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Ma conférence sur le thème du rapport entre les langues dites "sémitiques". Une nouvelle approche.
Nicholas Reeves has claimed recently that Queen Nefertiti lies buried behind one of two walls in the burial chamber of KV62, the tomb of Tutankhamun. Reeves believes that Nefertiti rose to become the monarch Neferneferuaten and then Smenkhkare, but the assessment of whether such hidden chambers exist in KV62 has been made on purely structural grounds. There are a number of problems in Reeves' model for the development of KV62 architecture, which he never really addresses.
Tecnología Sur Sur (TSS) , 2024
El presidente Javier Milei afirma que sacrificando los ingresos de la población en el presente se tendrá un futuro de prosperidad, alojado en un indeterminado porvenir, mientras la pobreza durante su gestión ya llegó a más de la mitad de la gente. Esto no es sólo retórica para imponer intereses empresarios, sino algo con profundo arraigo en los postulados de la teoría económica dominante.
Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 347, 2024
Without taking a strong theoretical stance on the terminological boundary between ambiguity and vagueness, we suggest that, at least when considered as persuasion devices, they are quite different and almost opposite phenomena. We suggest that vagueness is effectively persuasive in that it can specifically divert epistemic vigilance from questionable or unpleasant contents. Ambiguity, conversely, encodes multiple meanings drawing additional attention to the message. We support such claims through examples from markedly persuasive texts and through the results of a selfpaced reading experiment revealing differences between contextually precise vague expressions (VE), contextually non-precise VE, and precise expressions.
Nas mentes dos mortais de Urântia -este sendo o nome do vosso mundo -existe uma grande confusão a respeito dos significados de termos como Deus, divindade e deidade. Os seres humanos encontram-se mais confusos e inseguros ainda a respeito das relações entre as personalidades divinas designadas por esses diversos nomes. Em vista dessa pobreza conceitual, somada à imensa confusão de idéias, fui orientado a formular essa exposição introdutória, com o fito de explicar os significados que deveriam corresponder a certos símbolos verbais, do modo como deverão ser utilizados a seguir nestes documentos, os quais o corpo de reveladores da verdade de Orvonton foi autorizado a traduzir para o idioma inglês de Urântia.
Journal on Baltic Security
With the takeover of Crimea by masked Russian soldiers/fighters without national insignia in February/March 2014, with the Kremlin at first denying its involvement, war became ‘hybrid’ in our minds. The follow-on conflict in Eastern Ukraine, with separatism supported by neighbouring countries and the armed establishment and military securing of pseudo-state people’s republics, including recourse to pro-Russian fighters ‘on holiday’, has reinforced the impression of a hybrid form of warfare, raising the question: what is hybrid warfare? This article argues that the specific nature of hybrid warfare is essentially a strategic matter characterised by three key tendencies and their orchestration within a hybrid ‘grand strategy’: 1. Focusing the decision of the war/conflict, as such, primarily on a broad spectrum of non-military centres of gravity in a flexible and dynamic manner. 2. Operating in the shadow of various interfaces against specific vulnerabilities of the opponent, thus chal...
Pendahuluan Wajah pendidikan Indonesia bisa dikatakan berada dalam dilemma, dimana terjadinya dualitas pendidikan yang dianut oleh Indonesia. Dualitas yang dimaksud yaitu adalah adanya pemisahan pendidikan, antara pendidikan agama yang mana berada dibawah naungan Kementerian Agama dan dan juga pendidikan umum yang berada dibawah kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Dualitas pendidikan ini melahirkan dikotomi pendidikan yang berkepanjangan dan berlangsung hingga saat ini. Sejarah mencatat bahwa lahirnya dikotomi pendidikan di Indonesia tidak terlapas dari sistem pendidikan yang diterapkan oleh kolonial Belanda saat menjajah Indonesia. Dikotomi pendidikan ini lahir dari sistem pelitik etis dimana pemerintah Belanda mendirikan sekolah-sekolah rakyat yang tak lain hanya untuk menciptakan para pekerja yang nantinya akan dipergunakan sebagai pekerja untuk pemerintahnnya. Saat pemerintah belanda mendirikan sekolah untuk rakyat, kurikulum yang diterapkan hanya proses pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang diperlukan dalam dunia kerja. Pendidikan agama pada sekolah-sekolah tersebut tidak diajarkan sehingga produk pendidikan yang dihasilkan hanya sebagai pekerja yang tidak mengenal pendidikan agama kalaupun ada, pendidikan itu hanya didapatkan dari pendidikan keluarga. Disisi lain, lembaga pendidikan agama seperti pesantren juga lebih mengedepankan pendidikan agama ketimbang pendidikan ilmu pengetahuan sehingga melahirkan dualism pendidikan atau dikotomi pendidikan pada saat itu. Di era moderen ini, dikotomi pendidikan pun masih berlangung di negeri ini. Pendidikan tetap terbagi atas dua jenis yaitu pendidikan agama yang berada dibawah naungan Kementerian Agama yang lebih ditekankan pada pendidikan agama saja dan mengesampingkan ilmu pengetahuan walaupun tetap mengajarkan Ilmu pengetahuan umum namun memiliki porsi yang sangat sedikit. Hal serupa juga dilakukan dilakukan di oleh lembaga pendidikan umum yang berada dibawah naungan Kemnterian yang berbeda yakni Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional. Di lembaga pendidikan umum, pendidikan ilmu pengatahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK) lebih ditekankan ketimbang pendidikan agama yang memilik porsi jam ajar yang sangat sedikit.
