Associative processes in intuitive
Carey K. Morewedge1 and Daniel Kahneman2
Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, 208 Porter Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Center for Health and Wellbeing, Princeton University, Wallace Hall, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
Dual-system models of reasoning attribute errors of
judgment to two failures: the automatic operations of
a ‘System 1’ generate a faulty intuition, which the controlled operations of a ‘System 2’ fail to detect and
correct. We identify System 1 with the automatic operations of associative memory and draw on research in
the priming paradigm to describe how it operates. We
explain how three features of associative memory –
associative coherence, attribute substitution and processing fluency – give rise to major biases of intuitive
judgment. Our article highlights both the ability of System 1 to create complex and skilled judgments and the
role of the system as a source of judgment errors.
Intuitive judgment and associative memory
The study of intuitive judgment has identified a long list of
systematic errors (biases) and specific models that explain
subsets of these errors. Many of the models proposed to
account for these judgment errors invoke a dual-process or
dual-system view, in which automatic processes (System 1)
generate impressions and tentative judgments, which
might be accepted, blocked, or corrected by controlled
processes (System 2; e.g. [1–7]). Even the originators of
the two-system view, however, consider it as incompletely
specified [4,5]. Here we identify System 1 with the automatic operations of associative memory [8]. We then show
that three features of associative processes account for the
major biases of judgment and choice that have been identified over the past four decades.
A breakthrough in our understanding of the structure
of associative memory occurred when students of social
judgment began to explore the determinants and consequences of accessibility in the priming paradigm
[9,10]. Probes of the structure of memory were neither
random, as in earlier studies of free association, nor tightly
restricted to logical relations as in studies of propositional
networks. Instead, the search for priming effects was
guided by specific hypotheses about the rules that govern
the spread of activation in associative memory, such as the
idea that activation spreads between literal and metaphorical meanings. Holding a warm cup of coffee, for example,
increases the likelihood of perceiving a stranger as warm
[11]. More generally, priming research has documented
the links that connect verbal representations, emotions,
facial expressions, motor responses, visual perception and
even conscious and unconscious goals [12]. We draw on
Corresponding author: Morewedge, C.K. (
[email protected]).
this new knowledge to explain major phenomena of intuitive judgment.
It is often useful to think of judgments as a weighted
combination of items of information [13]. In this scheme,
judgment biases can always be described as an overweighting of some aspects of the information and underweighting
or neglect of others, relative to a criterion of accuracy or
logical consistency [7]. We offer an uncontroversial hypothesis – strongly activated information is likely to be given
more weight than it deserves and relevant knowledge that
is not activated by the associative context will be underweighted or neglected (e.g. [14,15]). In this fashion, the
principles of associative activation help explain biases of
In the next sections we focus on three features of associative activation and trace their role in intuitive judgments.
We discuss, in turn, associative coherence, attribute substitution and processing fluency.
Feature 1: associative coherence
A stimulus evokes a coherent and self-reinforcing pattern
of reciprocal activation in associative memory. For
example, exposure to an emotional word – VOMIT – brings
about a facial expression of disgust and a motor response of
recoil, as well as an autonomic response and a lowered
threshold for detecting and responding to noxious stimuli
[16,17]. The reciprocity of many of these connections has
been a theme of recent research. The facial expression and
the act of recoiling tend to reinforce an initial emotion of
disgust. Similarly, activation of the elderly stereotype
Associative memory: a network of long-term memory for semantic information, emotions and goals that is governed by the spread of activation, as
determined by the strengths of interconnecting weights (associations).
Accessibility: the ease with which a particular unit of information is activated or
can be retrieved from memory.
Anchoring effect: the assimilation of a second estimate to an anchor – a value
considered during the prior estimate.
Confirmation bias: testing a hypothesis by considering more evidence that
confirms rather than disconfirms it. Usually occurs automatically, without
explicit intent to do so.
Egocentric bias: overestimating the degree to which one’s perception of the
world is accurate and the degree to which others perceive the world as one
Framing effect: different formulations of the same decision problem elicit
different preferences.
Hindsight bias: ‘Naı̈ve’ probability estimates of the probability of an outcome
increase when it is known to have occurred.
Processing fluency: the subjective experience of the ease or difficulty with
which a cognitive task is accomplished.
1364-6613/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2010.07.004 Trends in Cognitive Sciences, October 2010, Vol. 14, No. 10
leads to slower walking, and walking slowly activates the
elderly stereotype [18,19].
