Monsignor Archdeacon Luigi Vella – 90 years
from his demise
One of the renowned Gozitan authors whose
works were instrumental in the promotion and
development of Maltese literature as we know it
today was undoubtedly Monsignor Archdeacon
Luigi Vella. The 90th anniversary of his demise
will be commemorated later this year.
Monsignor Vella was born in Victoria, Gozo on the
17 December 1859. At the age of twelve he started
his secondary education at the State Secondary
School and after five years he entered the Gozo
Seminary, at that time run by the Jesuits, to further
his studies. He terminated his studies ten years
later and was ordained to the priesthood on the
19 December 1882. When he left the Seminary,
after having served as Prefect and Headmaster
for some years, he fully dedicated himself to his
priestly work. Regularly in the evening he used
to gather boys, youngsters and adult men, most
of whom showed reluctance in practicing their
faith, at the church dedicated to St Sabina, where
he brought them closer to the Holy Sacraments
through Catechism.
In 1887 he was assigned the responsibilities of
Chaplain at the Civil Hospital in Victoria in which
role he served for about twelve years.
Seventeen years from his ordination
to priesthood Fr Luigi was given the
title of Canon at the Gozo Cathedral
following a competitive exam. In
1900 Monsignor Vella graduated in
Theology following further studies
and examinations. Nine years later
he was appointed to occupy the
chair of Dogmatic Theology at the
Gozo Seminary where he served
as a Professor in this science for
eighteen years.
Monsignor Vella did not only
carry out his ministerial duties as
a Preacher and Professor. He was
also the Spiritual Director of the
Communities of Dominican and
Franciscan Sisters and a much
sought-after Confessor for over
forty years.
He implemented significant projects
and works at the church dedicated
to St Sabina in Victoria. In 1902
he started the rebuilding of the
old church. These works were
finalised on the 29 April 1923,
when the Papal Legate, Cardinal
Testaferrata, inaugurated it as the
THE GOZO OBSERVER (No. 37) - Winter 2018
Church for Perpetual Adoration. One notes with
satisfaction that this church has steadfastly served
this function up to this day, its doors open all
through the day, the whole year round, not only
for the local faithful who regularly spend time
of adoration in front of the Holy Sacrament but
also for many foreigners who choose to pay a
visit during their day trip to Gozo. Currently this
Church for Perpetual Adoration is being directed
by the Reverend Monsignor Joseph Gauci, who
although in his elderly years has taken over these
duties from his late brother the Archdeacon Mgr
Giovanni Bosco Gauci, both close relatives of
Monsignor Luigi Vella. Bishop Camilleri had
appointed Monsignor Luigi Vella as its first
Rector. For his outstanding endeavours, Pope Pius
XI decorated Mgr Vella with the ‘Benemerenti
Medal’ whilst Pope Leo XIII endowed him with
the decoration ‘Pro ecclesia et Pontefice’. The now
St Pius X, wanted to appoint him as Coadjutor to
Bishop Pietro Pace of Malta – an honour and a
great responsibility that in his humbleness, Mgr
Vella was afraid to accept. On the 12 March 1923,
he was appointed by the Vatican as Archdeacon
of the Gozo Cathedral.
However Mgr Luigi Vella will not only be
remembered for his services as Rector and
Canon of the Gozo Cathedral, but also for his
contribution as one of the best Gozitan authors
who strongly endeavoured to promote Maltese as
a written language during his times. Vella wrote
several works in Maltese, spiritual books used for
Meditation and Adoration, writings on the lives
of martyrs and on religious faith, historical books
recounting the history of the island of Gozo. For
many years he was the Director of the periodical
‘The Eucharist – Preacher of the Blessed
Sacrament’. Before starting this work he had also
published the monthly ‘The Marian Devotee’.
Without any doubt we can easily extract a clear
and authentic picture of Monsignor Vella from
the numerous books he left as his legacy. Today,
ninety years from his death, their might not be
any living Gozitans who remember him, as they
would have been able to witness his qualities as
a person and about his views upon the problems
and values of life.
in order to structure his historical novels,
Archdeacon Luigi Vella frequently needed to
conduct his research at the Archives in Sicily.
Very often he had to compare what had been
written by the Arab and Sicilian writers with
that written by the Maltese authors, in order that
he could extract concrete and historical facts
that were true and faithful to what had in fact
happened. He gave a much worthy helping hand
to Mr Alfonz Maria Galea in his writings of
‘Mogħdija taż-Żmien’ (Passing the time). Issue
numbers: 63,69,70, and 125 of this collection
were all written by the Gozitan historian Mgr.
