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JEAN WILLIAM FRITZ PIAGET: Fue un epistemólogo, psicólogo y biólogo suizo, considerado como el padre de la epistemología genésica. Jean Piaget es uno de los psicólogos e investigadores más importantes de la historia, y a él le debemos gran parte de lo que hemos ido descubriendo por medio de la psicología del desarrollo. Dedicó gran parte de su vida a investigar el modo en el que evolucionan tanto nuestro conocimiento acerca del entorno como nuestros patrones de pensamiento dependiendo de la etapa de crecimiento en la que nos encontramos, y es especialmente conocido por haber propuesto varias etapas de desarrollo cognitivo por las que pasamos todos los seres humanos a medida que crecemos. Jean Piaget y su concepción de la niñez La idea que planteó Jean Piaget es que, al igual que nuestro cuerpo evoluciona rápidamente durante los primeros años de nuestras vidas, nuestras capacidades mentales también evolucionan a través de una serie de fases cualitativamente diferentes entre sí. En un contexto histórico en el que se daba por sentado que los niños y niñas no eran más que "proyectos de adulto" o versiones imperfectas de ser humano, Piaget señaló que el modo en el que los pequeños actúan, sienten y perciben denota no que sus procesos mentales estén sin terminar, sino más bien que se encuentran en un estadio con unas reglas de juego diferentes, aunque coherentes y cohesionadas entre sí. Es decir, que la manera de pensar de los niños y niñas no se caracteriza tanto por la ausencia de habilidades mentales típicas de los adultos, como por la presencia de formas de pensar que siguen otras dinámicas muy diferentes, dependiendo de la etapa de desarrollo en la que se encuentren. Es por eso que Piaget consideraba que los patrones de pensamiento y comportamiento de los más jóvenes son cualitativamente distintos con respecto a los de los adultos, y que cada etapa del desarrollo define los contornos de estas maneras de actuar y sentir. Este artículo ofrece una breve explicación acerca de estas fases del desarrollo planteadas por Piaget; una teoría que, si bien ha quedado desfasada, es el primer ladrillo sobre el que se ha construido la Psicología Evolutiva. ¿Etapas de crecimiento o de aprendizaje? Es muy posible caer en la confusión de no saber si Jean Piaget describía etapas de crecimiento o de aprendizaje, ya que por un lado habla sobre factores biológicos y por el otro de procesos de aprendizaje que se desarrollan a partir de la interacción entre el individuo y el entorno. La respuesta es que este psicólogo hablaba de los dos, aunque centrándose más en los aspectos individuales que en los aspectos del aprendizaje que están ligados
Les toponymes et les anthroponymes d’origine arabe dans la Péninsule Ibérique (Toponyms and Anthroponyms of Andalusi Arabic Origin on the Iberian Peninsula), 2022
By Federico CORRIENTE, Christophe PEREIRA & Ángeles VICENTE This volume is dedicated to the study of names of places and people on the Iberian Peninsula that are of Arabic origin. These names are among the most evident traces that Andalusi Arabic was spoken there for centuries. The volume provides two separate inventories (of toponyms and anthroponyms), although it must be recognized that the establishment of exhaustive catalogs is impossible today. Therefore the goal is to improve our knowledge in this area of Hispanic linguistics. This fifth volume of the Encyclopédie Linguistique d’Al-Andalus can also be used as research material for Romance historical linguistics and, of course, as a source to find new dialect isoglosses and grammatical, phonetic, and morphological features within the Andalusian Arabic bundle.
This paper results from an impressive international cooperation of archaeologists and geneticists from different labs.
Géographie et cultures, 2024 Dans le Chaco argentin, la moto est en train de devenir un objet irremplaçable pour la quotidienneté d’un foyer. Malgré cette omniprésence, des domaines entiers de cette dissémination des deux-roues restent encore à décrypter. Partant de l’exemple des autochtones Wichís, de leurs pratiques et de leurs mobilisations, cet article analyse l’intégration des motos dans la culture politique locale. L’hypothèse défendue est que les motos sont devenues un élément structurant des interactions sociales, et, plus largement, de l’organisation de la société. Elles contribuent notamment à rebattre les cartes des rapports de pouvoir dans les interactions avec les acteurs publics ou privés, à modifier la distribution des rôles au sein de la société wichí et à ouvrir de nouvelles possibilités d’action dans une région où les injustices foncières et les rapports sociaux de domination sont particulièrement prégnants. Cette discussion repose sur trois épisodes qui renseignent sur le rôle que les motos jouent dans les recompositions socio-spatiales en cours et vise à démontrer qu’elles constituent des instruments de construction et de médiation privilégiés des rapports sociaux.
