Omega 39 (2011) 242–253
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Restrictiveness and guidance in support systems
Paul Goodwin a,n, Robert Fildes b, Michael Lawrence c, Greg Stephens c
The Management School, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, United Kingdom
Lancaster Centre for Forecasting, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YX, United Kingdom
School of Information Systems, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia
a r t i c l e in f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 30 September 2009
Accepted 2 July 2010
Available online 24 July 2010
Restrictiveness and guidance have been proposed as methods for improving the performance of users of
support systems. In many companies computerized support systems are used in demand forecasting
enabling interventions based on management judgment to be applied to statistical forecasts. However,
the resulting forecasts are often ‘sub-optimal’ because many judgmental adjustments are made when
they are not required. An experiment was used to investigate whether restrictiveness or guidance in a
support system leads to more effective use of judgment. Users received statistical forecasts of the
demand for products that were subject to promotions. In the restrictiveness mode small judgmental
adjustments to these forecasts were prohibited (research indicates that these waste effort and may
damage accuracy). In the guidance mode users were advised to make adjustments in promotion
periods, but not to adjust in non-promotion periods. A control group of users were not subject to
restrictions and received no guidance. The results showed that neither restrictiveness nor guidance led
to improvements in accuracy. While restrictiveness reduced unnecessary adjustments, it deterred
desirable adjustments and also encouraged over-large adjustments so that accuracy was damaged.
Guidance encouraged more desirable system use, but was often ignored. Surprisingly, users indicated it
was less acceptable than restrictiveness.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Judgmental forecasting
Sales promotions
System design
1. Introduction
Managers in companies often use computerized support systems
to produce forecasts of demand for their products. These systems
use statistical algorithms to extrapolate past patterns, but also
provide facilities for managers to apply judgmental adjustments to
these forecasts, where they consider these to be appropriate.
However, recent research has shown that smaller adjustments tend
to waste considerable management time and can also lead to
reductions in forecast accuracy [1]. Often small adjustments are
made because the forecaster has falsely seen patterns in the noise
associated with the demand time series. In addition, such adjustments may be prompted because the forecaster has an illusion of
control over the variable that is being forecast [2]. In contrast, larger
adjustments can be effective in improving accuracy [1]. This is
because they are usually made to take into account the effects of an
important special event (e.g. a sales promotion campaign), which
the statistical forecast has ignored. This raises the question: can
facilities be incorporated into forecasting support systems to reduce
the number of gratuitous (and damaging) interventions that
managers make to their forecasts while, at the same time, not
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1225 383594; fax: +44 1225 386473.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (P. Goodwin).
0305-0483/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
discouraging (or even encouraging) them to make adjustments
when these are necessary?
The information systems literature has identified two approaches that are designed to improve the way in which people
use decision support systems, restrictiveness and guidance [3].
Both approaches conceptualize a gap between a descriptive model
of how people use the system and a normative model [4] and they
involve the incorporation of features designed to move the user
towards the normative model.
System restrictiveness is defined as ‘the degree to which and
the manner in which a Decision Support System limits its users’
decision making processes to a subset of all possible procedures’
[3]. Restrictiveness can be applied to the structure of decision
making and forecasting processes by restricting the set of
available activities (e.g. a forecasting system could prevent the
use of more complex models where their use might be damaging,
simply be excluding the facility) and to the sequencing of
activities (e.g. a system could require users to record a reason
for adjusting a statistical forecast before being allowed to produce
forecasts for other products). It can also be applied to the execution of a decision making or forecasting process. For example, it
could restrict the size of smoothing parameters that can be used
in exponential smoothing to a particular range to prevent
forecasts overreacting to noise in a time series. Alternatively, it
could proscribe behaviors that are associated with cognitive
P. Goodwin et al. / Omega 39 (2011) 242–253
The second approach to improving system use is decisional
guidance. Silver [3] defines this as ‘the degree to which and the
manner in which a Decision Support System guides its users in
constructing and executing decision making processes, by assisting them in choosing and using its operators’. As Silver notes,
support systems are intended to combine the strengths of human
judgment with those of machines and hence a system can provide
guidance on when judgmental inputs are most appropriate.
Although restrictiveness and guidance are not mutually
exclusive features of support systems, the less restrictiveness
there is in a system, the greater the scope, and possible need for
guidance [3]. This suggests that it is useful to examine the relative
effectiveness of the two approaches. While both have the
objective of improving the quality of decision making or
forecasting, their effectiveness also needs to be assessed on other
important dimensions such as user acceptance, effect on user
learning and the efficiency with which the task is carried out [5].
