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Limestone and river: essays on Thomond history in honour of Liam Irwin, 2024
This volume represents a collection of essays written in honour of Liam Irwin, the retired Head of History in Mary Immaculate College by his friends and colleagues. The chronological range is from the prehistoric period through to the mid twentieth century in keeping with Liam's own wide-ranging research interests while the geographical focus is very much on the region of the high medieval kingdom of Thomond. The volume is published by Four Courts Press, Dublin and is currently in bookshops around Ireland.
Chiunque voglia invitare ad un discorso invocando la necessità di un ragionamento collettivo, di un dialogo razionale condotto insieme, parte oggi già perdente. Nelle narrazioni diffuse a livello generalista domina quel tratto centrale dell'industria culturale che è la costante ripetizione dell'esistente la quale costringe sempre entro gli stessi confini e vicoli chiusi, mentre il ragionare insieme (Synphilosophieren) cresce in territori sempre aperti.
This contribution offers a comparative perspective on the Prague Haskalah as a movement in its own right, by briefly analysing another tradition that, like Prague, has often been presented as deeply indebted to the project of the Berlin Maskilim: the Dutch Jewish Enlightenment, which flourished during the first quarter of the nineteenth century. Contrary to common opinion, which has always emphasized the German origins of the 'Dutch Haskalah', this 'Haskalah' was not imported from Berlin but had been inspired first and foremost by contemporary Dutch (Christian) enlightened discourse. Of course one Jew's Dutch Enlightenment was not the other Jew's Dutch Enlightenment. To illustrate this, the article briefly compares four 'enlightened' publications, i.e. historical biographies, by four prominent Dutch-Jewish intellectuals who operated in the early decades of the nineteenth century. Their varying treatments of Judaism's role in (universal) history serve to illustrate the complexity of enlightened experience in the Netherlands, where the Jews had received civic equality as early as 1796, thus facing the challenge of building new communal infrastructures and forging a new, at least partly Dutch identity.
The analysis of Arabic has yielded important insights in the study of language, particularly in the domains of phonology and morphology. Yet the acquisition of Arabic as a native language by children has garnered remarkably little attention, although it could shed further light on the structure of Arabic and what it entails for the study of the language faculty more generally. This overview presents a summary of what is currently known about the Arabic spoken by such children -how it differs from that of adult Arabic speakers, and what the differences might mean for linguistic theory.
Philosophical Explorations, 2014
The second person is often set in contrast to the first person. And there is a contrast. It does not reside in a difference of what is thought as I from what is thought as you. For that is not different. The contrast is that of monadic and dyadic predication, action and transaction. It is the contrast, not of I and You, but of I and I–You. The second person does not add a You to an I. It divides the I and makes it a relation. We consider, first, the form of predication that is common to first- and second-person thought. Then, we define the second person as a species of this form of thought. Last, we find the source and condition of this form of thought in a thought of this very form. This thought, being the source of its own form, is one of which one cannot be conscious from outside it. It is a last word, or, better, a first word.1
Signum, v. 25, n. 1 , 2024, 2024
A Legenda aurea, compilação hagiográfica produzida na península Itálica, na segunda metade do século XIII – cuja autoria é remetida ao frade dominicano Jacopo de Varazze –, tem sido bastante estudada por pesquisadores de diversos lugares do mundo. No Brasil, não é diferente. Desde seu desembarque em território nacional há mais de trinta anos, uma quantidade significativa de produções acadêmicas (de teses a apresentações de trabalhos) já foi realizada. Tendo isso em vista, o presente artigo tem por objetivo fazer um balanço a respeito desses trabalhos. O foco, no entanto, não reside em discorrer sobre os temas mais explorados, mas sim colocar em perspectiva a trajetória desses trabalhos sobre o legendário. Para isso, vale-se de uma abordagem quantitativa realizada a partir de dados coletados na plataforma Lattes. Igualmente, busca-se situar essas pesquisas dentro dos estudos medievais no país, bem como levantar explicações externas para suas tendências e oscilações.
