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This internship report presents a marketing plan for a teen shampoo developed by Square Group, a prominent local conglomerate in Bangladesh. The report outlines the competitive landscape of hair care products, consumer insights, and the brand's unique selling proposition focused on mild formulations suitable for daily use. Additionally, it identifies the target demographic, marketing strategies, and product benefits intended to appeal to the youth market.

1 INTERNSHIP REPORT on MARKETING PLAN of TEEN SHAMPOO Submitted by: Md. Abu Naser Shaju ID: 11204083 Submitted to Muhammad Ariful Ghani Lecturer II BRAC BUSINESS SCHOOL BRAC UNIVERSITY 2 Letter of Transmittal 14 March, 2015 MUHAMMAD ARIFUL GHANI BRAC Business School BRAC University Subject: Submission of internship report on ―Marketing Plan of Teen Shampoo.‖ Dear Sir, I am pleased to submit my internship report on ―Marketing Plan of Teen Shampoo.‖ This report was assigned by Mrs. Jesmin Zaman, Manager, Marketing Department, Square Toiletries Limited during my internship at Square Toiletries Limited. I have tried my best to utilize the opportunity of working as an internee in the Marketing department of Square Toiletries Limited. This report is based on information acquired from interviewing. I have maintained the internship learning as per the instruction. I have got my supervisors Mr. Fazal Mahmud Roni, Assistant Manager, Marketing Department and Mohammed Aftab, Brand Executive of STL. I enjoyed preparing this report because it provided me an opportunity to conduct a real life research from scratch. I thank you for such an opportunity. I will be available for my clarification at your convenience. Yours Sincerely, Md. Abu Naser Shaju ID No. 11204083 3 Acknowledgement First of all I want to thank my internship supervisor Mr. Fazal Mahmud Roni, Assistant Manager and Mohammed Aftab, Brand Executive, Marketing Department, Square Toiletries Limited for helping me to determine the objective and contents of this report. They helped me with valuable suggestions from time to time during my internship. Mohammed Aftab also gave me some new ideas for formulating the marketing strategy for new product Teen Shampoo. In the preparation of this internship report, I acknowledged the encouragement and assistance given by a number of people from Square Toiletries Limited. I am grateful to Mr. Malik Md. Sayeed; Head of Marketing, Mrs. Jesmin Zaman; Manager, Marketing Department for their valuable suggestions and assurance. I also like to thank all the Department staffs of Square Toiletries Limited, local office for giving the helpful support. I would also like to thank the respondents who gave valuable insights and important information. I would like to thank all the consumers who provided me valuable information by giving such a wonderful interview which helped me to reveal a large number of information. 4 Executive Summary This internship report is based on the three months long internship program that I had successfully completed in Square Toiletries Ltd.(STL) under Marketing Department as a requirement of my BBA program of BRAC Business School, BRAC University. As being completely new to practical world, every hour spent in Marketing Department gave me vast amount of experience which cannot be explained in words. In Bangladesh Cosmetics and Toiletries Industry contribute in the economy and is playing a vital role in enriching the overall business ambience of the country. This report is a vivid showcase of the overall Cosmetic and Toitetries Industry of Bangladesh along with that the prime importance and prime focus will be placed to highlight the overall marketing plan of Teen Shampoo which will be launched by local renowned Square Toiletries Ltd(STL) in the near future. The prominent part is that there is no severe competition in this teenage hair care product, it will be a great opportunity if STL can exploit the opportunity. If it can be possible to execute, STL will get a first mover advantage which will help them to create a sustainable and long lasting impression even though any other company comes up with same sort of Teenage Shampoo. It is inevitable to say that teenage is the time when teenagers undergo different physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, social changes. Teenage is the age of know everything, do everything and try everything. Teenagers being neither children nor adults rather, they are different from others and their needs are also different from others. At the teenage hair reaches to its largest diameter and thus it is needed to be taken care of the hair for both boys and girls properly. Due to different hormonal changes, teenagers undergo different physical changes. In the teenage period, it is experienced that Sebum secretion is maximum which makes the scalp oilier than regular and scalp skin is suffering from dandruff and different skin irritation problem. There are different herbal products but different products are for different problem and moreover the companies are not recognized that much. STL‘s Teen Shampoo will facilitate the teen age consumers to take care of their hair properly and this shampoo will ensure proper hair growth and healthy scalp. As STL is renowned Bangladeshi toiletries company which does not compromise with the quality, teenagers can 5 easily have confidence to buy Teen Shampoo with their pocket money or disposable income. As nowadays teenagers are getting self-conscious and some of them do part time jobs, they are getting more cautious about using cosmetics and hair care products. Celebrity endorsement is a common practice of making brand or product more popular among the actual and potential consumers. In one research it is found that due to ―Celebrity Worship Syndrome‖teenagers are more and more following their favorite celebrities‘ hair style, wardrobe fashion. In order to keep pace with the trend, teenagers also use different cosmetics, fragrances, hair care products. In most of the cases teenagers are trendsetters. Parents also play a vital role in taking care of the teenagers‘ hair and skin. As a part of ―Successful Parenting‖, it is the parents‘ duty to choose the right product for their teens. Appearance is a significant aspect of anyone‘s life and due to lack of social acceptance of teenagers‘ participation, teenagers most of the time get depressed if not properly groomed. Teen Shampoo will be a teenager‘s hair grooming product which will nourish the teenagers‘ hair. Based on the research conducted by the STL, I a part of the research collected feedbacks based on the factors like fragrance, diffusion, color, stickiness, perceived sex, after use and foaming. The marketing mix will be constructed based on the STL‘s branding propositions and marketing strategies will be adopted based on the requirements and budget. Along with the four Ps product, price, place and promotional activities, packaging of the shampoo will play a vital role for getting the popularity and mass acceptance. Due to trade liberalization different multinational companies can be attracted to launch their teen products to compete with the STL‘s Teen Shampoo if it proves to be profitable. Different low cost cosmetic and hair care products manufacturers are targeting middle to low end market which always poses a threat to the high priced branded products. Though those products are not quality oriented but they are surviving due to the low price considerations. Square Toiletries Ltd is now exporting their products to foreign market. Consequently, threats can be nullified if the new Teen Shampoocan occupy massive and positive consumer base. 6 Table of Contents Topics Executive Summary 1. Introduction 1.1 History of Square Group 1.2 Square Group Concerns 2. Square Toiletries Limited 2.1 Vision & Mission 2.2 Quality Policy 3. Internship Project 3.1 Culture of Square Toiletries Limited 3.2 Strategies Square Group Follows 3.3 Origin of the Study 3.4 Objective of the Study 3.5 Methodology 3.5.1 Type of Research Design 3.5.2 Data Sources 3.5.3 Data Collection 3.5.4 Scope of the Study 3.6 Limitations 4. Industry Overview 4.1 Market Share of Cosmetic & Toiletries in Bangladesh 4.2 Growth of Cosmetic & Toiletries Sector 5. A Brief Overview of Shampoo 5.1 Strengths of Shampoo 5.2 Weaknesses of Shampoo 5.3 Concept of Dry Shampoo 5.4 Body Wash Concept and Kids Shampoo 5.5 EWG Research Findings 5.6 Celebrity Worship Syndrome 6. Target Group: Teenagers 6.1 General Teenage Profile 6.2 Segmentation of the Market 6.2.1 Basic Demographic Statistics 6.3 Target Market of Teen Shampoo 6.4 Positioning Strategy 6.5 Branding Decision 7. Hair Care for Teenagers 7.1 Hair Type Page No. 5-6 9-13 9-12 13 14-17 16 17 18-25 20-22 22-23 24 24 24-25 24 24-25 25 25 25 26-34 29-33 34 35-42 37 37 38-39 40-41 41-42 42 43-46 46 47-51 48 49 51-52 52-53 54-56 55 7 7.2 Different Hair Appliances 7.3 Activity Level 8. Brands of Square Toiletries Limited 8.1 Competitors Products 9. SWOT Analysis of Teen Shampoo of Square Toiletries Limited 10. Duties and Responsibilities during Internship 10.1 Conducting In-depth Interview 10.2 Studying the Competition 10.3 Jobs Done during the Internship 11. Teenage Hair Care Problems & Solutions 11.1 Advice for Teenagers and their Hair 12. Findings and Analysis 13. Marketing Mix 13.1 Product 13.2 Price 13.3 Place 13.4 Promotion 13.5 Scope of Promotional Activities 13.6 Four C‘s 13.7 SIVA Model 14. Packaging 14.1 Innovative Packaging Ideas 14.2 Packaging of Teen Shampoos all over the World 15. Personal Care Products Market in Bangladesh and Teenagers 15.1 Teenagers Purchase Scenario 16. Interesting Facts about Teenagers and Shampoo 16.1 Poo Movement 16.2 New Trend: Shamboiling 16.3 Interesting Feedback 16.4 Shampoo or Passion 16.5 Successful Parenting 17. Recommendations 18. Conclusion Appendix References 55-56 56 57-66 64-66 67-68 69-71 70 70 71 72-77 73-77 78-90 91-98 92 92 93 93-95 95-97 98 98 99-105 98-99 100-101 106-109 107-109 110-113 111 112 112 112 113 114-116 117-118 119-122 123-124 8 CHAPTER 1 Introduction 9 1. Introduction Square Group is a local conglomerate of Bangladesh which started its journey with debut of Square Pharma as a Partnership Firm in 1958. With span of time, Square has emerged as one of the most admired local conglomerates which is showcasing its rampant march with other concerns along with Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The Square Concerns are Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Square Toiletries Limited, Square Textiles Ltd, Square Food & Beverage Ltd, Square Informatix Limited, Square Agro Development & Processing Ltd, Square Herbal &Nutraceuticals Ltd, Square Yarns Ltd, Square Fashion Limited, Square Hospitals Limited, Square Air Limited, Square Texcom Limited, Mediacom Limited, Square Securities Management Ltd, Maasranga Television, Sabazpur Tea Company Ltd, Aegis Services Limited and Square Denims Ltd. 1.1 History of Square 1958: Debut of Square Pharma as a Partnership Firm. 1964: Converted into a Private Limited Company. 1974: Technical Collaboration with Janssen Pharmaceutica, Belgium, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson International, USA 1982: Licensing Agreement signed with F.Hoffman-La Roche Ltd. Switzerland 1985: Achieved first position in the Pharmaceutical Market of Bangladesh among all national and multinational companies. 1987: Pioneer in Pharmaceutical export from Bangladesh. 1994: Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Square Pharmaceuticals shares. Square Toiletries Ltd becomes a Private Limited Company. 1995: Chemical Division of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd starts production of pharmaceutical bulk products. 1997: Won the National Export trophy for exporting medicines. Debut of Square Textiles Ltd Mediacom Limited starts its journey 1998: Establishment of second unit Square Textiles Ltd 10 Agro Chemical & Veterinary Products Division of Square Pharmastart its operation. 2000: Square Spinnings Ltd starts its journey. 2001: Establishment of Square Knit Fabrics Ltd Establishment of Square Fashions Ltd US FDA/UK MCA standard new pharmaceutical Factory went into operation. Square Consumer Products Ltd started its operation. Establishment of Square Informatix Ltd Incorporation of Square Hospitals Ltd 2003: Management agreement with Bumrungrad Hospital International of Thailand for the management of Square Hospitals Ltd. United States Food & Drug Administration United Kingdom Medicines & Health Card Products Regulatory Agency 2005: Square Yarns Ltd is established 2008: Square Spinnings Ltd, amalgamates with Square Textiles Ltd Square Multi Fabrics Ltd is established. 2009: Square Air Limited is established. 2010: Square Pharmaceuticals Dhaka sit‘s Insulin Manufacturing Unit goes into operation Acquisition of Mithapur Textiles Ltd. Now converted into Square Texcom Limited Acquisition of Markup Cot Spin Ltd Acquisition of Markup Spinnings Mills Ltd 2012: Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Dhaka Unit and Square Cephalosporins Ltd get the ―Therapeutic Goods Administration‖ (TGA) of Australia Approval 11 Square Multi Fabrics Ltd is voluntarily Liquidation. 2013: ―Samson H Chowdhury Center of Excellence‖ started its operation Markup Spinning Mills Ltd amalgamated with Markup Cot Spin Ltd and thereafter renamed as Square Fashions Yarns Ltd 2013: Establishment of Square Denims Ltd 2014: Square Consumer Products Ltd. Now converted in Square Food and Beverages Ltd. 12 1.2 SQUARE GROUP CONCERNS 13 CHAPTER 2 SQUARE TOILETRIES LIMITED 14 2. Square Toiletries Limited Square Toiletries Limited started (STL) its journey in 1988 as a separate division of Square Pharmaceuticals. Being a concern of Square Group, Square Toiletries Limited enjoys the prestige of Square Group and exploits the consumer confidence by their passion and hard work. In 1994 STL became a private limited company. According to the official website of Square Toiletries Limited (www., at present, STL is the country‘s leading manufacturer of international cosmetics and toiletries with 20 brands and more than 55 products covering a wide range of categories like skin care, hair care, oral care, baby care, fabric care, male grooming and otc( over the counter-refers to stocks that that trade via a dealer network as opposed to on a centralized exchanged). Along with the business, STL takes part in different philanthropic activities and programs like creating mass awareness on health and hygiene issues, tree plantation, employment generation program for vulnerable community, financial aid to disadvantaged and flood affected people, supporting education and various local community program. As unique as you Figure01: Square Toiletries Limited‘s Logo 15 2.1Vision & Mission Vision We attempt to understand the unique needs of the consumer and translate the needs into products which satisfy them in the form of quality products, high level of service and affordable price range in a unique way. Mission  To treasure consumer understanding as one of our most valued assets and thereby exerting every effort to understand consumers‘ dynamic requirements to enable us in offering maximum satisfaction.  