However, despite the attention that they have received in the
literature, we know of only one empirical study that has directly
compared the effectiveness of restrictiveness and guidance. In this
case the two approaches were tested on undergraduate students
using a knowledge-based system [6]. The authors of this paper
also highlighted the absence of direct comparative studies in this
The current paper examines the relative effectiveness, on a
number of key dimensions, of restrictiveness and decisional
guidance in a support system, which was designed to improve
the quality of judgmental adjustments to statistical forecasts
generated by the system. This type of system is very widely used
in practice [1]. In an experiment, participants in one set of
treatments encountered restrictions, which prevented them from
making adjustments below a certain size. Participants in a second
set of treatments received guidance on whether or not they
should make adjustments when the system identified that their
behavior departed from that prescribed by the system. The next
section reviews the relevant literature and sets out the specific
research questions that were investigated. Section 3 then
describes the experiment which was designed to address these
questions and the results are discussed in Section 4. Finally, the
paper considers the practical implications of the results and
makes suggestions for further research.
2. Literature review and research questions
While some companies rely solely on managers’ judgments to
make forecasts (e.g. [7]), forecasting in many supply chain
businesses is a semi-structured task where both statistical
algorithms and human judgment can play complementary roles
[8–10]. Statistical methods are efficient at detecting systematic
patterns from noisy time series while humans can take into
account the effects of important one-off events that are known to
be occurring in the future. Performance in the forecasting task is
therefore likely to be improved through the use of support
systems and researchers have explored the effectiveness of a
number of design features of such systems in the context of
forecasting [11] and in other domains (e.g. [12,13]).
When the task involves applying managerial judgmental
adjustments to statistical forecasts, two stages of the task need
to be supported: (1) the decision on whether or not to adjust the
statistical forecast and (2) (if a decision is made to adjust) the
decision on how large the adjustment should be. Some researchers have investigated the effectiveness of facilities designed to
support the second stage of the task. For example, [14] explored
the use of a database of analogous special events to allow the user
to estimate the effects of forthcoming events, while [15]
investigated the role of decomposition in simplifying the task of
adjusting forecasts for multiple special events. However, there
have been relatively few studies which have looked at ways of
supporting the decision on whether or not to adjust in the first
place. One exception was a study by Willemain [16], which found
that adjustment is likely to improve accuracy when a naı̈ve
forecast outperforms a more sophisticated statistical forecast.
Goodwin [17] found that requiring forecasters to give reasons for
their adjustments significantly reduced the frequency of unnecessary adjustments without reducing the propensity to make
adjustments that were beneficial. Indeed, even requiring a
forecaster to answer the question: ‘‘Do you wish to make an
adjustment?’’ reduced the propensity to make unnecessary
adjustments, indicating the significant impact that small changes
can make to the operation of a support system.
A major motivation for focusing on the decision to adjust is the
finding that companies devote huge amounts of time and effort to
the forecast adjustment process. For example [1] found that a
major food processing company judgmentally adjusted 91% of its
statistical forecasts, while [18] estimated that a pharmaceutical
company devoted 80 person hours of management time each
month to forecast review meetings where the sole objective was
to agree and adjust product demand forecasts. These studies have
found that much of this effort does not contribute to accuracy. For
example, in the pharmaceutical company studied in [18] half the
improvements obtained through adjustment improved accuracy
by less than 0.37% and only 51.3% of statistical forecasts were
improved through adjustment. (It should be noted that in some
cases adjustments are made by managers to avoid extreme errors,
rather than to improve average accuracy. For example, adjustments may be motivated by the desire to avoid individual
absolute percentage errors of over a certain percentage, which
may attract the attention of senior managers.)
A recent field study [1] found that the effectiveness of
adjustments is partly related to their size. Larger adjustments
tend to be more likely to improve accuracy because they are
usually made with good reason. For example, an important event
is known to be occurring in the future and the effects of this have
not been incorporated into the statistical forecast. There are
several possible reasons why smaller adjustments tend to be
ineffective, or even damaging to forecast accuracy. Several studies
[19–21] have shown that forecasters often see systematic
patterns in the noise associated with time series and they make
unnecessary adjustments to try to include these false patterns
into the forecast. In addition, in some companies there is a
tendency for forecasters to tweak forecasts merely to justify their
role [1]. Smaller adjustments may also be made when forecasters
are doubtful about the reliability of information about future
events. As a result they may be unwilling to commit themselves to
large adjustments, so instead, they ‘hedge their bet’ by compromising with a small adjustment.
These findings are consistent with the normative view of the
forecasting adjustment decision, as exemplified by the Forecasting Principles project [22] that adjustments should only be made
on the basis of important domain knowledge [23]. If important
domain knowledge implies relatively large adjustments then this
suggests that a restrictive forecasting support system that
prohibits smaller adjustments will move forecasters’ use of the
system closer to that which is deemed to be normative. When
initially deployed, such a system might not reduce wasted
management effort because forecasters would still spend time
estimating adjustments only to find that they are prohibited.
