An indicator of the need for regional integration
Patrick Guillaumont, Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney
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Patrick Guillaumont, Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney. An indicator of the need for regional integration. 2014. hal-01098214
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Submitted on 23 Dec 2014
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Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney est professeur émérite à
l’Université d’Auvergne et chercheur au Cerdi.
Patrick Guillaumont est Président de la Ferdi et Professeur émérite à
l’Université d’Auvergne.
Because of the small demographic and economic size of most
African countries, the great need for regional integration in
Africa is widely recognised. The shortfall in regional
infrastructure, be that in telecommunications, transport, or
energy supplies, contributes to the low amount of transactions
between African countries (even neighbouring countries), and
to their relatively low economic growth rates. A recent study
on the potential economic gains of more integration of
countries within certain African country groupings evaluates
these gains to be close to 2%1 .
ote b ve
pol i cy brie
1. Ferdi, Evaluation des gains attendus de l’intégration régionale dans les pays africains de la Zone franc, A report for
the Ministry of Finance of the Franc area, September 2012
Patrick Guillaumont
Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney
An indicator of the need for
regional integration
fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international
P. Guillaumont et S. Guillaumont Jeanneney
Note brève n°106
In spite of fifty years of promoting regional integration as a key element for Africa’s
development, its progress remains stunted by
several factors among which the insufficient
funding dedicated to integration projects.
Consequently by allocating a significant part of
their assistance to regional integration, development partners may increase the effectiveness
of their integration support. But for doing this
they need allocation criteria, both for equity and
effectiveness reasons.
One criterion may be the need of regional integration. An other one, the commitment of a
country to regional integration, that we can’t
discuss in this document.
Here we present only the first criterion indicator.
Components of an indicator of
the need for regional integration
This paper calls for the establishment of an indicator of the need for regional integration
whose relevance is crucial for promoting support to regional integration. It appears necessary that this indicator should include an indicator of size of the domestic market. Small countries
have a greater need to increase their potential
market in order to benefit from economies of
scale. Moreover, small countries lack economic
diversity and are more vulnerable to external
shocks. They are therefore more dependent on
a regional community through which they can
undertake greater investments, better absorb
shocks thanks to diversification, and share the
burden of risks thanks to intraregional flows of
private and public capital and migration. This
is why the small size of the economy, resulting from the small size of the population and a
low income per capita, measured by a low GDP,
should figure predominantly in the indicator of
the need for regional integration.
A second essential criterion when calculating the need for regional integration for each
country is obviously their distance from foreign
markets. This is not only related to a country’s
geographical remoteness and isolation, but
also to the condition of its infrastructure. These
causes of reduced competitiveness can be addressed by projects of regional infrastructure. If
a suitable indicator for infrastructure could be
found, it should be integrated into the indicator
of remoteness. The latter would in this way take
into account not only the geographical remoteness but also the poor condition of infrastructure.
So the indicator of the need for regional integration would be based on two indicators reflecting :
- the size of domestic markets,
- the remoteness from foreign markets, by
taking into account both the geographical
isolation of the country and the state of infrastructure.
Besides deciding which elements should be taken into account when calculating the indicator
of the need for regional integration, there is also
the question of their standardisation as indicators through a min-max procedure, the question
of the weight given to each factor (which will
have to be arbitrary), and the question of the
type of mean value used for the aggregation of
the components. With the simpler option of using two criteria (size of domestic market and remoteness from foreign markets), equal weighting could be an acceptable solution. A method
for calculating the need for regional integration1
is presented in Annex.
In this document, the indicator of the need
for regional integration (IBIR - the French acronym for “Indicateur du besoin d’intégration régionale”) is defined as the geometric mean of
two factors: the small size of the domestic market and the remoteness from the world market.
1. If countries’ commitment to regional integration is to be taken
into account, it could be measured through an indicator of regional
integration policy such as is already used by the ADB’s CPIA, and
similar to that which is considered for the CPIA’s new E cluster
for ADF-13. In order to calculate the adjusted indicator of the
(perceived) need for regional integration, the indicator of regional
integration policy could be introduced with a variable weighting,
depending on the importance it is given. A simple solution would
be to make it a third major component of the indicator of the need
along with size of market and remoteness, giving each one an
equal weighting of a third each.
