NAMD User’s Guide
Version 2.2
M. Bhandarkar, R. Brunner, A. Dalke, J. Gullingsrud, A. Gursoy,
W. Humphrey, D. Hurwitz, N. Krawetz, M. Nelson, J. Phillips, A. Shinozaki
September 29, 2000
Theoretical Biophysics Group
University of Illinois and Beckman Institute
405 N. Mathews
Urbana, IL 61801
The NAMD User’s Guide describes how to run and use the various features of the molecular
dynamics program NAMD. This guide includes the capabilities of the program, how to use these
capabilities, the necessary input files and formats, and how to run the program both on uniprocessor
machines and in parallel.
NAMD Version 2.2
Authors: M. Bhandarkar, R. Brunner, A. Dalke, J. Gullingsrud, A. Gursoy, W. Humphrey,
D. Hurwitz, N. Krawetz, M. Nelson, J. Phillips, A. Shinozaki
Theoretical Biophysics Group, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois.
c 1995-99 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. All Rights Reserved
NAMD Molecular Dynamics Software
Non-Exclusive, Non-Commercial Use License
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has created its molecular dynamics software,
NAMD, developed by the Theoretical Biophysics Group (“TBG”) at Illinois’ Beckman Institute
available free of charge for non-commercial use by individuals, academic or research institutions and
corporations for in-house business purposes only, upon completion and submission of the following
registration form.
Commercial use of the NAMD software, or derivative works based thereon, REQUIRES A
COMMERCIAL LICENSE. Commercial use includes: (1) integration of all or part of the Software
into a product for sale, lease or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties, or (2) distribution
of the Software to third parties that need it to commercialize product sold or licensed by or on
behalf of Licensee. The University of Illinois will negotiate commercial-use licenses for NAMD upon
request. These requests can be directed to
[email protected]
Individuals may register in their own name or with their institutional or corporate affiliations.
Registration information must include name, title, and e-mail of a person with signature authority to
authorize and commit the individuals, academic or research institution, or corporation as necessary
to the terms and conditions of the license agreement.
The registrant can obtain the NAMD software by completing and submitting the form below.
Use these guidelines for completion of the questions within the form:
1. All parts of the information must be understood and agreed to as part of completing the
form. Completion of the form is required before software access is granted. Pay particular attention
to the authorized requester requirements above, and be sure that the form submission is authorized
by the duly responsible person.
2. Fill in the information sections of the form in detail. Your input is very important to the
NAMD development team. The NAMD team would like to know the nature of the different projects
using NAMD to appraise the probable extent of user communities with certain additional software
Registration will be administered by the NAMD development team.
Upon execution of this Agreement by the party identified below (“Licensee”), The Board of Trustees
of the University of Illinois (“Illinois”), on behalf of The Theoretical Biophysics Group (“TBG”) in
the Beckman Institute, will provide the molecular dynamics software NAMD in Executable Code
and/or Source Code form (“Software”) to Licensee, subject to the following terms and conditions.
For purposes of this Agreement, Executable Code is the compiled code, which is ready to run
on Licensee’s computer. Source code consists of a set of files which contain the actual program
commands that are compiled to form the Executable Code.
1. The Software is intellectual property owned by Illinois, and all right, title and interest, including copyright, remain with Illinois. Illinois grants, and Licensee hereby accepts, a restricted,
non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software for academic, research and internal business purposes only e.g. not for commercial use (see Paragraph 7 below), without a fee. Licensee
agrees to reproduce the copyright notice and other proprietary markings on all copies of the Software. Licensee has no right to transfer or sublicense the Software to any unauthorized person or
entity. However, Licensee does have the right to make complimentary works that interoperate with
NAMD, to freely distribute such complimentary works, and to direct others to the TBG server to
obtain copies of NAMD itself.
2. Licensee may, at its own expense, modify the Software to make derivative works, for its own
academic, research, and internal business purposes. Licensee’s distribution of any derivative work
is also subject to the same restrictions on distribution and use limitations that are specified herein
for Illinois’ Software. Prior to any such distribution the Licensee shall require the recipient of the
Licensee’s derivative work to first execute a license for NAMD with Illinois in accordance with
the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Any derivative work should be clearly marked and
renamed to notify users that it is a modified version and not the original NAMD code distributed
by Illinois.
3. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS
4. Licensee understands the Software is proprietary to Illinois. Licensee agrees to take all
reasonable steps to insure that the Software is protected and secured from unauthorized disclosure,
use, or release and will treat it with at least the same level of care as Licensee would use to protect
and secure its own proprietary computer programs and/or information, but using no less than a
reasonable standard of care. Licensee agrees to provide the Software only to any other person or
entity who has registered with Illinois. If licensee is not registering as an individual but as an
institution or corporation each member of the institution or corporation who has access to or uses
Software must understand and agree to the terms of this license. If Licensee becomes aware of any
unauthorized licensing, copying or use of the Software, Licensee shall promptly notify Illinois in
writing. Licensee expressly agrees to use the Software only in the manner and for the specific uses
authorized in this Agreement.
5. By using or copying this Software, Licensee agrees to abide by the copyright law and all
other applicable laws of the U.S. including, but not limited to, export control laws and the terms
of this license. Illinois shall have the right to terminate this license immediately by written notice
upon Licensee’s breach of, or non-compliance with, any of its terms. Licensee may be held legally
responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by its failure to abide by
the terms of this license. Upon termination, Licensee agrees to destroy all copies of the Software
in its possession and to verify such destruction in writing.
6. The user agrees that any reports or published results obtained with the Software will acknowledge its use by the appropriate citation as follows:
NAMD was developed by the Theoretical Biophysics Group in the Beckman Institute for
Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Any published work which utilizes NAMD shall include the following reference:
Laxmikant Kale, Robert Skeel, Milind Bhandarkar, Robert Brunner, Attila Gursoy,
Neal Krawetz, James Phillips, Aritomo Shinozaki, Krishnan Varadarajan, and Klaus
Schulten. NAMD2: Greater scalability for parallel molecular dynamics. J. Comp.
Phys., 151:283-312, 1999.
Electronic documents will include a direct link to the official NAMD page:
One copy of each publication or report will be supplied to Illinois through Dr. Gila Budescu at
the addresses listed below in Contact Information.
7. Should Licensee wish to make commercial use of the Software, Licensee will contact Illinois
[email protected]) to negotiate an appropriate license for such use. Commercial use includes: (1)
integration of all or part of the Software into a product for sale, lease or license by or on behalf
of Licensee to third parties, or (2) distribution of the Software to third parties that need it to
commercialize product sold or licensed by or on behalf of Licensee.
8. Government Rights. Because substantial governmental funds have been used in the development of NAMD, any possession, use or sublicense of the Software by or to the United States
government shall be subject to such required restrictions.
9. NAMD is being distributed as a research and teaching tool and as such, TBG encourages
contributions from users of the code that might, at Illinois’ sole discretion, be used or incorporated to
make the basic operating framework of the Software a more stable, flexible, and/or useful product.
Licensees that wish to contribute their code to become an internal portion of the Software may be
required to sign an “Agreement Regarding Contributory Code for NAMD Software” before Illinois
can accept it (contact
[email protected] for a copy).
Licensee must have the authority to authorize and commit the individual, academic or research
institution, or corporation as necessary to the terms and conditions of the license agreement.
Please fill out the following fields in order to gain access:
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5. Estimated number of users at your site:
6. Telephone Number:
7. Email:
8. Address:
9. Nature of Use (research, teaching, internal business, personal, other [please explain]):
Contact Information
The best contact path for licensing issues is by e-mail to
[email protected] or send correspondence
Theoretical Biophysics Group
Beckman Institute
University of Illinois
405 North Mathews MC-251
Urbana, Illinois 61801 USA
FAX: (217) 244-6078
1 Introduction
1.1 New features in version 2.2 . . . . . . . . .
1.2 NAMD and molecular dynamics simulations
1.3 User feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Getting Started
2.1 What is needed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 NAMD configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 Configuration parameter syntax . . . . . . .
2.2.2 Tcl scripting interface and features . . . . .
2.2.3 Required NAMD configuration parameters
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
parameter files
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
4 Basic Simulation Parameters
4.1 Non-bonded interaction parameters and computations
4.1.1 Non-bonded van der Waals interactions . . . .
4.1.2 Non-bonded electrostatic interactions . . . . .
4.1.3 Nonbonded interaction distance-testing . . . .
4.2 Full electrostatic integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 NAMD configuration parameters . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.1 Timestep parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.2 Simulation space partitioning . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.3 Basic dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.4 DPMTA parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.5 PME parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.6 Full direct parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.7 Multiple timestep parameters . . . . . . . . . .
3 Input and Output Files
3.1 File formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 PDB files . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.2 X-PLOR format PSF files . . .
3.1.3 CHARMM19 and CHARMM22
3.1.4 DCD trajectory files . . . . . .
3.2 NAMD configuration parameters . . .
Input files . . . . . . . . . . . .
Output files . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Additional Simulation Parameters
5.1 Constraints and Restraints . . . . . . .
5.1.1 Harmonic constraint parameters
5.1.2 Fixed atoms parameters . . . . .
5.2 Energy Minimization . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.1 Conjugate gradient parameters .
5.2.2 Velocity quenching parameters .
Temperature Control and Equilibration . . . . . . . . .
5.3.1 Langevin dynamics parameters . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.2 Temperature coupling parameters . . . . . . . .
5.3.3 Temperature rescaling parameters . . . . . . . .
5.3.4 Temperature reassignment parameters . . . . . .
Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.1 Spherical harmonic boundary conditions . . . . .
5.4.2 Cylindrical harmonic boundary conditions . . . .
5.4.3 Periodic boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . .
Pressure Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5.1 Berendsen pressure bath coupling . . . . . . . . .
5.5.2 Nosé-Hoover Langevin piston pressure control . .
Applied Forces and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.6.1 Moving Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.6.2 Rotating Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.6.3 Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) . . . . . . .
5.6.4 Interactive Molecular Dynamics (IMD) . . . . . .
5.6.5 Tcl interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Free Energy of Conformational Change Calculations . .
5.7.1 User-Supplied Conformational Restraints . . . .
5.7.2 Free Energy Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.7.3 Options for Conformational Restraints . . . . . .
5.7.4 Options for ATOM Specification . . . . . . . . .
5.7.5 Options for Potential of Mean Force Calculation
5.7.6 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.7.7 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Translation between NAMD and X-PLOR configuration parameters
7 Sample configuration files
8 Running NAMD
8.1 Workstation Networks . . . . . .
8.2 Windows Workstation Networks
8.3 IBM RS/6000 SP . . . . . . . . .
8.4 Cray T3E . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.5 Origin 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 NAMD Availability and Installation
9.1 How to obtain NAMD . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.2 Platforms on which NAMD will currently run
9.3 Compiling NAMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.4 Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Figures
Graph of van der Waals potential with and without switching . . .
Graph of electrostatic potential with and without shifting function
Graph of electrostatic split between short and long range forces . .
Example of cutoff and pairlist distance uses . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NAMD is a parallel molecular dynamics program for UNIX platforms designed for high-performance
simulations in structural biology. This document describes how to use NAMD, its features, and
the platforms on which it runs. The document is divided into several sections:
Section 1 gives an overview of NAMD.
Section 2 lists the basics for getting started.
Section 3 describes NAMD file formats.
Section 4 lists basic simulation options.
Section 5 lists additional simulation options.
Section 6 provides hints for X-PLOR users.
Section 7 provides sample configuration files.
Section 8 gives details on running NAMD.
Section 9 gives details on installing NAMD.
We have attempted to make this document and the NAMD Programmer’s Guide both complete
and easy to understand and to make NAMD itself easy to install and run. Please take a moment
to help us improve the documentation and the code by filling out the users’ survey at the end of
this section.
New features in version 2.2
First Port to Windows
NAMD now runs on Windows. NAMD is built and tested on Windows NT, but should work on
Windows 98 and 2000 as well. You can now run NAMD on all those desktop machines that sit idle
at night.
Parallel PME Reciprocal Sum
Formerly a serial bottleneck, the particle mesh Ewald FFT and reciprocal space sum have been
distributed. Early results have demonstrated speedups on 128 processors of a Cray T3E. The
number of processors used may be limited with the ”PMEProcessors” parameter.
FFTW in Shipping Binaries
Under a new license with MIT, FFTW ( is now included in all release binaries. Users
no longer need recompile NAMD themselves to obtain this performance boost. (FFTW is also
available under GPL.)
Conjugate Gradient Minimizer
The default minimizer is now based on conjugate gradients and line searches. It is orders of
magnitude faster than the old method, which is still available via the ”velocityQuenching” option.
If you have any problems with the new minimizer, please contact us immediately.
Improved Load Balancer
With a new load balancing framework and careful removal of serial bottlenecks, we have demonstrated scaling to 1024 or even 2048 processors on the ASCI Red machine. This work will be
presented at SC2000 and is a finalist for the Gordon Bell award.
NAMD and molecular dynamics simulations
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations compute atomic trajectories by solving equations of motion
numerically using empirical force fields, such as the CHARMM force field, that approximate the
actual atomic force in biopolymer systems. Detailed information about MD simulations can be
found in several books such as [1, 7]. In order to conduct MD simulations, various computer
programs have been developed including X-PLOR [5] and CHARMM [4]. These programs were
originally developed for serial machines. Simulation of large molecules, however, require enormous
computing power. One way to achieve such simulations is to utilize parallel computers. In recent
years, distributed memory parallel computers have been offering cost-effective computational power.
NAMD was designed to run efficiently on such parallel machines for simulating large molecules.
NAMD is particularly well suited to the increasingly popular Beowulf-class PC clusters, which are
quite similar to the workstation clusters for which is was originally designed. Future versions of
NAMD will also make efficient use of clusters of multi-processor workstations or PCs.
NAMD has several important features:
• Force Field Compatibility
The force field used by NAMD is the same as that used by the programs CHARMM [4] and
X-PLOR [5]. This force field includes local interaction terms consisting of bonded interactions
between 2, 3, and 4 atoms and pairwise interactions including electrostatic and van der Waals
forces. This commonality allows simulations to migrate between these three programs.
• Efficient Full Electrostatics Algorithms
NAMD incorporates the Distributed Parallel Multipole Tree Algorithm (DPMTA) [3] and
Distributed Particle Mesh Ewald (DPME) algorithms, which takes the full electrostatic interactions into account. These algorithm reduces the computational complexity of electrostatic
force evaluation from O(N 2 ) to O(N ) or O(N log N ).