However, as experience with using the system increases, learning
should reduce these wasted interventions and eventually lead to
more efficient use of management time. Nevertheless, prohibiting
a user from carrying out certain tasks may have a detrimental
P. Goodwin et al. / Omega 39 (2011) 242–253
effect in the acceptability of the system. As Silver [3] points out,
restrictiveness must not be such as to put people off using
system—it should promote its use. The acceptance of systems has
been the subject of extensive research, which Venkatesh and
others have attempted to bring together in their Unified Theory of
Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model [24]. One of
the determinants of acceptance in this model is ‘performance
expectancy’, defined as ‘the degree to which an individual
believes that using the system will help him or her to attain
gains in job performance’. Forecasters who believe that their small
adjustments are likely to improve accuracy would have low
performance expectancy of such a restrictive system and,
consequently, be unlikely to accept it.
Guidance is an alternative approach to supporting adjustment
decisions that might be more acceptable. It can take a number of
different forms [25]. Suggestive guidance recommends particular
courses of actions to the user, while informative guidance
provides users with relevant information, but does not suggest a
course of action. Both forms of guidance can be provided either in
a pre-defined form, where all users receive the same guidance
under a given set of conditions, or in a dynamic form where the
advice is customised to meet the apparent needs of individual
users under particular conditions [5]. Furthermore, guidance,
irrespective of its type, can either be delivered automatically, or
only when requested. One group of researchers [25] investigated
the effectiveness of providing different forms of guidance in a task
that involved the selection of a forecasting model and found that,
while all forms of guidance improved decision quality, suggestive
guidance was most effective. It also led to the greatest user
satisfaction and reduced decision time. However, it was less
effective than informative guidance in fostering learning about
the problem domain.
Different researchers sometimes use alternative terms when
they refer to guidance. For example, it can be regarded as a form
of feedback designed to enable the user to learn about how to
carry out the task more effectively [26]. When invoked in
response to a user’s intended action, suggestive guidance
explicitly contrasts this intended action with the action that the
system designer has deemed to be normative.
The psychological ‘advice literature’ offers another perspective
on guidance. An extensive review of this literature can be found in
[27]. Although the literature is primarily oriented to advice
provided by human experts, some researchers have explored the
effectiveness of advice provided by machines [28]. This research
has shown that while advice generally improves the quality of
judgments, it is also often discounted in that people ‘[do] not
follow their advisors’ recommendations nearly as much as they
should have’ [27]. A number of explanations have been put
forward for this. For example, it has been argued [29–31] that
advice discounting partly takes place because decision makers
have access to their own rationale for choosing a particular course
of action while the rationale of their advisors may be less
accessible. Also, imposed advice is less likely to be followed than
advice which is actively solicited [27].
This discussion raises a number of questions:
1) Which feature of a support system, restrictiveness or guidance,
is more effective in moving forecasters’ behavior closest to that
of a normative approach?
2) Which feature leads to the most efficient decision making?
Efficiency in this case is a low average time to produce
3) Which feature is more effective in stimulating learning so that
a movement towards normative behavior is most rapid?
4) Which feature is more acceptable to forecasters?
The next section describes an experiment, which was designed
to address these questions.
3. Experimental design
In the instructions for the experiment participants were told
that they were forecasters working for a manufacturing company,
which supplies supermarkets with its products and that each
month their task was to produce a forecast of total demand for a
single product for the following month. Participants were told
that the supermarkets sometimes run promotion campaigns and
notify the manufacturer of the details of these campaigns one
month ahead. Also available to the forecaster were occasional
items of ‘soft’ information such as rumours or the ‘gut feel’ of
some of the managers associated with the company’s operations.
The nature of this soft information, and the overall design of the
experiment, was based on the authors’ detailed observations of
forecasting meetings and processes in several manufacturing
companies [18].
The participants used an experimental computerized support
system (ESS) to produce the forecasts. The ESS initially provided
the following information graphically:
i) Data on a product’s demand for the last 30 months;
ii) statistical baseline forecasts for the last 30 months. These
forecasts were derived from data that had been cleansed of
estimated promotion effects and were based on simple
exponential smoothing or the Holt-Winters method. They
were obtained automatically by using the expert system that
is incorporated in the Forecast Pro forecasting system [32];
iii) a statistical baseline forecast for the next month (provided
both graphically and numerically);
iv) estimated past promotion effects;
v) a message board giving details of any sales promotion that
was due to take place next month, together with the
estimated effect of recent similar promotions. To simulate a
real forecasting environment; this board also occasionally
displayed rumours or other managers’ speculations relating to
next month’s demand. As is typical of forecasting review
meetings [18] many of the manager’s views were contradictory (e.g. Sales Manager: ‘‘I’ve a gut feeling that we’ll see
slightly better than expected sales next month if the mood of
my sales staff is anything to go on.’’ Accountant: ‘‘I recall you
telling me something similar a year ago and sales went
down!’’), and sometimes the factual information on forthcoming promotions was qualified by managerial opinion (e.g.
’’Price Star supermarkets are running a money-off token
promotion next month. Their last 2 promotions of this type
generated estimated extra sales of 45 and 57 units, respectively’’. Sales Manager: ‘‘But can we trust them to display our
product prominently in their stores?’’).
