Molecular Cardiology
Titin is a Target of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2
Implications in Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury
Mohammad A.M. Ali, MSc; Woo Jung Cho, MSc; Bryan Hudson, PhD; Zamaneh Kassiri, PhD;
Henk Granzier, PhD; Richard Schulz, PhD
Background—Titin is the largest mammalian (⬇3000 to 4000 kDa) and myofilament protein that acts as a molecular
spring in the cardiac sarcomere and determines systolic and diastolic function. Loss of titin in ischemic hearts has been
reported, but the mechanism of titin degradation is not well understood. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) is
localized to the cardiac sarcomere and, on activation in ischemia/reperfusion injury, proteolyzes specific myofilament
proteins. Here we determine whether titin is an intracellular substrate for MMP-2 and if its degradation during
ischemia/reperfusion contributes to cardiac contractile dysfunction.
Methods and Results—Immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy in rat and human hearts showed discrete
colocalization between MMP-2 and titin in the Z-disk region of titin and that MMP-2 is localized mainly to titin near
the Z disk of the cardiac sarcomere. Both purified titin and titin in skinned cardiomyocytes were proteolyzed when
incubated with MMP-2 in a concentration-dependent manner, and this was prevented by MMP inhibitors. Isolated rat
hearts subjected to ischemia/reperfusion injury showed cleavage of titin in ventricular extracts by gel electrophoresis,
which was confirmed by reduced titin immunostaining in tissue sections. Inhibition of MMP activity with ONO-4817
prevented ischemia/reperfusion-induced titin degradation and improved the recovery of myocardial contractile function.
Titin degradation was also reduced in hearts from MMP-2 knockout mice subjected to ischemia/reperfusion in vivo
compared with wild-type controls.
Conclusion—MMP-2 localizes to titin at the Z-disk region of the cardiac sarcomere and contributes to titin degradation
in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. (Circulation. 2010;122:2039-2047.)
Key Words: contractile dysfunction 䡲 ischemia 䡲 matrix metalloproteinase-2 䡲 sarcomere 䡲 titin
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atrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) is a zinc-dependent
protease that is best known for its ability to degrade the
extracellular matrix in both physiological and pathological
conditions. MMP-2 is synthesized as a zymogen by a variety
of cells, including cardiac myocytes, and is activated either
by proteases1 (such as by action of MMP-14) or by posttranslational modifications to the full-length enzyme caused by
enhanced oxidative stress. For example, peroxynitrite, which
is generated in early reperfusion after ischemia,2 directly
activates several MMPs,3 including MMP-2,4 via a nonproteolytic mechanism involving the S-glutathiolation of a critical propeptide cysteine in its autoinhibitory domain.
ogenesis, wound healing,5 atherosclerosis,6 aortic aneurysm,7
and myocardial infarction.8 More recent studies, however,
show that MMP-2 is involved in several acute biological
processes independently of its actions on extracellular matrix
proteins. This includes platelet activation,9 regulation of
vascular tone,10 and myocardial stunning injury immediately
after reperfusion of the ischemic heart.11 Indeed, several
reports indicate that MMP-2 does not exclusively degrade
extracellular matrix components.12,13
In normal cardiac myocytes, MMP-2 is found in discrete
subcellular compartments, including the thin and thick myofilaments of the cardiac sarcomere,14,15 cytoskeleton,16,17
nuclei,18 mitochondria,14 and caveolae19 (see Schulz20).
MMP-2 is activated in rat hearts subjected to myocardial
oxidative stress injury and is responsible for the degradation
of specific sarcomeric and cytoskeletal proteins, including
troponin I,14,21 myosin light chain-1,15 and ␣-actinin.17 Inhibition of MMP activity reduced both the loss of contractile
Ediotrial see p 2002
Clinical Perspective on p 2047
MMPs are best recognized for their role in tissue remodeling by proteolyzing various components of the extracellular
matrix in both health and disease, ie, in angiogenesis, embry-
Received December 8, 2009; accepted August 23, 2010.