• Multiple Time Stepping
The velocity Verlet integration method [1] is used to advance the positions and velocities of
the atoms in time. To further reduce the cost of the evaluation of long-range electrostatic
forces, a multiple time step scheme is employed. The local interactions (bonded, van der
Waals and electrostatic interactions within a specified distance) are calculated at each time
step. The longer range interactions (electrostatic interactions beyond the specified distance)
are only computed less often. This amortizes the cost of computing the electrostatic forces
over several timesteps. A smooth splitting function is used to separate a quickly varying
short-range portion of the electrostatic interaction from a more slowly varying long-range
component. It is also possible to employ an intermediate timestep for the short-range nonbonded interactions, performing only bonded interactions every timestep.
• Input and Output Compatibility
The input and output file formats used by NAMD are identical to those used by CHARMM
and X-PLOR. Input formats include coordinate files in PDB format [2], structure files in
X-PLOR PSF format, and energy parameter files in either CHARMM or X-PLOR formats.
Output formats include PDB coordinate files and binary DCD trajectory files. These similarities assure that the molecular dynamics trajectories from NAMD can be read by CHARMM
or X-PLOR and that the user can exploit the many analysis algorithms of the latter packages.
• Dynamics Simulation Options
MD simulations may be carried out using several options, including
– Constant energy dynamics,
– Constant temperature dynamics via
∗ Velocity rescaling,
∗ Velocity reassignment,
∗ Langevin dynamics,
– Periodic boundary conditions,
– Constant pressure dynamics via
∗ Berendsen pressure coupling,
∗ Nosé-Hoover Langevin piston,
– Energy minimization,
– Fixed atoms,
– Rigid waters,
– Rigid bonds to hydrogen,
– Harmonic restraints,
– Spherical or cylindrical boundary restraints.
• Easy to Modify and Extend
Another primary design objective for NAMD is extensibility and maintainability. In order to
achieve this, it is designed in an object-oriented style with C++. Since molecular dynamics
is a new field, new algorithms and techniques are continually being developed. NAMD’s
modular design allows one to integrate and test new algorithms easily. The structure and
design of the program is described in the NAMD Programmer’s Guide with sufficient detail
to allow additions of such new algorithms.
• Interactive MD simulations
A system undergoing simulation in NAMD may be viewed and altered with VMD; for instance,
forces can be applied to a set of atoms to alter or rearrange part of the molecular structure.
For more information on VMD, see
• Load Balancing
An important factor in parallel applications is the equal distribution of computational load
among the processors. In parallel molecular simulation, a spatial decomposition that evenly
distributes the computational load causes the region of space mapped to each processor to
become very irregular, hard to compute and difficult to generalize to the evaluation of many
different types of forces. NAMD addresses this problem by using a simple uniform spatial
decomposition where the entire model is split into uniform cubes of space called patches.
An initial load balancer assigns patches to processors such that the computational load is
balanced as much as possible. During the simulation, an incremental load balancer monitors
the load and performs necessary adjustments.
User feedback
If you have problems installing or running NAMD after reading this document, please send a
complete description of the problem by email to
[email protected]. If you discover and fix a
problem not described in this manual or the NAMD Programmer’s Guide, we would appreciate if
you would tell us about this as well, so we can alert other users and incorporate the fix into the
public distribution.
We are interested in making NAMD more useful to the molecular modeling community. Please
take a few minutes to complete the short survey on the next page and mail or fax it to
NAMD Support
Theoretical Biophysics Group
Beckman Institute
University of Illinois
405 N. Mathews St.
Urbana, IL 61801
FAX (217) 244-6078
or email the relevant information to
[email protected] with subject “Survey.” This will help us
make NAMD relevant and responsive to the needs of our user community.
1. Name:
2. Company/University:
3. Address:
4. Email address:
5. Research area:
6. Molecular systems to be studied with NAMD:
7. NAMD features most useful for your research:
8. I run NAMD on the following platforms and operating systems:
9. I would like to run NAMD on:
10. How can we improve the NAMD documentation?
11. Other comments:
This work is supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (BIR-9318159) and the
National Institute of Health (PHS 5 P41 RR05969-04).
The authors would particularly like to thank the members of the Theoretical Biophysics Group,
past and present, who have helped tremendously in making suggestions, pushing for new features,
and testing bug-ridden code.
Getting Started
What is needed
Before running NAMD, explained in section 8, the following are be needed:
• A CHARMM force field in either CHARMM or X-PLOR format.
• An X-PLOR format PSF file describing the molecular structure.
• The initial coordinates of the molecular system in the form of a PDB file.
• A NAMD configuration file.
We strongly recommend that you have access to either CHARMM or X-PLOR, either of which
is capable of generating both the PSF and PDB files. NAMD currently provides no automatic
method of generating these files.
NAMD configuration file
Besides these input and output files, NAMD also uses a file referred to as the configuration file.
This file specifies what dynamics options and values that NAMD should use, such as the number
of timesteps to perform, initial temperature, etc. The options and values in this file control how
the system will be simulated.
A NAMD configuration file contains a set of options and values. The options and values
specified determine the exact behavior of NAMD, what features are active or inactive, how long the
simulation should continue, etc. Section 2.2.1 describes how options are specified within a NAMD
configuration file. Section 2.2.3 lists the parameters which are required to run a basic simulation.
Section 6 describes the relation between specific NAMD and X-PLOR dynamics options. Several
sample NAMD configuration files are shown in section 7.
Configuration parameter syntax
Each line in the configuration files consists of a keyword identifying the option being specified, and
a value which is a parameter to be used for this option. The keyword and value can be separated
by only white space:
or the keyword and value can be separated by an equal sign and white space:
Blank lines in the configuration file are ignored. Comments are prefaced by a # and may appear
on the end of a line with actual values:
This is a comment
or may be at the beginning of a line:
This entire line is a comment . . .
Some keywords require several lines of data. These are generally implemented to either allow the
data to be read from a file:
or to be included inline using Tcl-style braces:
keyword {
lots of data
The specification of the keywords is case insensitive so that any combination of upper and
lower case letters will have the same meaning. Hence, DCDfile and dcdfile are equivalent. The
capitalization in the values, however, may be important. Some values indicate file names, in which
capitalization is critical. Other values such as on or off are case insensitive.
Tcl scripting interface and features
When compiled with Tcl (all released binaries) the config file is parsed by Tcl in a fully backwards
compatible manner with the added bonus that any Tcl command may also be used. This alone
• the ”source” command to include other files (works w/o Tcl too!),
• the ”print” command to display messages (”puts” is broken, sorry),
• environment variables through the env array (”$env(USER)”), and
• user-defined variables (”set base sim23”, ”dcdfile $base.dcd”).
Additional features include:
• The ”callback” command takes a 2-parameter Tcl procedure which is then called with a list
of labels and a list of values during every timestep, allowing analysis, formatting, whatever.
• The ”run” command takes a number of steps to run (overriding the now optional numsteps
parameter, which defaults to 0) and can be called repeatedly. You can ”run 0” just to get
• The ”minimize” command is similar to ”run” and performs minimization for the specified
number of force evaluations.
• The ”output” command takes an output file basename and causes .coor, .vel, and .xsc files
to be written with that name.
• Between ”run” commands the reassignTemp, rescaleTemp, and langevinTemp parameters can
be changed to allow simulated annealing protocols within a single config file. (Many more
parameters of this type will be enabled in future versions.)
• The ”checkpoint” and ”revert” commands (no arguments) allow a scripted simulation to save
and restore to a prior state.
• The ”reinitvels” command reinitializes velocities to a random distribution based on the given
• The ”measure” command allows user-programmed calculations to be executed in order to
facilitate automated methods. (For example, to revert or change a parameter.) You will need
to write code and compile NAMD to make use of this feature.
Please note that while NAMD has traditionally allowed comments to be started by a # appearing anywhere on a line, Tcl only allows comments to appear where a new statement could begin.
With Tcl config file parsing enabled (all shipped binaries) both NAMD and Tcl comments are
allowed before the first ”run” command. At this point only pure Tcl syntax is allowed. In addition,
the ”;#” idiom for Tcl comments will only work with Tcl enabled. NAMD has also traditionally
allowed parameters to be specified as ”param=value”. This is supported, but only before the first
”run” command. Some examples:
# this is my
run 1000
config file
100 ; # how often to reset velocities
20 # temp to reset velocities to
40 ; # temp to reset velocities to
only w/ Tcl
OK before "run"
now Tcl only
";" is required
NAMD has also traditionally allowed parameters to be specified as ”param=value” as well as
”param value”. This is supported, but only before the first ”run” command. For an easy life, use
”param value”.
Required NAMD configuration parameters
The following parameters are required for every NAMD simulation:
• numsteps (page 27),
• coordinates (page 19),
• structure (page 19),
• parameters (page 19),
• exclude (page 29),
• outputname (page 20),
• one of the following three:
– temperature (page 29),
– velocities (page 20),
– binvelocities (page 20).
These required parameters specify the most basic properties of the simulation. In addition, it is
highly recommended that pairlistdist be specified with a value at least one greater than cutoff.
Input and Output Files
NAMD was developed to be compatible with existing molecular dynamics packages, especially
the packages X-PLOR [5] and CHARMM [4]. To achieve this compatibility, the set of input files
which NAMD uses to define a molecular system are identical to the input files used by X-PLOR
and CHARMM. Thus it is trivial to move an existing simulation from X-PLOR or CHARMM to
NAMD. A description of these molecular system definition files is given in Section 3.1.
In addition, the output file formats used by NAMD were chosen to be compatible with XPLOR and CHARMM. In this way the output from NAMD can be analyzed using X-PLOR,
CHARMM, or a variety of the other tools that have been developed for the existing output file
formats. Descriptions of the output files formats are also given in Section 3.1.
File formats
PDB files
The PDB (Protein Data Bank) format is used to store coordinate or velocity data being input
or output from NAMD. This is the standard format for coordinate data for most other molecular
dynamics programs as well, including X-PLOR and CHARMM. A full description of this file format can be obtained via anonymous FTP from in /pub/ or
X-PLOR format PSF files
NAMD uses the same protein structure files that X-PLOR does. At this time, the easiest way
to generate these files is using X-PLOR or CHARMM, although it is possible to build them by
hand. CHARMM can generate an X-PLOR format PSF file with the command “write psf card
CHARMM19 and CHARMM22 parameter files
NAMD supports CHARMM19 and CHARMM22 parameter files in both X-PLOR and CHARMM
formats. (X-PLOR format is the default, CHARMM format parameter files may be used given the
parameter “paraTypeCharmm on”.) For a full description of the format of commands used in these
files, see the X-PLOR and CHARMM User’s Manual [5].
DCD trajectory files
NAMD produces DCD trajectory files in the same format as X-PLOR and CHARMM. The DCD
files are single precision binary FORTRAN files, so are transportable between computer architectures. They are not, unfortunately, transportable between big-endian (most workstations) and little
endian (Intel) architectures. (This same caveat applies to binary velocity and coordinate files. The
utility programs flipdcd and flipbinpdb are provided with the Linux/Intel version to reformat
these files.) The exact format of these files is very ugly but supported by a wide range of analysis
and display programs.
NAMD configuration parameters
Input files
• coordinates < coordinate PDB file >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Description: The PDB file containing initial position coordinate data. Note that path
names can be either absolute or relative. Only one value may be specified.
• structure < PSF file >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Description: The X-PLOR format PSF file describing the molecular system to be simulated. Only one value may be specified.
• parameters < parameter file >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Description: A CHARMM19 or CHARMM22 parameter file that defines all or part of
the parameters necessary for the molecular system to be simulated. At least one parameter
file must be specified for each simulation. Multiple definitions are allowed for systems that
require more than one parameter file. For example, if three files were needed, lines such as:
parameters param1
parameters param2
parameters param3
could be added to the configuration file. The files will be read in the order that they appear
in the configuration file. If duplicate parameters are read, a warning message is printed and
the last parameter value read is used. Thus, the order that files are read can be important
in cases where duplicate values appear in separate files.
• paraTypeXplor < Is the parameter file in X-PLOR format? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: on
Description: Specifies whether or not the parameter file(s) are in X-PLOR format. XPLOR format is the default for parameter files! Caveat: The PSF file should be also constructed with X-PLOR in case of an X-PLOR parameter file because X-PLOR stores information about the multiplicity of dihedrals in the PSF file. See the X-PLOR manual for
• paraTypeCharmm < Is the parameter file in CHARMM format? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not the parameter file(s) are in CHARMM format. XPLOR format is the default for parameter files! Caveat: The information about multiplicity
of dihedrals will be obtained directly from the parameter file, and the full multiplicity will be
used (same behavior as in CHARMM). If the PSF file originates from X-PLOR, consecutive
multiple entries for the same dihedral (indicating the dihedral multiplicity for X-PLOR) will
be ignored.
• velocities < velocity PDB file >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Description: The PDB file containing the initial velocities for all atoms in the simulation.
This is typically a restart file or final velocity file written by NAMD during a previous simulation. Either the temperature or the velocities/binvelocities option must be defined
to determine an initial set of velocities. Both options cannot be used together.
• binvelocities < binary velocity file >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Description: The binary file containing initial velocities for all atoms in the simulation.
A binary velocity file is created as output from NAMD by activating the binaryrestart
or binaryoutput options. The binvelocities option should be used as an alternative to
velocities. Either the temperature or the velocities/binvelocities option must be
defined to determine an initial set of velocities. Both options cannot be used together.
• bincoordinates < binary coordinate restart file >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Description: The binary restart file containing initial position coordinate data. A binary
coordinate restart file is created as output from NAMD by activating the binaryrestart or
binaryoutput options. Note that, in the current implementation at least, the bincoordinates
option must be used in addition to the coordinates option, but the positions specified by
coordinates will then be ignored.
• cwd < default directory >
Acceptable Values: UNIX directory name
The default directory for input and output files. If a value is given, all
filenames that do not begin with a / are assumed to be in this directory. For example, if
cwd is set to /scr, then a filename of outfile would be modified to /scr/outfile while a
filename of /tmp/outfile would remain unchanged. If no value for cwd is specified, than all
filenames are left unchanged but are assumed to be relative to the directory which contains
the configuration file given on the command line.
Output files
• outputname < output PDB file >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename prefix
Description: At the end of every simulation, NAMD writes two PDB files, one containing
the final coordinates and another containing the final velocities of all atoms in the simulation.
This option specifies the file prefix for these two files. The position coordinates will be saved
to a file named as this prefix with .coor appended. The velocities will be saved to a file named
as this prefix with .vel appended. For example, if the prefix specified using this option was
/tmp/output, then the two files would be /tmp/output.coor and /tmp/output.vel.
• binaryoutput < use binary output files? >
Acceptable Values: yes or no
Default Value: yes
Activates the use of binary output files. If this option is set to yes,
then the final output files will be written in binary rather than PDB format. Binary files
preserve more accuracy between NAMD restarts than ASCII PDB files, but the binary files
are not guaranteed to be transportable between computer architectures. (The utility program
flipbinpdb is provided with the Linux/Intel version to reformat these files.)
