POEMMA: Probe Of Extreme Multi-Messenger
Angela V. Olinto∗1†
1 Department
of Astronomy & Astrophysics, KICP, EFI, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL,
arXiv:1708.07599v1 [astro-ph.IM] 25 Aug 2017
[email protected]
J. H. Adams,2 R. Aloisio,3 L. A. Anchordoqui,4 D. R. Bergman,5 M. E. Bertaina,6 P.
Bertone,7 M. Bustamante,8 M. J. Christl,7 S. E. Csorna,9 J. B. Eser,10 F. Fenu,6 C.
Guépin,11 E. A. Hays,12 S. Hunter,12 E. Judd,13 I. Jun,14 K. Kotera,11 J. F. Krizmanic,12
E. Kuznetsov,2 S. Mackovjak,15 L. M. Martinez-Sierra,14 M. Mastafa,2 J. N.
Matthews,5 J. McEnery,12 J. W. Mitchell,12 A. Neronov,16 A. N. Otte,17 E. Parizot,18 T.
C. Paul,4 J. S. Perkins,12 G. Prevot,18 P. Reardon,2 M. H. Reno,19 F. Sarazin,9 K.
Shinozaki,6 F. Stecker,12 R. Streitmatter,12 T. Venters,12 L. Wiencke,10 R. M. Young7
2 University
of Alabama, Huntsville, AL, USA; 3 Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, Italy;
University of New York, Lehman College, NY, USA; 5 University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Utah, USA; 6 Universita di Torino, Torino, Italy; 7 NASA Marshall Space Flight Center,
Huntsville, AL, USA; 8 The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; 9 Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, USA; 1 0Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA; 11 Institut dÕAstrophysique
de Paris, Paris, France; 12 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA; 13 Space
Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA; 14 Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Pasadena, CA, USA; 15 Institute of Experimental Physics, SAS, Kosice, Slovakia; 16 University of
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; 17 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA;
18 APC-Universite de Paris 7, Paris, France; 19 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA
4 City
The Probe Of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (POEMMA) mission is being designed
to establish charged-particle astronomy with ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and to
observe cosmogenic tau neutrinos (CTNs). The study of UHECRs and CTNs from space will
yield orders-of-magnitude increase in statistics of observed UHECRs at the highest energies,
and the observation of the cosmogenic flux of neutrinos for a range of UHECR models. These
observations should solve the long-standing puzzle of the origin of the highest energy particles
ever observed, providing a new window onto the most energetic environments and events in the
Universe, while studying particle interactions well beyond accelerator energies. The discovery of
CTNs will help solve the puzzle of the origin of UHECRs and begin a new field of Astroparticle
Physics with the study of neutrino properties at ultra-high energies.
35th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC217
10-20 July, 2017
Bexco, Busan, Korea
∗ Speaker.
† Corresponding
c Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Angela V. Olinto
1. Introduction
POEMMA, the Probe Of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, was selected by NASA for
an Astrophysics Probe Mission Concept Study (under ROSES-2016) in early 2017. The comprehensive 18-month POEMMA study involves instrument and mission definition at the Integrated
Design Center (IDC) of the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and an independent cost assessment in preparation for the 2020 Decadal Survey. Here we report on the preliminary concept for
POEMMA ahead of the POEMMA Study Report to be submitted to NASA by December 31, 2018.
Figure 1: POEMMA, the Probe Of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, is being designed to observe
ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) via nitrogen fluorescence of extensive airshowers and cosmogenic
tau neutrinos (CTNs) through the Cherenkov radiation of up-going tau lepton decays.
POEMMA is being designed to enable charged-particle astronomy with a significant increase
in exposure to the highest energy particles ever observed, ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs), and the capability to discover cosmogenic tau neutrinos (CTNs) through the observation of
Cherenkov radiation produced by upward-going tau decays. POEMMA will provide an all-sky
survey of UHECRs with an order of magnitude larger exposure compared to ground array measurements and two orders of magnitude higher exposure in fluorescence mode when compared
to ground fluorescence observatories (significantly improving the determination of composition
above 10s of EeVs). The increase in exposure combined with the full-sky coverage should reveal
the sources of these extremely energetic particles that are known to reach Earth from extragalactic
sources and that are yet to be identified. These unidentified sources achieve extreme acceleration
through mechanisms that are not presently understood.