Fig. 1 displays a typical screen from the system. After each
forecast had been made the screen was updated to include the
information for the next month. Forecasts were required for
months 31–71. In each case, the participant had to decide
whether to adjust the statistical forecast and, if a decision was
made to adjust, what the new forecast should be. The new
forecast could be indicated by either clicking on the graph in the
appropriate place or entering the forecast into a text box.
The simulated demand time series were either ARIMA (0,1,1)
or they followed a linear trend with multiplicative seasonality.
In both cases the series were subject to either low noise
( N(0,18.8)) or high noise ( N(0,56.4)). The formulae used to
P. Goodwin et al. / Omega 39 (2011) 242–253
Fig. 1. A typical screen display.
ARIMA (0,1,1) High noise
Sales (units)
Sales (units)
ARIMA (0,1,1) Low noise
13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67
Trend seasonal High noise
Sales (units)
Sales (units)
Trend seasonal Low noise
13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67
13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67
13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67
Fig. 2. Time series.
generate these series were
ARIMAð0,1,1Þ series : Yt ¼ Yt1 0:7et1 þ et
Trended seasonal series : Yt ¼ ða þ1:5tÞSi þ et
where Yt is the observation at time t, a the trend at t ¼0, et the
noise at t and Si the seasonal index for month i.
In 9 of the 41 forecast periods (promotion periods) the series
was disturbed by the effects of a sales promotion. The size of the
effects was roughly in line with those reported in a study, which
looked into ketchup and yogurt promotions [33]. These effects
had a correlation of +0.74 with the means of the estimated effects
of past promotions that were displayed on the message board.
The series contained no pre- or post-promotion effects. Such
effects are not observable in many product sales series, particularly those where consumers are unable to stock up on the
promoted product [34,35].
In the 7 periods when soft information was provided (rumour
periods) this information was contradictory on three occasions.
On the remaining occasions, the managers’ speculations suggested a particular direction of adjustment to the statistical
forecast and this conformed with the required direction of
adjustment on 62.5% of occasions Thus, adjusting on the basis of
these speculations was a risky strategy. Not only was there a
37.5% probability of adjusting in the wrong direction, which
would increase the forecast error, but also even if the correct
direction was chosen, an adjustment that was more than twice
the required adjustment would also increase the error. Fig. 2
displays the series for months 1–71.
Participants were randomly assigned to one of three treatments: control, restrictiveness or guidance. The control group
performed the forecasting task without any restrictions on the
size of their adjustments or any guidance on when they should
make adjustments. When participants in the restrictiveness
P. Goodwin et al. / Omega 39 (2011) 242–253
treatment tried to make an adjustment below a pre-specified size
they received a message: ‘‘The system will not allow adjustments
of [x] units or less. It only permits adjustments for major factors
that the statistical forecast has not allowed for.’’ They then had
the option of trying to make a revised adjustment or accepting the
statistical forecast after all. To determine x the program needed to
assess whether a participant’s judgmental adjustment was likely
to be an adjustment for noise (which it aims to prohibit) or one
made to take into account a promotion effect (which it aims to
allow). To try to discriminate between these two circumstances it
compared the size of past promotion effects with an estimate of
the standard deviation of the noise associated with a series. The
latter was estimated using the RMSE of the first 30 baseline
forecasts on the cleansed data. This yielded a promotion effect
ratio, where
Promotion effect ratio ¼
Mean promotion effect
Forecast RMSE
Investigation of this ratio for the low noise series suggested
that a restriction prohibiting absolute adjustments of below 2
estimated noise standard deviations (31 sales units) would still
allow for sufficient adjustment to take into account all the promotion effects. There is roughly only a 5% chance that a normal period
observation would have required an adjustment of this size.
For the high noise series, a restriction prohibiting absolute
adjustments of below one estimated noise standard deviation (i.e.
51 sales units) would still allow sufficient adjustment to take into
account all the promotion effects (only one promotion effect in
the past data was below the permitted adjustment level). There is
roughly a 32% chance that a normal period observation would
have required an adjustment of this size to yield a forecast error of
zero, but obviously the discrimination between judgmental
adjustments for promotion and noise effects is bound be more
problematical for a high noise series. Whatever its potential
limitations, this approach seemed preferable to a system, which
simply prohibited absolute adjustments of below (say) 10% of the
statistical forecast since such a strategy would take no account of
the noise associated with a series.
If a participant in the guidance treatment indicated that they
intended to adjust the statistical forecast for a non-promotion (i.e.
a normal or rumour) period the following message appeared. ‘‘Are
you sure that you want to change the statistical forecast? There is
no promotion campaign next month and any change you make to
the forecast is likely to reduce accuracy.’’ Conversely, if the
forecaster initially chose not to adjust the statistical forecast for a
promotion period the following message appeared: ‘‘You are
advised to consider adjusting the statistical forecast. It cannot
take into account the likely extra sales resulting from the
promotion.’’ In both cases facilities were provided for the
forecaster either to change their mind or to stay with their
original decision to adjust. Note that the guidance was not
solicited by participants. Also participants had to explicitly
indicate that they were going against its suggestion by pressing
a button labelled either: ‘‘Yes, I still want to change the forecast’’
or ‘‘I’ll still leave the stats forecast unchanged’’.