The movement to establish community radios is one of the many good things that people from other countries have liked about Nepal. Institutions come by in every part of the world and at any point in any civilization to meet certain demands. But eventually only those institutions survive which meet the demand of society by extending quality service which is to say only that institution can expect to survive which have a clear plan and program while the one which cannot do that flee the ground, cannot stay afloat and thus die out. When it comes to speculate as to how long the institution may last what is the determining factor is whether or not the institution and the service it is extending is something which can be sold in the market and are also in tune with the law of the land rather than the sentiments of the people associated with it. Market per se is cruel in the annals of civilization. However, good things always knock down bad things. There is no room for sentiments in the market. Much like human beings, institutions, too, take birth, grow, reach zenith, grow old and die out. Some institutions can live longer and keep on extending service just in the event those involved are judicious enough and persist intelligently enough. Just in the event, an institution is able to adapt oneself with time and age it can expect to last unto ages. It is no mean achievement to found institutions; it is still bigger achievement to ensure their longevity. But what is certainly an intelligent thing to do is to embark on development path only after sowing good norms while the objectives of the institution are linked with social transformation even as point is made to ensure that framework and institutional mechanism of the institution casts positive impact on future generation. This will see one's organization contributing in the development of society. Every one knows that founding an organization and running it demands harmonization and mobilization of simply too many forces. One of the most important forces among them is the planning of the organization itself. One can work without a plan, though. However, the organization functions efficiently if there is a plan. That is to argue that organizations, which work to a plan, have definite edge over their competitors, achieve more and earn higher profit in comparison. This explains why successful organizations conduct their business only after drawing up a plan. What should the plan of an organization invariably include? is an important question. There could be simply too many answers to this question and the answers should be available in the action plan document. Answers can be: Answer 1: Situation analysis: The first thing to do before formulating a plan is to conduct a situation analysis. This could mean an appraisal, identifying avenues of resource mobilization, institutional analysis, and analysis of stakeholders, challenges, prospects and opportunities. Depending on needs, one could be obliged to conduct further analyses. One cannot expect to identify problems and prospects in the absence of objective analyses. Answer 2: Long-term vision: A plan of any organization must have explicit reference to final objectives. To take recourse to an analogy, the organization can end up as a crow lost in the mist if there is no reference to the final objectives. Hence where should the institution go? What are the objectives? are central to everything else. Answer 3: Goal, Purpose, Results and Indicators: In a plan, long-and short-term targets are outlined in serial manner amid well-defined terms and indicators suitably devised. It is likely that institutions' own staff may get confused if objectives are not serially outlined. Similarly, a question, which may arise, could be what is to be achieved if the objectives are not mentioned. By when should the objectives be achieved? could be the additional question. Moreover, there could be no basis to know whether the objective achieved is of desired quality in the absence of predetermined criteria governing quality. 4 Answer 4: Risks: What kind of risks could crop up in the course of implementation process? What can we strategically do to minimize such risks? Alternatively, what could be the action plan? Or what all activities could be implemented? One may not be able to say when one will fail in the mission if questions like these are not taken into account at the formulation phase. Answer 5: Major Activities: There should be adequate discussion before arriving at the activities, which must be undertaken to achieve the indicators outlined in the objectives. Or else the objectives may not be achieved at all. Answer 6: Source of Budget: What could be the cost (human resource, budget and materials) of implementation? What percentage of it will be available from the government? What percentage of resource will come in the form of community participation and what percentage could be generated from among users? What percentage of resources will be available from donors as technical support? Is there any other source of resource such as from advertisement, airtime sale and so on? These are some of the points, which must be clearly analyzed during planning. A plan without resource cannot be implemented. This manual has been prepared with a view to meet the needs felt by community radio stations in Nepal. Manual is just a manual and not a prescription as if from a doctor. It outlines the general procedures and methods of planning. It must be adapted in a creative manner as guided along by district-specific needs. Any manual can be useful for some period only. This is to say that the manual should be improved with time and context. Of course, comments based on experience will be welcomed. With this as backdrop, we dedicate this manual to its users. Meanwhile we would like to thank CRSC/NEFEJ and Free Voice, The Netherlands, which entrusted the responsibility of preparing the manual on us. We also extend thanks to Rabin Sayami who helped us as a designer; Bebina Shrestha who assisted us in layout, and Prem Tiwari for conducting spell check. Last but not the least, we would also like to thank Radio Karnali officials for giving us permission to include the strategic plan of Radio Karnali FM as an example in the ensuing pages. Bikram Subba Raghu Mainali 5 Contents 4.1 Long term vision 4.2 Guiding principles 4.3 Overall strategies 4.4 Goal, purpose and results 4.5 Indicators 4.6 Designing of major activities programs 4.7 Risk factors assumptions 4.8 Risk mitigation measures 4.9 Operational strategies 4.10 Implementation 4.11 Partnership strategies 4.12 Responsibility matrix 4.13 Monitoring and evaluation 8 9 1 Rationale and Objectives Clause 11 relating to production and broadcasting of programs in the National Broadcasting Act 2049 (1993) states: While producing and broadcasting any program, a broadcasting institution has to give priority to the following matters: Development-oriented programs such as agriculture, education, industry, commerce, science and technology, health, family planning and forest and environment protection, Such kinds of programs as to enhance equality, mutual good faith and harmony amongst all the tribes, languages, classes, areas and religious denominations, Programs that contribute to uplifting various languages and cultures of Nepal, Programs on such subjects as may enhance the national interest and national unity, Programs on such subjects as may raise national consciousness and moral awareness, Such kinds of programs may raise social consciousness and develop democratic values, norms and culture in the people, Programs on such subjects as may not cause adverse impact on the relations between Nepal and neighbouring countries as well as friendly countries, 9 Programs promoting folk songs and folk cultures, Programs relating to the foreign policy pursued by the country,
The Blue Notebook Volume 19 No.1 , 2024
A phenomenological encounter with Felicia Rice and Theresa Whitehill’s artist's book titled 'Heavy Lifting' (2022).
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European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2014
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World Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases, 2013
Proceedings of the 2019 AERA Annual Meeting
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Israel-Gaza: Análisis Semanal ( 29 de abril de 2024 - 5 de mayo de 2024), 2024
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Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2011
Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 2020
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2020