To offer consumer products at affordable price by strictly maintaining uncompromising stance with quality. With continuous R&D and innovation we strive to make our products complying with international quality standards.  To maintain a congenial working environment to build and develop the core asset of STL-its people. As well as to pursue for high level of employee motivation and satisfaction.  To sincerely uphold the responsibility towards the government and society with utmost ethical standards as well as make every effort for a social order devoid of malpractices,anti environmental behaviors, unethical and corruptive dealings. 16 2.3 Quality Policy:   Dedicated to make every effort to understand consumer needs to provide maximum satisfaction and to achieve market leadership. Strive to continuously upgrade manufacturing technology and to maintain optimum level of quality measures in conformity with the international standard- ISO  9001:2008. Committed to achieve quality objective through continuous employee training and maintaining congenial working environment. 17 CHAPTER 3 Internship Project 18 3. Internship Project Teenage life is the temporary period of a human life which does not last forever. However, it is the most important time as physiological and psychological changes become visible that need extra care to adjust with. As part of my internship program, I am working with the marketing department of STL to prepare an entire feasible marketing plan to launch a shampoo which will only be prepared to serve the specific needs and requirements of the teenagers. Mohammed Aftab, Brand Executive of Square toiletries limited supervises me to work as a team. Teenage period is the time when hair reaches to its largest diameter. As time passes by, the density of hair is getting lower and lower and hair fall starts. If in the teenage the hair growth can be ensured, in the later part of life it can be expected that s/he will enjoy less hairfall and expected hair growth. In the very beginning, for healthy hair it is mandatory to ensure a healthy scalp. As teenagers are not children, child products are not for them. The statement is also true when they use adult products. Teenagers are different from children and adults. As a result, their needs are different. We are working to produce a shampoo which will have all the helpful ingredients for teenagers‘ hair. The formulation of the Teen Shampoois undergoing with numerous research and development. I personally tested the shampoo. I facilitated some teenagers to use this pre launch trial shampoo and collected feedback from them. Based on their feedback and perceptions, we are trying to develop the marketing mix for launching this product. Along with the questionnaire based survey, I personally collected feedbacks based on factors like fragrance, diffusion, color, stickiness, extent of foaming and after use feelings. Based on the factor analysis, I am preparing my marketing plan for the Teen Shampoo. As internship is a three month program, may be it will not be possible for me to experience the product launching during the internship period. However, if the marketing plan works in a proper way, it will be great opportunity for Square Toiletries Limited to get a first mover advantage in teenage shampoo market in Bangladesh. In addition to that as STL exports its products, it will also be an opportunity to do business internationally and thus it will uphold the dignity of Bangladesh. 19 3.1Culture of Square Toiletries Limited: Organization culture symbolizes the personality of the organization. It is made of visible and invisible shared beliefs, values and behaviors of the organization. As organization culture is an internal issue, it is difficult for the outsiders to know about the organizations culture if the organization is not interested in sharing it but nowadays most organizations are exposing their organizations cultures as their marketing tools and to make a unique bondage with the concerned people. According to Robbie Kantanga and Richard Perrin "Culture is how organizations 'do things'." — Robbie Katanga "Organizational culture is the sum of values and rituals which serve as 'glue' to integrate the members of the organization." — Richard Perrin Square Toiletries Ltd has also its own organization culture. STL‘s organization culture is a strong one as it is consistent, widely shared and it provides its concerned people with the information about what is the appropriate behavior. This report facilitates to have some personal interviews that reflect that this organization is following participative and mutual cooperation mechanism where is priotized based on their respective responsibilities with a strong concern to acknowledge the diversities. This organization provides a unbiased flavor for observing different occasions in its traditional way. Though everyone is working on a participation baseline everyone shows respect towards everyone in a proper corporate manner. This organization culture is affecting the organization in multifunctional ways but most prominently it provides everyone a common set of goals and a clear vision which is always nurturing according to the necessity and demand. Under the shadow of this culture the employees of this organization can develop strategies and take part in the decision making process which rationally makes its feasibility more predictable and acceptable. Organization Environment: The organizational environment is separated into two parts: external environment and internal environment. The external environment has two parts and they are general environment and task environment. 20 General Environment: This environment has some several dimensions. Such as: The Economic Dimension: The economic dimension is influenced by the countries moderate economic growth, low unemployment rate, low inflation etc. The Square group is operating its business with growth, low unemployment and low economic inflation. Technological Dimension: Technological dimension refers to method to convert resources into products and services. Square group is operating its regular tasks with highly modern technology. From the manufacturing section to upper level section entire mechanism is operating with technology. Political dimension: Political dimension is another factor that is influenced by government. Like the government has made some policies of how to produce its product and fix an amount of tax the company need to pay. The International Dimension: The extent to which an organization is involved in or affected by business in other countries. The square group‘s part Square pharmaceuticals also export in other countries of the world. Task Environment: This environment includes the following dimensions The first dimension is the competitors. An organization‘s competitors compete with other organization for resources. Square group has several businesses. In the pharmaceutical sector their main competitor is Beximco pharmaceuticals and in cosmetics sector their competitor is Unilever Ltd. Customers are who pay money to buy the products. As Square group has several businesses so its customer is also different. Square is performing well to meet the customer‘s satisfaction. The third dimension is supplies. This dimension is very important to work together for their mutual benefits and make the suppliers more responsive to the customers need. The Internal environment: Owner can claim property rights to an organization. Owners can be individual or group. Square group has share in the stock market. 21 Organization‘s employees are also a major element of its internal environment. Employees are who works for the company. Employees are the workforces who are to get the things done. Square group has 30000 employees. Square provides the opportunity to build their career and serve a friendly environment to flourish. Government Influence on the Company: Every company is influenced by the government activity. Likewise, Square is also influenced by government decision and other activities. Government activities like imposing tax to certain products influence most of this company. Government imposes tax on pharmaceutical, knit fabrics, different types of medicines. As a result, the company has to pay much money to buy those products but they could charge to their customer in the same way. Besides this government sometimes imposes strict rules and regulations on company and company is bound to follow these rules and regulations. So, the company is generating low profit. This kind of activity is very much influential for the company. Government collects tax in order to run the country and manage all other staffs in a balanced way. But they should impose same tax amount to same category company and it should be stable to certain business. Otherwise, considering our country economy some business will be diminished. Strategic management is the heart of evaluating an organization which helps to achieve its objectives. It coordinates with various functional departments of an organization for achieving the objectives. It is the process of specifying the organization's mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and plans. Strategy followed by an organization is depending on its situation, condition, structure, policy and overall environment. As square group has various industries in different sectors, they have to follow few certain strategies in every industry. 3.2 Strategies Square group Follows: ฀ Differentiation Strategy ฀ Focus Strategy ฀ Analyzer ฀ Diversification 22 Differentiation Strategy Differentiation strategy refers that a company distinguishes themselves by their product or services. Square group is also like them. If I consider about square hospital then this strategy will be clearer. This hospital is providing unique services throughout the city. That is why people are always charged high by them at this hospital and people would like to get their service by giving high cost. Focus Strategy Focus strategy refers to concentrate on a specific regional market, product line or group of buyers. Square Group actually follows differentiation focus strategy. Many of companies of Square follow this strategy. Specifically Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and aquaria Knit Fabrics Ltd. follow differentiation focus market based strategy. They export drugs at US and UK and clothes and fabrics at Germany. STL follows focus strategy. Analyzer A prospector followers firm is very much innovative, seeks out new market and opportunities, and oriented toward growth. At the same time, these companies try to concentrate on maintaining their current market and customers and maintain stable growth. Square group is similar to that. That group of company started their journey by 1958. Later on they entered into various sectors. It became possible only for their analyzing strategy. They were always keen to enter into new market and they searched for it by holding their current market and customers. All of these, made them today‘s Square Group. Diversification Square Group also follows related and unrelated diversification. For example, Square Group has Square Textiles Ltd. and Square Knit fabrics Ltd. Here, these businesses are linked with one another. So they follow related diversification. Again, Square Group has Square Textiles Ltd. and Square Consumer Products Ltd. These businesses are totally different in terms of sector and they don‘t have any linked up with one another. So here they follow unrelated diversification. To become a diversified firm Square Group actually follow different strategy. Most important of them is development of new product. It‘s very common for Square Group. We can see that Square Group frequently established new industries and got involved into new sectors which prove their diversity. And it was only possible for their emphasizing on developing new product. 23 3.3Origin of the Study As a compulsory part of internship program, this particular report is being prepared on the proposed topic “Teen Shampoo Launching Marketing Plan”. The intention of internship was to give an opportunity to the students to gain some real world experience working in a practical environment. The internship supervisor was Mr. Fazal Mahmud Roni, Assistant Manager, Marketing Department, Square Toiletries Limited. Mohammed Aftab, Brand Executive also gave me insights to work on this project. The faculty advisor was Muhammad Ariful Ghani, BRAC Business School, BRAC University who‘s endless and cordial support inspired me a lot. 3.4 Objective of the Study The primary objective of the study is:  To formulate a successful product launching marketing strategy for Teen Shampoo. The secondary objectives are:   To identify the brands and attributes in terms of preference.  To explore performance of Teen Shampoo in terms of core product attributes.  To find out the barriers for launching a new product.  To know the consumer purchase behavior about Teen Shampoo.  To create brand positioning of Teen Shampoo. To recommend how to overcome the barriers that a new product face. 3.5 Methodology: This study is conducted the research based on the following: 3.5.1Type of Research Design: Qualitative and exploratory research design. 24 Target Respondent:  Teenager‘s respondents who use or buy shampoo. Sample Size: Sample size is 20 for consumer survey. Sampling Technique: Judgmental and convenience sampling techniques. 3.5.2Data Sources a) Primary Data: In depth interview of teenage consumers and their parents. b) Secondary Data: Articles and text from websites, books and magazines etc. relating to the topic concerned. 3.5.3Data Collection 20 consumers were interviewed. The interviews were semi structured in nature with a few pre planned questions. 3.5.4 Scope of the Study: I visited the market and interviewed the consumers in Dhaka city only. But there is also a large market for Teen Shampoo outside of Dhaka city. To formulate an accurate marketing strategy for a product like a Teen Shampoo those markets must be visited as well. 3.6 Limitations: The limitation of my study is that the sample size of the study was so small. As it was a three months internship program so I could not get enough time to survey wide area. I visited and interviewed very few areas in Dhaka city. If I would interview outside Dhaka city, I think it would be added many more interesting and important issues in the study which may make this report more informative. Moreover, continuous blockades and strikes posed severe difficulties. 