Regular Patterns in Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Simple Spike
Soon-Lim Shin1, Freek E. Hoebeek2, Martijn Schonewille2, Chris I. De Zeeuw2, Ad Aertsen3, Erik De Schutter1,4*
1 Theoretical Neurobiology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 2 Department of Neuroscience, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands,
3 Neurobiology and Biophysics, Faculty of Biology and Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg,
Germany, 4 Computational Neuroscience Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan
Background. Cerebellar Purkinje cells (PC) in vivo are commonly reported to generate irregular spike trains, documented by
high coefficients of variation of interspike-intervals (ISI). In strong contrast, they fire very regularly in the in vitro slice
preparation. We studied the nature of this difference in firing properties by focusing on short-term variability and its
dependence on behavioral state. Methodology/Principal Findings. Using an analysis based on CV2 values, we could isolate
precise regular spiking patterns, lasting up to hundreds of milliseconds, in PC simple spike trains recorded in both
anesthetized and awake rodents. Regular spike patterns, defined by low variability of successive ISIs, comprised over half of
the spikes, showed a wide range of mean ISIs, and were affected by behavioral state and tactile stimulation. Interestingly,
regular patterns often coincided in nearby Purkinje cells without precise synchronization of individual spikes. Regular patterns
exclusively appeared during the up state of the PC membrane potential, while single ISIs occurred both during up and down
states. Possible functional consequences of regular spike patterns were investigated by modeling the synaptic conductance in
neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN). Simulations showed that these regular patterns caused epochs of relatively
constant synaptic conductance in DCN neurons. Conclusions/Significance. Our findings indicate that the apparent
irregularity in cerebellar PC simple spike trains in vivo is most likely caused by mixing of different regular spike patterns,
separated by single long intervals, over time. We propose that PCs may signal information, at least in part, in regular spike
patterns to downstream DCN neurons.
Citation: Shin S-L, Hoebeek FE, Schonewille M, De Zeeuw CI, Aertsen A, et al (2007) Regular Patterns in Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Simple Spike
Trains. PLoS ONE 2(5): e485. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000485
Rompun, Bayer, Leverkusen, Germany) in normal saline (0.9%
NaCl, Baxter, Lessine, Belgium) by intraperitoneal injection. A
craniotomy exposing Crus I and II of the left cerebellar
hemisphere was performed [16]. Supplemental doses (one-third
initial dose) were given intramuscularly to maintain deep
anesthesia as evidenced by the lack of a pinch withdrawal reflex
and/or lack of whisking. Forty eight single unit recordings were
made in the cerebellar cortex with tungsten microelectrodes
(impedance ,10 MOhm, FHC, Bowdoinham, ME). Signals were
filtered and amplified (bandpass = 0.5–9 kHz; gain = 5,000–
10,000) using a multichannel neuronal acquisition processor
(Plexon Inc., Austin, TX) and collected spike trains were
analyzed off-line using NEX (Plexon Inc.). After recordings of
spontaneous activity, 12 stimulus-evoked responses were recorded
in 10 rats. Perioral receptive fields were explored as reported
elsewhere [16]. The punctate stimulus was applied at a rate of
0.5 Hz. In a separate series of experiments reported in more detail
The cerebellum is crucial for the precise temporal control of motor
related tasks [1] and conditioned behaviors [2]. Yet, it is not clear
how the cerebellum may signal precise timing at the cellular level.
Prior studies of spike time coding in the cerebellum have focused
on the discharge of Purkinje cells (PCs), which form the sole output
of cerebellar cortex. However, thus far these studies only
considered mean firing rates of the simple spikes (SS) [3,4] or
complex spikes (CS) [5,6]. Little attention has been paid to their
fine-temporal structure, even though spike timing may encode
additional information in other systems [7–12]. In fact, for two
different strains of ataxic mice with mutations of voltage-gated
calcium channels expressed in PCs it was recently reported that
PCs show increased irregularity of firing [13,14].
A common measure to characterize the temporal structure of
spike trains is the coefficient of variation (CV) of the interspike
intervals (ISIs). The CV of SS firing of PCs recorded in vivo is
reported to be quite high [15,16]: close to or even higher than 1,
the CV of a Poisson process. Conversely, PCs in the in vitro slice
preparation fire very regularly [17,18]. To test whether this
difference in firing properties is as large as is commonly assumed
and to investigate its possible functional importance, we analyzed
the fine-temporal structure of SS trains in different preparations
and behavioral states in more detail, focusing on the short-term
Academic Editor: Miguel Nicolelis, Duke University, United States of America
Received March 11, 2007; Accepted May 2, 2007; Published May 30, 2007
Copyright: ß 2007 Shin et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited.
