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2005, Kluwer Academic Publishers eBooks
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The current study derives optimal growth paths for pollution emission charges, in order to control future water pollution emissions in the Vietnamese manufacturing sector. The study builds on a prior study, which estimated the manufacturing sector pollution impact of the 2006-2010 SEDP development plan for Vietnam (Jensen et al.; 2008). The current study demonstrates that effective implementation and moderate expansion of optimal emission charges, under certain conditions, could have been used, as part of the 2006-2010 SEDP development plan, to control pollution emissions at 2005 levels. Moreover, such a scenario would have been accompanied by a moderate expansion in fiscal revenues and a relatively minor economy-wide efficiency loss. The current study, therefore, suggests that effective implementation and gradual expansion of pollution emission charges should be incorporated into future SEDP development plans, in order to control pollution emissions as development progresses in Vietnam.
Environment and Ecology Research, 2021
Because of its fast economic expansion in recent decades, Vietnam, a developing country, is increasingly plagued by environmental degradation. Vietnam is also one of the five countries most affected by climate change. In 2012, the government enacted the Environmental Protection Tax Law, which included a broad-based package of environmental levies. The implementation of the Environment Protection Tax (EPT) is one component of a larger process of greening the Vietnamese economy. Environmental taxes have the potential to alleviate some of the environmental issues that developing countries face. At the same time, it promotes long-term patterns of production and consumption. This offers financial resources required to enhance social and environmental indices. However, environmental taxes may have both direct and indirect consequences, such as increased prices for products and services, which have a detrimental impact on social justice, particularly in low-income households. This page will give a more in-depth explanation of environmental protection tax implementation, accomplishments, and impacts. It is also responsible for analyzing issues and making recommendations for future EPT improvements.
The main objective of the diploma piece is to find a connection between Vietnam's environmental policies and economic growth. There are two reasons why Vietnam is chosen to be the research’s subject. First of all, Vietnam is an emerging nation with one of the world's fastest expanding economies. Secondly, Vietnam is a developing country confronting a major dilemma between environmental conservation and economic progress. Despite the topic's prominence, there are just a few research studies that look at this connection in the context of Vietnam. Therefore, the author chose to conduct research on “The relationship between environmental policy and economic growth in Vietnam”. Vietnam's progress has been exceptional during the last 36 years, with strong economic growth transforming one of the world's poorest countries into a lower middle-income country. In recent years, the balancing question between promoting growth and protecting the environment has proven to be a crucial and problematic issue for not only Vietnam but also many other developing countries all over the world. The concept of sustainable development has grown in importance across the globe, leading to global environment conservation trend creating the pressure to find the social optimum. With each country being unique in its own right, with its own history, cultural values, development methods, natural resources, and so on, each nation is compelled to come up with its own exclusive solution. The perspectives and knowledge gained from this research will be essential for a country like Vietnam, which is attempting to establish the right balance between socioeconomic success and environmental sustainability for almost a hundred million people. To attain the research objectives, a comprehensive review of the literature on notions such as environmental movement, environmental policy and policymaking, economic growth definitions and models, and the link between environment and economic development was conducted. Then the author delves into the unique condition of Vietnam's economic and environmental policies. The influence of environmental indicators on economic growth was analyzed using secondary data from World Bank Open Data. It was discovered that environment has a significant influence on economic growth in the case of Vietnam. Unfortunately, the Vietnamese environmental policy is neither powerful or effective enough to control and drive environmental changes, and hence has a limited impact on overall economic growth.
Vietnam is planning to implement a new environmental tax law in 2012. The objective of the study is to provide a predictive quantitative evaluation of the impacts of the proposed draft environmental tax law of Vietnam on producer and user prices, sectoral output and employment, the commodity structure of demand, government tax revenue, CO2 emissions and household welfare.The assessment is based on a multisectoral computable general equilibrium (CGE) model calibrated to a new social accounting matrix that represents the current structure of the Vietnamese economy. The model distinguishes 33 production sectors, 20 household groups, and incorporates a sophisticated treatment of energy substitution in production, allowing substitution possibilities between liquid fuels and gas, coal, and electricity as well as technology switches towards less energy-intensive modes of production.• Among the various environmental taxes, the refined liquid fuels taxes will be the dominant source of tax re...
