Social Science & Medicine 68 (2009) 21–29
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Polygyny and women’s health in sub-Saharan Africa
Riley Bove a, *, Claudia Valeggia b
Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 55 Fruit street, Boston, MA 02114, USA
Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, 3260 South street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Available online 24 October 2008
In this paper we review the literature on the association between polygyny and women’s
health in sub-Saharan Africa. We argue that polygyny is an example of ‘‘co-operative
conflict’’ within households, with likely implications for the vulnerability of polygynous
women to illness, and for their access to treatment. We begin with a review of polygyny
and then examine vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections (STIs, including HIV) and
differential reproductive outcomes. Polygyny is associated with an accelerated transmission of STIs, both because it permits a multiplication of sexual partners and because it
correlates with low rates of condom use, poor communication between spouses, and age
and power imbalances among other factors. Female fertility is affected by the interplay
between marital rank, household status, and cultural norms in polygynous marriages.
Finally, we present areas which have received only cursory attention: mental health and
a premature, ‘‘social’’ menopause. Although data are scarce, polygyny seems to be associated with higher levels of anxiety and depression, particularly around stressful life
events. It is our hope that the examples reviewed here will help build a framework for
mixed method quality research, which in turn can inform decision makers on more
appropriate, context-dependent health policies.
! 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Women’s health
Mental health
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
In 2001, Botswana’s diamond mining giant corporation,
Debswana, decided in partnership with international
organizations to provide antiretroviral treatment to all
mineworkers infected with the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) plus one spouse (Swarns, 2001). In a society
where polygyny is prevalent, this raises some difficult
questions. Should the mine worker select his senior wife for
treatment? Or his favorite one? Should he rotate their
access to pills on a daily basis? Or should he split the pills
between his wives? To our knowledge, there has been no
published follow-up of this policy. However, the issues
raised highlight the complexity of health-related interactions in polygynous households.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 415 595 2795.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (R. Bove), valeggia@ (C. Valeggia).
0277-9536/$ – see front matter ! 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
While the household has traditionally been viewed as
a unit ideally making decisions for the good of all, there is
evidence that individuals within a household vary
substantially in their ability to access key resources and to
effect decisions according to their gender, age, and social
power (Haddad, Hoddinott, & Alderman, 1997). These
competing interests give rise to what Sen (1990) describes
as the ‘‘coexistence of extensive conflicts and pervasive
cooperation in household arrangements’’.
Polygyny in sub-Saharan Africa represents an excellent
example of such a ‘‘co-operative conflict’’ paradigm,
because of its role in structuring women’s access to
resources essential for their own health and that of their
children. In many African societies, polygyny is a normative
marital system (Lesthaeghe, Kaufmann, & Meekers, 1989;
van de Walle, 2005). Polygyny structures social relationships within the household by requiring cooperation
among co-wives in productive (domestic, agricultural) and
reproductive (conjugal, childrearing) arenas, all the while
R. Bove, C. Valeggia / Social Science & Medicine 68 (2009) 21–29
placing them under the authority of a husband for whose
attention and parental investment co-wives are in direct
competition (Dorjahn, 1988; Madhavan, 2002).
This article reviews evidence from various societies in
sub-Saharan Africa, for the role of polygyny as a social
mediator of women’s vulnerability to disease and their
health outcomes. Using a model of ‘‘co-operative conflict’’
between spouses and between co-wives, we summarize
the associations between health and polygyny that have
been most frequently explored: vulnerability to sexually
transmitted illnesses (STIs) and fertility outcomes. We then
examine how polygyny, by structuring a woman’s relationship to her husband and to other household members,
might also influence women’s mental health and their
experience of menopause and illness. Finally, we suggest
areas for further research.
Quantitative research on polygyny has been hampered
by a host of confounding factors, and by the fact that
polygynous status often depends more on an individual’s
position in the life cycle (age, employment), and on a husband’s income, than on any absolute differences between
polygynous and monogamous individuals (Antoine &
Nanitelamio, 1995; Blanc & Gage, 2000; Orobaton, 1996).