• restartname < restart files >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename prefix
The prefix to use for restart filenames. NAMD produces PDB restart files
that store the current positions and velocities of all atoms at some step of the simulation. This
option specifies the prefix to use for restart files in the same way that outputname specifies
a filename prefix for the final positions and velocities. If restartname is defined then the
parameter restartfreq must also be defined.
• restartfreq < frequency of restart file generation >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
The number of timesteps between the generation of restart files.
restartfreq is defined, then restartname must also be defined.
• binaryrestart < use binary restart files? >
Acceptable Values: yes or no
Default Value: yes
Activates the use of binary restart files. If this option is set to yes, then
the restart files will be written in binary rather than PDB format. Binary files preserve more
accuracy between NAMD restarts than ASCII PDB files, but the binary files are not guaranteed to be transportable between computer architectures. (The utility program flipbinpdb
is provided with the Linux/Intel version to reformat these files.)
• DCDfile < coordinate trajectory output file >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Description: The binary DCD position coordinate trajectory filename. This file stores the
trajectory of all atom position coordinates using the same format (binary DCD) as X-PLOR.
If DCDfile is defined, then DCDfreq must also be defined.
• DCDfreq < timesteps between writing coordinates to trajectory file >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
The number of timesteps between the writing of position coordinates to
the trajectory file. The initial positions will be included in the trajectory file unless the
firsttimestep parameter is set non-zero.
• velDCDfile < velocity trajectory output file >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Description: The binary DCD velocity trajectory filename. This file stores the trajectory
of all atom velocities using the same format (binary DCD) as X-PLOR. If velDCDfile is
defined, then velDCDfreq must also be defined.
• velDCDfreq < timesteps between writing velocities to trajectory file >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Description: The number of timesteps between the writing of velocities to the trajectory
file. The initial velocities will be included in the trajectory file unless the firsttimestep
parameter is set non-zero.
• outputEnergies < timesteps between energy output >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: 1
The number of timesteps between each energy output of NAMD. This
value specifies how often NAMD should output the current energy values to stdout (which
can be redirected to a file). By default, this is done every step. For long simulations, the
amount of output generated by NAMD can be greatly reduced by outputting the energies
only occasionally.
• outputMomenta < timesteps between momentum output >
Acceptable Values: nonnegative integer
Default Value: 0
The number of timesteps between each momentum output of NAMD. If
specified and nonzero, linear and angular momenta will be output to stdout.
• outputPressure < timesteps between pressure output >
Acceptable Values: nonnegative integer
Default Value: 0
Description: The number of timesteps between each pressure output of NAMD. If specified
and nonzero, atomic and group pressure tensors will be output to stdout.
• outputTiming < timesteps between timing output >
Acceptable Values: nonnegative integer
Default Value: 0
Description: The number of timesteps between each timing output of NAMD. If specified
and nonzero, CPU and wallclock times will be output to stdout. These data are from node
0 only; CPU times for other nodes may vary.
Basic Simulation Parameters
Non-bonded interaction parameters and computations
NAMD has a number of options that control the way that non-bonded interactions are calculated.
These options are interrelated and can be quite confusing, so this section attempts to explain the
behavior of the non-bonded interactions and how to use these parameters.
Non-bonded van der Waals interactions
The simplest non-bonded interaction is the van der Waals interaction. In NAMD, van der Waals
interactions are always truncated at the cutoff distance, specified by cutoff. The main option
that effects van der Waals interactions is the switching parameter. With this option set to on, a
smooth switching function will be used to truncate the van der Waals potential energy smoothly at
the cutoff distance. A graph of the van der Waals potential with this switching function is shown
in Figure 1. If switching is set to off, the van der Waals energy is just abruptly truncated at the
cutoff distance, so that energy may not be conserved.
Figure 1: Graph of van der Waals potential with and without the application of the switching function.
With the switching function active, the potential is smoothly reduced to 0 at the cutoff distance. Without
the switching function, there is a discontinuity where the potential is truncated.
The details of the switching function are given in the NAMD Programmer’s Guide. The switching function used is based on the X-PLOR switching function. The parameter switchdist specifies
the distance at which the switching function should start taking effect to bring the van der Waals
potential to 0 smoothly at the cutoff distance. Thus, the value of switchdist must always be less
than that of cutoff.
Non-bonded electrostatic interactions
The handling of electrostatics is slightly more complicated due to the incorporation of multiple
timestepping for full electrostatic interactions. There are two cases to consider, one where full
electrostatics is employed and the other where electrostatics are truncated at a given distance.
First let us consider the latter case, where electrostatics are truncated at the cutoff distance.
Using this scheme, all electrostatic interactions beyond a specified distance are ignored, or assumed
to be zero. If switching is set to on, rather than having a discontinuity in the potential at the cutoff
distance, a shifting function is applied to the electrostatic potential as shown in Figure 2. As this
figure shows, the shifting function shifts the entire potential curve so that the curve intersects the
x-axis at the cutoff distance. This shifting function is fully described in the NAMD Programmer’s
Guide and is based on the shifting function used by X-PLOR.
Figure 2: Graph showing an electrostatic potential with and without the application of the shifting function.
Next, consider the case where full electrostatics are calculated. In this case, the electrostatic
interactions are not truncated at any distance. In this scheme, the cutoff parameter has a slightly
different meaning for the electrostatic interactions — it represents the local interaction distance,
or distance within which electrostatic pairs will be directly calculated every timestep. Outside of
this distance, interactions will be calculated only periodically. These forces will be applied using a
multiple timestep integration scheme as described in Section 4.2.
direct at
every step
Figure 3: Graph showing an electrostatic potential when full electrostatics are used within NAMD, with
one curve portion calculated directly and the other calculated using DPMTA.
Nonbonded interaction distance-testing
The last critical parameter for non-bonded interaction calculations is the parameter pairlistdist.
To reduce the cost of performing the non-bonded interactions, NAMD 1.X used a non-bonded pair
list which contained all pairs of atoms for which non-bonded interactions should be calculated. Performing the search for pairs of atoms that should have their interactions calculated is an expensive
operation. Thus, the pair list is only calculated periodically, once per cycle. Unfortunately, pairs
of atoms move relative to each other during the steps between preparation of the pair list. Because
of this, if the pair list were built to include only those pairs of atoms that are within the cutoff
distance when the list is generated, it would be possible for atoms to drift closer together than
the cutoff distance during subsequent timesteps and yet not have their non-bonded interactions
Let us consider a concrete example to better understand this. Assume that the pairlist is built
once every ten timesteps and that the cutoff distance is 8.0 Å. Consider a pair of atoms A and B
that are 8.1 Å apart when the pairlist is built. If the pair list includes only those atoms within the
cutoff distance, this pair would not be included in the list. Now assume that after five timesteps,
atoms A and B have moved to only 7.9 Å apart. A and B are now within the cutoff distance of each
other, and should have their non-bonded interactions calculated. However, because the non-bonded
interactions are based solely on the pair list and the pair list will not be rebuilt for another five
timesteps, this pair will be ignored for five timesteps causing energy not to be conserved within the
To avoid this problem, the parameter pairlistdist allowed the user to specify a distance
greater than the cutoff distance for pairs to be included in the pair list, as shown in Figure 4.
Pairs that are included in the pair list but are outside the cutoff distance are simply ignored. So in
the above example, if the pairlistdist were set to 10.0 Å, then the atom pair A and B would be
included in the pair list, even though the pair would initially be ignored because they are further
apart than the cutoff distance. As the pair moved closer and entered the cutoff distance, because
the pair was already in the pair list, the non-bonded interactions would immediately be calculated
and energy conservation would be preserved. The value of pairlistdist should be chosen such
that no atom pair moves more than pairlistdist − cutoff in one cycle. This will insure energy
NAMD 2.X eliminated the explicit use of pairlists in order to reduce memory usage in light of
equally efficient distance-testing algorithms. Specifically, it was realized that building a pairlist on
top of the existing spatial decomposition was only marginally more efficient than actually testing
atom distances at every timestep given efficient methods for dealing with nonbonded exclusions.
The pairlistdist parameter now serves the same function, but is instead used to determine the
minimum patch size. Unless the splitPatch parameter is explicitly set to position, hydrogen
atoms will be placed on the same patch as the “mother atom” to which they are bonded. These
hydrogen groups are then distance tested against each other using only a cutoff increased by the
the value of the hgroupCutoff parameter. The size of the patches is also increased by this amount.
NAMD functions correctly even if a hydrogen atom and its mother atom are separated by more
than half of hgroupCutoff by breaking that group into its individual atoms for distance testing.
Warning messages are printed if an atom moves outside of a safe zone surrounding the patch to
which it is assigned, indicating that pairlistdist should be increased in order for forces to be
calculated correctly and energy to be conserved.
pairlist distance
Figure 4: Depiction of the difference between the cutoff distance and the pair list distance. The pair list
distance specifies a sphere that is slightly larger than that of the cutoff so that pairs are allowed to move in
and out of the cutoff distance without causing energy conservation to be disturbed.
Full electrostatic integration
To further reduce the cost of computing full electrostatics, NAMD uses a multiple timestepping
integration scheme. In this scheme, the total force acting on each atom is broken into two pieces,
a quickly varying local component and a slower long range component. The local force component
is defined in terms of a splitting function. The local force component consists of all bonded and
van der Waals interactions as well as that portion of electrostatic interactions for pairs that are
separated by less than the local interaction distance determined by the splitting function. The long
range component consists only of electrostatic interactions outside of the local interaction distance.
Since the long range forces are slowly varying, they are not evaluated every timestep. Instead, they
are evaluated every k timesteps, and each set of k timesteps is referred to as a cycle. The value of
k is specified by the NAMD parameter stepspercycle. An impulse of k times the long range force
is applied to the system every k timesteps (i.e., the r-RESPA integrator is used). For appropriate
values of k, it is believed that the error introduced by this infrequent evaluation is modest compared
to the error already incurred by the use of the numerical (Verlet) integrator. Improved methods
for incorporating these long range forces are currently being investigated, with the intention of
improving accuracy as well as reducing the frequency of long range force evaluations.
In the scheme described above, the van der Waals forces are still truncated at the local interaction distance. Thus, the van der Waals cutoff distance forms a lower limit to the local interaction
distance. While this is believed to be sufficient, there are investigations underway to remove this
limitation and provide full van der Waals calculations in O(N ) time as well.
NAMD configuration parameters
Timestep parameters
• numsteps < number of timesteps >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Description: The number of simulation timesteps to be performed. An integer greater
than 0 is acceptable. The total amount of simulation time is numsteps × timestep.
• timestep < timestep size (fs) >
Acceptable Values: non-negative decimal
Default Value: 1.0
Description: The timestep size to use when integrating each step of the simulation. The
value is specified in femtoseconds.
• firsttimestep < starting timestep value >
Acceptable Values: non-negative integer
Default Value: 0
Description: The number of the first timestep. This value is typically used only when a
simulation is a continuation of a previous simulation. In this case, rather than having the
timestep restart at 0, a specific timestep number can be specified.
• stepspercycle < timesteps per cycle >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: 20
Description: Number of timesteps in each cycle. Each cycle represents the number of
timesteps between pairlist generation and atom reassignment. If full electrostatics are active,
it is also the number of timesteps between full electrostatic evaluation unless fullElectFrequency
is also specified. It is recommended that stepspercycle (fullElectFrequency) be chosen
so that the product of stepspercycle and timestep does not exceed 4.0 unless rigidBonds
all is specified, in which case the upper limit is perhaps doubled. For more details on the
use of full electrostatics, see Section 4.2. For more details on non-bonded force evaluation
and pairlist generation, see Section 4.1.
Simulation space partitioning
• cutoff < local interaction distance common to both electrostatic and van der Waals calculations (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: See Section 4.1 for more information.
• switching < use switching function? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: If switching is specified to be off, then a truncated cutoff is performed.
If switching is turned on, then smoothing functions are applied to both the electrostatics
and van der Waals forces. For a complete description of the non-bonded force parameters see
Section 4.1. If switching is set to on, then switchdist must also be defined.
• switchdist < distance at which to activate switching function for electrostatic and van der
Waals calculations (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal ≤ cutoff
Description: Distance at which the switching function should begin to take effect. This
parameter only has meaning if switching is set to on. The value of switchdist must be less
than or equal to the value of cutoff, since the switching function is only applied on the range
from switchdist to cutoff. For a complete description of the non-bonded force parameters
see Section 4.1.
• pairlistdist < distance between pairs for inclusion in pair lists (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal ≥ cutoff
Default Value: cutoff
A pair list is generated each cycle, containing pairs of atoms for which
electrostatics and van der Waals interactions will be calculated. This parameter is used when
switching is set to on to specify the allowable distance between atoms for inclusion in the pair
list. This parameter is equivalent to the X-PLOR parameter CUTNb. If no atom moves more
than pairlistdist−cutoff during one cycle, then there will be no jump in electrostatic or
van der Waals energies when the next pair list is built. Since such a jump is unavoidable
when truncation is used, this parameter may only be specified when switching is set to on.
If this parameter is not specified and switching is set to on, the value of cutoff is used. A
value of at least one greater than cutoff is recommended.
• splitPatch < how to assign atoms to patches >
Acceptable Values: position or hydrogen
Default Value: hydrogen
Description: When set to hydrogen, hydrogen atoms are kept on the same patch as their
parents, allowing faster distance checking and rigid bonds.
• hgroupCutoff (Å) < used for group-based distance testing >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Default Value: 2.5
Description: This should be set to twice the largest distance which will ever occur between
a hydrogen atom and its mother. Warnings will be printed if this is not the case. This value
is also added to the margin.
• margin < extra length in patch dimension (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Default Value: 1.0
Description: An internal tuning parameter used in determining the size of the cubes of
space with which NAMD uses to partition the system. The value of this parameter will not
change the physical results of the simulation. For more details about this parameter see the
NAMD Programmer’s Guide. Unless you are very motivated to get the very best possible
performance, just leave this value at the default.
Basic dynamics
• exclude < exclusion policy to use >
Acceptable Values: none, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, or scaled1-4
Description: This parameter specifies which pairs of bonded atoms should be excluded
from non-bonded interactions. With the value of none, no bonded pairs of atoms will be
excluded. With the value of 1-2, all atom pairs that are directly connected via a linear bond
will be excluded. With the value of 1-3, all 1-2 pairs will be excluded along with all pairs
of atoms that are bonded to a common third atom (i.e., if atom A is bonded to atom B and
atom B is bonded to atom C, then the atom pair A-C would be excluded). With the value of
1-4, all 1-3 pairs will be excluded along with all pairs connected by a set of two bonds (i.e.,
if atom A is bonded to atom B, and atom B is bonded to atom C, and atom C is bonded to
atom D, then the atom pair A-D would be excluded). With the value of scaled1-4, all 1-3
pairs are excluded and all pairs that match the 1-4 criteria are modified. The electrostatic
interactions for such pairs are modified by the constant factor defined by 1-4scaling. The
van der Waals interactions are modified by using the special 1-4 parameters defined in the
parameter files.
