Reflective Clothing is Attractive to Pedestrians
Theresa M. Costello and Michael S. Wogalter
Department of Psychology
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7801 USA
Motor vehicle crash fatalities involving pedestrians result in 1.8 deaths per 100,000 population annually in
the US. Most of these fatalities are attributed to the pedestrian not being seen in time for the driver to
avoid a collision, particularly under poor lighting conditions. Previous research shows that reflective
clothing worn at night significantly increases a pedestrian’s visual conspicuity to drivers, especially when
worn on a part of the body that moves. The purpose of the present research was to examine pedestrians’
willingness to pay an additional dollar amount for clothing providing increased conspicuity at night. Two
studies were conducted with sample sizes of n = 340 and 325, respectively, comprised of university
students and non-students. Findings from these two studies suggest that over 49 percent of respondents
would be willing to pay an additional amount ($33 versus $30) for a sweat shirt or jacket, and over 60
percent would pay the same additional amount for athletic shoes. These findings suggest that a relatively
large segment of the population are interested in and would be willing to spend more for clothing with
reflective material. In both studies, significantly more women than men selected the reflective material
option. Respondents spending more time outdoors at dusk or at night walking, running or jogging
professed a significantly greater willingness to purchase the reflective clothing than respondents reporting
spending less time outdoors at dusk or after dark. Implications for product marketing and future research
are discussed.
Public road crashes are a major safety issue, accounting
for 28 percent of all deaths due to injury in the U.S.
(Martinez, 2000). Approximately half of all motor vehicle
crash fatalities involve pedestrians, resulting in 1.8 deaths per
100,000 population annually (Langham and Moberly, 2003).
One of the primary causes of public road crashes involving
pedestrians is lack of conspicuity (Shinar, 1978; Owens and
Sivak, 1993, 1996). Under conditions of poor visibility such
as at night, pedestrians are not seen in enough time to avoid a
crash (Langham et al., 2003). Relatively more pedestrian
accidents occur at night than at any other time of day, when
controlling for public road exposure and vehicle flow
(Goodwin and Hutchinson, 1977). Increasing pedestrian
conspicuity to enable vehicle drivers to see them is one
important method for increasing public road safety (Greatrix
and Smithies, 1999; Lesley, 1995).
Conspicuity is defined by Lesley (1995) as the extent to
which an object “stands out from its surroundings.” Objects
considered “conspicuous,” therefore, do not require extensive
visual search to be successfully detected. Rather, they quickly
grab the attention of the observer and focus it on the object
(Engel, 1971). Hills (1980) defined conspicuity as the extent
to which an object, such as a pedestrian, is above the “just
visible limit” (JVL), thus allowing it to be detected.
According to Signal Detection Theory (e.g., Parasuraman,
Masalonis, and Hancock, 2000), more “conspicuous” objects
would have a higher hit rate for accurate signal detection due
to increased signal sensitivity.
While conspicuity mainly refers to “bottom up” perceptual
processes (i.e., correctly detecting the object), consequent
processing also involves “top-down” cognitive processes,
such as vehicle driver expectations (Langham et al., 2003).
Most vehicle crashes involving pedestrians occur when the
driver does not expect the encounter (Langham et al., 2003).
How an unexpected object, such as a pedestrian, attracts
attention relates to its attentional conspicuity (Langham et al.,
2003). Attentional conspicuity, i.e. the object’s ability to be
detected, is affected by its size, its contrast with the
background, the ambient light levels, the presence of glare,
and its physical properties (Hughes and Cole, 1986). Relative
conspicuity depends on the context. Thus, something
conspicuous in one environment may not be conspicuous in
another environment.