From the Departments of Pharmacology (M.A.M.A., R.S.), Cell Biology (W.J.C.), Physiology (Z.K.), and Pediatrics (R.S.), Cardiovascular Research
Centre, Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and Department of Physiology, University of Arizona,
Tucson (B.H., H.G.).
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Richard Schulz, Cardiovascular Research Centre, University of Alberta, 4 – 62 HMRC, Edmonton, AB T6G 2S2, Canada. E-mail
[email protected]
© 2010 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.930222
November 16, 2010
Figure 1. Colocalization of MMP-2 and
titin at the Z-disk region of the left ventricular cardiac sarcomere in rat hearts
aerobically perfused for 10 minutes (longitudinal sections). MMP-2 shows better
colocalization with T12 than the M8
epitope of titin in the sarcomere of the
left ventricular myocardium. MMP-2immunoreactivity reveals at Z lines with
high density and M lines with low density. T12 epitope reveals at only Z lines,
and M8 epitope reveals at only M-lines.
A through C, High density of MMP-2
(green) colocalizes (yellow) with T12
epitope (red) at the Z lines. D through F,
Low density of MMP-2 (red) colocalizes
(yellow) with M8 epitope (green) at M
lines. Scale bar⫽5 m for all images
except the enlarged portion of C illustrating the Z and M lines.
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function and the degradation of these substrates, to which
MMP-2 was colocalized. Furthermore, transgenic mice with
myocardium-specific expression of a mutant, constitutively
active MMP-2, in the absence of additional injury, show
significantly impaired cardiac contractile function, disrupted
sarcomeres, profound myofilament lysis, breakdown of
Z-band registration, and reduced troponin I level.22
Titin, the largest known mammalian protein (3000 to 4000
kDa), forms an intrasarcomeric elastic filament that is thought
to serve as a framework for the ordered assembly of other
myofilament proteins.23 In the sarcomere, the titin molecule
spans the distance from the Z-disk to the M-line region (half
the length of the sarcomere). Moreover, the I-band region of
titin comprises distinct elastic segments that allow titin to
behave as a molecular spring, contributing to the passive
tension of myofibrils and maintaining the structural and
functional stability of the sarcomere. Titin is an important
determinant of both systolic and diastolic function and the
Frank-Starling mechanism of the heart.24 Although loss
and/or disorganization of titin in ischemic and failing human
hearts has been reported,25,26 the mechanism of titin degradation has not been extensively studied in hearts subjected to
ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Because MMP-2 is localized to sarcomeric and cytoskeletal proteins and is activated
in myocardial I/R injury, we address here whether MMP-2
targets titin to contribute to the pathogenesis of myocardial
I/R injury.
Titin Isolation and Purification
Titin was prepared as described previously.27,28 See the online-only
Data Supplement.
Skinned Cardiomyocyte Isolation
Skinned cardiomyocytes were isolated as described in the onlineonly Data Supplement.
Cleavage of Native Titin in
Skinned Cardiomyocytes
Skinned cardiomyocytes were incubated with human recombinant
MMP-2 catalytic domain (4 to 120 nmol/L; Enzo Life Sciences,
Plymouth Meeting, Pa) with or without MMP inhibitors (10 mol/L
o-phenanthroline or ONO-4817) at 37°C for 60 minutes. This
concentration of o-phenanthroline inhibits MMP-2 activity under
similar in vitro conditions.29 The samples were denatured with 2⫻
urea sample buffer (8 mol/L urea, 2 mol/L thiourea, 3% SDS,
75 mmol/L DTT, 0.03% bromophenol blue, and 0.05 mol/L TrisHCl, pH 6.8) at 60°C for 10 minutes, and the proteins were
electrophoresed by 1% SDS-agarose and stained with Coomassie
brilliant blue.
