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2008, EJVES Extra
2 pages
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Upper limb arterial variations are frequently discovered at cadaver dissection, in clinical or surgical settings. We report the case of a female patient with acute upper limb ischemia due to a thrombosed brachial artery. At operation, an aberrant radial artery (ARA) was found, resembling the brachial artery. Further identification of the brachial artery deep to ARA leads to successful revascularization.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2006
The paper explores certain types of experiential work in the music classroom, and a semester-long term paper assignment based on a single musical example, to show the advantages of "slow" processes in studying music. Submitted to Routledge as part of the book manuscript "Reversing the Cult of Speed in Higher Education," ed. Jonathan Lee Chambers and Stephannie Gerhart.
FOLD&R Fasti On Line Documents & Research, 230, 2011
Concentrando l'attenzione su alcuni dei contesti maggiormente rappresentativi della variabilità rituale riscontrata nella necropoli di Monte Sirai (figg. 1-2), in questa nota si ripercorreranno le risultanze emerse durante le campagne di scavo 1 che hanno avuto luogo tra il 2005 e il 2010, privilegiando la documentazione ancora inedita 2 . In totale sono state individuate 96 sepolture distribuite in un arco cronologico esteso tra la fine del VII e la seconda metà del IV sec. a.C. Poiché l'insediamento di Monte Sirai sorse almeno nella seconda metà dell'VIII sec. a.C. e venne repentinamente abbandonato in un momento collocabile tra la fine del II e i primi decenni del I sec. a.C. 3 , sono tuttora sconosciute le sepolture relative ai primi orizzonti temporali successivi alla fondazione del centro e pochi sono i contesti noti relativi alle più tarde sepolture di età ellenistica 4 . Tra la documentazione raccolta durante gli ultimi lavori nella necropoli si è potuto notare come i contesti più antichi non risalgano oltre la fine del VII sec. a.C.; 1 Le annuali campagne di scavo a Monte Sirai si svolgono dal 2007 con concessione quinquennale del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, con la Direzione scientifica di Piero Bartoloni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Sassari, in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza Archeologica per le Province di Cagliari e Oristano e con il contributo della Società Ati-Ifras Intini e delle Amministrazioni comunali di Carbonia e di Sant'Antioco; desidero in questa sede ringraziare tutti gli studenti e gli studiosi che hanno partecipato negli anni alle indagini sul terreno, ma soprattutto desidero esprimere grande riconoscenza al Prof. Piero Bartoloni per la fiducia accordatami e alla Dott.ssa Rosanna Pla Orquín per avermi coadiuvato sia nella conduzione delle attività di scavo che nella documentazione grafica del lavoro svolto; un contributo determinante è stato altresì offerto dalla Portovesme s.r.l. grazie all'interessamento e al mecenatismo dimostrato dall'Amm. Del. Dott. Carlo Lolliri. 2 Sul primo triennio di indagini: GUIRGUIS 2010a. 3 Per una storia degli studi con bibliografia precedente: Ibidem: 63-67; GUIRGUIS 2005: 19-23; BARTOLONI 2000a: 35-52; sulle nuove indagini in corso di svolgimento nell'abitato, nel settore meridionale dell'Insula C: GUIRGUIS, PLA ORQUÍN cds. 4 Incinerazioni secondarie entro recipienti chiusi: BOTTO, SALVADEI 2005: 150-151.
There is no denying the fact that question that concerns political leaders is a popular topic which is much talked about by people either in modern or in antique society. This problem is a much-debated on in that it affects everybody in his or her daily lives. True, political leader is person whose way of ruling country and attitude of nation toward him, affects greatly citizens
The Jakarta Post, 2018
The need to include unpaid household chores into the measurement of a country’s economic progress has been a long debate with hardly any progress. I suggest the construction of a new, independent measurement of unpaid household works including the contribution that comes from the informal economy. This measurement will act as the complement of the GDP to measure economic growth.
A sexualized spirituality : a spiritualized sexuality. Will we be able, in the West, to remove the crust of guilt that for thousands of years we have been forming regarding sexuality? Freud discovers the importance of sexuality, but argues that spiritual life can only be a sublimated, hypocritical version of the "true" biological impulses. Freud continues with another Manichaeism : no longer that of Judaic moralism, but that of scientific materialism, which only sees a reproductive function behind the charm of love. Then come other psychologisms, other functionalisms like Master & Johnson who will believe to have overcome guilt, but they did not have re-found religiosity. For them, sexual life has a function: to expel energies that, if accumulated in bodily life, would create neuroses and blockages. Is a little vision of Wilhelm Reich: yet for the , sexual activity is primarily therapy, and orgasm is her goal. Achieving orgasm: the new mission of sex therapists, the new Boom of North Americans, the apparent understanding of how to overcome psychological pathologies, in the neo-capitalist paradise of sexual "liberation". Being "in ": talking about sex, publishing books about sex, recording television programs about sex, "doing" sex. Precisely because it was not possible to talk about, is that the tare dragged by thousands of years is considered overcome when it is allowed and encouraged to make the subject public.
This note examines some key challenges facing MNEs, policymakers and insolvency practitioners in resolving cross-border bankruptcies within the existing framework of law and regulation, while attempting to proffer broad based as well as granular solutions to some of these issues.
Many of the most disturbing images of the last decade of the twentieth century have depicted horrific episodes of ‘ethnic cleansing’ and protracted ethnic or communal conflicts. In fact, post-Cold War world politics seems to have been ‘engulfed in convulsive fits of ethnic insecurity, violence and genocide’ (Lake and Rothchild, 1996, p. 41). These events have generated extensive intellectual debate among policy makers, academics and other commentators. In particular these debates have revealed two sets of assumptions about the underlying causes of ethnic antagonisms. Some argue that these conflicts represent a revival of premodern or ‘tribal’ identities, whilst others argue that they are part of a late-modern ‘fragmentary’ reaction against homogenising tendencies of globalisation... In To cite this work: Mount, Gavin. “A World of Tribes?” in G. Fry and J. O’Hagan (eds) Contending Images of World Politics, Palgrave MacMillan, 2000
Celso Amorim: "o mundo tem sede de um novo Brasil", 2021
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PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 2015