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2024, zovana
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Academia Green Energy, 2024
In the context of low-carbon and circular economy, current work aimed to develop a method for the production of biofuels rich in hydrogen, using exclusively waste materials as energy sources or beneficial additives. Selected materials were forest and agricultural wastes as feedstocks, as well as demolition wastes from construction activities and red mud waste from aluminum industry as a novel CO2 sorbent and catalyst, respectively. The experiments were carried out in a fixed bed gasification system under steam atmosphere and a thermogravimetric-mass spectrometric (TG-MS) unit. The effects of temperature, sorbent/fuel ratio and catalyst loading on final conversion, product gas composition and heating value, hydrogen yield and energy recovery were examined and optimum conditions were determined. At 750°C, Ca/C=1 and red mud loading 20-30% wt, the amount of CO2 captured by the building demolition waste sorbent was 76.5-81.2%, the molar fraction of hydrogen in the product gas 74.8-77.1% mol (raised up to 77% as compared to reaction without sorbent or catalyst), the hydrogen yield 1.31-2.08 m3/kg, the higher heating value of gas 13.4-13.6 MJ/m3 and fuel conversion 71-100%. For same proportions of sorbent and catalyst at 850°C, 64.3-77.8% of CO2 was captured, the hydrogen concentration in product gas was 76.6-79.8% mol and the yield 1.5-2.35 m3/kg, the higher heating value of gas 12.4-13.2 MJ/m3, while conversion of organic matter was 88.1-100%.
M-649 2530 tsarkha ‘potter’s wheel’ rebus: arka ‘copper, gold’ āra 'spokes' rebus: āra 'brass' (DEDR 856) era, er-a = eraka =? nave; erako_lu = the iron axle of a carriage (Ka.M.); cf. irasu (Kannada); thus, copper, gold. mēḍa 'platform, hillock' rebus meḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.) PLUS kor̤u ‘sprout’ rebus kor̤u ‘bar of metal’; vikalpa xoli 'fish-tail' rebus: kolhe 'smelter', kol 'working in iron’; thus, iron bar of metal (ingot) Unicorn + standard device सांगड sāṅgaḍa ‘a body formed of two or more parts’ Rebus 1: jangaḍiyo 'military guard who accompanies treasure into the treasury’ചങ്ങാതം caṅṅātam čaṇṇāδam (Tdbh.; സംഘാതം) Convoy, guard; responsible Nāyar guide through foreign territories.Rebus 2: sanghāṭa, jangada, jaṅgala ’double-canoe, cargo boat,catamaran' caṅṅātam caṇṇāδam ’ferryboat’ Rebus 3: jangaḍ ‘approval basis invoice accounting’
The seventh century of our era witnessed dramatic events and transformations in the political, religious, and cultural landscape of the Near East and North Africa. Egypt did not escape the turmoil and subsequent changes. It had been relatively tranquil since its annexation to Rome in 30 BC, but the seventh century brought a series of shocks. The country was invaded and conquered twice, first by the Sasanian Persians and then by the Arabs, who brought an end to the previous regime. Narrative sources in various languages convey a fairly detailed picture of political developments, but tell us little about how the high drama and changes affected the lives of local people and how they responded. For insight into these questions, we depend on the writing materials preserved in the sands of Egypt, papyri and ostraca. Letters and contracts, lists and accounts, receipts and chits offer unique glimpses of everyday life in the ancient world. They constitute primary evidence for administrative, social, and economic history of a kind that is hard to obtain from any other part of the ancient Mediterranean and Near East. This conference is the final event of the collaborative research project ‘Documentary Snapshots from Seventh-Century Egypt: Local Responses to Regime Transitions,’ conducted at University College London (PI Nikolaos Gonis) and at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (PI Lajos Berkes), and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. We will discuss old and new sources of the seventh century, revisiting some of the key questions of this crucial period, especially administrative, societal, and religious continuity and change.
