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2024, MC Law
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International Law Society, Mississippi College of Law, Jackson, USA. Giovanni Chiarini, Guest Lecture, October 02, 2024
Penn State international law review, 2006
This article details the history of the Dickinson International Law Annual, Dickinson Journal of International Law, and Penn State International Law Review. Among the leading international law reviews, the article highlights the role of such publications in legal education.The Penn State International Law Review is now a well-respected academic journal in the field of international and comparative law. However, had it not been for the work of the law students who began the publication as the Dickinson International Law Annual, and other students whose dedication kept the succeeding Dickinson Journal of International Law in print, the publication might not exist today. Law school faculty and alumni have aided the publication’s development, but it has truly been a student effort.
The book review discusses ONUMA Yasuaki's book "International Law in a Transcivilizational World", Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Within the framework of the III Moscow Legal Forum the International Law Department of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) organized a conference on the future of international law. This event brought together leading international lawyers from various Russian universities and state bodies.
th ed, 2014 (= unattributed page numbers below) Damrosch, Henkin et al, Basic Documents Supplement, 6 th ed, 2014 (= " DOC " below) Additional materials on TWEN site for this course (= " TWEN " below)
The emergence and quick spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the focus and dynamics of the debates about global health, international law, and policy. This shift has overshadowed many of the other controversies in the international sphere. It has also highlighted the tensions that often exist in international affairs-especially in understanding the place and purpose of international institutions, vis-à-vis states, in the general schema of public international law. Central to the international response to the current pandemic is the World Health Organization (WHO)-a treaty-based organization charged with the overarching mandate of ensuring "the highest possible level of health" for all peoples. 1 Interestingly, the WHO has also become entangled in a foreign policy spat between China and the United States of America. This work explores the public international law aspects of the
2013 was marked with several noteworthy events with particular relevance to international humanitarian law, such as the continuation of the conflict in Syria and the incidents related to the use of chemical weapons in that conflict; several key decisions in international, hybrid and national courts related to the adjudication of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide; the passage of an Arms Trade Treaty text; the 150 th anniversary of the International Committee of the Red Cross; and the release of the second part of the Turkel Commission Report. This chapter addresses a number of these issues among other events of note.
This volume is intended to help readers understand the relationship between international law and international relations (IL/IR). As a testament to this dynamic area of inquiry, new research on IL/IR is now being published in a growing list of traditional law reviews and disciplinary journals. The excerpted articles in this volume, all of which were first published in International Organization, represent some of the most important research since serious social science scholarship began in this area more than twenty years ago. They are important milestones toward making IL/IR a central concern of scholarly research in international affairs. The contributions have been selected to cover some of the main topics of international affairs and to provide readers with a range of theoretical perspectives, concepts, and heuristics that can be used to analyze the relationship between international law and international relations.
2020--- PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES-Núm. 08 (2020) - Journal of International Law and International Relations, 2020
