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Type N universal spacetime
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2015 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 600 012065
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Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2014): almost 100 years after Einstein’s revolution
IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 600 (2015) 012065
Type N universal spacetimes
S. Hervik1 , V. Pravda2 , A. Pravdová2
Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger, N-4036 Stavanger, Norway;
Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Žitná 25, 115 67 Prague 1, Czech Republic
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract. Universal spacetimes are vacuum solutions to all theories of gravity with the
Lagrangian L = L(gab , Rabcd , ∇a1 Rbcde , . . . , ∇a1 ...ap Rbcde ). Well known examples of universal
spacetimes are plane waves which are of the Weyl type N. Here, we discuss recent results on
necessary and sufficient conditions for all Weyl type N spacetimes in arbitrary dimension and we
conclude that a type N spacetime is universal if and only if it is an Einstein Kundt spacetime.
We also summarize the main points of the proof of this result.
1. Introduction
Due to the diffeomorphism invariance, correction terms in perturbative quantum gravity which
are added to the Einstein action consist of curvature invariants constructed from the Riemann
tensor and its covariant derivatives. The resulting modified field equations are in general very
complicated. In the case where only correction terms quadratic in the Riemann tensor are added
to the Einstein-Hilbert action - the so called quadratic gravity,
n √
S = d x −g
(R − 2Λ0 ) + αR + βRab + γ Rabcd − 4Rab + R
the field equations read [1]
Rab − Rgab + Λ0 gab + 2αR Rab − Rgab + (2α + β) (gab − ∇a ∇b ) R
+2γ RRab − 2Racbd Rcd + Racde Rbcde − 2Rac Rbc − gab Rcdef
− 4Rcd
+ R2
+β Rab − Rgab + 2β Racbd − gab Rcd Rcd = 0.
Interestingly, there exist vacuum solutions of Einstein’s gravity (with possibly non-zero
cosmological constant) that are “immune” to these corrections, i.e they are vacuum solutions to
both theories, the Einstein gravity and the quadratic gravity.
For instance, it has been shown in [2] that for type N1 Einstein spacetimes, all terms in
(2) are proportional to the metric and thus in arbitrary dimension all Weyl type N Einstein
Type N spacetimes in the algebraic classification of tensors introduced in [3], recently reviewed in [4] and briefly
discussed in section 2.
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Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2014): almost 100 years after Einstein’s revolution
IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 600 (2015) 012065
spacetimes with appropriately chosen effective cosmological constant Λ are exact solutions of
quadratic gravity (2).
It is a natural question to ask whether some of the type N Einstein spacetimes solve also
more general theories than (2). Here, we will be interested in the so called universal spacetimes
first introduced in [5].
Definition 1.1. A metric is called universal if all conserved symmetric rank-2 tensors
constructed from the metric, the Riemann tensor and its covariant derivatives of arbitrary
order2 are multiples of the metric.
Vacuum field equations of modified gravities obtained by varying a diffeomorphism invariant
Lagrangian with respect to the metric are conserved, rank-2, and symmetric and therefore
universal spacetimes solve vacuum equations of all theories with the Lagrangian being a
polynomial curvature invariant in the form
L = L(gab , Rabcd , ∇a1 Rbcde , . . . , ∇a1 ...ap Rbcde ).
Obviously, all universal spacetimes are Einstein (i.e. Rab = (R/n)gab ), where n is the
dimension of the spacetime. So far, necessary and sufficient geometrical conditions for
universality are unknown. However, when considering only type N spacetimes, such conditions
can be found3 .
Theorem 1.2. A type N spacetime is universal if and only if it is an Einstein Kundt spacetime.
Note that special examples of Ricci-flat type N Kundt spacetimes are plane waves that were
identified as vacuum solutions of all theories given by (3) already in [8] and [9].
So far, we did not properly define type N spacetimes in arbitrary dimension and Kundt
spacetimes. These terms together with other basic definitions will be briefly reviewed in the
next section. In section 3, we outline the key points of the necessity and sufficiency parts of the
proof of the theorem 1.2 and in section 4, we give explicit examples of type N universal metrics.
2. Preliminaries
We employ the algebraic classification of the Weyl tensor [3] and higher dimensional
generalizations of the Newman-Penrose [10, 11] and the Geroch-Held-Penrose formalisms [12].
We will follow the notation of [4, 12]. Here, let us give basic definitions just very briefly and
refer to [4] for more information.
We will work in a null frame with two null vectors ` and n and n − 2 spacelike vectors m(i)
`a `a = na na = 0,
`a na = 1,
m(i)a m(j)
a = δij ,
where coordinate indices a, b, . . . and frame indices i, j, . . . take values from 0 to n − 1 and 2 to
n − 1, respectively.
We say that a quantity q has a boost weight b if it transforms as
q̂ = λb q
under boosts
`ˆ = λ`,
n̂ = λ−1 n,
m̂(i) = m(i) .
We consider only symmetric rank-2 tensors constructed as contractions of polynomials from the metric, the
Riemann tensor and its covariant derivatives of arbitrary order, however, most of our results hold also for analytic
functions of such invariants.
The necessary conditions for universality were found in [6], sufficient conditions were also first proven in [6],
however, without a proof the result was stated already in [5] and brief general comments about some points of
the proof were also included by one of us in v2 of [7].
Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2014): almost 100 years after Einstein’s revolution
IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 600 (2015) 012065
By definition [3, 4], type N spacetimes are spacetimes for which the Weyl tensor (in an
appropriately chosen frame (4)) admits only components of boost weight -2 and thus can be
expressed as
Cabcd = 4Ω0 ij `{a m b `c m d } ,
where Ω0 ij is symmetric and traceless and for an arbitrary tensor Tabcd
T{abcd} ≡ (T[ab][cd] + T[cd][ab] ),
so that Cabcd = C{abcd} .