Luigi Vella. Amongst his works one may find the
historical novel ‘Nikol Abdul’ or rather ‘The Last
years of Arab Rule in our islands’. The author
was assigned with the proof reading of this work
by Klabb Kotba Maltin in order that it could be republished and for some years it was also included
as a textbook used by students studying for their
Maltese Matriculation Certificate. Together with
this book, Mgr Vella also wrote the novels: “Bint
il-Ħakem” (The Ruler’s Daughter), “Ferdinandu
Montanier” – a story from Gozo, “Bernardo De
Puo’” – a tale from Gozo during the rule of Grand
Master D’Omedes, “Eufrosina”, “Il-General
Ruman” (The Roman General), “San Mamante”
– a tale of the 3rd century, “Isolda” – a tale from
Malta, as well as “Abdullah Għaxrif”, which
Mons Vella wrote as a commemoration of the
Eucharistic Congress held in Malta in 1913.
Albeit the Maltese Orthography has changed
drastically since the times when Archdeacon
Luigi Vella wrote his works, the fact still remains
that this cleric was one of the main authors who
provided our people with numerous books be
they of a religious or historical themes as well as
those of a lighter nature. He possessed eloquent
and expressive writing skills that included the
use of articulate and idiomatic language. Proof
of this is given in the following excerpt taken
from his historical novel “Nikol Abdul” with
which we also conclude this profile that comes
in commemoration of hid death which occurred
on the 17 July 1928.
Nikola ta’ Abdul, jew kif kienu jsibuh l-Għarab,
‘Ħalif’, kien Għawdxi. Imrobbi tajjeb minn
ommu fir-reliġjon nisranija u mbagħad minn
Patri Gawdenz, mill-Kunvent tal-Madonna
tal-Ferħ jew ta’ Gajdoru, li dak iż-żmien lAgostinjani kellhom fir-Ramla, f’żgħożitu, niesu
THE GOZO OBSERVER (No. 37) - Winter 2018
bagħtuh Sqallija jitgħallem f’Paliermu, fejn
sar jaf lil Tarik, u daħal fil-Milizia, f’riġment
li kellu bi Kmandant tiegħu lill-istess Tarik.
Mibgħut dan ir-Riġment f’Għawdex mill-Emir
ta’ Sqallija, Nikol ġie wkoll miegħu taħt l-istess
Kmandant. Għalkemm Nikol kien jinsab qalb lGħarab Missilmin, b’tiġrib kbir għal ruħu, huwa
baqa’ dejjem sħiħ fil-Liġi Nisranija u ħabib ta’
Patri Gawdenz.
Barra minn ommu u missieru, Nikol kellu wkoll
oħtu li kien jisimha Marija, xebba li fit-tjubija
tagħha kienet aħjar minnu; bħalu mżejna
bil-għaqal u għall-almu tagħha ħadd ma kien
jeħodha. Sabiħa u ħelwa, iżda ftit sewdenija,
Marija kienet maħbuba minn kull min kien
Nicholas of Abdul, or rather ‘Halif ’, as the
Arabs knew him, was a Gozitan. Well reared
by his mother within the Christian faith and
subsequently by Brother Gawdenz, from the
Convent of Our Lady of Joy also known as Ta’
Gajdoru, that in those days the Agostinians had in
Ramla, when he was in his young age his relatives
sent him to Sicily to study in Palermo, where he
got to know Tarik, and he enrolled in the militia,
in a regiment whose Commander was the same
Tarik. When this regiment was dispatched to Gozo
by the Sicilian Governor, Nicholas also came
with it under the same Commander. Although
Nicholas found himself amidst the Muslim Arabs,
with great risk for his soul, he always steadfastly
abided by the Rules of the Christian faith and
remained a friend to Brother Gawdenz.
Besides his parents, Nicholas also had a sister
called Maria, a spinster who surpassed him in
gentleness, was gifted with wisdom as much as
him and noone questioned her skills. Beautiful
and sweet, but somewhat dark-skinned, Maria
was loved by all those who knew her.
The monument which was unveiled in Savina Square, Victoria
in honour of Mgr. Luigi Vella. [Photo courtesy: http://www.]
THE GOZO OBSERVER (No. 37) - Winter 2018
Chev. Joe M Attard is the Secretary of the Gozitan Journalists
Association which post he has occupied since the Association’s
inception in 1960. Mr Attard is a prolific writer of prose and
poetry mostly related with Gozitan history, religion, literature
and culture and he has published two books. For the past 25
years he has also been an avid broadcaster. Mr Attard worked as
a Maltese Language teacher, Assistant Head and Acting Head of
the 6th Form in Gozo. In 1984 he was appointed Knight of the
Unione Cavalleria Cristiana Internazionale (UCCI).