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The only produce i.e. caste wholly manufactured and exported from India. It is spreading like wildfire in the United States, Canada, UK and other countries stupendously. Made in India and the patent rights belong to all the Indians.
Globalization is as enthralling term these days as modernization, development and change have been for the last century. It was a daydream to think of the world as a global village. But few people like Mr. Rajiv Gandhi then Prime Minister and Dr. Man Mohan Singh then Finance Minister with their team had put in their best efforts in implementing new economic policies to facilitate this process in the last decade of 20th century and are remembered for bringing the dream of globalization to reality. Several
Globalization is the process which expands and accelerates the movement of people, ideas and exchange of commodities across vast distances. The whole world is now one big common place. Globalization affects people with respect to their way of life, culture, values, taste, fashion, preferences, etc. We live in an intensely interdependent world in which all the earth's people with immense differences of culture and historical experiences are compressed together. There has been both positive and negative impact of globalization on social and cultural values in India. However, there is no denying of the fact that globalization has brought cheers to people's life in a developing country like ours. The impact of globalization on local culture and the changing role of the nation can be examined by observing the particularities of the social and cultural patterns and their local, national and transnational manifestations in India. Today, culture is defined as an intellectual or moral discipline and training, a state of intellectual and artistic development or a historically transmitted pattern of meanings. The socio-cultural environment of a nation plays an important role in molding the future generations.
isara solutions, 2019
Globalization has a wide role to play worldwide. It has left back its footprints at every sphere of life. Not only in India, but the interchange of world views and ideas has resulted in a major transformation of the lifestyle and living standard of people globally. Indian culture is no bar to this transformation process. Our deep rooted traditions and customs have loosened up their hold with the emergence of globalization. India has a rich cultural background and pride of its culture is famous throughout the world. Globalization has not only inculcated the westernization in India, but conversely the Indian culture has also spread its impact globally. Culture and traditions of any geographic region hold a special significance with respect to its uniqueness and that is the differentiating factor for a population within a geographic boundary from the other. This uniqueness has been disturbed to the varying degrees in lieu of globalization. Such an impact is very much pronounced when they hit a developing country like India.
Third Concept , 2022
India is a land of different religions, communities and languages. Though each has its own tradition and culture, they co-exist. ‘Unity in diversity’ is the greatness of Indian culture. The impact of globalization on the world and more particularly on India is notable and tremendous. Covering a wide range of distinct political, economic, and cultural trends, the term “globalization” has become one of the most fashionable buzzwords of contemporary political and academic debate
The trend of ever-increasing economic interdependence has engendered countless conversations about ‘globalization’; a term used by both proponents and detractors who, in turn, laud or denounce the homogenization of technology, commodities, and culture across the globe. The push toward a global economy has increasingly become an international goal because of its potential for economic surplus. Despite globalization’s benefits, its pernicious effects on entire cultures are difficult to ignore, especially in countries without well-established economies (i.e., “emerging economies”). The economic and cultural implications of globalization significantly outweigh the benefits of economic gain in India. As global economies are becoming more prevalent around the world, India, which boasts a population of more than one-fifth of the world’s population operates as an epicenter for globalization. Common conceptualizations of globalization often include visions of native people embracing technology and improving their quality of life through access to the global market. Unfortunately, these schemas are more often found in cinema and in the minds of missionaries than in India’s native communities. India is home to the world’s second-largest population of indigenous people (Karunakar, 2011). They are especially vulnerable to the effects of government efforts at ‘modernization’ because they function within loose political organizations and small, isolated groups. This paper posits that the impacts of globalization can be seen in the erosion of indigenous cultures, decreased employment opportunities, the widening socio-economic gaps, and an increasingly dysfunctional agricultural sector.
Contemporary globalization has produced many changes in our economy, society, culture, and politics. To many, the quality of resilience that Indian culture had shown earlier is slowly diminishing now. But, this article argues that globalization is not a unidirectional process and there are several contrary trajectories, which have generated opposite reactions. Hence, along with homogenization of certain aspects of Indian culture, globalization has also helped in accelerating the growth of self-consciousness and cultural identities. The growing disparities among different segments of Indian population and the resultant unevenness in the spread of a global culture also proliferates diversity. As a corollary, several aspects of our custom and tradition continue to exist side by side as there is both adoption and rejection. The process of globalization is, therefore, much broader, complex, and multifaceted. The challenge today for us is to recognize and respect plurality and multiplicity as a better model of globalized social life.
As a central concept in the present day international scenario, globalization is difficult to define. Still, scholars have made attempts to provide a basic understanding of the concept. The concept has become inextricably linked with the process of transformation touching upon every aspect of social, political and economic development in the globe. It can be seen as a process by which the population of the world is increasingly bonded into a single society. In the social front, globalization signifies closer interaction of people and homogenization of culture and value and the world being transformed into a 'global village'.
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