2020--- PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES-Núm. 08 (2020) - Journal of International Law and International Relations SOMMAIRE IN MEMORIAM Alejandro DEL VALLE GÁLVEZ In Memoriam Gil Carlos Rodríguez Iglesias, Former President of the European Court of Justice. A Biographical Note (1946-2019) .......................15 ÉDITORIAL Ricardo ARREDONDO The Age of Disorder : Global Governance in Covid Times...............37 ÉTUDES Teresa FAJARDO DEL CASTILLO The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: a Soft Law Instrument for Management of Migration Respecting Human Rights .......................................................... 51 El Pacto Mundial por una migración segura, ordenada y regular : un instrumento de Soft Law para una gestión de la migración que respete los derechos humanosLe Pacte mondial pour des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières: un instrument de Soft Law pour la gestion des migrations dans le respect des droit de l ́homme Ángel RODRÍGO HERNÁNDEZ Between Grotius and the Pro Communitate Principle: The Limits to the Principle of Freedom of the Seas in the Age of Marine Global Commons ............ 95 Entre Grocio y el principio pro communitate: los límites del principio de la libertad del mar en la época de los recursos marinos mundialesEntre Grotius et le principe pro communitate: les limites du principe de la liberté de la mer au temps des ressources marines mondiales Miguel A. ACOSTA SÁNCHEZ An Analysis of Integrated Management of the External Borders of the European Union ....... ... 121 Un análisis de la Gestión Integrada de las Fronteras Exteriores de la Unión EuropeaUne analyse de la gestion intégrée des frontières extérieures de l ́Union européenne María AVELLO MARTÍNEZ Human Rights and Gender Aspects in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Mandates: How Did they Sneak in? ................. 145 Los Derechos Humanos y las cuestiones de género en los mandatos de las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz de las Naciones Unidas: ¿de qué forma se introdujeron?Les Droits de l’homme et les questions de genre dans les mandats des opérations de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies: comment ont-ils été intégrés ? Nora SEDIKKI Repenser la Responsabilite en Affaires Dans un Monde Globalise ....185 Repensar la responsabilidad en negocios en un mundo globalizadoRethinking Responsability in Business in a Globalized World Jorge URBANEJA The European Union-Turkey Cooperation on Migration Matters: Towards a Review of the Migratory Statement of 18 March 2016 ............. 211 La cooperación Unión Europea-Turquía en materia migratoria: hacia una revisión del Acuerdo migratorio de 18 de marzo de 2016La Coopération Union européenne-Turquie en matière de migrations: vers une révision de l’Accord migratoire du 18 mars 2016 Michel REMI NJIKI Le Statut Juridique des Étrangers dans l’Union Européenne: le cas des ressortissants camerounais ........................... 251 El Estatuto Jurídico de los extranjeros en la UE: El caso de los nacionales de CamerúnThe Legal Status of Foreigners in the EU: The Case of the Nationals of Cameroon Anass GOUYEZ Les Défi s Sécuritaires de la région de la Méditerranée Occidentale : vers une vision globale et integrée ........329 Los desafíos de seguridad en la región del Mediterráneo Occidental: hacia una visión global y integradaThe Security Challenges in the Western Mediterranean Region: Towards a Global and Integrated Vision NOTES Najib BA MOHAMED La COVID-19 : exigences de la sécurité sanitaire, crise du multilatéralisme et implications géopolitiques ............ 365 COVID-19: Exigencias de la seguridad sanitaria, crisis del multilateralismo e implicaciones geopolíticas COVID-19: Health Security Requirements, Multilateralism Crisis and Geopolitical ImplicationsJoan David JANER TORRENS Migrant Search and Rescue Operations in the Mediterranean by Humanitarian Organizations: Migrant Smuggling or Humanitarian Assistance?................. 381 Operaciones de búsqueda y rescate de migrantes en el Mediterráneo por Organizaciones Humanitarias: ¿Contrabando de migrantes o asistencia humanitaria?Opérations de recherche et de sauvetage de migrants en Méditerranée par les Organisations humanitaires: Contrebande de migrants ou assistance humanitaire? Helena TORROJA MATEU Reflections on the ‘Statement on the Lack of Foundation on International Law of the Independence Referendum that has Been Convened in Catalonia’ Issued by Members of the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors (AEPDIRI) in 2017 ............................................ 403 Refl exiones sobre la «Declaración sobre la falta de fundamentación en el Derecho Internacional del referéndum de independencia que se pretende celebrar en Cataluña» fi rmada por profesores de Derecho internacional y relaciones internacionales de la AEPDIRI, en 2017Réfl exions sur la « Déclaration concernant l’absence de fondement au regard du Droit International du référendum sur l’indépendance que d’aucuns voudraient voir se tenir en Catalogne », signée par des Professeurs de Droit International et de Relations Internationales de l’AEPDIRI, en 2017 Jorge QUINDIMIL Technology Transfer, International Law and Protection of Marine Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction: Key Issues for a new International Agreement ....................... 