1885 Meeting Durrus to establish a branch of the National League. Before and After., 2024
Introduction Apart from the meeting this is an attempt to give a prior context and look at the aftermath of the Land War and its success in the establishment and operation of the Irish Land Commission. Initially it is difficult to understand why the proposal to establish a branch of the National League in a small village could attract such heavy hitters as John Deasy MP and future MP James Gilhooley as well as future Magistrate and Cork County Councillor Ned Roycroft. However the district had a long history of political activism, the first to get rid of the hated tithe system. Also activism with the O’Connell rent and Repeal. The Fenians were significant locally but had no clerical support. Of those present many were to play a very active role in local politics, one Florence O’Leary had one son an MP and two sons solicitors as well as a grandson a retired District Justice. The Military History Archives some years ago released details of the local battalions of the IRA during the War of Independence. It is likely that they were the sons and in some cases daughters of those active in the Land War Little could those assembled imagine that within thirty years the whole edifice of the Irish Land System would be swept away as prophesied by Alexis de Tocqueville. Alexis de Tocqueville 1835 On Irish Assizes, Grand Juries, Magistrates. Introduction, p.1 Irish Land Commission, p.3 Sectarian Jury packing, p.3 Tithes, p.4 Fenians, p.6 Religious dimension to The Land War, p.10 Effect of the Land Commission, p.11 The Tenants become Owners, p.11 Raymond Crotty and Agricultural Productivity, p.12 Eagle and Cork County Advertiser, 24th October 1885, p.13 Rev. Timothy O’Leary, p.21 Secretary Timothy D. Sullivan, p.22 Laurence Lehane, p.22 John Deasy, M.P., p.22 James Gilhooley, p.23 Richard Tobin, p.24 Thomas Dillon, p.30 Dr. Edward Shipsey, MD, p.32 Florence O’ Leary, p.33 Denis O’Leary, p.35 Edward (Ned) Roycroft, p.35 R. Hodnett, p.36 William Symms Bird, p.39 Clergy, p.39 Rev James Bowen, p.39 Canon Shinkwin, Bantry, p.39 Note Takers, p.40 Boycotting, p.40 Irish National League, p. 44 Map Durrus, p. 45
Humanitatis: journal of language and literature, 2023
Folk tales can be used as a medium to teach moral values to children. Folk tale is told from generation to generation through oral tradition. Since it is conveyed orally, several versions of the folk tale are sometimes found in society. This study aims to find out the differences in plot and characterization in the two versions of the folk tale"Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih". The descriptive qualitative method was applied in this study. The researchers analyzed the characters and plots in two folk tale books entitled "Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih" and "Bawang dan Kesuna". The data of characterization were classified and analyzed using the theory proposed by Mays (2019). Based on the analysis, the results showed that there were three differences in the characterization, namely differences in family relations, differences in parental behavior, and differences in personality. Furthermore, there were also differences found in the plot, namely unfortunate events, unexpected gifts, evil ideas, and sad endings.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2006
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2016
Matematica E Estatistica Em Foco, 2013
IABSE Congress, Stockholm 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment, 2016
Tropical Medicine and Health, 2007
Human Pathology, 2016
Fajar Julyyansyah, 2023
Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, 2020