25 CHAPTER 4 Industry Overview 26 4. Industry Overview The global cosmetic products market is one of the largest industries in the world, with more than $635 billion in total sales expected by 2019 and there being no signs that growth in this market is slowing down, as a CAGR in excess of 6% is forecast between 2012 and 2019. (Toesland, 2014) FinbarrToesland wrote an article named Cosmetic Products Market published on 24 April, 2014. In the article, the writer provided some global market insights about the cosmetic products. The writer mentioned several opportunistic areas about cosmetic products and industry. In the writer‘s words while the world is suffering from the recession and economic downturn, the overall consumers did not have the ability to purchase luxury cars, holiday packages even the fashion clothing. That scenario had given a birth of different scenario where the marketers experienced that the sale of the lower end cosmetic products did not change in a bigger scale. The cosmetic products secured 15% of the overall beauty and personal care industry. On the other hand skin care products and hair care products occupied 30% and 25% of the overall share. Figure 02: Cosmetic Categories (Source: Accuva) 27 With the rampant surge of internet, social media, consumers can easily explore the post purchase and reviews of the products which make the consumers more technologically savvy and knowledgeable. Along with that with the increased number of complain and feedback platforms, companies are keeping an eye on the consumers responses and through this they are improving their product. Thus relationship is making and consumers are getting more confidence to purchase cosmetic, skin care or hair care products. Nowadays the trend is changing. In the past the tendency was to endorse celebrities for a product but current trend is to place importance on the products features. Packaging is also playing a vital role in attracting the consumers. Brazil, China, Mexico are also emerging as potential cosmetic market. There are also some luggage party products which really confuse the cosmetic purchasers and users. When it comes to looking beautiful, several global factors are playing vital roles and based on importance percentages were calculated. Like eating the right food is occupying 64%, drinking lots of water 48%, getting lots of exercise 38%, using the right skincare products 27%, staying out of sun 16% and using good cosmetics 12%. (Source: Marketing Week). The biggest challenge behind the cosmetics usage is that people do not have stronger belief in the cosmetics only 12% people have faith on cosmetic products which they believe that cosmetics can beatify their appearance. There is a silver lining in the skin care products as globally 27% people believe that using skin care products can augment their beauty. 28 \ 4.1 Market Share of Cosmetic & Toiletries in Bangladesh Figure 03: Overall Market Share of Cosmetic and Toiletries companies Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics 2010 According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics 2010, Square Toiletries Ltd (STL) is holding the 3rd position in the cosmetic and personal care industry. The above graph showed that STL is occupying near 14% of the overall market share where Kohinoor is capturing the second position with 15% share. As expected the big player Unilever is holding the first position with 45% share of the market. Along with that Keya, Cute, Delta are also holding significant market share in the cosmetic and toiletries industry of Bangladesh. Some other related companies are Aromatic, Kollol, Kashem etc. 29 Figure 04: Market Share of Cosmetic and Toiletries Companies in winter season Source: Research Department, Japan Bangla Business Center However, the scenario gets changed in the winter season when STL leads the market with 40% share. Keya and Kohinoor also experience high sales growth. The products are not only for female rather it is found that in the Asia Pacific region men‘s skin creams and lotions occupy 65% of global market share where Western Europe and North America holding 21% and 9% market share respectively. Figure 05: Asia market for men‘s grooming product. 30 As nowadays Chinese products are holding a majority and significant share in all business sectors of the world economy. In the Cosmetic and Toiletries industry things are not different. Different statistical evidences are supporting the overall growth of Chinese Cosmetic Products all over the world. Figure 06: China Cosmetics B2C Platform Market Share In China Tmall,, are the biggest online platforms where cosmetics are sold. The mentioned pie chart is collected from iResearch, August 2014 which is showcasing that the Chinese online platforms are playing vital role in selling their cosmetic products. Every type of cosmetic products is sold via the mentioned online platforms. According to iResearch, August 2014, total value of cosmetics online was RMB8.35 billion (RMB= Renminbi, official currency of People‘s Republic of China) on April 2014, with C2C platforms accounting for 63.0% (USD856.1 million), and B2C platform accounting for 37.0. 31 Figure 07: Top 10 Categories by Volume on China Cosmetic B2C Platforms in April 2014. This chart is showing top ten categories of cosmetics which are sold in Chinese online B2C platforms. Among them Mask powder is holding 22.39%, lotion/cream 15.21%, cleansing 10.60% and Hair care 9.91%. This is indicating that China is producing different types of cosmetics in bulk amount which they can export to different countries after meeting their demands and which can change the overall landscape of cosmetic and toiletries industry of Bangladesh. As in Bangladesh online shopping is getting popular day by day, it can be a threat for the Bangladesh cosmetic and toiletries companies. If the Chinese cosmetic and toiletries companies appoint distributors in Bangladesh and these distributors sell those Chinese products online, it can hamper the overall cosmetic and toiletries industry of Bangladesh. Price plays a transforming 32 role in any sector. From that point of view, low priced Chinese cosmetic and toiletries products can label the ground of the industry. As Square Toiletries Ltd is particularly dealing with toiletries products, we want to now narrow down the topic on the basis of the toiletries products. Basically the typical toiletries products are  Beauty Soap  Laundry Soap  Detergent  Hair Oil  Face Wash  Toothpaste  Shampoo  Lotion  Petroleum Jelly  Hand Wash  Sanitary Napkin  Body Spray  Toilet Cleaner etc Toiletries industry of Bangladesh is experiencing rational growth in the winter products but for the regular toiletries products of Bangladesh is not competing properly with the imported toiletries products. Imported toiletries products are actually targeting the middle and upper end consumer groups. Though the multinational toiletries companies are playing significantly, some local toiletries companies also fight back to it. Among them Square Toiletries Ltd is one of them. Some other prominent Bangladeshi toiletries companies are ACI Limited, Aromatic Cosmetics Limited, Kashem Cosmetics Limited, Keya Cosmetics Limited, Kohinoor Chemical Company Limited, Lily Cosmetics limited and Mousumi Industries Limited. 33 4.2Growth of Cosmetic and Toiletries Sector The demand for the personal care and cosmetics are increasing day by day and if it is female cosmetic products they usually prefer branded products. The branded cosmetic products are basically divided into two categories such as 1. Color Cosmetics and 2. Personal Care Products (according to industry insiders). Under the color cosmetics there are products like lipstick, nail polish, eye and cheek shades whereas personal care products include skin care products, hair care products, shampoo, conditioners, lotion, cream etc. Renowned color cosmetics brands, including L'Oreal, Revlon, Estee Lauder, Max Factor, Avon, Maybelline, M-A-C Cosmetics, Garnier, Elizabeth Arden, Lalique, bareMinerals, BeBeautiful, Bioré, Biotherm, Bobbi Brown, Chanel, Clinique, CoverGirl, Crabtree and Evelyn, Dior, Essie, Frederic Fekkai, Fusion Beauty, Giorgio Armani, Guerlain, Nivea, Lakme, and Emami are imported into Bangladesh. Most products have been imported from the US, Germany, France; Middle East, China, Thailand and India. The reasonably priced products are most popular in the local market. The demand for globally renowned brands like L'Oreal, Revlon, M-A-C Cosmetics, Maybelline, and Garnier has risen in the past five years. (JBBC Research Report: Japan Bangla Business Center). As these personal care products are pretty much essential among the consumers, if the prices of quality shampoo, soap, lotion go up, people will not mind to pay higher. 34 CHAPTER 5 A Brief Overview of Shampoo 35 5. A Brief Overview of Shampoo Shampoos are cleaning formulations which are used for personal care, pet use and carpets. Generally most of the shampoos are manufactured in the same way which contain particular chemical named Surfactant which has ability to surround around oily particles and these oily particles are removed when applied shampoos are rinsed with water. Shampoos are used for personal care generally for washing hair. There are different branded shampoos all over the world and as all of them have same formulations, they have several common perceived strengths and weaknesses. Figure 08: Different Shampoo Brands 36 Figure 09: Bangladeshi Shampoo Brands 5.1 Strengths of Shampoo   Removal of oil, dirt and skin particles.  Shampoo helps to have manageable hair.  Some shampoos are enriched with Vitamin E which is helpful for the hair growth.  Shampoo helps to make our hair clean, shiny, thick and silky.  Removal of dandruffs. Eye soothing Color, pleasing fragrance, appropriate foaming, better diffusion, good after use effect, level of stickiness and viscosity (the state of being thick, sticky and semi-fluid in consistency). 5.2 Weaknesses of Shampoo   Generally shampoo is harmful for eye.  Some shampoos contain harmful chemicals which are liable for hair fall.  carcinogenic.  soreness in the eyes, nose, throats and lungs.  Frequent usage of shampoo can make the hair rough. Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate or SLES is commonly used in shampoos which may be Continuous exposure to Ethylene Oxide with Sodium Laureth Sulfate headache and SLES reduces hair growth and extends the period of hair growth. 37 5.3 Concept of Dry Shampoo Shampoos are basically liquid detergent where the concentration is 8% which is required to be mild on the scalp and less irritating to the eyes. As typical shampoos are used with water, it is perceived as wet shampoo. Aesthetic values perceived by the consumers make the usage of shampoo all over the world. Even the working classes use branded shampoo as worldwide recognized shampoo brands produce sachet packets for the economical benefits to the lower end branded shampoo users. The concept of dry shampoo is getting popular day by day in the western world. Dry shampoo is a powder like shampoo which is sprinkled into the hair. Most interestingly dry shampoo needs not to be washed out with water. As working people are getting busy day by day along with that maintaining presentable appearance is also important for them, dry shampoo can be a solution to them to save time. In parts of Asia, people used to wash their hair by sprinkling clay an in France women use powder to color their hair in the 18th century. The concept of dry shampoo came from that historical background. People who go for camping, vacation trip, gym, meetings or attending any party can find dry shampoo useful if they want to augment his/her beauty and social acceptance. Dry Shampoo Brands Expert dry shampoo, Batiste colored dry shampoo, Batiste original, Tressemme Instant Refresh and Umberto Giannini Glam Hair Above dry shampoo brands are some of the renowned dry shampoo brands which the consumers find helpful. 38 Figure 10: Renowned Dry Shampoos Figure 11: Different Branded Shower Gel for Hair and Body Wash. 39 5.4 Body Wash Concept Denim, Dove Men, Axe, adidas, Nivea, Lynx, Palmolive Men are some of the renowned body wash targeting men whereas Lux body wash, Dove body wash, Palmolive, adidas for women body wash are some of the famous women body wash brands. As the body wash brands are providing the message that using soap can be infectious or impersonal as if one soap is used by many. In case of body wash, it will provide both the body and hair cleansing solutions which may decrease the sale of soap and shampoos. However, the secnario is that body was is not accepted widely rather than consumers prefer different products for their hair and body. That‘s why 2 in1productcan not hold a ground against the renowned hair shampoos. There are some renowned brands that are making quality shampoos for babies. Most of them are proposing that their baby shampoos will provide tearless baby hair cleansing. Babies are not actual purchasers of the baby shampoo rather than they are actually influencing their parents to purchase baby shampoos for them. Companies are using different cartoon characters to attract the babies so that they can influence their parents to purchase the baby shampoo. Figure 12: Baby Shampoo 40 There are several baby shampoos among them Johnson& Johnson baby shampoo, L‘OREAL kids Shampoo, Suave kids shampoo are prominent. Figure 13: Different Kids Shampoo Brands According to the EWG research, teens tend to use an average of 17 body/skin/cosmetic products a day compared with adult use of an average of 12 products. The study showed that, across the United States, teenage girls are already typically contaminated with a wide variety of known toxic chemicals routinely used in many personal care and cosmetic formulations. Blood and urine samples collected from the teens indicated that the some of the toxic ingredients are at an elevated state in the collected samples. 