Isolated Working Rat Heart: Ex Vivo Model
of I/R
Male Sprague-Dawley rats (300 to 350 g) were anesthetized with
sodium pentobarbital (60 mg/kg IP). Hearts were isolated and paced
at 300 bpm during perfusion at 37°C as working hearts30 with 100
mL recirculating Krebs–Henseleit solution containing 118 mmol/L
NaCl, 4.7 mmol/L KCl, 1.2 mmol/L KH2PO4, 1.2 mmol/L MgSO4,
25 mmol/L NaHCO3, 11 mmol/L glucose, 100 U/mL insulin,
2.5 mmol/L Ca2⫹, 0.5 mmol/L EDTA, and 0.1% BSA continuously
gassed with 95% O2/5% CO2 (pH 7.4). The perfusate enters the left
atrium at a hydrostatic preload pressure of 9.5 mm Hg, and the left
ventricle ejects it against a hydrostatic afterload of 70 mm Hg.
Cardiac work (cardiac output times peak systolic pressure) was used
as an index of mechanical function. After 25 minutes of equilibration, hearts were either aerobically perfused for 85 minutes (control;
n⫽6) or subjected to 25 minutes of global, no-flow ischemia
followed by 60 minutes aerobic reperfusion without (I/R; n⫽7) or
with 50 mol/L ONO-4817 (I/R⫹ONO-4817; n⫽8). ONO-4817, a
Ali et al
Titin Degradation in Ischemic/Reperfused Heart
selective MMP inhibitor (Ki in the nanomolar range for MMP-2 and
almost no inhibitory activity up to 100 mol/L against several other
proteases of different classes31), was added to the perfusion buffer 10
minutes before the induction of ischemia. All hearts were perfused
for a total of 110 minutes. At the end of perfusion, the ventricles
were rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen and processed for titin analysis
in ventricular extracts as described below.
Additional series of hearts (control, n⫽5; I/R, n⫽5; and
I/R⫹ONO-4817, n⫽4) were perfused and processed for immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy analysis for assessment of
titin immunostaining. Another 6 hearts were briefly perfused for 10
minutes at 37°C with Krebs-Henseleit buffer at a constant hydrostatic pressure of 70 mm Hg to clear them of blood, followed by
processing for immunohistochemistry as described below to investigate the colocalization of titin and MMP-2 in the left ventricle.
This investigation conforms to the Guide to the Care and Use of
Experimental Animals published by the Canadian Council on Animal
In Vivo Model of I/R
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I/R was induced in vivo by modifying a previously described
protocol.32 Briefly, MMP-2 knockout and age-matched wild-type
male C57BL/6 mice were anesthetized with isoflurane, intubated,
and kept on a heating pad to maintain body temperature at 37°C. The
heart was exposed, and the left anterior descending coronary artery
was temporarily ligated with a 7-0 silk suture, with a piece of 4-0 silk
placed between the left anterior descending coronary artery and the
7-0 silk. After 30 minutes of left anterior descending coronary artery
occlusion, reperfusion was initiated by releasing the ligature and
removing the 4-0 silk. The loosened suture was left in place to help
identify the ischemic area of the left ventricle. After 30 minutes of
reperfusion, the hearts were excised, and the ischemic and nonischemic regions of the left ventricle were dissected out under a magnifying glass and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen for titin analysis.
Analysis of Titin by Gel Electrophoresis
Titin was analyzed in ventricular extracts using 1% vertical SDS–
agarose gel electrophoresis as previously described.33 See the onlineonly Data Supplement for details.
Immunohistochemistry and Confocal Microscopy
Colocalization of Titin and MMP-2
Rat hearts perfused aerobically for 10 minutes to flush them of blood
or left ventricular tissue from the explanted heart of a heart transplant
patient was fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 mol/L sodium
phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and cryoprotected with 30% sucrose in 0.1
mol/L sodium phosphate buffer. Details of the double immunolabeling are provided in the online-only Data Supplement.