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Studying the impact of environmental tax collection on the amount of CO 2 emissions in Vietnam; then, assessing the impact of environmental tax collection on envirommental protection, CO 2 emission reduction facing to the climate change in Vietnam. In this paper, the data are collected from 2001 to 2018 at General Statistics Office, General Department of Taxation of Vietnam, World Bank, and related researches of scholars. The data collected include: the amount of CO 2 emissions of Vietnam, the environmental tax collection, the amount of natural resource consumption tax collection, the amount of excise tax and total population of Vietnam. The research used multivariate regression analysis to assess the impacts of each independent variable on the amount of CO 2 emissions in the period 2001-2018. The results showed that the amount of environmental tax collection has strong and negative impact on the amount of CO 2 emissions. The findings provide the significant perspectives of adjusting the environmental tax policy towards increasing collection amounts, CO 2 emissions of Vietnam tend to decrease.
Annals of Tropical Research, 2011
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is the principal source of carbon offsets in the global market, and is intended to be a key driver of sustainable development and technical transformation in developing countries. The distribution of CDM projects by country has been skewed, with over 75% of registered projects having taken place in just four countries, namely China, India, Brazil and Mexico. A change in this pattern of development may be occurring, however, as smaller developing countries become increasingly active in the carbon market. An example of this is the rapid rise in the number of CDM projects based in Vietnam since early 2009. This paper investigates factors contributing to the growth of CDM projects in Vietnam and describes some of the key features of the projects that have been developed. Hydropower projects are found to dominate new CDM project development in Vietnam. It is suggested that CDM project development in Vietnam may be a tool to support domestic energy se...
Constituição Federal extraída do site aprovacaopge.
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal bilimler Enstitü Dergisi, Nisan (41): 148-160 E-ISSN: 2667-4750, 2019
Globalization and its counterpart – international/multinational organizations enable different cultures coincide with one another in both social and organizational settings. Interaction of diversified cultures necessitates behaving accordingly to different settled cultural values and conditions. At this point, Cultural Intelligence (CI) comes into scene as a crucial asset while being in relation with society or any community from different cultural backgrounds. In organizations, leading heterogeneous individuals coherently is of critical importance for the continuity of the organization itself. Thus, it is anticipated that cultural intelligence shall have a part in leadership styles in terms of its implementation process. The aim of this study is to examine whether cultural intelligence has an impact on leadership styles – transactional and transformational leadership styles. Four charity organizations located in Erbil, Iraq are chosen as the population and the sample of the investigation consists of 116 employees out of 200 employees working for them. To measure cultural intelligence, a scale developed by Ang and Dyne (1996) is used. The items of the scale are taken from Ang et al (2007). To measure leadership styles, a scale developed by Bernard M. Bass and Bruce J. Avolio, has been used (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Leader Form (MLQ 5x-Short) published by Mind Garden, Inc. This scale is composed of 45 items but 32 questions are used (12 questions Transactional Leadership and 20 questions Transformational Leadership) for this research. The data collected by survey method is analysed by SPSS 23 program using frequency analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and mean comparison analyses. The results indicate that there is a positive significant relationship between cultural intelligence and both leadership styles – transactional and transformational leadership. Also there is a positive significant relationship between each dimension of cultural intelligence with both transactional leadership and transformational leadership. As a result of this, in other words, when cultural intelligence levels rise at work, the leaders are also performing very well. According to the results of the regression analysis, the cultural intelligence has an impact on the transactional leadership (R=24.8%, Adjusted R=24.2%). Also the results showed that cultural intelligence has an impact on the transformational leadership (R=25.7, Adjusted R 25.0%). As discussed in other research examples including transactional leadership and transformational leadership, which is related to the cultural intelligence, our research has confirmed the relationships between each other, too. Even if there are some differences, this is due to handling of different culture, geography and time. Küreselleşme ve onun bir diğer yüzü olan uluslararası / çok uluslu örgütler, farklı