5.5 EWG Research Findings Some findings based on the EWG research are given belowPhthalates – Phthalates is often used in the manufacture of plastic products.The alarming fact is that they can be absorbed both into susceptible products and also the body via various means. It has been found that phthalates are potentially cancer causing and disruptive to natural hormones and may affect normal gender development and fertility. Triclosan – Triclosan is a chlorophenol that is registered as a ‗pesticide‘ by the US Environmental Protection Agency which is widely used in liquid hand soaps, toothpaste, anti41 bacterial creams and other so-called `body care` products. It progressively increases in its toxic potential level through continuous accumulation as it is very hard to get rid of once absorbed by the body. Moreover, it is known to cause irritations, trigger allergic reactions. Parabens – A `family` of carcinogenic chemicals (e.g. methylparaben; propylparaben and others).Based on the sample of 20 teenage girls studied by the EWG, Parabens are detrimental to the teenage health. Fragrances – Synthetic fragrances such as `musk` are frequently used in the popular, cheaper brands of perfumes, toiletries and cosmetics (typically favored by pocket-money-spending teens), these synthetic perfumes can cause allergies and sensitivities. All these findings can be a source of informed purchase decisions for both the parents and the teenagers. Ingredients play a vital role in terms of effectiveness but it must be ensured that the long term effect must be kept in mind instead of short term results. Due diligencecan be used in terms of making a purchase decision. Along with that marketers and manufacturers must focus on ethical marketing and ethical manufacturing of the cosmetic and personal care products. 5.6 Celebrity Worship Syndrome Celebrity worship is one of the most common ways of idolatry these days. Researchers report that about one third of people (thanks to daily gossip columns in the tabloids and ubiquitous celebrity news in the media) suffer from Celebrity Worship Syndrome, an actual syndrome that can become obsessional, replacing conventional relations. There are three stages of the disease. In the very beginning stage a fan shows a lively interest in a celebrity .When the fan gets addicted to the celebrity‘s personal life information, the situation gets livelier. S/He begins to actively pay attention to all kinds of news relating to his/her idol. Based on the information collected the information the fan structures his/her regular life where s/he follows the celebrity‘s wardrobe styles, hair cut etc… The report stated that about 10% of enthusiastic fans reach the second stage as the syndrome takes shape and people become confident that they form some kind of a ―special relationship‖ with their idols. 42 CHAPTER 6 Target Group:Teenagers 43 6. Target Group: Teenagers Teenagers are an idea which was invented in 1950s. In 1950s young people of the 1950s used to have less adult responsibilities and more time and more disposable income. In the period of 1930s and 40s, young people of Great Depression who had to work for livelihood or to fight in WWII. Teens of the 1950s emerged as distinct group of fashion, own style and identity. Trendsetting for any sort of product is heavily relied on the marketing communications positioned to a target group where propositions care constructed by the master market minds. In case of teen products, teens are the trendsetters and they make their own trends. ―Adolescence is a new birth‖ -G. Stanley Hall, 1904 Teenage lasts for a short span of life and undoubtedly it is a new birth. Stepping into a new horizon and charming with thoughts always make the teen champs feel them different. With the flow of time, teenagers‘ issues are dealt with more care and empathy. This sort of attitude towards teenagers helps them to grow boundary less and ensures their development. There are several developments during teen life Physical Development  Emotional Development  Intellectual Development  Social Development  Spiritual Development 44 Physical Development: These scenarios are common to most of the teenagers that they are mistakenly perceived as more aged than they are actually are .like a fifteen years old boy or girl can be considered as 21 years old which some teenagers find troublemaking and embarrassing. Emotional Development: Emotion is natural to the teenagers at their tender world. They struggle to recognize and deal with stress, anger and stress. Some teens are easy going and some get angry easily. Some teens want to try out new things like drugs, alcohol, self harm etc. In general teenagers do not care their parents‘ affections but some of them do. Intellectual Development: Abstract thinking developed in older teenagers. The scenario is like that lots of teens talk intelligently but still has trouble in proper and insightful planning and execution. In fact their thinking process or thoughts cannot be overlooked as their thinking is considered to be the future. The angles and the lenses that the teenagers use may appear weird and unusual to the mature heads but they should not be discouraged to exhibit their thoughts. Out of surprise, some ideas may not be applicable in present but they can appear as magic wand in future. Older teenagers can take part in back and forth conversations as they are comparatively more mature in thinking than the younger teenagers and children. To take care of these older teenagers is always very difficult for their parents as these older teenagers assume themselves as prudent as adults. However, these older teenagers sometimes use their intellectual capabilities as ― logical weapons‖ against their parents which put the parents in a challenging situation to provide the teen heads the right track. Social Development: Teen agers are immensely influenced by their friends advices, clothing, styles and fads. In case of seeking any suggestion regarding any issue, teenagers always prefer their peers and friends as their reference or opinion leaders. In order to pay a shopping trip, teens also prefer their friends as their purchase pal. 45 Spiritual Development: As the teens grow up gradually, they try to dig the mysteries of the world. They tend to possess some intellectual ideas about the religions, ritual, cultural practices etc. They try to seek out questions like what is the meaning of life, who is the creator, after life, personal beliefs, and personalities. All of these ideas reshape their previous perceived beliefs. Some of the teenagers also get more spiritual exposure to their daily life and get themselves more involved in the religious activities. 6.1General Teenage Profile: Urban, increasingly independent, possessions, friendships, own world, digital natives, finding fun, gold memories, places, speeding up online. All these attributes define the teenagers. The new product will communicate to teenagers considering all these characteristics and attributes. All the marketing communications for the upcoming shampoo will reflect all the mentioned integrated aspects of teens. Urban Community Family Background Financial Culture Modern style orientation and most of community up to date with fashion style and trends and fads Open mind and positive thinking. The family members do not interfere in the teenagers attires Majority came from rich and affluent family. They can afford to buy expensive products. More westernized attitudes and culture. Nowadays indianization and fit in attitudes are more experienced. Figure 14: General Urban Teenager Profile 46 6.2Segmentation of the Market: Segmentation of the total shampoo market is very important to launch new Teen Shampoo. Appropriate segmentation will provide the basis on which the total marketing plan will rely on. The segmentation will be done based on demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral segmentation.  Demographic Segmentation: Demographic segmentation is done based on demographic factors like age and income. If we consider the age literally teenagers are those who are in their teens that mean age range from thirteen to nineteen. In order to segment the market we considered age ranged from thirteen to twenty two. Most of the teenagers are student and only a few have particular jobs. As a result, most of the purchase will be based on the pocket money spending. In addition to that we are trying to persuade the parents to purchase the right hair care products like Teen Shampoo from STL. This purchase will be done by the disposable income of the parents. Figure 15: Segmentation of the Market 47 Gender is another demographic segmentation variable. For the upcoming Teen Shampoo sex is unisex which means the product will be for both teenage girls and boys. Naturally boys are not that much concerned about their hair so the paramount importance will be given to make this brand a female brand. 6.3.Basic Demographic Statistics          Total number of people living in urban areas of Bangladesh: 4,48,00000, 28.4% of the total population) Percentage (%) of people aged between 15 to 24: 18.8% Total number of people aged between 15 to 24: 80,64,000 Percentage of male and female aged between 15-24: 53% (Female), 47% (Male) Total number of female aged between 15-24: 42,73,920 Total number of male aged between 15-24: 37,90,080 Median Age: total 24.3 years Male Median Age: 23.8 years Female Median Age: 24.8 years (2014 est.) Source: Bangladesh Demographics Profile 2014 (indexmundi) [Data are adjusted based on requirement] Education level of these groups is more or less similar. The teenagers who are in their higher secondary studies or approaching towards the higher secondary studies or who are studying in 1 st or 2nd year of their undergraduate studies are Target Group (TG) but overall teenagers of all background are our Target Audience (TA). As the total median age of Bangladesh is 24.3 years. It is great opportunity for personal care industry to tap the market. This data also indicates by nation Bangladesh is a young nation and doing cosmetic or toiletries business will not be bad idea. Most of the people are young. As a result, young grooming products and personal care products will be on a steady sale and growth. 48  Geographic Segmentation: Under the geographic segmentation, typical the variables are urban, suburban, rural, city, climate etc. As mostly the metro city dwellers are more concern about their skin and hair as they are more exposed to pollutants. As a result, we will initially target the metro city teen agers. Again market density or the number of cosmetic and toiletries shops will be comparatively higher in the metro cities. When a business will be running in urban areas, the weighted and numeric distribution of a particular product will be higher. As a result, the chances to have an increased sale of a particular productin the initial stage will be high which will come to be a less risky investment for the investor.  Psychographic Segmentation: Psychographic segmentation variables are personality attributes, motives and lifestyles. The personality of the typical teenagers is same. They actually want to be the trend settlers. As a result, they try different products on their skin and hair. They always want to avoid the social embarrassing situations which make them self-conscious about themselves. In this era of rampant surge of information technology and more exposure to the internet, it has been experienced that rising up children nowadays is not easy as before. ―Successful Parenting‖ is becoming more difficult day by day. Because of the modern marketing strategies which are exploited by the cosmetics and personal care industry, teenagers are exhibiting their keen interest to use synthetic chemical products for their natural adolescent problems. ―Socially Perceived Embarrassing‖ problems but which are naturalencourage teenagers to experiment different cosmetic and personal care products on their skin and hair. A research published by the respected Environmental Working Group (EWG) in September 2008, that if anyone has teenagers in particular s/he needs to be aware of that they are at a difficult and vulnerable time of life, when their own bodies are in a state of turmoil and constant development. Amongst the numerous challenges of approaching adulthood is the development of 49 natural body-smells, and minor skin eruptions, caused by glandular and hormonal disturbances.These sorts of experience make the teenagers feel ―|Self Conscious‖. Teenagers are at a process of constant physical development and vulnerable stage in their teenage as said earlier. Choosing the right product for them is not always easy for them. In the market there are several confusing marketing communications around the personal care products. Most of the products displayed on the shelf are produced for the adults and in addition to that there are also baby personal care products and these products are manufactured using synthetic chemical for preservation, coloring, fragrance amongst other things.As these products are triggered to the customers using different catalysts like celebrity endorsement, attractive packaging, acute fragrance that diffuse more etc. As most of the cheap cosmetics are purchased by the pocket money spending teens they actually neglect the ingredients of the products. Only alluring commercials or any attractive marketing communication make the teenagers confused and they purchase the products. There are some organic products too but there also the ground of credibility is missing. Another aspect of teenage life is that most of them are actually suffer from ―Celebrity Endorsement Syndrome‖which let the fanatic teen fans to follow their lifestyles and beauty products choice to look them trendy as like his/her favorite celebrities.  Behavioral Segmentation: The typical behavioral segmentation variables are volume usage, benefit expectations, brand loyalty and price sensitivity. Generally, teenagers are more exposed to sun, dust, and polluted air as they have to go out during school/college or University hours. Moreover, teenagers loves to hangout they love to travel, try junk foods etc. Teenagers of Bangladesh nowadays have more purchasing power than before, as they are working as tutor, doing part-time jobs, doing freelancing works they have the purchasing power to buy things according to their own needs. According to the EWG research, teens tend to use an average of 17 body/skin/cosmetic products a day compared with adult use of an average of 12 products. This finding shows that the volume use of cosmetic products is very high but it facilitates them to experience different products which make them ―Shifting Loyals‖ which means moving from one brand to another. 50 By behavior and based on their pocket money or disposable income they are pretty much price sensitive which make them ―Swithchers‖ which means who do not have loyalty or who try something different or deal prone. Teen Shampoo from STL will provide all the teenagers‘ expected benefits which will make teenagers ―Hard Core Loyals‖ which means who buy the brand all the time. This is very much difficult and challenging for any company at the initial stage. As a result, at the initial stage it will be better to target ―Split Loyals‖ which means who are loyal to two or three brands. 