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2015, Theoretical Computer Science
1 file
Theories for model-based testing identify exhaustive test sets: typically infinite sets of tests whose execution establishes the conformance relation of interest. Practical techniques rely on selection strategies to identify finite subsets of these tests, and popular approaches are based on requirements to cover the model. In previous work, we have defined testing theories for refinement-based process algebra, namely, CSP and Circus, a state-rich process algebra. In this paper, we consider the selection of tests designed to establish traces refinement. In this case, conformance does not require that all traces of the model are available in the system under test, and this can raise challenges regarding coverage criteria for selection. To address these difficulties, we present a framework for formalising a variety of selection strategies. We exemplify its use in the formalisation of a selection criterion based on coverage of process communications for integration testing. We consider models written in Circus, whose symbolic testing theory facilitates the definition of uniformity and regularity hypotheses based on data operations, but also imposes extra challenges for selection of concrete tests. Our results, however, are relevant for any formalism where the conformance relation does not require all the traces of the specification to be executable by the system under test.
Este volume é o ultirrlQ, de uma serie de três, sobre a vida do imperador Dom Pedro II. Corresponde ao periodo que vai de 1880 a 1891, isto é, da votação da reforma eleitoral (eleição diréta) ao falecimento do Monarca. Sucede aos dois já publicados, o primeiro abrangendo o pe- 1-iodo de 1825 a 1870 (ASCENÇiO), e o segun-do de 1870 a 1880 (FASTIG/0).
The relevance of keeping proper books of accounts and sound accounting practices has been emphasized in achieving proper financial management in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises. In this study, we investigate the recording of proper books of account by SMEs in Kumasi (Ghana) through information based on responses to a close-ended questionnaire from 90 SMEs in Kumasi.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2019
In this note we revisit a "ring of graphs" Q in which the set of finite simple graphs N extend the role of the natural numbers N and the signed graphs Z extend the role of the integers Z. We point out the existence of a norm which allows to complete Q to a real or complex Banach algebra R or C.
Un pequeño libro que ayudara a las personas a mejorar su tecnica del dibuoj
Chisala Chichi Bwalya, 2021
The paper assesses the effectiveness of commercial banks capital financing in the performance of SMEs in Lusaka district. A structured questionnaire and a semi structured interview guide were used to collect data from 99 randomly sampled SMEs in Lusaka district and 1 purposively sampled respondent from Zambia National Commercial Bank. With the aid of the data analysis tools, the data generated from the respondents were analyzed. Among others, the results of the analysis reveal that SMEs and commercial banks both play an important role in the economic development of a country. The study also reveals that SMEs and commercial banks are highly indifferent to the loans facilities; strict collateral requirements, high interest rates, and the nature of requirements for guarantors dissuade SMEs from accessing loans. Thus, the study concludes that commercial banks capital financing is key to increased production and growth in profits for SMEs. As such, SMEs should be sensitized about the many products and services that Commercial Banks offer. Therefore, this paper recommends that Banks should formulate inclusive policies and programs that can benefit the SMEs, ranging from financial literacy programs, business development programs, business leadership programs, financial markets, trade and investment among others in order for us to have a stable and sustainable business community. This paper also recommends policy reforms to reduce interest rates, collateral and guarantor requirements so as to allow more SMEs access loans and grow their business.
Статья раскрывает содержание понятия "феноменологическая психология", которое, являясь идеей Гуссерля, получило широкое распространение как среди философов экзистенциального и герменевтического направления, так и среди психологов. Основное внимание в работе сосредоточено на рассмотрении различных уровней системы феноменологической психологии, а также на проблеме различных истолкований понятия "феноменологическая психология" самим Гуссерлем на протяжении всего периода его творчества. Автор указывает, что сложность определения данного понятия связана с близостью феноменологической психологии трансцендентальной феноменологии, а также с тяготением самого Гуссерля к трансцендентализму.
As politicas de acao afirmativa (PAA) comecaram a ser implantadas na Educacao Superior brasileira ha pouco mais de duas decadas, tendo se tornado um dos mais importantes instrumentos de sua democratizacao. Desde o inicio, as PAA foram motivo de dissenso e controversias, dadas as caracteristicas elitistas das instituicoes academicas no Brasil. Este trabalho objetiva fazer um balanco da instalacao dessas politicas – desde as primeiras iniciativas, no inicio da decada de 2000, passando por sua consolidacao (via criacao, em 2012, de uma lei que estabelece cotas socioeconomicas e raciais nas instituicoes federais por um periodo de dez anos), ate os dias atuais. Buscamos identificar as principais criticas, bem como seus avancos e desafios. Essa analise se mostra relevante em funcao do impacto causado pelas PAA em milhares de salas de aula do pais, alem do fato de que a continuidade da referida lei sera avaliada em breve, havendo possibilidade de que, em medio prazo, as cotas deixem de exi...
الى تقسٌمه تم وقد : االول الفصل المبحث ٌتكون حٌث مبحثٌن االهمٌة من االول اما ) التأول ( والفرضٌات واالهداف المفاهٌم من ٌتكون حٌث الثانً المبحث االجت الوعً ، االعالم وسائل ، دور ( هً بالبحث الخاصة والمصطلحات ) ماعً اما ثانٌا ، عراقٌة دراسات اوال ( ٌمثل وهو الدراسات الى تطرقنا حٌث : الثانً الفصل ) عربٌة دراسات االجتماعً الوعً وتشكٌل االعالم وسائل الى تطرقنا حٌث : الثالث الفصل البحث ومنهجٌة المٌدانً للجانب االساسٌة العناصر الى تطرقنا حٌث : الرابع الفصل وقد الثالث المبحث ، العٌنة الثانً المبحث ، البحث منهج االول المبحث ( شمل ) االحصائٌة الوسائل الخامس المبحث ، البحث مجاالت الرابع المبحث ، االستبٌان للبحث العامة البٌانات تحلٌل فشمل : الخامس الفصل 6 االول انفصم نهذراسة انعبو االطبر االول المبحث انبح اهًٍة ث
Estudios Eclesiásticos, 2024
Applied Composite Materials, 2013
TÜRKİYE 1918-1923 MİLLÎ MÜCADELE’NİN YEREL TARİHLERİ PROJESİ SEMPOZYUM - ÇALIŞTAY “Millî Mücadele’de Karadeniz” “Millî Mücadele’nin Yerel Tarihleri”, 2022
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