, µ0 is the permittivity of void, and um
is the magnetostatic potential generated by m. In particular, um is a solution to
the Maxwell equation
∇ · (−µ0 ∇um + χΩy m) = 0 in R3 ,
where χΩy is the characteristic function of the deformed configuration Ωy . We
shall consider E under the a.e. constraints
det ∇y = 1, |m| = 1,
which correspond to incompressibility and magnetic saturation (here properly
rescaled). Note that incompressibility is reputed to be a plausible assumption in
a vast majority of application [13].
The aim of this paper is twofold. At first, we concentrate on the static problem.
By assuming that W is polyconvex and p-coercive in ∇y for p > 3 we check that
E admits a minimizer. This result is to be compared with the discussion in
Rybka & Luskin [27] where weaker growth assumptions on W but a secondorder deformation gradient is included. On the contrary, no higher order gradient
is here considered and we make full use of the incompressibility constraint. In this
direction, we shall mention also the PhD thesis by Liakhova [18], where the the
dimension reduction problem to thin films under the a-priori constraint 0 < α <
det ∇y < β is considered. This perspective has been numerically investigated by
Liakhova, Luskin, & Zhang [19, 20]. More recently, the incompressibility case
has been addressed by a penalization method from the slightly compressible case
by Bielsky & Gambin [3], still by including a second-order deformation gradient
term. We also mention the two-dimensional analysis by DeSimone & Dolzmann
[12] where no gradients are considered and the existence of a zero energy state
is checked by means of convex integration techniques. Our discussion on the
static problem is reported in Section 2. Finally, let us point out that a closely
related static model on nematic elastomers was recently analyzed by Barchiesi
& DeSimone in [2].
A second focus of the paper is that of proposing a quasi-static evolution extension of the static model. This is done by employing a dissipation distance between
magnetoelastic states which combines magnetic changes with the actual deformation of the specimen. Note that the rate-independence of this evolution seems
well motivated for fairly wide range of frequencies of external magnetic fields. We
also ensure that the elastic deformation is one-to-one at least inside the reference
configuration allowing for possible frictionless self-contact on the boundary. Let
us mention that some models of rate-independent magnetostrictive effects were
developed in [4, 5] in the framework magnetic shape-memory alloys and in [25, 26]
for bulk ferromagnets.
We tackle the problem of ensuring the existence of quasi-static evolutions under
frame of energetic solvability of rate-independent problems à la Mielke [23, 24].
We restrict ourselves to the isothermal situation. In particular we assume that
the process is sufficiently slow and/or the body thin in at least one direction so
that the released heat can be considered to be immediately transferred to the
environment. By relying on the classical energetic-solution technology [21] we
prove that the implicit incremental time discretization of the problem admits a
time-continuous quasi-static evolution limit. Details are given in Section 3.
2. Energy
Let the reference configuration Ω ⊂ R3 be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Let us
assume from the very beginning
and consider deformations y ∈ W 1,p (Ω; R3 ) ⊂ C(Ω; R3 ) where the bar denotes set
closure. We impose homogeneous boundary conditions by prescribing that y = 0
on Γ0 ⊂ ∂Ω where Γ0 has a positive surface measure. Magnetization, representing
the density of magnetic spin moments, is assumed to be defined on the open
set Ωy := y(Ω) \ y(∂Ω) and to have a fixed norm 1 (note that our problem is
isothermal), namely, m : Ωy → S 2 .
The incompressibility constraint reads det ∇y = 1 almost everywhere in Ω. In
particular, this entails invertibility of y through the Ciarlet-Nečas condition [9]
which in our situation reads |Ωy | = |Ω|. Indeed, we have that
|Ω | =
det ∇y = |Ω|.
We shall define the sets
y ∈ Y := {y ∈ W 1,p (Ω; R3 ) | det ∇y = 1 in Ω, y = 0 on Γ0 , |Ωy | = |Ω|}
m ∈ My := {m ∈ W 1,2 (Ωy ; R3 ); |m| = 1 in Ω}.
Note that, as p > 3, the set Y is sequentially closed with respect to the weak
topology of W 1,p (Ω; R3 ). This indeed follows from the sequential continuity of
the map y 7→ det ∇y from W 1,p (Ω; R3 ) to Lp/3 (Ω) (both equipped with the weak
convergence), the weak closedness of the Ciarlet-Nečas condition [8, 9], and from
the compactness properties of the trace operator.
