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2022, Communications of the ACM
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Siegen, June 2024
The paper intends to investigate the case of a world chronicle (usually entitled as Tratado et istorie de pontifici et imperadori or similar) that is inserted in some of the Venetian chronicles written between the 13th and the 17th centuries. Among the 280 Venetian chronicles personally consulted by now, this world chronicle is present in 46 of them, with slight differences in the texts. It is only a part of them that could be ascribed to an author or another (Ogniben Cigotto, Marco Pigno, a certain Daniele, Gasparo Zancaruolo, Marcantonio Erizzo, Michele Alberegno, Nicolò Gussoni, Tommaso Donato, Paolo de’ Grandi, Roberto Lio, Giovanni Fabris), all the others being anonymous. All of them are written in the Venetian dialect. Not edited by now (excepting the one of Nicolò Gussoni, ascribed to Zorzi Dolfin), they are preserved in manuscripts in various libraries and archives in Venice (Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Museo Civico Correr and Archivio di Stato di Venezia), Vienna Österreichische Nationalbibliothek), Paris (Bibliothèque Nationale de France), Vatican (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana). The paper focuses upon the events in these world chronicles that are related to the crusading movement, which represent an attempt to promote Venice to a more significant extent in the core of these events.
One Health Approach in Animal Health, 2023
During my master's research study, I investigated the usage of Antimicrobials in Poultry farming in Malawi, the results showed higher usage and doses of tetracycline in Poultry. The Covid-19 pandemic spotlighted the deep connection between animals, humans, and the wider environment. The world is now dealing with, increasing zoonotic disease, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and food safety and security. Yet underinvestment in animal health systems has led to critical shortages in animal health workforces, medicines, and vaccines, barriers to service delivery and access, gaps in disease surveillance, and poor animal welfare. This policy brief presents four key messages and recommendations related to the state of animal health systems in lower and middle-income contexts (LMIC). These results are based on an analysis of data collected from my research, open sources, and interviews with donors, the European Climate Pact, and non-governmental organizations.
quadro federativo que vem sendo construído a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988 conferiu aos municípios um amplo conjunto de competências, destacando-se, entre elas, aquelas relativas à gestão urbana e às políticas urbanas de habitação, saneamento e mobilidade. No entanto, o processo de urbanização vivenciado pelo Brasil nas últimas décadas – desigual, acelerado e marcado pela fragmentação político-administrativa e territorial – e o descompasso entre as competências atribuídas aos municípios e suas capacidades de gestão e arrecadação fazem com que o avanço da capacidade de gestão urbana das cidades coloque-se como um desafio para a grande maioria dos municípios brasileiros. Tendo como pano de fundo o processo de construção da Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Urbano (PNDU), este capítulo faz uma análise do programa Fortalecimento da Gestão Urbana. Criado em meados do ano 2000 com o objetivo de contribuir para o fortalecimento da gestão municipal, o programa vem reunindo grande parte dos esforços federais de apoio à capacitação de municípios e agentes sociais para o desenvolvimento urbano.
Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, 1992
116 poemas de Buko, organizados por medio de una tabla de contenidos, para facilitar su acceso, la traducción original se encontraba en dialecto argentino del Español, se ha procurado pasarlos al mexicano.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2014
TESAM STRATEJİ DERGİSİ SAYI 8- Çevre ve İklim Dosyası, 2023
Images and Prophecy in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean, 2009
International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 2016
BMC Infectious Diseases, 2019
Global Journal of Health Science, 2020
Ageing and Society, 2019
Journal of Engineering Education, 2002
Philosophy of Information, 2008
Modern Pathology, 2014
American Journal of Ophthalmology, 2004