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1995, Injury
2 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
This case report presents a unique instance of traumatic bowing injury of the forearm in an adult male laborer resulting from a workplace accident involving a roller machine. Unlike typical forearm fractures, no break in bone continuity was observed, and the injury was managed successfully through closed manipulation and subsequent immobilization in a plaster cast. After three years, the patient experienced no functional limitations, and radiographs indicated complete correction of the bowing, showcasing a significant contrast to childhood forearm bowing injuries.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 1992
Journal of Surgical Research, 2002
Objective. The aim of this study was to study the role of the triangular fibrocartilage of the wrist in attenuating and transmitting axial force on the ulnar side of the wrist.
Science Signaling, 2009
Joint Diseases and Related Surgery
Bu çalışmada erişkin önkol intramedüller çivi uygulamalarında radial eğim değişimlerinin kırık iyileşmesine ve fonksiyonel sonuçlara etkileri ve literatürde pek az tartışılmış olan önkol çivilerinin komplikasyonları değerlendirildi. Hastalar ve yöntemler: Eylül 2009-Ağustos 2014 tarihleri arasında ameliyat edilen, 11'i izole radius, 12'si önkol çift kırığı olan 23 hasta (17 erkek, 6 kadın; ort. yaş 38.6 yıl; dağılım 18-69 yıl) çalışmaya alındı. Radial eğim değişimlerinin kırık kaynaması oranlarına, kaynama zamanına ve önkol fonksiyonel düzeylerine olan etkileri ve önkol çivilerinin komplikasyonları değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Yirmi hastada (%86.9) herhangi bir komplikasyon olmadan kırık kaynaması olduğu, üç hastada ameliyattan sonra altı ay geçmesine rağmen kaynama olmadığı görüldü (%13.1). Radial eğim değişimi ile kaynamama arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki bulundu (p= 0.01). AO/OTA Classification (The Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen [AO]/ Orthopaedic Trauma Association [OTA] Classification), tip B3 önkol çift kırıklı iki hastada (%8.6) sinostoz vardı. Radius kırığına çivi uygulanan altı hastada (%26.8) ekstansör pollicis longus tendon kopması veya basısı olduğu saptandı. Sonuç: İntramedüller çivi uygulaması önkol kırıklarında yüksek kaynama oranları ile uygun bir tedavi yöntemi olabilir, fakat aynı seviyede kelebek fragmanlı kırıklarda (AO/OTA tip B3) kullanımında sinostoz gelişebilmektedir. Radial eğim değişimlerinin önkol hareket açıklıkları üzerine belirgin etkisi bulunmamakla beraber, yüksek oranlarda radial eğim değişimleri olan hastalarda kırık kaynamasının olumsuz etkilenebileceği akılda tutulmalıdır. Radius çivisi uygulanan hastalarda ameliyat sırası veya sonrası dönemde ekstansör pollicis longus tendonu ile ilgili komplikasyonlar ortaya çıkabilmektedir.
Obere Extremität, 2015
Biological Reviews, 1991
Journal of applied biomaterials & functional materials, 2018
This work discusses the biomechanical testing of 3 elbow bones, namely the humerus, ulna, and radius. There is a need to identify the mechanical properties of the bones at the organ level. The following tests were performed: 3-point bending, fracture toughness, and axial compression. Six sets of whole-bone samples of human male cadaveric humerus, ulna, and radius (age of donor: 35 to 56 years) were tested. The results were analyzed for statistical significance by 2-stage, repeated-measure analysis of variance (ANOVA). The difference between the bending strength of the humerus, ulna, and radius was statistically significant ( P = .001) when compared to one another. However, the fracture toughness and compressive strength were observed to be similar for the 3 bones. The knowledge of mechanical properties of elbow bones can aid in the design of elbow implants and upper limb protection systems, and also allow us to identify criteria for injury. Further, knowledge of the mechanical prope...
Injuries of the forearm bones in adults usually result in a complete fracture of one or both bones with displacement. Most often these require surgical treatment to regain full function. Traumatic bowing of the forearm in children is a definite clinical entity which can be explained by the plastic deformation of bones in children. We have not come across any report of bowing injury of the forearm in an adult.
Case report AP, a 30 year-old-labourer caught his left forearm between the two rollers of a roller machine.
He was brought to hospital with bowing of the middle third of the left forearm. There was no neurovascular deficit or evidence of compartment syndrome.
Plain radiographs showed bowing of the left forearm with an angulation of approximately 24". There was no break in the continuity of bones or subluxation of the radioulnar joints ( Figure I). We did not do a skeletal survey to look for any generalized disorder as the bone texture on the radiographs appeared normal.
Closed manipulation was done under anaesthesia. The bowing could be corrected completely. The forearm was immobilized in an above-elbow plaster cast for 6 weeks.
Three years after injury, the patient had no restriction of function. Radiograph of the forearm did not reveal any residual angulation and the radioulnar joints were normal ( Figure 2).
Figure 2
Radiograph of forearm 3 years after injury showing satisfactory correction of bowing.
Traumatic bowing of the forearm in children is well recognized. Borden1 reported eight cases of traumatic bowing of forearm bones in chiIdren. The mode of injury in all cases was a fall on to the outstretched hand. There was no evidence of generalized bone disease and all patients were successfully managed by closed reduction. He proposed that when the naturally curved tubular bones are subjected to longitudinal compressing forces, the curvature further increases. Up to a certain force, the bone responds in an elastic manner and loses all deformation once the force is removed. Beyond this force, the bone deforms plastically; that is, when the force is removed some bowing persists. With increasing force the bone progressively weakens and finally breaks. Chamay2f3 and Tschantz4 have confirmed the elastic and plastic properties of bone experimentally in the normal dog ulna in vitro and in vine. They found that an ulna stressed at forces in the elastic deformation range was histologically normal. They demonstrated microscopic fatigue lines (microfractures) with progressive stresses.
Currey and Butlers studied the mechanical properties of bone tissue in children and compared them with the bone in adults. They concluded that the bones in children have a low modulus of elasticity, a lower bending strength and a lower ash content. The bones in children absorb more Figure I. Initial radiograph of left forearm showing bowing of both bones.
Injury: International
Journal of the Care of the Injured Vol. 26, No. 4, 1995 shown that the tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of bone tissue of children under 7 months old were less than those of bone from a lb-year-old child. Borden' observed difficulty in reduction and restriction of pronation and supination in significant number of cases.
We have not come across any report of bowing injury of the forearm in an adult. The mechanism of injury in our case was characteristic and not like the one reported in bowing injuries in children. There was no functional loss in our case 3 years after injury and the bowing was satisfactorily corrected. energy before breaking which is the result of the ability of these bones to undergo plastic deformation. This explains the occurrence of bowing injuries in children.
Earlier studies by Hirsch and Evans6 and Vinz' have also