Reciprocal activation favors a pattern of compatible
ideas reinforcing each other, whereas initially activated
ideas that are not reinforced soon drop out [20,21]. Depending on the context, the word BANK will be interpreted as
referring to money or to a river but not simultaneously to
both, and the ambiguity is likely to be resolved without
being noticed. The power of context is manifest in the
question: ‘‘How many animals of each kind did Moses take
into the Ark?’’ The Biblical context makes the ‘Moses
illusion’ almost undetectable [22]. By contrast, incongruities that cannot be reconciled or ignored are detected
quickly. When spoken in a male voice, the phrase, ‘‘I believe
I am pregnant’’ elicits a distinctive indication of surprise in
brain activity within 200 ms [23]. Finally, a stimulus also
evokes its own context and the norms to which it will be
compared [24] – an eagle is coded as LARGE and a hut as
SMALL, although the hut is objectively larger than the
The associations automatically evoked by a stimulus
include elements that are often attributed to high-level
inferences. In particular, the description of an event
immediately retrieves possible causes [25], as well as
counterfactual alternatives [26].
The blocking effect in Pavlovian conditioning of fear
illustrates the ability of simple associative systems to
duplicate achievements of complex reasoning. The first
phase in a typical blocking experiment is a series of trials
in which a tone reliably predicts an electric shock. The
animal learns to fear the tone. In the next phase a light is
introduced, which always appears at the same time as the
tone. The blocking effect is observed when the light is then
presented alone: although the light has been consistently
paired with shock, the animal is not afraid of it.
In an informal discussion of this finding, Rescorla and
Wagner [27] observe that the shock is not surprising in the
presence of the tone, and therefore needs no further explanation or prediction. This sounds like an inference, but
they derive the result from a formal model of associative
learning that involves no reasoning at all. As observed in a
recent review [28], the fact that blocking is observed in
mollusks makes cognitive explanations unattractive (but
see [28,29]).
Blocking is analogous to the discounting effect identified
by social psychologists (e.g. [30]), in which a possible cause
of an event is ignored when the event is already attributed
to another cause. Unsurprising events do not prompt
further explanation in discounting and do not induce conditioning in the blocking design. There is no conclusive
evidence that explicit causal reasoning is necessary for
either effect [31]. The success of connectionist models in
explaining complex cognitive phenomena by activation in
an associative machine lends further support to the computational power of associative processes [32].
In summary, the pattern of automatic activation in
memory tends to produce a comprehensive and internally
consistent interpretation of the present situation, which is
causally embedded in the context of the recent past, and
incorporates appropriate emotions and preparedness for
likely future events and for future actions [33]. This list of
Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.14 No.10
features serves as our working definition of associative
The coherence of associative activation induces a confirmatory bias when people examine a hypothesis
[20,34,35] by increasing the accessibility of hypothesisconsistent information. For example, the intention to test
the proposition that ‘‘Sam is friendly’’ preferentially activates evidence of Sam’s friendliness, whereas testing the
proposition that ‘‘Sam is not friendly’’ preferentially evokes
instances of hostile behavior [15,21]. In a paradigm that
has been used to study confirmation biases, anchoring,
hindsight bias, egocentric biases, attribution biases, and
overconfidence, participants are encouraged to retrieve
information that either supports or undermines a focal
hypothesis. Only the consideration of incompatible evidence affects their judgments. The instruction to retrieve
supporting information has no effect at all – presumably
because that evidence had been spontaneously retrieved
earlier [8,36–39].
The activation of compatible associations is a primary
mechanism of both anchoring and framing effects (Box 1).
In a standard anchoring experiment, participants’ attention is first focused on an answer to a question about a
quantity (e.g. ‘‘Is the proportion of African nations in the
UN greater or smaller than (10%/65%)?’’. Later, all participants estimate the quantity (‘‘What is the exact percentage
of African nations in the UN?’’). Even obviously random
anchors (e.g. determined by a wheel of chance or by the
participant’s social security number) induce a confirmatory
bias in the estimate [42,46].
Framing effects commonly occur when alternative statements of a decision problem evoke different emotions. For
example, a price difference between cash and credit at the
gas station can be framed either as a cash discount or a
credit surcharge [47]. Because people hate a surcharge
more than they like a discount, the surcharge formulation
reduces the use of credit. Framing is an automatic System
1 response, which is not eliminated by expertise. For
example ‘10% mortality’ is a more frightening description
of surgery outcomes than ‘90% survival’ and the two formulations elicit different preferences for surgery versus
radiation therapy even among experienced physicians [43].