423 Transferencia de tecnología, Derecho internacional y protección de la biodiversidad marina más allá de la jurisdicción nacional: Cuestiones clave para un nuevo acuerdo internacionalTransfert de technologie, droit international et protection de la biodiversité marine au-delà de la jurisdiction nationale: Questions clés pour un nouvel accord international Taoufi k EL MARRAKCHI Les enjeux stratégiques ACTUELS de la Russie en Méditerranée : Analyse retorspective et prospective ............................. 451 Los desafíos estratégicos actuales de Rusia en el Mediterráneo: análisis retrospectivo y prospectivoThe current Strategic Challenges of Russia in the Mediterranean: Retrospective and Prospective Analysis M. Esther JORDANA SANTIAGO The European Union Fight against Traffi cking of Human Beings: Challenges of the Victim’s Statute .........................467 La lucha de la Unión Europea contra la Trata de Seres Humanos: retos del estatuto de la víctimaLa lutte de l’Union européenne contre la traite des êtres humains: un défi pour le statut de victime AGORA Antonio LAZARI Las Redes y el écart: Refl exiones en torno a «El Estado de Derecho y la Unión Europea» ......................................................................................................... 497 Networks and écart: Refl ections on “El Estado de Derecho y la Unión Europea”Réseaux et écart: Réfl exions sur «El Estado de Derecho y la Unión Europea» Juan Domingo TORREJÓN RODRÍGUEZ;Lorena CALVO MARISCAL Presentacion de Resultados de investigación: Proyecto I+D 2015-2019 «España, Seguridad y Fronteras Exteriores Europeas en el área del Estrecho» (Der2015-68147-R) – Presentation of Research Results: R&D Project 2015-2019 «Spain, Security and European External Borders in the Strait of Gibraltar Area» (DER2015-68147-R) ........................................................ 551 BIBLIOGRAPHIE CRITIQUE CARRERA, S., SANTOS VARA, J., STRIK, T., Constitutionalising the External Dimensions of EU Migration Policies in Times of Crisis, Edward Elgar, 2019, 336 pp. por Lorena CALVO MARISCAL ................................................................................................ 571 CHANG, K.-S., Developmental Liberalism in South Korea: Formation, Degeneration and Transnationalization, International Political Economy Series, Series Editor : Timothy M. Shaw, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 221pp. By Nouha BENJELLOUN ANDALOUSSI .................... 579 MARRERO ROCHA I., Soldados del terrorismo global - Los nuevos combatientes extranjeros Tecnos Madrid 2020, 216 pp. por Beatriz CÓZAR MURILLO ........................ 587 NJIKI M.R., El estatuto jurídico de los nacionales de África, Caribe y Pacífi co (ACP) en la Unión Europea, Edit. Reus, 2019, por Beatriz CÓZAR MURILLO ................................. 597 SOLER GARCÍA, C., Los límites a la expulsión de los extranjeros ante el TEDH y el TJUE, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Navarra, 2019, por Marina ORTEGA APARICIO .. 605 TABLEAU D’EQUIVALENCE DES POSTES UNIVERSITAIRES Tableau d’equivalence des postes Universitaires – Tabla de equivalencia de cargos académicos – Academic Ranks .......................................................................................
Palgrave Studies in International Relations (the EISA book series), published in association with European International Studies Association, provides scholars with the best theoretically-informed scholarship on the global issues of our time. The series includes cutting-edge monographs and edited collections which bridge schools of thought and cross the boundaries of conventional fields of study. EISA members can access a 50% discount to PSIR, the EISA book series, here http://www.eisa-net. org/sitecore/content/be-bruga/mci-registrations/eisa/login/landing.aspx. Mai'a K. Davis Cross is the Edward W.
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Modern English Teacher 21/2, 2012
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 1998
Indigenous Peoples Customary Law and Human Rights: Why Living Law Matters , 2014
Közigazgatási Eljárási Jogi Közlemények, 2024
Human Evolution and the Archaeology of Thought, 2011
Language Acquisition and Contact in the Iberian Peninsula, 2018
Al-Fanar Media, 2021
Small Ruminant Research, 2018
Physical review, 2022
Jurnal Diskursus Islam, 2020
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Journal of the American Heart Association, 2016