IM1= |100- Ind (logY)]
Another way to calculate the indicator could be :
IM2= Ind (Ya )
Given that Y represents the GDP, we have Y= y.P,
where y stands for the GDP per capita, P stands
for the population and -a (-1<a<0) is a coefficient representing the intensity of the handicap
resulting from the smallness of the market for
the sample countries.
NB: to prevent the relative levels of GDP from
being artificially influenced by exchange rates,
values are expressed in PPP.
The second component of the IBIR is an index of
remoteness from foreign markets.
This index is calculated following a method
developed by the Fondation pour les études et les
recherches sur le développenent international (Ferdi) and the Centre d’études et de recherches sur le
développement international (Cerdi)2, and used by
the UN DESA3 to measure economic vulnerability
and identify LDCs. It is based on the calculation
of the average distance to reach x% of the world
market of imports of goods and services. (e.g.
1/3 with UN DESA), called D. To take into account
the decrease in marginal shipping costs with relation to distance, the latter can then be treated
in two different ways : either it is expressed as
logs (method used by Ferdi and UN DESA), or it
is raised to a power less than 1 (for example 0.5,
which means taking its square root). In both cases, the calculated value then has to be converted
into an index.
Following the same method developed by
Ferdi, this index itself is adapted to take into account the possible landlockness of the country,
captured below by a dummy variable (L) using a
weighting (r) reflecting the way landlockness increases the costs of shipment related to distance.
With regard to distance, it is assumed (as is done
in the Ferdi-UN DESA method), that landlockness
increases remoteness in an additive way, and
not in a multiplicative way. If the distance is expressed in logs to take into account the decrease
of the marginal cost of distance, the adjusted remoteness indicator is :
IR1 = Ind [(1 – r). Ind (log D) + r.L]
with L=100 if the country is isolated and 0 if not.
and for example: r = 0.15 or 0.30
2. P.Guillaumont « A Retrospective EVI: Methodological Aspacts »
Ferdi, Document de travail série « Indicateurs de développemen
innovants », June 2007
3. Committee for Development and United Nations, Department
of Economic and Social Affairs, Handbook on the Least Developed
Country Category: Inclusion, Graduation and Special Support
Measures, November 2008.
P. Guillaumont et S. Guillaumont Jeanneney
The first is an index of the small size of the domestic market: this size is measured using the
level of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This
can be calculated in two ways. In the calculations below, Ind (x) denotes an x variable graduated from 0 to 100 according to a max/ min calculation.
A first method for defining the narrowness
indicator for the domestic market would be to
use the complement to 1 (or to 100) of an index of the log of Y (or GDP), knowing that this
indicator can be specific to the range of countries sampled (and therefore to the min and
max number of African countries). However,
although Y is expressed as log values, as their
distribution can be misrepresentative owing to
the presence of very small GDP values (e.g. São
Tomé and Principe), it might be useful to set a
lower limit for GDP values :
Adjusted indicator of
remoteness : landlockness and
infrastructure taken into account
Note brève n°106
Indicator of smallness of the
domestic market
P. Guillaumont et S. Guillaumont Jeanneney
Note brève n°106
If an appropriate infrastructure index (U) is then
introduced to take into account the fact that
poor infrastructure increases the costs involved
to reach foreign markets and thereby increases
remoteness (once more, this is an additive and
not a multiplicative increase), one can obtain a
doubly adjusted measure of remoteness : taking
into account a country’s possible landlockness
and the weakness of its infrastructure (1-U) :
IR’1 = Ind [(1 - r- s).Ind (log D) + r.L + s.(1 – U)]
with for example r= 0.2 et s =0.3
This additional adjustment to the original Ferdi/
UN DESA method seems necessary in the present exercise, both because of the great importance of the weakness of infrastructure on the
remoteness of many African countries and the
priority given to the improvement of infrastructure in the ADB’s strategy.