• temperature < initial temperature (K) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Initial temperature value for the system. Using this option will generate a
random velocity distribution for the initial velocities for all the atoms such that the system
is at the desired temperature. Either the temperature or the velocities/binvelocities
option must be defined to determine an initial set of velocities. Both options cannot be used
• COMmotion < allow center of mass motion? >
Acceptable Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Specifies whether or not motion of the center of mass of the entire system
is allowed. If this option is set to no, the initial velocities of the system will be adjusted to
remove center of mass motion of the system. Note that this does not preclude later centerof-mass motion due to external forces such as random noise in Langevin dynamics, boundary
potentials, and harmonic restraints.
• dielectric < dielectric constant for system >
Acceptable Values: decimal ≥ 1.0
Default Value: 1.0
Description: Dielectric constant for the system. A value of 1.0 implies no modification of
the electrostatic interactions. Any larger value will lessen the electrostatic forces acting in
the system.
• 1-4scaling < scaling factor for 1-4 interactions >
Acceptable Values: 0 ≤ decimal ≤ 1
Default Value: 1.0
Description: Scaling factor for 1-4 interactions. This factor is only used when the exclude
parameter is set to scaled1-4. In this case, this factor is used to modify the electrostatic interactions between 1-4 atom pairs. If the exclude parameter is set to anything but scaled1-4,
this parameter has no effect regardless of its value.
• seed < random number seed >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: pseudo-random value based on current UNIX clock time
Number used to seed the random number generator if temperature or
langevin is selected. This can be used so that consecutive simulations produce the same
results. If no value is specified, NAMD will choose a pseudo-random value based on the
current UNIX clock time. The random number seed will be output during the simulation
startup so that its value is known and can be reused for subsequent simulations. Note that if
Langevin dynamics are used in a parallel simulation (i.e., a simulation using more than one
processor) even using the same seed will not guarantee reproducible results.
• rigidBonds < controls if and how ShakeH is used >
Acceptable Values: none, water, all
Default Value: none
Description: When rigidBonds is all, the bond between each hydrogen and its mother
atom is fixed to the nominal bond length given in the parameter file. When water is selected,
only the bonds between the hydrogens and the oxygen in water molecules are constrained.
For the default case none, no lengths are constrained.
• rigidTolerance < allowable bond-length error for ShakeH (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Default Value: 0.00001
The ShakeH algorithm is assumed to have converged when all constrained
bonds differ from the nominal bond length by less than this amount.
• rigidIterations < maximum ShakeH iterations >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: 100
The maximum number of iterations ShakeH will perform before giving up
on constraining the bond lengths. If the bond lengths do not converge, a warning message is
printed, and the atoms are left at the final value achieved by ShakeH. Although the default
value is 100, convergence is usually reached after fewer than 10 iterations.
DPMTA parameters
These parameters control the options to DPMTA, an algorithm used to provide full electrostatic
interactions. DPMTA is a modified version of the FMA (Fast Multipole Algorithm) and, unfortunately, most of the parameters still refer to FMA rather than DPMTA for historical reasons. Don’t
be confused!
For a further description of how exactly full electrostatics are incorporated into NAMD, see
Section 4.2. For a greater level of detail about DPMTA and the specific meaning of its options, see
the DPMTA distribution which is available via anonymous FTP from the site
in the directory /pub/SciComp/src.
• FMA < use full electrostatics? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not the DPMTA algorithm from Duke University should
be used to compute the full electrostatic interactions. If set to on, DPMTA will be used with
a multiple timestep integration scheme to provide full electrostatic interactions as detailed in
Section 4.2.
• FMALevels < number of levels to use in multipole expansion >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: 5
Description: Number of levels to use for the multipole expansion. This parameter is only
used if FMA is set to on. A value of 4 should be sufficient for systems with less than 10,000
atoms. A value of 5 or greater should be used for larger systems.
• FMAMp < number of multipole terms to use for FMA >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: 8
Description: Number of terms to use in the multipole expansion. This parameter is only
used if FMA is set to on. If the FMAFFT is set to on, then this value must be a multiple of 4.
The default value of 8 should be suitable for most applications.
• FMAFFT < use DPMTA FFT enhancement? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: on
Description: Specifies whether or not the DPMTA code should use the FFT enhancement
feature. This parameter is only used if FMA is set to on. If FMAFFT is set to on, the value of
FMAMp must be set to a multiple of 4. This feature offers substantial benefits only for values
of FMAMp of 8 or greater. This feature will substantially increase the amount of memory used
• FMAtheta < DPMTA theta parameter (radians) >
Acceptable Values: decimal
Default Value: 0.715
Description: This parameter specifies the value of the theta parameter used in the DPMTA
calculation. The default value is based on recommendations by the developers of the code.
• FMAFFTBlock < blocking factor for FMA FFT >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: 4
Description: The blocking factor for the FFT enhancement to DPMTA. This parameter
is only used if both FMA and FMAFFT are set to on. The default value of 4 should be suitable
for most applications.
PME parameters
PME stands for Particle Mesh Ewald and is an efficient full electrostatics method for use with
periodic boundary conditions. None of the parameters should affect energy conservation, although
they may affect the accuracy of the results and momentum conservation.
• PME < Use particle mesh Ewald for electrostatics? >
Acceptable Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Description: Turns on particle mesh Ewald.
• PMETolerance < PME direct space tolerance >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Default Value: 10−6
Description: Affects the value of the Ewald coefficient and the overall accuracy of the
• PMEInterpOrder < PME interpolation order >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: 4 (cubic)
Description: Charges are interpolated onto the grid and forces are interpolated off using
this many points, equal to the order of the interpolation function plus one.
• PMEGridSizeX < number of grid points in x dimension >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Description: The grid size partially determines the accuracy and efficiency of PME. For
speed, PMEGridSizeX should have only small integer factors (2, 3 and 5).
• PMEGridSizeY < number of grid points in y dimension >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Description: The grid size partially determines the accuracy and efficiency of PME. For
speed, PMEGridSizeY should have only small integer factors (2, 3 and 5).
• PMEGridSizeZ < number of grid points in z dimension >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Description: The grid size partially determines the accuracy and efficiency of PME. For
speed, PMEGridSizeZ should have only small integer factors (2, 3 and 5).
• PMEProcessors < processors for FFT and reciprocal sum >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: larger of x and y grid sizes up to all available processors
Description: For best performance on some systems and machines, it may be necessary
to restrict the amount of parallelism used. Experiment with this parameter if your parallel
performance is poor when PME is used.
• useDPME < Use old DPME code? >
Acceptable Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Description: Switches to old DPME implementation of particle mesh Ewald. The new
code is faster and allows non-orthogonal cells so you probably just want to leave this option
turned off. If you set cellOrigin to something other than (0, 0, 0) the energy may differ
slightly between the old and new implementations.
Full direct parameters
The direct computation of electrostatics is not intended to be used during real calculations, but
rather as a testing or comparison measure. Because of the O(N 2 ) computational complexity for
performing direct calculations, this is much slower than using DPMTA or PME to compute full
electrostatics for large systems. In the case of periodic boundary conditions, the nearest image
convention is used rather than a full Ewald sum.
• FullDirect < calculate full electrostatics directly? >
Acceptable Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Description: Specifies whether or not direct computation of full electrostatics should be
Multiple timestep parameters
One of the areas of current research being studied using NAMD is the exploration of better methods
for performing multiple timestep integration. Currently the only available method is the impulsebased Verlet-I or r-RESPA method which is stable for timesteps up to 4 fs for long-range electrostatic
forces, 2 fs for short-range nonbonded forces, and 1 fs for bonded forces Setting rigid all (i.e.,
using SHAKE) increases these timesteps to 6 fs, 2 fs, and 2 fs respectively but eliminates bond
motion for hydrogen. The mollified impulse method (MOLLY) reduces the resonance which limits
the timesteps and thus increases these timesteps to 6 fs, 2 fs, and 1 fs while retaining all bond
• fullElectFrequency < number of timesteps between DPMTA calculations >
Acceptable Values: positive integer factor of stepspercycle
Default Value: stepspercycle
Description: This parameter specifies the number of timesteps between each full electrostatics evaluation. It is recommended that fullElectFrequency be chosen so that the
product of fullElectFrequency and timestep does not exceed 4.0 unless rigidBonds all
or molly on is specified, in which case the upper limit is perhaps doubled.
• nonbondedFreq < timesteps between nonbonded evaluation >
Acceptable Values: positive integer factor of fullElectFrequency
Default Value: 1
Description: This parameter specifies how often short-range nonbonded interactions should
be calculated. Setting nonbondedFreq between 1 and fullElectFrequency allows triple
timestepping where, for example, one could evaluate bonded forces every 1 fs, short-range
nonbonded forces every 2 fs, and long-range electrostatics every 4 fs.
• MTSAlgorithm < MTS algorithm to be used >
Acceptable Values: impulse/verletI or constant/naive
Default Value: impulse
Description: Specifies the multiple timestep algorithm used to integrate the long and short
range forces. impulse/verletI is the same as r-RESPA. constant/naive is the stale force
extrapolation method.
• longSplitting < how should long and short range forces be split? >
Acceptable Values: xplor, c1
Default Value: c1
Description: Specifies the method used to split electrostatic forces between long and short
range potentials. The xplor option uses the X-PLOR shifting function, and the c1 splitting
uses the following C 1 continuous shifting function [6]:
SW (rij ) = 0 if |~rij | > Rof f
SW (rij ) = 1 if |~rij | ≤ Ron
if Rof f > |~rij | ≥ Ron
Ron is a constant defined using the configuration value switchdist
Rof f is specified using the configuration value cutoff
• molly < use mollified impulse method (MOLLY)? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: This method eliminates the components of the long range electrostatic forces
which contribute to resonance along bonds to hydrogen atoms, allowing a fullElectFrequency
of 6 (vs. 4) with a 1 fs timestep without using rigidBonds all. You may use rigidBonds
water but using rigidBonds all with MOLLY makes no sense since the degrees of freedom
which MOLLY protects from resonance are already frozen.
• mollyTolerance < allowable error for MOLLY >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Default Value: 0.00001
Description: Convergence criterion for MOLLY algorithm.
• mollyIterations < maximum MOLLY iterations >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: 100
Description: Maximum number of iterations for MOLLY algorithm.
Additional Simulation Parameters
Constraints and Restraints
Harmonic constraint parameters
The following describes the parameters for the harmonic constraints feature of NAMD. Actually,
this feature should be referred to as harmonic restraints rather than constraints, but for historical
reasons the terminology of harmonic constraints has been carried over from X-PLOR. This feature
allows a harmonic restraining force to be applied to any set of atoms in the simulation. For further
details, see the NAMD Programmer’s Guide.
• constraints < are constraints active? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not harmonic constraints are active. If it is set to off,
then no harmonic constraints are computed. If it is set to on, then harmonic constraints are
calculated using the values specified by the parameters consref, conskfile, conskcol, and
• consexp < exponent for harmonic constraint energy function >
Acceptable Values: positive, even integer
Default Value: 2
Description: Exponent to be use in the harmonic constraint energy function. This value
must be a positive integer, and only even values really make sense. This parameter is used
only if constraints is set to on.
• consref < PDB file containing constraint reference positions >
Acceptable Values: UNIX file name
Default Value: coordinates
Description: PDB file to use for reference positions for harmonic constraints. Each atom
that has an active constraint will be constrained about the position specified in this file. If no
value is given and constraints are active, then the same PDB file specified by coordinates
will be used instead, constraining atoms about their initial positions.
• conskfile < PDB file containing force constant values >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Default Value: coordinates
Description: PDB file to use for force constants for harmonic constraints. If this parameter
is not specified, then the PDB file containing initial coordinates specified by coordinates is
• conskcol < column of PDB file containing force constant >
Acceptable Values: X, Y, Z, O, or B
Default Value: O
Description: Column of the PDB file to use for the harmonic constraint force constant.
This parameter may specify any of the floating point fields of the PDB file, either X, Y, Z,
occupancy, or beta-coupling (temperature-coupling). Regardless of which column is used, a
value of 0 indicates that the atom should not be constrained. Otherwise, the value specified
is used as the force constant for that atom’s restraining potential.
• selectConstraints < Restrain only selected Cartesian components of the coordinates? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: This option is useful to restrain the positions of atoms to a plane or a line
in space. If active, this option will ensure that only selected Cartesian components of the
coordinates are restrained. E.g.: Restraining the positions of atoms to their current z values
with no restraints in x and y will allow the atoms to move in the x-y plane while retaining
their original z-coordinate. Restraining the x and y values will lead to free motion only along
the z coordinate.
• selectConstrX < Restrain X components of coordinates >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Restrain the Cartesian x components of the positions.
• selectConstrY < Restrain Y components of coordinates >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Restrain the Cartesian y components of the positions.
• selectConstrZ < Restrain Z components of coordinates >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Restrain the Cartesian z components of the positions.
Fixed atoms parameters
Atoms may be held fixed during a simulation. NAMD avoids calculating most interactions in which
all affected atoms are fixed.
• fixedAtoms < are there fixed atoms? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not fixed atoms are present.
• fixedAtomsFile < PDB file containing fixed atom parameters >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Default Value: coordinates
Description: PDB file to use for the fixed atom flags for each atom. If this parameter is
not specified, then the PDB file specified by coordinates is used.
• fixedAtomsCol < column of PDB containing fixed atom parameters >
Acceptable Values: X, Y, Z, O, or B
Default Value: O
Description: Column of the PDB file to use for the containing fixed atom parameters for
each atom. The coefficients can be read from any floating point column of the PDB file. A
value of 0 indicates that the atom is not fixed.
Energy Minimization
Conjugate gradient parameters
The default minimizer uses a sophisticated conjugate gradient and line search algorithm with much
better performance than the older velocity quenching method. The method of conjugate gradients
is used to select successive search directions (starting with the initial gradient) which eliminate
repeated minimization along the same directions. Along each direction, a minimum is first bracketed
(rigorously bounded) and then converged upon by either a golden section search, or, when possible,
a quadratically convergent method using gradient information.
For most systems, it just works.
• minimization < Perform conjugate gradient energy minimization? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Turns efficient energy minimization on or off.
• minTinyStep < first initial step for line minimizer >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Default Value: 1.0e-6
Description: If your minimization is immediately unstable, make this smaller.