6.4Target Market of Teen Shampoo Target group is a set of consumers who share same kind of interests. The target group of teen shampoo is the teenagers. Basically teenagers indicate those who are of 13 to 19 years of age. In this project we are targeting shampoo consumers of 13 to 22 years of age. We think this age range will be appropriate for Bangladesh to make the project feasible. There are several rationales behind choosing this target group. One of them is that this age group has more or less same special needs and requirements. We will target the urban teenagers as they have more buying power than the rural teenagers. We are targeting the urban teenagers to have a share from their pocket money. The overall idea of targeting will be based on the segments which we think will be attractive based financial benefits like sales, revenues and profit. In this case we have to be careful enough to target the segments which will result in generating consistent returns. 6.5Positioning Strategy Points of Parity (POP) Points of parity are the associations which are not unique to the brand rather they are shared with other related brands. In order to be recognized as a good brand it is necessary to have some common features in common. Most of the consumers are not ready to accept radical change in a new brand rather than they will search for the ingredients which they are used to. The common points of parities in Shampoos are• Anti dandruff solution • Hairfall solution • Thick and long hair • Smooth and shiny hair 51 Points of Difference (POD) Points of differences are the attributes or benefits that consumers strongly associate with a brand, strongly evaluate and believe that they could not find to the same extent with competitive brand. The points of differences of a brand influence the buyer to purchase the product. PODs are needed to be unique. If it can be ensured that the points of differences are communicated properly, it will result in improved acceptance rate. The very beginning point of difference is that there is no teenage oriented shampoo in the shampoo market of Bangladesh. Another dimension of point of difference will be the formulation which will ensure the hair growth of teenagers. The point of differences will encompass the overall hair care and nourishment of teenagers which they will enjoy through their rest of the life. 6.6Branding Decision There are different definitions about branding. According to branding is the marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates products from other products. Effective selection of relevant brand elements makes the brand acceptable and popular. Marketers choose brand elements to build the brand equity as much as possible. The typical brand elements are name, logo, tag line or catchphrase, shapes, colors, sounds, scents, tastes, URL, jingle, packaging etc. There are six criteria for choosing brand elements. The criteria are ฀ Memorability ฀ Meaningfulness ฀ Likability ฀ Transferability ฀ Adaptability ฀ Practicability The following criteria will be considered for the new product Teen Shampoo 52 Memorability: Memorable and attention grabbing brands facilitate recall and recognition. For better recall and recognition it is needed to choose or select the right brand elements which facilitate the consumers to recall and recognize the brand. The unique combination of the brand elements makes the brand memorable. When the consumers recall the brand there is a more chance to have them in the consideration set and among them it they like the brand s/he will purchase brand again and again. Meaningfulness: Brand elements may take on descriptive or persuasive meaning. General information about the nature of the product category which build brand awareness and specific information about a particular attribute or benefits of the brand will make the brand elements more meaningful. Likability: Likability refers to whether the customers find the brand elements aesthetically appealing. A target group research will be easier to have an idea what are preferences of the target group and based on the preferences the brand elements will be selected. Transferability: Transferability refers to the brand elements usefulness for line or category extensions and to what extent the brand elements add to brand equity across geographic boundaries and market segments. This criterion will be helpful if we go for future extension or expansion. Adaptability: Adaptability refers to the flexibility of the brand elements when it is needed to be updated in order to keep pace with changes consumer opinions and values. For example, logos and characters can be given new look to make it appear more modern and relevant. Protect ability Protect ability refers to choose brand elements that can be legally protected internationally. In order to protect the brand elements it is necessary to formally register chosen brand elements with appropriate legal bodies. It will facilitate the brand to defend trademarks from unauthorized competitive infringement. As Square Toiletries Limited is a renowned cosmetic and toiletries company, definitely it is inevitable to admit that all the criteria will be considered properly with its own style of doing business. 53 CHAPTER 7 Hair Care for Teenagers 54 7. Hair Care for Teenagers Teenagers undergo hormonal changes during their puberty, and these changes can lead to have a direct effect on the skin and hair. Several physical transformations are experienced by the teenagers at their puberty. An over-production of sebum or oil in the hair is responsible for making greasy locks in the scalp. With the passage of time after the teen periods, these hormonalchanges will settle down. In order to remove excess oil, it is advisable to wash the teenage hair regularly at least once or twice a day to keep the hair clean and manageable. In order to take care of teen hair depends on the type of hair teens have, teens lifestyle, diet and the hairstyle teens have. 7.1 Hair Type: All types of hair such as long hair, short hair, dry or oily hair, curly or straight are needed to be treated gently when it is wet. Different hair types need different care depending on the hair type. Hair straightener or a blow-dryer to wet hair will damage the hair very much. The hair follicles which contain sebaceous glands that make sebum produce more oil than is needed. Oily hair is usually a temporary phase during puberty. The frequency of washing hair should be maintained properly. If anyone is gentle with his/her hair, s/he can wash his hair daily but who have dry hair it is advisable to wash their hair twice or thrice a week. Shampoo with a moisturizing conditioner will be helpful for dry hair. As curly hair is weaker than the straight hair, it is needed to avoid hair appliances on the hair. 7.2 Different Hair Appliances Perms: Perms are used to make straight hair curly. Hair experts are against the practice of perming. As teenagers are at their transient stage and are undergoing different hormonal changes, perms or usage of greasy gel will damage the hair. 55 Relaxers: Relaxers are used by breaking the bond chemicals in curly hair. Relaxers contain lye which may cause hair breakage and irritation. Scratching, combing or brushing the hair before any chemical treatment may cause irritation and If you have scalp irritation it is better not to use any sort of chemical treatments. It has been inferred that relaxers can cause hair breakage even if it is used correctly over a period of time. 7.3 Activity Level If anyone is an active person and is engaged in outdoor activities, s/he is more exposed to the sun and dust and is more likely to have dirty hair and skin unless they are washed properly. If anyone is playing outdoor games or is swimming his/her hair is prone to damage. In that case proper care must be taken. Swimming cap and hat can be used in terms protecting the hair. In case of washing the hair another issue must be kept in mind that the shampoo must be rinsed with clean water. Hairstyle is an integral part in terms of grooming whether it is a male or female. Aspirations to keep pace with the current trend many teenagers use different hairstyles to their hairs by the help of different hair style products. Without having proper knowledge it is not a wise idea to experiment style products on the hair. It must be kept in mind that proper hair treatment can only be ensured when it will be prescribed by any specialist. 56 CHAPTER 8 Brands of Square Toiletries Limited 57 8. Brands of Square Toiletries Limited According to the official website of Square Toiletries Limited (www., at present, STL is the country‘s leading manufacturer of international cosmetics and toiletries with 20 brands and more than 55 products covering a wide range of categories like skin care, hair care, oral care, baby care, fabric care, male grooming and otc( over the counter-refers to stocks that that trade via a dealer network as opposed to on a centralized exchanged). Along with the business, STL takes part in different philanthropic activities and programs like creating mass awareness on health and hygiene issues, tree plantation, employment generation program for vulnerable community, financial aid to disadvantaged and flood affected people, supporting education and various local community program. The company is marketing 20 brands in different segments like health & hygiene, oral care, hair care, fabric care etc. Major brands of the company are Jui, Chaka, Senora, Magic, Meril Protective Care &Meril baby. Meril Protective CareChamak Jui Meril Baby Meril Splash Senora Spring Sepnil FreshgelZerocal Whiteplus Revive Magic Chaka KoolXpel Select Plus Shakti Saaf 58 STL: Opportunities of Innovation Categories: 1) Health carei. Sugar substitute ii. Sanitary napkin iii. Hand wash iv. Hand soap v. Hand sanitizer 2) Home carei. Toilet cleaner ii. Washing powder iii. Washing ball soap iv. Air freshener v. Insecticide aerosol spray vi. Fabric brightener vii. Fabric whitener viii. Dishwashing bar 3) Hair care i. Coconut oil ii. Hair care oil iii. Shampoo iv. Anti dandruff shampoo 4) Personal care i. Talcum powder ii. Body spray iii. Moisturizing lotion iv. Chap stick v. Glycerin vi. Lip gel vii. Olive oil viii. Petroleum jelly ix. Beauty soap bar x. Toothpaste xi. Tooth powder 59 Figure 16: Square Toiletries Brands 60 Figure 17: Pack Shots Of Square Toiletries Brands 61 Product Name Skin Care Meril Chap Stick (Strawberry) Meril Chap Stick, Lemon MerilGlycerine Meril Rosewater with Glyerine MerilLipgel Revive Moisturizing Lotion Meril Olive Oil Meril Petroleum Jelly Revive Perfect Fairness Talcum Powder Revive Body Spray, Invigorative Citrus Revive Body Spray, Addictive Fruity Hair Care Jui Pure Coconut Oil (Tin Jui Pure Coconut Oil (Plastic) JUI Hair Care Oil Revive Shampoo Select Plus Ketoconazole Shampoo Fabric Care Chaka Ball Soap Chaka Laundry Soap Chaka Washing Powder Chaka Super White Chamak Fabric Whitener Baby Care Meril Baby Lotion Meril Baby Lotion with consumer offer Meril Baby Olive Oil Meril Baby Gift Pack Meril Baby toothbrush Meril Baby Gel Tooth Paste Orange Meril Baby Gel Toothpaste, Strawberry Meril Baby Powder Meril Baby Shampoo Man's Grooming Kool After Shave Moisture Gel Kool After Shave Lotion Kool Deodorant Body Spray (Blue) Kool Deodorant Body Spray (Citrus) Kool Deodorant Body Spray (Saint) 62 Kool Deodorant Body Spray (Original) KoolDeo Talc Kool Shaving Cream (Frosty) Kool Shaving Cream (Monsoon) Oral Care Magic Tooth Powder White Plus Toothpaste Sachet White Plus Toothpaste Health Care SepnilHandwash SepnilHandwash (refill) Sepnil Instant Hand Sanitizer Sepnil Hand Soap Zerocal Tablet-6.5mg Zerocal Sachet Air Care Spring Air Freshener (Orange Fresh) Spring Air Freshener (Floral Fresh) Spring Air Freshener (Lemon grass) Mosquito Repellent Xpel AEROSOL (Lavender) Home Care Maxclean Antibacterial Dishwashing Bar SHAKTI Liquid Toilet Cleaner Shakti Toilet Cleaner consumer offer Color Cosmetics Meril Conditioning Nail Polish Remover Others Madina Attar (Sonali) Madina Attar (Chandan) Soap Meril S. B.Soap(P) Melon Meril S. B.Soap(W) Peach Meril S. B.Soap(G)Cucumber Meril S. B.Soap(Y)Turmeric Meril Beauty Soap Belly Senora Senora Confidence F. with Wings Senora Confidence ULTRA Sanitary Napkin Senora Sanitary Napkin Belt Senora sanitary Napkin Eco. Panty 63 Senora sanitary Napkin Eco. Belt Senora Sanitary Napkin Panty Supermom Baby Diaper Supermom Baby Diaper Figure 18: Category wise product list 2014. 8.1 Competitors Products COMPANY BRANDS 1. Ambi Pure 2. Gillette 3. Head & Shoulder 4. Oral-B 5. Pampers P&G BD PRODUCTS AVAILABLE in BANGLADESH 1. Ambi Pure Spring & Renewal Air Freshner 275gm 1. Gillette After Shave Arctic 100ml 2.Gillette Blue II Disposable Razor 3. Gillette Blue II Plus Razor 4pc Pack 4. Gillette Blue3 Disposable Razor 2pc Pack 5. Gillette Blue3 Disposable Razor SIngle Pack 6. Gillette Blue3 Disposable Razor SIngle Pack 7. Gillette Fusion Razor 8. Gillette Fusion Refill 4's Pack 9. Gillette Mach 3 Refill 2's Pack 10.Gillette Mach 3 Turbo Razor 11. Gillette Mach 3 Turbo Refill 4's Pack 12. Gillette Shaving Foam Regular 418gm 13. Gillette Shaving Foam Regular 98gm 14. Gillette Shaving Gel Sensitive 195gm 1.Head & Shoulders Anti Hairfall Shampoo 350ml 2.Head & Shoulders Cool Menthol Shampoo 180ml 3. Head & Shoulders Cool Menthol Shampoo 75ml 4. Head & Shoulders Men Shampoo 165ml 1.Oral-B Cross Action Soft Toothbrush 1.Pampers M Size 6-11kg 10pc Pack 2.Pampers XL Size 12+kg 28pc Pack 3.Pampers XL Size 12+kg 54pc Pack 1.Pantene Fullness & Life Shampoo 170ml 2.Pantene Fullness & Life Shampoo 340ml 3.Pantene Nourished Shine Conditioner 335ml 6. Pantene 4.Pantene Silky Smooth Care Conditioner 165ml 64 UNILEVER BD Reckitt Benckiser BD 7. Whisper 5.Pantene Silky Smooth Care Shampoo 480ml 6.Pantene Total Damage Care Shampoo 70ml 1.Whisper Choice Wings 8pc 2.Whisper Maxi Fit Wings 15pc Pack 3.Whisper Maxi Fit Wings 8pc Pack 4.Whisper Maxi Nights XXL Wings 15 Pads 5.Whisper Ultra Clean Wings 15pc Pack 6.Whisper Ultra Clean Wings 8pc Pack 1.Fair and lovely 2.Unilever pure IT 3.Close Up 4.Pepsodent 5.Ponds 6.Lux 7.Axe 8.Dove hair Fair and lovely fairness cream Unilever pure it filter Close up toothpaste Pepsodent Toothpaste Ponds cream lux soap Axe Deodorant Dove Shampoo, Dove Soap 9.Sunsilk 10.Wheel 11.Clear 12.Knorr 13.Surf Excel 14.Vaseline 15.Vim 16.Rin 17.Rexona 18.Taaza Sunsilk shampoo Wheel cloth washing soap Clear shampoo Knorr soup Surf Excel Detergent Vaseline cream Vim Bar Rin Detergent RexonaDeo Taaza Tea Dettol Mortein Veet Harpic Soap, Antiseptic Aerosol spray, coil Hair removing cream Toilet cleaner Finish Lizol stepsils Durex Insect killer Cleaner lozenges contraceptive sheath 65 Marico BD Parachute Advanced Livon Hair oil Silky Potion Nihar Naturals Hair Code Saffola Active Set Wet Hair oil Hair color Oil Male body spray, Hair Gel Aci Aerosol Anti-mosquito spray Soap, Antiseptic Cream, Liquid antiseptic,First aid Kit, Hand wash Gel, Sanitary Napkin Salt Savlon Freedom Aci Salt ACI BD Kohinoor BD Aci Sugar AciCoakroach Killer Aci Mosquito Coil Angelic Vanish CleanIT ROBO Sugar Coakroach killer Mosquito coil Air freshner Toilet cleaner Car Wash Tibet Sandalina Ice Cool Fare and Care AM PM Bractol Soap Beauty soap Deo soap Fairness cream Toothpaste Hand wash, Health soap Fruity Clean Master Xpert Genstar Heel guard Wiper Chap stick Cleaner Dish wash powder Shaving cream heel guard cream Glass cleaner Figure 19: Competitor‘s Products 66 CHAPTER 9 SWOT Analysis of Teen Shampoo of Square Toiletries Limited 67 9. SWOT analysis of Teen Shampoo of Square Toiletries Limited Strengths     Improved product formulation Existing vast, distribution channel of Square group Specific need orientation of a particular market Brand development and marketing with efficient operational structure. Brand name & reputation. Weaknesses:     No experience in marketing teen shampoo. Square has made its fortune selling commodity items. Absence of premium market. Difficult to determine ingredients Poor penetration in rural and semi urban areas. Opportunities:     Increasing demand for hair care products among the teen agers. The present market penetration rate is very low. There is huge potential for growth. Production and marketing of teen shampoo can use the market position of Revive Shampoo. Focused hair care product with vibrant packaging and better proposed performance can increase the market growth. Increasing buying power of the teen agers with their pocket money. Threats:     Frequent brand switch tendency among the teen agers. Majority of the teen products are purchased by the pocket money spending. As a result low and no stable budget orientation. Increasing global price and high import duty. Increasing competition. 