LSN: Corporate Governance International (Topic), 2008
This article examines when it would be appropriate to hold a former director accountable for the appropriation of corporate opportunities which take place after his resignation from the company. The author identifies and discusses various principles which may be deduced from the common-law jurisprudence which may serve as a guideline on the circumstances when a director's duty not to misappropriate a corporate opportunity would continue to apply after his resignation. In evaluating the application of these principles to directors post-resignation, the author examines the recent trends in this area of the law both in South African jurisprudence and relevant foreign jurisprudence and questions whether South African law is bound to the strict absolutist approach traditionally adopted on the duty of a director not to place himself in a position of a conflict of interest, or whether a flexible and pragmatic approach, may, and ought to be, applied in a modern commercial world. The art...
In Innovation Africa: Enriching farmers' livelihoods, 2009
International agricultural research organizations have made efforts to ensure their research products reach the intended beneficiaries, in order to reduce poverty and to improve rural livelihoods. Examples exist of initiatives to transfer technologies (research institution to farmer) and to facilitate the information sharing processes. These initiatives include participatory approaches, capacity building processes, and, in various cases, have utilized new information and communication technologies (ICT). These ventures have also been a step in the process of participation and democratisation of farmers in what has been called the information society. There are still limitations hindering the participation of farmers in many technology transfer projects however. Often farmers are unable to access the “media” of information sharing, or they may find the information is not useful, irrelevant, or in an unfamiliar language. These problems are compounded by a lack of awareness and skills in ICT s such that the possibility of feedback to, and communication with, research organizations can seem very remote. Village Information and Communication Centers (VICs) in Rwanda are public spaces where farmers can share knowledge, access information in their own language, and other community services (shop for sale of agricultural inputs, amalgamation of products for getting better prices, cooperative banks, training points, community meeting places and so forth) in their own place. Free access and democratization of information are key principles in organization and operations of VICs. Organized farmer groups in a form of farmer association is the basic requirement of establishing the centers to ensure institutional support backing, hosting and managing the VICs, including cost share the running of the centers. From the initial stage of establishing the VICs it should be clear that the centers are demand-driven and address the information needs and priorities of the rural and marginalized communities (women and men, youth, sick, elderly and disabled). In other words VICs should be organized in manner that there is broad ownership base as the objective is to benefit the maximum number of farmers on wider and diversified issues related with agriculture and rural development. Efforts should also be made to ensure that VICs promote multidirectional flows of information and communication between different stakeholders, R&D partners, farmer’s associations and other communities groups, including sharing of expert as well as traditional knowledge of communities. The long term sustainability of VICs lies in community empowerment which also demands a strategic vision, basically developed in partnership with farmers to invest in human resources, in the physical condition of the VICs, and in training. In this way VICs can be an economic and effective mechanism for research organizations to disseminate to farmers the products of their research and to facilitate a feedback about the process and results of the research. Key words: Village information and communication center; information and knowledge sharing; agriculture; technology transfer; learning communities; Rwanda; Africa.
Forthcoming: Journal of Economic Structures, 2020
This study assesses the simultaneous openness hypothesis that trade modulates foreign direct investment (FDI) to induce positive net effects on total factor productivity (TFP) dynamics. Twenty-five countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and data for the period 1980 to 2014 are used. The empirical evidence is based on the Generalised Method of Moments. First, trade imports modulate FDI to overwhelmingly induce positive net effects on TFP, real TFP growth, welfare TFP and real welfare TFP. Second, with exceptions on TFP and welfare TFP where net effects are both positive and negative, trade exports modulate FDI to overwhelmingly induce positive net effects on real TFP growth and welfare real TFP. In summary, the tested hypothesis is valid for the most part. Policy implications are discussed.
This paper engages climate science to show that accelerating anthropogenic climate destabilization threatens the survival of human civilization. It shows that centuries of research by climate scientists worldwide produced a consensus about the anthropogenic nature of global warming. Highlighting studies showing that action on the problem has been fiercely opposed by a small group of climate-change denialists from right-wing and libertarian think tanks to politicians, the paper shows that funding by fossil-fuel interests and many other defenders of capitalism have supplied a megaphone for their propaganda. Government action has been so effectively forestalled that, to avoid the worst effects of climate destabilization, greenhouse gas emissions must now be halted-with a rapid transition to clean energy-and millions of tons of greenhouse gases must be removed from the atmosphere. This process must be underway within two to three decades to avoid carbon-cycle feedback loops that will produce vast atmospheric degradation and a catastrophic crisis for all life on Earth. The paper concludes that the present economic and social order has proven itself incapable of halting this ecocidal rush into oblivion. This paper argues that since capitalism refuses to address the crisis, a mass movement must be built to end minority ownership and dictatorial control of the economy for private profit-to establish democratic worker control and collective ownership of the economy, with a fundamental change of the motive for production away from profit for a tiny minority, and toward sustainable production for the needs and wants of humanity.
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Advances in environmental and engineering research, 2024
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, 2016
International Nursing Review, 2006
Clinical Ophthalmology, 2014
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - memSIC, 2020
International Journal of Engineering Research and
Journal of Cave and Karst …, 2007