It can be shown [10] that for type N Einstein spacetimes, the multiple WAND4 ` is geodetic.
If we choose an affine parameterization we can express the covariant derivative of ` as
`a;b = L11 `a `b + L1i `a m b + τi m(i)
a `b + ρij m a m b .
Optical scalars of `, shear σ 2 , expansion θ and twist ω 2 can be expressed as
σ 2 = `(a;b) `(a;b) −
1 a
n−2 ` ;a ,
ω 2 = `[a;b] `a;b .
Now, we are ready to define Kundt spacetimes.
Definition 2.1. Kundt spacetimes are spacetimes admitting a null geodetic congruence ` with
vanishing shear, expansion and twist.
Kundt metrics in higher dimensions were introduced in [13, 14].
3. Main points of the proof of theorem 1.2
Let us briefly mention the main points of the proof [6] of the theorem 1.2.
3.1. Sufficiency
First, let us discuss the proof of the sufficiency part of the theorem 1.2 , i.e. the proof of the
statement that all Einstein type N Kundt spacetimes are universal. Thus, we want to show that
in this case, all rank-2 tensors constructed from the Weyl5 tensor and its covariant derivatives
are proportional to the metric (in fact, they vanish).
For rank-2 tensors constructed from the Weyl tensor only (without covariant derivatives),
the proof is very simple. Any rank-2 tensor has only terms of boost weight ≥ -2 and the type N
Weyl tensor admits only boost weight -2 terms. Therefore, all rank-2 tensors constructed from
the type N Weyl tensor which are quadratic or of a higher order in the Weyl tensor vanish and,
due to the tracelessness of the Weyl tensor, rank-2 tensors linear in the Weyl tensor vanish as
well. Thus, it is not possible to construct a non-vanishing rank-2 tensor from the type N Weyl
For covariant derivatives of the Weyl tensor, the proof is more involved. The key point is
Proposition 3.1. For type N Einstein Kundt spacetimes, the boost order of ∇(k) C (a covariant
derivative of an arbitrary order of the Weyl tensor) with respect to the multiple WAND is at
most −2.
Weyl aligned null direction [3].
Obviously, for Einstein spacetimes, the Ricci tensor is proportional to the metric and its covariant derivatives
Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2014): almost 100 years after Einstein’s revolution
IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 600 (2015) 012065
The proof of the above proposition [6] using balanced scalar approach introduced in [15] is
rather technical, and it relies on the special form of the Bianchi and Ricci identities for this class
of spacetimes.
A direct consequence is
Lemma 3.2. For type N Einstein Kundt spacetimes, rank-2 tensors constructed from ∇(k) C,
which are quadratic or of higher order in ∇(k) C, vanish.
Using the expression for the commutator of covariant derivatives, the above results and
the Bianchi identities, one can generalize the above lemma also to the case of rank-2 tensors
constructed from ∇(k) C, which are linear in ∇(k) C (see [6]). This completes the sufficient part
of the proof of the theorem 1.2.
3.2. Necessity
The proof of the necessity part of the theorem 1.2, i.e. the statement that all type N universal
spacetimes are Einstein and Kundt is based on another result of [6] that will be discussed in
more detail elsewhere in this volume
Theorem 3.3. A universal spacetime is necessarily a CSI spacetime.
CSI (constant curvature invariant) spacetimes are spacetimes for which all curvature
invariants constructed from the metric, the Riemann tensor and its derivatives of arbitrary
order are constant, see e.g. [14].
Let us study the simplest non-trivial curvature invariant for type N spacetimes [16]
IN ≡ C a1 b1 a2 b2 ;c1 c2 Ca1 d1 a2 d2 ;c1 c2 C e1 d1 e2 d2 ;f1 f2 Ce1 b1 e2 b2 ;f1 f2 .
In terms of higher dimensional GHP quantities, it can be shown [15] that IN is proportional
(via a numerical constant) to
IN ∝ (Ω0 22 )2 + (Ω0 23 )2 (S 2 + A2 )4 ,
where S and A are closely related to the optical scalars (see [6]). The invariant above is nonconstant unless the type N Einstein spacetime is Kundt [15] and thus, in this class of spacetimes,
only Kundt spacetimes are CSI.
From theorem 3.3, it follows that type N universal spacetimes are Kundt.
4. Explicit examples of universal type N Kundt metrics
By theorem 1.2, all type N Einstein Kundt metrics are universal. In four dimensions, all type
N Einstein Kundt metrics can be expressed as [17]
Q2 ,u
v − H du2 + 2 dx2 + dy 2 ,
ds2 = 2 2 dudv + 2k 2 v 2 +
β(u)2 + γ(u)2 ,
P = 1 + (x2 + y 2 ), k = α(u)2 +
Λ 2
Q = 1 − (x + y 2 ) α(u) + β(u)x + γ(u)y, H = 2f1,x −
(xf1 + yf2 ),
where α(u), β(u), γ(u) are free functions (see [18] for the canonical forms) and f1 = f1 (u, x, y)
and f2 = f2 (u, x, y) obey f1,x = f2,y , f1,y = −f2,x .
Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2014): almost 100 years after Einstein’s revolution
IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 600 (2015) 012065
Higher dimensional examples of type N universal metrics can be obtained by warping (13).
Another higher-dimensional example is (A)dS-wave [6]
ds2 = e−pw 2dudv + H(u, w, xM )du2 + δM N dxM dxN + dw2 ,
= 0. Further
with p being a constant and H obeying H,KL δ KL + H,ww − n−1
2 pH,w e
explicit examples can be found in [6].
V.P. and A.P. acknowledge support from research plan RVO: 67985840 and research grant GAČR
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