If one now decides to measure remoteness in a multiplicative way, each element is assigned an exponent representing the elasticity
of remoteness with respectr to each of them,
namely the distance to be crossed to reach a
certain proportion of foreign markets (D), the
condition of infrastructure (U), and the degree
of geographical isolation (L’) (which in this case
replaces the dummy value L, inoperable in exponential form) measured by an index of distance from the coast with a minimum value of 1.
If this measure is called IR2 ou IR’2 :
IR2 = Ind [ Db . L’k]
IR’2 = Ind [ Db .L’k . Uv)]
With 0 < b < 1 ; 0 < k < 1 ; -1 < v<0
If the landlockness cannot be expressed in the
continued form of a degree of isolation, it is possible to resort to a hybrid index of remoteness,
which would again associate all the elements
multiplicatively, but based on a hypothesis
which at first glance may seem less relevant as
concerns landlockness, if it is assumed that landlockness is an obstacle to trade in direct relation
to distance and D is replaced by D’=D(1+k’L),
where k’>0 . However it is preferable to suppose
that landlockness is an obstacle to exchange directly dependent on the weakness of infrastructure, and if U is replaced by U’=U(1+k’’L), where
k’’<0. One can then write4
IR’’2 = Ind [ Db. U’v] = Ind [ Db. (U(1+k‘’L))v)]
With 0 < b < 1 ; -1 < k’’< 0 ; -1 < v < 0
In this formulation, the index of remoteness
from foreign markets (IR’’2) corresponds to the
geometric mean of the average distance to
reach an important share of the world market
and of an indicator of the structural obstacles
limiting access to this market, regardless of distance.
Indicator of the need for regional
The Indicator of the need for regional integration (IBIR) can then be calculated by aggregating the index of narrowness of the domestic
market and the index of remoteness from foreign markets according to an arithmetic or geometric mean. The first option would be more traditional, and more adapted to the first method
of defining the narrowness index (IM1) and the
remoteness index (IR1). The second option allows us to capture the interaction between the
two main components of the need for integration, represented by these two indices. It is also
closer to the second method of defining these
two indices, the narrowness index (IM2) and the
remoteness index (IR2). This second option, as
demonstrated below, in certain situations allows simplification of the method of calculation
of the regional drawing rights. This leads to formulation of two measures of the IBIR, depending on whether one chooses to use arithmetic
(A) or geometric (B) averages5, and in the second
4. Another solution would be to consider the impact of isolation
as proportional to the multiplication Db.Uv and have
IR’’’2 = Ind [ Db. U’v(1+k’’’)]
5. Although in this second case, one can use the measure (IR1) of
the index of remoteness according to an arithmetic mean, thus:
IBIR (G)’ = ( IM1 . IR’1)0.5 = [Ind (Ya )]0.5 . Ind [(1 –r -s). Ind Db + r.L +
If, in this last formula, it is decided to give the
same absolute value to the exponents of GDP
and of remoteness from foreign markets, (b= a= 1), and if the elements Y and D of IBIR(G) had
not been initially transformed into indices, one
would obtain (knowing a<0 et b>0) : IBIR (G) =
Ind [(D /Y) . U’v] 0.5
4) An adjusted indicator of the need for regional
integration or indicator of the “perceived” need
for regional integration can also be calculated,
depending on the country’s commitment to regional integration. In fact, if it appears advisable
to take this commitment into account, this could
be done by correcting the IBIR by the means of
an Index of Commitment to Regional Integration (ICRI)6. This index could be introduced either through the arithmetic mean, IBIR(A) or
with the geometric mean IBIR(G), which seems
more logical in this case. Either way this implies
reducing the importance given to the indicators
IN and IR and transferring it to the ICRI. It would
then seem reasonable to award each of these
indicators a third of the total weight. For practical reasons related to the need of simplicity in
later formulations, and to the unavailability of
the necessary data to calculate the ICRI, it is not
taken into account in what follows.
6. The design of such an index is in preparation at Ferdi.
Calculating the indicator for regional
integration needs of African countries. Some
illustrations using the different approaches
considered 7
Details on the method, values and data sources
used in calculating IBIR can be found in «For a
new instrument supporting regional integration
in Africa to be implemented by the African
Development Bank» by Patrick Guillaumont
and Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney, Ferdi
Working paper P83, January 2014 (also available
in French).
