Journal of Pathology
J Pathol 2018
Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/path.5175
NOX2 in autoimmunity, tumor growth and metastasis†
Anna Martner* , Ebru Aydin and Kristoffer Hellstrand
Department of Biomedicine, TIMM Laboratory, Sahlgrenska Cancer Center, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
*Correspondence to: A Martner, Department of Biomedicine, TIMM Laboratory, Sahlgrenska Cancer Center, University of Gothenburg,
Medicinaregatan 1F, Box 425, 413 90 Gothenburg, Sweden. E-mail:
[email protected]
Invited commentary for van der Weyden et al. Pulmonary metastatic colonisation and granulomas in NOX2-deficient mice. J Pathol 2018;
246: 300–310.
Myeloid cell NADPH oxidase isoform 2 (NOX2) generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) that participate in
defense against microbial pathogens. Humans with compromised NOX2-mediated ROS formation develop chronic
granulomatous disease characterized by recurrent bacterial and fungal infections. Additionally, impaired NOX2
function entails hyperactive lymphocytes and autoimmunity in humans and in murine models. The impact of NOX2
and ROS on cancer development is only partly explored. Recent research published in the Journal of Pathology
showed that genetic depletion of any of the NOX2 subunits Cyba, Cybb, Ncf1, Ncf2 and Ncf4 reduced the formation
of lung metastases following intravenous injection of murine tumor cells. These findings, together with the role of
NOX2 in maintaining self-tolerance, imply that NOX2 is a targetable immune checkpoint in cancer. In particular,
the possibility of modulating NOX2 to improve lymphocyte-mediated control of metastatic cells merits further
Copyright © 2018 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: NOX2; metastasis; autoimmunity; immune checkpoint; chronic granulomatous disease; leukemia
Received 14 September 2018; Accepted 27 September 2018
Conflict of interest statement: AM and KH are authors of issued or pending patents protecting the use histamine dihydrochloride and related
compounds in cancer. EA declares no competing interests.
NADPH oxidase isoform 2 (NOX2) is a multicomponent
enzyme complex expressed almost solely in myeloid
cells such as monocytes, macrophages and neutrophilic
granulocytes. In the context of cancer, NOX2+ myeloid
cells may infiltrate primary and metastatic tumors. Populations of leukemic myeloid cells also express functional NOX2. Although extensive literature is available
on the impact of myeloid cells in cancer [1], the specific role of NOX2 and the consequences of its therapeutic targeting have only partially been explored.
In a recent contribution to The Journal of Pathology,
van der Weyden et al [2] reported that mice deficient
in any of the five NOX2 subunits Cyba, Cybb, Ncf1,
Ncf2 or Ncf4 were markedly less prone to develop
lung metastases following intravenous injection of several histiotypes of tumor cells. These results confirm
and extend previous results showing decreased pulmonary metastasis in Cybb-deficient mice [3]. Here
we review aspects of NOX2 function in autoimmunity
and malignancy with focus on experimental models of
Nox2 knockdown.
The only known action of NOX2 is to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are short-lived,
toxic derivatives of oxygen that arise from the transfer of electrons over biological membranes. There
is nomenclature confusion, in that NOX2 may refer
to the membrane-bound catalytic subunit of the
NADPH oxidase (also known as CYBB or gp91phox ),
but may also refer to the entire oxidase. Here, we
define NOX2 as the functional myeloid cell oxidase
that is formed by the assembly of CYBB/gp91phox
with the membrane-anchored CYBA/p22phox and the
cytosolic subunits NCF4/p40phox , NCF1/p47phox and
NCF2/p67phox on the plasma membrane to generate
extracellular ROS, or on a phagosome membrane to
generate intracellular ROS.
Myeloid cells produce NOX2-derived ROS as part
of the innate immune defense against bacteria and
other microorganisms. Additionally, ROS (including
NOX2-derived ROS) serve as signaling molecules by
oxidizing thiol groups on proteins, thus modifying
their function or activation status. Several antioxidant
Copyright © 2018 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
J Pathol 2018
A Martner et al
Figure 1. NOX2 in regulation of metastasis. Lung-infiltrating myeloid cells express NOX2 that generate ROS, which, in turn, reduce the
antimetastatic activity of adjacent lung-infiltrating lymphocytes. In the absence of NOX2-derived ROS, the antimetastatic function of
lymphocytes is preserved.
systems are operable within cells to detoxify ROS, but
an imbalance between production and detoxification,
referred to as ‘oxidative stress’, may be injurious to
cellular components. Excessive ROS are thus implicated
in several pathologies [4]. Additionally, NOX2-derived
ROS released from myeloid cells may trigger dysfunction of neighboring cells, including antineoplastic
lymphocytes such as natural killer (NK) cells and
cytotoxic T cells [3,5].