For the sake of brevity, we shall also define the set Q as
Q := {(y, m) | (y, m) ∈ Y × My } .
Moreover, we say that {(yk , mk )}k∈N Q-converges to (y, m) ∈ Q as k → ∞ if the
following three conditions hold
yk ⇀ y in W 1,p (Ω; R3 ),
χΩyk mk → χΩy m in L2 (R3 ; R3 ),
χΩyk ∇mk ⇀ χΩy ∇m in L (R ; R
Eventually, we say that a sequence {(yk , mk )}k∈N ⊂ Q is Q-bounded if
sup(kyk kW 1,p (Ω;R3 ) + k∇mk kL2 (Ωyk ;R3×3 ) ) < ∞.
By following an argument from [27, Lemma 3.5], here simplified by the incompressibility assumption, we can show that Q-bounded sequences are Q-sequentiallyprecompact.
Proposition 2.1. Every Q-bounded sequence admits a Q-converging subsequence.
Proof. Let (yk , mk ) be Q-bounded. The compactness in the y-component, i.e.
(4a), follows from the weak closure of Y.
Assume (without relabeling the subsequence) that yk ⇀ y in W 1,p (Ω; R3 ) and
fix ε > 0. We denote by Ωy the set Ωyε := {z ∈ Ωy ; dist(z, ∂Ω) > ε}. As p > 3
we have that W 1,p (Ω; R3 ) ֒→ C(Ω̄; R3 ) compactly. This in particular entails that
Ωyε ⊂ Ωyk for k sufficiently large. Hence, we infer that
|∇mk | ≤
Ωy k
|∇mk | < ∞ .
Taking into account that |mk | = 1 we get ( again for a non-relabeled subsequence)
that mk ⇀ m in W 1,2 (Ωyε ; R3 ). Here the extracted subsequence and its limit m
could depend on ε. On the other hand, as {Ωyε }ε>0 exhausts Ωy we have that m is
defined almost everywhere in Ωy . By following the argument in [27, Lemma 3.5]
we exploit the decomposition
kχΩyk mk − χΩy mkL2 (R3 ;R3 ) ≤ k(χΩyk − χΩyε )mk kL2 (R3 ;R3 ) + kχΩyε (mk − m)kL2 (R3 ;R3 )
+ k(χΩyε − χΩy )mkL2 (R3 ;R3 ) .
We now check that the above right-hand side goes to 0 as k → ∞ and ε → 0. As
to the first term, since Ωy is compact we have that for any ε > 0 there exists an
open set Oε such that Oε ⊃ Ωy and |Oε \Ωy | < ε. The uniform convergence yk → y
yields that Ωyk ⊂ Oε for k sufficiently large. Therefore, |Oε \ Ωyε | can be made
arbitrarily small if ε is taken small enough, and the first term in the right-hand
side of (5) converges to 0 as k → ∞ and ε → 0. The second term in the right-hand
side of (5) goes to 0 with k → ∞ as mk → m strongly in L2 (Ωyε ; R3 ). As |m| = 1
almost everywhere, the third term in the right-hand side of (5) is bounded by
kχΩy − χΩyε kL2 (R3 ;R3 ) which goes to 0 as ε → 0. This shows the convergence (4b).
A similar argument can then be used to show that
χΩyk ∇mk ⇀ χΩy ∇m in L2 (R3 ; R3×3 ) ,
namely convergence (4c).
Remark 2.2. Notice that the proof of the strong convergence of {χΩyk mk } still
holds if we replace Ω by some arbitrary measurable subset ω ⊂ Ω. Keeping in
mind that det ∇yk = det ∇y = 1 almost everywhere in Ω, for all k ∈ N, and that
all mappings yk and y are invertible, we calculate
mk ◦ yk =
χyk (ω) mk →
χy(ω) m =
m ◦ y.
This shows mk ◦ yk ⇀ m ◦ y in L2 (Ω; R3 ). As the L2 norms converge as well, we
get strong convergence in L2 (Ω; R3 ). Eventually, as mk takes values in S 2 one has
that mk ◦ yk ⇀ m ◦ y in Lr (Ω; R3 ) for all r < ∞ as well.
The following result is an immediate consequence of the linearity of the Maxwell
equation (2).
Lemma 2.3. Let χΩyk mk → χΩy m in L2 (R3 ; R3 ) and let umk ∈ W 1,2 (R3 ) be the
solution of (2) corresponding to χΩyk mk . Then umk ⇀ um in W 1,2 (R3 ) where um
is the solution of (2) corresponding to χΩy m.
