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DECLARATORIA DE ORIGINALIDAD Yo, Dayana Alejandra Tixe Cajas, autora de la investigación, con cédula de ciudadanía no. 171436629-9, libre y voluntariamente DECLARO, que el Trabajo de Grado titulado: "La Autoestima en Adolescentes victimas de Bullying" Es de mi plena autoría, original y no constituye plagio o copia alguna, constituyéndose en documento único, como mandan los principios de la investigación científica, de ser comprobado lo contrario me someto a las disposiciones legales pertinentes. Es todo cuanto puedo decir en honor a la verdad.
ISBN: 1-930699-73-5 (edición de bolsillo − Español) ISBN: 1-930699-45-X (edición de bolsillo − Inglés) ISBN: 1-930699-50-6 (CD-ROM − Inglés)
American Journal of Comparative Law, 2021
This Article investigates how contemporary laws of war rationalize civilian deaths. I concentrate on two specific legal constructions in warfare: the definition of civilian/combatant and the principle of distinction. (The categories of civilian and combatant should be understood as dialogically constitutive and not entirely distinct. In addition, the category of "civilian" is a modern one and premodern legal sources often do not use one term to refer to noncombatants.) I focus on two significant parties in contemporary warfare: al-Qāʿidah (aka Al-Qaeda) and the U.S. military. Al-Qāʿidah diverges from orthodox Islamic law on these two legal issues, while remaining within the Islamic legal tradition. To scrutinize the nature of this divergence, I compare al-Qāʿidah's legal reasoning to the legal reasoning of the U.S. military. I demonstrate that the U.S. military diverges from orthodox international law in ways that parallel how al-Qāʿidah diverges from orthodox Islamic law. Specifically, both the U.S. military and al-Qāʿidah elide orthodox categories of civilians and expand the category of combatant, primarily by rendering civilians as probable combatants. Based on this comparative analysis, I argue that the legal reasoning of al-Qāʿidah (and other militant Islamist groups) is as secular as it is Islamic; I call this fusion secularislamized law.
Decades of research has shown that emotional intelligenceplays a significant role in determining the success of leaders. It ranks well above many other qualities such as traditional knowledge, IQ, and management skills.Daniel Goleman, the author of Working withEmotional Intelligence, reports that when IQ scores are correlated with performance, it only accounts for about 25% of how well people perform in their careers.That leaves 75% of career success correlated to Emotional Intelligence. Goleman reports that it is even higher for leaders. Today's business environment is under critical global competition and frequent change is one that will certainly test leader's effectiveness. Leaders with emotional intelligence can understand themselves very well and have the ability to put themselves in someone else's situation. They help to develop the people in their team, maintain a positive outlook, and provide their teams with a long-term vision for success, even during challenging times, help the organization to greater success. This paper tries tothrow some light on the importanceof emotional intelligence to leaders in the present business organizations to catch the word of success in the global competition.
! ! Brasil: Imperialismo, Generais e Golpe Em dias, o golpismo deu salto de qualidade. A intervenção militar federal na Secretaria de Segurança do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sob o comando do general Braga Netto, foi seguida pela constituição, por medida provisória, de Ministério da Segurança Pública, entregue a Raul Jungmann, ex-comunista convertido ao golpismo. Mário Maestri Incontinenti, por primeira vez, desde sua criação, em 1998, um militar, o general da reserva Silva e Luna, assumiu o ministério da Defesa. Expandia-se assim fortemente o poder de deliberação e de ação da alta oficialidade militar, sem mediação do poder civil. Banalizou-se a ocupação do espaço civil por militares. Sinalizando que a militarização do país apenas inicia, Michel Temer sugeriu a eventual extensão da intervenção militar federal na segurança pública a outros estados. O Rio de Janeiro sequer se encontra entre as regiões mais violentas do Brasil. Paradoxalmente, não houve pronunciamento contrário firme do Partido dos Trabalhadores, do Partido Comunista do Brasil, do PDT, do PSB, contra a escalada golpista. Nos Conselho da República e de Defesa Nacional, consultivos, os representantes do PT se abstiveram, "por falta de informação", ao ser votada a intervenção militar no Rio de Janeiro. O próprio PSOL tem criticado a decisão sobretudo como se se tratasse de mera medida eleitoreira, procurando vitaminar o presidente e seu partido, que se encontravam em estado agônico, antes da entrega da segurança fluminense aos militares. A intervenção militar na segurança conta com a simpatia de amplos segmentos das classes médias e populares fluminenses. Porém, parece ser forte a oposição dos milhões de moradores das "favelas", objetos das violências tradicionais policiais-militares. Quanto a organizações como o PSTU e grupos organizados do PSOL que negaram a própria materialidade do golpe de 2016, eles vivem atualmente enredados na passada incongruência que, junto com tantas outras da mesma natureza, assinalam degeneração política possivelmente irreversível. Não poucos grupos e segmentos políticos da esquerda apontam em sentido totalmente contrário. Vêem nas recentes iniciativas do governo golpista e nas repetidas declarações de oficiais militares superiores do Exército da ativa e da reserva a inexorável marcha em direção a um golpe militar. O Brasil estaria, portanto, às portas de um regime castrense semelhante aos que se abateram sobre o Brasil e a América Latina nos anos 1960-70.
Journal of Human Ecology, 2020
Indiscriminate use of pesticides is troublesome in our environment, creating toxic soils, groundwater, ponds and lakes, and oceans. Application of chemical pest control results in the death of many insects. These toxic chemicals interrupt entire ecosystems, causing havoc on pollinators such as bees and other beneficial insects, birds and animals as well as humans. It has been estimated that about 2.5 million tons of pesticides are used on crops each year, and that the worldwide damage caused by pesticides reaches $100 billion annually. This paper summarizes the results found in the scientific literature and highlights the fact that secondary metabolites of plants are involved in the interaction with other species, primarily in the defense response of plants against pests. These secondary metabolites sometimes called botanicals represent a huge reservoir of chemical structures with pesticidal activity largely underutilized in modern times compared to the industrial scale seen with chemical pesticides. There are several advantages of botanical pesticides including fast degradation by sunlight and moisture or by detoxifying enzymes. The target-specific nature and lower phytotoxicity of these botanicals have prompted researchers to investigate more in depth the mechanisms of action and structure-activity relationship of these botanicals in order to evaluate their potential as a viable pest management system. Higher plants produce a diverse array of secondary metabolites, which include phenols, terpenes, alkaloids, lignans and their glycosides. This variety of active compounds plays a significant role in the defense mechanisms of plants, and potentially offers a more sustainable platform to develop structural prototypes in order to identify lead molecules/products that can eventually serve as new environmentally friendly pest control agents. Alternative green methods of pest control are found in essential oils as single or multi component preparations. The positive results in repellency and killing of predatory insects proved to be both safe and biodegradable and have a broad spectrum of applications with no re-entry time. Essential oil pest controls are widely used in organic pest management practices globally, and the emerging market reflects steady growth in agriculture, home and garden, equine, livestock, turf, pets and more. Moreover, new fields of business, research and development for understanding the complexities of plant-based oils and their benefits can be created.
L'immagine di Clio. Approcci e metodi della ricerca storica, seminario a cura di Gianclaudio Civale, Dottorato di ricerca in Studi storici, Università degli Studi di Milano
Archeologia Polski, 2017
Nietzsches Plastik Ästhetische Phänomenologie im Spiegel des Lebens. , 2021
Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 2014
Operational Research, 2012
Cancer Microenvironment, 2012
Revista de Patologia …, 2008
Social Science & Medicine, 1994
Geological Quarterly, 2004
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1996
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 2004
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2006