68 CHAPTER 10 Duties and Responsibilities 69 10. Duties and Responsibilities The internship period allowed me to conduct a real life market research which gave me critical insight to the ever changing marketing strategies. The internship program started on January 11, 2015. The internship was to last for three months and as result my internship came to an end on April 9, 2015. As Square Toiletries Ltd is going to launch teen shampoo, I was given the responsibility to develop marketing and launching for Teen Shampoo. As teenagers usually want to keep pace with the trends and use their pocket money to purchase hair care products, it will be great opportunity for Square Toiletries Ltd to launch a product like Teen Shampoo. As in Bangladesh no product in fact shampoo is not formulated and targeted to the teen agers, it will facilitate STL to get a first mover advantage. Building up something from the scratch is always very difficult and it is also true for STL to launch Teen Shampoo. Marketing of Teen Shampoo will not be an easy task to do rather than it will be challenging for STL to make the product popular among the consumers and the purchasers. 10.1 Conducting in Depth Interview At STL headquarter; when I prepared my report, I got inspiration from Head of Marketing, Mr. Malik Md. Sayeed. I discussed and got advised by Manager Ms. Jesmin Zaman, Assistant Manager, and Mr. Fazal Mahmud Roni. Special thanks to Brand Executive, Mohammed Aftab. Marketing Department for the overall supervisions and suggestions. They gave me an idea about the overall shampoo market in Bangladesh and the promotional activities which I can implement for promoting Teen Shampoo. Moreover, I interviewed 20 teenagers aged from 13-22 which helped me to prepare marketing plan for upcoming Teen Shampoo. 10.2 Studying the Competition I visited the market and by secondary research, I listed down all the products available in the market and as there is no that much focused shampoo for the teenagers, initially it may not face that much competition but as this a niche market it may be encountered by the giants in the industry and may be this market can be snatched away from the STL. In that case, STL needs to keep a vigilant eye open to face the competition and protect their proposed offerings. 70 10.3 Jobs Done during the Internship               Participated in generating ideas about Meril Splash beauty soap self hiring strategy formulation. Tested Kool after shave gel as a part of product development activity. Contributed in Maxclean dimensional packaging formation and product test. Collecting data through field visits about adult diapers glory, tender, fresh life, jolly etc. Experiencing the weighted distribution of baby diapers in the super shops of Gulshan and Banani like Almas, Agora, and Meena Bazaar etc. Collecting data about TP (Trade Price) of different baby diapers like Pampers, Huggies, MamyPoko, Molfix etc. Chromanol Test or pre- print packaging test of Super Mom baby diaper (Size S, M, and L). Revive mini pack pre- print packaging check. Generating ideas about Meril baby gift pack packaging. Participated Meril baby powder fragrance blind test. Checking the Super Mom website to match with the proposed contents and notified the correction areas in the website to the Assistant Manager, Marketing manager, STL. Compiling different area wise sale information of Super Mom baby diaper in the Dhaka city. Preparing different consumer activation program activities like Kool Hall Activation Program, Sepnil School Activation Program. Got learning about the viral video song formation for the Cricket World Cup 2015 from the brand Kool and for any TVCs, STL‘s respective concerned personalities facilitated me to provide my honest feedbacks about those TVCs. 71 CHAPTER 11 Teenage Hair Care Problems& Solutions 72 11 Teenage Hair Care Problems Perry Romanowski wrote an article in the ―Chemist Corner‖ on 3rd December, 2009 titled as ―Top 10 Unsolved Hair Care Problems‖. In the article the writer highlighted the importanceof inventing new formulas to satisfy the requirements of the marketing department of an organization. In the cosmetic industry, all the companies compete almost on the same periphery. As a result, coming up with new formulas will always give an extra mileage to capture the consumers mind share as well as the share of the product. There is always a scope of product development through continuous research and development. When it is the case of a teen‘s hair, the issues get more sophisticated. There are still several unsolved hair care problems. 1. Hair Loss Losing hair is a natural aspect for an adult person. At teenage it is very significant to take care of the hair as in the upcoming years s/he is going to lose hair continuously unless s/he does not take good hi/her health. 2. Unwanted Hair Growth This problem is exactly the opposite of the first problem. Unwanted hair growth irritates teenagers to maintain a handsome outlook or style. Solutions like depilatories or shaving provide short-term, temporary relief but if it is possible to figure out the problem and if it is possible to formulate a hair care product which will deal with problems properly. 3. Hair Going Grey Everyone‘s hair goes grey at the older age of life but sometimes it has been noticed that at the teenage some teenagers‘ hairs go grey which is embarrassing and an unexpected incident to a teen‘s life. A hair care is also needed here which will solve the early age grey hair problem. 73 4. Hair Color Changes Teenagers most frequently change their hair colors and which cause numerous long term hair damage issues if the quality hair colors are not used. 5. Bad Hair Condition (Feel) As teenage is the period of continuous growth and development both physically and mentally. Most of the teenagers do not feel good about their hair condition. Along with they do not feel confident about their hair. The expected hair is very important to apply any sort of styles to the hair. 6. Unruly Hair — Frizzy, Uncooperative Managing the hair in the proper way is always very difficult for the frizzy hairs. Frizzy hair resists each attempt to control. By definition frizzy hair is naturally curly and dry. This curly hair needs extra care to keep it cooperative. Moisturizing is pretty important for the frizzy hair. Consequently, any hair care product which is rich in moisture will help to tackle this problem. 7. Thinning Hair Hair loss is one problem but hair thinning also happens as people get older and the thinning hair problemcomes both in the thickness of the hair fibers. Continuous thinning hair problem will lead to create partial or complete bald haed. Imagine how terrible the situation will be if teenagers are not taking good care of their health. 8. Lack Volume People who have naturally straight hair that lays flat on their head have complained that they do not have any volume. Harmless solutions are necessary to prevent this problem. 9. Shine Every girls dream like their hair will shine like diamond but this dream remains unfulfilled for many. It is not a wise idea to use any glossy hair care product to reflect the shininess of the hair. Rather than it will be better that consumers are aware of what they are using. 74 10. Time to Style Style and teen life are inseparable part generally. Teenagers try different styles to their hair and some result in hazardous hair styles. It is not their fault rather than sometimes they apply some hair care products without considering their hair type. 11.1 Advice for Teenagers and their Hair Teenagers‘ life is pretty much different than the stress free and fear less childhood. Puberty and other physical and psychological issues always hunt them down and they always remain daunted. Their skin texture is getting continuous change and hair growth is also prominent in this period but the general hair type is greasy hair. While a teenager‘s hair is bouncing with life and vitality, another teenager‘s hair may remain dull and gloomy. Many teenagers and their parents are experiencing such scenarios when their tweens (children aged between 10 to 12) suddenly get into their puberty. Because of the rapid changes in the hormones, teenagers are particularly prone to have oily hair. In fact, not all of the teens have oily hair. This happens because each individual body deals with hormone imbalances differently and some teenagers may experience no or very few undesirable puberty. Genetics can also contribute to whether or not we develop greasy hair in our teenage years and often girls, whose mothers experienced greasiness, particularly whilst menstruating, complain of the same condition. The type of texture of our hair can also affect the amount of oil our hair produces. Boys and girls with a thicker head of hair contain less substance to soak up the natural oils. How to Care for Oily Hair • Use a PH Balanced Shampoo Using a professional shampoo which is alkaline-based and PH balanced and specifically designed for oily hair can combat with the greasiness. In most cases, teenagers of urban use herbal hair care packs or products which are available in different cosmetic stores 75 • Rinse your Hair Well It is one of the common myths or misconception about hair is that oily hair is produced by an oily scalp but in reality it is not. The real fact is that oily or greasy hair is caused by a dry scalp which requires oil glands to produce more oil. In order to eliminate the greasy hair problem, rinsing the shampoo out thoroughly with warm or lukewarm water is vet necessary. Shampoo which is left on the scalp causes the scalp to dry out and in that case using a shampoo which contains tree tea oil will help to alleviate a dry scalp, the primary cause of oily hair. • Use a Hot Oil Treatment on the Scalp Massaging a hot oil treatment on the scalp will provide help to moisten the scalp and provide for some of those missing essential natural oils and therefore relinquish the reliance on the oil glands. • Refrain from Using Conditioner Putting conditioner on the oily hair will increase the problem instead of reducing it. In the oily hair there is already excessive amount of moisture and in addition applying condition on hair which is another form of moistening will deteriorate the problem. If anyone feels his/her hair does need conditioner, applying some only to the ends of the hair, which tend to be much drier than the roots and the first half of the hair. • Refrain from Combing or Touching your Hair Frequently Frequent combing and constant touching will stimulate the oil glands and as a result it produces more oil. More the oil will be produced; more the scalp will be oily. It is a better idea to refrain from combing or touching hair frequently • Drink Plenty of Water Drinking eight glasses of water a day is recommended by the medical experts but naturally and habitually teenagers do not drink enough water. This negligence to water reduces the probability to control the host of ailments. In addition to that water will help to moisture a dry scale naturally and resist the oil glands overproducing. 76 • Buy Some Magnesium Sulfide Magnesium sulfide, or known as Epsom Salt, removes toxins and excess oils from. The properties in the magnesium sulfide will help to regulate oil production and thus the greasiness of the hair will be removed. • Apply Talcum Powder onto your Hair There are some quick fix solutions. Applying talcum powder onto the scalp will reduce greasy hair problem. Anyone having oily hair can apply talcum powder onto scalp and comb it gently will help a lot in this scenario. • Use Natural Rinses Natural extracts and herbal medication and vitamin E enriched natural solutions can deal the oily here naturally. Puberty is a temporary stage of life and in this transient stage teens must take proper care of their hair to unleash all the odds with their permanent confidence and hair built in this stage of life. . Probable Brand Names   HairLine  HairWays  Groom101 I-KON This paper is designed to propose a teen shampoo which will have all the essential and helpful ingredients for the appropriate sustainable growth for the teenagers‘ hair. The teenagers if they have the proper learning and can make an informed purchase it will help them to have a better hair health. 77 CHAPTER 12 Findings & Analysis 78 12 Findings and Analysis In this part, overall findings will be reflected and a brief description of all the findings will be given below with their respective questions used in the research. These findings will be used to construct the overall marketing plan of Teen Shampoo. What type of hair do you have? Number of Respondents 15 10 5 0 Normal Dry Oily Hair Type Percentage of Respondents Figure 20: Hair Type of Respondents 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Normal Dry Oilly Hair Type Figure 21: Percentage of Hair Type of Respondents The whole research is based on 20 respondents. None of them said that they have normal hair. 8 respondents said that they have dry hair whereas 12 respondents said that they have oily hair. If we consider the percentage 40% of the respondents have dry hair and for oily hair the percentage is 60%. 