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Proceedings Computer Animation '96
76 pages
1 file
Department of Computer Science and Engineering 10 Facial Animation Facial models Propagation of deformation of the skin can be based on a simple distance-based model such that there is increasing attenuation with increasing distance. This can result in direct movement (a), attenuation based on linear distance (b), or distance and 10-36 Department of Computer Science and Engineering 10 Facial Animation Time Alignment of Triphone Videos Need to combine triphone videos Choose portion of overlapping triphones where lip shapes are close as possible Already done when computing D s 10-44 Department of Computer Science and Engineering 10 Facial Animation Data Capture •Actor's face digitized using a Cyberware scanner to get a base 3D mesh •Six calibrated video cameras capture actor's expressions Six camera views 10-54 Department of Computer Science and Engineering 10 Facial Animation Assigning Blend Coefficients Assign blend coefficients for a grid of 1400 evenly distributed points on face 10-73 Department of Computer Science and Engineering 10 Facial Animation Motion Vector Transfer Compute transformation between two coordinate systems Mapping determines the deformed source model motion vectors
A major unsolved problem in computer graphics is the construction and animation of realistic human facial models. Traditionally, facial models have been built painstakingly by manual digitization and animated by adhoc parametrically controlled facial mesh deformations or kinematic approximation of muscle actions. Fortunately, animators are now able to digitize facial geometries through the use of scanning range sensors and animate them through the dynamic simulation of facial tissues and muscles. However, these techniques require considerable user input to construct facial models of individuals suitable for animation. Realistic facial animation is achieved through geometric and image manipulations. Geometric deformations usually account for the shape and deformations unique to the physiology and expressions of a person. Image manipulations model the reflectance properties of the facial skin and hair to achieve smallscale detail that is difficult to model by geometric manipulation alone.
A major unsolved problem in computer graphics is the construction and animation of realistic human facial models. Traditionally, facial models have been built painstakingly by manual digitization and animated by adhoc parametrically controlled facial mesh deformations or kinematic approximation of muscle actions. Fortunately, animators are now able to digitize facial geometries through the use of scanning range sensors and animate them through the dynamic simulation of facial tissues and muscles. However, these techniques require considerable user input to construct facial models of individuals suitable for animation. Realistic facial animation is achieved through geometric and image manipulations. Geometric deformations usually account for the shape and deformations unique to the physiology and expressions of a person. Image manipulations model the reflectance properties of the facial skin and hair to achieve smallscale detail that is difficult to model by geometric manipulation alone.
Computer Animation'94., …, 1994
This paper presents Langwidere, a facial animation system. Langwidere is the basis for a flexible system capable of imitating a wide range of characteristics and actions, such as speech or expressing emotion.
2016 1st International Conference on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE), 2016
Facial animation an important part in the 3D virtual world which is the process of moving the character's face in 3D according to the joint motion that follows the reference human face. Importance of expression in the world of animation is a manifestation of its life an animated character. Importance of expression in the world of animation is a manifestation of its life an animated character. Use the data feature-point to capture facial movements, will be able to put the location of point features 3D models to follow the movements of the human face feature. To overcome facial deformation source with the character's face, Linear Blend Skinning basic methods need to be used so that the deformation process can still display the facial characters expressions were reasonable or natural. Using clustering data clustering as membership data each centroid as the area affected by the deformation. Transformation of linear deformation using LBS has a good ability in determine the amount of change in the new coordinate point in accordance with changes in human facial expressions. The change capable of to properly visualized in the form vertec or scatter-data or using a polygonal mesh. With these visualizations can be shown by good deformation.
Jmm, 2005
In this paper, we present a novel non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) muscle system for the simulation of human facial expressions and talking animation based on features extracted from video sequences. We construct the facial muscles based on anatomical knowledge and NURBS models. We use 43 feature points to represent facial expressions and apply a lip contour extraction technique to determine lip shapes. Our system is able to generate many different facial expressions and mouth shapes. The system has been used in web and mobile phone based digital entertainment applications.