It is effectively impossible for decision makers to resist
framing effects, unless they are able to generate an
alternative frame and observe their inconsistency.
Feature 2: attribute substitution
Judgment intentions resemble a shotgun more than a rifle.
Because dimensions of judgment are associated with each
other, an intention to evaluate a particular attribute of a
stimulus automatically activates assessments of other
dimensions as well as. For example, people who listened
to words with the task of detecting whether the words
rhyme were slowed by a mismatch of spelling: VOTE–
GOAT was confirmed as rhyming more slowly than
VOTE–NOTE [48]. The comparison of spelling was evoked
automatically, although it was disruptive. Similarly, an
intention to verify whether a statement was literally true
activated an evaluation of metaphorical truth: participants
were slow to detect that statements such as ‘‘some roads
are snakes’’ or ‘‘some jobs are jails’’ are literally false [49].
Box 1. Associative coherence in anchoring and framing
Anchoring effects occur when a judge considers a possible value of
a quantity before judging that quantity: the final estimates are
assimilated to the anchor. There is direct evidence that associative
processes are involved, and that the anchor selectively retrieves
compatible information. Participants in one study first evaluated an
anchor for the average price of a car. In a subsequent lexical
decision task, those who had seen a low anchor (e.g. ‘‘Is the average
price of a German car more or less than 10 000 Deutchmarks?’’),
were faster to recognize as words the names of inexpensive brands
(e.g. Volkswagen) and slower to recognize names of expensive
brands (e.g. Mercedes). The mirror-image pattern was observed
when the anchor was high [40].
In another paradigm, the influence of randomly-generated anchors
is reduced when participants are asked to think of reasons for
rejecting the anchor as an estimate. By contrast, participants who are
asked to retrieve reasons for endorsing the anchor are no different
from controls who simply considered the anchor. This suggests that
the anchor automatically evokes compatible information; inconsistent
information only comes to mind with deliberate intent [39].
Questions such as ‘‘What is the freezing point of vodka?’’ evoke a
different type of anchoring, which appears to engage System 2. The
anchor (32 8F) comes to mind, and is recognized as too high.
Participants in such experiments engage in an effortful search for
differences between the target and the anchor, which commonly
ends too soon. Cognitive load disrupts the search and increases
System 2 anchoring effects, but has little or no influence on
associative anchoring [41].
Framing effects occur in choice when key words in alternative
frames automatically evoke different response tendencies: ‘keep’
versus ‘lose’, ‘mortality’ versus ‘survival’, or ‘award’ versus ‘deny’
[42,43]. In transactions (e.g. bargaining over the sale of a mug), the
different strategic positions of sellers and buyers predispose them
to think of different aspects of the transaction [44]. Sellers focus on
the benefits of keeping their good (e.g. ‘‘I like the heft of this mug.’’),
whereas buyers focus on the advantages of keeping their money
(e.g. ‘‘I could buy coffee instead.’’). The difference between the
valuations of sellers and buyers disappears when they are asked to
first consider the information that would be more accessible in the
alternate frame [45]. For a related but different interpretation see
Ref. [13].
Studies of person perception suggest that an intention
to judge a specified trait produces a composite judgment of
that trait and its associative neighbors (e.g. [50]). Because
of this halo effect, evidence for one favorable trait (e.g.
warmth) induces favorable judgments on a wide range of
other dimensions. In extreme cases, a trait might be
endorsed in the absence of any directly relevant evidence.
For example, the instruction to evaluate whether a person
is generous will automatically evoke judgment of that
person on other favorable dimensions (e.g. whether she
is warm, friendly, or virtuous). An impression that the
person is generous could be formed even when no instances
of generous behavior have actually been observed.
Sometimes the target attribute is much less accessible
than one of those it evokes. Assessing the future productivity of a young job candidate can be difficult, but
judging the quality of a job talk is much easier. In such
cases, perfect substitution of the target attribute by the
more accessible one might occur. In accord with the general
principle that the associative system does not keep track of
the source of impressions, substitution typically occurs
without any awareness [7]. Automatic attribute substitution has been proposed as the mechanism that generates
heuristic judgments, in which the answer to a simpler (and
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
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more accessible) question is substituted for a difficult one
(Box 2).
A robust bias is observed when observers rely on a
subjective impression to estimate an objective quantity
in the presence of an obvious biasing factor, as when
judging the slant of a hill while carrying a heavy backpack
[55]. People fail to allow for two facts they know, that the
effort of climbing enters in their judgment of slope, and
that the backpack increases effort. Although they have the
information necessary to correct for the bias, they substitute their impression of steepness for the required objective judgment. The biased judgment of slant, like the
common tendency to overestimate distances on foggy days,
represents a joint failure of System 1 and System 2: System
1 generates a biased impression and System 2 fails to
correct it [7].
