Review: Current Perspective
Cardiac Memory and Cortical Memory
Do Learning Patterns in Neural Networks Impact on Cardiac Arrhythmias?
Michael R. Rosen, MD; Ofer Binah, PhD; Shimon Marom, PhD
Abstract—Memory is a property of diverse biological systems, including brain and heart. Studies in cortical neuronal
networks have identified an increased sensitivity to infrequent (rare) stimulation patterns that can result in their
achieving dominance over network firing. This adaptive behavior is applied to the heart in an attempt to explain the
ability of pulmonary venous and other ectopic foci to achieve dominance over cardiac rhythm. Developmental changes
in determinants of cardiac rhythm are explored as possible determinants of the range of rhythms expressed by the heart.
By understanding the mechanisms for these behavior patterns, we may obtain new means for manipulating memory to
return dysrhythmic hearts to normal sinus rhythm. (Circulation. 2003;108:1784-1789.)
Key Words: tachyarrhythmia 䡲 nervous system 䡲 atrium 䡲 heart rate
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he statement “atrial fibrillation begets atrial fibrillation”1
suggests that expression of this cardiac arrhythmia results in evolution of an environment favoring the further
occurrence of the arrhythmia. The corollary, “sinus rhythm
begets sinus rhythm,” has been less well tested. Rather, the
general picture is of arrhythmias interrupting sinus rhythm
and evolving more or less inexorably. In instances in which
individuals experience arrhythmias for self-limited periods,
the usual assumption is that whatever substrate and/or triggering event that favored the arrhythmia is no longer present.
These statements regarding arrhythmia mechanism derive
from a mind-set that considers cardiac cells to be ordered
machines that periodically resynthesize their component parts
in either a normal or abnormal pattern on the basis of their
genetic map and the influence of environment. In this context,
arrhythmias represent the intrusion of unexpected and novel
forms of electrical activity interposed on normal cardiac
function. We stress the words “unexpected” and “novel”
because the preconception is that rhythms other than sinus are
foreign to the circumscribed universe of normal cardiac
function. We now suggest that rather than being novel and
unexpected, arrhythmias represent the downstream expression of electrical activity native to the heart, albeit activity
previously limited in expression.
This suggestion evolves from recent research on cardiac
memory and on the biophysics of activation path formation in
neural networks. In exploring potential linkages between
neural and cardiac systems, we shall consider memory as the
retention of an acquired (learned) signal. In neuronal networks, the result of this signal is expression of an activation
path whose physiological manifestation is a particular pattern
of firing.2,3 In heart, the result of this signal is most often
described as an altered T wave on the ECG such that its
vector follows that of the QRS complex of a previously paced
(or arrhythmic) beat or beats.4
The following discussion will (1) consider general principles underlying the appearance and stabilization of activation
paths in neural networks, emphasizing how rarely expressed
events can become dominant; (2) review related behaviors of
myocytes in the developing heart with the aim of exploring
why rare events can become dominant and devastating; and
(3) synthesize both sources of information to develop the
hypothesis that arrhythmias represent the uncovering of
concomitant, albeit rarely expressed, patterns of activity. It is
our hope that by exploring why the heart might be so sensitive
to rare activations from alternative foci, we will begin to
obtain new insights into arrhythmogenic mechanisms and
modalities for prevention and therapy.
Lessons From Neuronal Networks
This section reviews some neurophysiological observations
that may be relevant to cardiac memory. We start with the
concept of an activation map composed of paths through
which electrical signals travel and which is common to both
cardiology and neuroscience. As an example, we use the
cortical sensory representational map,5 a topographical arrangement of neurons characterized by correlation with the
topographical arrangement of the sensory envelope of the
body. Although at one level their component parts are
genetically programmed, cortical maps are themselves the
outcome of activity throughout development. Both in cortex
and in cardiac muscle, such maps are specific and dynamic,
Received May 5, 2003; revision received June 17, 2003; accepted June 17, 2003.