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 2013
Computer facial animation is not a new endeavour as it had been introduced since 1970s. However, animating human face still presents interesting challenges because of its familiarity as the face is the part used to recognize individuals. Facial modelling and facial animation are important in developing realistic computer facial animation. Both modelling and animation is dependent to drive the animation. This paper reviews several geometric-based modelling (shape interpolation, parameterization and muscle-based animation) and data-driven animation (image-based techniques speech-driven techniques and performance-driven animation) techniques used in computer graphics and vision for facial animation. The main concepts and problems for each technique are highlighted in the paper.
Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2021
Animating human face presents interesting challenges because of its familiarity as the face is the part utilized to recognize individuals. This paper reviewed the approaches used in facial modeling and animation and described their strengths and weaknesses. Realistic face animation of computer graphic models of human faces can be hard to achieve as a result of the many details that should be approximated in producing realistic facial expressions. Many methods have been researched to create more and more accurate animations that can efficiently represent human faces. We described the techniques that have been utilized to produce realistic facial animation. In this survey, we roughly categorized the facial modeling and animation approach into the following classes: blendshape or shape interpolation, parameterizations, facial action coding system-based approaches, moving pictures experts group-4 facial animation, physics-based muscle modeling, performance driven facial animation, visua...
UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLOŃSKI, KRAKÓW W XIII wieku, zwłaszcza dzięki zyskom z IV wyprawy krzyżowej, Wenecja wyrasta na światową potęgę i w przeciągu dwóch następnych stuleci, niezależnie nawet od strasznej epidemii dżumy w 1348-1349 roku, niewielkie Dogado dochodzi do szczytu swej potęgi, jako Stato da Tera (Domini di Terraferma) zajmując ogromne terytoria na północy Półwyspu -niemal do bram Mediolanu i po Rawennę, a jako Stato da Màr panując w całym basenie Morza Śródziemnego, nad wyspami egejskimi i jońskimi, nad Cyprem, Kretą i Korfu, nad Dalmacją i Istrią (Adriatyk już w XIV wieku nazywano Zatoką Wenecką!). Pod zarządem Republiki znajdowały się liczne ziemie słowiańskie, albańskie i greckie, a miasto przyciągało zewsząd ludzi interesu i sztuki. Od 1373 roku osiedlają się w Wenecji Żydzi -niemieccy, włoscy i hiszpańscy, to tu rozwinie się intensywnie drukarstwo hebrajskie i tu, na wyspie św. Hieronima, powstanie pierwsze na świecie izolujące ich ghetto (1516). W mieście od XII wieku istnieje aktywna kolonia ormiańska, która tu właśnie wydała pierwszą drukowaną książkę w swym języku (1512). Także liczna była przynajmniej od drugiej połowy XV wieku kolonia albańska, wnosząc swój wkład do kultury tego wyjątkowego miasta. Dla Greków Wenecja, nazwana nawet "drugim Bizancjum" (określenie kardynała Bessariona), od zawsze stanowiła ulubioną przystań, i tymczasową, i stałą, zwłaszcza po ostatecznym upadku Wschodniego Imperium (1453). Wagę transportu i handlu z drugim brzegiem Ad-
Terzopolous, NYU
Starting with a structured facial mesh, an algorithms that automatically construct functional models of the heads of human subjects from laser-scanned range and reflectance data. These algorithms automatically insert contractile muscles at anatomically correct positions within a dynamic skin model and root them in an estimated skull structure with a hinged jaw. They also synthesize functional eyes, eyelids, teeth, and a neck and fit them to the final model. The constructed face may be animated via muscle actuations.
Audio Analysis
• Want to capture visual dynamics of speech
• Phonemes are not enough
• Consider coarticulation
• Lip shapes for many phonemes are modified based on phoneme's context (e.g. /T/ in "beet" vs. /T/ in "boot")
Remaining slides courtesy of Shahzad Malik
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