• minBabyStep < max initial step for line minimizer >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Default Value: 1.0e-6
Description: If your minimization becomes unstable later, make this smaller.
• minLineGoal < gradient reduction factor for line minimizer >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Default Value: 1.0e-4
Description: Varying this might improve conjugate gradient performance.
Velocity quenching parameters
You can perform energy minimization using a simple quenching scheme. While this algorithm is not
the most rapidly convergent, it is sufficient for most applications. There are only two parameters
for minimization: one to activate minimization and another to specify the maximum movement of
any atom.
• velocityQuenching < Perform old-style energy minimization? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Turns slow energy minimization on or off.
• maximumMove < maximum distance an atom can move during each step (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Default Value: 0.75 × cutoff/stepsPerCycle
Description: Maximum distance that an atom can move during any single timestep of
minimization. This is to insure that atoms do not go flying off into space during the first few
timesteps when the largest energy conflicts are resolved.
Temperature Control and Equilibration
Langevin dynamics parameters
As described in the NAMD Programmer’s Guide, NAMD is capable of performing Langevin dynamics, where additional damping and random forces are introduced to the system. This capability
is based on that implemented in X-PLOR which is detailed in the X-PLOR User’s Manual [5],
although a different integrator is used.
• langevin < use Langevin dynamics? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not Langevin dynamics active. If set to on, then the
parameter langevinTemp must be set and the parameters langevinFile and langevinCol
can optionally be set to control the behavior of this feature.
• langevinTemp < temperature for Langevin calculations (K) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Temperature to which atoms affected by Langevin dynamics will be adjusted.
This temperature will be roughly maintained across the affected atoms through the addition
of friction and random forces.
• langevinDamping < damping coefficient for Langevin dynamics (1/ps) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Default Value: per-atom values from PDB file
Description: Langevin coupling coefficient to be applied to all atoms (unless langevinHydrogen
is off, in which case only non-hydrogen atoms are affected). If not given, a PDB file is used
to obtain coefficients for each atom (see langevinFile and langevinCol below).
• langevinHydrogen < Apply Langevin dynamics to hydrogen atoms? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: on
Description: If langevinDamping is set then setting langevinHydrogen to off will turn
off Langevin dynamics for hydrogen atoms. This parameter has no effect if Langevin coupling
coefficients are read from a PDB file.
• langevinFile < PDB file containing Langevin parameters >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Default Value: coordinates
Description: PDB file to use for the Langevin coupling coefficients for each atom. If this
parameter is not specified, then the PDB file specified by coordinates is used.
• langevinCol < column of PDB from which to read coefficients >
Acceptable Values: X, Y, Z, O, or B
Default Value: O
Description: Column of the PDB file to use for the Langevin coupling coefficients for each
atom. The coefficients can be read from any floating point column of the PDB file. A value
of 0 indicates that the atom will remain unaffected.
Temperature coupling parameters
As described in the NAMD Programmer’s Guide, NAMD is capable of performing temperature
coupling, in which forces are added or reduced to simulate the coupling of the system to a heat
bath of a specified temperature. This capability is based on that implemented in X-PLOR which
is detailed in the X-PLOR User’s Manual [5].
• tCouple < perform temperature coupling? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not temperature coupling is active. If set to on, then
the parameter tCoupleTemp must be set and the parameters tCoupleFile and tCoupleCol
can optionally be set to control the behavior of this feature.
• tCoupleTemp < temperature for heat bath (K) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Temperature to which atoms affected by temperature coupling will be adjusted. This temperature will be roughly maintained across the affected atoms through the
addition of forces.
• tCoupleFile < PDB file with tCouple parameters >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Default Value: coordinates
Description: PDB file to use for the temperature coupling coefficient for each atom. If
this parameter is not specified, then the PDB file specified by coordinates is used.
• tCoupleCol < column of PDB from which to read coefficients >
Acceptable Values: X, Y, Z, O, or B
Default Value: O
Description: Column of the PDB file to use for the temperature coupling coefficient for
each atom. This value can be read from any floating point column of the PDB file. A value
of 0 indicates that the atom will remain unaffected.
Temperature rescaling parameters
NAMD allows equilibration of a system by means of temperature rescaling. Using this method,
all of the velocities in the system are periodically rescaled so that the entire system is set to the
desired temperature. The following parameters specify how often and to what temperature this
rescaling is performed.
• rescaleFreq < number of timesteps between temperature rescaling >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Description: The equilibration feature of NAMD is activated by specifying the number of
timesteps between each temperature rescaling. If this value is given, then the rescaleTemp
parameter must also be given to specify the target temperature.
• rescaleTemp < temperature for equilibration (K) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: The temperature to which all velocities will be rescaled every rescaleFreq
timesteps. This parameter is valid only if rescaleFreq has been set.
Temperature reassignment parameters
NAMD allows equilibration of a system by means of temperature reassignment. Using this method,
all of the velocities in the system are periodically reassigned so that the entire system is set to the
desired temperature. The following parameters specify how often and to what temperature this
reassignment is performed.
• reassignFreq < number of timesteps between temperature reassignment >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
The equilibration feature of NAMD is activated by specifying the number of timesteps between each temperature reassignment. If this value is given, then the
reassignTemp parameter must also be given to specify the target temperature.
• reassignTemp < temperature for equilibration (K) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Default Value: temperature if set, otherwise none
Description: The temperature to which all velocities will be reassigned every reassignFreq
timesteps. This parameter is valid only if reassignFreq has been set.
• reassignIncr < temperature increment for equilibration (K) >
Acceptable Values: decimal
Default Value: 0
Description: In order to allow simulated annealing or other slow heating/cooling protocols,
reassignIncr will be added to reassignTemp after each reassignment. (Reassignment is
carried out at the first timestep.) The reassignHold parameter may be set to limit the final
temperature. This parameter is valid only if reassignFreq has been set.
• reassignHold < holding temperature for equilibration (K) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: The final temperature for reassignment when reassignIncr is set; reassignTemp
will be held at this value once it has been reached. This parameter is valid only if reassignIncr
has been set.
Boundary Conditions
Spherical harmonic boundary conditions
NAMD provides spherical harmonic boundary conditions. These boundary conditions can consist
of a single potential or a combination of two potentials as described in the NAMD Programmer’s
Guide. The following parameters are used to define these boundary conditions.
• sphericalBC < use spherical boundary conditions? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not spherical boundary conditions are to be applied to
the system. If set to on, then sphericalBCCenter, sphericalBCr1 and sphericalBCk1 must
be defined, and sphericalBCexp1, sphericalBCr2, sphericalBCk2, and sphericalBCexp2
can optionally be defined.
• sphericalBCCenter < center of sphere (Å) >
Acceptable Values: position
Description: Location around which sphere is centered.
• sphericalBCr1 < radius for first boundary condition (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Distance at which the first potential of the boundary conditions takes effect.
This distance is a radius from the center.
• sphericalBCk1 < force constant for first potential >
Acceptable Values: non-zero decimal
Description: Force constant for the first harmonic potential. A positive value will push
atoms toward the center, and a negative value will pull atoms away from the center.
• sphericalBCexp1 < exponent for first potential >
Acceptable Values: positive, even integer
Default Value: 2
Description: Exponent for first boundary potential. The only likely values to use are 2
and 4.
• sphericalBCr2 < radius for second boundary condition (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Distance at which the second potential of the boundary conditions takes effect.
This distance is a radius from the center. If this parameter is defined, then spericalBCk2
must also be defined.
• sphericalBCk2 < force constant for second potential >
Acceptable Values: non-zero decimal
Description: Force constant for the second harmonic potential. A positive value will push
atoms toward the center, and a negative value will pull atoms away from the center.
• sphericalBCexp2 < exponent for second potential >
Acceptable Values: positive, even integer
Default Value: 2
Description: Exponent for second boundary potential. The only likely values to use are 2
and 4.
Cylindrical harmonic boundary conditions
NAMD provides cylindrical harmonic boundary conditions. These boundary conditions can consist
of a single potential or a combination of two potentials as described in the NAMD Programmer’s
Guide. The following parameters are used to define these boundary conditions.
• cylindricalBC < use cylindrical boundary conditions? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not cylindrical boundary conditions are to be applied
to the system. If set to on, then cylindricalBCCenter, cylindricalBCr1, cylindricalBCl1
and cylindricalBCk1 must be defined, and cylindricalBCAxis, cylindricalBCexp1, cylindricalBCr2,
cylindricalBCl2, cylindricalBCk2, and cylindricalBCexp2 can optionally be defined.
• cylindricalBCCenter < center of cylinder (Å) >
Acceptable Values: position
Description: Location around which cylinder is centered.
• cylindricalBCAxis < axis of cylinder (Å) >
Acceptable Values: x, y, or z
Description: Axis along which cylinder is aligned.
• cylindricalBCr1 < radius for first boundary condition (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Distance at which the first potential of the boundary conditions takes effect
along the non-axis plane of the cylinder.
• cylindricalBCl1 < distance along cylinder axis for first boundary condition (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Distance at which the first potential of the boundary conditions takes effect
along the cylinder axis.
• cylindricalBCk1 < force constant for first potential >
Acceptable Values: non-zero decimal
Description: Force constant for the first harmonic potential. A positive value will push
atoms toward the center, and a negative value will pull atoms away from the center.
• cylindricalBCexp1 < exponent for first potential >
Acceptable Values: positive, even integer
Default Value: 2
Description: Exponent for first boundary potential. The only likely values to use are 2
and 4.
• cylindricalBCr2 < radius for second boundary condition (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Distance at which the second potential of the boundary conditions takes effect
along the non-axis plane of the cylinder. If this parameter is defined, then cylindricalBCl2
and spericalBCk2 must also be defined.
• cylindricalBCl2 < radius for second boundary condition (Å) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Distance at which the second potential of the boundary conditions takes
effect along the cylinder axis. If this parameter is defined, then cylindricalBCr2 and
spericalBCk2 must also be defined.
• cylindricalBCk2 < force constant for second potential >
Acceptable Values: non-zero decimal
Description: Force constant for the second harmonic potential. A positive value will push
atoms toward the center, and a negative value will pull atoms away from the center.
• cylindricalBCexp2 < exponent for second potential >
Acceptable Values: positive, even integer
Default Value: 2
Description: Exponent for second boundary potential. The only likely values to use are 2
and 4.
Periodic boundary conditions
NAMD provides periodic boundary conditions in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions. The following parameters
are used to define these boundary conditions.
• cellBasisVector1 < basis vector for periodic boundaries (Å) >
Acceptable Values: vector
Default Value: 0 0 0
Description: Specifies a basis vector for periodic boundary conditions.
• cellBasisVector2 < basis vector for periodic boundaries (Å) >
Acceptable Values: vector
Default Value: 0 0 0
Description: Specifies a basis vector for periodic boundary conditions.
• cellBasisVector3 < basis vector for periodic boundaries (Å) >
Acceptable Values: vector
Default Value: 0 0 0
Description: Specifies a basis vector for periodic boundary conditions.
• cellOrigin < center of periodic cell (Å) >
Acceptable Values: position
Default Value: 0 0 0
Description: When position rescaling is used to control pressure, this location will remain
constant. Also used as the center of the cell for wrapped output coordinates.
• extendedSystem < XSC file to read cell parameters from >
Acceptable Values: file name
Description: In addition to .coor and .vel output files, NAMD generates a .xsc (eXtended
System Configuration) file which contains the periodic cell parameters and extended system
variables, such as the strain rate in constant pressure simulations. Periodic cell parameters
will be read from this file if this option is present, ignoring the above parameters.
• XSTfile < XST file to write cell trajectory to >
Acceptable Values: file name
Description: NAMD can also generate a .xst (eXtended System Trajectory) file which
contains a record of the periodic cell parameters and extended system variables during the
simulation. If XSTfile is defined, then XSTfreq must also be defined.
• XSTfreq < how often to append state to XST file >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Description: Like the DCDfreq option, controls how often the extended system configuration will be appended to the XST file.
• wrapWater < wrap water coordinates around periodic boundaries? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Coordinates are normally output relative to the way they were read in.
Hence, if part of a molecule crosses a periodic boundary it is not translated to the other side
of the cell. This option alters this behavior for water molecules only.
Pressure Control
The following options affect all pressure control methods.
• useGroupPressure < group or atomic quantities >
Acceptable Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Description: Pressure can be calculated using either the atomic virial and kinetic energy
(the default) or a hydrogen-group based pseudo-molecular virial and kinetic energy. The
latter fluctuates less and is required in conjunction with rigidBonds (SHAKE).
• useFlexibleCell < anisotropic cell fluctuations >
Acceptable Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Description: NAMD allows the three orthogonal dimensions of the periodic cell to fluctuate
independently when this option is enabled. This is not currently implemented in Berendsen’s
Berendsen pressure bath coupling
NAMD provides constant pressure simulation using Berendsen’s method. The following parameters
are used to define the algorithm.
• BerendsenPressure < use Berendsen pressure bath coupling? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not Berendsen pressure bath coupling is active. If set to
on, then the parameters BerendsenPressureTarget, BerendsenPressureCompressibility
and BerendsenPressureRelaxationTime must be set and the parameter BerendsenPressureFreq
can optionally be set to control the behavior of this feature.
• BerendsenPressureTarget < target pressure (bar) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Specifies target pressure for Berendsen’s method.
• BerendsenPressureCompressibility < compressibility (bar−1 ) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Specifies compressibility for Berendsen’s method.
• BerendsenPressureRelaxationTime < relaxation time (fs) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Specifies relaxation time for Berendsen’s method.
• BerendsenPressureFreq < how often to rescale positions >
Acceptable Values: positive multiple of nonbondedFrequency and fullElectFrequency
Default Value: nonbondedFrequency or fullElectFrequency if used
Description: Specifies number of timesteps between position rescalings for Berendsen’s
Nosé-Hoover Langevin piston pressure control
NAMD provides constant pressure simulation using a modified Nosé-Hoover method in which
Langevin dynamics is used to control fluctuations in the barostat. This method should be combined
with a method of temperature control, such as Langevin dynamics, in order to simulate the NPT
ensemble. The following parameters are used to define the algorithm.
• LangevinPiston < use Langevin piston pressure control? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not Langevin piston pressure control is active. If set to
on, then the parameters LangevinPistonTarget, LangevinPistonPeriod, LangevinPistonDecay
and LangevinPistonTemp must be set.
• LangevinPistonTarget < target pressure (bar) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Specifies target pressure for Langevin piston method.
• LangevinPistonPeriod < oscillation period (fs) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Specifies barostat oscillation time scale for Langevin piston method.
• LangevinPistonDecay < damping time scale (fs) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Specifies barostat damping time scale for Langevin piston method.