From the Departments of Pharmacology and Pediatrics, Center for Molecular Therapeutics, New York, NY (M.R.R.), and Technion–Israel Institute of
Technology, Haifa, Israel (O.B., S.M.).
Correspondence to Michael R. Rosen, MD, Gustavus A. Pfeiffer Professor of Pharmacology, Professor of Pediatrics, College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Columbia University, Department of Pharmacology, 630 W 168 St, PH 7West-321, New York, NY 10032. E-mail
[email protected]
© 2003 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at
DOI: 10.1161/01.CIR.0000091402.34219.6C
Rosen et al
with the potential to change throughout life as their correlation with related physiological functions changes: movement
and sensation for cortical maps, contraction and electrical
throughput for cardiac maps.
The signals that activate a given sensory map area originate
from well-defined foci on the body surface, the cardiac
parallel being primary or secondary (or artificial) pacemakers
from well-defined foci. Three corresponding cortical issues
seem relevant to our discussion of the heart, two of which will
be discussed here and the third mentioned at the end of the
(1) the mechanisms underlying the formation and expression of neuronal maps,
(2) the relations between insults to an activation source
(sensory foci in the body surface) and the nature of
change in the representative map, and
(3) the kinds of measures that can be taken to rehabilitate
a loss of function caused by a damaged map area.
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With regard to the first issue, an idea that has captured the
imaginations of neuroscientists for more than a century is
“association by simultaneity.” From Freud6 and James7 toward the end of the 19th century, through Hebb’s seminal
work on the psychobiology of association in the mid-20th
century,8 to the flood of modern articles on neural plasticity
(reviewed in Reference 5), a common insight is shared:
Neural entities that are activated together tend to form a
structural infrastructure for communication among themselves. The slogan “fire together, wire together” captures the
essence of the idea. In fact, it has been clearly demonstrated
that representational maps naturally emerge when such an
association-by-simultaneity rule is applied. Thus, if we are to
relate neural to cardiac events, the cardiac correlate of this
concept is important.
The second issue is that the maps are dynamic, on many
scales. As an input from the sensory sheath changes (a person
learns to play the piano), the structure of the map is altered.
When such input changes occur, alternative maps intervene
and appear always related in some form to the dominant ones.
Thus, if a finger is cut accidentally, fields controlling related
skin areas intervene.5 In that respect, it is tempting to consider
the uncovering of developmental evolution and competition
when a map is “insulted.” We can extrapolate this information to ask how similar competition between alternative yet
related maps might translate to alternative yet related cardiac
activation paths under conditions of cardiac insult. For
instance, do the paths traveled during development determine
the potential array of “aberrant” paths that might appear in the
future; are we, by observing those aberrant paths, “reconstructing” the past time of a heart?
A related issue is the nature of “elastic” responses to
varying sources of activation. Most relevant in that context is
the tendency of the brain to enhance its sensitivity to rarely
occurring events.9 This property has potential value because
the rare event contains information that may matter for
survival. Recently neurophysiological correlates to this phenomenon have been observed in brain imaging,10 –12 electroencephalography,9,13 and intracranial single neuron recordings.14 –16 Importantly, cell-physiological studies have
Cardiac and Cortical Memory
suggested that sensitivity to the rare is not a property of single
neurons but rather a network phenomenon.9,14,16 –18 Given the
ubiquitous nature of sensitivity to the rare in perception, it is
reasonable to assume the existence of a general underlying
neurological mechanism. Indeed, it has been suggested that
responsiveness to rare stimuli imposed on the background of
other frequent input(s) does not represent a de novo path;
rather, it is the expression of an existing path that is regularly
suppressed by more dominant ones (D. Eytan, N. Bremer, S.
Marom, preliminary data). The repetitive activation of the
dominant paths causes stimulus-specific adaptation via mechanisms of path inactivation and interaction with other, dormant paths. Moreover, enhanced sensitivity to rare sources of
activation requires that there be some (but never complete)
overlap between existing activation paths of the frequent and
the rare. In this context, the source of activation that elicits the
greatest response is rarely active when considered in relation
to another, more frequently firing source.