Titin 9D10 Immunostaining
At the end of the 110 minutes of working heart perfusion protocol,
some control, I/R, or I/R⫹ONO-4817 hearts were fixed and cryoprotected (as described above) for 9D10 immunostaining as detailed
in the online-only Data Supplement.
Overlay Assay to Determine MMP-2 Binding
to Titin
Skinned muscle fibers were incubated with trypsin to increase titin
degradation (intact T1 to T2 fragment). The proteins in the samples
were separated by gel electrophoresis and transferred to a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane. These membranes were used in an
overlay assay in which the binding of human recombinant MMP-2 to
titin T1 and T2 on the membrane was assessed. For details, see the
online-only Data Supplement.
Figure 2. In vitro incubation (60 minutes at 37°C) of skinned
cardiomyocytes with MMP-2. A, MMP-2 cleaved cardiac titin
(T1) in a concentration-dependent manner (4 to 120 nmol/L) as
shown by the appearance of the titin degradation product (T2).
B, The cleavage of titin by MMP-2 was prevented by inhibiting
the activity of MMP-2 with MMP inhibitors o-phenanthroline
(o-ph) or ONO-4817. The T2/T1 band density ratio is indicated
below each lane. Myosin heavy chain (MHC) is used as loading
the Tukey posthoc test was used. Differences were considered
significant at P⬍0.05.
Colocalization of MMP-2 and Titin Near the
Z-Disk Region of the Cardiac Sarcomere
We first investigated whether MMP-2 is localized to titin in
the cardiac sarcomere. In this regard, we used 2 different
anti-titin antibodies that target specific epitopes (Figure IA in
the online-only Data Supplement). The T12 antibody labels
titin near the Z-disk region of titin, and the M8 antibody
recognizes an epitope at the M-line region of titin. Images
obtained by immunohistochemistry followed by confocal
microscopy showed that T12 immunoreactivity distributes
near Z lines and M8 immunoreactivity is alternatively distributed at M lines without overlapping (Figure IB in the
online-only Data Supplement). Images obtained with anti–
MMP-2 and anti–titin T12 in left ventricle sections from rat
hearts aerobically perfused for 10 minutes showed clear
colocalization of MMP-2 to the Z-disk region of titin (Figure
1). When using anti–titin M8, we observed a weaker localization of MMP-2 to this region of titin (Figure 1). These data
suggest that MMP-2 localizes mainly near the Z-disk region
of the sarcomere, with a secondary and weaker localization
near the M-line portion in the titin molecule.
Statistical Analysis
MMP-2 Binds and Cleaves Titin in a
Concentration-Dependent Manner
Results are expressed as mean⫾SEM for n hearts. As appropriate,
1-way ANOVA or repeated-measures 2-way ANOVA followed by
In silico mapping of MMP-2 cleavage sites in both human
and mouse N2B titin revealed multiple putative sites in both
November 16, 2010
Figure 3. Mechanical recovery of isolated perfused working rat hearts subjected to 25 minutes of global, no-flow
ischemia followed by 60 minutes of
reperfusion without (I/R) or with
50 mol/L ONO-4817 (I/R⫹ONO-4817)
vs aerobically perfused control hearts. A,
Schematic representation of the perfusion protocols for control (n⫽6), I/R
(n⫽7), and I/R⫹ONO-4817 (n⫽8) groups.
B, Time course of changes in cardiac
work of isolated working rat hearts.
**P⬍0.001, *P⬍0.05 vs corresponding
values of I/R group, repeated-measures
2-way ANOVA.
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I-band and A-band titin regions, including near the Z-line
terminus of titin. These sites show ⬎60% homology to the 3
MMP-2 cleavage motifs (Figure II in the online-only Data
Supplement). Moreover, human recombinant MMP-2 was
able to bind to titin prepared from skinned muscle fibers as
shown by the overlay assay method (Figure III in the
online-only Data Supplement). Next we tested the susceptibility of purified titin to proteolytic degradation by MMP-2 in
vitro. Incubation of titin with MMP-2 (60 minutes at 37°C) at
increasing molar ratios of MMP-2 to titin (1:500, 1:50, and
1:5) caused titin degradation in a concentration-dependent
manner (Figure IVA in the online-only Data Supplement).