Funding: This study was funded by the European Commission, in Belgium by
IUAP, GSKE, FWO, in the Netherlands by NOW, NeuroBsik, Prinses Beatrix Fonds,
and in Germany by the BMBF. These organisations had not influence on the study
design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data; or writing of the paper; and on
the decision to submit it for publication to PloS One.
Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 26, 300–500 g, Iffa Credo,
Brussels, Belgium) were anesthetized with a mixture of ketamine
HCl (75 mg/kg; Ketalar, Parke-Davis, Warner Lambert
Manufacturing, Dublin, Ireland) and xylazine HCl (3.9 mg/kg;
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
[email protected]
May 2007 | Issue 5 | e485
Regular Patterns in Cerebellum
238 mV, 238 mV, and 240 mV in cell 1, 2, and 3
respectively, the spike was sorted as a CS. Mean firing rate of
SS (CS) was 12.865.2 Hz (1.160.4 Hz). The threshold to
distinguish UP from DOWN states was set to 255 mV. Regular
patterns and single intervals were isolated as in the extracellular
recordings. Data are represented as mean6s.e.m., unless
otherwise stated. All p-values refer to Student’s paired or
unpaired t-test, unless otherwise specified.
in [19], 8 transverse pairs of nearby PCs were recorded using
similar procedures. Electric lesions were made after recordings to
measure the distance between pairs and the distance between the
centers of lesions was measured. In the context of this paper, the
data from all these experiments were re-analyzed. All experimental
methods were approved by the University of Antwerp and
conformed to European Union guidelines.
Mice Extracellular activity was recorded in the cerebellar
flocculus and paramedian lobule using glass micropipettes filled
with 2 M NaCl (tip diameter: 2–5 mm; impedance: 2.5 MV at
1 kHz) in either restrained awake or anesthetized (with mixture of
ketamine (50 mg/kg) and xylazine (10 mg/kg)) C57BL/6 mice.
The electrode tip was positioned on the cerebellar surface under
visual guidance (Olympus VS-IV; Olympus Optical, Tokyo,
Japan) using a micromanipulator (David Kopf Instruments,
Tujunga, CA) and moved downward by a hydraulic microdrive
(Trent Wells) equipped with a stepping motor (TL Elektronik SMS
87). The electrode signal was amplified and filtered (bandwidth
10–6000 Hz; Dagan 2400; Dagan, Minneapolis, MN) and
sampled at 12.5 kHz (CED 1401plus, Spike2, Cambridge, UK).
Single-unit PCs were identified on-line by the presence of a brief
pause in simple spikes after the complex spike. In the off-line
analysis, SSs and CSs were detected and discriminated using
custom-made software implemented in Matlab (Mathworks,
Natick, MA). All experimental methods were approved by
Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, and conformed to European Union
Stochastic Modeling of Poisson processes
Both spontaneous and evoked spike trains were modeled using an
inhomogeneous Poisson process (see also [25]) with 2 ms of dead
time (which is equal to the detection window used in the
electrophysiological recordings). The probability density of the
process can be described as Pn(t)~rn e{rn t H(t{2), where t
denotes the time elapsed since the last spike, rn is the mean firing
where n = 3, 4, …,
rate at the n-th ISI, estimated by rn~ P
number of spikes-2, H (t22) is Heaviside function standing for 1
only when t is 2 ms or larger. The mean firing rates of realized
spike trains (51.762.4 Hz, N = 92) were statistically similar to those
of recorded SS trains (51.762.4 Hz, N = 92, p.0.6). For evoked
spike trains, firing rate was estimated from the rate distribution
around stimulation time (bin size: 1 ms, lag = 1 s). Based on these
estimates, model spike times were created trial by trial. Then, a final
spike train was constructed by concatenating spike times in
consecutive trials. Simulations were performed using Matlab.
Spike timing analysis
Synaptic Conductance Modeling
Data analysis of extracellular recordings Recordings were
83 to 1202 sec long and comprised 1,328 to 62,371 spikes.
Analysis was carried out using Matlab and Excel (Microsoft).