• LangevinPistonTemp < noise temperature (K) >
Acceptable Values: positive decimal
Description: Specifies barostat noise temperature for Langevin piston method. This should
be set equal to the target temperature for the chosen method of temperature control.
• StrainRate < initial strain rate >
Acceptable Values: decimal triple (x y z)
Default Value: 0. 0. 0.
Description: Optionally specifies the initial strain rate for pressure control. Is overridden
by value read from file specified with extendedSystem.
Applied Forces and Analysis
Currently, there are two ways to steer simulations with NAMD. One is called “moving constraints”
and is based on the harmonic constraints feature. The other is a stand-alone feature called “SMD”.
Moving Constraints
Moving constraints feature works in conjunction with the Harmonic Constraints (see an appropriate
section of the User’s guide). The reference positions of all constraints will move according to
~r(t) = ~r0 + ~v t .
A velocity vector ~v (movingConsVel) needs to be specified.
The way the moving constraints work is that the moving reference position is calculated every integration time step using Eq. 1, where ~v is in Å/timestep, and t is the current timestep
(i.e., firstTimestep plus however many timesteps have passed since the beginning of NAMD
run). Therefore, one should be careful when restarting simulations to appropriately update the
firstTimestep parameter in the NAMD configuration file or the reference position specified in the
reference PDB file.
NOTE: NAMD actually calculates the constraints potential with U = k(x − x0 )d and the force
with F = dk(x − x0 ), where d is the exponent consexp. The result is that if one specifies some
value for the force constant k in the PDB file, effectively, the force constant is 2k in calculations.
This caveat was removed in SMD feature.
The following parameters describe the parameters for the moving harmonic constraint feature
of NAMD.
• movingConstraints < Are moving constraints active >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Should moving restraints be applied to the system. If set to on, then
movingConsVel must be defined. May not be used with rotConstraints.
• movingConsVel < Velocity of the reference position movement >
Acceptable Values: vector in Å/timestep
Description: The velocity of the reference position movement. Gives both absolute value
and direction
Rotating Constraints
The constraints parameters are specified in the same manner as for usual (static) harmonic constraints. The reference positions of all constrained atoms are then rotated with a given angular
velocity about a given axis. If the force constant of the constraints is sufficiently large, the constrained atoms will follow their reference positions.
A rotation matrix M about the axis unit vector v is calculated every timestep for the angle
of rotation corresponding to the current timestep. angle = Ωt, where Ω is the angular velocity of
From now on, all quantities are 3D vectors, except the matrix M and the force constant K.
The current reference position R is calculated from the initial reference position R0 (at t = 0),
R = M (R0 − P ) + P , where P is the pivot point.
Coordinates of point N can be found as N = P + ((R − P ) · v)v. Normal from the atom pos to
the axis is, similarly, normal = (P + ((X − P ) · v)v) − X The force is, as usual, F = K(R − X);
This is the force applied to the atom in NAMD (see below). NAMD does not know anything
about the torque applied. However, the torque applied to the atom can be calculated as a vector
product torque = F × normal Finally, the torque applied to the atom with respect to the axis is
the projection of the torque on the axis, i.e., torqueproj = torque · v
If there are atoms that have to be constrained, but not moved, this implementation is not
suitable, because it will move all reference positions.
Only one of the moving and rotating constraints can be used at a time.
Using very soft springs for rotating constraints leads to the system lagging behind the reference
positions, and then the force is applied along a direction different from the ”ideal” direction along
the circular path.
Pulling on N atoms at the same time with a spring of stiffness K amounts to pulling on the
whole system by a spring of stiffness NK, so the overall behavior of the system is as if you are
pulling with a very stiff spring if N is large.
In both moving and rotating constraints the force constant that you specify in the constraints
pdb file is multiplied by 2 for the force calculation, i.e., if you specified K = 0.5 kcal/mol/Å in the
pdb file, the force actually calculated is F = 2K(R − X) = 1 kcal/mol/Å (R − X). SMD feature
of namd2 does the calculation without multiplication of the force constant specified in the config
file by 2.
• rotConstraints < Are rotating constraints active >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Should rotating restraints be applied to the system. If set to on, then
rotConsAxis, rotConsPivot and rotConsVel must be defined. May not be used with
• rotConsAxis < Axis of rotation >
Acceptable Values: vector (may be unnormalized)
Description: Axis of rotation. Can be any vector. It gets normalized before use. If the
vector is 0, no rotation will be performed, but the calculations will still be done.
• rotConsPivot < Pivot point of rotation >
Acceptable Values: position in Å
Description: Pivot point of rotation. The rotation axis vector only gives the direction of
the axis. Pivot point places the axis in space, so that the axis goes through the pivot point.
• rotConsVel < Angular velocity of rotation >
Acceptable Values: rate in degrees per timestep
Description: Angular velocity of rotation, degrees/timestep.
Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD)
The SMD feature is independent from the harmonic constraints, although it follows the same ideas.
In both SMD and harmonic constraints, one specifies a PDB file which indicates which atoms are
’tagged’ as constrained. The PDB file also gives initial coordinates for the constraint positions.
One also specifies such parameters as the force constant(s) for the constraints, and the velocity
with which the constraints move.
There are two major differences between SMD and harmonic constraints:
• In harmonic constraints, each tagged atom is harmonically constrained to a reference point
which moves with constant velocity. In SMD, it is the center of mass of the tagged atoms
which is constrained to move with constant velocity.
• In harmonic constraints, each tagged atom is constrained in all three spatial dimensions. In
SMD, tagged atoms are constrained only along the constraint direction.
The center of mass of the SMD atoms will be harmonically constrained with force constant k
(SMDk) to move with velocity v (SMDVel) in the direction ~n (SMDDir). SMD thus results in the
following potential being applied to the system:
1 h
~ −R
~ 0 ) · ~n .
k vt − (R(t)
Here, t ≡ Nts dt where Nts is the number of elapsed timesteps in the simulation and dt is the size
of the timestep in femtoseconds. Also, R(t)
is the current center of mass of the SMD atoms and
R0 is the initial center of mass as defined by the coordinates in SMDFile. Vector ~n is normalized
by NAMD before being used.
U (~r1 , ~r2 , ..., t) =
Output NAMD provides output of the current SMD data. The frequency of output is specified
by the SMDOutputFreq parameter in the configuration file. Every SMDOutputFreq timesteps NAMD
will print the current timestep, current position of the center of mass of the restrained atoms, and
the current force applied to the center of mass (in piconewtons, pN). The output line starts with
word SMD
Parameters The following parameters describe the parameters for the SMD feature of NAMD.
• SMD < Are SMD features active >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Should SMD harmonic constraint be applied to the system. If set to on, then
SMDk, SMDFile, SMDVel, and SMDDir must be defined. Specifying SMDOutputFreq is optional.
• SMDFile < SMD constraint reference position >
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Description: File to use for the initial reference position for the SMD harmonic constraints.
All atoms in this PDB file with a nonzero value in the occupancy column will be tagged as
SMD atoms. The coordinates of the tagged SMD atoms will be used to calculate the initial
center of mass. During the simulation, this center of mass will move with velocity SMDVel in
the direction SMDDir.
• SMDk < force constant to use in SMD simulation >
Acceptable Values: positive real
Description: SMD harmonic constraint force constant. Must be specified in kcal/mol/Å2 .
The conversion factor is 1 kcal/mol = 69.479 pN Å.
• SMDVel < Velocity of the SMD reference position movement >
Acceptable Values: nonzero real, Å/timestep
Description: The velocity of the SMD center of mass movement. Gives the absolute value.
• SMDDir < Direction of the SMD center of mass movement >
Acceptable Values: non-zero vector
Description: The direction of the SMD reference position movement. The vector does not
have to be normalized, it is normalized by NAMDbefore being used.
• SMDOutputFreq < frequency of SMD output >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: 1
Description: The frequency in timesteps with which the current SMD data values are
printed out.
Interactive Molecular Dynamics (IMD)
NAMD now works directly with VMD to allow you to view and interactively steer your simulation.
With IMD enabled, you can connect to NAMD at any time during the simulation to view the
current state of the system or perform interactive steering.
• IMDon < is IMD active? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not to listen for an IMD connection.
• IMDport < port number to expect a connection on >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Description: This is a free port number on the machine that node 0 is running on. This
number will have to be entered into VMD.
• IMDfreq < timesteps between sending coordinates >
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Description: This allows coordinates to be sent less often, which may increase NAMD
performance or be necessary due to a slow network.
• IMDwait < wait for an IMD connection? >
Acceptable Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Description: If no, NAMD will proceed with calculations whether a connection is present
or not. If yes, NAMD will pause at startup until a connection is made, and pause when the
connection is lost.
Tcl interface
NAMD provides a limited Tcl scripting interface designed for applying forces and performing onthe-fly analysis. This interface is efficient if only a few coordinates, either of individual atoms or
centers of mass of groups of atoms, are needed. In addition, information must be requested one
timestep in advance. The following configuration parameters are used to enable the Tcl interface:
• tclForces < is Tcl interface active? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not Tcl interface is active. If it is set to off, then no Tcl
code is executed. If it is set to on, then Tcl code specified in tclForcesScript parameters
is executed.
• tclForcesScript < input for Tcl interface >
Acceptable Values: file or {script}
Description: Must contain either the name of a Tcl script file or the script itself between {
and } (may include multiple lines). This parameter may occur multiple times and scripts will
be executed in order of appearance. The script(s) should perform any required initialization
on the Tcl interpreter, including requesting data needed during the first timestep, and define
a procedure calcforces { } to be called every timestep.
At this point only low-level commands are defined. In the future this list will be expanded.
Current commands are:
• print <anything>
This command should be used instead of puts to display output. For example, “print Hello World”.
• atomid <molname> <resid> <atomname>
Determines atomid of an atom from its molecule, residue, and name. For example, “atomid
br 2 N”.
• addatom <atomid>
Request coordinates of this atom for next force evaluation. Request remains in effect until
reconfig is called. For example, “addatom 4” or “addatom [atomid br 2 N]”.
• addgroup <atomid list>
Request center of mass coordinates of this group for next force evaluation. Returns a group
ID which is of the form gN where N is a small integer. This group ID may then be used
to find coordinates and apply forces just like a regular atom ID. Aggregate forces may then
be applied to the group as whole. Request remains in effect until reconfig is called. For
example, “set groupid [addgroup { 14 10 12 }]”.
• reconfig
Signals that new atoms are being requested. addatom and addgroup calls during calcforces
will be ignored unless reconfig is called. Old configuration is replaced by new configuration.
reconfig should only be called from within the calcforces procedure.
• loadcoords <varname>
Loads requested atom and group coordinates (in Å) into a local array. loadcoords should
only be called from within the calcforces procedure. For example, “loadcoords p” and
“print p(4)”.
• loadmasses <varname>
Loads requested atom and group masses (in amu) into a local array. loadmasses should only
be called from within the calcforces procedure. For example, “loadcoords m” and “print
• addforce <atomid|groupid> <force vector>
Applies force (in kcal mol−1 Å−1 ) to atom or group. addforce should only be called from
within the calcforces procedure. For example, “addforce $groupid { 1. 0. 2. }”.
Several vector routines from the VMD Tcl interface are also defined.
Free Energy of Conformational Change Calculations
NAMD incorporates methods for performing free energy of conformational change perturbation
calculations. The system is efficient if only a few coordinates, either of individual atoms or centers
of mass of groups of atoms, are needed. The following configuration parameters are used to enable
free energy perturbation:
• freeEnergy < is free energy perturbation active? >
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not free energy perturbation is active. If it is set to
off, then no free energy perturbation is performed. If it is set to on, then the free energy
perturbation calculation specified in freeEnergyConfig parameters is executed.
• freeEnergyConfig < free energy perturbation script >
Acceptable Values: file or {script}
Description: Must contain either the name of a free energy perturbation script file or
the script itself between { and } (may include multiple lines). This parameter may occur
multiple times and scripts will be executed in order of appearance. The format of the free
energy perturbation script is described below.
The following sections describe the format of the free energy perturbation script.
User-Supplied Conformational Restraints
These restraints extend the scope of the available restraints beyond that provided by the harmonic
position restraints. Each restraint is imposed with a potential energy term, whose form depends
on the type of the restraint.
Fixed Restraints
Position restraint (1 atom): force constant Kf , and reference position −
E = (Kf /2) (|−
ri − −
ref |)
Stretch restraint (2 atoms): force constant Kf , and reference distance dref
E = (Kf /2) (di − dref )2
Bend restraint (3 atoms): force constant Kf , and reference angle θref
E = (Kf /2) (θi − θref )2
Torsion restraint (4 atoms): energy barrier E0 , and reference angle χref
E = (E0 /2) {1 − cos (χi − χref )}
Forcing restraints
Position restraint (1 atom): force constant Kf , and two reference positions −
r0 and −
E = (Kf /2) (| ri − rref |)
ref = λ r1 + (1 − λ) r0
Stretch restraint (2 atoms): force constant Kf , and two reference distances d0 and d1
E = (Kf /2) (di − dref )2
dref = d1 + (1 − λ) d0
Bend restraint (3 atoms): force constant Kf , and two reference angles θ0 and θ1
E = (Kf /2) (θi − θref )2
θref = λθ1 + (1 − λ) θ0
Torsion restraint (4 atoms): energy barrier E0 , and two reference angles χ0 and χ1
E = (E0 /2) {1 − cos (χi − χref )}
χref = λχ1 + (1 − λ) χ0
The forcing restraints depend on the coupling parameter, λ, specified in a conformational forcing
calculation. For example, the restraint distance, dref , depends on λ, and as λ changes two atoms
or centers-of-mass are forced closer together or further apart. In this case Kf = Kf,0 , the value
supplied at input.
Alternatively, the value of Kf may depend upon the coupling parameter λ according to:
Kf = Kf,0 λ
Position bound (1 atom): Force constant Kf , reference position r−−
ref ,
and upper or lower reference distance, dref
Upper bound:
E = (Kf /2) (di − dref )2 for di > dref , else E = 0.
Lower bound:
E = (Kf /2) (di − dref )2 for di < dref , else E = 0.
d2 = (|−
ri − −
Distance bound (2 atoms):
Force constant Kf ,
and upper or lower reference distance, dref
Upper bound:
E = (Kf /2) (dij − dref )2 for dij > dref , else E = 0.
Lower bound:
E = (Kf /2) (dij − dref )2 for dij < dref , else E = 0.
Angle bound (3 atoms):
Force constant Kf ,
and upper or lower reference angle, θref
Upper bound:
E = (Kf /2) (θ − θref )2 for θ > θref , else E = 0.
Lower bound:
E = (Kf /2) (θ − θref )2 for θ < θref , else E = 0.
Torsion bound (4 atoms):
An upper and lower bound must be provided together.