Projecting these observations from neural networks to their
cardiac implications, bursts of activity of pulmonary venous
foci might be considered rare with respect to the longstanding presence of a dominant sinus rhythm. That such
activity ultimately can invade and dominate both atria,
translating sinus rhythm to atrial fibrillation might be a
cardiac example of sensitivity to the rare. Hence, under the
assumption of some universality in the behavior of excitable
networks of cells, and using information of the kind mentioned above to associate neural and cardiac memory, we
propose the following.
(1) For activation and repolarization paths to be formed,
some synchronous activations and repolarizations of
their elements must have occurred previously (a restatement of Hebb’s law).
(2) As in neural maps, there are many potentially expressible paths, but only a subset dominate(s) ongoing
activity. Furthermore, on the basis of neurophysiological insights, we propose that the dominance of a path
does not abolish the ability of the less dominant path to
be expressed; rather, the results from studies on sensitivity to the rare suggest that the dominant path plays
a role in enhancing the response of rarely evoked
(3) As in neuronal systems, activation paths become dominant using elementary processes such as activitydependent attenuation of conductances.
(4) Dominant paths are structured hierarchically such that
competition among their elements plays a role in
determining which will appear in the subsequent beat.
(5) Appearance, on the basis of the same activitydependent processes as described above, determines
the probability for future path appearance.
(6) It is highly improbable for a path to be expressed that
is not supported by underlying functional, anatomic,
and molecular structure.
(7) The paths taken during development may well determine the possible array of aberrant paths that might
appear in the future; we therefore might speculate that
observation of those aberrant paths may facilitate
reconstruction of the past.
October 14, 2003
Development, Learning, and Memory in Heart
In making the leap from neuron to heart, we are working
across systems that at first glance appear discordant, as
follows: Neurons contact one another via synapses such that
information is transmitted at a relatively long distance from
the cell body. In contrast, myocytes contact one another via
gap junctions that are integral parts of a quasi-rectangular cell
and that operate over short distances. Moreover, synaptic
physiology is such that in response to a rare event, transmitter
release is elevated, or at least remains fixed, whereas in
response to a frequent event, release is depressed, an adaptation characteristic of the plasticity of neural networks.17,19
That such an adaptive function may exist in heart and be
applicable to both physiology and pathology may seem
counterintuitive. We now explore whether— counterintuitive
or not—the possibility is worth exploring. The discussion is
based on the following premises: (1) The developing heart as
well as ventricular myocytes in cell culture are driven by a
pacemaker or pacemakers, one of which over time will tend
to become dominant; (2) cardiac activation patterns will be
determined by the site of impulse initiation, by the basic
roadmap of specialized conducting fibers, and by the mechanical demands placed on the heart; (3) whereas synapses
provide a major source of cell-to-cell communication among
neurons, gap junctions serve a similar function in heart; and
(4) there is activity dependence of connections (whether
synapses or gap junctions) and of overlapped hierarchical
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In the heart, in situ pacemaker activity commences in the 6 to
7 somite stages of development in chick embryos and the
3-somite stage in rat.20 Hence, the genetic programming of
the heart is such that despite the potential of myocytes to
manifest various types of activity, only one form of activity
and one path of activation and repolarization becomes dominant during development.
The evolution of cardiac activation paths also can be
considered from the perspective of the elementary cardiac
myocyte, the embryonic stem cell. This manifests multiple
electrical activities, including automaticity, early and delayed
afterdepolarizations, and either rapidly or slowly rising action
potentials of the sort that would permit, respectively, rapid or
slow conduction in the functional syncytium that is the
heart.21 Fetal or neonatal myocytes plated randomly in culture
demonstrate spontaneous activity that may be bursting or
regularly rhythmic.22 Their activity pattern may be such that
different regions of one culture show different rhythms and
rates or that uniformity of initiation and propagation occurs.
Hence, it is possible in cultured myocyte systems to see
ordered and uniform activity or a variety of nonuniformities.