One solution to make pedestrians more conspicuous at
night is to have reflective material on clothing. Beith,
Sanders, and Peay (1982) showed that reflective material
placed on clothing increased detection accuracy compared
with non- or minimally reflective clothing. Harrell (1993,
1994) showed that pedestrians wearing highly conspicuous
clothing were more likely to cause drivers to stop in marked
crosswalks than when pedestrians were wearing less
conspicuous clothing. This increase in detection accuracy at a
greater distance allows the machine or vehicle operator more
time to avoid hitting a worker or pedestrian and thus would
likely contribute to accident rate reductions (Beith et al.,
While reflective material can be found on some clothing
and footwear, the assessment of its perceived value to
consumers has not been adequately addressed in the research
literature. The addition of reflective material to clothing
would necessitate a relatively small increase in the selling
price of the garment or footwear to cover the increase in cost
of goods. Thus, a concern is that consumers may not be
willing to pay even a relatively small dollar amount more for
increased conspicuity at night. Little is known regarding
consumers’ interest in purchasing reflective clothing. In
addition, little is known regarding the marketability of the
added safety benefit reflective material offers. Therefore, the
principal purpose of this research was to assess whether
consumers are willing to pay a somewhat higher price for the
added safety of reflective clothing and to identify specific
target groups most interested in the feature.
material for $33. The other alternative was to purchase
clothing without reflective material for $30.
In the second study, participants were asked to complete
two tasks. First, participants read a statement nearly identical
to the one above. The difference was that instead of asking
about a generalized article of clothing, they were asked
specifically about purchasing athletic shoes. Participants
responded by marking one of the alternatives mentioned
above, i.e., would purchase athletic shoes with reflective
material for $33 or athletic shoes without reflective material
for $30.
Also in the second study, participants were asked to report
how often they walk/run/jog at dusk or in the dark. They
responded by checking one of the following five alternatives:
approximately every day, approximately once or twice a
week, approximately once or twice a month, approximately
once or twice a year, and never. Participants responded by
marking one of the above alternatives.
Two studies were conducted with samples of volunteers
from the Raleigh-Durham area of central North Carolina. In
the first study, 340 individuals were recruited to complete a
questionnaire. Approximately 43 percent of respondents were
non-students employed in a variety of occupations or retired.
Fifty-seven percent of respondents were North Carolina State
University (NCSU) students, majoring in various subject
areas. The overall mean age was 28 (SD = 13.2 years; range
= 17 to 80 years old). Sixty-two percent of participants were
In the second study, 325 individuals participated. Thirtytwo percent were non-students and the remainder were NCSU
students. Mean age was 25 (SD = 9.8 years; range = 18 to 79
years old). Sixty-five percent of participants were male.
In the first study, participants were asked to read the
paragraph below, and then to indicate whether they would be
more likely to purchase a piece of clothing with or without the
reflective material:
Responses to the questions regarding willingness to pay
more for clothing or athletic footwear with reflective material
are presented in Table 1 below. Forty-nine percent of Study 1
participants reported being willing to pay an additional $3 for
clothing that offers the added safety of reflective material, and
over 60 percent of Study 2 participants were willing to pay the
same $3 premium for athletic footwear. In both studies,
women were significantly more willing to purchase clothing
with reflective material compared to men (Mantel-Haenzel X2
[1, n = 340] = 4.4, p < 0.05 in Study 1; Mantel-Haenzel X2 [1,
n = 325] = 10.3, p < .001 in Study 2).
Pedestrians are sometimes not seen at night by
drivers. Sometimes (though not all of the time) they
can be seen better if they are wearing clothing that
has reflective material like that found on some
athletic-type shoes. Assume that at a department
store there are two articles of clothing (for
example, a sweat shirt and light jacket) that you
like, and you are considering purchasing one of
them. Suppose that they differ only by the fact that
one is trimmed with a small amount of reflective
material in places that did not impair the clothing’s
attractiveness. The garment without the reflective
material sells for $30, and the garment with the
reflective material sells for $3 more or $33.
Participants responded by marking one of the alternatives.