Energy gap E0 , lower AND upper reference angles, χ1 and χ2 ,
and angle interval, ∆χ.
< χ < χ2 :
(χ1 − ∆χ)
< χ < χ1 :
E = (G/2) {1 − cos (χ − χ1 )}
< χ (χ2 + ∆χ):
E = (G/2) {1 − cos (χ − χ2 )}
(χ2 + ∆χ)
< χ (χ1 − ∆χ + 2π) : E = G
G = E0 / {1 − cos (∆χ)}
Bounds may be used in pairs, to set a lower and upper bound. Torsional bounds always are
defined in pairs.
Free Energy Calculations
Conformational forcing / Potential of mean force
In conformational forcing calculations, structural parameters such as atomic positions, interatomic distances, and dihedral angles are forced to change by application of changing restraint
potentials. For example, the distance between two atoms can be restrained by a potential to a
mean distance that is varied during the calculation. The free energy change (or potential of mean
force, pmf) for the process can be estimated during the simulation.
The potential is made to depend on a coupling parameter, λ, whose value changes during the
simulation. In potential of mean force calculations, the reference value of the restraint potential
depends on λ. Alternately, the force constant for the restraint potential may change in proportion
to the coupling parameter. Such a calculation gives the value of a restraint free energy, i.e., the
free energy change of the system due to imposition of the restraint potential.
Methods for computing the free energy
With conformational forcing (or with molecular transformation calculations) one obtains a free
energy difference for a process that is forced on the system by changing the potential energy function
that determines the dynamics of the system. One always makes the changing potential depend on a
coupling parameter, λ. By convention, λ can have values only in the range from 0 to 1, and a value
of λ = 0 corresponds to one defined state and a value of λ = 1 corresponds to the other defined
state. Intermediate values of λ correspond to intermediate states; in the case of conformational
forcing calculations these intermediate states are physically realizable, but in the case of molecular
transformation calculations they are not.
The value of λ is changed during the simulation. In the first method provided here, the change
in λ is stepwise, while in the second method it is virtually continuous.
Multi-configurational thermodynamic integration (MCTI).
In MCTI one accumulates h∂U/∂λi at several values of λ, and from these averages estimates
the integral
−∆A = h∂U/∂λi dλ
With this method, the precision of each h∂U/∂λi can be estimated from the fluctuations of the
time series of ∂U/∂λ.
Slow growth.
In slow growth, λ is incremented by δλ = ±1/Nstep after each dynamics integration time-step,
and the pmf is estimated as
−∆A = Σ (∂U/∂λ) δλ
Typically, slow growth is done in cycles of: equilibration at λ = 0, change to λ = 1, equilibration
at λ = 1, change to λ = 0 . It is usual to estimate the precision of slow growth simulations from
the results of successive cycles.
Options for Conformational Restraints
User-supplied restraint and bounds specifications
urestraint {
n * (restraint or bound specification)
Restraint Specifications (not coupled to
kf = KF ref
2 x ATOM kf = KF ref
angle 3 x ATOM kf = KF ref
4 x ATOM barr = B ref
Bound Specifications
posi bound
dist bound
angle bound
dihe bound
// see below
pmf calculations)
= (X Y Z)
(not coupled to pmf
kf = KF
2 x ATOM kf = KF
3 x ATOM kf = KF
4 x ATOM gap = E
[low = (X Y Z D) or hi = (X Y Z D)]
[low = D or hi = D]
[low = A or hi = A]
low = A0 hi = A1 delta = A2
Forcing Restraint Specifications (coupled to pmf calculations)
posi pmf
kf=KF low = (X0 Y0 Z0) hi = (X1 Y1 Z1)
dist pmf
2 x ATOM kf=KF low = D0 hi = D1
angle pmf 3 x ATOM kf=KF low = A0 hi = A1
dihe pmf
4 x ATOM barr=B low = A0 hi = A1
Input item
E, B
X, Y, Z, D
kcal/(mol 2 ) or kcal/(mol rad2 )
Options for ATOM Specification
The designation ATOM, above, stands for one of the following forms:
A single atom
(segname, resnum, atomname)
Example: (insulin, 10, ca)
All atoms of a single residue
(segname, resnum)
Example: (insulin, 10)
A list of atoms
group { (segname, resnum, atomname), (segname, resnum, atomname), . . . }
Example: group { (insulin, 10, ca), (insulin, 10, cb), (insulin, 11, cg) }
All atoms in a list of residues
group { (segname, resnum), (segname, resnum), . . . }
Example: group { (insulin, 10), (insulin, 12), (insulin, 14) }
All atoms in a range of residues
group { (segname, resnum) to (segname, resnum) }
Example: group { (insulin, 10) to (insulin, 12) }
One or more atomnames in a list of residues
group { atomname: (segname, resnum), (segname, resnum), . . . }
group { (atomname, atomname, . . . ): (segname, resnum), (segname, resnum), . . . }
Examples: group { ca: (insulin, 10), (insulin, 12), (insulin, 14) }
group { (ca, cb, cg): (insulin, 10), (insulin, 12), (insulin, 14) }
group { (ca, cb): (insulin, 10), (insulin, 12) cg: (insulin, 11), (insulin, 12) }
Note: Within a group, atomname is in effect until a new atomname is used, or the keyword all
is used. atomname will not carry over from group to group. This note applies to the paragraph
One or more atomnames in a range of residues
group { atomname: (segname, resnum) to (segname, resnum) }
group { (atomname, atomname, . . . ): (segname, resnum) to (segname, resnum) }
group { ca: (insulin, 10) to (insulin, 14) }
group { (ca, cb, cg): (insulin, 10) to (insulin, 12) }
group { (ca, cb): (insulin, 10) to (insulin, 12) all: (insulin, 13) }
Options for Potential of Mean Force Calculation
The pmf and mcti blocks, below, are used to simultaneously control all forcing restraints specified
in urestraint above. These blocks are performed consecutively, in the order they appear in the
config file. The pmf block is used to either a) smoothly vary λ from 0 →1 or 1 →0, or b) set
lambda. The mcti block is used to vary λ from 0 →1 or 1 →0 in steps, so that λ is fixed while
dU/dλ is accumulated.
Lamba control for slow growth
pmf {
task = [up, down, stop, grow, fade, or nogrow]
time = T [fs, ps, or ns] (default = ps)
lambda = Y (value of λ; only needed for stop and nogrow)
lambdat = Z (value of λt ; only needed for grow, fade, and nogrow) (default = 0)
print = P [fs, ps, or ns] or noprint (default = ps)
up, down, stop:
grow, fade, nogrow:
up, grow:
down, fade:
stop, nogrow:
λ is applied to the reference values.
λ is applied to Kf . A fixed value, λt , is used to determine the ref. values.
λ changes from 0 →1. (no value of λ is required)
λ changes from 1 →0. (no value of λ is required)
dU/dλ is accumulated (for single point MCTI)
Lambda control for automated MCTI
mcti {
task = [stepup, stepdown, stepgrow, or stepfade]
equiltime = T1 [fs, ps, or ns] (default = ps)
accumtime = T2 [fs, ps, or ns] (default = ps)
numsteps = N
lambdat = Z (value of λt ; only needed for stepgrow, and stepfade) (default = 0)
print = P [fs, ps, or ns] or noprint (default = ps)
stepup, stepdown:
stepgrow, stepfade:
stepup, stepgrow:
stepdown, stepfade:
is applied to the reference values.
is applied to Kf . A fixed value, λt , is used to determine the ref. values.
changes from 0 →1. (no value of λ is required)
changes from 1 →0. (no value of λ is required)
For each task, λ changes in steps of (1.0/N) from 0 →1 or 1 →0. At each step, no data is
accumulated for the initial period T1, then dU/dλ is accumulated for T2. Therefore, the total
duration of an mcti block is (T1+T2) x N.
Fixed restraints
// 1. restrain the position of the ca atom of residue 0.
// 2. restrain the distance between the ca’s of residues 0 and 10 to 5.2Å
// 3. restrain the angle between the ca’s of residues 0-10-20 to 90o .
// 4. restrain the dihedral angle between the ca’s of residues 0-10-20-30 to 180o .
// 5. restrain the angle between the centers-of-mass of residues 0-10-20 to 90o .
urestraint {
posi (insulin, 0, ca) kf=20 ref=(10, 11, 11)
dist (insulin, 0, ca) (insulin, 10, ca) kf=20 ref=5.2
angle (insulin, 0, ca) (insulin, 10, ca) (insulin, 20, ca) kf=20 ref=90
dihe (insulin, 0, ca) (insulin, 10, ca) (insulin, 20, ca) (insulin, 30, ca) barr=20 ref=180
angle (insulin, 0) (insulin, 10) (insulin, 20) kf=20 ref=90
// 1.
restrain the center of mass of three atoms of residue 0.
// 2.
restrain the distance between (the COM of 3 atoms of residue 0) to (the COM of 3 atoms of residue 10).
// 3.
restrain the dihedral angle of (10,11,12)-(15,16,17,18)-(20,22)-(30,31,32,34,35) to 90o
( (ca of 10 to 12), (ca, cb, cg of 15 to 18), (all atoms of 20 and 22), (ca of 30, 31, 32, 34, all atoms of 35) ).
urestraint {
posi group {(insulin, 0, ca), (insulin, 0, cb), (insulin, 0, cg)} kf=20 ref=(10, 11, 11)
dist group {(insulin, 0, ca), (insulin, 0, cb), (insulin, 0, cg)}
group {(insulin, 10, ca), (insulin, 10, cb), (insulin, 10, cg)} kf=20 ref=6.2
dihe group {ca: (insulin, 10) to (insulin, 12)}
group {(ca, cb, cg): (insulin, 15) to (insulin, 18)}
group {(insulin, 20), (insulin, 22)}
group {ca: (insulin, 30) to (insulin, 32), (insulin, 34), all: (insulin, 35)} barr=20 ref=90
Bound specifications
// 1.
impose an upper bound if an atom’s position strays too far from a reference position.
(add an energy term if the atom is more than 10Å from (2.0, 2.0, 2.0) ).
// 2&3.
// 4.
impose lower and upper bounds on the distance between the ca’s of residues 5 and 15.
(if the separation is less than 5.0Å or greater than 12.0Å add an energy term).
impose a lower bound on the angle between the centers-of-mass of residues 3-6-9.
(if the angle goes lower than 90o apply a restraining potential).
urestraint {
posi bound (insulin, 3, cb) kf=20 hi = (2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 10.0)
dist bound (insulin, 5, ca) (insulin, 15, ca) kf=20 low = 5.0
dist bound (insulin, 5, ca) (insulin, 15, ca) kf=20 hi = 12.0
angle bound (insulin, 3) (insulin, 6) (insulin, 9) kf=20 low=90.0
// torsional bounds are defined as pairs. this example specifies upper and lower bounds on the
χ, separating the planes of the 1-2-3 residues and the 2-3-4 residues.
// The energy is 0 for:
¡ χ ¡ 120o
// The energy is 20 kcal/mol for: 130
¡ χ ¡ 260o
// Energy rises from 0 → 20 kcal/mol as χ increases from 120o → 130o , and decreases from –90o → –100o .
// dihedral angle,
urestraint {
dihe bound (insulin 1) (insulin 2) (insulin 3) (insulin 4) gap=20 low=-90 hi=120 delta=10
Forcing restraints
// a forcing restraint will be imposed on the distance between the centers-of-mass of residues (10 to 15) and
// residues (30 to 35). low=20.0, hi=10.0, indicates that the reference distance is 20.0at
urestraint {
dist pmf
λ=0, and 10.0at λ=1.
group { (insulin, 10) to (insulin, 15) }
group { (insulin, 30) to (insulin, 35) } kf=20, low=20.0, hi=10.0
// 1. during the initial 10 ps, increase the strength of the forcing restraint to full strength: 0
// 2. next, apply a force to slowly close the distance from 20 to 10 (λ changes from 0
// 3. accumulate dU/dλ for another 10 ps. ( stays fixed at 1)
// 4. force the distance back to its initial value of 20 ( changes from 1
pmf {
task = grow
time = 10 ps
print = 1 ps
pmf {
task = up
time = 100 ps
pmf {
task = stop
time = 10 ps
pmf {
task = down
time = 100 ps
→ 0)
// 1.
force the distance to close from 20 to 10 in 5 steps. (λ changes from 0
at each step equilibrate for 10 ps, then collect dU/dλ for another 10 ps.
ref = 18, 16, 14, 12, 10 , duration = (10 + 10) x 5 = 100 ps.
// 2.