After completing the forecasting task, participants used the
computer to complete a questionnaire in which they were asked
to indicate their level of agreement with the following statements
using a 1(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) scale.
I found the forecasting system easy to use.
I thought that the forecasting system was useful.
I think that the forecasting system would be acceptable to
forecasters in companies.
Using this forecasting system is likely to lead to more accurate
I am confident that my forecasts were as accurate as they could
be, given the information that was provided.
The 130 participants who took part in the experiment were
graduate or final year undergraduate students in the Australian
School of Business (formerly the Faculty of Commerce and
Economics) of the University of New South Wales in Sydney,
Australia. The final year undergraduate students were mostly
from the sponsored program and had undertaken either 12 or 18
months of industrial training. Whilst the use of students in
experimental research is sometimes criticized, a study by Remus
[36] found that students can act as reliable proxies for managers
in decision making tasks. This is particularly the case, in
experiments like this, where the task mirrors the types of job
undertaken in industrial placements or at an early stage in a
graduate’s career. A second issue is the participants’ motivation to
complete the tasks successfully. In the current experiment all
participants were presented with a screen at the end of the
session, which informed them of the accuracy they had achieved.
The intention of this was to motivate them by providing an
assessment of their judgmental skill and to foster a spirit
challenge and competition between them. No monetary incentives were provided. Remus et al. [37] found that providing
monetary incentives had no effect on the accuracy of forecasts
produced by participants in judgmental forecasting experiments.
Other studies have shown that financial rewards can lead to
weaker cognitive performance (e.g. see [38]).
4. Results
4.1. Which feature of the support system, restrictiveness or guidance
was most effective in moving forecasters’ behavior closest to that of a
normative model?
To answer this research question data was collected on the
proportion of adjustments made to the statistical forecasts in the
three period types: (a) normal, (b) rumour and (c) promotion.
Movement to the normative model would be signified by a
smaller proportion of adjustments in non-promotion periods and
the same, or a higher, proportion of adjustments in promotion
periods when compared to the control group. The data was
analysed using a 3 (type of support) 4 (series type) 3 (type of
period) ANOVA model with type of period treated as a repeated
measure. Fig. 3 shows the proportion of statistical forecasts
adjusted for each mode in each type of period: (1) normal, (2)
rumour and (3) promotion. The interaction depicted between
support and period type is statistically significant (F(4,236)¼4.73;
po0.001). There was no significant interaction between type of
support and series type.
It can be seen that, whatever the nature of the support they
received, people were tempted to make an adjustment when they
received a rumour, despite the high risk associated with this
strategy. Nevertheless, they (correctly) made the greatest proportion of adjustments when there was a sales promotion campaign
forthcoming. Both restrictiveness and guidance were successful in
reducing the proportion of unnecessary adjustments in normal
periods. However, restrictiveness reduced people’s propensity to
make an adjustment when it was necessary in promotion periods
while guidance was successful in encouraging a greater proportion
of adjustments. Thus guidance appeared to be most successful in
moving decision making closer to the normative model.
It is also interesting to investigate the size of adjustments
made by participants. To measure these, the absolute adjustments
were taken as a percentage of the statistical forecasts. The mean
of these percentages yielded the mean absolute percentage
P. Goodwin et al. / Omega 39 (2011) 242–253
Proportion of forecasts adjusted
Control group
Fig. 3. Proportion of adjustments to statistical forecasts by type of period and type of support.
Table 1
Mean absolute percentage adjustment for each type of support.
Table 2a
Mean absolute percentage errors for each type of support.
Support type
adjustment (MAPA) and Table 1 shows the MAPA for the three
types of support. Note that the MAPA shown is averaged only over
periods when an adjustment was made, but the relative size of the
MAPAs is similar when the average is taken over all periods. There
was a significant main effect for type of support (F(2,118)¼12.94;
p o0.0001). Restrictiveness led to significantly larger adjustments
than the other types of support. This is probably because people
were trying to get round the ban on small adjustments.
What was the effect of the forecasters’ behavior on accuracy?
Because participants were not intended to forecast the noise in
the series, accuracy was measured by comparing the forecasts
with the underlying signals of the simulated time series (i.e. the
demand figures before noise was added). This approach has been
used in several studies including [14,17,19,39]. However, to allow
comparisons with other studies, we also display the accuracy of
forecasts compared to the actual demand figures in Fig. 2a.
Average accuracy was measured using the mean absolute
percentage error (MAPE), though similar results were obtained
when the median absolute percentage error (MdAPE) was used.