Short-term regularity was measured with CV2 = 2|ISIn+12ISIn|/
(ISIn+1+ISIn) [20]. The number of regular patterns was measured
using a threshold value for CV2 ranging from 0 to 2 with an
increment of 0.02. In each PC the numbers were normalized by
the maximum number of patterns to avoid an influence of the
difference between firing rates. The strength of synchronization of
regular patterns was measured using a standard score, the Z score
of the amplitude of the central peak of the cross-correlogram [21]:
Z = (Nc2Ne)/(SDe), with Nc the number of spikes in the central
peak (bin = 5 ms), Ne the mean number of spikes in a 2 sec
window between 21 and 1 sec, and SDe its standard deviation. To
determine whether the observed synchronization (Z score of 3 or
higher) reflected spike to spike precise synchronization or rather
co-modulation of firing rates [22,23], simulated spike trains were
generated by randomly shuffling the ISIs within blocks of 5
consecutive ISIs and the correlation analysis repeated for the
shuffled spike trains. The correlation between CSs and patterns
were analyzed in 32 PCs where CSs were well isolated. If the
duration from the ends of patterns to CSs was longer than 1.2
times the pattern mean ISI, it was considered longer than the
pattern mean ISI.
Data analysis of whole-cell clamp recordings Three
membrane potential traces recorded from 3 different
anesthetized rats were analyzed to investigate the relation
between spike patterns and the membrane potential [24]. The
sampling frequencies of the original recordings (50, 50, and
20 kHz) were sampled down to 10 kHz without loosing
discriminative power. Spikes were sorted by setting thresholds at
238 mV, 242 mV, and 232 mV in cell1, cell2 and cell3
respectively. Spikes were further sorted as either CS or SS by
checking the mean membrane potential between 2 and 4 ms after
a spike. If the mean membrane potential was higher than
The dynamics of multiple pulse depression of the synapse
between PCs and DCN neurons were described previously
[26,27]. The data reported in these papers are quantitatively
different, even though they report the same phenomena, probably
due to different experimental conditions (e.g. recording temperature). Our phenomenological model is based on the Pedroarena
and Schwarz study [26], because it measured multiple pulse
depression at more frequencies over a large range (from 1 to
200 Hz). The depression is assumed to be caused by changes of
the presynaptic release probability (R). We fitted a deterministic
model for R to the multiple pulse depression data. This
deterministic approach is justified because the large number of
release sites from which transmitter can reach all receptors [28]
makes synaptic failures unlikely. We fitted equations for the steady
state level of release probability Rss and the time constant of
depression t to the data:
Rss (r)~0:08z0:60 e{2:84 r z0:32 e{0:02 r
t (r)~2z2500 e{0:274 r z100 e{0:022 r
where r is the instantaneous firing rate computed as the inverse of
the last interspike interval. Rss and t are updated at the time of
occurrence of each spike n and Rn is then computed as:
Rn ~Rn 1 z( Rss {Rn 1 )(1{ e{
with Rn21 is the release probability computed at the previous spike
time, ISIn is the interspike interval between the current spike and
the previous spike. See Figure 1 for the accuracy of the fit of our
model to the experimental data.
Synaptic conductance (Gsyn) during spiking was modeled by
a double exponential function multiplied by Rn and calculated over
May 2007 | Issue 5 | e485
Regular Patterns in Cerebellum
Figure 1. Simulation of PC to DCN synaptic conductance. (A)
Saturating level of release probability (Rss) taken from Pedroarena
and Schwarz (2003) could be modeled with a double exponential
function (red line, see Materials and Methods for details). (B) Simulated
synaptic conductance profiles in response to 10, 30 and 100 Hz PC
firing, respectively. These results should be compared to Figure 7A of
Pedroarena and Schwarz (2003).
200 ms with a resolution of 0.1 ms following each spike:
Gsyn (t)~ Gpre zA
Rn( e t1 { e t2 )
t1 { t2
Here, Gpre is the synaptic conductance caused by previous spikes,
A = 15.5 is a constant to scale the maximum conductance to the
experimental value of Gmax (11.7 nS), t1 is 12 ms, and t2 is 1.2 ms.
Gmax, t1, and t2, were chosen to fit the multiple pulse depression
traces shown in Figure 7 of Pedroarena et al [26]. The multiple
pulse depression following 10, 30 and 100 Hz stimulation of the
PC is shown in Figure 1.
Simple spike trains contain precise regular spiking
Figure 2. Regular patterns in cerebellar Purkinje cell simple spike
trains. (A) Raster plot of PC SS in an anesthetized rat (AnR). (B) CV2
distributions of SS trains recorded from anesthetized mice (AnM, left),
awake mice (AwM, middle, blue: neurons in cerebral motor cortex), and
mean of 92 CV2 distributions (Pooled, right) which were significantly
different from those of inhomogeneous Poisson processes with similarly
modulated firing rates (p,0.05, x2 test; *: p,0.001, x2 goodness of fit
residual test; red line: CV2 = 0.2). Insets and right panel: mean6s.e.m.
(black: PC, green: inhomogeneous Poisson process) (C) Extracting
regular spiking patterns by setting CV2 threshold at 0.2 (white dotted
lines). White dashes: CV2 values calculated from the two surrounding
ISIs, red: first ISI of regular patterns, pink: successive ISIs in regular
patterns, dark blue: ISIs not belonging to a regular pattern).
