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জাহান্নামী জিন
Demography, 2013
We investigate factors affecting women’s decisions to terminate pregnancies in Matlab, Bangladesh, using logistic regression on high-quality data from the Demographic Surveillance System on more than 215,000 pregnancies that occurred between 1978 and 2008. Variables associated with the desire not to have another birth soon (very young and older maternal age, a greater number of living children, the recent birth of twins or of a son, a short interval since a recent live birth) are associated with a greater likelihood of pregnancy termination, and the effects of many of these explanatory variables are stronger in more recent years. Women are less likely to terminate a pregnancy if they don’t have any living sons or recently experienced a miscarriage, a stillbirth, or the death of a child. The higher the woman’s level of education, the more likely she is to terminate a pregnancy. Between 1982 and the mid-2000s, pregnancy termination was significantly less likely in the area of Matlab w...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Management Issues, 2021
Премьер-президентская система правления как тип полупрезиденциализма: основные характеристики и особенности функционирования ЭКОНОМИКА и УПРАВЛЕНИЕ Туристическая привлекательность россии ских регионов: коррупция имеет значение?
Siyasal İktisat, 2024
Bugünlerde dört bir yandan "kötülük" fışkırıyor. Kavramın nesnesinden değil, uğruna akıtılan mürekkepten, klavyeye parmakların vurduğu darbeden söz ediyorum düpedüz. Neredeyse para piyasalarının durumuna denk bir enflasyon var kullanımında. Kötülüğün Sıradanlığı'ndan Kötülüğün Şeffaflığı'na uzanan dikenli yolda, gündelik konuşmalardan muhalif analizlere kadar kulaklara en çok çarpan sözcüklerden biri kötülük artık. Enflasyonizmin kurbanı olan "kötülük", −karşıtı dışındaki− refakatçı kavramlara gönderme yapmaktaki cimriliğiyle bir vakitlerin "manidar"ını 1 anımsatıyor: Hiçbir şey söylemeden her şeyi söyleme kolaycılığını. Bedelsiz bir itiraz korkaklığını. Cesametini cüssesindeki kuvvetlerde ya da ağırlığında değil, muğlak yankılarının adressiz imalarında bulan bir tek başınalık pozunu.
La protezione costituzionale del diritto all'acqua pubblica tra crisi finanziaria e diritti umani. L'art. 70.a della Costituzione slovena sul " Diritto all'acqua potabile " di Andrea Crismani 30 dicembre 2016 SOMMARIO: 1. Crisi finanziaria e diritti umani. 2. I diritti finanziariamente condizionati, i diritti sacrificabili e le forme di Stato. 3. L'acqua come (nuovo) diritto fondamentale. 4. La costituzionalizzazione del diritto all'acqua: profili di comparazione e l'art. 70.a Cost. Slovenia. 5. I contenuti della garanzia costituzionale: diritto all'acqua come diritto sociale, collettivo e individuale. 6. Le ragioni della protezione costituzionale.
Adaptación española: 16 PF quinta edición, 1.995. Administración: Individual y colectiva.
POR CUANTO: GOBIERNO REGIONAL DE UCAYALI Ordenanza Nº 009-2016-GRU-CR.-Aprueban Texto Único de Procedimientos Administrativos -TUPA de la Dirección Regional de Transportes y Comunicaciones 154 GOBIERNOS LOCALES MUNICIPALIDAD DE PUEBLO LIBRE RR.AA. Nºs. 474 y 475-2016-MPL-A.-Designan Ejecutor y Auxiliar Coactivo de la Municipalidad 155 PROVINCIAS MUNICIPALIDAD DE LA PUNTA Ordenanza Nº 002-2017-MDLP/AL.-Ordenanza que establece disposiciones para el ejercicio del comercio ambulatorio en el distrito 157 MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE CORONEL PORTILLO R.A. Nº 720-2016-MPCP.-Encomiendan la Representación Institucional a Regidor para asistir a la XXI Cumbre Mercociudades, y autorizan adquisición de pasajes 160 5 NORMAS LEGALES Sábado 7 de enero de 2017
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
The present paper aims to present the analysis and comparison of results of computational simulations using Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD) in impellers of centrifugal pump. Three impellers were simulated: 1) original impeller, 2) original impeller with splitter blades at outlet; 3) original impeller with splitter blades at inlet. The splitters occupied 30% of the length of the main blades. They were simulated using the ANSYS-CFX software system in 1500 rpm rotational speed and at different flow rates. The turbulence model assumed was the Shear Stress Transport (SST). The results were used to build impeller blade head curves, besides the presentation of pressure distribution and streamline behaviour inside the impeller. It was verified that the insertion of the splitter blades reduced the impeller blade head, mainly the impeller with outlet splitter, whose reduction was more intense.
El Palacio, 1990
Journals International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2024
CADA Newsletter Fall 2019, 2019
Psychology, Crime & Law, 2015
Revista Geminis, v. 10, n. 1, 2019
Ana A. Teruel (Coord.). ¿Qué fue el Éxodo Jujeño? Cartilla didáctica nivel primario. Ministerio de Educación de la Provincia de Jujuy. Unidad de Investigación en Historia Regional. FHyCS_UNJu. ISHIR-CONICET, 2012
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2009
Agricultural Sciences, 2015
African Journal of Biotechnology, 2015