Let us finally enlist here our assumptions on the elastic energy density W .
∃c > 0 ∀F, m : −1/c + c|F |p ≤ W (F, m),
∀R ∈ SO(3) : W (RF, Rm) = W (F, m),
∀F, m : W (F, m) = W (F, ±m),
c(F, cof F, m),
∀F, m : W (F, m) = W
c : R3×3 × R3×3 × R3 → R is a continuous function such that W
c(·, ·, m)
where W
is convex for every m ∈ S . In particular, we assume material frame indifference
(6b) and invariance under magnetic parity (6c). Recall that for F ∈ R3×3 invertible
one has cof F is defined as cof F := (det F )F −⊤ . In the present incompressible
case det F = 1 we simply have cof F := F −⊤ . Eventually, assumption (6d) corresponds to the polyconvexity of the function W (·, m) [1]. Assumptions (6) will be
considered in all of the following, without explicit mention.
Theorem 2.4 ( Existence of minimizers). The energy E is lower semicontinuous
and coercive with respect to Q-convergence. In particular, it attains a minimum
on Q.
Proof. Owing to the coercivity assumption (6a), one immediately gets that E
sublevels are Q-bounded, hence Q-sequentially compact due to Proposition 2.1.
The magnetoelastic term in E is weakly lower semicontinuous because of the
assumptions (6) on W , see [1, 14]. The exchange energy term in E is quadratic
hence weakly lower semicontinuous. The magnetostatic term is weakly lower
semicontinuous by Lemma 2.3. The existence of a minimizer follows from the
direct method, e.g. [10].
For the sake of notational simplicity in all of this section no external forcing
acting on the system was considered. It is however worth mentioning explicitly
that the analysis extends immediately to the case of the linear perturbation of the
energy E given by including the term
g·u .
h·m+ f ·u+
The first term is the so-called Zeeman energy and h ∈ L1 (Ωy ; R3 ) represents
an external magnetic field. Moreover, f ∈ Lq (Ω; R3 ) is a body force, and g ∈
Lq (Γt ; R3 ) is a traction acting on Γt where Γt ⊂ ∂Ω is relatively open, ∂Γ0 = ∂Γt
(this last two boundaries taken in ∂Ω), and 1/p + 1/q = 1.
Eventually, we could replace the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition
y = 0 on Γ0 with some suitable non-homogeneous condition without difficulties.
3. Evolution
Let us now turn to the analysis of quasi-static evolution driven by E. In order
to do so, one has to discuss dissipative effect as well. Indeed, under usual loading
regimes , magnetically hard materials, experience dissipation. On the other hand,
the dissipation mechanism in ferromagnets can be influenced by impurities in
the material without affecting substantially the stored energy. This allows us to
consider energy storage and dissipation as independent mechanisms.
Our, to some extent simplified, standpoint is that the amount of dissipated
energy within the phase transformation from one pole to the other can be described by a single, phenomenologically given number (of the dimension J/m3 =Pa)
depending on the coercive force Hc [7]. Being interested in quasistatic, rateindependent processes we follow [22, 23, 24] and define the so-called dissipation
distance between to states q1 := (y1 , m2 ) ∈ Q and q2 := (y2 , m2 ) ∈ Q by introducing D : Q × Q → [0; +∞) as follows
D(q1 , q2 ) :=
Hc |m1 (y1 (x)) − m2 (y2 (x))| dx.
Here, the rationale is that although the system dissipates via magnetic reorientation only, elastic deformation also contributes to dissipation as m lives in the
deformed configuration.
Assume, for simplicity, that the evolution of the specimen during a process time
interval [0, T ] is driven by the time-dependent loadings
f ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]; Lq (Ω; R3 )),
g ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]; Lq (Γt ; R3 )),
h ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]; L1 (R3 ; R3 )),
so that we can write a (time-dependent) energy functional E : [0, T ] × Q →
(−∞, ∞) as
g(t) · u .