One alternative was to purchase clothing with reflective
Table 1. Response percentages on willingness to purchase
reflective clothing (Study 1) or athletic footwear (Study 2)
and as a function of gender
Willing to pay $30
for item without
reflective material
Willing to pay $33
for item with
reflective material
Study 1
Males (n=210)
Females (n = 130)
Study 2
Males (n=213)
Females (n=112)
Table 2 provides findings comparing reports of how often
individuals walk, run or jog at dusk or after dark with their
willingness to purchase clothing with reflective material. For
data analysis purposes, the frequency of outdoor activity at
night responses were divided into two categories: more (one
or more times a month), and less (once or twice a year or
less). The data in Table 2 below suggest that individuals who
report spending more time walking, running or jogging
outdoors at dusk or after dark are significantly more willing to
pay more for athletic footwear with reflective material then
individuals who spend less time outdoors at dusk or after dark
(Mantel-Haenzel X2 [1, n = 325] = 14.9, p < .001)
Table 2. Response Frequencies for item asking how often
individuals walk, run or jog at dusk or in the dark with item
asking willingness to purchase athletic footwear with or
without reflective material (Study 2, n = 325).
Willing to pay $30
for item without
reflective material
Willing to pay $33
for item with
reflective material
Walk/run/jog less at
dusk or in the dark
Walk/run/jog more at
dusk or in the dark
The findings of these two studies suggest that there is a
potentially large market for clothing and athletic footwear
items that offer the added safety of increased conspicuity at
night in an aesthetically attractive manner. Approximately 50
percent of respondents in Study 1 indicated they would pay $3
more for non-specific clothing with reflective material, and
over 60 percent of respondents in Study 2 said they would pay
the same additional amount for athletic footwear with
reflective material. These findings suggest a substantial
number of consumers find the concept of clothing with
reflective material attractive.
The difference in response rates when asking about
willingness to purchase non-specific clothing with reflective
material versus willingness to specifically purchase athletic
footwear suggests that consumers may have different pricing
expectations for different types of products. Marketers would
benefit from future research providing insights into consumer
preferences regarding willingness to pay for a variety of
clothing and footwear items featuring reflective material.
Consumer responses in Studies 1 and 2 regarding
willingness to purchase clothing with reflective material were
made based on the assumption that the reflective clothing
would be as aesthetically appealing as the same item without
reflective material. Limited consumer research is available in
the literature to guide clothing design decisions regarding
consumer preferences for the aesthetic presentation of
reflective material on clothing. In order to successfully
position reflective material in the consumer’s’ mind as a
valuable added safety feature to clothing that is worth paying
more for, consumer research is warranted to help guide
reflective clothing design and marketing decision making
regarding product aesthetics.
Research findings from Beith and colleagues (1982)
suggest that reflective material placement and configuration
play a role in providing the greatest amount of conspicuity to
the pedestrian or worker. To successfully marry aesthetics
with conspicuity, additional consumer research is needed to
better understand how such considerations as type, quantity
and placement of reflective material, as well as product
durability, influence clothing purchase decision making. Since
conspicuity is also context dependent, studies assessing what
types of reflective materials work best for what types of
nighttime environments and activities would be helpful in
addressing consumers’ reflective clothing needs.
In both studies, women were significantly more likely to
pay $3 more for the added safety benefit of reflective material
than men. Women often influence the purchase decision of
other target groups, such as men and children. Children are
especially at risk for pedestrian-related vehicle crashes. To
capitalize on women’s influence on purchase decisions of
others, advertising and promotional efforts could target their
message toward women, thus more cost effectively tapping
into both the potential male and child market segments.
Individuals in Study 2, who reported spending more time
outdoors at dusk or after dark, were significantly more willing
to pay an additional $3 for reflective athletic footwear than
individuals reporting spending less time outdoors at dusk or
after dark. Other investigations might examine how reflective
material could best serve this consumer group.
In summary, the data from these two studies suggest there
is a viable potential market for reflective clothing and
footwear. Half or more of all respondents in both studies
would purchase clothing or athletic footwear with reflective
material even though the items cost more. Women and
individuals who spend more time outdoors at dusk or after
dark were significantly more willing to pay extra for the added
safety feature of reflective material. In addition to targeting
these interested consumer groups, individuals not currently
interested in reflective clothing or footwear might be more
willing to purchase it if exposed to consumer campaigns
designed to increase awareness of the safety benefits
associated with reflective material, as well as its aesthetic
The authors would like to acknowledge Barry H. Beith and
Shanna Ward for their input and assistance.