Feature 3: processing fluency
The influence of processing fluency on judgment has been
the subject of intense research interest in recent years, (e.g.
[56–58]). In a counter-intuitive demonstration, people who
were asked to recall 12 instances in which they had
behaved assertively subsequently judged themselves to
be less assertive than did people asked to recall only 6
instances. Evidently, the difficulty of retrieving the last few
instances was the heuristic by which assertiveness was
judged [59]. The same counter-intuitive result has been
observed for many other judgments made by the availability heuristic (e.g. [60]).
Recent research has identified several distinct factors
that converge on a single dimension of fluency, which, in
turn, has multiple consequences (Figure 1). The interchangeability of the determinants of fluency is the most intriguing aspect of these findings: the quality of the font in
which a problem is presented, the complexity of the
language, a good or bad mood, and the presence or absence
of contextual support and priming – all appear to have
similar effects on judgments of familiarity, truth and goodness (e.g. [57,61–63]). The deliberate exertion of effort
induces a subjective experience of strain, and low fluency
– regardless of its source – engages effortful processing.
Performance on demanding cognitive tasks therefore
improves when the problem is shown in a font that is difficult
to read, or when a bad mood is induced (e.g. [22,58,64]). As
Figure 1 illustrates, fluency is an input to many judgments.
Irrelevant variations in the determinants of fluency shown
Figure 1. Causes and judgmental consequences of processing fluency.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.14 No.10
Box 2. Attribute substitution
‘‘What is the probability that Mary will graduate from college?’’,
‘‘What should be the amount of punitive damages in this case?’’
‘‘How happy have you been lately?’’ Reasoned answers to these
questions require difficult intermediate steps. What is probability?
How does one quantify punishment? What is happiness? The
surprising observation is that people quickly come up with an
intuitive answer to such questions, without dwelling on the conceptual difficulties. The associative system provides the answer by a
process of attribute substitution: the judgment of a target attribute
automatically evokes assessments of related attributes. If one of these
attributes is immediately accessible, it could be mapped onto the
target scale (probability, dollars of damages, or happiness), producing an immediate intuitive answer to the initial question [7]. The
answer to an easy question is substituted for a difficult one.
In a survey of students, a question about their global happiness
appeared just before the question ‘‘how many dates did you have last
month?’’ [51]; the correlation between the two questions was
negligible (r=–0.12). The correlation was much higher (r=0.66),
however, when the dating question appeared first. We surmise that
thoughts of romantic success or failure evoked an emotional
response, which was still highly accessible when the happiness
question appeared, and was consequently substituted for it. Similar
effects have been found with questions about health and marriage
(e.g. [52]).
Direct tests of attribute substitution require separate groups to
assess a set of stimuli on the target attribute and the hypothesized
heuristic attribute. Figure I shows two examples. Participants ranked
nine possible outcomes for an intelligent woman named Linda who
had been a student activist (including ‘‘teacher in elementary school’’,
‘‘bank teller’’, ‘‘insurance salesperson’’, ‘‘bank teller and active in the
feminist movement’’). Some participants ranked the outcomes by
their probability. Others ranked them by ‘‘the degree to which Linda
resembles a typical member. . .’’ The rankings were effectively
identical. As predicted by the representativeness heuristic but
contrary to logic, the outcome ‘‘feminist bank teller’’ was considered
more probable than ‘‘bank teller’’ [53].
Participants in another experiment assigned punitive damages to a
set of cases, or judged the outrageousness of the defendant’s action
[54]. The harm suffered by the plaintiff was separately assessed [7]. A
plot of the median assessment of damages against the product of
outrageousness and harm again shows a close relation between the
target attribute and the heuristic.
Figure I. Two tests of attribute substitution. (a) Plot of average ranks for eight outcomes for Linda, ranked by probability and similarity [53]. (b) Plot of median punitive
awards (in dollars) for 14 cases, against the product of average ratings of outrageousness and of severity of harm for each case, for large firms (filled triangles) and for
medium-size firms (circles), right [54]. Plots are from Kahneman and Frederick [7].
on the left of the figure will induce predictable errors in the
judgments shown on the right.
