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Monuments and Sites, 2015
The Zoscr pyramid belongs to the 3 dynasty (2705-2630 B. C.) and is therefore the oldest monumental grave building in the world. The pyramid is situated inside of an enclosure of 550 length and 300 meters broad. In the south there is the Unas pyramid and the tomb of Harcmhab, to the east the pyramid of Userkaf and pyramid of Teti, to the north there is the necropolis of the 3"' dynasty. The desert area west of the Zoser pyramid was believed not to contain much archaeological structures and therefore escaped for long time a systematic archaeological exploration. In 1987 the Polish Center of the Mediterranean Archaeology of Warsaw University, Cairo has undertaken a magnetic survey with a proton magnetometer, resulting in the detection of some clear anomalies. I n s t r u m e n t s and Resul ts
Abstract : this study, which first aim was to demonstrate the correspondences between Gaulish and Slavic languages, between which I found 500 common words, also allowed me to demonstrate, on the basis of linguistic, genetic, archaeological and religious data, that these matches were linked with Neolithic expansion of agriculture and pastoralism from North-Western India and Pakistan to Iran, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, the Caucasus, the North of the Black Sea, Danubian and Balkanic Europe, and farther to Gaul and Iberia, where Neolithic farmers took part in the formation of the megalithic civilisation which developed from 5.000 BC. This explains the linguistic matches I established between Gaulish and Dravidian languages – 250 common words from the 500 words I studied (and 160 with Burushaski), as well as similarities I found in the organisation of the Society and religion, which lead certain researchers to suggest, on the basis of the spread of the very ancient haplogroup H2-P96 from India to Western Europe, that the first Europeans and the proto-Dravidians had a very ancient common origin. Extrait : cette étude, dont l’objectif initial était de démontrer les correspondances entre le gaulois et les langues slaves, entre lesquelles j’ai trouvé 500 mots communs, m’a en outre permis de démontrer, sur la base de données génétiques, archéologiques et religieuses, que ces correspondances étaient liées à des migrations Néolithiques d’Inde et du Pakistan du Nord-Ouest vers l’Iran, la Mésopotamie, l’Anatolie, le Caucase, le Nord de la Mer Noire, l’Europe danubienne et balkanique, la Gaule et l’Ibérie, où les agriculteurs néolithiques ont contribué à former la civilisation mégalithique qui s’est développée à partir de -5.000. Cela explique les correspondances linguistiques que j’ai établies entre le gaulois et les langues dravidiennes - 250 mots communs sur les 500 mots étudiés (et 160 avec le bourouchaski), et les similitudes constatées dans l’organisation de la société et la religion, qui amènent certains chercheurs à suggérer, sur la base de la diffusion du très ancien haplogroupe H2-P96 de l’Inde à l’Europe de l’Ouest, que les premiers Européens et les proto-Dravidiens avaient une origine commune très ancienne.
European Journal of Chemistry, 2015
A series of novel benzimidazole derivatives have been synthesized by the condensation of ophenylenediamine with 4-bromophenoxy acetic acid and product obtained was alkylated at the benzimidazole-NH with different electrophilic reagents. Subsequent reactions of the products by the Suzuki Coupling between benzimidazole derivatives and phenylboronic acid derivatives were accomplished. All these compounds were characterized by FT-IR, 1 H NMR, MS and elemental analysis. These compounds were screened for their potential antibacterial and antifungal activities. This exhibited some promising results towards testing organism invitro.
SOMMARIO: 1. L'ordinamento italiano alla prova della "emergenza" terroristica. -2. L'adozione di misure preventive nella lotta al terrorismo. -2.1. Il regime di espulsione di presunti terroristi contemplato dal c.d. Decreto-legge Pisanu. -2.2. L'inserimento di presunti terroristi nelle c.d. blacklist. -3. Il fenomeno delle extraordinary renditions. -3.1. L'uso del segreto di stato nella lotta al terrorismo. -4. Osservazioni in merito alla tutela dei diritti come fondamento irrinunciabile di una società democratica.