Developmental changes in electrophysiological activity of
myocytes result from at least two primary processes: (1) the
function of ion channels, pumps, and exchangers to generate
currents determining the action potential and (2) the connectedness of cells permitting ordered conduction to proceed. Yet
both the determinants of cell-to-cell communication and
those of the action potentials undergo developmental change.
For example, the major protein subunit determinant of cell-
to-cell communication in adult ventricle is connexin43, but in
embryonic mouse heart just beginning to contract, connexin45 is the major subunit determining such
Similarly, developmental changes occur in ion channels
that determine both impulse initiation and repolarization.
With respect to impulse initiation, the pacemaker current, If,
is demonstrable in rat neonatal ventricular myocardium, in
which it activates in a physiological range of potentials.24 Yet
with postnatal development, those tissues outside the sinus
node see If activation occurring at ever-more-negative potentials,25 leaving the sinus node as the primary site of pacemaker activity. Because ventricular muscle still has If,25 under
the appropriate conditions it may again initiate spontaneous
activity.26 With regard to repolarizing currents, the transient
outward current, Ito, is not demonstrable in neonatal rat or
canine heart and in both species appears at about the time of
sympathetic innervation,27,28 whereas the delayed rectifier
current sees its rapidly activating component large in the fetus
and diminishing with postnatal age29 and its slowly activating
component absent to small in the fetus and increasing with
postnatal age.30 These and other changes in ion channels bear
witness to the developmental plasticity of the heart.
A third aspect in our consideration of changes in myocardium as a result of altered activation is the role of altered
stress/strain relationships. A major factor here is angiotensin
II, whose synthesis and release in heart increase in response
to altered stress/strain.31,32 In tissue culture, angiotensin II
synthesis and release occur in fibroblasts and/or myocytes.33
Angiotensin II is a potent modulator of ion channel function
and of myocardial hypertrophy,34 acutely altering the function
of ICa,L35 and, on chronic exposure, Ito,36 and affecting myocardial structure and function as well.37,38 A postnatal decrease in angiotensin II receptor number also has been
demonstrated.37,38 Given the dual roles of angiotensin II as
ion channel modulator and potent hypertrophic stimulus, it is
likely that in the hours to days after birth, it is a major
determinant of the ion channel changes and the physiological
hypertrophy that occur. However, its important regulatory
effects are not limited to the newborn. For example, adult
canine ventricular epicardial myocytes manifest a reduced
phase 1 notch and Ito and prolonged action potential duration
on several hours’ exposure to angiotensin II.36
Learning and Memory
The point to be driven home via the examples cited above is
that genetic and humoral control mechanisms determining
both anatomic structure and pathways underlie the events that
initiate, activate, and repolarize the myocardium. What, then,
does this information about development have to do with
learning and memory? As an initial template, we propose that
the developmental evolution of a primary pacemaker locus
and an ordered anatomic path for activation set the conditions
that determine the expression of impulse initiation, propagation, and repolarization in the adult. In other words, cardiac
activation and repolarization as recorded electrocardiographically represent the net response of the totality of cardiac
myocytes to a single, repetitive stimulus (the sinus node
action potential) following the same pathway and are seen as
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the normal P wave, QRS complex, and T wave that characterize sinus rhythm.
The cardiac memory that follows the occurrence of ventricular pacing, ventricular arrhythmia, preexcitation, or intermittent bundle-branch block results from the imposition of
a stimulus and activation path different from those of sinus
rhythm on the heart. Although this can provide the dominant
source of impulse initiation and myocardial activation over a
variable period of time, from the point of view of the prior
history of accrued heartbeats, it represents a rare event. Yet
this rare event recurring over the course of minutes to hours
has an influence analogous to that of a rare event in a
neuronal network. As the rare event recurs in myocardium, it
can generate changes in gap junctional pattern density and
distribution39 as well as changes in repolarization seen at the
level of the ion channel, the ion current, the action potential,
and the T wave.40 – 42 As changes in gap junctional patterns
emerge, is there partial inactivation of the formerly frequently
activated path (determined by sinus rhythm) and increased
expression of the rarely activated path? If so, then the basis
for the rare event achieving dominance can increasingly be
Moreover, rare cardiac events may not necessarily form
new paths but rather may become more effective in driving
the system because of partial inactivation of the frequent
paths. In this respect, the activation paths of rarely occurring
sources uncover earlier stages of development. If rare events
recur frequently, then Hebb-like rules8 would make them ever
stronger, even dominant. It logically follows that other “rare”
paths may then challenge the newly dominant, as in the case
of pacing paradigms used to suppress/terminate arrhythmias.