Beith B.H., Sanders, M.S. & Peay, J.M. (1982). Using
retroreflective material to enhance the conspicuity of
coal miners. Human Factors, 24, 727-735.
Blomberg, R.D., Hale, A. & Preusser, D.F. (1986).
Experimental evaluation of alternative conspicuityenhancement techniques for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Journal of Safety Research, 17, 1-12.
Bloomfield, J.R. (1973). Experiments in visual search. In
Visual Search (pp. 1-25). Washington, DC: National
Academy of Science.
Cole, B.L. & Jenkins, S.E. (1984). The effect of variability
of background elements on the conspicuity of objects.
Vision Research, 24, 261-270.
Engel, F.L. (1971). Visual conspicuity, directed attention and
retinal locus. Vision Research, 11, 563-576.
Goodwin, P.B. & Hutchinson, T.P. (1977). The risk of
walking. Transportation, 6, 217-230.
Greatrix, G. & Smithies, J. (1999). Conspicuity of
pedestrians. Impact, 8, 59-61.
Harrell, W.A. (1993). The impact of pedestrian visibility and
assertiveness on motorist yielding. Journal of Social
Psychology, 133, 353-360.
Harrell, W.A. (1994). Effects of pedestrians’ visibility and
signs on motorists’ yielding. Perceptual and Motor
Skills, 78, 355-362.
Hills, B.L. (1980). Vision, visibility and perception in
driving. Perception, 9, 183-216.
Hughes, P.K. & Cole, B.L. (1986). What attracts attention
when driving? Ergonomics, 29, 377-391.
Jenkins, S.E. & Cole, B.L. (1982). The effect of the density
of background elements on the conspicuity of targets.
Vision Research, 22, 1241-1252.
Langham, M.P. & Moberly, N.J. (2003). Pedestrian
conspicuity research: A review. Ergonomics, 4, 345363.
Lesley, G. (1995). Enhancing the daytime conspicuity of
pedestrians through the usage of flourescent materials.
Color Research and Application, 20, 117-123.
Luoma, J. & Penttinen, M. (1998). Effects of experience
with retroreflectors on recognition of nighttime
pedestrians: comparison of drver performance in
Finland and Michigan. Transportation Research Part
F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 1F 47-58.
Luoma, J., Schumann, J. & Traube, E. C. (1996). Effects of
retroreflector positioning on nighttime recognition of
pedestrians. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 28,
Martinez, R. (2000). How to reach the optimal traffic safety
environment: the American perspective. In von Holst,
H., A. Nygren & A. E. Andersson (Eds.)
Transportation traffic safety and health: Man and
machine. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
Moberly, N.J. & Langham, M.P. (2002). Pedestrian
conspicuity at night: failure to observe a biological
motion advantage in a high-cluster environment.
Applied Cognitive Psychology, 16, 477-485.
Olson, P.L., Halstead-Nussloch, R. & Sivak, M. (1981). The
effect of improvements in motorcycle/motorcyclist
conspicuity on driver behavior. Human Factors, 23,
Owens, D.A. & Sivak, M. (1993). The role of reduced
visibility in nighttime road fatalities. Ann Arbor, MI:
University of Michigan Transportation Research
Institute. Report No. UMTRI-93-33.
Owens, D.A., Antonoff, R.J. & Francis, E.L. (1994).
Biological motion and nighttime pedestrian
conspicuity. Human Factors, 36, 718-732.
Owens, D.A. & Sivak, M. (1996). Differentiation of visibility
and alcohol as contributors to twilight road fatalities.
Human Factors, 38, 680-689.
Parasuraman, R., Masalonis, A. J. & Hancock, P.A. (2000).
Fuzzy signal detection theory: Basic postulates and
formulas for analyzing human and machine
performance. Human Factors,42, 636-659.
Shinar, D. (1978). Psychology on the road: The human
factor in traffic safety. New York, NY: Wiley.