As UHECRs propagate from distant extragalactic sources they interact with cosmic background radiation losing energy through the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) effect [1] and pro2
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ducing cosmogenic neutrinos [2]. Observations from the leading UHECR observatories, the Pierre
Auger Observatory [3] in Mendoza, Argentina, and the Telescope Array (TA) [4] in Utah, USA,
show a spectral shape consistent with the GZK effect, but also explainable by the maximum energy
of the unidentified astrophysical accelerators, Emax . Higher statistics measurements of both the
flux and the composition of UHECRs above 10 EeV (1 EeV = 1018 eV) together with the detection
of the flux of cosmogenic neutrinos can settle this long-standing mystery (see e.g., [5] for more
details). POEMMA is being designed for a significant increase in statistics and the detection of
Cherenkov radiation from up-going tau decays produced by cosmogenic neutrinos. The observation of cosmogenic neutrinos will help solve the puzzle of the origin of UHECRs and begin a new
field of Astroparticle Physics with the study of neutrino properties at energies orders of magnitude
above those reached by human-made accelerators.
Figure 2: POEMMA mirrors: Right - optical design for a f/0.77 Schmidt mirror and corrector lens, with
45o field of view (FoV); Left - POEMMA mirror and focal surface and shutter deployed.
The POEMMA design combines the concept developed for the Orbiting Wide-field Lightcollectors (OWL) [6, 7] mission, the experience of the Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO)
on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EUSO) [8] fluorescence detection camera as recently
flown on EUSO-SPB1 by a NASA Super Pressure Balloon (SPB) [9] from Wanaka, New Zealand,
with the recently proposed CHerenkov from Astrophysical Neutrinos Telescope (CHANT) [10]
concept to form a multi-messenger probe of the most extreme environments in the Universe.
Building on the OWL concept, POEMMA is composed of two identical satellites flying in
formation with the ability to observe overlapping regions during moonless nights at angles ranging
from Nadir to just above the limb of the Earth. The satellites’ altitude is planned to be varied in
tandem from about 525 km up to 1,000 km with different separations and pointing strategies.
POEMMA satellites detect UHECRs through the observation of particle cascades (or extensive
airshowers) produced by the interaction of UHECRs with the Earth’s atmosphere. Particles in
extensive airshowers excite nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere, which fluoresce in the ultraviolet
(UV) and can be observed by ultra-fast UV cameras. The fluorescence technique has been perfected
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by the leading ground-based UHECR observatories, Auger and TA, while EUSO-Balloon [11] and
EUSO-SPB1 [9] recently pioneered the fluorescence technique from suborbital space.
Each POEMMA satellite consists of a large Schmidt telescope with a deployable mirror similar
to the OWL concept of a 7-meter diameter deployable optics system. To reach a lower energy
threshold, the POEMMA Schmidt telescope is planned to have an f-number of 0.77, which leads
to a 6.5 diameter mirror with an optical aperture of about 14 m2 . This is approximately 2 times the
aperture for OWL (7.07 m2 ), which was an f/1 system. Each POEMMA telescope monitors a 45o
field of view (FoV) and a 2.3 m diameter optical aperture with a single corrector plate. A lens-cap
lid and a “jiffy-pop” cover protect the mirror of stray light and micrometeoroid. The mirrors act as
large light collectors with modest imaging requirements.
Figure 3: POEMMA Mirror Cover: a “jiffy-pop” cover (in yellow) protects the mirror of stray light and
micrometeoroids, a moving lens cap (in red) opens during observing runs and closes to protect the corrector
lens (in blue) when telescopes are not taking data.