79 How often do you wash your hair on an average a week? Percentage of Respondents 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 times Frequency of Hair Wash on an Average a Week 5 times Number of Respondents Figure 22: Frequency of Hair Wash on an Average a week of the Respondents 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 times 5 times Frequency of Hair Wash on an Average a Week Figure 23: Percentage of Frequency of Hair Wash on an Average a Week of the Respondents The question was how often do you wash your hair on an average a week? The options were 1 time, 2 times, 3 times, 4 times and 5 times. No one said that s/he washes his/her hair once a week. The results are 5 respondents wash their hair 2 times, 9 respondents wash their hair 3 times and 6 respondents wash their hair 4 times. No one among the respondents washes his/her hair on an average a week. The percentages for washing hair on an average a week 2 times, 3 times and 5 times are 25%, 45% and 30%. 80 What type of shampoo do you prefer? Would you please rank the following qualities according to you preference? (Put 1 for the most preferred characteristic, 2 for second Number of Respodents preference and go on for the rest) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Anti Oil Control Anti Hair Shiny and Repair Dandruff Loss Silky Hair Damaged Hair Others Shampoo Preferences Percentage of Respondents Figure 24: Shampoo Preferences of the Respondents 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Anti Oil Anti Hair Shiny and Repair Others Dandruff Control Loss Silky Hair Damaged Hair Shampoo Preferences Figure 25: Percentage of Shampoo Preferences of the Respondents For the shampoo type preferences 11 respondents prefer anti dandruff shampoo, 7 respondents prefer shiny and silky hair shampoo and 2 respondents prefer other types of shampoo.In percentage calculation, 55% respondents prefer anti dandruff shampoo, 35% respondents prefer silky and shiny hair shampoo and 10% respondents prefer other types of shampoo. 81 Number of Respondents Which one do you prefer the most among the shampoo brands given below? (Please choose only one brand) 8 6 4 2 0 Shampoo Brand Preference Percentage of Respondents Figure 26: Shampoo Brand Preference of the Respondents 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Shampoo Brand Preference Figure 27: Percentage of Shampoo Brand Preferences of the Respondents In order to prefer a shampoo brand, 5 respondents prefer Pantene, 2 respondents prefer Head & Shoulder, 2 respondents prefer Clear, 4 respondents prefer Dove and 7 respondents prefer Sunsilk. In percentage consideration, 25% respondents prefer Pantene, 10% respondents prefer Head & Shoulder, 10% respondents prefer Clear, 20% respondents prefer Dove and 35% respondents prefer Sunsilk. 82 Many potential reasons are in the following list. We would like you to give marks (1 – 10) the following qualities on the basis of their importance - how much each quality of shampoo influences you to buy a shampoo brand. 250 200 150 Total Marks 100 50 0 Qualities of Shampoo Percentage of Total Marks Figure 28: Total Marks Obtained against Each Quality of Shampoo 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Qualities of Shampoo Figure 29: Percentage of Total Marks Obtained against Each Quality of Shampoo Based on the respondents feedbacks the most important factors are cleaning factor, ease to wash to factor, hair fall factor and fragrance factor. The percentage considerations for cleaning factor, ease to wash out, hair fall factor and fragrance are 100%, 99.50%, 97% and 97% respectively. 83 Number of Respondents Rank the following external factors according to their importance to select a shampoo brand 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 External Factors Percentage of Respondents Figure 30: Most Perceived External Factor Based on the Number of Respondents 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% External Factors Figure 31: Percentage of the Most Perceived External Factor on the Number of Respondents Among the external factors 14 respondents said that Brand Name is important to them. 3 respondents said health benefits and 3 respondents said friends/family/relatives suggestions are important to them. In percentage consideration Brand Name occupies 70%, Health associated benefits occupy 15% and friends/ family/ relatives suggestions occupy 15%. 84 The pack size (volume) you prefer? 16 Number of Respondents 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Large Medium Small Sachet Others Pack Size Preference Figure 32: Pack Size Preference of the Respondents Percentage of Respondents 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Large Medium Small Sachet Others Pack Size Preference Figure 33: Percentage of Pack Size Preference of the Respondents For the pack size preferences, 2 respondents prefer medium pack, 15 respondents prefer small packs and 3 respondents prefer sachet packs. 85 In the percentage calculation, 75% respondents prefer small packs as ion the very beginning no one wants to risk their budget for shampoo. 15% respondents prefer sachet packs which will be the economical one and 10% respondents prefer medium packs Which one of the following brands are you currently using? 6 5 Number of Respondents 4 3 2 1 0 Shampoo Currently Using Figure 34: Number of Respondents‘ Currently Using Shampoo Brand 30% Percentage of Respondents 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Shampoo Currently Using Figure 35: Percentage of Number of Respondents‘ Currently Using Shampoo Brand 86 3 respondents are currently using Pantene, 4 respondents are using Head & Shoulder, 1 respondent is using L‘OREAL, 3 respondents are using Clear, 3 respondents are using Dove, 5 respondents are using Sunsilk and one respondent is using other shampoo brand. In the percentage calculation, Pantene occupies 15%, Head & Shoulder occupies 20%, L‘ROREAL occupies 5%, Clear occupies 15%, Dove occupies 15%, Sunsilk occupies 25% and other brand occupies 5%. Number of Respondents Which one of the following brands did you use before you choose the current brand? 10 8 6 4 2 0 Previous Shampoo Brand Use Percentage of Respondents Figure 36: Previous Shampoo Brands Usage 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Previous Shampoo Brand Use Figure 37: Percentage of Previous Shampoo Brands Usage Based on the previous shampoo brands usage, 3 respondents used Pantene, 2 respondents used Head & Shoulder, 1 respondent used Clear, 5 respondents used Dove and 9 respondents used Sunsilk before the current brands they are using. 87 In the percentage consideration, Pantene occupied 15%, Head & Shoulder occupied 10%, Clear occupied 5%, Dove occupied 25% and Sunsilk occupied 45% in the previous shampoo usage before the current shampoo brand. Education: 16 Number of Respodents 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Primary Secondary Under graduate Graduate Education Status Percentage of Respondents Figure 38: Education Status of the Respondents 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Primary Secondary Under graduate Graduate Education Status Figure 39: Percentage of Education Status of the Respondents In the respondents‘ education status, 6 respondents were in their Secondary level and 14 were from Undergraduate level. 88 Percentages show that, 30% of the total respondents are in the Secondary level and rest 70% in the Undergraduate level. Age 16 14 12 Number of Respondents 10 8 6 4 2 0 13-17 yr 19-22 yr Age Figure 40: Age Status of the Respondents 80% Percentage of Respondents 60% 40% 20% 0% 13-17 yr 19-22 yr Age Figure 41: Percentage of Age Status of the Respondents 30% of the respondents are 13 to 17 years and 70% of the total respondents are 19 to 22 years of age. 89 Family Monthly Income 16 Number of Respondents 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Below- 15000tk 16000-20000tk 21000-30000tk Above- 30000tk Monthly Family Income Figure 42: Monthly Income of the Respondents Percentage of Respondents 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Below- 15000tk 16000-20000tk 21000-30000tk Above- 30000tk Monthly Family Income Figure 42: Percentage of Monthly income of the Respondents Based on the monthly family income, 25% of the respondents belong to a family whose monthly income is between 21,000-30,000 Tk and the rest 75% respondents belong to above 30,000 Tk securing families on a monthly basis. 90 CHAPTER 13 Marketing Mix 91 13. Marketing Mix 13.1 Product The Teen Shampoo will have the ingredients which will ensure the hair growth at an optimum level. Before launching a product the product formulation remains confidential. As a result, the ingredients of the shampoo can not be disclosed here in this report. A standard formulation is maintaining during the continuous product development in the laboratory. As this will be a harmless shampoo, the ingredients may include different fruit extracts like apple extracts. Based on the secondary research I suggested some natural ingredients for the expected results. Olive oil can be one of the ingredients which can repair the damaged hair and hair will look nourished naturally. Another helpful ingredient can be almond oil which can smoothen the hair. Citrus can drive out the dandruff from hair. Along with all of them ginseng and soya energizer can reduce the hairfall. 13.2 Price Price plays a vital role to attract, secure and retain customers. In addition to that price setting is influenced by many factors and there are different types of pricing methods. For Teen Shampoo, STL will use value based pricing. Value based pricing is a pricing strategy which means pricing of the product is based on the values it create. The notion behind the strategy is ―pay for performance‖. According to the Teen Shampoo’s propositions it will create greater values among the consumers and thus the price will be set. On the basis of the price list of (24.02.15) the price of Sunsilk Shampoo (180ml) is 145tk, Dove Breakage Therapy Shampoo (200ml) is 442tk, Clinic Plus Strong and Long Shampoo (180ml) is 270tk. Based on the competitors price, price will be set. As all the brands are adult shampoo brands, pricing will not be same like them. Moreover, as different herbal and fruit extracts will be incorporated proposed pricing will be 10% more than the regular shampoos in the market. It is inevitable t say that cost of the ingredients and other associated costs will play a vital role in setting price. 92 13.3 Place In this era of modern technology, internet shopping, credit card use influence the marketing strategies for a product. As place refers to convenience which means consumers can easily find the products with the minimum effort at his/her end. Square Toiletries Limited is a renowned for its far reaching market coverage by its distribution channel. Both in the Numeric Distribution (ND) and Weighed Distribution (WD) STL is showcasing its excellence. As primarily STL will launch Teen Shampoo in the urban areas and in the metro cities, it will ensure the shampoo in the main outlet points around the cities by their dealers and sales representatives. Moreover, internet shopping is getting popular day by day; STL can position their shampoo in the online market. An own online retail platform can ensure the additional sales. 13.4 Promotion Promotion is the communication basically in marketing the marketing communications which are designed for a particular target group. The target group shows their cooperation when they get manipulated by the communications. There are several types of promotions like advertising, public relations, personal selling, viral advertising and so on. Consumer activation program like Kool Hall Activation program, Sepnil School Activation Program reflect STL‘s expertise in promotional activities. Square also sponsors Bengal Classical Music Festival, 2014. 93 Figure 43: JU‘s Salam Barkat Hall (Kool Hall Activation Program, 25.11.14) Figure 44: Manarat School (Sepnil School Activation, 16.11.14) 94 Promotional Strategies At the in initial stage promotional strategies can be running TVCs and RDCs (Radio Commercials) to build the brand awareness and through the advertisements the brand personality and image will be clarified and it will create brand acceptance. The other typical promotional strategies can be  Free Sample Distribution  Sponsorship  Billboard Demo Campaigning 13.5 Scope of Promotional activities Massranga Television is a concern of Square Group which facilitates TVCs of the Square products on the television screen. Strong and experienced media and communication activities of STL make the STL products more exposed and popular among the consumers. Figure 45: Advertising Scenario of Square Group (Advertising Monitoring, August 2014) 95 Figure 46: Square Group‘s Total Duration of TVC (Advertising Monitoring, August 2014) Figure 47: Square Group‘s Radio Commercial Scenario (Advertising Monitoring, August 2014) Figure 48: Square Group‘s Advertising Scenario in Print Media (Advertising Monitoring, August 2014) 96 All the statistical data about that Square Group‘s advertising scenario show that Square is doing pretty well in promotional activities. In fact, in Bangladesh in the radio commercials Square is holding 4th position according to Dhaka Mirror, September 7, 2014. Figure 49: Top 10 Companies that Dominate Radio Commercials in Bangladesh Source: Spending on Radio Ads on Rise, Dhaka mirror, September 7, 2012 All the statistical data are provided to showcase the strengths of Square Group in the promotional activities of a particular product. Massranga Television helps a lot to secure the purpose of getting the consumers attentions. Paramount importance should be given in the promotional activities as Teen Shampoo is a new product and a new shampoo category in Bangladesh. Appropriate frequency of the promotional activities in the right time to the right consumers will result in building better brand knowledge of the consumers. 97 13.6 Four C‘s Robert F. Lauterborn proposed a four C‘s classification which is more customer oriented and applicable for niche marketing. Product- Commodity Price Cost - Promotion- Communication Place- Channel 13.7 SIVA Model SIVA Model provides a customer centric approach alternative to the marketing 4ps. Based on the SIVA modelProduct- Solution Information- promotion Value- price Access- Place This model is the modern customer centric approach which restates the marketing 4 ps n the existing marketing environment which reshapes the marketing idea from corporations to community based. 98 CHAPTER 14 Packaging 99 14. Packaging Packaging plays a vital role for any product whether it is adult, child, male, female or unisex products. Packaging is the very first exposure to the consumers about any product. Attractive and innovative packaging creates the appeal to buy any product. From the manufacturer or seller side, it also creates a differentiation from the competitor‘s offerings. 