There not exists odd perfect numbers


Proof by contradiction of non existence of odd perfect numbers by parity comparasion.

There not exits odd perfect numbers Juan Elias Millas Vera. Zaragoza (Spain) December 2024 0-Abstract: Proof by contradiction of non existence of odd perfect numbers by parity comparasion. 1- Introduction: Is there an old problem to determine the existence or non existence of odd perfect numbers. In this paper I asume the possible form of the descomposition in primes of odd perfect number and logically solve it. 2- The equations: All perfect odd number should be in the form: (2 n+1)m⋅(2 k +1)⋅...=(2 n+1)⋅...⋅(2 n+1)⋅(2 k +1)⋅.. . ⏟ m So being a variable λ=n , k .. ., ∏ (2 λ+1)=(∑ ∏ (2 λ+1))+1 λ∈ℕ λ∈ℕ Should be true to the existence of odd perfect numbers, but we can reduce it to: ∏ (2 λ+1)=(∑ ∏ (2 λ+2)) λ∈ℕ λ∈ℕ Since ∏ (2 λ+1) always will be odd and ( ∑ ∏ (2 λ+2)) always will be even we have a λ∈ℕ λ∈ℕ contradiction, so we assume that there will never exists an odd perfect number. QED. 1