kültürlerin hem sosyal hem de örgütsel ortamlarda birbiriyle kesişmesine olanak tanırlar. Farkılaştırılmış kültürlerin etkileşimi, farklı yerleşik kültürel değer ve koşullara göre davranmayı gerektirir. Bu noktada, Kültürel Zekâ (KZ), toplumla ya da farklı kültürel kökenden gelen herhangi bir toplulukla bağlantılı ve önemli bir kavram olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Örgütlerde, birbirinden farklı kültürlerden gelen bireylerin yönetilmesi işletmenin devamlılığı için kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Dolayısıyla, kültürel zekânın farklı liderlik stillerinin uygulama sürecinde bir rolü olması beklenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kültürel zekânın, etkileşimci ve dönüşümcü liderlik stilleri üzerinde bir etkisinin olup olmadığını incelemektir. Irak'ın Erbil şehrinde bulunan dört yardım kuruluşu evren olarak seçilmiş olup bu kuruluşlardaki toplam 200 çalışanın 116’sı çalışmanın örneklemini oluşturmuştur. Kültürel zekayı ölçmek için, Ang ve Dyne (1996) tarafından geliştirilen bir ölçek kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin maddeleri Ang ve diğerlerinden (2007) alınmıştır. Liderlik stillerini ölçmek için ise, Bernard M. Bass ve Bruce J. Avolio tarafından geliştirilen, Mind Garden, Inc. tarafından yayınlanan (Çok Yönlü Liderlik Anketi Lider Formu (MLQ 5x-Short) bir ölçek kullanılmıştır. Bu ölçek 45 maddeden oluşmaktadır fakat bu araştırma için 32 ölçek ifadesi kullanılmıştır (12 soru Etkileşimci Liderlik ve 20 soru Dönüşümcü Liderlik olmak üzere). Anket yöntemi ile toplanan veriler, frekans analizi, korelasyon analizi, regresyon analizi ve ortalama karşılaştırma analizi kullanılarak SPSS 23 programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, kültürel zekâ ile her iki liderlik stili – etkileşimci ve dönüşümcü liderlik stili - arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, kültürel zekânın her bir boyutu ile hem etkileşimci liderlik hem de dönüşümcü liderlik arasında pozitif bir ilişki vardır. Bu sonuç itibariyle, bir başka deyişle, kültürel zeka seviyeleri arttığında, liderler de çok iyi performans göstermektedir. Regresyon analizi sonuçlarına göre ise, kültürel zekanın etkileşimci liderlik üzerinde etkisi vardır (R= %24.8, Düzeltilmiş R= %24.2). Ayrıca, sonuçlar kültürel zekanın dönüşümcü liderlik üzerinde de etkili olduğunu göstermiştir (R= %25.7, Düzeltilmiş R= %25.0). Kültürel zeka ile ilgili olan etkileşimci liderlik ve dönüşümcü liderlik de dahil olmak üzere diğer araştırma örneklerinde tartışıldığı gibi, araştırmamız da söz konusu değişkenler arasındaki ilişkileri doğrulamıştır. Bazı farklılıklar olsa bile, bunun nedeni farklı kültürlerin, coğrafyanın ve zamanın işlenmesidir.
2 La datazione resta un imprescindibile dovere ermeneutico per restituire l'iscrizione al suo contesto e farne un documento fruibile in sede storica: Guarducci M. (1987), 3-4. 3 Cfr. Guarducci M. (1967), p. 24. 4 Per un emblematico caso di studio si veda la discussa datazione della dedica ad Apollo e alle Ninfe in Marengo S.M. (2022), 134-137. cina lapidaria in lingua greca di Cirene per quanto riguarda l'età augustea e quella giulio-claudia. Nonostante il criterio paleografico offra indicazioni incerte e soggettive, tuttavia in aree circoscritte e ben definite le iscrizioni datate possono costituire utili termini di confronto.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 2017
Psychopathy is a personality disorder that has attracted considerable interdisciplinary interest. In fact, the idea of a group of people with abnormal morality and interpersonal relations raises important philosophical, legal, and clinical issues. However, before engaging these issues, we ought to examine whether this category is scientifically grounded, namely whether this way of grouping individuals is explanatory and not merely a byproduct of our tendency to segregate people seemingly different from us. In this paper, we frame the issue in terms of the question whether ‘psychopathy’ designates a natural kind. We argue that currently there is no sufficient evidence for an affirmative answer to this question. Furthermore, we draw some philosophical implications of this result and examine three ways of dealing with the category of psychopathy. These include: We could eliminate the category, revise it, or subscribe to a more encompassing account of kinds, which will be able to capture psychopathy as it is currently conceptualized. We argue that a revision of the category of psychopathy is to be expected with the empirical and theoretical advancements. However, we also emphasize its current role in research, clinical and forensic practices as a scientific category in the making, or as we argue, a pragmatic kind.
Sociolinguistic studies, 2024
Proceedings of the International Meeting "Vatousa and the island of Lesvos during the Ottoman Occupation" (Thessaloniki, 28 July 2020), ed. Maria Papoutsi – Aspasia Kaloudi, Thessaloniki 2022, pp. 211-239.
Teaching Theology & Religion, 2024
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014
Recherches en danse, 2016
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009
Soil Research, 2017
Ecología Aplicada, 2019
JOPSOM. Journal of preventive and social medicine, 2020
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2010