14.1. Innovative Packaging Ideas Blast beverages Sweet Dreams. Russian cigarette WAT-AAH! - the first premium brand of functional water FootSteps Teen's deodorant for feet. 100 Aquafina FlavorSplash sparkling water Fashion Diet Coke Figure 50: Some Innovative Packaging Ideas 14.2 Packaging of Teen Shampoo Brands all Over the World Packaging for teen shampoos all around world also show that packaging is a pretty important factor to influence the teen consumers to pick up the teen shampoo from the self. Unilever‘s Sedal is the market leader in the teen shampoo market. As a matter of fact, Sedal is not available in Bangladesh. The packaging of Sedal is also attractive and is full of teenage symbolic appearance. 101 Figure 51: Packaging of Unilever‘s Teen Shampoo Sedal There are also some teenage shampoos all over the world and all of them are conscious about their packaging design and appearance. Container‘s shape, different characters and most importantly color combination make the packaging more appealing and acceptable. Figure52: 808 Dude Teen Shampoo along with other teen products 102 Figure 53: Ibu Mejoral ninos (Available in Argentina) Figure 54: Teen Spirit Shampoo 103 Figure 55: Teen-X Hair Styling Gel (Teen Hair Care Product Packaging) Figure 56: Packaging of Acid Strong Coloring Shampoo for Teens 104 There are some organic Shampoo Bars which claim that they do not have any harmful chemicals like regular Shampoo. There are different Shampoo Bars for different hair types. Interestingly these Shampoo Bars do not have any particular packaging. May be different colors is their packaging strategy. Figure 57: LUSH Organic Hand Craft Shampoo Bars For Teen Shampoo the packaging will also be attractive and will be associated with teenage symbols. In the container, neon effect will be given so that it can glow in the dark and it is expected that it will attract the teenagers. 105 CHAPTER 15 Personal Care Products Market in Bangladesh and Teenagers 106 15. Personal Care Products in Bangladesh Demands of personal care products are going up and up and it is showing an upward sloping in the growth of the personal care products market. According to Euro monitor, Asia pacific, the cosmetics and toiletries market of Bangladesh is growing. On the basis of Euro monitor‘s data in 2007, the total value of the cosmetics and toiletries market was $395.3 million and in 2012 it was $687.2 m. Source: Euro monitor international, Asia Pacific Figure 58: Bangladesh Cosmetics & Toiletries Market The growth of the market is showcasing that the perception of beauty is favorable for cosmetic and toiletries manufacturers. Most of people of Bangladesh are beauty conscious. As a result, they are more likely to use different cosmetic and toiletries products. Positive demographics like favorable median age of Bangladesh are favorable for the growth of beauty products. According to an article tilled as ―Soaring demand powers personal care” market, the median age of Bangladesh is 24years whereas in China it is 36 years and in Japan it is 46 years. This is indicating that, Bangladesh is a lucrative destination for cosmetic and toiletries brands as most of the people of Bangladesh are young and naturally they are conscious about their beauty. 107 15.1 Teenager‘s Purchase Scenario Figure 59: How Teens are spending their Money (Business Insider, 2014) The scenario shows that teens are using their money in that ratio where they are spending 21% of their money on clothing and 10% for personal care. This shows that the demand of personal care products among the teens is pretty high and significant. Figure 60: Parent Contribution to Teen Spending (Business Insider, 2014) 108 Parent‘s contribution in the teens spending is more or less consistent whether they belong to upper income or upper income family. According to Business Insider, 2014, upper income parent‘s contribution is 70% and average income parent‘s contribution is 66% which is pretty much close to upper income parent‘s contribution. Social networks or media have strong influence on teen agers. Teenagers trends are settled by the teenagers and by the social network sites, they get viral among the teenagers. Most of the time purchase decisions are also influenced by social networks. There are many social networks which are popular among the teenagers. Among them Instragram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr are the popular one. Figure 61: Teenagers and Social Network (Business Insider, 2014) Though social networks are the most vital platforms for the marketers to spread their communications, teenagers get misguided because of less maturity in making decisions. Teen Shampoo is a product which will be helpful for the teenager‘s hair growth and statistics show that parents have a vital role in choosing the right product for their teen prince or queens. 109 CHAPTER 16 Interesting Facts about Teenagers and Shampoos 110 16. Interesting Facts about Teenagers and Shampoos 16.1. Poo Movement There are some people all around the world who do not like use shampoo while they wash their hair. Their point is that there is no harm to wash hair with water. In fact, they are against the shampoo as shampoo contains harmful ingredients which cause gradual damage to hair. ‗Poo Movement‘is a collective term which describes ‗No Poo‘or ‗No Shampoo‘. There are some naturalists who discourage the use of commercial shampoo to wash hair. There is a subculture called Hippieor Hippy whichwas originated in the United States during the mid 1960s as a part of Youth movement. Later, many youths are leading lifestyles like hippies. Most interestingly, hippiesbelieve that they do not need to wash their hair at all but dermatologists warn that reluctance to shampoo can lead to a breeding ground of bacteria. In addition to that it can lead to extensive dandruff problem. Figure 62: American Hippies 111 16.2. New Trend: Shamboiling A report titled as ‗Shamboiling: The Newest Drug Trend Among Teens‘ was posted in on September 16, 2012. The writer of the report Lardics quoted a line "Parents, lock up your shower supplies." ―Shamboiling, also referred to as bubbling, is practice where shampoo is brought to a rapid boil and then the fumes are inhaled for a hallucinogenic effect.‖ (According to the report). The report showed that two eighth graders were hospitalized due to the practice of ‗Shamboiling‘. Though we may not be that much familiar with ‗Shamboiling‘ but police said that it is not a new occurrence rather than they have been dealing with it for years. 16.3 Interesting Feedback According to, Asian women and girl teen agers need to use shampoo which are light and contain natural ingredients as the general Asian women tend to have heavier and straighter hair. If the main focus is to keep an eye on the volume, it is better not to use conditioner on the top of the scalp. 16.4 Shampoo or Passion According to different Shampoo bottle collectors, Shampoo is beyond any product. Shampoo is her passion. She said that her passion goes far beyond wanting clean scalp. She moreover extended that she wants the whole experience, the fragrance, the lather etc. She added that she I prefers the rare and exotic blends of strawberry ginseng, the mouthwatering effects of nourishing coconut milk, the luscious and haunting combination of wild violet and pomegranate, the succulence of pink lily and Asian silk, the undeniable amalgamation of mandarin cream and pearl, and the audacious blend of lime and cucumber. 112 16.5. Successful Parenting TeenSafechosen by 500,000 parents discreetly monitor their children‘s texts, calls, social media, phone location and much more. This parenting empowerment is done by providing remote visibility to your kids deleted texts/ i Messages, WhatsApp and kik messages and more without ever touching their phone. As like this service, parents should monitor what products they are using and inspect the elements of those products as a successful parent. As a result, we are proposing that choosing the right shampoo for their teens will be a part of successful parenting and in that case Teen Shampoo from STL will be a right choice for the teenagers. 113 CHAPTER 17 Recommendation 114 Recommendations      It is necessary to select the brand image whether the brand will be treated as a female brand or male brand. If it is considered as a unisex product, it will widen window of opportunity to do business but it must be adopted after conducting an extensive research on the consumer behavior and buying pattern of teenagers. Formulation of the shampoo can have fruit extracts or herbal association so that consumers can rely on the formulation and ingredients. All the shampoos are more or less formulated in the same standard way where some ingredients are common. If STL‘s R&D team can come up with innovation in formulation of shampoo with harmless ingredients, consumers will rely on the product. Brand personality construction must be done in a way which can not be replicated by other companies even by the multinational companies appropriately. Unique brand personality will create unique association with the consumers which will help to create long lasting relationship with STL and consumers. Celebrity endorsement can augment the brand acceptance among the actual and potential buyers but if the activities of the brand run on tight budget different strategies can be adopted. In case of endorsing the celebrities, the general teenagers can be used in constructing and spreading the marketing communication where teen age celebrities will not be highlighted separately rather than they can be used generally as like other teenagers. The message construction can be done in a way, where it can be reflected that every teenager is special and all of them are equally important. Demo campaign can influence the consumers and their purchase behavior. Different youth campaigns can be used as reference to launch and communicate the product benefits and can encourage potential consumers‘ engagement. 115 Recommended Brand DNA Model DNA Regular deep Scalp cleansing with desired nourishment Values & Personality Benefits     Deep scalp cleansing Daily hair damage repair Conditioned hair Inducing fragrance     Reason to Believe  Friendly & Social Enthusiastic Youthful Vibrant   Assurance of Square quality 50% SLES free formulation Mild on youth scalp USP Mild Daily use Shampoo Consumer’s View of the Brand Consumer Insight     Shampoo is harsh on hair & scalp for daily use Deep Cleansing & Conditioning is important while selecting a shampoo Fragrance diffusion helps them stand out among their peer group Ease to Wash Out ensures convenience Competition     Target Group Different Branded Shampoo, Herbal Pack, Serum Livon Biotin, Irobest Vitamin E cap   Young Male and Females aged between 13-22 People who are highly active, outgoing and actively involved in social interactions Brand Heritage Youth Hair Care Expert 116 CHAPTER 18 Conclusion 117 Conclusion Square Toiletries Ltd has always been quality oriented from its inception. Bringing new products is difficult for any company but continuous innovation and through product and development STL has its foothold simultaneously both in Bangladesh local market and overseas foreign market. As Teen Shampoo will be a new product for both STL and Bangladeshi local consumers, STL will need to work on building the brand knowledge so that consumers can get to know about the brand and its functionality. Strong and established brand knowledge will help the target group and target audience to consider their purchase decisions. Risk bearing ability, setting competitive price, satisfying the end user and maintaining good relation with all the stakeholders will make Teen Shampoo successful with the shortest span of time. Increased buying power of the customers and threat of substitute products will give a tight competition to this upcoming shampoo. Distinctive consumer behaviors will also make the sustainable growth of Teen Shampoo more challenging. As Square Toiletries Limited is a renowned and trusted brand, it has the ability to lead the market from the front with their Teen Shampoo. 118 Appendix Teen Shampoo Questionnaire 1. What type of hair do you have? a. Normal b. dry c. Oily 2. How often do you wash your hair on an average a week a. 1 time b. 2 times c. 3 times d.4 times e. 5 times 3. What type of shampoo do you prefer? Would you please rank the following qualities according to you preference? (put 1 for the most preferred characteristic, 2 for second preference and go on for the rest) Ranking Anti-dandruff Oil-Control Anti-Hair loss Shiny and Silky hair Repair Damaged hair Others(Specify) __________________ 4. Which one do you prefer the most among the shampoo brands given below? (Please choose only one brand) SL no. Shampoo Brands SL no. Shampoo Brands 1 Pantene 6 Herbal Essences 2 Head and shoulders 7 Tresemme 3 L’OREAL 8 Dove 4 Garnier 9 Sunsilk 5 Clear 10 Any other please specify 5. Many potential reasons are in the following list. We would like you to give marks (1 – 10) the following qualities on the basis of their importance - how much each quality of shampoo influences you to buy a shampoo brand. 119 SL no. Marks Qualities of Shampoo 1 Fragrance 2 Bottle design 3 Shampoo color 4 Silkiness factor 5 Ease to wash out 6 Softness 7 Hair fall 8 Shine factor 9 Foaming 10 Cleaning factor 6. Rank the following external factors according to their importance to select a shampoo brand SL no. External Factors Ranking 1 Brand name 2 Less price 3 High price 4 Health associated benefits 5 Friends/ family/ relative’s suggestion 6 Commercial ads 7 Doesn’t bother about specific brand 8 Other please specify__________________ 7. The pack size (volume) you prefer? a. Large b. Medium c. Small d. Sachet e. Others 120 8. Which one of the following brands are you currently using? SL no. Shampoo Brands SL no. Shampoo Brands 1 PANTENE 6 HARBAL ESSENCES 2 HEAD AND SHOULDERS 7 TRESEMME 3 L’OREAL 8 DOVE 4 GARNIER 9 SUNSILK 5 CLEAR 10 ANY OTHER PLEASE SPECIFY 9. Which one of the following brands did you use before you choose the current brand? SL no. Shampoo Brands SL no. Shampoo Brands 1 PANTENE 6 HARBAL ESSENCES 2 HEAD AND SHOULDERS 7 TRESEMME 3 L’OREAL 8 DOVE 4 GARNIER 9 SUNSILK 5 CLEAR 10 ANY OTHER PLEASE SPECIFY 10. Why did you switch the past brand? SL no. Reasons 1 2 3 11. Other than shampoo product do you use any other type of hair care product? Yes No 121 12. If yes, please mention them. SL no. Other products 1 2 3 □Students 14. Education: □Primary □Secondary □Under-graduate □Graduate 15. Age: □13-17 years □19-22 years 16. Family Income (monthly): □Below-15000/- □16000- 20000/□21000-30000/- □ Above-30000/13. Occupation: 122 References 1., (2006). One-third of world’s populatio suffers fro ele rity worship syndrome. [online] Available at: 1. [Accessed 23 Feb. 2015]. 2., (n.d.). 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