We analyzed spontaneous PC activity in 3 data sets: recordings
from the cerebellar hemisphere of anesthetized rats (AnR, n = 48)
and from the flocculus or paramedian lobule of anesthetized
(AnM, n = 21) and awake (AwM, n = 37) mice. Firing rates were
similar for all data sets (Table 1). As expected, CVs of the spike
trains were high: 3.9360.49 (AnR), 1.7460.47 (AnM) and
1.3960.38 (AwM), consistent with previous reports [6,16] and
suggestive of highly irregular firing in vivo. Nevertheless, careful
visual inspection of the individual spike trains revealed clear
patterns of regular firing (Figure 2A).
To characterize these patterns we used a short range measure
which compares two adjacent ISIs, i.e. the CV2 (cf. Materials and
Methods; [20]). Surprisingly, we found that in all data sets the
mean CV2 was low (AnR: 0.5160.03, AnM: 0.3060.02, AwM:
0.3960.02), suggestive of much more regular firing at short time
scales. In fact, most PCs showed a skewed CV2 distribution, with
a high proportion of low CV2 values (Figure 2B), indicating the
presence of regularity in spiking patterns. This was in clear
contrast to spontaneous spiking of neocortical neurons, which
showed uniform CV2 distributions as previously reported [20]
(Figure 2B, blue) and which are similar to realizations of
inhomogeneous Poisson processes (insets in Figure 2B, green).
We studied the properties of regular spiking patterns in PCs
whose CV2 distribution was significantly different from rate
modulated Poisson (AnR: n = 38, AnM: n = 21, AwM: n = 33,
p,0.05, x2 test) in more detail. Their pooled CV2 distribution
showed significantly more CV2 values of 0.2 or lower (p,0.001, x2
Table 1. Summary of spontaneous simple spike firing properties of all PCs reported in this study.
Anesthetized rats
Number of PCs
Mean firing rate
%Long ISI (ISI.1 s)
Mean CV2
Maximum pattern size
Awake mice
51.062.7 (p.0.2)
0.0160.00 (p,0.001) 1.3960.38 (p,10
Anesthetized mice
49.863.6 (p.0.4,
0.0260.01 (p,0.001,
1.7460.47 (p,0.05,
0.3960.02 (p,0.001) 13.060.6 (p,0.001)
0.3060.02 (p,1026,
24.962.8 (p.0.4,
p: comparison to anesthetized rats, p*: comparison to awake mice, Student t test.
May 2007 | Issue 5 | e485
Regular Patterns in Cerebellum
mean ISI. Examples of the distribution of these two parameters are
shown in Figure 4B. Observe that short patterns occurred with
a wide range of mean ISIs, whereas long patterns contained only
short ISIs (insets), though not the shortest. The wide range of
pattern mean ISIs and the fact that the fraction of pattern spikes
was only weakly (rats: linear correlation R2 = 0.371 compared to
a R2 = 0.666 for 92 inhomogeneous Poisson processes) or not
(mice: R2,0.1) dependent on the mean firing rates of PCs make it
unlikely that regular patterns were caused by refractoriness.
Pattern sizes showed a wide distribution. On average, 72% of
patterns comprised only 2–3 ISIs, but many patterns were much
longer (Figure 4B and 4C), lasting 45.063.5, 76.566.3, and
52.563.1 ms for AnR, AnM, and AwM, respectively. The size of
patterns depended on the CV2 threshold used, but this did not
affect the pattern mean ISI much (data not shown). Interestingly,
we found a significant difference in the proportion of long patterns
between anesthetized and awake rodents. In anesthetized rodents,
4.161.4% (AnR) and 3.560.8% (AnM) of patterns contained
more than 10 ISIs, while in awake rodents (AwM) only 0.460.1%
did (p,0.01), with maximum pattern sizes of 182, 61 and 21 ISIs,
respectively (Figure 4C). This significant difference between
pattern sizes of awake vs. anesthetized rodents indicates that
regular patterns may be influenced by the behavioral state of the
animal. Indeed, if regular spiking patterns were a specific signal by
which PCs transmit information, one would predict faster changes
in this signal, i.e. shorter patterns associated with a wider range of
pattern mean ISIs, in awake, active animals than in anesthetized
Figure 3. Effect of CV2 threshold on patterns. (A) Mean (6 s.e.m.) of
normalized number of patterns in spike trains classified with different
values of the CV2 threshold, ranging from 0 to 0.5, in 92 PCs (filled
circles) and in simulated spike trains from Poisson processes with similar
firing rate profiles as in the PCs (open circles). Arrow: maximum number
of patterns, *: range where there was no statistical difference (p.0.05).