Because women’s status is intertwined with their husband’s, there are strong social pressures for women not to
reveal personal feelings about their marital relationships
that might undermine their commitment to the established
social order (Lesthaeghe, 1989; Wittrup, 1990). Significantly, female researchers seem to obtain greater insights
into the emotional nuances of co-wives’ lives (Jankowiak,
Sudakov, & Wilreker, 2005). Unless noted, the data presented here are derived from cohort and case-control
studies with small sample sizes.
Overview of polygyny in sub-Saharan Africa
In sub-Saharan Africa, polygyny is common and
continues to reinvent itself in light of broad social changes.
According to all Demographic and Health Surveys of subSaharan African countries conducted since 2000 (n ¼ 22
countries – but this excludes Namibia, where 18% of the
female respondents’ marital status was ‘unknown’), the
percentage of married women aged 15–49 with at least one
co-wife varies from 11.4% in Zimbabwe, to 26.5% in Ivory
Coast (median value), to 53% in Guinea. For married men,
the percentage with two or more wives ranges from 4.9% in
Zimbabwe, to 14.1% in Mozambique (median value), to
36.7% in Guinea (
In each country surveyed, polygyny rates were positively associated with rural residence, older age, and low
educational attainment. For example, in Mali, polygyny
rates were 44.8% and 26.5% for married women and men in
rural areas, respectively, vs. 26.7% and 22.1% in urban areas.
Rates were 19.3% and 18.1% for married women and men,
respectively, with at least a secondary education, vs. 42.2%
and 26.7% for those with no education. Rates were 20% for
married women aged 15–19 years vs. 55.3% for those aged
40–49 years; and 9.4% for married men aged 20–24 years,
vs. 40.8% for those aged 50–59 years (CPS/MS, 2007).
Historically, polygyny has been associated with patrilineal, patrilocal, gerontocratic, pronatalist agrarian societies
that limit women’s access to land, inheritance, support from
natal kin, and sources of formalized power (Goody, 1973;
White & Burton, 1988). This is particularly true of West
Africa, where polygyny is most prevalent and predates Islam
(Hayase & Liaw, 1997; Lesthaeghe et al., 1989; Murdock,
1967). For men and their lineages, women represent
‘‘wealth in people’’ rather than ‘‘wealth in things’’ (Caldwell,
1981). Plural wives multiply offspring and political alliances
through in-laws (Clignet, 1970), and productivity in the
fields (Jacoby, 1995). From a power balance perspective,
polygyny places women largely under the authority of their
husband and his lineage, particularly his mother, for access
to key resources and support during childbearing and other
life events (Adams & Castle, 1994).
Women’s ability to negotiate social relationships within
this framework and vis-à-vis their co-wives is therefore
crucial to their well-being and to that of their children. First
wives, in principle, enjoy social respect, agency as ‘household manager,’ as well as a measure of freedom from
a husband who may display preferential attention to more
junior co-wives (Madhavan, 2002). A review by Jankowiak
et al. (2005) outlines the importance of a husband’s
behavior, a woman’s age, rank and individual resources,
and local cultural factors, in determining the extent of
competition and cooperation between co-wives.
Co-wife competition is heightened whenever women
depend more directly on their husband for emotional
fulfillment or access to resources. Competition is most
fierce around a husband’s investment in the education,
health and attainment of their children, particularly the
sons whose birth secures the husband–wife bond and who
will care for them in their old age (Bledsoe, 1993).1 Despite
a formalized ‘‘egalitarian’’ rotation of domestic and
conjugal duties, husbands may display emotional and
sexual favoritism. They may also use ‘divide and conquer’
strategies to prevent their wives from uniting in collective
passive resistance (Clignet, 1970; Dorjahn, 1988). The result
is often a socially imposed form of prisoner’s dilemma, in
which co-wives must choose between collaborating with
one another or vying for power in their individual relationships with their husband. Competition between cowives is amplified in the migratory context, as women vie
to maximize their reproductive value and to manipulate
their seniority status in countries where only one wife may
obtain identity documents or receive health benefits (Sargent & Cordell, 2003).