Reflective Clothing is Attractive to Pedestrians
Theresa M. Costello and Michael S. Wogalter
Department of Psychology
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7801 USA
Motor vehicle crash fatalities involving pedestrians result in 1.8 deaths per 100,000 population annually in
the US. Most of these fatalities are attributed to the pedestrian not being seen in time for the driver to
avoid a collision, particularly under poor lighting conditions. Previous research shows that reflective
clothing worn at night significantly increases a pedestrian’s visual conspicuity to drivers, especially when
worn on a part of the body that moves. The purpose of the present research was to examine pedestrians’
willingness to pay an additional dollar amount for clothing providing increased conspicuity at night. Two
studies were conducted with sample sizes of n = 340 and 325, respectively, comprised of university
students and non-students. Findings from these two studies suggest that over 49 percent of respondents
would be willing to pay an additional amount ($33 versus $30) for a sweat shirt or jacket, and over 60
percent would pay the same additional amount for athletic shoes. These findings suggest that a relatively
large segment of the population are interested in and would be willing to spend more for clothing with
reflective material. In both studies, significantly more women than men selected the reflective material
option. Respondents spending more time outdoors at dusk or at night walking, running or jogging
professed a significantly greater willingness to purchase the reflective clothing than respondents reporting
spending less time outdoors at dusk or after dark. Implications for product marketing and future research
are discussed.
Public road crashes are a major safety issue, accounting
for 28 percent of all deaths due to injury in the U.S.
(Martinez, 2000). Approximately half of all motor vehicle
crash fatalities involve pedestrians, resulting in 1.8 deaths per
100,000 population annually (Langham and Moberly, 2003).
One of the primary causes of public road crashes involving
pedestrians is lack of conspicuity (Shinar, 1978; Owens and
Sivak, 1993, 1996). Under conditions of poor visibility such
as at night, pedestrians are not seen in enough time to avoid a
crash (Langham et al., 2003). Relatively more pedestrian
accidents occur at night than at any other time of day, when
controlling for public road exposure and vehicle flow
(Goodwin and Hutchinson, 1977). Increasing pedestrian
conspicuity to enable vehicle drivers to see them is one
important method for increasing public road safety (Greatrix
and Smithies, 1999; Lesley, 1995).
Conspicuity is defined by Lesley (1995) as the extent to
which an object “stands out from its surroundings.” Objects
considered “conspicuous,” therefore, do not require extensive
visual search to be successfully detected. Rather, they quickly
grab the attention of the observer and focus it on the object
(Engel, 1971). Hills (1980) defined conspicuity as the extent
to which an object, such as a pedestrian, is above the “just
visible limit” (JVL), thus allowing it to be detected.
According to Signal Detection Theory (e.g., Parasuraman,
Masalonis, and Hancock, 2000), more “conspicuous” objects
would have a higher hit rate for accurate signal detection due
to increased signal sensitivity.
While conspicuity mainly refers to “bottom up” perceptual
processes (i.e., correctly detecting the object), consequent
processing also involves “top-down” cognitive processes,
such as vehicle driver expectations (Langham et al., 2003).
Most vehicle crashes involving pedestrians occur when the
driver does not expect the encounter (Langham et al., 2003).
How an unexpected object, such as a pedestrian, attracts
attention relates to its attentional conspicuity (Langham et al.,
2003). Attentional conspicuity, i.e. the object’s ability to be
detected, is affected by its size, its contrast with the
background, the ambient light levels, the presence of glare,
and its physical properties (Hughes and Cole, 1986). Relative
conspicuity depends on the context. Thus, something
conspicuous in one environment may not be conspicuous in
another environment.
One solution to make pedestrians more conspicuous at
night is to have reflective material on clothing. Beith,
Sanders, and Peay (1982) showed that reflective material
placed on clothing increased detection accuracy compared
with non- or minimally reflective clothing. Harrell (1993,
1994) showed that pedestrians wearing highly conspicuous
clothing were more likely to cause drivers to stop in marked
crosswalks than when pedestrians were wearing less
conspicuous clothing. This increase in detection accuracy at a
greater distance allows the machine or vehicle operator more
time to avoid hitting a worker or pedestrian and thus would
likely contribute to accident rate reductions (Beith et al.,
While reflective material can be found on some clothing
and footwear, the assessment of its perceived value to
consumers has not been adequately addressed in the research
literature. The addition of reflective material to clothing
would necessitate a relatively small increase in the selling
price of the garment or footwear to cover the increase in cost
of goods. Thus, a concern is that consumers may not be
willing to pay even a relatively small dollar amount more for
increased conspicuity at night. Little is known regarding
consumers’ interest in purchasing reflective clothing. In
addition, little is known regarding the marketability of the
added safety benefit reflective material offers. Therefore, the
principal purpose of this research was to assess whether
consumers are willing to pay a somewhat higher price for the
added safety of reflective clothing and to identify specific
target groups most interested in the feature.