Inset: same distribution but for all possible thresholds. (B) Raster plots
with indication of the spike timings belonging to patterns (red dotted
lines: start of patterns, red solid lines: following spikes in each pattern)
and singles (blue). Black dots: difference in classified patterns when
threshold was 0.2 (upper trace) and 0.24 (lower trace).
Simulation of the effects of regular spiking patterns
on target neurons
goodness of fit residual test) than the corresponding Poisson
processes did (Figure 2B, rightmost panel). To isolate the regular
spiking patterns in individual spike trains, we applied a threshold
of 0.2 on the measured CV2 values as illustrated in Figure 2C.
Whenever the CV2 value was below or equal to threshold (white
dotted line), the associated two ISIs were considered part of
a regular pattern (pink). If the next ISI also had a CV2 value below
or equal to threshold, it was included into the pattern (pink); if not,
this next ISI was either single (i.e. not belonging to a pattern; blue)
or the start of a new pattern (provided the next CV2 value was
again below or equal to threshold; red).
With this procedure, 57% (AnR), 67% (AnM) and 54% (AwM)
of ISIs belonged to regular patterns. To verify the effect of the
statistically defined CV2 threshold of 0.2, we compared the
number of patterns extracted using different thresholds (Figure 3).
Thresholds in the range 0.18–0.24 generated statistically similar
number of patterns as a threshold of 0.22, which generated the
maximum number of patterns (n = 92, p.0.1).
The mean ISIs of patterns were not uniformly distributed. Most of
the pattern ISIs were relatively short, so that the peaks of the overall
ISI distributions mostly consisted of regular patterns, while their tails
comprised only single ISIs. As a result, the 90 percentile of ISI for
patterns was significantly shorter than that of singles (Figure 4A).
PCs inhibit neurons in the downstream DCN; any information
transmitted by regular PC spike patterns will be decoded at that
level. PC synapses onto DCN neurons show fast synaptic
depression [26,27], a property that is known to endow synapses
with low-pass filtering properties [29]. We developed a phenomenological model to reproduce the previously reported frequencydependent depression of this synapse [26] (cf. Materials and
Methods), allowing us to predict the effects of regular PC spike
patterns on synaptic conductance (Gsyn) in DCN neurons.
Specifically, we used this model to compare the Gsyn evoked by
recorded SS trains with that of simulated spike trains generated by
inhomogeneous Poisson processes of the same modulated firing
rates. Such Poisson processes have far fewer regular patterns: only
20% of ISIs belonged to patterns, 80% of which were of size 2 (cf.
Fig. 2B). A representative example of conductance traces
(Figure 5A) demonstrates that the long regular patterns in SS
trains induced epochs with little fluctuation of Gsyn, while Poisson
spike trains generated much more variable Gsyn (Figure 5A, green).
In almost all cases, the distribution of Gsyn of Poisson spike trains
was significantly different from that of real SS trains (Figure 5B;
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, p,0.05, bin 0.01 s, AnR 35/38 cells;
AnM 33/33; AwM 20/21). Thus, the distribution of Gsyn of PCs
was mostly confined to a narrow range of values as is also evident
from its CV, which was significantly lower for PCs (0.5360.03,
0.4760.03 and 0.4960.03 for AnR, AnM and AwM, respectively)
than for simulated spike trains from Poisson processes (0.6660.05,
0.7560.04, and 0.7160.03, p,0.04).
Characteristics of regular spiking patterns change
with behavioral state
Spikes of regular patterns are correlated, but not
precisely synchronized
Regular patterns can be characterized by two parameters: pattern
size, defined as the number of ISIs in the pattern, and pattern
In rats, each DCN neuron receives inhibition from 100 [30] up to
1000 [31] PCs. Anatomically, though, it is not clear whether all
May 2007 | Issue 5 | e485
Regular Patterns in Cerebellum
Figure 4. Characteristics of regular spike patterns. (A) ISI distribution of overall ISIs (black), patterns (red) and singles (blue) from a representative
sample PC spike train of AnR (left), AnM (middle) and AwM (right). Insets: magnified plot of indicated area (lower) and 90 P (90 percentile, upper) of
each population, *: p,0.01, Student t test. (B) The relation between pattern mean ISI and pattern size in AnR (left, cyan), AnM (middle, magenta) and
AwM (right, yellow). Insets: maximum pattern mean ISI (90 percentile) of different pattern sizes. *: p,0.001, Wilcoxon signed rank test. (C) Percentage
ISIs belonging to patterns (upper, *: p,0.001, Student t test), Average maximum pattern size (middle, *: p,0.001, Student t test), and Pattern size
distribution (lower, p,0.05, x2 test). Cyan: AnR, magenta: AnM, yellow: AwM.
