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2024, differentiated Activities
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This is used for English 9 lessons
Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet indi-vidual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction. In this article, we intend to discuss ways teachers could differentiate in their actual classrooms. We will exemplify this with experiences in primary classrooms in a Public Primary School in Gorina, a semi- rural ar-ea in the outskirts of La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We will propose different strategies seeing how our classroom might look different, how our students might do different tasks at the same time. Based on our experiences we will suggest teachers to re-think their own practice to include differentiated instruction.
In today’s classroom, it is very common to find students with different backgrounds, learning profiles and different ethics. Therefore, it is obvious that these students have diverse needs and interests, so their education must be differentiated. Today’s education has evolved remarkably. Teachers do not teach the same way and students do not learn as they did some decades ago. Hence, a new educational model has been emphasized in the schools to satisfy most of the students’ needs. Differentiated instruction allows teachers to make the corresponding modifications to support the students learning experience as well as using these differences as assets in their learning process. Additionally, differentiation provides learners with the opportunities to use their strengths to show their potential in different ways. In short, current classrooms are characterized by having different learners whose needs must be addressed.
Published by Shannon Research Press Adelaide, …, 2006
International Education Journal, 2006, 7 (7), 935-947. ISSN 1443-1475© 2006 Shannon Research Press. http://iej. com. au 935 Differentiated instruction: A research basis Pearl Subban Monash University pearlsubban@ iprimus. com. au With contemporary classrooms becoming ...
Jurnal Inspirasi Pendidikan
The Merdeka curriculum is intended so that students are free in carrying out their development in learning activities. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of differentiated learning has been carried out by teachers in elementary schools. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach using the Miles and Huberman model. Diagnostic assessment is in the form of short questions that can be written down or in the form of questions directly before starting learning. The characteristics of students who need differentiated learning are students who have diverse learning styles. Differentiation content is reading material, pictures, and learning videos related to the subject matter. Facilities that support differentiated learning are the availability of complete facilities and infrastructure. Evaluation of different product results, namely by referring to learning objectives. The most appropriate differentiated learning model is the PJBL/PBL learning model. id...
The Differentiated Classroom, 2024
Differentiated classroom is learning that accommodates students' learning needs. Teachers facilitate students according to their needs, because each student has different characteristics, so they cannot be given the same treatment. In implementing differentiated learning, teachers need to think about reasonable actions that will be taken, because differentiated learning does not mean learning by giving different treatment or actions for each student, nor learning that distinguishes between smart and less smart students. In differentiated classrooms, teachers begin with two critical “given”: there are content requirements often in the form of “standards” that will serve as destination points for their students, and there are students who will inevitably vary as learners. Thus, teachers in differentiated classrooms accept and act on the premise that they must be ready to engage students in instruction though different approaches to learning, by appealing to a rannge of interests, and by using varied rates of instruction along with varied degrees of complexity and differing suport system. In differentiated classrooms, teachers ensure that students compete againts themselves as they grow and develop more than they compete againts one another, always moving towards and often beyond designated content goals. Teachers in differentiated classroom begin with a clear and solid sense of what constitutes powerful curriculum and enggaging instruction. Then they ask what it will take to modify that curriculum and instruction so that each learner comes away with knowledge, understanding, and skill necessary to take on the next important phase of learning. (Keyword: Differentiated Instructions, Strategies, Assessment)