NOX2 in pathogen defense and autoimmunity
The pivotal role of NOX2 in antimicrobial defense is
highlighted by the striking susceptibility to bacterial
and fungal infections observed in patients with chronic
granulomatous disease (CGD), which is a rare genetic
disorder caused by deficiency in one of the principal components of NOX2. The most common form
of CGD is an X-linked deficiency of CYBB [6]. In
addition to an insufficiency of pathogen clearance,
patients with CGD frequently present with granulomas
composed of activated macrophages and are at risk for
developing autoimmunity [7]. Recent genome-wide
association screens imply that variants of NCF1 in
humans, including copy number variations and single
nucleotide polymorphisms, are strongly associated with
major autoimmune diseases [8]. These findings are in
Copyright © 2018 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
agreement with animal models, where genetic knockdown of Ncf1 entailed autoimmunity with, for example,
elevated autoantibody titers and kidney inflammation
together with increased susceptibility to induction of
autoimmune arthritis [9].
In coherence with the clinical features of CGD,
van der Weyden et al [2] showed that mice with
defective NOX2 function developed granulomas and
an increased activation status of lymphocytes. In
addition, Cyba-deficient mice experienced a reduced
lifespan due to breathing difficulties following lung
granuloma formation and an increased incidence of
lymphoma [2], presumably due to uncontrolled expansion of lymphocytes in the absence of NOX2-mediated
Genetic knock-down of NOX2 in cancer
ROS affect the initiation, growth and spread of cancer
by multiple mechanisms and may therefore promote
or suppress cancer development. Thus, ROS have been
ascribed tumor-promoting properties, for example
by inducing DNA damage with ensuing mutations
and by promoting proliferation and angiogenesis. By contrast, ROS have been suggested to exert
tumor-suppressive effects, such as induction of tumor
cell apoptosis, autophagy and necroptosis [4,10].
J Pathol 2018
NOX2 in autoimmunity, tumor growth and metastasis
As ROS derive from multiple sources, including
NOX enzyme isoforms and mitochondria during
energy generation, genetic models of NOX2 deficiency have proven useful in defining the specific role
of NOX2 in cancer. Kelkka et al [11] demonstrated
that Ncf1-deficient mice developed smaller melanoma
tumors and fewer Lewis lung carcinoma tumors after
implantation, which was accompanied by induction
of pro-inflammatory cytokines, although a distinct
mechanism of enhanced immunity was not defined.
However, Ncf1 deficiency did not alter the growth of
spontaneously arising prostate carcinoma (TRAMP)
[11] or methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas [12].
In the context of leukemia, human monocytic acute
myeloid leukemia (AML) cells were reported to generate superoxide via NOX2 that promoted the survival
of leukemic cells in xenografted mice. The proposed
mechanism involved ROS-induced transfer of mitochondria from stromal cells to AML blasts through
AML-derived tunneling nanotubes; these events did not
occur in leukemic cells that were genetically deprived of
NOX2 [13]. In addition, pharmacological inhibition of
NOX2 using histamine dihydrochloride, which is used
in conjunction with low-dose interleukin-2 for relapse
prevention in the postchemotherapy phase of AML [14],
reduced the expansion of xenografted human AML cells
in vivo in a NOX2-dependent manner [15].
The study by van der Weyden et al [2] supports that
NOX2 significantly influences the process of metastasis as mice genetically deprived of any of the major
NOX2 subunits, all of which are required for NOX2
functionality, consistently showed reduced lung metastasis after intravenous injection of tumor cells. These
results confirm and extend reports showing reduced
incidence of spontaneous metastasis after the removal
of primary tumors in Cybb –/– mice [16] and reduced
hematogenous melanoma metastasis in Cybb –/– mice
[3]. A similar reduction in metastasis was reported
in mice treated with a NOX2 inhibitor. The latter
study demonstrated that NOX2 inhibition facilitated NK
cell-mediated clearance of tumor cells, thus supporting that NOX2 exerts immunosuppression to promote
metastasis [3]. Additionally, Spiegel et al [17] recently
reported that myeloid cells promote tumor metastasis,
although the potential contribution of NOX2 was not
investigated. Figure 1 provides a hypothetical model
of the impact of NOX2 on metastasis based on these
previous studies.
Concluding remarks
Previous studies have shown that NOX2 is crucial
for self-tolerance, thus implying that NOX2 is an
immune checkpoint. The studies presented here suggest that knock-down of NOX2 reduces metastasis
via mechanisms that may involve amelioration of
immune-mediated clearance of metastatic tumor
cells [2,3,16]. However, the complexity regarding
Copyright © 2018 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
the role of ROS in cancer is significant and divergent results suggesting that ROS reduce metastasis
in immune-deficient mice have been reported [18].
Collectively, these findings probably reflect that ROS
may exert divergent effects depending on, for example,
the source of ROS, the susceptibility of tumor cells to
ROS toxicity, the phase of cancer progression and the
sensitivity of immune effector cells to ROS-induced
immunosuppression. The possibility of specifically
targeting NOX2 to reduce metastasis merits further
The research in our laboratory is supported by grants
from the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish
Cancer Foundation (Cancerfonden), the Swedish Society for Medical Research and the Swedish state via
the ALF-agreement.
Author contributions statement
All authors contributed to the preparation of this commentary.
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