The changes that occur after altered activation of the heart
are associated with alterations in the underlying molecular
determinants of the ion channels and gap junctions, and very
importantly, they largely represent a return to an earlier stage
of development. For example, in fetal heart and in neonatal
myocytes in situ or in tissue culture, connexin43 staining
reveals a disordered pattern of gap junctional proteins, with
both end-to-end (longitudinal) and side-to-side (transverse)
staining of the myocytes.43– 45 During development, gap
junctional rearrangement occurs, such that in mature ventricular myocytes, gap junctions are essentially concentrated
longitudinally, following the long axes of the fibers. This
orientation facilitates longitudinal rather than transverse
propagation. When the mature ventricle is paced for days to
weeks, altering the ventricular activation pathway, gap junctions are reoriented along the lateral margins of the cells, a
distribution resembling the fetal pattern. Similar gap junctional reorientation occurs with other stresses as well (eg,
myocardial infarction).46,47
The transient outward current, Ito, that determines the
action potential notch and is in large part responsible for the
transmural repolarization gradient in ventricle also is altered
in response to ventricular pacing.41 The resultant cardiac
memory incorporates a decrease in the action potential notch,
an altered transmural repolarization gradient, prolongation of
epicardial action potentials, a decrease in the density of and
altered kinetics of Ito, and a reduction in message for Kv4.3,
the gene product responsible for the ␣-subunit of the channel.
Cardiac and Cortical Memory
These changes, like those in gap junctions described above,
represent a return to an earlier or fetal pattern in which no Ito
is manifested.27,28
In a very real sense, then, the phenomenon of cardiac
memory, as classically defined on the ECG,4 can be interpreted not only as a process of “learning” but also as a process
of “recalling” a previous pattern. In this context, cardiac
memory would be based on electrical and ionic activities that
were dominant in the earlier evolution of the heart and then
relegated to the background during normal maturation. These
activities, which may be thought of as rare in comparison to
dominant cardiac activity, are brought again to the fore. One
might consider this a return of entropy, ie, to a less ordered,
immature state. This leads us to ask whether the normal adult
pattern might require continuous reinforcement for its
Formulating a Hypothesis
Thus far, everything we have stated is based on scientific
observation blended with speculation. Our intent now is to
present an hypothesis that, although based on existing knowledge, deviates from orthodox thought regarding arrhythmias.
This formulation is based on acceptance of the following
observations made on networks of cortical neurons in vivo as
well as in tissue culture.
(1) Neurons are motionless: Their behavior is not modulated by changing stress/strain relationships among
cells in a network. This rather obvious statement is
made to highlight the complexity deriving from the
mechanoelectrical interactions of the heart.
(2) Neurons in culture manifest spontaneous activity, having dominant rhythms and those that are rare, and
whose frequencies have been recorded extensively.
(For review, see Reference 3.)
(3) Lesion experiments in vivo as well as learning experiments in vitro suggest that newly formed paths/maps
have some relation to existing paths/maps.2,5
(4) In the setting of a dominant activity, a neuron responds
with far greater sensitivity to a rare than to a dominant
event. The net result is that what once was rare, if
repeatedly activated, can come to predominate and
vice versa.
We now hypothesize that any arrhythmia that occurs in an
otherwise normal heart does so because it is predetermined by
activity previously expressed and/or latent (but in either
event, rare) in that heart. In effect, no arrhythmia would
represent a new event but rather the enhanced expression of
that which is present already. Moreover, an effective therapy
would be one acting at a level to recall the dominant electrical
activity that occurred in the setting of sinus rhythm.