Conversely, co-wife cooperation leads to economies of
scale which may free women to pursue remunerative
activities outside the household, providing for themselves
and their children during periods of insecurity (Adams,
Cekan, & Sauerborn, 1998; Bledsoe, 1993; Caldwell, Oruboloye, & Caldwell, 1992). However, Jankowiak and
colleagues conclude that, although women may benefit
from ‘‘pragmatic cooperation’’ with a co-wife, ‘‘(o)ur findings go against the conventional wisdom that a polygynous
However, women maintain separate budgets from their husbands, in
part as protection from their use of pooled resources to pursue additional
wives, and this inevitably entails lower budgets available for women and
their children (Caldwell, et al., 1992).
R. Bove, C. Valeggia / Social Science & Medicine 68 (2009) 21–29
family as a marital system is as satisfying as any other’’
Contemporary changes to the structure of polygyny
have altered its costs and benefits to women. Cash cropping
has eroded a key benefit of cooperation among co-wives, as
the fruit of their labor is placed as cash into the hands of
men, who do not necessarily recycle it back into the
household (Diskin, 1994). In cities, polygyny often persists
(Antoine & Nanitelamio, 1995; Marcoux, 1997) despite the
variable effects of education (Peterson, 1999), market forces
(Solway, 1990), and cost of living (Locoh & Thiriat, 1995).
Additionally, the alternative to polygyny is often informal
‘outside wives’, whom a legitimate wife may not know
(Ezeh, 1997) and who divert a man’s resources from his
wife and children without providing them with any of the
co-operative benefits of polygyny (Karanja, 1994).
Polygyny and women’s health issues
In the next few sections, we review the ways in which
a co-operative conflict model can deepen our understanding of the association between polygyny and several
health issues which have received the most attention:
vulnerability to infectious diseases, fertility, and mental
Vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections
Perhaps the most widely recognized demographic and
health consequence of polygyny is its effect on the transmission of HIV and other STIs (Adeokun & Nalwadda, 1997;
Caldwell, Anarfi, & Caldwell, 1997), leading to the emergence of popular terms, such as sidagamie (Traore, 1998), to
describe this relationship. Demographic factors partially
explain the effect of polygyny on STI transmission. In
stochastic simulations, concurrent, as opposed to serial,
sexual relationships appear to increase the transmission of
STIs (Morris & Kretzschmar, 1997; but see Lagarde et al.,
2001). In addition, there is often a marked age difference
between a man and his junior wives. Younger women may
exchange sex for material gain or for other reasons without
enjoying the social status to request condom use (Tawfik &
Watkins, 2007) and are at an elevated risk of contracting
STIs, which they may then introduce into a polygynous
marriage. The practice of widow inheritance may increase
the chance of HIV transmission to his current wives if a man
whose brother died of AIDS inherits his widow (Malungo,
2001). Finally, migration is a major vector for the transmission of HIV and other STIs from areas of high prevalence
(urban centers, certain countries) to areas of lower prevalence (rural communities) (Buvé, Bishikwabo-Nsarhaza, &
Mutangadura, 2002; Lurie et al., 2003), especially if
polygynous men keep wives in two places.
However, polygyny also shapes a man’s emotional and
sexual relationship to his wives so as to amplify the risk of
STI transmission. First, relationships between polygynous
spouses are often marked by loose emotional ties, and with
lack of communication between spouses about sexual
health matters – including important symptoms and
treatment issues (Orubuloye, Caldwell, & Caldwell, 1997).
Second, extramarital sexual activity is more common
among polygynous than monogamous men, during the
period of postpartum sexual abstinence (Blanc & Gage,
2000; Lawoyin & Larsen, 2002) and during the premarital
search for new wives (Gage & Meekers, 1994; Mitsunaga,
Powell, Heard, & Larsen, 2005). Third, while social control
over women in polygynous societies has been assumed to
ensure their fidelity to their husbands, polygynous women
may be less likely to be satisfied emotionally, sexually and
materially, and may be more likely to have multiple sexual
partners (Hattori & Dodoo, 2007). Fourth, polygyny can
generate marital instability, with frequent rates of divorce
and remarriage (Gage-Brandon, 1992; Locoh & Thiriat,
1995). Fifth, men may perceive their wives’ requests for
condom use as evidence of female infidelity (Lawoyin &
Larsen, 2002; Lugalla et al., 2004; Mukiza-Gapere & Ntozi,
1995). These interpersonal factors all contribute to an
expansion of sexual partners and to an increased risk of STI
transmission within polygynous marriages.