Figure 5. Simulated synaptic conductance in PC to DCN synapse caused by spontaneous PC spiking. (A) A representative example of the simulated
synaptic conductance (Gsyn) induced by PC (black) of AnR (upper panel), AnM (middle panel) and AwM (lower panel), and by corresponding
realizations of an inhomogeneous Poisson process (green). Rasters: spikes belonging to patterns (black and green dotted lines: start of patterns, black
and green solid lines: following spikes in patterns, blue lines: singles), numbers: number of all spikes in the 500 ms window. (B) Distribution of Gsyn
values for PCs (black) compared to Poisson processes (green). Bin = 0.2 nS. Red bar: bins where PCs contained significantly more Gsyn values. p,0.05.
May 2007 | Issue 5 | e485
Regular Patterns in Cerebellum
synchronized, overall pattern spikes were not precisely synchronized but tended to co-occur in a loose manner because of firing
rate co-modulation.
Despite our lack of knowledge about detailed convergence
patterns of PCs onto DCN neurons, convergence is more likely for
adjacent pairs, where we observed coincident patterns, than for
distant pairs which did not show synchronization. In the case of
coincident converging patterns, the lack of spike synchronization
caused by their different spike frequencies will further reduce the
variability of their combined Gsyn [32]. Otherwise, the averaged
Gsyn of perfectly synchronized PCs would have the same
variability as that caused by single PCs. A similar reduction of
variability also occurs in completely irregular spike trains
generated by Poisson processes [32], but only when there are
many more active convergent inputs.
Tactile stimulation increases regularity of spiking
Next, the effect of sensory stimulation on regular patterns in the SS
response was investigated. To this end, we analyzed responses to
tactile stimulation in AnR (Figure 7) (n = 12). Typically, PCs
responded after a short delay with a significant increase in SS
firing rate in a 200 ms window, from 53.866.2 Hz to
74.267.3 Hz (p,0.003, Wilcoxon signed ranks test), as reported
elsewhere [33]. In the same window, we also found a significantly
increased proportion of ISIs belonging to regular patterns, from
49.364.5% to 62.565.1% (p,0.005, Wilcoxon signed ranks test).
Spike trains always become more regular at high firing rates
because spikes cannot fire arbitrarily close together, due to the
refractory period. Indeed, simulated Poisson processes with
refractory period that show similar rate changes (p.0.2; before:
53.366.3 Hz, after: 75.067.5 Hz; Figure 7E upper panel) as the
experimental data revealed a slight but statistically significant
increase of the fraction of ISIs belonging to regular patterns
(p,.005; before: 23.160.7%, after: 27.160.8%; Figure 7E lower
panel). However, this increase was proportionally (1862%) much
smaller than the increase in PCs (2963%) (p,0.03, Wilcoxon
signed ranks test). We conclude that the increase in patterns in PCs
was larger than expected from only the firing rate increase.
Regular patterns following stimulation were also faster and lasted
longer than before stimulation (Figure 7F).
To estimate the effect of this change of SS patterns on
downstream DCN neurons, we again computed the predicted Gsyn
and compared these with the results obtained from spike trains
realized from inhomogeneous Poisson processes (Figure 7C). The
real SS train induced a steady current of about 4.5 nS, while the
Poisson process produced a highly variable Gsyn, despite the
similar modulations of firing rates. The CV of Gsyn induced by the
real SS train dropped significantly (p,0.001) during a period of
116.7619.0 ms after stimulus onset compared to the effect of
Poisson spike trains (Figure 7D). This indicates that tactile
stimulation further reduced the variability of Gsyn in DCN
neurons by an increased regularity of PC spike timing.
Figure 6. Coincident patterns in nearby PC pairs in AnR. (A) Eight
cross-correlograms of timings of spikes belonging to regular patterns
extracted from recordings of nearby PC pairs, with each pair colored
differently. Insets: cross-correlograms of the shuffled spike trains of two
pairs (black) superimposed on original cross-correlogram of patterns
(blue and gray: pairs showing strongest and weakest synchronization
respectively). (B) The relation of pattern mean ISIs in 4 pairs in which
pattern starts coincided significantly (inset: cross-correlograms of the
first spikes of regular patterns in the 4 pairs). Red dotted line: diagonal.