Dieses Buch versteht sich als Beitrag zu einer materialen Geschichtsphilosophie, die sich innerhalb der praktischen Philosophie und hier wiederum in besonderer Nähe zu einer kritischen Sozialphilosophie verorten lässt. Nun sind Veröffentlichungen zum Thema ›Geschichtsphilosophie‹ jedoch von vornherein einer tiefgreifenden Skepsis ausgesetzt: Obwohl die Zahl der ihr gewidmeten Publikationen gerade in den beiden letzten Jahrzehnten zugenommen hat, ist diese Disziplin heute noch ebenso umstritten, wie sie es zur Zeit ihrer Etablierung innerhalb der Philosophie war. 1 Das hat sowohl gute als auch weniger gute Gründe, zu denen eingangs knapp Stellung bezogen werden soll, bevor die Grenzen der gegenwärtigen materialen Geschichtsphilosophie (I.1), der Anspruch einer kritischen materialen Geschichtsphilosophie (I.2) sowie Ziel und Aufbau (I.3) der vorliegenden Abhandlung erläutert werden. Derartige Stellungnahmen stehen Arbeiten, die sich mit dieser philosophischen Teildisziplin befassen, gewöhnlich voran, verbunden zumeist mit einer grundsätzlichen Klärung, was denn überhaupt ›Geschichtsphilosophie‹ heißen soll. Mit dieser Frage aber beginnen bereits die Kontroversen, handelt es sich doch um einen zwar noch nicht sehr alten -Voltaire sprach 1765 erstmals von philosophie de l'histoire -, jedoch um so vieldeutigeren Begriff, der für recht verschiedene philosophische und nichtphilosophische Fragestellungen, für implizite wie explizite Annahmen oder Prämissen, für Deutungen und Argumentationsmuster steht und der zudem zuweilen wohlwollend, zuweilen disqualifizierend gebraucht wird. Entsprechend gibt es mittlerweile verschiedene Typologien, die diese Vieldeutigkeit systematisch zu ordnen versuchen (vgl. Marquard 1973a: 14; Lembeck 2000: 9; Baumgartner 1996: 158; Zwenger 2008: 14 ff.; Breitenstein 2011). Allgemein anerkannt ist zunächst, dass der Terminus ›Geschichtsphilosophie‹ einen ›weiten‹ und einen ›engen‹ Bedeutungsgehalt hat. 2 Der weite Bedeutungsgehalt lässt sich anhand ihres Gegenstandes erläutern und zugleich differenzieren: Objekt der
Language Culture and Society 4(2), 93-97, 2022
This issue provides us editors of LCS with an opportunity to dialogue with our contributors from a slightly different position compared to how we have done it so far. As the first guest edited issue of the journal, the pages that follow after this editorial have been carefully arranged, shaped and curated by Anna De Fina and Sabina M. Perrino, our guest editors. Their proposed theme, Chronotopes and the COVID-19 Pandemic, invites readers to think about chronotopes as an entry point to the study of how sociocultural, linguistic and ideological activities get organised in space and time under the conditions of the recent global pandemic. De Fina and Perrino argue for the potential of sociolinguistic and linguistic anthropological elaborations of Bakhtin's conceptual work since these "involve a discussion of fundamental issues such as the conceptualization of context, the relationships of this construct with ideologies, the configuration and interpretation of meanings at different levels and their social circulation". We find our guest editors' invitation to attend to elaborations of Bakhtin's notion of chronotope instrumental to revisit some of the main themes that we have explored over the last few years since Language, Culture and Society came to light-themes that have constantly revolved around: (i) the historical, political and economic underpinnings of scholarly knowledge on language, culture and society; (ii) the (colonial, capitalist and racist) forms of oppression that we contribute to (re)produce in our own disciplinary endeavours; and (iii) the conditions of possibility for sociolinguistic and linguistic anthropological work that helps us imagine alternative and more socially just futures. In line with readings of Bakhtin's knowledge production as a reaction to nation/empire and the core Western values of (geographical, cultural and racial) homogeneity and monological discourse (van Toorn, 1992; San Diego Bakhtin Circle, 2000), his notion of chronotope can easily be seen as providing a 'safe house' in Pratt's (1991) terms, that is to say, a social and intellectual space where social groups aspire to "constitute themselves as horizontal (…), sovereign communities with high degrees of trust, shared understandings and temporary protection from legacies of oppression" (p. 40).
ABSTRACT: In international literature the Socio-Emotional Skills (SES) are considered to have an important role in giving to young people the right equipment to face present and future challenges, as well as contribute to the development of a sense of cohesion, greater equity and social justice. In this paper, starting with an analysis of OECD-PISA 2018 data, we sought to estimate the explanatory potential with respect to reading achievement of several measures attributable to the sphere of SES. A first result is that socioeconomic and cultural conditions being equal (summarized in the ESCS measure, Index of Economic, Social and Cultural Status), socio-emotional skills have a small but significant own independent strength in terms of better results in standardized tests. A second result is that these competences have a benefit especially for students characterized by a low level of ESCS (to simplify, we could define them as students of low social class). The implications of these results are of particular interest for the purposes of policies for the social equality of opportunities, equity and system effectiveness. KEYWORDS: Socio-Emotional Skills, Cognitive Skills, Equality of Opportunities, Social Inequalities, School Curriculum