Let us recall that the indicator of the need for regional integration is defined as being the arithmetic or geometric average of two components:
the index of small domestic market size and the
index of distance from foreign markets.
The index of small size of the domestic market
(IM) is calculated using two methods (depending
on the average used for calculating the IBIR
arithmetically or geometrically):
IM1 = 100- Ind (logY)
and IM2 = Ind (Ya)
The index of distance from foreign markets (IR),
in a similar way as for the IM, is calculated in
two different ways :
IR’1 = [(1-r-s).Ind(logD) + r.L + s.(100 - Ind(U))]
With L=100 if the country is landlocked isolated
and L=0 if it is not.
IR”2 = Ind (Ind(D)b . Ind(U’)v)
= Ind [Ind(D)b . Ind (U(1+k”. L’))v]
With U’=U.(1+k’’.L’) and k’’=-0.5 ; L’=1 if the country is landlocked and L’=0 if it is not.
Depending on the values attached to the
coefficients of the index of distance from foreign
7. Calculation was done by Benjamin Coudert who is strongly
P. Guillaumont et S. Guillaumont Jeanneney
IBIR (A) = ½ [ IM1 + IR1] = ½ [ 100- Ind (logY)] + ½ Ind
[(1 - r -s). Ind (log D) + r.L + s.U]
IBIR (G) = ( IM2 . IR’’2)0.5 = [Ind Ya ]0.5 . [Ind (Db . U’v )]0.5
with U’ = U (1+k’’L)
Note brève n°106
case depending on the selected method of calculating remoteness; for the sake of homogeneity and coherence, we choose to keep the measure IR’’2 :
P. Guillaumont et S. Guillaumont Jeanneney
Note brève n°106
markets, three definitions are considered to
calculate the index of the needs for regional
IBIR(A) corresponds to the arithmetic mean of
the elements IM1 and IR’1 :
Finally, an IBIR (G’) is calculated by finding the
geometric average of the two elements used
when calculating the arithmetic IBIR (A):
IBIR(G’) = (IM1.IR’1)0,5
Three options were again chosen to calculate
the IBIR(G’), which correspond to the three options previously used to calculate the IBIR (A) :
IBIR(A) = ½ (IM1 +IR’1)
IBIR(A) = ½ [(100 - Ind(logY))+[(1-r-s).
Ind(logD) + r.L + s.(100-Ind(U))]
Three options are proposed to calculate this index depending on the values attached to the
coefficients :
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
(1-s-r) = 0.6
(1-s-r) = 0.5
(1-s-r) = 0.4
s = 0.2
s = 0.2
s = 0.2
r = 0.2
r = 0.3
r = 0.4
IBIR (G) is the indicator for the geometric mean
of the elements IM2 et IR’’2. It is calculated as follows :
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
(1-s-r) = 0.6
(1-s-r) = 0.5
(1-s-r) = 0.4
s = 0.2
s = 0.2
s = 0.2
r = 0.2
v = -0.5
r = 0.4
The IBIR(A) and (G’) – calculated using the same
indices of small size of domestic markets and of
distance from foreign markets – have similar values whether one chooses to use an arithmetic or
a geometric mean. Similar results are obtained
when ordering African countries according to
IBIR(A) and (G’). On the other hand, the values
obtained when calculating the IBIR(G) are very
different to those obtained with the two other
calculation methodologies. However all three
IBIR rankings remains very similar (with a few
IBIR(G) = (IM2.IR”2)0,5
IBIR(G) = [Ind(Ya).Ind(Ind(D)b.Ind(U’)v)]0,5
As is the case in the first IBIR above, different options were considered, depending on the value
of the various coefficients :
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
a = -1
a = -1
a = -1
b = 1.5
v = -1
v = -0.5
v = -0.5
Tentative results are given in the following table
giving the top ten IBIR (relatively to population)
for all African countries.
Top 10 relative IBIR for all African countries using the different options
P. Guillaumont et S. Guillaumont Jeanneney
Note brève n°106
olicy ief
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