It could be argued that given a gradual breakdown of
traditional societal control over individuals’ behavior in
polygynous marriages, interpersonal dynamics between
spouses play a stronger role in influencing sexual behavior
and the transmission of STIs. Interestingly, measures that
target the practice, rather than the prevalence, of polygyny
and that strengthen the traditional relationship between
men and women within polygynous marriages have been
found to mitigate the association between polygyny and
HIV transmission in sub-Saharan Africa (Patten & Ward,
1993). These measures fall within more recent efforts to
examine the social context of behavior (Wellings et al.,
2006), and to target men as active agents within the HIV
pandemic (Hawkes & Hart, 2000; Morrison, Sunkutu,
Musaba, & Glover, 1997). HIV infection rates have actually
been found to decrease following measures intended to
strengthen relationships within polygynous unions. Such
measures have included reduced rates of widow inheritance and sexual networking in Zambia (Malungo, 2001),
and increased use of condoms, fidelity within the polygynous ring, and collaboration among co-wives to monitor
one another’s sexual behavior and that of their husbands in
Tanzania (Lugalla et al., 2004) and Uganda (Mukiza-Gapere
& Ntozi, 1995).
Because a major feature of polygynous societies is pronatalism, fertility is included in this review as an important
element of women’s health and well-being. Pronatalism is
facilitated by universal marriage, young female age at first
marriage and delivery, and low rates of contraceptive use
(Blanc & Gage, 2000; Ezeh, 1997). Polygyny has clear
reproductive benefits for men, who attract additional wives
through status, bride price, and resources linked to higher
fertility (Borgerhoff Mulder, 1988). However, polygyny may
represent a cost to women’s lifetime fertility, with some
variability according to rank, with senior wives generally
being found to be more fertile than junior ones (Borgerhoff
Mulder, 1988; Gibson & Mace, 2006). We refer the reader to
the vast literature on polygyny as a risk factor for child
mortality (Amey, 2002; Borgerhoff Mulder, 1988, 1992;
Hadley, 2005; Strassmann, 1997), and concentrate here on
R. Bove, C. Valeggia / Social Science & Medicine 68 (2009) 21–29
the relationship between polygyny and female-centered
aspects of fertility. To do so, we use the three categories of
proximate variables outlined by Bongaarts (1978). We will
show that, here as well, the co-operative conflict between
spouses and between co-wives affects women’s fertility.
Exposure factors
The proportion of unmarried women in polygynous
societies is low. Although polygyny precipitates marital
instability, divorce presents little opportunity cost to
women’s fertility because they remarry quickly (GageBrandon, 1992; Locoh & Thiriat, 1995).
Deliberate fertility control factors
Women in presumed ‘‘natural fertility’’ populations have
nonetheless been found to think numerically about their
fertility and to use methods to space or limit their births,
even when reluctant to openly discuss them (Bledsoe,
Banja, & Hill, 1998; Caldwell & Caldwell, 1977; Castle, 2001)
or to challenge the influence of a husband’s lineage on their
reproductive output, which was secured through payment
of the bride price (Adongo et al., 1997; Bledsoe et al., 1998).
Yet polygynous women have been less willing than their
monogamous counterparts to use contraception, despite
similar rates of stated approval for birth control, in Niger
(Peterson, 1999) and in Tanzania (Hollos & Larsen, 2004). No
such association between polygyny and female contraceptive behavior was noted in Ethiopia (Hogan, Berhanu, &
Hailemariam, 1999), perhaps due to low overall levels of
contraceptive use and knowledge, or to the strong association between Islam and polygyny in the local context.