converging inputs are active at the same time. This convergence
raises the question whether regular patterns in the afferent PCs
coincide in time, causing periodic ripples in Gsyn during their
occurrence, or whether they are asynchronous, rendering Gsyn
more constant. We studied the correlation in time of regular
patterns in 8 simultaneously recorded transverse pairs of PCs in
AnR, separated by 69.869.4 mm (range: 50–100 mm). We found
that the spikes belonging to patterns revealed central peaks in the
cross-correlogram. These central peaks reflected significant
synchronization as their Z scores were higher than 3 (Figure 6A,
z = 5.060.4), but they were quite broad (full width at half peak
(HW) = 7068.6 ms). No synchronization was observed in pairs of
PCs on the same parallel fiber beam separated by more than
0.5 mm (n = 20, data not shown). We investigated several
mechanisms that could explain the broad width of the central
peaks. There was no significantly relation between HW and the
mean duration of patterns (R2,0.0001). Broad peaks in crosscorrelograms are often caused by firing rate co-modulation [23],
implying that patterns would coincide because they occur more
often during increased firing rates (Figure 4A). As properly
shuffled spike trains (cf. Materials and Methods) overlapped the
broad peaks largely (Figure 6A, insets), the central peaks observed
can indeed be largely explained by firing rate co-modulation. In
addition, we found in four of the pairs a significant, and much
more precise, correlation of the start of patterns (z = 5.660.9,
HW = 16.362.4 ms, Figure 6B inset). But although patterns
in these four pairs started together, their mean ISIs were
independent of each other (R2 = 0.1760.03, Figure 6B). We
conclude that while for a fraction of patterns the start was precisely
Regular patterns and singles in relation to the PC
membrane potential
It has been shown that the membrane potential of PCs in
anesthetized animals can be bistable, showing up and down-states
[24]. Although PCs in awake behaving animals probably operate
predominantly in the up-state [34] and regular patterns in our
data tended to last much shorter than the reported duration of upstates in the anesthetized preparation [24], the occurrence of
patterns might in principle be related to the state of the membrane
potential. We therefore applied our analysis method to whole-cell
May 2007 | Issue 5 | e485
Regular Patterns in Cerebellum
Figure 7. A representative example of regular patterns in tactile stimulus evoked PC SS responses. (A) Peri-event raster plot of patterns (red) and
singles (blue) during tactile stimulation in AnR. (B) Mean rate (6 s.e.m.) of overall spikes (black), realization of Poisson process (green), pattern spikes
(red) and singles (blue). Bin = 20 ms. (C) Simulated Gsyn for the trial indicated by arrow in (A) (bin = 1 ms). (D) CV (SD/Mean) of simulated Gsyn (*:
p,0.001, Student t test, bin 20 ms). Black dotted line: stimulation time. (E) Mean firing rate (upper panel) and percent ISIs belonging to regular
patterns (lower panel) in 200 ms before and after stimulation (upper panel) of simulated spike trains from inhomogeneous Poisson process (green)
and from recorded PCs (black). *: p,0.005, Wilcoxon signed ranks test. (F) Pattern mean ISI distribution before (dotted line) and after (solid line)
tactile stimulation. Inset: Pattern size distribution before (open) and after (filled) stimulation.
clamp recordings from PCs of anesthetized rats in vivo (data
obtained from Loewenstein et al., 2005; Figure 8). As expected,
patterns occurred only during up-states (Figure 8, red spikes), but
a single up-state typically consisted of several patterns (4.861.1 for
the recording shown in Figure 8, 3.860.3 for all recordings).
Singles could occur during both up (92.163.7%; Figure 8, filled
dots) or down (7.963.7%, Figure 8, open dots) states. Thus, the
classification of SSs developed in this study allows for a subcategorization of spikes occurring during the up-state which may
be relevant at short time scales.
CSs may toggle transitions between up and down-states [24].
This is also the case for start of the two up-states shown in Figure 8.
We found that, except for patterns occurring at state transitions,
the start or end of patterns was not related to CS firing. This is
confirmed by the much higher frequency of starts of patterns
(7.4264.30 Hz, AnR, n = 32) than of CSs (0.7260.05 Hz).
Figure 8. Regular patterns and singles related to the membrane
potential (MP). Dendritic patch-clamp recording of PC in anesthetized
rat (data from Loewenstein et al. 2005). Voltage trace: large spikes are
complex spikes, small ones are simple spikes. Dotted black line:
threshold to define up and down-states (MP = 255 mV). Raster plot at
top: simple spikes were sorted as either pattern spikes (dotted red lines:
start of patterns, solid red lines: following spikes in each pattern) or
single spikes (blue lines). All patterns were during up-state, but singles
occurred both during up (filled circles) and down (open circles) states.