The POEMMA focal surface is composed of a hybrid of two types of cameras: about 90%
of the focal surface is dedicated to the POEMMA fluorescence camera (PFC), while POEMMA
Cherenkov camera (PCC) occupies the crescent moon shaped edge of the focal surface which
images the limb of the Earth. The PFC is composed of EUSO Photo Detector Modules (PDM)
based on multi-anode photomultiplier tubes (MAPMTs) as flown in sub-orbital space in EUSOBalloon [11] and EUSO-SPB1 [9] and soon to be deployed in the International Space Station (ISS)
as mini-EUSO [12]. The typical time between images for the PFC is about 1 µsec. The much faster
POEMMA Cherenkov camera (PCC) is composed of Silicon photo-multipliers (SiPMs) with sampling time of about 100 nsec. Note that SiPMs flew on EUSO-SPB1 and soon to be tested in space
with mini-EUSO. The PFC registers UHECR tracks from Nadir to just below the Earth’s limb,
while the PCC registers light within the Cherenkov emission cone of up-going showers around the
limb of the Earth and also from high energy cosmic rays above the limb of the Earth.
2. Science Goals
POEMMA will provide a new window on the Universe’s most energetic environments and
events. POEMMA is being designed to significantly increase the statistics of observations of dif4
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Figure 4: Examples of POEMMA stereo observation modes. Left: Fluorescence Stereo Mode with satellites
altitude of 525 km, separation between satellites 950 km, Stereo area 3.24 ×105 km2 ; Right: Cherenkov
Stereo Mode with satellites altitude of 1000 km, separation between satellites 50 km, limb observations at
distance 3,707 km.
ferent components of UHECRs and neutrino species over a wide range of energy with greater focus
on the highest energies ever observed . The instrument design will focus on answering following
science question
What objects can accelerate particles to ultra-high energies? To discover the sources of UHECRs, POEMMA will survey from space two orders of magnitude larger volumes of the atmosphere
when compared to ground observatories over the full sky with nearly uniform exposure. The related
questions of how are the sources distributed in the sky? will be addressed with a full sky map of
UHECRs with significantly higher statistics at the highest energies, where pointing to the sources
becomes feasible (above ∼10 EeV). POEMMA is designed to reach unprecedented geometrical
apertures > 106 km2 sr yr, which, after duty cycle corrections, correspond to annual exposures of
more than 105 km sr yr at the highest energies. POEMMA will also have high angular resolution
(∼ 1o ).
POEMMA will enable far more sensitive sky maps leading to the discovery of the brightest sources of UHECRs in the sky, which are likely to be relatively nearby (within ∼100 Mpc).
The appearance of nearby sources in the sky is regulated by the GZK effect, which suppress the
contribution from very distant accelerators at energies above 10s of EeV. The EeV UHECR sky
is isotropic because sources throughout the observable Universe contribute without any damping,
while the 100 EeV UHECR sky should only show the nearby sources as the GZK effect obfuscates
sources further then 100 Mpc moving closer to 10 Mpc at 100 EeV. A clear source distribution will
become apparent when a high statistics map above 60 EeV is produced by POEMMA. In addition,
observations above 10s of EeV avoid large deviations (compared to the few degrees angular resolution) from source to arrival directions on Earth due to cosmic magnetic fields. The angular size of
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the nearby sources in the sky will probe the magnitude and structure of extragalactic and galactic
magnetic fields. Above 10s of EeV, Charged-Particle Astronomy is finally attainable.
Figure 5: Preliminary POEMMA yearly exposure to protons assuming a 10% duty cycle. Estimates and
simulations based on the scaled version of the OWL design. Final exposure to be determined at the conclusion of the POEMMA concept study.
POEMMA will also address what is the composition of the UHECRs above 10 EeV and how
does it evolve as energies reach 100 EeV? POEMMA stereo observations of UHECRs will yield
significant increase in measurements of the maximum of extensive airshowers, Xmax , with rms
resolution of at least ∼ 60 g/cm2 and a large enough sample of well reconstructed events with
better Xmax separation to distinguish light and heavier nuclei above 10 EeV. These composition
measurements together with spectrum and sky distribution of anisotropies will determine the source
class of UHECRs.
What is the flux of cosmogenic neutrinos? By observing the Cherenkov signal from tau decays from the limb of the Earth, POEMMA will determine the flux level of cosmogenic neutrinos
for a wide range of UHECR source models. The cosmogenic neutrino flux is very sensitive to
the different candidate UHECR sources and add an extra dimension in determining these unidentified sources. In addition, POEMMA can observe tau neutrinos at lower energies addressing the
additional question of: What is the flux of astrophysical tau neutrinos?.