When ANOVA was applied to the MAPEs there was no
significant interaction between type of support and period type
or type of support and series type, but there were significant main
effects for both variables (for type of support: F(2,118)¼5.39;
p o.006 for period type: F(2,236)¼11.27; p o0.0001). Table 2a
shows the MAPEs by type of support and Table 2b shows the
MAPEs by period type. Most interestingly, restrictiveness actually
led to a statistically significant reduction in accuracy when
compared to the control. Moreover, guidance failed to yield
significant improvements in accuracy over the control group. Not
surprisingly, rumour periods were the least accurately forecast as
they had only limited information value and were contradictory
in 37.5% of cases.
A series of decision trees was constructed to obtain a more
detailed assessment of how the participants reacted to the
different types of support and the consequences of their decisions.
Type of support
MAPE against
MAPE against
Unadjusted statistical forecasts
Table 2b
Mean absolute percentage error against signal for each period type.
Period type
Type of support
statistical forecast
The trees in Fig. 4 show, for the control group, the effect of the
participants’ adjustment decisions on forecast accuracy. As
expected, when people made adjustments in normal or rumour
periods it was much more likely that these adjustments would
reduce accuracy than improve it (e.g. in the control group over
70% of these forecasts were worsened through adjustment). In
contrast, when people made adjustments in promotion periods, as
expected, these tended to improve accuracy (over 83% of these
forecasts were improved through adjustment). Thus the advice
that was provided in the ‘guidance’ treatment, which told
participants not to adjust in non-promotion periods, but to
make adjustments in promotion periods was sound.
For participants in the restrictiveness treatment, data was
collected on the percentage of times that they: (a) decided not to
change the statistical forecast after being prohibited from making
a small change or (b) simply increased the size of the adjustment
after being informed that a small change was not allowed. In each
case the effect of this behavior on accuracy was also measured.
The decision trees in Fig. 5 show the results for the three types of
periods. It can be seen that when people were banned from
making a small adjustment, they often responded by making a
larger adjustment, rather than simply deciding not to adjust after
P. Goodwin et al. / Omega 39 (2011) 242–253
"fcs" = forecasts
"Acc" = forecast accuracy
Normal Periods
21.43 %
Acc improved
Attempt adjust
78.57 %
Acc not improved
1100 fcs
Don’t attempt
However, the acceptance of this advice was still surprisingly
low—it was followed in only 48.2% of cases.
4.2. Which feature led to the most efficient decision making (i.e. the
lowest average time to produce forecasts)?
There were no significant differences between the control
group and the restrictiveness, and the guidance groups in the
mean time took to produce the forecasts. Unsurprisingly, forecasts
for the series with linear trend and multiplicative seasonality took
significantly longer to make on average (mean time: 22 s) than
those for the ARIMA series (mean time: 14 s) (po0.05).
4.3. Which feature was most effective in stimulating learning so that
a movement towards normative behavior is most rapid?
Rumour Periods
29.94 %
Acc improved
Attempt adjust
70.06 %
Acc not improved
308 fcs
Don’t attempt
Promotion Periods
83.39 %
Acc improved
Attempt adjust
16.61 %
Acc not improved
396 fcs
Don’t attempt
Fig. 4. Decision making in the control group.
all. This was particularly the case in ‘rumour’ periods where 67%
of ‘too small’ adjustments were revised upwards and the effect
was that 78.6% of these revised adjustments damaged accuracy. In
normal periods people tended to be less insistent on making a
larger adjustment after a small adjustment had been rejected, but
when they did, 92.9% of their adjustments reduced accuracy. In
promotion periods, as already reported, restrictiveness led to
fewer adjustments being attempted in the first place (64.9% vs.
76.0% in the control). However, this negative effect was partly
mitigated by its implicit encouragement to make larger
adjustments, which led to improvements on 73.5% of occasions
since larger adjustments were in fact needed here.
How did people react to the guidance they were given? As the
decision trees in Fig. 6 show, in normal and rumour periods they
tended to go against the good advice not to make an adjustment—they did this over 77% of the time in both cases. Recall that
the advice did not simply appear in a corner of the screen where it
could easily have been ignored participants attempting an
adjustment had to explicitly indicate that they wanted to go
against the advice before they could proceed. People were more
responsive to guidance, which told them to make an adjustment
(when they had initially decided not to) in promotion periods.
Fig. 7 shows the total number of times that restrictiveness was
activated as the experiment progressed for the entire group in the
restrictiveness treatment. This clearly shows that people
generally learned not to make small adjustments as the
experiment progressed.
Fig. 7 also shows the number of occasions that guidance was
activated. This curve falls less steeply than that for restrictiveness,
suggesting a slower rate of learning. However, there are two
differences between the features. First, restrictiveness only
reminds users not to make small adjustments while guidance
reminds them both not to adjust in non-promotion periods and to
make adjustments in promotion periods so there are two things to
learn. Second, the user may be prepared to activate guidance
deliberately in order to prevail with an adjustment that they are
determined to make. There is little point in deliberately activating
restrictiveness since it will not allow the user to continue with a
desired adjustment.
Of course, learning to manipulate the support system and to
avoid its constraining interventions does not necessarily imply
that the user is learning to carry out the task in a manner which is
closer to the normative behavior intended by the system designer.