Inhibition of MMP-2 activity with GM-6001 or ONO-4817
prevented titin cleavage by MMP-2 (Figure IVB in the
online-only Data Supplement). To determine whether
MMP-2 directly cleaves cardiac titin in situ, we incubated
skinned mouse cardiomyocytes with increasing concentrations of MMP-2 (60 minutes at 37°C). This resulted in
concentration-dependent cleavage of cardiac titin (T1) as
shown by the increased level of the degradation product of
titin (T2) with increasing MMP-2 concentration (Figure 2A).
Inhibition of MMP-2 activity with o-phenanthroline or ONO4817 prevented titin cleavage by MMP-2 (Figure 2B).
Effect of ONO-4817 on Functional Recovery of
I/R Hearts
Isolated working rat hearts were perfused for 110 minutes
under 1 of 3 conditions: aerobic perfusion (control); 25
minutes of global, no-flow ischemia and 60 minutes of
aerobic reperfusion (I/R); or I/R in the presence of a selective
MMP inhibitor, ONO-4817 (I/R⫹ONO-4817; Figure 3A).
Control hearts showed no significant loss of mechanical
function over 110 minutes of aerobic perfusion (Figure 3). I/R
hearts showed markedly reduced recovery of mechanical
function during reperfusion compared with control hearts
(Figure 3B). The recovery of cardiac work during reperfusion
was significantly improved after MMP inhibition with ONO4817, compared with the I/R group (Figure 3B).
Myocardial I/R Causes Titin Cleavage, an Effect
Diminished by an MMP Inhibitor
To investigate whether MMP-2 can cleave titin in the intact
heart under pathophysiological conditions, titin content was
assessed with 1% vertical SDS–agarose gels in ventricular
extracts prepared from the control, I/R, or I/R⫹ONO-4817
hearts. Ventricular extracts from control hearts revealed a
titin band at ⬇3000 kDa (Figure 4A). I/R caused a significant
increase in T2 band density, an effect abolished in the
I/R⫹ONO-4817 hearts (Figure 4A). Quantification of the
ratio of total titin to myosin heavy chain (MHC) showed that
I/R did not significantly change this ratio compared with
control hearts (Figure 4B), whereas the ratio of T2 to MHC
was significantly increased in I/R hearts. ONO-4817 abolished the I/R-induced increase in the T2/MHC ratio (Figure
4C). These observations were further confirmed by immunohistochemistry experiments using the anti–titin 9D10 antibody, raised against the proline-glutamate-valine-lysine
(PEVK) domain in the spring region of titin. Titin immuno-
Ali et al
Titin Degradation in Ischemic/Reperfused Heart
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Figure 4. Titin degradation in I/R rat
hearts. A, Representative SDS–agarose
gel for analysis of titin in ventricular
extracts. Titin (T1) and titin degradation
product (T2) in ventricular homogenates
from control, I/R, and I/R⫹ONO-4817
hearts analyzed with a 1% vertical SDS–
agarose gel. Bovine left ventricle (BLV)
was used as a standard and shows
N2BA and N2B isoforms of titin; note
that the majority of rat heart titin is the
N2B isoform. Each lane is an extract
from individually perfused hearts. B,
Ratio of total titin (T1⫹T2) to MHC content (n⫽6 in each group). C, Ratio of T2
titin to MHC content (n⫽6 in each
group). *P⬍0.05 vs control (1-way
ANOVA, Tukey posthoc test). D, Representative left ventricular cryosections
immunostained against titin epitope
9D10. Titin immunostaining with the
9D10 antibody (raised against the PEVK
domain) was decreased in I/R hearts vs
control, whereas staining intensity was
comparable between I/R⫹ONO-4817
and control hearts. Scale bar⫽10 m for
all images. Images are representative of
at least 4 individual hearts investigated
under each condition.
staining was significantly reduced by I/R, whereas ONO4817 treatment preserved titin immunostaining to a level
comparable to control (Figure 4D).