El tema del aborto inducido en la historia de la humanidad ha sido un tema muy controversial, debatido y polémico, porque en la mayoría de los países han buscado el bienestar de las adolescentes que se han practicado los abortos; es decir, que las instituciones como "Instituto de Rehabilitación para la Mujer y la familia" buscan mejorar la respuesta emocional de las adolescentes en el proceso terapéutico.
The Impact of Critical Ratonialism, 2018
This paper gives a history of the liberal theory of science and its precursors and rivals, and questions its current viablility.
Revista Círculo Cromático, núm. 6, ISSN 0719-9759, 2023, pp. 47-68
En el presente estudio analizamos la construcción visual de Livia a través de sus imágenes de poder y divinización. En primer lugar, estudiamos los tiempos de Augusto y la propaganda política forjada en los miembros de la familia imperial. En segundo lugar, examinamos la relación de Livia con la diosa Ceres, en cuanto representa las ideas del crecimiento y la abundancia material de las cosechas. Finalmente, la propaganda política imperial resalta la divinización de la emperatriz como parte del proyecto político de la gens Julia, con el fin de legitimar el orden divino de la dinastía y fortalecer la imagen de triunfo y prosperidad material del imperio romano.
México se convirtió en refugio para un grupo de colombianos gracias a la conjunción de dos circunstancias. La primera, la ampliación y transformación de los vínculos que existían entre políticos e intelectuales de ambas naciones desde el siglo XIX, y que se vieron complementados con la aparición de relaciones entre los sectores estudiantiles y obreros desde finales de la década de 1910. La segunda, la circulación de información sobre México y la Revolución en el espacio público colombiano y su recepción diferenciada por los sectores de la sociedad de ese país. Esto hizo posible que, a la par que se configuraba la idea del peligro mexicano entre los sectores católicos y conservadores colombianos, ocurriera lo contrario entre los opositores del régimen; de tal suerte que el México porfiriano, y después el revolucionario, se instaló como posibilidad para estos últimos. El hecho de que México y Colombia se encontraran en las antípodas del espectro político latinoamericano desde el siglo XIX, y que esta distancia se viera profundizada con el triunfo de la Revolución de 1910 y la consolidación de la hegemonía conservadora en Colombia, permitió que personajes perseguidos y excluidos de la vida política y cultural colombiana buscaran en México la posibilidad para salvaguardar su vida y libertad.
Informacion acerca de la Comunicacion oral y escrita.
Asian Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 2012
The essay is an attempt to analyze, evaluate and criticize issues affecting the educational system through the years with the end view of recommending possible improvements. The metamorphosis of Philippine education through the years was a gradual process brought about by generations of colonialism and imperialism. From the Spaniards to the Americans, to the Japanese even during the Liberation period up to the EDSA revolution, changes in education did not match the high hopes of the Filipino people. Presently, the Philippine educational system needs to address issues not only of accessibility and quality in providing education for all. Other issues needs to addressed involved the role of education in the national development, the unresponsive curriculum, improper monitoring of programs implemented, globalization of education and even politics in education. For the Philippine education to succeed its ills and problems must be addressed. There is a need for values reorientation of the Filipinos as a key to national development. Teachers’ transformation, in terms of their values orientation is necessary. Part of the teachers’ transformation must include their upgrading or updating for professional and personal development. Hence, government support and intervention, along this line is very much needed. As these very same ills and problems have been hounding the country for the last several decades, failure to do so will only compound these problems in the coming years.
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Adjunct Publication of the 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
Mosteghanemi Mohamed Faouzi, 2012
European journal of educational and development psychology, 2024
Bulletin of Latin American Studies, 2021
JURA GENTIUM, Rivista di filosofia del diritto internazionale e della politica globale, 2021
Journal for the Study of Judaism, 2004
Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2021
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 2020
Case Reports, 2013
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Environment, development and sustainability, 2024
Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2016
Pamiętnik Literacki, 2012
Global and Planetary Change, 2005
Interpersona: an international journal on personal relationships, 2023