To investigate this we recorded the percentage of times that
participants made decisions which conflicted with the normative
approach (i.e. the percentage of times that they made an
adjustment in a non-promotion period or failed to adjust in a
promotion period). Fig. 8 compares the results for the first 15
periods that required forecasting with the last 15 for the different
types of period. The evidence that restrictiveness and guidance
fostered learning towards the normative approach as the
experiment progressed is weak. Even though the percentage of
conflicting decisions declined as time went on for normal periods,
this same phenomenon was observed in the control group. Thus
the improvements might have occurred simply because the
patterns in the later part of the time series offered less
enticement to participants to make adjustments or because the
participants were becoming fatigued. Alternatively, there may
have been a natural tendency to learn, irrespective of the type of
support. Thus we can only conclude that the relative benefits of
restrictiveness and guidance were obtained early on and that
there was no improvement from this initial advantage. The graph
for the rumour periods also suggests no tendency to learn; it
merely implies again that the advantages of restrictiveness and
guidance were acquired early on. For promotion periods, the
tendency of restrictiveness to discourage necessary adjustments
is clearly seen. Again, the slight improvement over time is no
better than that of the control group. This behavior was also
reflected in the MAPEs for the different types of periods for the
early and later parts of the experiment—these yielded no
significant differences in any treatment. Thus, while people in
P. Goodwin et al. / Omega 39 (2011) 242–253
"fcs" = forecasts
"Acc" = forecast accuracy
Acc improved
Make larger adjustment
Normal Periods
Acc not improved
Adjust banned
Attempt adjustment
Don’t adjust
Acc improved
Not banned
1100 fcs
Acc not improved
Don't attempt
Acc improved
Make larger adjustment
Rumour Periods
Acc not improved
Adjust banned
Attempt adjustment
Don’t adjust
Acc improved
Not banned
308 fcs
Acc not improved
Don't attempt
Acc improved
Make larger adjustment
Promotion Periods
Acc not improved
Adjust banned
Attempt adjustment
Don’t adjust
Acc improved
Not banned
396 fcs
Acc not improved
Don't attempt
Fig. 5. The effect of restrictiveness on decision making and accuracy.
the restrictiveness and guidance groups seem to have learned
over time to reduce the number of system interventions, there is
little evidence that they also learned to make more accurate
4.4. Which feature was most acceptable to forecasters?
Surprisingly, in response to the question, I think the forecasting
system would be acceptable to forecasters in companies, participants
in the restrictiveness treatment indicated a significantly higher
level of agreement than those in the guidance treatment
(mean¼ 3.35 vs. 2.85, p¼ 0.0138, two tail, where the scale ranges
from 1¼strongly disagree to 5¼strongly agree). It might have
been expected that restricting participants’ actions would be
considered to be less acceptable. Silver [3] has suggested that
people may prefer highly restrictive systems because these are
easier to use and remove the burden of having to decide which
features to employ. However, in this experiment, restrictiveness
thwarted actions that the forecasters wished to carry out.
Apart from a weak, but significant, negative partial correlation
between the total number of adjustments made by participants
and their agreement with the statement: ‘‘I thought the forecasting system was useful’’ (after controlling for mode and series)
(r ¼ 0.177, p ¼0.046) none of the responses to the questionnaire
were significantly correlated with the proportion of adjustments
made by participants (even after controlling for mode and series).
Nor were any of the dimensions measuring attitude to the system
P. Goodwin et al. / Omega 39 (2011) 242–253
"fcs" = forecasts
"Acc" = forecast accuracy
Acc improved
Normal Periods
Acc not improved
advice not to adjust
Don’t adjust
2 1 .3 3 %
Attempt adjustment
No advice
1050 fcs
Don't attempt
Acc improved
Rumour Periods
Acc not improved
advice not to adjust
Don’t adjust
Attempt adjustment
No advice
294 fcs
Don't attempt
Promotion Periods
Acc improved
Acc not improved
Attempt adjustment
Acc improved
378 fcs
Acc not improved
advice to adjust
don’t adjust
Don't attempt
No advice
Fig. 6. The effect of guidance on decision making and accuracy.
correlated with the amount of advice received or the number of
restrictions experienced.
5. Discussion
The results of this study suggest that well-intentioned design
features of support systems can have damaging effects on the
performance of users. People often attempted to circumvent the
constraints imposed by the restrictiveness feature and the
accuracy of their forecasts was reduced as a consequence. They
also frequently ignored the guidance they were given—a result
which was consistent with the findings of Antony et al. [6] in their
study of knowledge-based systems. Surprisingly, guidance was
less acceptable than restrictiveness. It is, of course, possible that
at least some of the participants had misunderstood the nature of
the task or that they were treating the task either carelessly or in a
deliberately negative fashion because of lack of motivation. To
establish whether there was any evidence for this we first
identified participants who made an excessive number of downward adjustments to the statistical forecasts in promotion
periods, when, of course, an upward adjustment would normally
be required. Ten participants who downwardly adjusted 4 or
more of their 9 forecasts for promotion period were judged
P. Goodwin et al. / Omega 39 (2011) 242–253
Number of restrictiveness
All periods Restrictiveness
Period no
No of times advcie triggered
Guidance All periods
Period no.
