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Lucrări ştiinţifice - Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi de Medicină Veterinară "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Iaşi. Seria medicină veterinară, 2023
The potential of this study is to investigate issues regarding potential application of Food Defense concepts for Food Industry. According to Larson (2023), consumers face the risk that their food is unsafe because of natural and accidental contamination (traditional food safety problems) or deliberate contamination (food defense problems). Food Safety refers to a potential accidental hazard (physical, chemical, or microbiological) that may occur and Food Defense concerns a hazard that may be intentionally introduced, including by acts of terrorism. The study is based on exploratory research. A qualitative approach based on interviews with the Managers from the Food Industry. Other secondary data were collected through a private certification database.
L'Encéphale, 2016
Revue de la littérature Thérapie interpersonnelle (TIP) en psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent Interpersonal therapy (IPT) in child psychiatry and adolescent
AKADEMİAR Akademik İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2018
Medeniyet en etkili ve güçlü beşerî faaliyet alanıdır. İnsan hayatıyla ilgili her şey medeniyet oluşumuna müspet veya menfi etki eder. Din ve dini kurumlar geçmişten günümüze medeniyet inşasında özel öneme sahip olagelmiştir. Bundan ötürü bazı medeniyetler dinlere nispet edilir. İslam medeniyeti de bunlardan biridir. İslam medeniyetinin inşasında İslam ilimlerinden her birinin özel etkisinden bahsedilebilir. Tarihî durum göz önünde bulundurulduğunda bunlar içinde en etkilisinin tasavvuf olduğu söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada önce medeniyetin ne olduğu ve belli başlı unsurları daha sonra ise tasavvufun medeniyete katkı potansiyeli üzerinde durulmuştur.
Resumen: Este trabajo se presenta como resultado preliminar de la experiencia de voluntariado arqueológico desarrollado en el sitio Chan Chan ubicado en la costa norte de Perú. Donde se estudiaron los sistemas constructivos utilizados en cuartos pequeños irregulares y aglutinados (SIAR) ubicados al Este de Palacio Tello (Tsuts An), correspondientes al período Chimú Temprano I (900 d.C.-1100 d.C.). Abstract: This work is presented as a preliminary result of the experience of archaeological volunteering developed at Chan Chan site located on the North coast of Perú. Where it is considered the building systems of small irregulater aglutlimted rooms (SIAR) located east of Palace Tello (Tsuts An), the Chimú early I (AD 900-1100 BC) period.
Self-government, Social Change, and Conflict in Oxchuc, Chiapas: The Long Road of Internal War in an Indigenous Mexican Municipality, 2024
During the 2015 post-electoral con ict in the municipality of Oxchuc, Chiapas, came the demand for the election of municipal authorities through its own internal regulatory system. After going through several phases, proponents of change in electoral proceedings obtained legal recognition for Indigenous self-government. This achievement led to an interlude in the long history of political con ict and social change in the municipality. In this article we examine the contemporary history, processes, and recent political developments in the municipality of Oxchuc, which led to institutional recognition of this municipality's selfgovernment.
Esta ponencia indaga sobre la accountability social nacional a partir de la apertura de la gestión de gobierno que nuestro país asume en los compromisos de sus Planes de Acción ante la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (AGA) desde su ingreso en 2013 (estos objetivos abarcan una serie de aspectos para la mejora de la gestión, orientados a una mayor rendición de cuentas, una mayor colaboración y participación ciudadana, facilitadas especialmente gracias al uso de Tecnologías de la Comunicación y la Información). Nuestro interés se centra en aquellos compromisos que reconocen el derecho cívico para la exigencia de una mayor rendición de cuentas e n manos de la ciudadanía (accountability social), por lo que en las páginas que siguen, trabajaremos la porción de compromisos a la apertura que otorguen la posibilidad de un ejercicio efectivo de la incidencia política por parte de diferentes actores organizados de la sociedad civil.
Le futur du droit administratif - the Future of administrative Law.Dir. J-B AUBY, 2019
Roman Identity: Between Ideal and Performance, 2023
Procedia Computer Science, 2017
Plant Physiology, 1989
arXiv: Human-Computer Interaction, 2020
Mammalian Genome, 1995
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation
Russian Journal of Genetics, 2016
Network Relations in Armenian Diaspora , 2023
زمن الشاوية قراءة أخرى للتاريخ, 2024