Communication between spouses around ideal family
size, family planning, and contraceptive use affects utilization of family planning (Adongo et al., 1997; Kimuna &
Adamchak, 2001). Communication is lower in polygynous
couples, due to increasing age differences between a man
and each of his subsequent wives (Blanc & Gage, 2000;
Marcoux, 1997), aloofness between spouses (Draper, 1989;
Orubuloye et al., 1997), or personal characteristics such as
low educational attainment. Perhaps because of the weaker
conjugal bond and distance from their husbands, polygynous women in Ghana and Kenya have been found to be
better able to implement lower fertility desires (Dodoo,
Competition with a co-wife for reproductive output also
limits polygynous women’s willingness to limit their births
unless assured that co-wives will do the same, likely
because reproductive output to a large extent guides
subsequent male investment (Blanc & Gage, 2000; Bledsoe,
1993; Madhavan, 2001; Olusanya, 1971). This is also true in
the migratory context, where women must compete with
their co-wives for reproductive output and value in settings
where only one wife may obtain immigration papers and
receive benefits (Sargent & Cordell, 2003).
The pregnancy and postpartum abstinence periods,
which are common in sub-Saharan Africa, can last up to 18
months, and can increase the duration of interbirth intervals, and are facilitated by polygyny, introduce another
opportunity for fertility-related interpersonal negotiation
(Bongaarts, 1978; Caldwell & Caldwell, 1977; Dorjahn,
1988). During these times, women abstain from sex, but not
their husbands (Blanc & Gage, 2000). Polygyny appears to
structure the husband–wife sexual relationship such that
polygynous men are more likely than monogamous men to
engage in extramarital sex, whether during the postpartum
abstinence period (Lawoyin & Larsen, 2002) or not (Mitsunaga et al., 2005).
Natural marital fertility factors
The majority of available studies of ‘‘natural marital
fertility factors’’ focus on sterility, postpartum amenorrhea,
and coital frequency. The association between sterility and
polygyny is controversial. Childless wives certainly cluster
in polygynous marriages (Gage-Brandon, 1992), and
sterility justifies a man’s taking an additional wife (Bledsoe,
1990; Ferraro, 1991), including secondary sterility induced
by STIs (Larsen, 1995). But polygyny also increases the
transmission of STIs, leading to secondary sterility. In Jos,
Nigeria, for example, male infertility is associated with
higher incidences of STIs, marital instability, and polygyny
(Imade, Towobola, Sagay, & Otubu, 1993). Thus female
sterility, specifically secondary sterility, might play
a greater role as a confounder, or even a consequence, than
as a cause of polygyny.
In addition to a prolonged postpartum taboo, polygyny
has been associated with reduced coital frequency, and
prolonged breastfeeding (Lesthaeghe, 1989; Murdock,
1967). These all effectively increase the duration of interbirth intervals (Bongaarts, 1978), as in Ghana where they
are prolonged among polygynous women, due either to
a longer postpartum taboo or to decreased coital frequency
(Amankwaa, 1996). While the prolongation of interbirth
intervals is negatively associated with total fertility rates, it
can contribute to the survivorship of both newborns and
weanlings and thus to the number of surviving children
(Alam, 1995).
Therefore, it is important to determine whether for
individual women, prolonged interbirth intervals enhance
or limit their number of surviving children, and are
perceived as beneficial or restrictive. In the Central African
Republic, for example, senior wives have lower coital
frequency relative to younger ones (Stewart, Morrison, &
White, 2002). Some older Bamana women in Mali voluntarily give up their assigned nights with their husbands,
allowing their husbands to sleep with junior co-wives
(Madhavan, 2002), which points to a measure of female
agency. Qualitative research is needed to determine
whether on balance senior wives enjoy more power to
reject their husband’s sexual advances, or whether their
husbands display sexual favoritism towards junior wives.