Fig. 7. Number of occasions when restrictiveness and guidance were evoked (with fitted trend lines).
First 15
Last 15
First 15
Last 15
Promotion periods
Percentage of
non-normative actions
Rumour periods
Percentage of
non-normative actions
Percentage of
non-normative actions
Normal periods
First 15
Last 15
Fig. 8. Percentage of time participants’ decisions conflicted with those of the normative approach in the first and last fifteen periods
to be dubious. Two additional participants never made any
adjustments at all, despite the evidence that promotion periods
required an upwards adjustment. However, when the analysis
was repeated with these 12 participants removed (so that 118
participants remained) similar results to those reported earlier
were obtained.
Although guidance was more successful in moving people’s
use of the system closer to that deemed to be normative, the
extent to which it was ignored needs to be explained. One
possibility is that guidance fared badly because it was imposed on
users [27]. The relatively low level of acceptance for guidance
provided some support for this. Alternatively, people may have
resented having their initial decisions challenged. If this is the
case providing guidance before the adjustment decision is made
would be likely to be beneficial. A third possibility is that the
concise form in which the guidance was conveyed did not allow it
to compete with the user’s internal rationale for making a given
decision. The fact that advice was most often ignored in rumour
periods adds weight to this latter explanation. It seems that
colourful speculations or rumours that have low reliability
(e.g. Period 47: ‘‘Haven’t they predicted that we’ll have heavy
rain next month? These medium term weather forecasts might
not be that reliable, but rain will hit our sales.’’) are likely to have
far greater salience than a piece of terse advice cautioning against
adjustment in a non-promotion period. This mirrors Tversky and
Kahneman’s [40] finding that judges will ignore statistical baserates in favour of anecdotal case-based information that has little
reliability. Of course in real organizational environments forecasters may also feel obliged to act on rumours, especially if they
emanate from more senior managers. The beneficial effects of
guidance, such as they were, were also achieved early on and
there was only weak evidence of an improvement from this
position as time went on. Parikh et al. [5] found that suggestive
guidance was less effective than informative guidance in developing user learning about the problem domain. To foster learning
it might therefore be worth coupling the suggestive guidance with
some form of feedback, which either provided direct information
about the task to support the advice and/or provided information
showing the past consequences of ignoring or adhering to the
P. Goodwin et al. / Omega 39 (2011) 242–253
The main intention of restrictiveness was to dissuade participants from adjusting forecasts in non-promotion periods. While it
achieved this objective to an extent, the resulting benefits were
outweighed by two associated disadvantages. First, once people
decided to make an adjustment in non-promotion periods, they
often seemed determined to persevere and simply increased the
size of the adjustment to get round the restriction, thereby
tending to exacerbate the inaccuracy of the forecast. Second,
ironically, restrictiveness appeared to reduce people’s propensity
to make the adjustments that were required in promotion periods.
The result was that, overall, restrictiveness significantly reduced
the accuracy of forecasts when compared with the control group.
Again it would be interesting to see if these negative effects could
be mitigated if restrictiveness was coupled with some form of
feedback. It was also expected that restrictiveness would
eventually improve the efficiency of decisions by discouraging
participants from wasting time pondering over small adjustments
that would serve no purpose. This expectation was also not borne
out by the results. Although those in the restrictiveness group
attempted fewer adjustments, this did not significantly reduce the
mean time they spent on the forecasting task.
6. Conclusions
The main conclusion of this paper is that neither restrictiveness nor guidance were wholly successful in fostering improved
use of a support system. Indeed, restrictiveness, though more
acceptable to forecasters than guidance, actually encouraged
counter-productive behavior and significantly reduced forecast
accuracy. Although guidance was more effective in encouraging
decisions that were closer to the normative approach its impact
was limited because it was frequently ignored. The experiment
illustrates the danger that well-intentioned design features in
support systems can be resisted by users with potentially
detrimental effects on the quality of their decision making.
Despite this the experiment provided enough evidence to
suggest that support systems are worth pursuing and that the
ideas of guidance and restrictiveness could be worthwhile
features of such systems if their disadvantages can be avoided.
They both have the potential to deliver improved forecasts.
Providing feedback in association with these facilities might be
one way of achieving this and would be a worthwhile avenue for
future research. Future experiments could also usefully investigate the role of restrictiveness and guidance when forecasts of
demand are provided for multiple time horizons and where
minimum allowable adjustments are specified in advance, with
adjustments possibly being expressed as percentages rather than
as absolute values. The effect of requiring managers to make
adjustments prior to seeing the statistical forecasts (as recommended by [22]) with further adjustments being prohibited
thereafter is also worth investigating.
This research was supported by Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Grants GR/60198/01 and GR/
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