2024, differentiated Activities


This is used for English 9 lessons

DIFFERENTIATED ACTIVITIES: Group 1: Visual Learners Activity: Message Mural . Divide students into 5 groups . Provide a text excerpt with a positive and negative messages . Create a mural illustrating the messages . Encourage symbols, colors, and images to represent positive(e.g…smiley faces, bright colors) and negative(e.g.. frowns, dark colors)messages Text Excerpt: The city was once a thriving metropolis, but now its plagued by pollution and neglect. Despite this, the community came together to clean up the park, restoring its beauty. Group 2: Analytical Thinkers Activity: “ Message Analysis Chart” . Provide students with a text excerpt. . Create a chart with columns for: - quote - Evidence - message type(positive / negative - Impact . Ask students to analyze and complete the chart . Encourage discussion on author’s intent and message impact Text Excerpt: “The new policy has sparked controversy among citizens. Supporters argue it promotes economic growth, while opponents claim it priorities profits over people’s well-being”. Group 3- Verbal Communicators ( Message Debate) Text Excerpt: Social media influencers promote unrealistic beauty standards, contributing to low self-esteem among young people. Should