This last issue raises the possibility of a premature form
of social and sexual abandonment in polygynous households. In polygynous societies, the young age of women at
first marriage increases their fertile period. However, this
may be limited in later years by a premature, ‘‘social’’
menopause. Polygynous women aged 35 and above have
been noted to prolong postpartum abstinence among the
Yoruba (van de Walle & van de Walle, 1988) and among the
Kipsigis (Borgerhoff Mulder, 1989). There may certainly be
an element of female agency in this. Later in their reproductive careers, African women enjoy a measure of
autonomy allowing them to resist their husband’s sexual
R. Bove, C. Valeggia / Social Science & Medicine 68 (2009) 21–29
advances (Lesthaeghe et al., 1989), an autonomy which is
increased when a co-wife is available to share conjugal
duties. Older Gambian women adopt western contraception to ‘rest’ from reproduction altogether (Bledsoe et al.,
1998). Reasons for ‘resting’ include cultural notions of
depletion of physical resources, grand-maternal restrictions on childbearing once daughters and daughters-in-law
begin to bear children, satisfaction with family size achieved and support received from children and grandchildren, and weariness of a husband who was not
necessarily chosen.
However, given the reproductive competition between
co-wives noted earlier, postpartum abstinence and early
‘menopause’ in polygynous marriages might reflect not
women’s choices, but sexual and emotional neglect on the
part of polygynous husbands. Among the Kipsigis, the
husbands of polygynous women who stopped childbearing
early continued to have children with their other wives,
reducing the likelihood that early ‘menopause’ was due
either to completed family size or to male secondary
sterility (Borgerhoff Mulder, 1989). Further research is
needed to disentangle sexual abstinence or neglect from
premature ovarian failure, secondary sterility, and the
other biological and socioeconomic factors affecting age at
menopause (see Obermeyer, 2000, for a review). While the
overall contribution of a possible ‘premature menopausation’ may not be significant in demographic terms, it
could represent an emotional and, because sexual attention
is linked to male investment, socioeconomic burden for
a number of polygynous women.
Clearly, while a majority of studies have suggested that
polygynous women have lower lifetime fertility, the relative importance of each proximate determinant to the
overall outcome varies according to particular settings.
Among women in rural Ethiopia, for example, marital rank
seems to be the main factor explaining variation in women’s fertility. First wives, after controlling for age, wealth
and exposure effect, had significantly larger families than
monogamous or lower ranked women (Gibson & Mace,
2006). Therefore, we believe that further research on
fertility in polygynous societies would be more fruitful if it
were designed with the interplay of these variables in
Mental health
The mental health of African women has, in general,
received less attention than their reproductive health.
Mental and neurological disorders accounted for approximately 10.5 percent of the global burden of disease in 1990
and are expected to increase to 15% in the year 2020.
However, their impact in the developing world remains
understudied and under-appreciated (Murray & Lopez,
In sub-Saharan Africa, polygynous women do appear to
report less life satisfaction than monogamous ones (Jankowiak et al., 2005). This varies according to age and
interpersonal factors such as support received from sons,
degree of acceptance of marital status, and marital rank. For
example, in Cameroon senior wives were less satisfied than
junior ones (Gwanfogbe, Schumm, Smith, & Furrow, 1997).
Women’s distress might be exacerbated by the latent
hostility and aggression between co-wives described by
anthropologists, which includes use of terms denoting
anxiety and jealousy and of snide remarks and threats;
covert competitive strategies, secretly indulging a husband
against whom they had collectively decided to ‘‘strike’’; and
accusations of witchcraft and poisoning (Bledsoe, 1993;
Dorjahn, 1988; Fainzang & Journet, 1988; Solway, 1990;
Strassmann, 1997; Wittrup, 1990). While accusations of
witchcraft may be unfounded, they do betray the competition, mistrust and unease that women experience in
polygynous households. This sentiment is reflected in
‘‘anguished pleas’’ recorded of women presenting at
a psychiatric clinic in Dakar, Senegal (Mbassa Menick &
Sylla, 1996).