material for $33. The other alternative was to purchase
clothing without reflective material for $30.
In the second study, participants were asked to complete
two tasks. First, participants read a statement nearly identical
to the one above. The difference was that instead of asking
about a generalized article of clothing, they were asked
specifically about purchasing athletic shoes. Participants
responded by marking one of the alternatives mentioned
above, i.e., would purchase athletic shoes with reflective
material for $33 or athletic shoes without reflective material
for $30.
Also in the second study, participants were asked to report
how often they walk/run/jog at dusk or in the dark. They
responded by checking one of the following five alternatives:
approximately every day, approximately once or twice a
week, approximately once or twice a month, approximately
once or twice a year, and never. Participants responded by
marking one of the above alternatives.
Two studies were conducted with samples of volunteers
from the Raleigh-Durham area of central North Carolina. In
the first study, 340 individuals were recruited to complete a
questionnaire. Approximately 43 percent of respondents were
non-students employed in a variety of occupations or retired.
Fifty-seven percent of respondents were North Carolina State
University (NCSU) students, majoring in various subject
areas. The overall mean age was 28 (SD = 13.2 years; range
= 17 to 80 years old). Sixty-two percent of participants were
In the second study, 325 individuals participated. Thirtytwo percent were non-students and the remainder were NCSU
students. Mean age was 25 (SD = 9.8 years; range = 18 to 79
years old). Sixty-five percent of participants were male.
In the first study, participants were asked to read the
paragraph below, and then to indicate whether they would be
more likely to purchase a piece of clothing with or without the
reflective material:
Responses to the questions regarding willingness to pay
more for clothing or athletic footwear with reflective material
are presented in Table 1 below. Forty-nine percent of Study 1
participants reported being willing to pay an additional $3 for
clothing that offers the added safety of reflective material, and
over 60 percent of Study 2 participants were willing to pay the
same $3 premium for athletic footwear. In both studies,
women were significantly more willing to purchase clothing
with reflective material compared to men (Mantel-Haenzel X2
[1, n = 340] = 4.4, p < 0.05 in Study 1; Mantel-Haenzel X2 [1,
n = 325] = 10.3, p < .001 in Study 2).
Pedestrians are sometimes not seen at night by
drivers. Sometimes (though not all of the time) they
can be seen better if they are wearing clothing that
has reflective material like that found on some
athletic-type shoes. Assume that at a department
store there are two articles of clothing (for
example, a sweat shirt and light jacket) that you
like, and you are considering purchasing one of
them. Suppose that they differ only by the fact that
one is trimmed with a small amount of reflective
material in places that did not impair the clothing’s
attractiveness. The garment without the reflective
material sells for $30, and the garment with the
reflective material sells for $3 more or $33.
Participants responded by marking one of the alternatives.
One alternative was to purchase clothing with reflective
Table 1. Response percentages on willingness to purchase
reflective clothing (Study 1) or athletic footwear (Study 2)
and as a function of gender
Willing to pay $30
for item without
reflective material
Willing to pay $33
for item with
reflective material
Study 1
Males (n=210)
Females (n = 130)
Study 2
Males (n=213)
Females (n=112)
Table 2 provides findings comparing reports of how often
individuals walk, run or jog at dusk or after dark with their
willingness to purchase clothing with reflective material. For
data analysis purposes, the frequency of outdoor activity at
night responses were divided into two categories: more (one
or more times a month), and less (once or twice a year or
less). The data in Table 2 below suggest that individuals who
report spending more time walking, running or jogging
outdoors at dusk or after dark are significantly more willing to
pay more for athletic footwear with reflective material then
individuals who spend less time outdoors at dusk or after dark
(Mantel-Haenzel X2 [1, n = 325] = 14.9, p < .001)
Table 2. Response Frequencies for item asking how often
individuals walk, run or jog at dusk or in the dark with item
asking willingness to purchase athletic footwear with or
without reflective material (Study 2, n = 325).