Titin Degradation Is Reduced in Hearts From
MMP-2 Knockout Mice Subjected to I/R Injury
In Vivo
We next determined whether genetic ablation of MMP-2
could influence titin degradation in cardiac muscle. Mouse
hearts subjected in vivo to left anterior descending coronary
artery ligation for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of
reperfusion exhibited titin degradation, which was significantly less in MMP-2 knockout hearts than in wild-type
control hearts (Figure 5).
MMP-2 Localizes Near the Z-Disk Region of Titin
in the Human Heart
Immunostaining of sections prepared from the left ventricle
of an explanted heart from a patient undergoing heart transplantation showed colocalization of MMP-2 and titin mainly
near the Z disk, with a weaker colocalization at the M line.
Compared with the rat heart, MMP-2 immunostaining in the
human heart was more diffuse yet still showed a sarcomeric
staining pattern (Figure 6).
In this study, we demonstrated that titin, the giant sarcomeric
protein, is a target of the proteolytic activity of MMP-2 in the
setting of acute myocardial I/R injury. Immunohistochemical
analysis shows that MMP-2 clearly colocalizes with titin near
the Z-disk region of the sarcomere in both rat and human
hearts. We established that under in vitro conditions MMP-2
is able to bind to and cleave titin in a concentration-dependent
manner. The proteolytic action of MMP-2 is blocked by the
selective MMP inhibitors GM-6001 and ONO-4817, verifying that the cleavage is indeed due to MMP activity. ONO4817 not only improves the functional recovery after I/R in
isolated rat hearts but also prevents the significant increase in
the titin degradation product T2 caused by I/R injury, indicating that titin degradation is reduced when MMP activity is
November 16, 2010
Figure 5. Titin degradation in MMP-2 knockout (KO) and wildtype (WT) mouse hearts subjected to I/R in vivo. A, Representative 1% vertical SDS–agarose gel shows titin (T1) isoforms
(N2BA and N2B) and titin degradation product T2 in the left
ventricle from sham or in ischemic regions from I/R groups in
either WT or MMP-2 KO mice. B, Quantification of ratios of T2
titin to total titin (n⫽6 in each group). *P⬍0.01 vs sham control
(1-way ANOVA, Tukey posthoc test).
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inhibited. Furthermore, hearts from MMP-2 knockout mice
subjected to in vivo I/R injury show less titin degradation
compared with wild-type controls. Titin proteolysis has been
observed in various human heart diseases associated with
increased myocardial oxidative stress, including dilated cardiomyopathy, the terminally failing heart, and Chagas cardiomyopathy25,26,34; however, the proteases responsible for
this were not identified.