Husbands’ behavior also appears to affect polygynous
women’s emotional (and physical) well-being. Polygyny is
associated with higher rates of domestic physical and
sexual abuse in South Africa (Jewkes, Levin, & Penn-Kekana,
2002), and in Uganda where women whose husband had
another sexual partner had an odds ratio of 2.4 of experiencing intimate partner violence, in a household survey of
women with infants (Karamagi, Tumwine, Tylleskar, &
Heggenhougen, 2006). It is not known whether more
violent husband–wife relationships in polygynous households arise from husbands’ individual characteristics, such
as education, or from interpersonal characteristics such as
emotional distance between spouses, differential valuation
by a husband of his wives, or escalation of more defiant
behavior on the part of polygynously married women.
The effects of interpersonal relationships and distress
on psychopathology have been well studied among Arab
Muslim women. Relative to monogamous women, polygynous Arab women both in the Middle East and the United
States report greater degrees of emotional distress (Maziak,
Asfar, Mzayek, Fouad, & Kilzieh, 2002); higher levels of
verbal, emotional, physical and sexual abuse from
husbands or co-wives (Hassouneh-Phillips, 2001); and
a greater prevalence of low self-esteem and loneliness (AlKrenawi, 2001). While the economic and sociocultural logic
of polygyny varies between sub-Saharan Africa and the
Arab world, the household and interpersonal characteristics of ‘‘well-functioning’’ polygynous families (SlonimNevo & Al-Krenawi, 2006) and influences on women’s
mental health are similar (Douki, Ben Zineb, Nacef, & Halbreich, 2007).
The only community-based study of the mental health
of sub-Saharan African women available to our knowledge,
conducted in rural Tanzania, showed no association
between polygyny and symptoms of either anxiety or
depression (Patil & Hadley, 2008). This is a most interesting
finding, considering previous studies in other polygynous
societies. However, it bears noting that this study included
only women with a child under 3 years of age. Because
women’s social and familial values are tied to women’s
reproductive status, this cohort would be expected to be
most satisfied with their life circumstances.
Coping with infertility, in particular, appears to be more
difficult for polygynous women. In a study of 37 infertile
women referred to a gynecological clinic in Nigeria,
polygynous marriage was associated with increased
R. Bove, C. Valeggia / Social Science & Medicine 68 (2009) 21–29
psychopathology (Aghanwa, Dare, & Ogunniyi, 1999).
Similarly, polygyny was associated with higher rates of
infertility-related stress in a survey of Ghanaian women
seeking treatment in infertility clinics (Donkor & Sandall,
2007). These findings suggest that the presence of a cowife, presumably competing for reproductive output,
exacerbates the distress that women feel at their infertility.
Interestingly, polygynous women who do come to accept
their infertility (i.e., no longer seeking treatment) may no
longer experience competition, but rather strive to form
close bonds, with a co-wife and her children, presumably to
avoid being divorced (Jankowiak et al., 2005). One study,
however, found no excess of domestic violence among
polygynous women relative to monogamous Nigerian
women attending infertility clinics (Ameh et al., 2007).
Polygyny may also be associated with rates of depression in the peripartum, a period of hormonal changes and
emotional instability for many women. Polygyny was
associated with depressive symptoms after birth in a group
of Nigerian women, an effect which had dissipated by six
weeks (Fatoye, Oladimeji, & Adeyemi, 2006). This led the
authors to postulate that women may adjust quickly to
trying life events. Similarly, among Nigerian women in late
pregnancy, polygyny was associated with an odds ratio of
developing a depressive disorder of 3.92 in one study
(Adewuya, Ola, Aloba, Dada, & Fasoto, 2006), and with
significantly greater risk of depression and anxiety in
another (Fatoye, Adeyemi, & Oladimeji, 2004). These findings might be explained by the presence of pregnancy and
postpartum sexual taboos, during which a woman might
feel sexually and emotionally abandoned by her husband
for her co-wife. Alternatively, conflict with co-wives and
lack of support from them might be more distressing
during periods of physical and emotional stress.
Other health effects
Outside the reproductive arena, even less is known
about the broader ways in which polygyny structures
women’s health, despite growing evidence of the impact of
social power and social networks on women’s access to
treatment-related resources (Adams & Castle, 1994; Adams,
Madhavan, & Simon, 2002).