Taken together, our main findings indicate that (1) interesting finetemporal properties of neuronal responses may be uncovered by
May 2007 | Issue 5 | e485
Regular Patterns in Cerebellum
analyzing regular pattern structure on a single trial basis; (2) PC
simple spike trains contain distinctly more spike timing regularities
than hitherto known; (3) the high CV in in vivo recordings is most
likely caused by mixing of different regular spiking patterns,
separated by single, typically longer, ISIs; (4) the onset of patterns
can be synchronized in nearby PCs, but their member spikes are
not synchronized; (5) most regular patterns are not influenced by
complex spikes; (6) regular pattern properties change with
behavioral state and tactile stimulation; and (7) regular patterns
may cause epochs of close to constant synaptic conductance in
downstream DCN neurons.
Our extracellular recordings do not provide conclusive evidence
on the mechanisms causing regular patterns. However, as PCs fire
highly regularly in slice preparations in which their synaptic inputs
are blocked [17,18] and since they show increased irregularity
following mutations of their voltage gated Ca2+ channels [13], the
endogenous properties of PCs are likely to contribute to their
regularity of firing. However, the current observation that most
patterns occur within the up-state, combined with the finding that
PCs in awake behaving animals probably operate predominantly
in the up-state [34] suggests that additional mechanisms such as
short-term and long-term synaptic processes probably also play
a role in controlling the start and end of a regular pattern, as well
as its mean ISI. As CSs have little effect on patterns, it is most
likely that parallel fiber inputs combined with molecular layer
inhibition control the pattern properties. Furthermore, synaptic
plasticity can adapt the effect of both the excitatory parallel fiber
inputs and the inhibitory input from the basket cells and stellate
cells on the SS patterns [35,36]. Such mechanisms could explain
why the onset of patterns was synchronized in only a subset of
nearby PCs, and why even in those cases the pattern mean ISIs
were different.
The regular patterns discovered in this study comprised a large
part of the simple spike trains and were shown to be modulated by
behavioral state and stimulation, suggesting that they may have
functional significance. Our simulations of the effect of regular
patterns on Gsyn in downstream DCN neurons indicate that they
keep inhibitory conductance fairly constant. The interaction
between regular patterns and Gsyn may provide an explanation
of why these synapses depress so strongly [26,27] and forms the
basis for our hypothesis on the function of regular patterns. It is
generally assumed that cerebellar learning through induction of
long-term depression at the parallel fiber to PC synapse leads to
disinhibition of DCN neurons [35,37]. In addition, DCN neurons
respond strongly to disinhibition because of their post-inhibitory
rebound spike [38], which may form a powerful timing signal
[2,39]. Correspondingly, the activity of DCN neurons in adult
rodents consists of pauses, most likely caused by PC inhibition,
mixed with transient periods of fast bursting [40]. The
effectiveness of disinhibition to create a rebound spike depends
on the synchronicity of the disinhibition, which we recently
demonstrated to be significant among nearby PCs [19], and on the
level of preceding inhibition. Because the inactivation of calcium
channels expressed in the DCN neurons is strongly voltage
dependent in the relevant potential range [41], these channels are
very sensitive to even small changes in inhibitory input.
Consequently, the level of inhibition preceding the rebound spike
exerts a very strong effect on the amplitude of the rebound spike
We hypothesize that regular patterns encode a specific level of
inhibition in their firing rate and, as such, approximate a perfect
firing rate code [43], which should be completely regular. When
regular patterns from convergent PCs coincide, the summed
inhibition will be relatively constant over the duration of the
patterns and, consequently, keep the level of inactivation of
calcium channels steady. Thereby, the firing rates of regular spike
patterns in afferent PCs will control the amplitude of any rebound
spike that follows in the next second. The occurrence of a rebound
spike is evoked by synchronized pauses in the SS trains [19,44],
which are mostly not part of the regular patterns as they belong to
the tail of the ISI distribution.
In conclusion, we propose that the regular patterns, which
comprise the majority of spikes in PC SS trains, can control the
amplitude of subsequent timing signals by modulating the
amplitude of rebound spikes in downstream DCN neurons.
We thank Drs. Dana Cohen and Miguel Nicolelis for making the mice
cortical recordings available and Drs Séverine Mahon and Mike Häusser
for sharing the PC whole-cell clamp recordings. We thank Drs. Dieter
Jaeger, Reinoud Maex, Martin Nawrot, Arnd Roth, Stefan Rotter and
Cornelius Schwarz for comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: ED CD SS. Performed the
experiments: FH MS SS. Analyzed the data: SS. Contributed reagents/
materials/analysis tools: ED FH MS AA SS. Wrote the paper: ED CD AA
SS. Other: Obtained funding for the study: ED.
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