The internal consistency of the information available for
a judgment is an important determinant of cognitive
fluency [56], which, in turn, determines subjective confidence in judgments [65]. The effect of consistency and
fluency on confidence is a source of bias. Evidence that
is both thin and redundant appears highly consistent and
Box 3. Associative coherence in subjective confidence
Many studies of confidence examine the accuracy or calibration of
probability judgments. Unfortunately, calibration studies depend on
the unlikely assumption that stated probabilities correspond precisely
to subjective confidence. An alternative approach would focus on
whether the determinants of confidence are appropriately weighted.
Judgments that are based on highly consistent evidence are likely to
be overconfident, particularly if the evidence is scarce, unreliable or
redundant [63].
Subjective confidence is one of the manifestations of fluency, and it
can be affected by irrelevant manipulations: Harvard students
answering trivia questions were less confident in their judgments
when instructed to furrow their brow (an expression of effort) than
when they puffed their cheeks [58]. Irrelevant uncertainty also reduces
confidence: respondents who were told that a basketball game might
take place either at 13.30 h or at 16.30 h were much less confident in
predictions of its outcome than when that uncertainty was not
introduced [65].
Evidence matters, certainly, but coherence is overweighted at the
expense of other factors that should influence confidence. When
people assign probabilities to competing hypotheses, judgments are
determined by relative rather than absolute support for one hypothesis over the other. Consider the question of whether a sample of
colored balls was drawn from an urn that contains a majority of white
balls or from one that contains mostly red balls. The sample (3 red, 0
white) is much more consistent than the sample (13 red; 9 white) and
is accordingly associated with higher subjective confidence, contrary
to Bayesian inference [66]. When individual predictions are based on
psychological tests, highly correlated tests yield the most confidence,
although validity is higher when the tests are independent [67]. The
confidence of jurors in their judgments similarly depends on the
coherence of the ‘causal story’ they construct from the evidence.
Contrary to logic, the case of the defense is more persuasive if jurors
hear a single story in which the defendant is innocent than if another
scenario is added [68].
Box 4. Outstanding questions
Should the distinction between System 1 and System 2 be viewed
as a continuum? How does automatic memory activation differ
from deliberate search of memory?
What are the complexity limits of the computations that are
performed automatically (e.g. generation of counterfactuals, but
not negation)?
What is the associative structure of the dimensions of judgment
that are revealed in priming studies? Are there core or stable
dimensions (e.g. valence, intensity and distance)?
What are the limits of the perfect attribute substitution that is
sometimes observed (see Figure I)? When are judgments of
associated attributes combined?
What cues determine whether controlled processing is mobilized,
and when intuitive judgments are expressed, suppressed, or
is processed fluently [66]. The coherence of the associative
pattern that underlies a judgment is likely to be misleading when the information is redundant or when the sample
of data is small (Box 3). Fluency is therefore a poor
indicator of accuracy.
Concluding remarks
As we understand them, System 1 and System 2 are best
described as operating systems – software, not hardware.
They share hardware and data, can operate in parallel, and
tasks can migrate between them. We have identified System 1 with the automatic and mostly unconscious operations of associative memory. System 1 generates
impressions, intuitions and response tendencies that are
monitored, sometimes rejected and sometimes modified
and made explicit by the slower and mostly conscious
operations of System 2. System 1 can generate complex
representations, but it does not have a capability for rulegoverned computations, or even for the processing of explicit negation [69]. It mobilizes the effortful activities of
System 2 when it runs into difficulties.
An important feature of System 1 is that it is rarely
stumped. In many situations, it automatically, quickly and
effortlessly generates a skilled response to current challenges [70]. When an appropriate response is not accessible, another response is usually produced, sometimes by
answering a question that is only associatively related to
the one that was asked.
Our theoretical view is a list of specifications, not an
engineering blueprint, which is a task for the future (Box 4).
The specifications are drawn largely from recent studies of
priming, which have confirmed the existence of networks of
reciprocal activation that link goals, ideas, emotions and
response tendencies. The evidence of the priming paradigm
suggests that activation spreading selectively within associative memory generates and continuously maintains a rich,
coherent and mostly accurate representation of the current
state of affairs, with links both to the past and to the likely
future and supports a readiness to act and react appropriately. Many biases of intuitive judgment are predictable side
effects of this highly adaptive mechanism.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of NIH grant P30
AG24928. We thank Shane Frederick, Dan Gilbert, Tom Gilovich, Gideon
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Vol.14 No.10
Keren, David Shanks, Anne Treisman and Norbert Schwarz for their
helpful comments, and Shane Frederick for the ‘outrage heuristic’ Figure
I in Box 2.
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