It is tempting to speculate on the household dynamics
that would affect women’s experience of physical injury
and illness. During illness as during menstruation, the
postpartum taboo, and other episodes during which
a woman cannot perform her wifely duties, co-wives are
usually expected to take over domestic, conjugal and
childrearing responsibilities (Madhavan, 2002; Wittrup,
1990). Yet the mere contrast between one’s illness and a cowife’s good health might induce anxiety and distress in
a polygynous woman who is sick. Co-wives may also affect
the care that women receive, either through support
offered (e.g., by the ‘social security’ junior wife, Jankowiak
et al., 2005) or withheld, or by interfering with the patient’s
relationship with her husband. Husbands may also seek
differential care for their wives, according to their valuation
of each woman’s productive, reproductive, and emotional
worth. The evidence for this remains anecdotal or suggestive. In one study of polygynous men in Rakai, Uganda, men
appear to invest differentially away from the children of
women infected with HIV; it would follow that they might
also divert resources away from the infected wives themselves (Brahmbhatt et al., 2002).
To return to the example of the polygynous Bostwanan
miners, in light of this paper, custom would require them to
rotate antiretroviral medications among their wives or,
because this constitutes an inappropriate regimen, to select
their senior wife. However, given differential investment
noted, for example, by Brahmbhatt et al. (2002), we might
speculate that faced with a culturally dissonant treatment
dilemma, polygynous men might be tempted to favor the
wife whom they value as more fertile, or with whom they
enjoy more intimate, honest conversations about sexuality
and health matters.
Overall, detailed studies are required to gain information about the ways in which polygyny shapes women’s
access to health. Event-centered questionnaires might yield
more nuanced information than interviews directly
addressing opinions about polygyny itself. The resort to
various forms of treatment would be traced, as well as costs
and outcomes. Special attention would be given to prenatal
and postnatal care for pregnant women. Demographic and
Health Survey datasets, for example, could provide highquality preliminary information. Sources of social and
financial support for women during illness would also be
identified. Finally, richer measures of a woman’s rank and
social support would include their autonomy from their
mother-in-law and co-wives, opportunities for collaboration with co-wives, perceived support from their husband,
number of sons and daughters-in-law, proximity to kin,
and opportunity for additional employment. Altogether,
such studies might help us to understand whether polygynous women are differentially vulnerable to morbidity or
mortality, and how to address the ways in which this effect
is mediated to improve public health.
In this paper we have outlined a growing body of
evidence showing that polygyny mediates social relationships linked with women’s health in African settings. The
tensions inherent in polygynous families are based, in part,
on a need to occasionally cooperate and in part on the
recognition that every woman is an independent agent
keen on not being undermined by the interests of her cowives.
Although we have made broad claims, the relative
importance of each of the variables outlined in shaping
polygynous women’s fertility and vulnerability to STIs
varies with local influences on the degree of competition
and cooperation between co-wives, and on male behavior.
It also varies based on gender norms and a woman’s position in the life cycle and social power. Thus, it is clear that
any efforts to target female health-related behaviors cannot
target women alone, but must encourage and support men
to protect their wives from STIs and to regulate household
family planning (Castle, Konate, Ulin, & Martin, 1999; Hollos & Larsen, 2004; Ratcliffe, 2002).
This paper has also highlighted the influence of
polygyny on aspects of women’s health other than their
R. Bove, C. Valeggia / Social Science & Medicine 68 (2009) 21–29
reproductive and sexual output: their vulnerability to
domestic violence, anxiety, and depression. Despite
evidence for co-operative conflict in polygynous households, virtually nothing is known of the ways in which it
regulates women’s experiences during injury and physical
Polygyny is a social phenomenon that has existed for
millennia and continues to transform itself in sub-Saharan
Africa in light of migration, urbanization, female education,
and other demographic and epidemiological changes. Only
by recognizing its importance and multiplying research
into its local manifestations and implications will we be
able to derive meaningful solutions to problems such as the
one faced not only by the diamond miners in Botswana and
their wives, but also by women in many regions of subSaharan Africa.
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