POEMMA will search for astrophysical and cosmogenic neutrinos with two techniques. With
the same system designed to observe UHECRs, the PFC can detect deeply penetrating horizontal
showers initiated by all flavors of EeV neutrinos in the atmosphere. In addition, the PCC based
on the CHANT concept can observe the signal produced from tau neutrinos from 10 PeV (where
astrophysical IceCube neutrinos are expected) to 10 EeV (where cosmogenic neutrinos can be discovered). The cosmogenic neutrino flux is a by-product of the propagation of UHECR through the
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GZK interactions via neutron and muon decays. The spectrum of cosmogenic neutrinos depends
on the composition and source distribution of UHECRs. A main peak is generically produced
around 1 to 10 EeV. A secondary peak, around PeV energies, may occur in models where protons
dominate the UHECR composition due to neutron decay. The PeV peak is generally subdominant
to the astrophysical neutrinos observed by IceCube, thus the most important evidence of the GZK
process is the detection of neutrinos in the 1 to 10 EeV energy range. This range will establish a
new Astroparticle Physics field with the study of neutrino properties at EeV energies, well above
energies accessible in the laboratory.
POEMMA will also be sensitive to ultra-high-energy photons (UHEP) in the most optimistic
astrophysical scenarios. The UHEP flux is highly dependent on the model of UHECR sources,
being highly sensitive to the location of the closest sources. UHEP are the dominant component of
models based on relic decays from the early universe, including super-heavy dark matter. A clear
detection of UHEPs would be momentous discovery.
Additional science themes include the study of how strong are magnetic fields in the extragalactic medium? Cosmic magnetic fields are traditionally challenging to measure and very little
is known about magnetic fields outside galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The pointing pattern to
UHECR sources will constrain these extragalactic fields directly. POEMMA will also study atmospheric phenomena in the optical and the UV such as transient luminous events in the upper
atmosphere, will observe meteors arriving on Earth, and will search for meteorite (see, e.g., similar
studies for JEM-EUSO in [13, 14]).
3. Calibration and Atmospheric Monitoring
POEMMA observes UHECRs over a very large area (approximately the size of the state of
Utah, USA) moving across the globe at the orbital speed of ∼7 km/sec. The observed volume of
the atmosphere will include variable amounts of clouds with altitudes from sea level to ∼15 km
and variable boundary layer aerosols. Consistency between the stereo views of an event provides a
powerful tool for understanding scattering through intervening high clouds or aerosol layers.
A monitoring and calibration system is being designed for POEMMA, which includes a steerable UV laser, an infrared camera, a LIDAR, and a system of ground-based UV LEDs and lasers
forming a worldwide network to continuously calibrate the triggering, intrinsic luminosity, and
pointing accuracy of POEMMA’s observations.
4. Mission Overview
The POEMMA mission involves two satellites flying in formation in a relatively low-altitude,
near-equatorial orbit, with each satellite operating independent. Once in orbit, the satellites will
deploy from their stowed, launch configuration. The large mirror, focal surface, and corrector plate
will be deployed along with the solar array, sun shield, and the antennas.
One of the key items of the POEMMA instrument and mission definition at the IDC is to
determine if both satellites can be launched as a dual-manifest on the same launch vehicle, as was
considered for OWL. The satellites will be inserted into a circular orbit at an inclination of about
28.5o and an initial altitude of 525 km moving further to 1000 km as initial science goals are
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completed. The satellites will maneuver to the desired separation distance and attitude. To search
for Cherenkov signals from Earth-skimming neutrinos the satellites will be separated such that both
fall within the same Cherenkov light pool and oriented to view the same area on the limb of the
Earth. To focus on extreme energy cosmic rays, the separation will be larger and both satellites will
be oriented to view the same area near the nadir. A sequence of observing formation stages will be
developed to address each science goal for the minimum 3 year mission with a 5 year mission goal.
5. Acknowledgement
The POEMMA concept study is funded by NASA Award NNX17AJ82 at the University of
Chicago and GSFC.
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