This hypothesis can be most readily understood if we refer
to data on atrial memory48 and the evolution from atrial
memory to atrial tachycardias in an experimental model, as
(1) The normal right and left atria consist of a network, or
functional syncytium, of atrial fibers.
(2) The atria incorporate a dominant source of impulse
initiation: the sinus node.
October 14, 2003
(3) Minutes to hours of left atrial pacing induce altered
repolarization patterns referred to as atrial memory.48
(4) Twenty-four hours of left atrial pacing induce spontaneous arrhythmias, and days to weeks of this same
pacing result in the tachycardias persisting long after
pacing ceases.49
(5) Right atrial pacing induces spontaneous arrhythmias
that terminate promptly after cessation of electrical
stimulation even after days to weeks of pacing have
been imposed.49
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Considering these elements in light of neural networks, we
see emerging a concordant pattern: The rare event, the
imposition of left atrial pacing, comes to the fore as a
dominant event with regard to the cardiac rhythm expressed.
The dominant event, right atrial pacing from a site near the
sinus node, ultimately does not perturb the system, resulting
in a return to the dominant rhythm.
Moving these same considerations to the clinical arena, we
return to the analogy mentioned earlier: the evolution of atrial
fibrillation as the result of focal activity in the pulmonary
veins.50 Indeed, the firing of these foci can be likened to the
left atrial pacing in the experimental studies.49 As predicted
by the behavior of neural networks, the rare event, the
pulmonary venous signal, comes to dominate the system.
Once such initially rare patterns emerge and achieve
dominance, the challenge is to discover (or rediscover) the
signals required to encourage the return of the formerly
dominant and normal pattern. Attempts using various atrial
pacing paradigms to prevent recurrences of atrial fibrillation
may represent one such approach. Another possible approach
draws on what we have learned from the developmental
biology of the heart. As stated earlier, the stem cells that are
the origin of mature cardiac myocytes are not only capable of
exhibiting but do in fact exhibit both normal and abnormal
mechanisms for impulse initiation and propagation.51–53 The
signals that suppress potentially pathological events in favor
of those that provide organized activation and propagation
within the heart are as yet mysteries to us but are no doubt
identifiable. As such, each heart is a repository of the
mechanisms for normal and abnormal rhythmic function, and
we need to learn how to recruit the former.
These thoughts are not meant to denigrate attempts to use
pharmacological and other therapies to alter so-called remodeling of myocardium and stress/strain relationships. In the
context of the behavior of neural networks, however, such
attempts would be considered as acting at the level of
modulators of a process rather than at its source. Moreover,
answers to the issues raised may also reside in answering such
questions as: When is cardiac development complete? What
role does aging play in the equation? To what extent does the
plasticity seen in neurons characterize the behavior of cardiac
These questions are already being explored in research on
cardiac structure and function and in those areas of biology
that focus on maturation of the conducting system. However,
the application of techniques that take advantage of the
plasticity of cell systems can be carried still further. For
example, neurophysiologists are trying to use their understanding of association by simultaneity to rehabilitate lost
function. This approach features simultaneous activation of
to-be-joined areas as a means of associating them.5 It is
possible that the lessons derived from these experiments on
learning and memory in neuronal networks can also be
applied to rehabilitation of rhythm disturbances in heart, not
only with respect to atrial arrhythmias but also for ventricular
arrhythmias.54 This attempt to use the biology of one system,
the brain, to predict and influence the biology of another, the
heart, should at the very least provide new insights and, at
best, new therapeutic approaches.
These studies were supported in part by US Public Health Service,
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, grants HL-67449, HL67101, and HL-28958; the Minerva Center for Cellular Biophysics;
and a grant from the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation. The
authors express their gratitude to Drs Penelope A. Boyden, Ira S.
Cohen, Michiel J. Janse, and Richard B. Robinson for their critical
reading of the manuscript and to Eileen Franey for her careful
attention to its preparation.
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