reverse the step above (λ changes from 1
mcti {
task = stepup
equiltime = 10 ps
accumtime = 10 ps
numsteps = 5
print = 1 ps
mcti {
task = stepdown
→ 1: 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0)
→ 0: 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0)
→ 1)
→ 20 kcal/(mol 2 )
Gradient for position restraint
→ 2
E = (Kf /2) n
ri − −
ref |)
E = (Kf /2) (xi − xref )2 + (yi − yref )2 + (zi − zref )2
∇(E) = Kf (xi − xref ) i + (yi − yref ) j + (zi − zref ) k
Gradient for stretch restraint
E = (Kf /2) (di − dref )2
di = (x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2 + (z2 − z1 )2
∇(E) = Kf (di − dref ) · ∇(di)
for atom 2 moving, and atom 1 fixed
∇(di ) = 1/2 (x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2 + (z2 − z1 )2
{2 (x2 − x1 ) + 2 (y2 − y1 ) + 2 (z2 − z1 )}
∇(di ) = (x2 − x1 ) i + (y2 − y1 ) j + (z2 − z1 ) k /di
∇(E) = Kf {(di − dref ) /di } (x2 − x1 ) i + (y2 − y1 ) j + (z2 − z1 ) k
Gradient for bend restraint
E = (Kf /2) (θi − θref )2
Atoms at positions A-B-C
distances: (A to B) = c; (A to C) =b; (B to C) = a;
θi = cos−1 (u) = cos−1 a2 + c2 − b2 / (2ac)
∇(E) = Kf (θi − θref ) · ∇(θi )
· ∇(u)
∇(θi ) = √1−u
for atom A moving, atoms B
& C fixed
(distances b and c change)
∇(u) = n{−b/ (ac)} · ∇(b) + −a/ 2c2 + 1/ (2a) + b2o/ 2ac2 · ∇(c)
∇(b) = (xA − xC ) i + (yA − yC ) j + (zA − zC ) k /b
∇(c) = (xA − xB ) i + (yA − yB ) j + (zA − zB ) k /c
for atom B moving, atoms A & C fixed (distancesa and c change)
2 + 1/(2a) + b2 / 2ac2
∇(u) = n1/(2c) + −c/(2a2 ) + b2 /(2a2 c) · ∇(a) + −a/
· ∇(c)
∇(a) = (xB − xC ) i + (yB − yC ) j + (zB − zC ) k /a
∇(c) = (xB − xA ) i + (yB − yA ) j + (zB − zA ) k /c
for atom C moving, atoms A
& B fixed
(distances a and b change)
2 / 2ac2
∇(u) = n{−b/ (ac)} · ∇(b) + −c/ 2a + 1/(2c) + bo
· ∇(a)
∇(b) = (xC − xA ) i + (yC − yA ) j + (zC − zA ) k /b
∇(a) = (xC − xB ) i + (yC − yB ) j + (zC − zB ) k /a
Gradient for dihedral angle restraint
E = (E0 /2) {1 − cos (χi − χref )}
Atoms at positions A-B-C-D
−−→ −−→ −−→ −−→
χi = cos−1 (u) = cos−1 −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→
−−→ −−→ −−→ −−→
(CD×CB )×(BC ×BA) CB
χi = sin−1 (v) = sin−1 −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ • −
∇(E) = (E0 /2) {sin (χi − χref )} · ∇(χi )
· ∇(u)
∇(χi ) = √1−u
−−→ −−→
CD × CB =
−−→ −−→
BC × BA =
u= √
((yD − yC )(zB − zC ) − (zD − zC )(yB − yC )) i +
((zD − zC )(xB − xC ) − (xD − xC )(zB − zC )) j +
((xD − xC )(yB − yC ) − (yD − yC )(xB − xC )) k
p1 i + p 2 j + p 3 k
((yC − yB )(zA − zB ) − (zC − zB )(yA − yB )) i +
((zC − zB )(xA − xB ) − (xC − xB )(zA − zB )) j +
((xC − xB )(yA − yB ) − (yC − yB )(xA − xB )) k
p 4 i + p5 j + p 6 k
p1 p4 +p2 √
p5 +p3 p6
p21 +p22 +p23 p24 +p25 +p26
∇(u) =
p1 ·∇(p4 )+p2 ·∇(p5 )+p3 ·∇(p6 )
√ 2 2 2√ 2 2 2 +
p1 +p2 +p3 p
4 +p5 +p6
p4 +p2 p5 +p3 p6
−1/2 p24 +
p21 +p22 +p23
p4 +p2 p5 +p3 p6
−1/2 p21 +
p4 +p5 +p6
p25 + p26
p22 + p23
(2p4 · ∇(p4 ) + 2p5 · ∇(p5 ) + 2p6 · ∇(p6 )) +
(2p1 · ∇(p1 ) + 2p2 · ∇(p2 ) + 2p3 · ∇(p3 ))
for atom A moving, atoms B, C, & D fixed
∇(p1 ) =
(0.0) i +
(0.0) j +
(0.0) k
∇(p2 ) =
(0.0) i +
(0.0) j +
(0.0) k
∇(p3 ) =
(0.0) i +
(0.0) j +
(0.0) k
∇(p4 ) =
(0.0) i + (zB − zC ) j + (yC − yB ) k
∇(p5 ) = (zC − zB ) i +
(0.0) j + (xB − xC ) k
∇(p6 ) = (yB − yC ) i + (xC − xB ) j +
(0.0) k
for atom B moving, atoms A, C, & D fixed
∇(p1 ) =
(0.0) i + (zC − zD ) j +
∇(p2 ) = (zD − zC ) i +
(0.0) j +
∇(p3 ) = (yC − yD ) i + (xD − xC ) j +
∇(p4 ) =
(0.0) i + (zC − zA ) j +
∇(p5 ) = (zA − zC ) i +
(0.0) j +
∇(p6 ) = (yC − yA ) i + (xA − xC ) j +
Gradient for forcing position restraint
→ 2
E = (Kf /2) (|−
ri − −
ref |)
rref = λ r1 + (1 − λ) −
dE/dλ =
Kf ×
(yD − yC ) k
(xC − xD ) k
(0.0) k
(yA − yC ) k
(xC − xA ) k
(0.0) k
(xi − xref )2 + (yi − yref )2 + (zi − zref )2
1/2 (xi − xref )2 + (yi − yref )2 + (zi − zref )2
(2 (xi − xref ) (x0 − x1 ) + 2 (yi − yref ) (y0 − y1 ) + 2 (zi − zref ) (z0 − z1 ))
dE/dλ = Kf × ((xi − xref ) (x0 − x1 ) + (yi − yref ) (y0 − y1 ) + (zi − zref ) (z0 − z1 ))
Gradient for forcing stretch restraint
E = (Kf /2) (di − dref )2
dref = λd1 + (1 − λ) d0
dE/dλ = Kf × (di − dref ) × (d0 − d1 )
Gradient for forcing bend restraint
E = (Kf /2) (θi − θref )2
θref = λθ1 + (1 − λ) θ0
dE/dλ = Kf × (θi − θref ) × (θ0 − θ1 )
Gradient for forcing dihedral restraint
E = (E0 /2) (1 − cos (χi − χref ))
χref = λχ1 + (1 − λ) χ0
dE/dλ = (E0 /2) × sin (χi − χref ) × (χ0 − χ1 )
Translation between NAMD and X-PLOR configuration parameters
NAMD was designed to provide many of the same molecular dynamics functions that X-PLOR
provides. As such, there are many similarities between the types of parameters that must be
passed to both X-PLOR and NAMD. This section describes relations between similar NAMD and
X-PLOR parameters.
• NAMD Parameter: cutoff
X-PLOR Parameter: CTOFNB
When full electrostatics are not in use within NAMD, these parameters have exactly the
same meaning — the distance at which electrostatic and van der Waals forces are truncated.
When full electrostatics are in use within NAMD, the meaning is still very similar. The
van der Waals force is still truncated at the specified distance, and the electrostatic force is
still computed at every timestep for interactions within the specified distance. However, the
NAMD integration uses multiple time stepping to compute electrostatic force interactions
beyond this distance every stepspercycle timesteps.
• NAMD Parameter: vdwswitchdist
X-PLOR Parameter: CTONNB
Distance at which the van der Waals switching function becomes active.
• NAMD Parameter: pairlistdist
X-PLOR Parameter: CUTNb
Distance within which interaction pairs will be included in pairlist.
• NAMD Parameter: 1-4scaling
X-PLOR Parameter: E14Fac
Scaling factor for 1-4 pair electrostatic interactions.
• NAMD Parameter: dielectric
X-PLOR Parameter: EPS
Dielectric constant.
• NAMD Parameter: exclude
X-PLOR Parameter: NBXMod
Both parameters specify which atom pairs to exclude from non-bonded interactions. The
ability to ignore explicit exclusions is not present within NAMD, thus only positive values of
NBXMod have NAMD equivalents. These equivalences are
– NBXMod=1 is equivalent to exclude=none — no atom pairs excluded,
– NBXMod=2 is equivalent to exclude=1-2 — only 1-2 pairs excluded,
– NBXMod=3 is equivalent to exclude=1-3 — 1-2 and 1-3 pairs excluded,
– NBXMod=4 is equivalent to exclude=1-4 — 1-2, 1-3, and 1-4 pairs excluded,
– NBXMod=5 is equivalent to exclude=scaled1-4 — 1-2 and 1-3 pairs excluded, 1-4 pairs
• NAMD Parameter: switching
X-PLOR Parameter: SHIFt, VSWItch, and TRUNcation
Activating the NAMD option switching is equivalent to using the X-PLOR options SHIFt
and VSWItch. Deactivating switching is equivalent to using the X-PLOR option TRUNcation.
• NAMD Parameter: temperature
X-PLOR Parameter: FIRSttemp
Initial temperature for the system.
• NAMD Parameter: rescaleFreq
X-PLOR Parameter: IEQFrq
Number of timesteps between velocity rescaling.
• NAMD Parameter: rescaleTemp
X-PLOR Parameter: FINAltemp
Temperature to which velocities are rescaled.
• NAMD Parameter: restartname
X-PLOR Parameter: SAVE
Filename prefix for the restart files.
• NAMD Parameter: restartfreq
X-PLOR Parameter: ISVFrq
Number of timesteps between the generation of restart files.
• NAMD Parameter: DCDfile
X-PLOR Parameter: TRAJectory
Filename for the position trajectory file.
• NAMD Parameter: DCDfreq
X-PLOR Parameter: NSAVC
Number of timesteps between writing coordinates to the trajectory file.
• NAMD Parameter: velDCDfile
X-PLOR Parameter: VELOcity
Filename for the velocity trajectory file.
• NAMD Parameter: velDCDfreq
X-PLOR Parameter: NSAVV
Number of timesteps between writing velocities to the trajectory file.
• NAMD Parameter: numsteps
X-PLOR Parameter: NSTEp
Number of simulation timesteps to perform.
Sample configuration files
This section contains some simple example NAMD configuration files to serve as templates.
This file shows a simple configuration file for alanin. It performs basic dynamics with no output
files or special features.
# protocol params
# initial config
# output params
# integrator params
# force field params
This file is again for alanin, but shows a slightly more complicated configuration. The system
is periodic, a coordinate trajectory file and a set of restart files are produced.
# protocol params
# initial config
# periodic cell
# output params
33.0 0 0
0 32.0 0
0 0 32.5
# integrator params
# force field params
This file shows another simple configuration file for alanin, but this time with full electrostatics
using PME and multiple timestepping.
# protocol params
# initial config
# periodic cell
# output params
33.0 0 0
0 32.0 0
0 0 32.5
# integrator params
fullElectFrequency 4
# force field params
# full electrostatics
Running NAMD
NAMD runs on a variety of platforms. Details of running on each specific platform are given below.
Workstation Networks
Workstation networks require two files, the namd2 executable and the conv-host program. The
conv-host program starts namd2 on the desired hosts, and handles console I/O for the node programs.
To specify what machines namd2 will run on, the user creates a file called ”nodelist”. Below is
an example nodelist file:
group main
host brutus
host romeo
The ”group main” line defines the default machine list. Hosts brutus and romeo are the two
machines on which to run the simulation. Note that conv-host may run on one of those machines,
or conv-host may run on a third machine.
The ”rsh” command (”remsh” on HPUX) is used to start namd2 on each node specified in the
nodelist file. If NAMD fails without printing any output, check to make sure that ”rsh” works on
your machine, by seeing if ”rsh hostname ls” works for each host in the nodelist. If you want or
need to use ”ssh” instead, then add ”setenv CONV RSH ssh” to your login or batch script and try
”ssh hostname ls” to each host first to ensure that the machine is in your .ssh/known hosts file.
Some automounters use a temporary mount directory which is prepended to the path returned
by the pwd command. To run on multiple machines you must place a ”pathfix” line in your nodelist
file before any ”host” lines. For example:
group main
pathfix /tmp_mnt
host alpha1
host alpha2
A number of parameters may be passed to conv-host. The most important is the ”+pX” option,
where X specifies the number of processors. If X is less than the number of hosts in the nodelist,
machines are selected from top to bottom. If X is greater than the number of hosts, conv-host
will start multiple processes on the machines, starting from the top. To run multiple processes on
members of a SMP workstation cluster, you may either just use the +p option to go through the
list the right number of times, or list each machine several times, once for each processor. The
default is +p1.
You may specify the nodelist file with the ”++nodelist” option and the group (which defaults
to ”main”) with the ”++nodegroup” option. If you do not use ”++nodelist” conv-host will first
look for ”nodelist” in your current directory and then ”.nodelist” in your home directory.
If you always want to run on the machine you are logged in to you may use ”localhost” in place
of the hostname in your nodelist file, but only if there are no other machines. You will not need
”pathfix”. For example, ”.nodelist” in your home directory could read:
group main
host localhost
Once the nodelist file is set up, and you have your configuration file prepared (alanin.conf, in
this example), run NAMD as follows:
conv-host +pX namd2 alanin.conf
Intel and Alpha processors produce binary files (restart and DCD files) which must be ”byteswapped” to be read on other platforms. The flipbinpdb and flipdcd programs will perform this
conversion. NAMD and VMD now handle this conversion automatically for most files.
Windows Workstation Networks
Windows is the same as other workstation networks described above, except that rsh is not available
on this platform. Instead, you must run the provided daemon (daemon.exe) on every node listed
in the nodelist file, even if you are only running on one machine. Using daemon background rather
than daemon will eliminate consoles for the daemon and node processes.
IBM RS/6000 SP
Run NAMD as you would any POE program. The options and environment variables for poe are
various and arcane, so you should consult your local documentation for recommended settings. As
an example, to run interactively on Blue Horizon one would specify:
poe namd2 alanin.conf -nodes n -tasks_per_node m -rmpool 1
Cray T3E
The T3E version has been tested on the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center T3E. To run on X
processors, use the mpprun command:
mpprun -n X namd2 alanin.conf
Origin 2000
For small numbers of processors (1-8) use the non-MPI version of namd2. If your stack size limit is
unlimited, which DQS may do, you will need to set it with ”limit stacksize 64M” to run on multiple
processors. To run on X processors call the binary directly with the +p option:
namd2 +pX alanin.conf
For better performance on larger numbers of processors we recommend that you use the MPI
version of NAMD. To run this version, you must have MPI installed. Furthermore, you must set
two environment variables to tell MPI how to allocate certain internal buffers. Put the following
commands in your .cshrc or .profile file, or in your job file if you are running under a queuing
setenv MPI_REQUEST_MAX 10240
setenv MPI_TYPE_MAX 10240
Then run NAMD with the following command:
mpirun -np X namd2 alanin.conf
NAMD Availability and Installation
NAMD is distributed freely for non-profit use. NAMD 2.2 is based on the Charm messaging system
and the Converse communication layer ( which have been ported to
a wide variety of parallel platforms. This section describes how to obtain and install NAMD 2.2.
How to obtain NAMD
NAMD may be downloaded from You will be required to provide minimal registration information and agree to a license before receiving access to
the software. Both source and binary distributions are available.
Platforms on which NAMD will currently run
NAMD should be portable to any parallel platform with a modern C++ compiler to which Charm
and Converse have been ported. Precompiled NAMD 2.2 binaries are available for the following
• Windows (NT, etc.) on Intel processors
• AIX on RS/6000 processors
• HP-UX on PA-RISC processors
• Linux on Intel and Alpha processors
• Solaris on Sparc processors
• Tru64 Unix on Alpha processors
• Cray T3E
• IBM RS/6000 SP
• SGI Origin 2000 (with and without MPI)
Compiling NAMD
We provide complete and optimized binaries for all platforms to which NAMD has been ported. It
should not be necessary for you to compile NAMD unless you wish to add or modify features.
Directions for compiling NAMD are contained in the release notes, which are available from the
NAMD web site and are included in all distributions.
All available NAMD documentation is available for download without registration via the NAMD
web site
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