Willing to pay $30
for item without
reflective material
Willing to pay $33
for item with
reflective material
Walk/run/jog less at
dusk or in the dark
Walk/run/jog more at
dusk or in the dark
The findings of these two studies suggest that there is a
potentially large market for clothing and athletic footwear
items that offer the added safety of increased conspicuity at
night in an aesthetically attractive manner. Approximately 50
percent of respondents in Study 1 indicated they would pay $3
more for non-specific clothing with reflective material, and
over 60 percent of respondents in Study 2 said they would pay
the same additional amount for athletic footwear with
reflective material. These findings suggest a substantial
number of consumers find the concept of clothing with
reflective material attractive.
The difference in response rates when asking about
willingness to purchase non-specific clothing with reflective
material versus willingness to specifically purchase athletic
footwear suggests that consumers may have different pricing
expectations for different types of products. Marketers would
benefit from future research providing insights into consumer
preferences regarding willingness to pay for a variety of
clothing and footwear items featuring reflective material.
Consumer responses in Studies 1 and 2 regarding
willingness to purchase clothing with reflective material were
made based on the assumption that the reflective clothing
would be as aesthetically appealing as the same item without
reflective material. Limited consumer research is available in
the literature to guide clothing design decisions regarding
consumer preferences for the aesthetic presentation of
reflective material on clothing. In order to successfully
position reflective material in the consumer’s’ mind as a
valuable added safety feature to clothing that is worth paying
more for, consumer research is warranted to help guide
reflective clothing design and marketing decision making
regarding product aesthetics.
Research findings from Beith and colleagues (1982)
suggest that reflective material placement and configuration
play a role in providing the greatest amount of conspicuity to
the pedestrian or worker. To successfully marry aesthetics
with conspicuity, additional consumer research is needed to
better understand how such considerations as type, quantity
and placement of reflective material, as well as product
durability, influence clothing purchase decision making. Since
conspicuity is also context dependent, studies assessing what
types of reflective materials work best for what types of
nighttime environments and activities would be helpful in
addressing consumers’ reflective clothing needs.
In both studies, women were significantly more likely to
pay $3 more for the added safety benefit of reflective material
than men. Women often influence the purchase decision of
other target groups, such as men and children. Children are
especially at risk for pedestrian-related vehicle crashes. To
capitalize on women’s influence on purchase decisions of
others, advertising and promotional efforts could target their
message toward women, thus more cost effectively tapping
into both the potential male and child market segments.
Individuals in Study 2, who reported spending more time
outdoors at dusk or after dark, were significantly more willing
to pay an additional $3 for reflective athletic footwear than
individuals reporting spending less time outdoors at dusk or
after dark. Other investigations might examine how reflective
material could best serve this consumer group.
In summary, the data from these two studies suggest there
is a viable potential market for reflective clothing and
footwear. Half or more of all respondents in both studies
would purchase clothing or athletic footwear with reflective
material even though the items cost more. Women and
individuals who spend more time outdoors at dusk or after
dark were significantly more willing to pay extra for the added
safety feature of reflective material. In addition to targeting
these interested consumer groups, individuals not currently
interested in reflective clothing or footwear might be more
willing to purchase it if exposed to consumer campaigns
designed to increase awareness of the safety benefits
associated with reflective material, as well as its aesthetic
The authors would like to acknowledge Barry H. Beith and
Shanna Ward for their input and assistance.
Beith B.H., Sanders, M.S. & Peay, J.M. (1982). Using
retroreflective material to enhance the conspicuity of
coal miners. Human Factors, 24, 727-735.
Blomberg, R.D., Hale, A. & Preusser, D.F. (1986).
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