MMPs are best known as proteases responsible for the
degradation and remodeling of extracellular matrix proteins
in both physiological and pathological conditions, including
various cardiac pathologies. However, the discovery of the
intracellular localization14,16,18,22 and functions of MMP-2 to
proteolyze troponin I,14,22 myosin light chain-1,15 and
␣-actinin17 during myocardial oxidative stress injury challenged the canonical notion of extracellular-only actions of
this enzyme. In previous studies, we showed that peroxynitrite biosynthesis in I/R rat hearts peaks within the first
minute of reperfusion2 and that the peak in MMP-2 activity
follows at 2 to 5 minutes of reperfusion.11 Infusion of
peroxynitrite into isolated perfused rat hearts35 or isolated
cardiomyocytes 36 caused a time- and concentrationdependent contractile dysfunction that was abrogated with
MMP inhibitors. In vitro, peroxynitrite was shown to directly
activate MMP-2 via a nonproteolytic mechanism involving
S-glutathiolation of the propeptide cysteine sulfydryl group.4
Indeed, this intracellular activity of MMP-2 on I/R injury
caused proteolytic degradation of specific sarcomeric (troponin I14 and myosin light chain-115) and cytoskeletal (␣actinin17) proteins that are susceptible to its proteolytic
MMP-2 is localized within the cardiac sarcomere, including near the Z disks.14 –16 These previous observations are
supplemented by the present data showing clear colocalization of MMP-2 near the Z-disk region of titin using the T12
clone in rat (Figure 1) and human (Figure 6) hearts. Several
studies show that titin interacts with ␣-actinin at the Z disk of
the sarcomere and that this interaction plays a crucial role in
Z-disk assembly and sarcomeric integrity.37–39 Interestingly,
MMP-2 was found not only to colocalize with ␣-actinin in the
Z disk of cardiac sarcomeres16,17 but also to degrade it after
peroxynitrite infusion into isolated rat hearts.17 The M8 titin
antibody (raised against the M-line region of titin) shows a
weaker localization of MMP-2 to this region of titin. Although our data do not rule out the possible localization of
MMP-2 also to other region(s) of titin, they do suggest that a
main MMP-2 anchoring site is at/near the Z disk of the
Titin is the third myofilament (in addition to thick and thin
myofilaments) of the sarcomere that plays an important role
in sarcomere integrity and cardiac muscle contraction.23 Any
alterations in its structure could severely affect the contractile
performance of the heart. The increase in T2 titin and the
decrease in titin immunostaining after I/R injury observed
here (Figure 4) were associated with poor cardiac mechanical
recovery during reperfusion (Figure 3). These effects are
likely due at least in part to titin degradation by MMP-2,
given the colocalization of MMP-2 with titin near the Z disk
of cardiac sarcomeres, the susceptibility of titin to degradation by MMP-2, and the reduction in I/R-induced titin
degradation in hearts from MMP-2 knockout mice or in rat
hearts in which MMP activity was selectively blocked with
ONO-4817. A significant increase in MMP-2 activity was
seen in the heart after experimental Trypanosoma cruzi
infection (the parasite responsible for Chagas disease), and
mortality was markedly reduced upon treatment with an
MMP inhibitor, suggesting a role of MMP-2 in mediating
acute Chagas cardiomyopathy.40 Putative titin degradation
products were detected in the plasma of patients with Chagas
disease,34 further supporting a role of MMP-2 in titin degradation. Moreover, myocardial infarction is associated with a
significant right shift in the left ventricle pressure-volume
relation (an observation consistent with titin degradation in
the heart), and the broad-spectrum MMP inhibitor PD166793 was shown to protect against this shift.41 Although
cardiac mechanical function at the end of perfusion is
inversely related to ratios of T2 to MHC in hearts (Figures 3B
and 4C), caution is needed in relating this effect exclusively
to titin degradation. As mentioned, other sarcomeric/cytoskeletal proteins, including troponin I, myosin light chain-1,
and ␣-actinin, are also susceptible to degradation by MMP-2
under conditions of myocardial oxidative stress injury. However, our work clearly suggests that titin proteolysis is an
important factor that negatively affects myocardial contractility on I/R injury.
Titin content in rat ventricles was investigated here by
SDS–agarose gel electrophoresis or immunofluorescence
staining against titin epitopes at the PEVK domain. Our
electrophoresis results showed the ⬇60% elevation in the
ratio of T2 to MHC in the I/R group compared with aerobic
control hearts. Immunofluorescence data also showed a
reduction of titin immunostaining in the I/R group using the
Ali et al
Titin Degradation in Ischemic/Reperfused Heart
Figure 6. Colocalization of MMP-2 and
titin near the Z disk in diseased human
heart. Left ventricle sections were used
from the explanted failing heart from a
patient receiving a heart transplant. A
through D, High density of MMP-2
(green) colocalizes (yellow) with T12
epitope (red) at the Z lines. E through H,
Low density of MMP-2 (red) colocalizes
(yellow) with M8 epitope (green) at M
lines. BF indicates bright-field images.