E(t, q) := E(q) −
h(t) · m + f (t) · u +
Our aim is to find an energetic solution corresponding to the energy and dissipation functionals (E, D) [23, 24], that is an everywhere defined mapping q :
[0, T ] → Q such that
∀ t ∈ [0, T ], ∀ q̃ ∈ Q : E(t, q(t)) ≤ E(t, q̃) + D(q(t), q̃),
Z t
∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : E(t, q(t)) + Var(D, q; 0, t) = E(0, q(0)) +
∂t E(θ, q(θ)) dθ,
where we have used the notation
Var(D, q; s, t) := sup
D(q(ti−1), q(ti ))
the supremum being taken over all partitions of [s, t] in the form {s = t0 < t1 <
... < tJ−1 < tJ = t}. Condition (8a) is usually referred to as the (global) stability
of state q at time t. For the sake of convenience we shall call stable (at time t) a
state fulfilling (8a) and denote by S(t) ⊂ Q the set of stable states. The scalar
relation (8b) expresses the conservation of energy instead. We shall now state the
existence result.
Theorem 3.1 (Existence of energetic solutions). Let q0 ∈ S(0). Then, there exist
an energetic solution corresponding to (E, D), namely a trajectory q := (y, m) :
[0, T ] → Q such that q(0) = q0 and (8) are satisfied. Additionally, q is uniformly
bounded in Q and m ◦ y ∈ BV (0, T ; L1 (Ω; R3 )).
Sketch of the proof. This argument follows the by now classical argument for existence of energetic solutions. As such, we record here some comment referring
for instance to [15, 21] for the details. Starting from the stable initial condition q0 ∈ S(0) we (semi)discretize the problem in time by means of a partition
0 = t0 < t1 < . . . < tN = T of [0, T ] such that the diameter maxi (ti − ti−1 ) → 0
as N → ∞. This gives us a sequence qkN such that q0N := q0 and qkN , 1 ≤ k ≤ N,
is a solution to the following minimization problem for q ∈ Q
minimize E(tk , q) + D(q, qk−1
The existence of a solution to (9) follows form Theorem 2.4 combined with the
lower semicontinuity of D. In particular, Remark 2.2. implies that the dissipation term in (9) is continuous with respect to the weak convergence in Q. We
now record that minimality and the triangle inequality entail that the obtained
solutions are stable, i.e., qkN ∈ S(tk ) for all k = 0, . . . , N. Let us define the
right-continuous piecewise interpolant q N : [0, T ] → Q as
qkN if t ∈ [tk−1 , tk ) if k = 1, . . . , N,
q N (t) :=
if t = T .
Following [21] we can establish for all N ∈ N the a-priori estimates
ky N kL∞ (0,T );W 1,p (Ω;R3 ) ≤ C,
kχΩyN ∇mN kL∞ ((0,T );L2 (R3 ;R3 )) ≤ C,
kχΩyN mN kL∞ ((0,T );L∞ (R3 ;R3 )) ≤ C,
kmN ◦ y N kBV (0,T ;L1 (Ω;R3 )) ≤ C.
These a-priori estimates together with a suitably generalized version of Helly’s
selection principle [24, Cor. 2.8] entail that, for some not relabeled subsequence,
we have q N → q pointwise in [0, T ] with respect to the weak topology of Q.
This convergence suffices in order to prove that indeed the limit trajectory is
stable, namely q(t) ∈ Q(t) for all t ∈ [0, T ]. Indeed, this follows from the lower
semicontinuity of E and the continuity of D.
Moreover, by exploiting minimality we readily get that
Z tk
∂t E(θ, qk−1
) dθ .
E(tk , qk ) + D(qk , qk−1 ) − E(tk−1, qk−1 ) ≤
Taking the sum of the latter on k we readily check that the one-sided inequality
in relation (8b) holds for t = T . The converse energy inequality (and hence (8b)
for all t ∈ [0, T ]) follows from the stability q(t) ∈ S(t) of the limit trajectory by
[21, Prop. 5.6].
Note that the previous existence result can be adapted to the case of timedependent non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions by following the corresponding argument developed in [15].
This work was initiated during a visit of MK and JZ in the IMATI CNR Pavia.
The hospitality of the institute is gratefully acknowledged. MK and JZ acknowledge the support by GAČR through the projects P201/10/0357, P105/11/0411,
and 13-18652S.
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(M. Kružı́k) Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Pod vodárenskou věžı́ 4, CZ-182 08 Praha 8, Czech
Republic and Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University, Thákurova
7, CZ–166 29 Praha 6, Czech Republic.
E-mail address:
[email protected]
(U. Stefanelli) Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Oskar-MorgensternPlatz 1, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.
E-mail address:
[email protected]
(J. Zeman) Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University, Thákurova
7, CZ–166 29 Praha 6, Czech Republic.
E-mail address:
[email protected]