Scale bar⫽10 m.
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9D10 antibody. In addition to degradation, posttranslational
modifications of titin may have occurred upon I/R that led to
diminished binding of titin antibodies to the specific epitopes.
Posttranslational modifications of many cardiac myofilament/
cytoskeletal proteins during I/R, including actin42 and myosin
light chain-1,43 have been reported in previous studies.
Our study does not rule out the possible action of other
proteases in titin degradation. Calpains are most likely
involved in sarcomeric protein degradation after ischemic
episodes more severe than that observed in our model.44
Indeed, calpain was shown to be able to cleave titin only after
24 hours of doxorubicin treatment of rat cardiomyocytes.45
The ubiquitin-proteasome system is another proteolytic pathway that may be involved in titin degradation. Increased
proteasome activities have been reported in various models of
I/R injury.46 – 48 Moreover, the E3 ubiquitin-ligase MURF1 is
known to be associated with the M-line region of titin49 and
ubiquitinates titin in yeast 2-hybrid screens.50 In a rat heart
failure model, both a loss of titin51 and an increase in MMP-2
gene expression52 were observed in diaphragm muscle. However, in our short-term experiments, we did not observe a
significant loss of intact titin on I/R injury. We speculate that
MMP-2 activation not only results in titin cleavage but also
may trigger a cascade of proteolytic events leading to titin
loss several hours after reperfusion.
The present results indicate that MMP-2 cleaves titin during
either ex vivo or in vivo I/R injury. Furthermore, MMP-2
inactivation by pharmacological or genetic approaches protects against titin degradation. Our previous findings of
troponin I,14 myosin light chain-1,15 and ␣-actinin17 cleavage
by MMP-2, in addition to our present results with titin,
suggest that MMP-2 plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis
of acute I/R injury at the level of the sarcomere and
cytoskeleton. Whether MMP-2 causes contractile protein
alterations in other cardiac pathologies needs further investigation. Pharmacological inhibition of MMP activity could
represent a useful strategy for the prevention and/or treatment
of myocardial I/R injury.
We acknowledge Tiffany Pecor, William Rogers, Sike Pan, and
Chanrasekhar Saripalli for technical assistance. We thank Dr Xiuhua
Wang for technical assistance with mouse heart experiments, Dr
Costas Schulze for help in procuring human heart tissue, and Dr
Eliana Lucchinetti for help with the in silico analysis. We thank
Dawne Colwell for help with the illustrations. We thank Dr Elisabeth
Ehler (King’s College, London UK) for anti-titin antibodies (T12
and M8 clones).
November 16, 2010
Sources of Funding
This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
(MOP-77526 to Dr Schulz, MOP-84279 to Dr Kassiri) and the National
Institutes of Health (HL062881 to Dr Granzier and T-31 HL07249-31 to
Dr Hudson. M. Ali is supported by an Alberta Heritage Foundation for
Medical Research (AHFMR) studentship award. Dr Schulz was an
AHFMR scientist.
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In addition to the well-known extracellular effects of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), we provide evidence that MMP-2 is
localized inside the cardiac myocyte, near the Z-disk region of the sarcomere. We also show that upon acute ischemia/reperfusion
injury, MMP-2 is activated and proteolyses titin, the largest known protein that plays a crucial role in both the diastolic and
systolic function of the heart. Titin contains several cleavage motifs for MMP-2, and its proteolysis is reduced in hearts
protected by pharmacological inhibition of MMP activity and in MMP-2– deficient hearts. This study provides new insights
into the pathophysiological mechanism of ischemia/reperfusion injury and suggests that MMP inhibitors might be a useful
strategy for reducing reperfusion injury.
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